Our landlord, BLACKSTONE, can't handle Stuy Town and Peter Cooper Village. There is a lack of enforcement of certain "rules," and no amount of notice to this alleviates the problems. We are continually being told half-truths and fabrications. And we have no viable Tenants organization, despite our TA asking for dues all the time. So far, the politicians have proven to be basically useless. A typical New York story.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Lazy NYU Students to Get Their Stuy Town Bus Service Back
They whined, they received. Just like with mommy and daddy. Despite NYU's financial troubles, NYU bus service to and from Stuyvesant Town has been reinstated--and very quickly at that.
I wish they'd all just move out. This place should never have been turned into a dorm. It's been a disaster from the beginning. I'm sick of being woken up by these fucktards at 4 am.
I've had students above me and next door. Only the ones that were above me a couple of years ago were noise polluters and didn't give a shit about any complaints. The rest have been fairly quiet.
Another thing, in response to the Anonymous who has had trouble with RS teenagers....
Before NYU started placing students in Stuy Town apartments, teenagers and young people were, obviously, RS tenants (in families), and not everything was as rosy as some may paint it. Some of those Epiphany kids and post-Epiphany teens can be very loud and obnoxious late at night, too.
I think the problem is that universities bring a different culture into Stuy Town, a transient one, that considers this place just a temporary home, and in some cases, an animal house. And packing these kids into apartments is not right either, as the quality of life goes down for everyone.
Hard-working, middle-aged, exhausted tenants make the best neighbors. Gotta get up in the morning and go to work and come home too tired to make trouble. That's what got my butt in line all those years ago. Nothing like a job and oppressive responsibility to set you straight.
Meanwhile, the best neighbors I have ever had here are MR tenants. I had a parade of freaks and weirdos living next door to me (read: sharing a bedroom wall) for years and years. Now, for the past 4 years, I have had the best neighbors anyone could EVER ask for.
If the guy upstairs hadn't set the place on fire a year back sending everyone into the hall, I wouldn't have known they still lived next door. I'm still not sure!
They just had a kid and now I am deathly afraid they will take off, leaving me with the possibility that my new neighbors will have a three-way subdivided pad with 4 unrelated vagrants calling it home.
Clearly, not all MR tenants are created equally. Adults with jobs rock. Everyone else needs to roll....
"Another thing, in response to the Anonymous who has had trouble with RS teenagers....
Before NYU started placing students in Stuy Town apartments, teenagers and young people were, obviously, RS tenants (in families), and not everything was as rosy as some may paint it. Some of those Epiphany kids and post-Epiphany teens can be very loud and obnoxious late at night, too."
No doubt. That said, their parents didn't want to get their ass thrown into the street and might just be inclined to 'pull out the belt' to make sure that things didn't get too too far out of hand.
College students know no such bounds. At least not until they wake up 'downtown' and only get one phone call...
We are not lazy or spoiled. We just don't want to walk for 30 minutes to and from campus when there is a free shuttle out there! And please, NYU financial troubles? We are paying the most expensive college tuition in America, which is probably the most expensive in the world! So I don't think it's about being spoiled. It's about getting what you are paying for. I sympathize with all the tenants who are having bad experiences with NYU students. Believe me, I do. But I just think all these generalizations are getting out of control. I know MANY nice, behaved, polite, and intelligent NYU students who live in Stuy Town, please stop generalizing.
Joy, the articles that address the NYU bus situation state "financial reasons" for the previous elimination of the Stuy Town route. IF the university is struggling financially in any way, there's a creeping sense of entitlement in insisting on special bus service when NYU is not THAT far away.
Is it really a thirty minute walk to NYU? If you live at the eastern end of the complex, it may be a further walk for sure. As I mentioned in another post, I can make it to Chinatown in about 35 minutes, and I live near the middle of Stuy Town.
