The trial of Queen's Democrat Hiram MonsterRat is underway. MonsterRat is one of the two Democrats who decided to go along with overturning Democratic State Senate leadership earlier this year, plunging the State Senate into chaos and, by default, torpedoing tenant reform. (Pedro Espada Jr. is the other clown.) MonsterRat is on trial for assault against his girlfriend. According to his girlfriend, Karla Giraldo, MonsterRat broke a glass and sliced her face. Giraldo later changed her story. The fairytale is that MonsterRat was going to offer her water, slipped and the glass (unbroken?) slashed her face accidentally.
Below is surveillance video showing MonsterRat shoving Giraldo around on the way to a nearby hospital, after Giraldo first tried to find help from a neighbor downstairs.
What did we NY'ers do to deserve the d-bags that represent us? Chicago politicians blush when they watch the local NY news...
What a piece of shit. Throw his dirty ass in jail for a long long time. It seems all or politicians are a bad joke, from the minstrel show in Albany, to the power-hungry billionaire who busy overturning democracy and buying the election to the crapass in the White House who freezes Social Security for seniors, but doles out billions to the criminals on Wall Street. Then we want to go into other countries and show them how democracy works? What a joke!
MonsterRat has no doubt bought or threatened his "girlfriend" into silence. Is she in the country legally? She must be in fear of something that she has changed her story.
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