Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Bloomberg Era is Just About Over

He may still have to face a run-off, but unless something unforeseen happens, Bill de Blasio will be the next mayor of this city (after defeating the Republican challenger, of course).  I don't expect anything to change regarding Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper Village, but at least we should have someone in the office who will have more concern for us, and the middle class, than the Little Napoleon, Bloomberg.  There's the probable possibility that things will get worse in the city, for everyone, but Bloomberg took things too far in terms of dictating how New Yorkers should behave and in providing the rich with an open hand in removing the middle class to replace it with their own wealthy class and high-rises and exclusive restaurants. Thankfully, Christine Quinn was humiliated by her poor showing. I would like to see any politician who supported a third term for Bloomberg and themselves get booted out of office, but with a generally apathetic citizenry that's not about to happen.  I was hoping Spitzer would win against Stringer, as I think the latter is a typical ineffective politician who talks out of the both sides of his mouth, but I certainly realize why people wouldn't vote for the former "john" who is not exactly Mr. Lovable.

Onward and upward.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

No Dogs Allowed in the Oval

Anyone who appreciates and sits around the Oval will realize the truth of what I'm saying: The Oval has become one big receptacle for dog urine and feces.  Urine streams run across the walkway, and dog crap smears (or worse, unpicked dog dumps) layer the same walkway.  On certain days, you can't avoid the noxious smell arising from these deposits.  At the Oval Cafe dogs are not allowed on the patio, but you wouldn't know it, considering that dog owners frequently violate this rule, with no one caring for the most part.  Today I even spotted a pooch on one of the stone chess tables near the cafe, the little one's ass firmly planted on the board, which later will be used by adults and children as a food table.

Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village will always be slum-like unless the dog situation is not altered, irregardless of how much "lipstick on a pig" landscaping is done.

Of course, we are dealing with a basic situation that dogs are allowed in STPCV.  This change, instituted by ex-landlord Rob Speyer, has been devastating to this complex, plunging it in a few years into slumhood and a further division among tenants.  There appears to be no solution.  But, perhaps, there is a solution.  And even more than one.

Firstly, CWCapital should seriously consider a moratorium on new dog ownership in the complex. The big problem with that is that its enforcement would be lax, so realistically a moratorium could only be a symbol that more dogs will not be allowed in STPCV.

Secondly, CWCapital should seriously consider banning dogs from the entire Oval, period.  Just as the riding of bicyles is not allow along the walkway, neither should dogs be allowed.  At the very least, this would free the Oval from the urine and shit stains and their accompanying smells.  It would also mean that dog owners would not be tempted to break the dog rules at the Oval Cafe or place their dogs on chess tables and have them urinate around those chess tables.  It would also mean that those living about the Oval would not be bothered at all times of the day, including early morning hours, by the piercing barking of dogs who are socializing with each other.  Of course, as with everything here, enforcement would have to be tight and it usually isn't.  But the persistence of Public Safety in this matter, with guards posted periodically about the Oval, should make an impact.

Thirdly, CWCapital should consider a further extension of the banning of dogs in the complex, moving acceptable dog areas to the perimeters of the complex, even to the street.  The back areas of STPCV are continual dumping grounds for dog urine and feces, too, and the noise of barking dogs in the early morning hours are as equally, if not more, disruptive to tenants who may want to sleep past 7am.

Ultimately, whoever will wind up owning this complex will have to address the dog situation and institute some firm rules and provide enforcement of those rules.  The dog population in STPCV is increasing rapidly.  If nothing is done, pretty soon this place will be for the dogs.  Unfortunately, it's probably for the dogs already.