I hope it's obvious that I, at least, am having a bit of fun with this NYU Stuy Town bus situation. Walking is good for the body and the mind, and I've a feeling that with traffic and the route the bus takes, I could get to NYU faster than that bus. I'm willing to bet on it, as a matter of fact.
While I'm not a student (although I get confused for one on a regular basis by older residents) I agree with Joy completely. There are so many respectable students living amongst us. No good comes of generalizations.
I don't disagree. My concern about NYU students is that they represent a transient population that ultimately doesn't care what happens to Stuyvesant Town--nor should they. A transient population will not fight for tenant rights here nor affordable middle class housing in Stuy Town/Peter Cooper. There's little reason for NYU students to join the tenants association, for instance.
I agree that most students are not interested in joining the efforts of rent-stabilized tenants. And I understand that unfortunately some few students have ruined the reputation for the many students living in the complex.
What I dont understand, is the aggression I see coming from this blog and the LuxLiving blog (which recently compared students to dogs, and previously to pigs)
Yes we wined, and yes we complained,but we did it to fight for something we believe is our right as students. the bus goes straight to 1st and 26th. Whats the difference if it makes a quick short stop on 14th and 1st??
I chose to live in Stuytown because I knew there was a bus service to and from NYU. So you can imagine my disappointment when I heard about the bus route cancelation. I carry over 3 notebooks, 1 heavy textbook, and a computer to the university everyday. A 30min walk carrying all of that is no fun! And the cold weather is approaching.... I am not lazy, Im just reasonable.
Everyone seems to lose sight of the fact that the reason for whatever bad behavior (by whomever) isn't a question of RS, MR, student or senior, it's because there is no management in place to demand that people behave respectfully of the community. ST/PCV is just too big to be a giant free-for-all in terms of behavior, and that's why MetLife ran things so strictly. Obviously, Tishman Speyer could give a rats ass about how anyone behaves because they're only interested in one thing, and one thing only, and that's CASH. The fact that they are loathe to correct bad behavior by tenants paying top dollar is one of the most despicable practices of their management style.
Had Tishman thought for a second about running ST/PCV as a community, instead of a cash register, they could have been successful. But because they paid way too much, and had a business plan that forced them to act like assholes, well..... If it looks like a duck & acts like a duck....
To be honest, a lot of the comments I read about MR tenants makes me (a non-student, working adult) not want to join the association and fight for affordable housing. I feel like RS want our support, but they also take every opportunity possible to say bad things about us on blogs (ie generalizations about us as neighbors, spoiled because we wanted granite - like we'd sign a lease for granite, etc). Sometimes the blogs are a huge turnoff. We all moved here for the same reason (outside of students) - it was the best deal we could find in the horrid NYC rental market. We all want affordable housing, and would give up the amenities for it.
I want affordable housing for everyone here in Stuy Town. I've nothing against MR tenants and wish they could have the same monetary rental advantages as RS tenants.
I agree that some of the commentary on both ST blogs has been out-of-line. I know for a fact that there are a couple of commentators who appear to willfully exaggerate what's happening in Stuy Town and the behavior of NYU students. If you're an outsider, you'd think this place was one big hellhole, with rampant crime, no working laundry machines, rats jumping off ceilings, dogs crapping and pissing everywhere (well, maybe that's not far from the truth) and an animal house party scene in every student apartment. Things are not THAT horrible here, though I do think it's true that our general quality of life has been appreciably lowered since Tishman Speyer took over.
I almost didn't move here because of these blogs. Luckily I talked to friends and colleagues who live here, and all of them said great things. I haven't had any negative experiences to date, so I'm very lucky (other than normal NYC apt troubles.) I do agree that there are a lot of generalizations and overall exaggerations of truths (not all though.) It's just sad that some of the blogs would actually keep away upstanding community members such as myself. The community is definitely what makes this place! It's just something to keep under consideration with these posts.
