Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Fiasco

I'm going to write a new post here detailing what I consider "The Fiasco," which is the work stoppage, mandated by the DOB (Department of Buildings) at Peter Cooper Village, and the official explanations that happened afterward. Naturally, and not unusually, both the our TA and our councilman Dan Garodnick got on board as quickly as possible to make it seem as if they were the ones behind the work stoppage. I consider both of them to be worthless nowadays to tenants, but there they were, trying to shine the spotlight on themselves, rather than the high-level of noise and dust that tenants had to endure around the new refurbished apartments.

Update 8/24/2017:

While I will get to the Fiasco soon, I want to reiterate that Management is concerned primarily with filling these apartments and having these apartments filled with as many people as the can--legally, but that another story. In searching this blog, I went back in time and came across this, in February of 2016. The posted email is a response by General Manager Rick Hayduk to Barry Shapiro, who is now running for our councilman:

>>We'll be introducing a new process to identify registered dogs (see the attached photo) thus enabling Public Safety Officers to clearly approach offending dog owners. The registration will hang from the leash handle; clearly identifying the dog as registered.

If the dog is not registered by May 1; a summons will be issued at the point of contact. If we learn the dog owner is not a resident, they will be escorted off the property.

Yes, enforcement has been lax but in defense of our team, they would have had to stop every dog owner because the registration tag could not be seen. The new process will allow the rules to be enforced.<<

A "summons will be issued at the point of contact".... If the owner is not a resident, "they will be escorted off the property." (BTW, the May date is of last year. There was a similar warning this year.)

Who are you going to believe?  Management, Public Safety? Or your lying eyes?

The above message is an insult to everyone here, if they care. Perhaps some people do not care or don't want to be bothered. Blackstone and their representatives here are counting on that: a lack of caring. If few people care, Blackstone wins. If there is no TA or an inefficient TA, Blackstone wins.

Update 8/27/2017:

This is a long post, so bear with me.

The question of lying vs. incompetence has been raised. My impression is that the representatives here of Blackstone, and even the "big chief," have been lying to tenants. Now what is a lie:

According to the defintion (and I am using, but others will do also) a lie is a deliberate false statement with an intent to deceive. It can also be something intended or serving to convey a false impression. There are also other definitions, but you get the picture.

While calling someone a liar is, in my book, one of the worst things one can call someone, aside from calling someone a murderer, rapist, etc. You just don't call someone a liar and to their face.

However, unless there is the very fragile case made for pure incompetence (and one would have to ask why they are incompetent), it seems clear that Blackstone's representatives here are indeed liars. They serve one god: the god of selling apartments here. All other items--though I am sure these items they would like resolved--can take a backseat. Hence, the lie.

We as tenants have been lied to.

I've gone through many past postings and I continually see a landlord's lie. These lies are even posted on the TA Facebook by a few members. Unfortunately, the TA is remiss at dealing with these lies and the liars.

I will point out the various deceptions. But the lack of enforcement of the lanyard rule, a rule stressed by this complex's manager a year apart, has already been written about. Check above.

Update 8/27/2017 - same day

So I checked the work order downstairs on both the M and T levels. Before I get to that, let me repeat one email I sent. (I sent several.) These mails were CCed to various people. One of my recent letters was sent to these people:

Debra Sabatino, Michael Prince, Rick Hayduk, Stephen Schwarzman.... Apparently CCed by Rick was PS chief, McClellan. My message was mainly to reiterate that I had not found the current DoB postings on work being done on two floors. This letter was dated August 8:

>>Once again, I see no DOB filing for the work that is being done on 522 East 20 St. (3RD FLOOR). I believe that is the number. It has been 2 weeks, at least, since I was assured that new DOB filings were put in and were to be posted, but I've checked both the T and M levels even this morning and so far there is no up-to-date filings that include the 3rd floor.  And I believe the 1st floor also needs them, since there is already one apartment that has its door sealed with plastic.<<
Rick responded to this and another email sent by me on August 14th that the up-to-date work permit was being waited for and that, besides, MetLife had requested a "building specific" rather than a "apartment specific" work order. This latter information is all and good, but all such notices carry an end term, so what MetLife did, though of some interest, is not to the point.

So I checked today and, yes, there are new DoB work permits in place. What is the starting date? August 24th. Let me repeat that: August 24th. That is the date that the work permit, waited on, covers all floors in this building for partitions and the work on wet walls. Unless I am wrong, the start date does not cover the work being done on these other floors before that date, WORK WHICH WAS ALREADY OCCURRING.

We know that Management was "caught" doing work on Peter Cooper Village apartments before a proper work order by DoB was in place.

UPDATE 9/1/2017:

This is basically retread of a comment I made in another section, but it is now on the front page here:

From the TA Facebook, the start:

"Intriguing development. A Stop Work order, citing 'work being done in a dangerous or unsafe manner' has been issued by NYC Buildings Dept for the PCV apt attached to mine (bedroom & bathroom). For the past few weeks I have been living with the noise nightmare as the apt gets reconfigured. It seems to me that the noise has been worse than the previous renovations I've lived through. To reconfigure a one bedroom, the old kitchen became a second bedroom. A new kitchen has been created in the living room and supposedly a wall had to be removed/moved. Any ideas what could be dangerous and unsafe."

Part of another post:

"But, to summarize: Electrical work without permit, plumbing work without permit, wall construction without permit."

