Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Hi Neighbor! This is your Stuy Town Clown and we hope you can join us for a wonderful event at OneRoof!

This was on the outside of my doorknob. It can't be for me. Maybe it is for one of newbies who are coming into Stuy Town this week. College and NYU kids with their suitcases on rollers and wondering just where that "welcome home" building is in this maze. I know it can't be for seniors. There is no phone number. A code you scan with a high-priced cellphone. The meeting is at OneRoof, which I first thought was a Stuy Town building roof, but that can't be it, as no one is allowed to go on the roof.

But wait! Must be for older residents? Buy and sell items? Introduce your pet/? Network? Hmm...

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the last message from the ST Clown where Beam ordered you to sit down on one of Stuy Town and Peter Cooper benches. Beam aims to take care of you 'cause you can't take care of yourselves!


  1. Hi STR,

    I got this under my door yesterday. Have me a good chuckle. Since it's Wednesday, the double feature movie is still blaring and hopefully will be done by 9!

  2. 1. OneRoof doorknob marketing SM pamphlets were not approved by Beam Living and, in fact, have been notified by Beam Living to OneRoof to stop doing so in the future.

    2. Stupid movies are still blasting at 9.30 PM. Called in a complaint to PS, I know, pissing into the wind but it least it's on the record.

  3. Done by 9? Hah! Morons out there contributing to our misery by watching the sh*t that was blaring until maybe 9:30.

    And, on my floor (2 Stuyvesant Oval), the now daily noise of brainless jackasses recently infecting my floor (assholes just moved in) is accompanied by marijuana smoke IN MY HOME, all over the surfaces and insides of the human beings and non-human beings IN MY HOME.

    Not enough danger and insult: the "shed" - scaffolding is now nearly 100% surrounding my building. It's been around the corner FOR A YEAR for no damned reason and now IN LOCATIONS ON GROUND THAT HAS NOTHING, NADA, ZERO TO DO WITH THE ALLEGED "REPOINTING." Imbeciles explain to me "it's the law."

    My species is so vile that already, before it's even completed, OLDER PEOPLE ARE LEANING AGAINST IT TO CONGREGATE AT NIGHT, LAUGH, SPEAK LOUDLY, BRING THEIR DOGS THERE. These are not shrieking, stoned, braying, brain-dead "students." These are older residents who used to know better.

    If I sound/read particularly nasty and insulting tonight, well . . . I think I might be forgiven, yes?

  4. Wow! Freshly laid dog sh*t in elevator. How nice! NOT!

  5. >>OneRoof doorknob marketing SM pamphlets were not approved by Beam Living and, in fact, have been notified by Beam Living to OneRoof to stop doing so in the future.<<

    I will check this out. Thanks!

  6. So this was a PR stunt? One one hand, brilliant, and the other hand, infuriating.

  7. OMG! This place just gets worse and worse. Filthy buildings, dog shit and piss everywhere. The porters do a stellar job, but the scum that moves in for a few months in the revolving door units make it impossible for the porters to keep on top of their filth.

    Stupid, ignorant carnival barkers running what was once the most enviable place in New York City to rent an apartment. Beam's motto must be "Invade and Destroy."

  8. Migrants (illegals) are now in Stuy Town. Saw today, two such African "migrants," piggybacking with another person who showed them Stuy Town. These migrants don't have to have any blessings from our Mayor, but some people in Stuy Town see a quick way to make a buck or just "want to help." Then later, when I was sitting outside, I saw another two walking around Stuy Town. These migrants looked totally different than what we see around here. They stand out. Yup, we have them.

  9. Funny you mention migrants. I was thinking the same thing for a few days now that some of them are here in Stuy Town. Of course management wouldn't announce it. They like to keep things under cover including crimes committed on the property.
    There was someone in the apartment next to me for about 10 months and he left with maybe two bags vacating his apartment. There's now someone else living there. No moving truck. No furniture that I can tell was moved in/out of that apartment. Perhaps a secret sublease is going on. I also notice that the new tenant has packages delivered from Amazon with just his first name listed which I find very strange. Why no last name if it's a legal tenant or legal subtenant? Many fishy things going on in Stuy town under this shit management group.

  10. Would not surprise me if Beam made a deal with the city to house migrants, probably at a good profit. I agree that lots of fishy leasing goes on here.

  11. BIGMO, do you think Management is aware of these people, or is somebody illegally subletting? If a neighbor was illegally subletting, I would report the matter to Management. We have the right to know that our neighbors are here legally and not illegal sublets. I'm aware that the place has gone downhill since Beam took over, but there is even a limit at the low end!

  12. I wish some respected news program like "60 Minutes" would descend and do an expose of this place and present the way it was as opposed to the way it is now. I'm aware that there was a vile rascist past, but that was very long ago. I am referring to the way it went from a quiet, well-run rental property with beautifully landscaped bucolic grounds to a dump where the trees have been removed and the land they were on has been converted (can't use the word "transformed") into a scuzzy grass patch where insufferably third-rate "events" are presented on week nights and tenants in nearby buildings are subjected to horrible noise until almost 10 pm.
    Mention should also be made of how the property has become so unsafe by virtue of the fact that our once stellar Security Department has been reduced to being a college-type "Public Safety" crew which are no more than mall cops. In fact, mall cops are better trained and more vigilant and proactive.

    We don't know who our neighbors are because so many of them are unknown even to "Management." There's a thriving AirBnB business going on in my building and people move in and out and "Management" has no idea who they are. And they don't care. They would only care if any of the people in the unrenovated units engaged in that kind of "business" because all "Management" cares about is getting paid. Doesn't matter whether the renter is a Jack The Ripper, Ted Bundy or terrorist.

    "Management" has no experience in running a residental multi-building apartment complex. They are the alumni of Blackstone's low-end tacky resorts and hotels and the Chief Annoyer is a former low-end cruise-ship DJ.

    The buildings are filthy. I believe they have cut the maintenance staff to the bone and given the remainder too many buildings to clean and maintain. We have dog shit and piss all over the carpets in the hallways and on the stairs (along with the occasional piles of vomit and used condoms. I even found a used tampon. SMFH. I don't think the lowest level NYCHA projects can be much worse.

    We have rampant theft of deliveries in the buildings and thieves get in and roam around looking for things to steal and trying doors. Keep your doors double-locked and the chain on at all times folks.

  13. Please no more about Ukraine. A long way off from Stuy Town.


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