In my defense I try to structure my criticisms around Tishman Speyer and the bigger picture of lack of rental affordability for the middle class in Manhattan. Regarding Tishman Speyer and their management of this property, just take a look at the sorry state of the Oval grounds. That will tell you a lot about how this place has degenerated since TS took it over. There actually used to be a nice field of grass at the Oval--all over the Oval--even when MetLife began allowing residents to use the grass area, which had been off limits to residents for decades. From my perspective, which includes living here for years when MetLife was running things, Tishman Speyer has been a lousy steward of this property.
BTW, once in a while, I get a private e-mail from someone who requests info about living here because they want to move in, and I attempt to provide a balanced portrait, always mentioning the good points about residing in Stuy Town.
Previous to moving to Stuytown, I lived for 20 years in the same apartment, and so I clearly understand the concept of creating a community where you live, and respecting neighbors and property.
I just feel that this blog and (much worse) the Lux Living blog, have been using students as a scapegoat to all the bad things that are happening in the property. Tishman Speyer is to be blamed, not us.
And I agree with a previous anonymous post that says MANY people decide NOT to live in Stuytown because of this and the Lux blog. Its really not horrible to live here, I love it! You make it seem as if its the worse place to live in Manhattan, when its probably one of the best!
And PLEASE dont compare students to pigs and dogs. This just makes your student-readers lose respect for you.
I agree that some ...you're an outsider, you'd think this place was one big hellhole, with rampant crime, no working laundry machines, rats jumping off ceilings, dogs crapping and pissing everywhere (well, maybe that's not far from the truth) and an animal house party scene in every student apartment. Things are not THAT horrible here, ....
I agree with you STR except for one thing: there are no working laundry machines!
Apparently some people don't realize that Lux Living is a SATIRE AND PARODYof the situation and living conditions int ST/PCV, and they need to understand that if they are going to read it.
People should read what these blogs are about and understand that there's nothing "inappropriate" about them. ST is residential, was always for families, was never built for dorms. LL clearly states what the blog is about and that it's satire. STR also has a statement of what it's about. Its function isn't to soothe anyone's feelings or retract what's been published. If anyone's offended, if anyone doesn't understand satire, these are not the right blogs to read. Simple. LL isn't worse than STR. It's different. Lots of students everywhere travel to schools and carry their things. The bus issue was funny because of the way it was presented, and that's from a long-time resident's point of view, not a transient dorm dweller's. And no one here who's not a student cares about NYU buses. Everyone can get a metrocard. And the students' complaints are for NYU, not for ST, not for these blogs. These blogs are about the destruction of quality of life in ST and PCV and dorms are part of that destruction. They were never designed to get the "respect" of students. NYU has student newspapers. No one asked or expected students to join the TA. Why would they? But they're taking up the space of people who would care and support the TA's necessary efforts. It's TS and NYU. It's greed with no thought of quality of life for any resident. No reader has the right to censor blog comments. If someone uses the word "fucktard" that's their right. Anyone who's offended should ignore it or go to another blog. Or another country. (And "wined" and "whined" are two different words, no matter where someone's a student.)
I think Lux's blog has a far greater scope than just satire and parody. He does on frequent occasion present factual material and occurrences, without using the sting of satire or parody. That's why a good number of people use it as an updated information central as to what's happening in the complex, and why much of the commentary on his blog reflects that.
I think that anyone that has called this place home for 20, 30, 40 or more years recoils at the notion of this place as a dormitory. For NYU students or any other student body.
It's not about MR vs. RS, it's about home vs. dorm.
I've lived in a dorm. I've lived in a fraternity house. Both have their place and can be a great experience. Just not for adults. With families. With lives. With the expectation of calling this place home past matriculation.