A response from "Peter Stuyvesant":

"The TA is releasing the following statement: When tenants reported to the Stuyvesant Town–Peter Cooper Village Tenants Association that no permits had been posted for certain apartment reconfigurations underway in Peter Cooper Village, the TA pursued the issue with the Department of Buildings, City Council Member Dan Garodnick, and management. The DOB deputy commissioner confirmed that permits were needed for each unit being reconfigured and work should not be performed without permits unless they were both obtained and posted.

On Friday, August 18, DOB inspectors came to six Peter Cooper Village buildings to review units that had no permits. The inspectors ultimately issued 15 violations for five units (electrical, plumbing, and general) as well as four stop-work orders. The violations carry fines.

In the follow-up with management, the TA was told that, unknown to StuyTown Property Services, the Construction Manager started work on several units before permits were issued and neglected to notify SPS. SPS conferred with its reconfiguration consultant team to determine what had happened.

When the violations are 'cured' and permits issued and posted, work will resume.

Council Member Dan Garodnick commented: 'Thank you to the Tenants Association for their keen eye and advocacy on this, and to the DOB for responding to our request for an investigation. We expect management to play by the rules, and regardless of how they allowed this to happen, they to need deliver on their commitment to correct this practice immediately.'"

As you can tell, both the TA and our friend Dan sought to take center stage on what was illegally happening at Peter Cooper. The residents who had this noise and filth contacted the DOB and they should be applauded. Despite a general feeling of apathy around here, the residents did something to make sure Management heard about the problems: they alerted the DOB. Now, this will not stop the noise and filth, but it put a temporary halt that is legal from the city's point of view.

There are various laws that the city has which Management has decided not to be worried too much about since they "own" the place. It is up to residents, myself included, to make sure these city rules are followed.


  1. correction STR: I think you mean "naturally and not unusually" rather than "usually"

  2. I don't think the TA knew anything about it until someone posted on the fb page that there were work stoppage notices posted by the DOB. The TA and Garodnik jumped on the bandwagon to chide the LL, but I believe it was a tenant (or tenants) who actually notified the City about the dangerous and noisy shit that was going down without work permits.

  3. Off topic but - a woman's purse was taken as she sat on a bench in PCV this afternoon ( Wednesday). Wow!!!!

  4. >>correction STR: I think you mean "naturally and not unusually" rather than "usually"<<

    I reread the line a couple of times to see if it was unclear, and now have changed it. Thanks!

  5. Thanks ST Reporter. You may just save us. No one else will.

  6. It is madness, of course, The persistence of Management to have motorized grass cutters, noisy and smelly, around the Oval "park" in the morning hours. Even any hours. Hey, lazy bones, what happened to those hand mowers, you know the old-fashioned ones, that were promised? "But we have a job to do."

    Absolute madness on the part of Management. And nothing will change. They own this place. We are soooo lucky to have a roof over our head, aren't we?

  7. >>Thanks ST Reporter. You may just save us. No one else will.<<

    LOL. I wish I had the power! No, every tenant has to do this, or not do it. Individual tenants can help, but a lot seems lost right now....

  8. Back to those motorized grass cutters.... They do a minimal job but are "on" a lot, going round and round. Is anybody from Management monitoring? "But we have a job to do." Fuck the job, how about the "peace and quiet" tenants were promised???

  9. Again, sitting here by the currently noisy Oval in one of our best mornings weather-wise, I see so many dogs whose lanyards are not checked. Thank you, Management and PS, for doing such a wonderful job.

    There such be supreme embarrassment. But there is not.

  10. Before I forget. Yesterday. Seen with my own eyes eleven (I counted) speeding bicycles carrying black "kids" around the Oval. Perhaps the gang that attacked a car the other day? No PS presence that I could see. Nothing. No one cares. Just watch out.

  11. They can mow, plant,and prune all they want ant the property will still look like crap. Moving trash, suitcase rollers, and dog waste all over the place. I cringe every time I leave my building.

  12. We need NYPD patrolling this dump at this point. We don't have enough PS officers and they are unarmed and not in the best of shape. Swarms of black and Hispanic kids. on bicycles and on foot who are terrorizing and robbing people is nothing new in NY, but they are becoming more emboldened now because law enforcement is so watered down by DeBlasio and his lowlife CC,
    Gang violence is rife in NY and they are pulling in younger and younger kids who have nothing better to do than get their sense of belonging that way.

    I'm not being racist, I see what I see and it is what it is.


    Oh, good. Perhaps we shall now take a look at Peter Stuyvesant.

  14. And noise, noise, noise. Where do I go?

  15. 4:40pm Thursday. Bike gang of about 10 riding down 20th street hitting cars along the way. Between 1st and C

  16. Only two more months or less before inevitable increase in noise because they start building the ice skating rink and they always take their time and scramble at end to get it open for a photo op but they stretch out the noise of grinding metal beams daily to erect the eyesore. Then the noise and lights that refract from the ice and zambonie nonsense goes on from oct/nov continually until March. The amount of noise from the rink is madness to people living around it when compared to limited amount of users.

  17. Pass the Ear Plugs PleaseAugust 24, 2017 at 6:56 PM

    "August 24, 2017 at 1:04 PM And noise, noise, noise. Where do I go?" I agree strongly with you on this STR. The noise from #SPS Stuyvesant Property Services operations is oppressive and intrusive. Main sources of noise (1) vehicular noise from sidewalk sweeper and diesel fueled mini-tractors; (2) SPS employees tossing trash, breaking glass, breaking down furniture; (3) ongoing constant demolition of apartments.

