Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Against Pride Months


There are so many "pride months" these days that it is ridiculously. As someone who needs assistance with a walking device, I am against Disability Pride, as, for sure, anyone would jump for joy if they could walk without the use of any device. You have to live with what you have, adjust, make better if you can, but this pride month is so childish and dumb. Besides, according to some, "pride" is a seventh sin and considered the greatest. But we are pushed to be "proud" of whatever we have that is not high up on the totem pole. So every month, there is a pride month, frequently more than one, because it's getting crowded.

Blindly Vote Democrat and That's What You Get

Let's see. Residents moving out of the city, the city in financial crisis, crime, illegal migrants living in hotels on residents' dime, etc. Here in Stuy Town, we have a councilman and an assemblyman. One is a waste, the other is okay, but a classic bs-er. His latest brochure promotes everything he is doing for the city as an assemblyman, which means spending more money and more money. Nowhere does he speak about austerity and making sure that the city's programs are lean and working. Just spend more money, folks. The politicians try to make it seem that big government is spending this money, but the government is residents in the end, and they know that. So residents, like you and me, will pay. Eventually.