Yes, Lux has become more than what it was at the start but it still has the Lux signature on it. (If anyone reads Lux's comment about Nina you can see the heart and the softness that's not always evident.) No one could have predicted how LL would evolve. In addition to conditions in ST & PCV there was the loss of the TA's forum so it serves other purposes. You can find good, important information on both blogs. But their missions have nothing to do with student life at any school. For NYU's buses and their handicapped students' needs, these are not the blogs for them. They have their own resources and look how quickly their dilemma was resolved. It's surprising that educated people don't get it. Everyone is free to read anything they want but they're not going to change the focus or mission of any blog and they don't have the right to. Nothing should change. Transients are a major factor in the problems here.
Misspelling isn't offensive. It's just funny when it's from NYU edjumacated people. And it's not a sin. Just funny.
Enjoy the blogs but understand that they're about Stuy Town's quality of life, not about NYU. Everyone's welcome to enjoy them because they're fun and funny and often true. But they won't change for anyone. I think the Joy was offended to begin with. And no one said you should go back to your country. It seems reading comprehension isn't a requirement for NYU.
Why would you assume that all of these broad comments are directed to you? I think you may be just a wee bit too sensitive.
My girlfriend has three dogs. I love dogs.
She wants to get a pig, preferably two (god help us all). I will fight this with the last breath of our relationship but that's another matter...
As for you, go wherever you want. It has no bearing on the lives of people that choose to continue to live here.
The real issue is creating and/or supporting a community. Transient tenants take away from that goal--they don't add to it.
You may very well be a fine person but, the very fact that you have one foot in the door and one foot out, makes you a threat to those who are trying to make a life here.
Come and go as you will, but don't expect the rest of us to rally behind your transient goals.
I think most of us would agree that the problem lies with Tishman Speyer, who has pushed turning Stuy Town apartments into dorms. The students are not at fault for taking advantage of this. I know if I were a NYU student, I'd love to be residing here, however temporarily.
Joy, you come across as really naive. If you aspire to be a journalist you have to learn to be objective and not take others views personally. Comments on the STR and LL blogs are not speaking of YOU specifically. Nobody called YOU a dog or a pig.
Both STR and LL have addressed a lot of the problems that Tishman Speyer brought to Stuyvesant Town, albeit in very different approaches. One of those problems is the influx of students, some of which treat the place as a hotel room where they can party like assholes and check out the morning after, leaving a bunch of angry, red-eyed tenants in their wake. Just so we are on the same page Joy, I am not speaking of you specifically, but there are a lot of students who give people like you a bad name.
This is a huge problem to those of us who have kids. We don't want the smell of pot wafting into our apartments and we don't want to be rattled out of bed at 2AM by blaring stereos and we don't want beer bottles shattered outside our windows. I am 44 years old and live a very different lifestyle than that of a 20 year-old.
If you don't like the backlash, address your fellow students. They are the reason people equate NYU students to animals. I don't bring my children to live in NYU dorms and I expect NYU NOT to bring their students to my apartment building.
Being a journalist is not the same being as being a blogger. In a blog, one can put his/her feelings and opinion into the story or comment he/she leaves.I know blogger etiquette very well actually.
And this is exactly what I am doing. And since this is not an article, but a series of posts in response to a (again) non-objective piece , I feel absolutely comfortable in sharing my honest point of view.
let me also just quickly remind everyone that there are hundreds of SVA, PACE, COOPER UNION, HUNTER, and other college students here. Not all students are from NYU! And we are all here for the same reason: stuytown is cheaper than the dorms and much, much more spacious.
and if it weren't for all of the dirty looks i get from other residents (without ever having thrown a party, ever throwing up on the stairs -ew-, or throwing beer bottles outside the window) id say this was the perfect place to live. i love the children, the green space, the community feeling.
if im still in ny when I'm: working, married and with kids, this is exactly where i want to live.
I wish they'd all just move out. This place should never have been turned into a dorm. It's been a disaster from the beginning. I'm sick of being woken up by these fucktards at 4 am.
It's inappropriate to characterize all of them as "fucktards." After all, some of them are dipthongs and others merely slackers...
Some of them seem very nice and wholesome! Luckily, I've not had any major problems with our NYU and other school populations.
