According to this week's, T & V newspaper, our Tenants Association is still hoping that condo conversion be will actualized in ST/PCV so that affordable housing can be saved here. I guess that's the logic that's at work.
Susan Steinberg, chair of the TA, is quoted: "What we would define as affordable would depend to some degree on median income, what is considered middle class. Three thousand for a one-bedroom, five thousand for a two bedroom is not affordable. I'm of the mind that affordable is not market rate, so a fireman could live here, a nurse could live here, a teacher could live here. Not five students crammed into a one-bedroom apartment."
Of course, only tenants with money to spare will be able to afford to purchase a condo in ST/PCV and their "rent" will surely be at least, or over, $3K for one-bedroom or $5K for two, taking into account mortgage payments and maintenance fees.
One also wonders that if Ms. Steinberg, and the rest of the higher-ups at the TA, believe that students are cramming into apartments here, why does the TA not take CWCapital to court over this illegal rental situation?
The likely explanation is that the TA, having been so long fixated on the idea of condo conversion, will not take CWCapital to court over anything major because a court battle would hold up the remote possibility of condo conversion for years. So tenants are being bludgeoned by the landlord daily, monthly, yearly, but little is done by the TA, except complaints on such matters as laundry machines--and so far without success on even that!
There's even worse news for tenants in this week's T & V--our market-rate tenants. Quoting the paper:
"Reps for the mayor have previously said tax incentives or subsidies were a possible solution to keep affordable apartments affordable while also admitting there's no turning back the clock for 'Roberts' tenants and others paying higher rents."
It's over.