  18. It's official, and a first that I can remember… management thanked the TA for something (the meet and greet with the City Council candidates to replace our lousy councilman, who has served our community with "distinction" over the past 12 years). These people have no shame in hiding their relationship anymore.

  19. Fido Just Dropped a LoadAugust 25, 2017 at 8:20 AM

    On my walk along the pathways and around the Oval this early morning I counted 15 canines strolling with their owners.
    ZERO lanyards!
    I also counted 4 piles of shit along the walkways, dried urine and dried feces in numerous spots, turd in the stairwell of my building, and, last but not least, a CONDOM DRAPED OVER THE DOOR HANDLE on the Terrace an animal marking its spot, eh?
    Would be funny if it were not so sad and disrespectful.
    Way to go with the enforcement of the House Rules, Rick!
    Let's here it for Rick!
    Way to go!

    1. What else is new. A slum is a slum and Pig Stuy Town is a slum


    "On the closing, Jon Gray, Global Head of Real Estate for Blackstone, cheered the news in an official statement.

    “We are proud to have entered into long-term partnership with the PCVST community and the City of New York,” he said. “We look forward to working together with them to preserve what makes this community so special.”

  21. An oldie but goodie:

    Rick should update this video but put a Pinocchio nose on.

  22. Whoo hoo ice rink!!!!

  23. Unbelievable. Group of about thirty students carrying on screaming and disturbing the peace in front of 2 Oval which is PS headquarters. Saw an officer just walk by them into the building. This was after midnight.


  25. With all the gangs roaming Stuyvestant Town, when walking my dog I remove her lanyard so I can get a PS escort to the new subway entrance on 14th street. Thanks for the ride.

  26. Aw come on 12:25am... it's the first weekend the students are back in their Stuy dorms, and they need to party. Don't be a party pooper!


  27. STR, maybe we are all speechless at this point! We have to deal with so much bullshit and nerve-shattering noise, as well as breathing in all kinds of toxins, that we are zombified from lack of sleep and brain damage. I don't know how people can deal with living here if they have little kids because, notwithstanding the lovely playgrounds, the air and atmosphere are toxic here. The constant renovations are even worse than the screechy woo-hoo girls and the braying bro-herds.

  28. now going on 16 minutes on hold with Management office for a broken toilet.

    16 mintues.............. fucking assholes here.

  29. Went down to do our laundry this morning, and there was just one cart left.

    There were five or six last week.

    Oh right, I remembered, Dorm Season has begun.

    I'd imagine these "borrowings" would have been caught on camera.

    But hell, if a 10 minute long violent attempted rape didn't catch PS's on-screen attention, what chance would this simple theft have?

  30. STR, lying is what these assholes do best! When human life is at stake because of their lies, I think it's time that they were made to be fully accountable.

  31. With all the gangs roaming Stuyvestant Town, when walking my dog I remove her lanyard so I can get a PS escort to the new subway entrance on 14th street. Thanks for the ride.


  32. Here is an interesting tidbit if other comments have been true:

  33. woman on our floor is using her apartment as an Airbnb. She doesn't even hide it.

    We told her it was a lease violation. She said: I know it is, i asked the office to release me from my lease, i can't afford the place, the upstairs kids keep me awake all night and they would not release my lease without a steep (illegal) penalty. I want them to evict me.

  34. To 8/26 11:30 Am: Re; Broken Toilet

    The best time to schedule an appointment with Resident Services is in the evening. M

  35. There are always renovations going on in my building. Where does one look for the DOB work order? On the door of the apartment or downstairs?

  36. ? is it really true that the workmen unclog the sink or tub and then stick all that GUNk in the toilets? lmfaooooooo i can't stop lmfaoooooo

  37. >>Where does one look for the DOB work order? On the door of the apartment or downstairs?<<

    A work order should be on the T and M levels. Check the dates, and if the order is for the entire building or apartment specific.

  38. Since "my troubles," a new work order for the entire building was put in on both levels. This new work order happened only recently, so before that, the work order was apartment specific and DID NOT include all the work being done in the building.

  39. I have to say this, as I will not forget, but seen the other day were two NYU staffers exciting my building. I have not seen NYU staffers, in their official NYU t-shirts, in my building before.

  40. This place is a seedy, noisy, filthy NYU campus. A disgrace.

  41. You people aren't worthy to live in the sty.

  42. >>You people aren't worthy to live in the sty.<<

    I don't know if this is a joke or not. Let us assume it is serious. Now, tell me, who is "worthy" to live here?

  43. STR, Please get a hold of someone in our TA, and let them know that this renting to NYU
    Students is really out of control here. Something has to done here. Enough is enough already.
    I've never seen it this bad in all the years I have been living here. This has to stop. They have RUINED this community. Please. TY.


    It's time they abolished the law that says that NYC has to provide shelter to anyone who asks for it. This is why people from out-of-state come here just to sponge of the NYC taxpayers' dime. No other city does this.

    I do believe that the Sty participates in this scam of putting homeless people in here and having the City pay full market rent. Probably, if and when they get rid of the City-funded tenants, the apartment goes out of the RS system permanently. DeB and his minions always something up their sleeve. I think DeB is a very devious and calculating Mayor and his sidekick, Melissa Mark-Viverito, Is the lowest of the low. She wants to tear down the statue of Christopher Columbus, but she has no problem with riding on the same float as a convicted terrorist during the Puerto Rico Day Parade. She also awarded herself and the scumbags on the CC a humongous raise a couple of years ago. Something that they certainly did not deserve. I despise her and DeB.