Do you live next door to or under any of them?
I haven't had any trouble with NYU students, but I have had trouble with teenagers in RS apts. Interesting.
I've had students above me and next door. Only the ones that were above me a couple of years ago were noise polluters and didn't give a shit about any complaints. The rest have been fairly quiet.
Another thing, in response to the Anonymous who has had trouble with RS teenagers....
Before NYU started placing students in Stuy Town apartments, teenagers and young people were, obviously, RS tenants (in families), and not everything was as rosy as some may paint it. Some of those Epiphany kids and post-Epiphany teens can be very loud and obnoxious late at night, too.
I think the problem is that universities bring a different culture into Stuy Town, a transient one, that considers this place just a temporary home, and in some cases, an animal house. And packing these kids into apartments is not right either, as the quality of life goes down for everyone.
Hard-working, middle-aged, exhausted tenants make the best neighbors. Gotta get up in the morning and go to work and come home too tired to make trouble. That's what got my butt in line all those years ago. Nothing like a job and oppressive responsibility to set you straight.
Meanwhile, the best neighbors I have ever had here are MR tenants. I had a parade of freaks and weirdos living next door to me (read: sharing a bedroom wall) for years and years. Now, for the past 4 years, I have had the best neighbors anyone could EVER ask for.
If the guy upstairs hadn't set the place on fire a year back sending everyone into the hall, I wouldn't have known they still lived next door. I'm still not sure!
They just had a kid and now I am deathly afraid they will take off, leaving me with the possibility that my new neighbors will have a three-way subdivided pad with 4 unrelated vagrants calling it home.
Clearly, not all MR tenants are created equally. Adults with jobs rock. Everyone else needs to roll....
"Another thing, in response to the Anonymous who has had trouble with RS teenagers....
Before NYU started placing students in Stuy Town apartments, teenagers and young people were, obviously, RS tenants (in families), and not everything was as rosy as some may paint it. Some of those Epiphany kids and post-Epiphany teens can be very loud and obnoxious late at night, too."
No doubt. That said, their parents didn't want to get their ass thrown into the street and might just be inclined to 'pull out the belt' to make sure that things didn't get too too far out of hand.
College students know no such bounds. At least not until they wake up 'downtown' and only get one phone call...
We are not lazy or spoiled. We just don't want to walk for 30 minutes to and from campus when there is a free shuttle out there! And please, NYU financial troubles? We are paying the most expensive college tuition in America, which is probably the most expensive in the world! So I don't think it's about being spoiled. It's about getting what you are paying for.
I sympathize with all the tenants who are having bad experiences with NYU students. Believe me, I do. But I just think all these generalizations are getting out of control. I know MANY nice, behaved, polite, and intelligent NYU students who live in Stuy Town, please stop generalizing.
Joy, the articles that address the NYU bus situation state "financial reasons" for the previous elimination of the Stuy Town route. IF the university is struggling financially in any way, there's a creeping sense of entitlement in insisting on special bus service when NYU is not THAT far away.
Is it really a thirty minute walk to NYU? If you live at the eastern end of the complex, it may be a further walk for sure. As I mentioned in another post, I can make it to Chinatown in about 35 minutes, and I live near the middle of Stuy Town.
I hope it's obvious that I, at least, am having a bit of fun with this NYU Stuy Town bus situation. Walking is good for the body and the mind, and I've a feeling that with traffic and the route the bus takes, I could get to NYU faster than that bus. I'm willing to bet on it, as a matter of fact.
Thanks for responding, btw, and with a real name!
While I'm not a student (although I get confused for one on a regular basis by older residents) I agree with Joy completely. There are so many respectable students living amongst us. No good comes of generalizations.
I don't disagree. My concern about NYU students is that they represent a transient population that ultimately doesn't care what happens to Stuyvesant Town--nor should they. A transient population will not fight for tenant rights here nor affordable middle class housing in Stuy Town/Peter Cooper. There's little reason for NYU students to join the tenants association, for instance.
