Thursday, August 31, 2023

"Migrants" in Stuy Town


How many do you recognize? The "migrants" are here. Won't you give your Stuy Town home to them?


  1. No surprise here. Beam will profit from anything. I am sure that they are getting a good deal from the city.

  2. Are these the migrants that have been bussed up from Texas and Florida?

  3. Are they going to charge them "market rate" rent?

    1. They will likely get pretty high subsidies for rent from the city.

  4. If migrants are being housed here, we have the right to know.
    While I have nothing against migrants per se, I think we have the right to feel safe in our homes. Then again, does "Mismanagement" do background checks on anybody who moves in? We've had killers live here.

  5. ??Are these the migrants that have been bussed up from Texas and Florida?<<

    Who knows? We don't know much except NYC has a migrant crisis.

  6. >>Are they going to charge them "market rate" rent?<<

    Whatever one can get...

  7. How nice...

    From Bloomberg: To manage those expenses, Adams says the city is planning to trim services such as library hours, meals for senior citizens, re-entry programming for Rikers Island prisoners, and free, full-day care for three-year-olds. Last month, Adams also sought to unwind the city’s right to shelter, which entitles the migrants to housing within 24 hours of their arrival.

    More here:

  8. How kind of the Mayor to screw New Yorkers to accommodate migrants.

  9. Very kind of Adams to cut back on meals for senior citizens. Those are the only food that many senior citizens get. Is he trying to trim the "surplus population?" So sick of these bleeding hearts that only bleed for people who come pouring in from elsewhere and haven't paid any taxes or earned the right to the City's programs. Maybe they will get work and contribute eventually, but meantime they are freeloaders and taking away from the people who have a right to the benefits they are getting. Why don't they stay in their own countries and work on fixing the situations there?

  10. If Mismanagement is going to welcome migrants, I hope they are going to significantly increase "Public Safety" because not all of the people who are busting our borders are poor souls who are fleeing persecution, drug dealers and poverty. Maybe most of them are victims, but there are some who are fleeing the law in their countries of origin because they are lawbreakers - and not necessarily low-level law breakers. We may be getting some of the shit they are purportedly running away from.

  11. Heard on the News that NYC is cracking down on short-term rentals. I hope they investigate this dump. It is FULL of short-term rentals and Air-B-N-B (whatever it's called). Tenants negotiate their own sublets and I don't think "Management" knows (or cares) who lives here. They run it like a "plan-it-yourself" motel/hotel. Probably the type of thing they are used to.

  12. When I heard about the migrant housing crisis, I immediately thought that Beam would take advantage of it in order to make money on their overpriced apartments. Right up their alley. They will likely get a pretty penny from the city.

  13. I don't think they'll be housing the migrants here. However, it's good to remember that most of them are probably very nice, decent people who just want to make a new start in a free country. Nobody goes through what they have gone through unless it is really imperative. I am an immigrant from the UK and the worst I had to endure on my journey here was sittingfor several hours in British Airways Economy Class.

  14. >>However, it's good to remember that most of them are probably very nice, decent people who just want to make a new start in a free country.<<

    Wishful thinking. We know very little about the migrants except that they are illegal. So they are breaking the law.


  16. Bigmo, can’t read this

  17. I cut and pasted and read it.

    The City is in very bad shape because of all these immigrants. I don't think it's fair that we have to put up with all their mess and behavior. I'm sure many of them are good, wholesome people, but not all. They are making a big mess wherever they go.

  18. The City and Stuyvesant Town were in bad shape BEFORE the immigrants, too. Well, if anyone wants to say "Hello" to them, some are housed right nearby in former Police Academy.

  19. I feel sorry for the children. It's a lot for them to take in, especially if they had to flee their homes and leave everything behind. They will be traumatized for life and will probably never see their little friends or their homeland again.

  20. There's some asshole who frequently stops on the 14th Street Loop (Avenue A end) and his alarm, which is ear-splitting) goes off for maybe 30 seconds to a minute each time on and off. It is the most hair-raising noise. If I ever find out which car it is, he will find that his alarm and the rest of his vehicle will be only fit for the junk yard. It only happens very late at night and this imbecile doesn't care. His alarm won't save his car for what we are prepared to do to it.

    1. We hear it too. We called PS about it. Don’t know if it’s the alarm or the horn. Could be picking somebody up from the building. Totally unacceptable whatever the reason.

    2. Heard that car alarm at around 6AM this morning.

  21. We don't have a General Manager or Property Manager, but we do have a Health and Fitness Manager (from a Marriot Resort). We are advised to ride our bicycles and scooters carefully and wear our helmets. Never mind the signs that say no bicycle riding near the Oval. We have Yoga, Meditation, Rummikub and a plethora of events and nonsense.

    Are we living in a residential apartment complex or are we guests in one of Blackstone's cheesy resorts?

    As far as I'm concerned, they stick their stupid events and other resort crap - and I don't have to tell you where. What we do need is heat in the cold months, peace and quiet and a "management" that makes sure that every tenant (we're not f*cking guests) has carpets that cover ALL of the walking areas in their apartments.

    We don't have a landlord in reality. We are all overpaying guests in a cheap and nasty resort.

    How do I call Room Service? I'd like my eggs over easy on lightly toasted wholegrain bread and a pot of coffee, please. Oh, and can I get my laundry done? I have some dry cleaning to be picked up by the concierge please.

    Are tips and gratuities included in the monthly charges? I don't think it's still called "rent." I have been leaving my shoes outside my door for the last week and nobody has taken them and polished them. Quite typical for a cheesy, crappy, overpriced resort such as this. Does Kennedy do laundry service or does she only plan the horrible events?

  22. American citizens, young and old, have also had to "flee their homes and leave everything behind." Plus FEMA is not exactly known for its competence.

  23. Leaving my rent stabilized apartment and heading out of the state. 60+ years in what is now a hell hole. Sad to leave my home but it isn't my home anymore. Democrats ruin everything.

  24. @ Sept 20, at 5:18 PM: I really don't think you can blame the Democrats for this. It is the greedy, avaricious Republicans who are so hellbent on turning everybody out of their rent stabilized apartment in order to "free them up" and out of rent stabilization. I am very sorry to hear that you feel you are being driven out, but while I don't know your circumstances, I think you should probably look at our totally corrupt absolute sham of a "Tenants Association" and see what their dirty hands and criminally-indicted loathesome principals had to do with our being sold down the river to the most internationally notorious scumbag "landlords" on the planet. Blackstone would have accommated Hitler for the right price and that says a lot about those who suppor it, including our "TA."

  25. NYC is being ruined by Democrats, period. There are NO "avaricious Republicans" in city government. None.


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