Thursday, October 10, 2024

Where is the Heat?


It is 6:45 in the morning and outside it is 46 degrees. According the NYC law, the temperature inside should be at least 68 degrees. Where is it, as the pipes have been cold, and nothing is coming up this season.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Taking Their Sweet Time



I've uploaded two photos I took today to show visually what is happening. The first photo tells you how barren the street has been. The second photo will show one of the cross areas meant for people, walkers, canes, wheelchairs. What this photo does not show is how many constant bumps there are after the bulldozers have done their work. And dust. The area is so difficult to pass that I have seen people avoid it if they can. Some seniors just stay in their building or right in front of it. Considering that the work being done is not happening much, this is a scandal. This job should have been finished or close to it, just a few days more, but it is dragging on while money is being freely spent. What a disaster!

As someone whose building is on the 20th Street Loop, we were told by the powers that the loop is going to be cleared starting the 16th. Okay. All the cars were cleared and the space was empty. But work did not start until Monday, the 19th. Then for two days there was noise and bulldozers and other implements to make the area presentable to what follows. But on Wednesday, there was no noise and not much work at all. This has been going on for three days. No work, unless on the other side where I don't face. Either way, the work hours are haphazard and indicative of having multiple "managers" with no one in charge to make things easy and quick as possible. Basically, we have no one to "take the bull by the horns." I guess Beam has enough money to waste on parts of this (much of the loop is okay), but the residents suffer, in particular wheelchair and cane users or those with baby strollers.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Gift (Stuy Town) That Keeps On Giving!


Ha, Ha, Ha!

Residents may want to be someplace else while this is happening. I pity the seniors who have no place to go. Well, there are earmuffs and earplugs. Get them while you can. What is the betting that the legal decibel level will be ignored? 

These will be handed out to all residents: 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Against Pride Months


There are so many "pride months" these days that it is ridiculously. As someone who needs assistance with a walking device, I am against Disability Pride, as, for sure, anyone would jump for joy if they could walk without the use of any device. You have to live with what you have, adjust, make better if you can, but this pride month is so childish and dumb. Besides, according to some, "pride" is a seventh sin and considered the greatest. But we are pushed to be "proud" of whatever we have that is not high up on the totem pole. So every month, there is a pride month, frequently more than one, because it's getting crowded.

Blindly Vote Democrat and That's What You Get

Let's see. Residents moving out of the city, the city in financial crisis, crime, illegal migrants living in hotels on residents' dime, etc. Here in Stuy Town, we have a councilman and an assemblyman. One is a waste, the other is okay, but a classic bs-er. His latest brochure promotes everything he is doing for the city as an assemblyman, which means spending more money and more money. Nowhere does he speak about austerity and making sure that the city's programs are lean and working. Just spend more money, folks. The politicians try to make it seem that big government is spending this money, but the government is residents in the end, and they know that. So residents, like you and me, will pay. Eventually.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Beam to Childen: Start a Conversation on a Bench, and Don't Forget to Change Your Diapers!


You have to hand to Beam Living and Stuy Town. They care a lot and remind children that they can start a conversion, as the little ones may get confused about what benches are for. Of course, the diapers have to be changed, too, in case they are soiled and smelly.

So, I saw this morning that these new signs and two new reddish benches were put at the Oval. How wonderful for the little ones! Apparently later there are candies, though the old-fashioned ones like Ring-Dings cost a lot now, so something cheap will be provided by Beam.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Beam Living/Stuy Town Goes Woke--Once Again!


LatinX??? Beam Living, once again, goes woke. The latest is using LatinX, instead of Latin, which everyone understands and has understood for decades.

To the pharmacist: "Sir, do you have any salve for this skin problem." Response from the nice pharmacist: "Yes, we do have a new product that works wonders. It's called LatinX."

Is Beam/Stuy Town serious? Do they have a person who is real and not just a voice who follows whatever idiocy the party line suggests? 

I guess using Latina or Latino is out. Now, these people are LatinX!... Why not call everyone X, and be done with it.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

"Migrants" in Stuy Town


How many do you recognize? The "migrants" are here. Won't you give your Stuy Town home to them?