  45. >>You people aren't worthy to live in the sty.<<

    It must be a joke. "Sty versus "Stuy", that's the ticket.

  46. They have to know that by renting to all of these students, it is creating a big problem here.
    I feel sorry for the porters and Public Safety. Their jobs are a nightmare. My porter has had it. He told me so. And Rick could care less!

  47. Boy, I wish I made more money so that I could leave this place. I never imagined that I would ever think like this. Sad..........

  48. >>STR, Please get a hold of someone in our TA, and let them know that this renting to NYU
    Students is really out of control here. Something has to done here. Enough is enough already.
    I've never seen it this bad in all the years I have been living here. This has to stop. They have RUINED this community.<<

    I have noted and have said that I've never seen this place seem so bad. If it is a nice day, you can enjoy the weather and some of nature, but then a ST vehicle comes by stinking up the place or an illegal dog can shit next to you. And your enjoyment can disappear for a few moments. Then there is the noise. Refurbish an apartment. This will never stop. Just take a look at all the apartments that still have their AC out, in the windows.

    As for students, Management is continually posting "rules" that tell these students how to behave. I don't mind students as long as they are well behaved and their move in and move out doesn't raise rents. Some of them, particularly the males, feel a need to fluff their feathers to attract attention. The females? Chances are you will at least hear them overhead with their high heels. No carpeting.

    Unfortunately, nothing can be done as long as money rules here. Management feels students are a necessity and will keep on renting to them, despite ways to get around that.

  49. The renting situation is horrendous here. The student population is increasing and I agree with 12:04 that Blackstone has a deal with the city to subsidize apartments. I have one next door to me. Plus of course the suitcase rollers, ever on the increase. The demo here is horrible and the place looks like a slum.

  50. I agree with 12:04 that Management is dealing with city subsidized apartments. I have one next door to me. I am sick of the demo here especially the ever increasing student population and suitcase rollers.

  51. And the TA has NO voice in this, whatsover? I don't think they try hard enough.

  52. Even though I stopped paying TA dues, I still get their e-mails which are worthless and lame as are those from Blackstone. All fluff and PR.

  53. "The city is rewarding harassing behavior,"

    Bad Landlords Poised To Profit On De Blasio Plan To Turn Rent-Stabilized Buildings Into Long-Term Homeless Shelters

  54. Sleazy. Pushing out the Middle Class to build a Tale of Two Cities with the very rich and the very poor and no Middle Class.

    Bad Landlords Poised To Profit On De Blasio Plan To Turn Rent-Stabilized Buildings Into Long-Term Homeless Shelters

    "According to to Picture The Homeless, the new contracts are further incentive for landlords to empty out stabilized units. Data obtained by Gothamist shows that of 3,300 cluster apartments in use at one point in fiscal year 2016, 3,167 were in rent-stabilized buildings.

    Advocates fear that when the shelter contracts expire, there may be little protection against landlords flipping the buildings into market rate rentals, further draining New York City's diminished stock of rent-stabilized housing.

    "One of the concerns is that if they transition these eleven buildings that may have some regular rent stabilized tenants left, the owner can claim a permanent exemption from rent stabilization," said Rajiv Jaswa, a staff attorney with the Community Development Project at the Urban Justice Center. "I'm not sure if there's a mechanism to reverse that after the fact."

  55. Elaborate please: transition what eleven buildings; who left over, we're all stabilized. ?

  56. Until the Tenants Association OPENS THEIR BOOKS for full public scrutiny and audit, they will be under a cloud of suspicion.
    Where do they get their funding? kickbacks? incestuous relationships with real estate? donations to and from politicians in exchange for what? a basic question...what is their membership?
    This is a fraudulent, sham organization in the eyes of many.
    Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. needs to begin an investigation.
    Follow the money! How simple is that!

  57. On the TA Website, this is the SAME message for the last 5 MONTHS! FIVE MONTHS IN A ROW! THINK SOMETHING IS WRONG? This is a fly by night organization that has scattered. We are screwed folks!


    Sorry, we're updating our page.

    Check back soon for more information.

    If you received a Notice to Tenant of MCI Rent Increase Application, let us know by filling out our online docket tracker form.

    If you need immediate assistance, click here.

    In this video introducing himself to the community, Rick Hayduk says that surveys were sent out and focus groups were conducted before Blackstone took over here that gave him a really good idea of where he needed to focus his efforts. Unfortunately, as far as many of us can tell, he ignored what he read in the surveys and heard in the focus groups about noise being the number one problem. Despite numerous, ongoing reports by tenants that their neighbors lack carpeting, Hayduk has done NOTHING to proactively deal with this persistent quality of life issue. Trusting students to do what they're supposed to do and cover their floors is ludicrous and Hayduk knows it. Students have zero investment in this community and will do whatever is easiest, cheapest and best for them, which means not bothering to cover their floors. Hayduk goes on in the video to say, "no one likes loud parties; no one likes noisy neighbors". You're absolutely right, Rick. So, if you actually believe what you say, why aren't you enforcing the 80% floor covering rule that's in every tenant's lease? Why aren't you conducting automatic, apartment inspections on new move-ins? Hayduk also says, "our focus right now is to diminish those noise issues...we're gonna respond, we're gonna respond quickly and we're gonna respond in a caring manner" to which I would say: what happened to that bold pronouncement, Rick? No tenant should have to call Public Safety, repeatedly, to complain about their neighbor's lack of carpeting. IT'S YOUR JOB, RICK, TO PREVENT THAT FROM EVER HAPPENING. You have failed to solve the number one problem here, which you said you would in this video. Small wonder that your credibility among tenants in PCVST is just about zero these days.