Dear blogger,
Thank you for your quick response.
I agree that most students are not interested in joining the efforts of rent-stabilized tenants. And I understand that unfortunately some few students have ruined the reputation for the many students living in the complex.
What I dont understand, is the aggression I see coming from this blog and the LuxLiving blog (which recently compared students to dogs, and previously to pigs)
Yes we wined, and yes we complained,but we did it to fight for something we believe is our right as students. the bus goes straight to 1st and 26th. Whats the difference if it makes a quick short stop on 14th and 1st??
I chose to live in Stuytown because I knew there was a bus service to and from NYU. So you can imagine my disappointment when I heard about the bus route cancelation. I carry over 3 notebooks, 1 heavy textbook, and a computer to the university everyday. A 30min walk carrying all of that is no fun! And the cold weather is approaching.... I am not lazy, Im just reasonable.
Everyone seems to lose sight of the fact that the reason for whatever bad behavior (by whomever) isn't a question of RS, MR, student or senior, it's because there is no management in place to demand that people behave respectfully of the community. ST/PCV is just too big to be a giant free-for-all in terms of behavior, and that's why MetLife ran things so strictly. Obviously, Tishman Speyer could give a rats ass about how anyone behaves because they're only interested in one thing, and one thing only, and that's CASH. The fact that they are loathe to correct bad behavior by tenants paying top dollar is one of the most despicable practices of their management style.
Had Tishman thought for a second about running ST/PCV as a community, instead of a cash register, they could have been successful. But because they paid way too much, and had a business plan that forced them to act like assholes, well..... If it looks like a duck & acts like a duck....
To be honest, a lot of the comments I read about MR tenants makes me (a non-student, working adult) not want to join the association and fight for affordable housing. I feel like RS want our support, but they also take every opportunity possible to say bad things about us on blogs (ie generalizations about us as neighbors, spoiled because we wanted granite - like we'd sign a lease for granite, etc). Sometimes the blogs are a huge turnoff. We all moved here for the same reason (outside of students) - it was the best deal we could find in the horrid NYC rental market. We all want affordable housing, and would give up the amenities for it.
I want affordable housing for everyone here in Stuy Town. I've nothing against MR tenants and wish they could have the same monetary rental advantages as RS tenants.
I agree that some of the commentary on both ST blogs has been out-of-line. I know for a fact that there are a couple of commentators who appear to willfully exaggerate what's happening in Stuy Town and the behavior of NYU students. If you're an outsider, you'd think this place was one big hellhole, with rampant crime, no working laundry machines, rats jumping off ceilings, dogs crapping and pissing everywhere (well, maybe that's not far from the truth) and an animal house party scene in every student apartment. Things are not THAT horrible here, though I do think it's true that our general quality of life has been appreciably lowered since Tishman Speyer took over.
I almost didn't move here because of these blogs. Luckily I talked to friends and colleagues who live here, and all of them said great things. I haven't had any negative experiences to date, so I'm very lucky (other than normal NYC apt troubles.) I do agree that there are a lot of generalizations and overall exaggerations of truths (not all though.) It's just sad that some of the blogs would actually keep away upstanding community members such as myself. The community is definitely what makes this place! It's just something to keep under consideration with these posts.
In my defense I try to structure my criticisms around Tishman Speyer and the bigger picture of lack of rental affordability for the middle class in Manhattan. Regarding Tishman Speyer and their management of this property, just take a look at the sorry state of the Oval grounds. That will tell you a lot about how this place has degenerated since TS took it over. There actually used to be a nice field of grass at the Oval--all over the Oval--even when MetLife began allowing residents to use the grass area, which had been off limits to residents for decades. From my perspective, which includes living here for years when MetLife was running things, Tishman Speyer has been a lousy steward of this property.
