Saturday, June 10, 2023

Stuy Town and Peter Cooper's Dog Policy is One of Their Biggest Failures!


It's not just the summer months, but I've been noticing an increase in dog @#$%, refuse and smears everywhere. Even by the Public Safety building and the little booth for Security at the Oval.

There is dog #@#$ all over. Every day, I pass by dog @#$% in walkways. There was even a huge dump in our flea marker the other day. The smears are still there.

Stuy Town made dog relief areas, and now, of course, there are dog smears, and more, all over. There are special events for dogs, too. Most residents pick up after their dogs, but there are those that do not, almost intentionally. Or else they are pigs, the human kind. We have those, too. The dog situation is out of control. Big time.

Oval Path does not allow dogs on it, but no one in authority cares. Oh, they will say they do, but the evidence confirms otherwise. Whatever they say is just meant to pacify the "complainers" and hope they will be quiet.

Outside dogs are let in or even housed in Stuy Town/Peter Cooper Village without any word from Public Safety or any deterrents. Remember the Blue Lanyard? It was supposed to be on every dog to make it easier to see. Management and Public Safety made big nose about this requirement.... Gone now.

If you have a dog, no matter if it is oversize or more than two, doesn't matter. Dogs rule here. Residents without dogs, do not.