  59. >>Take your shit parenting skills<<

    I don't think students are the exceptions here. There are good students, as well as bad behaving ones. I've met both. I also have met, what I call "Lord of the Flies" kids. They can be a nightmare.

  60. It is true that there may be decent student residents but looking at it in a broad way, many live in crammed dorm apartments without rugs and furniture. I do not appreciate living in a dorm like building. In addition, they are short term residents and often invite others to live there with them. Let them live in real dorms

  61. 2:20, I am wondering if your nightmare upstairs neighbors are short term air bnbers or city subsidized tenants

  62. Having to listen to that loud movie noise on the Oval for hopefully the last time this summer. Such an annoyance and they have the nerve to call it an amenity

  63. Quality of life is gone! Walking home through the Oval before 4 p.m. Movie screen up and running! My hope is this is the last Wednesday of living with this noise pollution!!!

    So much for enforcing anything around here!

  64. Once again, the Oval. Aside from the ignorance of the lanyard rule (my offer of sitting at the Oval with one of the Blackstone reps for, say, 30 minutes, though less will do, still stands), aside from this, there is the noise from grass cutters even as I speak. Not only the noise, how about the stink and the dirt that is raised in the air? The ST operator wears a mask, why not the residents who have to pass by?

    Of course, this will not change. "We have a job to do." Yeah, but was it like this twenty or even ten years ago???

    Another failure, big time.

  65. Amazing no one has checked for previous jobs that were done and see if they had permit work or any changes registered with DoB.

  66. click click click heels 24/7 above us. fuck this shit.

  67. I thought I had not let that comment through! Seems I was wrong. And, yes, anyone who tries to post such a comment, don't try posting it here.

    Thanks for the alert.

  68. Just one thing. First my apologies for that post. And again don't post or try to post that sort of shit here. That's not what I am about, nor what this blog is about.

  69. I'm going to institute a new "rule." Anyone who uses profanity or whose post even suggests something I am not comfortable with will not get his or her post approved to see the light of day here. And I will make no excuses. The post just won't appear.

    I am aware that some people would love to see this blog gone or are so free with their language that they don't care, but I am aware of these possibilities, and if I'm not, I will try to be 100% from now on.

  70. Do Something DifferentSeptember 1, 2017 at 7:04 AM

    There is something here I do not understand.

    Why not simply talk to the people who are doing injury to us?

    In this case, I mean neighbors and others with whom we are in contact living here.

    I engage people very, very, often: People living on my floor, in my elevators, on the streets (I do not ever walk on the grass anywhere here).

    I am usually polite and I usually begin with a friendly tone, facial expression, body language and words.

    Sometimes, that changes and I am less than polite, and once in a while, not even respectful. And yes, sometimes exceedingly angry and insulting.

    YET: I have found that addressing people who are hurting me through their obnoxious, unconscious, self-absorbed behaviors often actually works. Sometimes people DO mend their antisocial ways immediately. Sometimes it requires repeated interactions. Sometimes it doesn't work at all or, makes things worse.

    For the most part, attempting to deal humanely with people who are paid by Blackstone ends in no satisfactory outcome. That is another story entirely.

    But, the humans living here and coming through here who are old, young, in-between, of all descriptions, can SOMETIMES be reached by persistent engagement. SOMETIMES they need to have the riot act read to them, REPEATEDLY. Sometimes action a bit more drastic works. SOMETIMES speaking quietly and respectfully yields immediate results. SOMETIMES IT TAKES WEEKS OR MONTHS. Or yes, never.

    There is no way to know unless you try. The admonition by "management" and Public Safety personnel to refrain from addressing others is not helpful, and will often (usually?) just prolong the misery. Blackstone employees have all sorts and kinds of reasons, corporate as well as personal, to keep you from confronting the self-involved, emotionally illiterate denizens around you. Do not rely on them. Rely on yourself, and perhaps even other like-minded fellow sufferers to COMMUNICATE WITH those disturbing you.

    Suffering and smoldering in silence is destructive.

  71. Right now, and around 7am, there is a hammering noise that is "inspired" by the garage area of ST along 20 Street. And yesterday afternoon I couldn't sit at the Oval Fountain area, as there was the smell of mulch again! This time around all the trees. And here I thought the quiet rakes were back--but no, it was to lay down that mulch!

  72. August 31, 2017 at 9:17 PM

    Call Debbie Sabatino. 212-598-5264. Call her every few days to ensure they comply with 80% carpet rule. If you stay on top of this, and i mean really folowing up it until it is done, this will eventually gEt done. Took me over a month many years ago, but you will succeed! DO NOT GIVE UP! Also, CC Rick on this as well. Do not stop calling and emailing them. IT WILL GET DONE! BE PERSISTENT. Call legal as well 212-420-4948
    Let us know how you are doing.

  73. They are constantly doing things around here. There is never a time where there is a standstill. It's really unbelievable. Not fun living here anymore.

  74. @9:42 AM, the problem is that the new "tenants" move out every few months or, at the most, every year. By the time you get something done about the lack of carpets, they've moved out and a new bunch has moved in. They
    (the Greed Mongers) have totally trashed this once-livable place by turning it into a dorm/transient dump.