BTW, once in a while, I get a private e-mail from someone who requests info about living here because they want to move in, and I attempt to provide a balanced portrait, always mentioning the good points about residing in Stuy Town.
I understand, and I sympathize with your cause.
Previous to moving to Stuytown, I lived for 20 years in the same apartment, and so I clearly understand the concept of creating a community where you live, and respecting neighbors and property.
I just feel that this blog and (much worse) the Lux Living blog, have been using students as a scapegoat to all the bad things that are happening in the property. Tishman Speyer is to be blamed, not us.
And I agree with a previous anonymous post that says MANY people decide NOT to live in Stuytown because of this and the Lux blog. Its really not horrible to live here, I love it! You make it seem as if its the worse place to live in Manhattan, when its probably one of the best!
And PLEASE dont compare students to pigs and dogs. This just makes your student-readers lose respect for you.
I agree that some ...you're an outsider, you'd think this place was one big hellhole, with rampant crime, no working laundry machines, rats jumping off ceilings, dogs crapping and pissing everywhere (well, maybe that's not far from the truth) and an animal house party scene in every student apartment. Things are not THAT horrible here, ....
I agree with you STR except for one thing: there are no working laundry machines!
Apparently some people don't realize that Lux Living is a SATIRE AND PARODYof the situation and living conditions int ST/PCV, and they need to understand that if they are going to read it.
People should read what these blogs are about and understand that there's nothing "inappropriate" about them. ST is residential, was always for families, was never built for dorms. LL clearly states what the blog is about and that it's satire. STR also has a statement of what it's about. Its function isn't to soothe anyone's feelings or retract what's been published. If anyone's offended, if anyone doesn't understand satire, these are not the right blogs to read. Simple. LL isn't worse than STR. It's different. Lots of students everywhere travel to schools and carry their things. The bus issue was funny because of the way it was presented, and that's from a long-time resident's point of view, not a transient dorm dweller's. And no one here who's not a student cares about NYU buses. Everyone can get a metrocard. And the students' complaints are for NYU, not for ST, not for these blogs. These blogs are about the destruction of quality of life in ST and PCV and dorms are part of that destruction. They were never designed to get the "respect" of students. NYU has student newspapers. No one asked or expected students to join the TA. Why would they? But they're taking up the space of people who would care and support the TA's necessary efforts. It's TS and NYU. It's greed with no thought of quality of life for any resident. No reader has the right to censor blog comments. If someone uses the word "fucktard" that's their right. Anyone who's offended should ignore it or go to another blog. Or another country. (And "wined" and "whined" are two different words, no matter where someone's a student.)
I think Lux's blog has a far greater scope than just satire and parody. He does on frequent occasion present factual material and occurrences, without using the sting of satire or parody. That's why a good number of people use it as an updated information central as to what's happening in the complex, and why much of the commentary on his blog reflects that.
I think that anyone that has called this place home for 20, 30, 40 or more years recoils at the notion of this place as a dormitory. For NYU students or any other student body.
It's not about MR vs. RS, it's about home vs. dorm.
I've lived in a dorm. I've lived in a fraternity house. Both have their place and can be a great experience. Just not for adults. With families. With lives. With the expectation of calling this place home past matriculation.
Yes, Lux has become more than what it was at the start but it still has the Lux signature on it. (If anyone reads Lux's comment about Nina you can see the heart and the softness that's not always evident.) No one could have predicted how LL would evolve. In addition to conditions in ST & PCV there was the loss of the TA's forum so it serves other purposes. You can find good, important information on both blogs. But their missions have nothing to do with student life at any school. For NYU's buses and their handicapped students' needs, these are not the blogs for them. They have their own resources and look how quickly their dilemma was resolved. It's surprising that educated people don't get it. Everyone is free to read anything they want but they're not going to change the focus or mission of any blog and they don't have the right to. Nothing should change. Transients are a major factor in the problems here.
I apologize if I offended anyone by spelling "whined" incorrectly.