  75. 7:04 AM: Some of us don't have the time and/or energy to interact with people who annoy us over and over again. It will wear us down before it wears them down. I just call PS or the cops. I may go once or twice to the offenders' apartment and either ask them politely or curse them out (depending on the time of night/early morning they are disturbing me), but I am not going to keep on doing it.

  76. Blackstone gets away with murder because they pay the politicians and local NYPD. They do illegal construction work, drive on the sidewalk and cram unrelated adults into apartments that are fitted with fire-hazard partitions. The people who run Blackstone are the scum of the earth, as are our politicians. Not much has changed since the days of Boss Tweed. If anything has changed, it is probably for the worst.

  77. >>Do not rely on them. Rely on yourself, and perhaps even other like-minded fellow sufferers to COMMUNICATE WITH those disturbing you.<<

    I agree.

  78. >>The people who run Blackstone are the scum of the earth, as are our politicians.<<

    I don't consider neither in those terms, but I do wish the "rules," which are not mine, would be enforced. This goes for Blackstone's own rules and the city rules. For some reason, there is trepidation in enforcing the rules. Maybe the thinking is that if the rules are enforced, the apartments will not fill up. Nonsense. Quite the opposite.

  79. >>They are constantly doing things around here. There is never a time where there is a standstill. It's really unbelievable.<<

    I'm coming to the realization that work here does not stop. I pity the people living at 14th with the new expansion of the train station that may take a couple years. Right now, on the sidewalk, there is a stretch where two people will find it hard to walk side by side. And we will be getting the Cove at the East River changed as a new ferry unit will inhabit that space.

    And just check the exterior of these buildings. Any place that you see the AC hanging outside of the middle window is a place that will have a new AC space drilled in. I will probably be dead by the time this project is finished. So may you.

    And there is the usual noise of dogs barking, some not too quiet neighbors, etc. As I wrote, for the first time I am seriously beginning to look at other places to live that are not here. This is what Stuyvesant Town has done.

  80. As I wrote, for the first time I am seriously beginning to look at other places to live that are not here. >>>

    I have been looking for somewhere else to live, but it is not easy. I thought of buying a studio in Queens, but I really like the space of a one-bedroom and couldn't afford to buy a one-bedroom in NYC. Are you looking in the City or out of town/state? I love my apartment, but the quality of life regarding noise is so bad here that it is getting to my health and sanity! I sometimes wonder if they (the landlord) are deliberately trying to drive the longterm tenants, especially the seniors, out of here. It's hard to believe they would be that cold and heartless, especially as far as the seniors are concerned, but I sometimes wonder about their M.O.

    They probably salivate when they hear that a senior is not doing well health-wise. Strange how money has such a hold on some people's minds, hearts and lives and turns them into people who you wonder how they can stand themselves!

  81. Hi there,

    I am a 20-something who just moved into Stuy town -- I have already been experiencing some terrible service from management.

    Does anyone else have terrible cell service in their building? And by terrible, I mean literally, non-existent. This is a safety and fire hazard! What happens if my roommate collapses into unconsciousness?! I have to run outside and get 50-feet away from my building just to make a call??

    Has anyone brought up the terrible reception with Stuy Town and have they made any inroads?

  82. The whole point of the ferry dock and the 14th street station is for short term stays, hotels, booze cruises, party-tourism. They are turning a peaceful residential community into a tourist destination. It is no longer supposed to be livable. It is for visitors, travelers, and super yachts. Why on earth would the middle class think they deserve a livable quality of life on the waterfront when the former mayor's crowd wants the entire waterfront for themselves - from Hudson Yards to the new 57th Governor's pal's food pier to the silly Diller pier to the Brookfield Place where the Governor's pal got the yacht - dock contracts, up to the old Peter Cooper Village Stuyvesant Town almost replaced then soon-to-be-replaced by Brookfield or Blackstone or whatever they call themselves as they shovel around the same piles of money between each other by hook or by crook.

    Nice photo huh?!

  83. >>whole point of the ferry dock<<

    Whatever the underhanded point, I can predict that there will be crowding and trouble for the middle class. It will be sold as something we need and want, of course.

  84. >>Does anyone else have terrible cell service in their building?<<

    It is supposed to get better, new cell towers and all, but, yes, a constant complaint from tenants.

  85. >>Are you looking in the City or out of town/state?<<

    Perhaps even out of the country. I am looking at a few options. Realistically, it will take a couple of years, even at best. I don't think things will get better here, sad to say.

  86. To continue: One has to look at all the options as best as one can. Money, health care (particularly as one gets older), family, friends--it is all in the mix. Making such a change is not easy.

  87. Re: Cell Phone Service: I have Verizon Wireless and have no trouble ever getting a signal. I can even get a signal in the elevator and laundry room. I live on 14th Street and I don't know if that makes a difference, but I have never been unable to get a signal except, sometimes, on a subway train when it is between stations. In the past I have had AT&T and Sprint and had a lot of trouble getting a signal at home and in many places. I believe that TMobile isn't that great either. Btw, I do not work for Verizon Wireless and despise Verizon except for their Wireless service!

  88. If they would just enforce the noise rules, this could still be a great place to live. Of course, it will never be as pleasant and tranquil as it was, but if you have a real apartment here and an affordable rent it's better than most places in the City as far as the grounds and surroundings go. I would hate to leave and I won't let them drive me out because I am RS. I'll stay and live to 110 to spite them!


  90. Debbie Sabatino! She does not handle noise complaints well or at all even. You can call her call her beg her, she will tell you the apartment has carpets. LOLL LMAOOOOOO she does this even when there are zero carpets . BTDT. Check yourself.

  91. They're doing some brickwork on our building this week. Between the guys on the scaffolding and those putting up the construction sheds, there must be 30 men on the job here. No one's speaking English, not a word. Now that in itself is certainly not an issue, and you can't tell by looking at someone if they have a green card or not, but I'd be willing to wager few if any of them do.

    Now, the other day I found myself waiting outside the Farragut Houses in Brooklyn, near the Navy Yards, They too had a crew putting up construction shedding over the sidewalks. There, I only overheard English, and the ethnic makeup of the crew was much more representative of the general population of NYC, not Guadalajara.

    So, how is it that NYCHA can afford to hire contractors that employ local laborers, but SPS is using cut rate outfits that are almost certainly using illegal immigrants?

  92. won't ver be a great place to live. you pay nothing, we pay 4 x as you for same thing. done, you can have it and i'm subletting

  93. >>Debbie Sabatino! She does not handle noise complaints well or at all even.<<

    Most people, if not all of them, who work for Blackstone, answer to Blackstone. Tenants, if they conflict with Blackstone's spin, will not get a proper response.

  94. >>SPS is using cut rate outfits that are almost certainly using illegal immigrants?<<

    I would assume so, from what I have seen. Not that a Union has the finest workers, but the previous manager got rid of the Union to save money. So all the workers you see (not the Blackstone ones) are non-unionized. And, yes, it is a "sanctuary" city.

  95. "Debbie Sabatino! She does not handle noise complaints well or at all even. You can call her call her beg her, she will tell you the apartment has carpets. LOLL LMAOOOOOO she does this even when there are zero carpets . BTDT. Check yourself."

    She is hopeless at dealing with complaints. I don't know what she actually does to earn her paycheck. She usually doesn't respond to phone calls or emails, and on the rare occasion that she does respond, she is not particularly pleasant. She is definitely a holdover from Compass Crock.

  96. Our Beloved Mayor cares more about illegal immigrants than he does about those of us who were born ad raised in the USA. He takes money from big donors so that they can build money-laundering towers for foreign criminals and panders to the illegal immigrants, even those with criminal records. He is red meat for Trump supporters and I wish he (and Trump) would both go away.

    The City Speaker has made it abundantly clear that she favors the rights of criminals (whether legally or illegally here) and proudly rides on a float with a convicted terrorist. Because he's Puerto Rican, that's ok with her.

    Bloomberg was no peach, but DeB and Mark-Viverito have brought this City back to being like a third-world country. No wonder Blackstone and its ilk love them. They can get away with hiring illegal immigrants who don't know what the fuck they're doing and don't care. When something catastrophic happens (and it will) then maybe things will change.

  97. >>I don't know what she actually does to earn her paycheck.<<

    I have heard from her. Maybe twice, perhaps even three times. But I CCed others, too.

  98. Over the TA Facebook, Keith Powers, who is running to replace our man Dan's seat, wrote: "We all, in fact, have the same amount of funding and are all participating in the campaign finance program." But what about your "war chest," Keith?


  100. Cheap crooked pols go away!September 3, 2017 at 5:10 PM

    If you liked Danny Boy G, you'll love his clone Keith Powers.
    Beholden to real estate interests, the organizational candidate, a cheap pol.
    What a fraud! What a loser!

  101. sabbatic should resign if she had any decency. She lied to many tenants and we have it all documented.

  102. not to mention the painting office. what the fuck is this office as no one there ever returns a call or answers the phone. Must be some shady shit here.

  103. Powers will have to come out with more information regarding his lobbyist background before I even consider voting for him on the 12th. I am kind of shocked that the Times and Daily News are endorsing him with his lobbyist history.

  104. SABATINo not sabbatic.

  105. Happy Labor Day. But the Zambonis are still out there in the morning. Noise, pollution.... The one day I thought would be FREE of noise and pollution. Boy, was I wrong.


    I can't even read this if I want my blood pressure to remain low.

  107. Yeah, this place blows.

  108. Got a letter from DHCR that the TA's MCI challenge for my building was a losing challenge. Way to go TA... what are you even good for these days??? The entire board needs to resign as far as I'm concerned, starting with Steinberg!!

  109. Looks like the first batch of lottery winner renewals are upon us, and DeBlasio, Dan, and the TA may have A LOT of explaining to do. Take a look at the TA FB page... I'm guessing Peter Stuyvesant will remain silent.

  110. Debbie Sabatino is NOT the person to contact re noise. Don't waste your time. Contact the big boss, Rick Hayduk, directly. The more he hears from people that new tenants don't have rugs, the greater the chance that he'll have to do something to resolve this widespread problem.


  112. 6:32 AM, maybe contact Resident Services first about a paint job?

  113. I met 2 of my new neighbors - sept 1 student move-ins. They seem very nice, but I couldn't help but notice that they had 0 carpets as we chatted by their front door. I feel bad for the family below them.

  114. I live off of 20th street, and the cell phone service is literally non-existent in my building. The building has the audacity to tell *ME* to buy a signal booster. Has anyone had any success in getting them to either pay for a signal booster, or just make the service better?

    It is a fire and safety hazard! If I come in to my apartment and my roommate or someone is collapsed on the ground, I have to leave them there and run outside just to make a call!