And don't worry, you don't have to tell me to go back to my country. Im going as soon as I graduate.
But meanwhile, if you allow me, I'd like to participate in discussions that pertain to ST, my home right now.
I'm certainly not offended by misspellings. (Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.) You can have a voice on my blog whenever you want, Joy.
Misspelling isn't offensive. It's just funny when it's from NYU edjumacated people. And it's not a sin. Just funny.
Enjoy the blogs but understand that they're about Stuy Town's quality of life, not about NYU. Everyone's welcome to enjoy them because they're fun and funny and often true. But they won't change for anyone. I think the Joy was offended to begin with. And no one said you should go back to your country. It seems reading comprehension isn't a requirement for NYU.
Thank you, STR.
And Mr/Ms Anonymous, I was referring to this comment: "Anyone who's offended should ignore it or go to another blog. Or another country."
Of course I was offended! Wouldn't you? If you were:
1. compared to a pig
2. compare to a dog
3. told to go back to your country
there is a fine line between joking and being rude.
But its ok now, im over it.
Lets talk about something else.
Why would you assume that all of these broad comments are directed to you? I think you may be just a wee bit too sensitive.
My girlfriend has three dogs. I love dogs.
She wants to get a pig, preferably two (god help us all). I will fight this with the last breath of our relationship but that's another matter...
As for you, go wherever you want. It has no bearing on the lives of people that choose to continue to live here.
The real issue is creating and/or supporting a community. Transient tenants take away from that goal--they don't add to it.
You may very well be a fine person but, the very fact that you have one foot in the door and one foot out, makes you a threat to those who are trying to make a life here.
Come and go as you will, but don't expect the rest of us to rally behind your transient goals.
I think most of us would agree that the problem lies with Tishman Speyer, who has pushed turning Stuy Town apartments into dorms. The students are not at fault for taking advantage of this. I know if I were a NYU student, I'd love to be residing here, however temporarily.
Joy, you come across as really naive. If you aspire to be a journalist you have to learn to be objective and not take others views personally. Comments on the STR and LL blogs are not speaking of YOU specifically. Nobody called YOU a dog or a pig.
Both STR and LL have addressed a lot of the problems that Tishman Speyer brought to Stuyvesant Town, albeit in very different approaches. One of those problems is the influx of students, some of which treat the place as a hotel room where they can party like assholes and check out the morning after, leaving a bunch of angry, red-eyed tenants in their wake. Just so we are on the same page Joy, I am not speaking of you specifically, but there are a lot of students who give people like you a bad name.
This is a huge problem to those of us who have kids. We don't want the smell of pot wafting into our apartments and we don't want to be rattled out of bed at 2AM by blaring stereos and we don't want beer bottles shattered outside our windows. I am 44 years old and live a very different lifestyle than that of a 20 year-old.
If you don't like the backlash, address your fellow students. They are the reason people equate NYU students to animals. I don't bring my children to live in NYU dorms and I expect NYU NOT to bring their students to my apartment building.
I think you are wrong.
Being a journalist is not the same being as being a blogger. In a blog, one can put his/her feelings and opinion into the story or comment he/she leaves.I know blogger etiquette very well actually.
And this is exactly what I am doing. And since this is not an article, but a series of posts in response to a (again) non-objective piece , I feel absolutely comfortable in sharing my honest point of view.
let me also just quickly remind everyone that there are hundreds of SVA, PACE, COOPER UNION, HUNTER, and other college students here. Not all students are from NYU! And we are all here for the same reason: stuytown is cheaper than the dorms and much, much more spacious.
and if it weren't for all of the dirty looks i get from other residents (without ever having thrown a party, ever throwing up on the stairs -ew-, or throwing beer bottles outside the window) id say this was the perfect place to live. i love the children, the green space, the community feeling.
if im still in ny when I'm: working, married and with kids, this is exactly where i want to live.
She still doesn't address the issue. It's the students that give the student a bad name.
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