  115. 2:05 PM: Get a landline. Nobody owes you a cell phone signal.

  116. >> Has anyone had any success in getting them to either pay for a signal booster, or just make the service better? << Yes we have a solution for this. We have complained (bitterly) to our cell service provider (SPRINT) and Sprint gave us a booster for free. They have even replaced it several times. Your cell service provider is responsible, not the landlord.

  117. Resident servcies for carpets dont answer their phones or call us back but ya knew that thanks for the no help.

  118. I can sympathize with people who can't get a signal on their cell phones. It always used to be that we had a telephone jack to plug in a phone and open an account with the phone company. Unfortunately, Verizon stopped repairing the copper wires that were essential to a regular landline and now you have to either get a phone service provided by one of the cable companies or rely on your cell phone. The greed of Verizon has created that situation. I have found that Verizon Wireless works just abut anywhere. If you can't get a signal, you probably need to change your cell phone service to Verizon. I doubt it is coincidence that only their wireless service works everywhere, but until Management gets cell towers put in for every wireless provider, Verizon Wireless is the only way to go. Are they evil? Yes. Are we stuck? Yes.

    If you have RCN or Spectrum you can get a landline for a reasonable price and then dump it when you leave. FIOS involves major installation and is a pain in the ass if you want to use them for landline service because FIOS is their only landline service and it is expensive and a major pain to instal.

  119. Resident Services deal with carpets? Didn't know that.

  120. Debbie Sabatino is NOT the person to contact re noise. Don't waste your time. Contact the big boss, Rick Hayduk, directly. The more he hears from people that new tenants don't have rugs, the greater the chance that he'll have to do something to resolve this widespread problem.

    LOL...LOL...LOL Rick Hayduk...LOL...LOL...LOL

    The only way this guy responds to a tenant is if you literally heap praise on him. Otherwise, you get no reply. He is worthless.

  121. My experience has been different, however.

  122. I chuckle about the complaints of poor cell phone service, saving your roommates impending emergency, with so many roommate scenarios here, it's got to be the last thing I'm concerned with. It's just another example of this me first generation & it's instant needed gratification. I wish management would make this their new slogan "Poor Cell Service" & all the Ammenities including concierge package receipt to avoid stolen or missing packages.

  123. Saw Rick yesterday telling a 4 year old to stop riding his bike around the Oval.

    Rick, tough guy.

  124. Mr. Marsh has returned to the TA FB page to impose his political views to the masses. I will not vote for anyone he endorses.

  125. Why is a lobbyist for this hotel on the Stuyvesant Town Peter Cooper Village StuyTown Tenant Association Board?

    "Why Robert Mueller Has Trump SoHo in His Sights
    The Russian money trail leads right through the president’s troubled project in downtown Manhattan. A series of e-mails reveals new details."

  126. That has not been my experience with Rick Hayduk either. I found him to be very responsive when I emailed him about something recently, and I'm sorry to say I wasn't all that polite because I was pissed. Also, he was on vacation, but he alerted the sppropriate staff because it was a fire hazard situation that I was miffed about. I tend to think that he should bring in more people to keep an eye on the students because they really are very immature and a pain in the ass at best; potentially hazardous at worst because they just don't know how to live so responsible adults away from Mommy and Daddy being the responsible component in their lives.

  127. >>Saw Rick yesterday telling a 4 year old to stop riding his bike around the Oval.<<

    I'd like to see that! If you run over a PS guard around the Oval, the PS guard will try to stop you. If PS is not around, forget about enforcement of that rule. Some people on bikes obey the signs, but others ignore them.

    Speaking of which, even more dangerous are the speeding skateboards, etc, around the Oval. Why are they allowed?

    And there should be an age/speed limit for the little ones. Sorry.

  128. >>Mr. Marsh has returned to the TA FB page to impose his political views to the masses. I will not vote for anyone he endorses.<<

    I wish he were as energetic when the residents here relied on the TA. Hey, Marsh, remember those yellow placards and those protests outside the leasing office?

    I would like his candidate to replace Garodnick to debate me here...

  129. Marsh is simply a political hack.
    Why anyone would believe anything he says or support a candidate he endorses is beyond me.

  130. His candidate is one of the boys of the Old Boys Club of Political Hacks.

  131. John Marsh's post has disappeared from the TA fb. He was only notifying us of which candidates the Tenants PAC had endorsed. He didn't say who he endorsed, though I suspect he is in line with the Tenants PAC. He does put a lot of effort and energy into tenants' rights causes.

  132. You're just trying to get me riled!

    Are you talking to me re: John Marsh? I don't know the guy, have never met him, but I've been a member of the TA for almost 40 years and, while I think it is an irrelevant organization now, I've always got the impression that John Marsh was quite dedicated to fighting for tenants. Not just tenants here, but in general. Maybe you know something I don't, but I don't get the animosity toward the guy.

  133. It seems to me that Marsh was a big shot at the TA, though he left his position recently. I consider the TA pretty much useless, and, sorry, I do blame Marsh a good amount. If, as you say, the organization is irrelevant, why is it so?

  134. 10:15
    He was in charge when the TA became political, and welcomed Dan Garodnick as the basic overseer of the TA. He made the TA both political and irrelevant. Don't let his "fighting" for tenants hinder the fact he was doing a politicians bidding (Garodnick) the entire time.

  135. Not surprised to see Danny boy so high on the REBNY donation list. What a corrupt piece of work...


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