Many residents who live around the Oval area or partake of its garden-like surroundings have learned their lesson this year and are making plans to flee the complex this Saturday, a weekly occurrence that should be happening for the rest of July at least.
Yup, it's another "Summer on the Oval" event invading the quiet space of the Oval grounds this Saturday. Ovalicious Mambo ["Ovalicious"?--who thought that up?--yech!] "follows the lives of 10 dynamic young New Yorkers as they experience love, loss, hope and redemption against the urban backdrop of the lower east side in the summer." Oh, good, just what I can see with a five-minute walk down from 14 St, but then again some ST/PCV residents may be too lazy or too fearful of heading down Avenues A, B or C after playing bacci ball or sipping their Joy Luck coffee near the Oval Fountain to experience the LES as it really is. Much better to take in this bullshit art-farted-up performance of clean and non-smelly street life, where, instead of tattooed and pierced gutter punkers, drug lords with their non-muzzled pit bulls and flea-ridden panhandlers reeking of Thunderbird and Night Train Express, you will find spiffy-dressed American Leisure staff giving away balloons to your kids and application forms for Oval Essentials. There will be dancing from the Roschman Dance Company (dancing which looks more like gymnastics to me, but what do I know about the art form) and a freaky salsa band of musicians who can't afford the high rents in Stuyvesant Town or Peter Cooper Village. From 4 to 8pm. And don't forget that "Food Trucks on the Oval" will also be making an appearance. (Residents are advised to keep their children away from the exhaust pipes.)
Event and Food Trucks courtesy Rose Associates.
It's Rose and Associates mission to make life here as unbearable and miserable as possible.
That way more people move out.
The more people that move out, the more people move in. With rents higher than before.
Rose and their predecessors Tishman Speyer had this harrassment policy down to a science.
I have to disagree, though I'm not in favor of several features of what Rose is doing here. I do think the company wants to make life here appealing to residents--but also to non-residents that they are hoping will be future renters. My one major disagreement is that Rose assumes that they need to push all these Oval gimmicks to sell this place, whereas I think the best selling point this place has are the grounds and the oasis-in-Manhattan feel.
The apartments, grounds and location are all the selling points they need. They undermine themselves with the ring toss, dunking booth and demolition derby.
All I know is if I were looking for a place to live and I happened upon one of the Oval noise events I would immediately look elsewhere.
I don't think the people who avail themselves of the Oval fairgrounds are prospective renters or even current renters. Most of them are from outside the complex. Well, that is my observation. I could very well be wrong. I walk around sometimes and look at the people who come to these cheesy events and they just don't look like they live here or would have an interest in living here.
Does anyone know the real reason why Rose is doing these concerts and food trucks? They can't keep up with the important things but they're doing this. Why?
Publicity to attract future renters.
"Publicity to attract future renters."
Or scare them away! No one can move in here and claim they weren't warned!
As per the 7/11 T&V--Adam Rose:
In response to resident’s concerns, Rose said that management is trying to find ways to keep people from being disturbed but still continue to hold the concerts since they are always “well attended” (my parentheses).
“We’re trying to balance the interest of the community" he said, adding that recently, organizers have kept noise in mind when selecting which musicians to book.
He attended a concert on Saturday, June 25, and said “It disturbed nobody* We had three different groups. Everybody has a great time. It’s a very positive program.”
Total bullshit, PR spin. These concerts are to pimp the property. Why any 20 something transient (the current Rose tenant template) would be rent here because of these events is beyond me. No mention of the trucks and their exhausts. I would love to park one outside his home and have him and his family endure carbon monoxide.
Pizza anyone? Woo Hoo!
Bullshit, that they are well attended. I'll pick up T&V tomorrow and have more on this.
I went across the Oval a couple of Saturdays ago and there was a woman mooing like a cow in labor into a microphone. I hurried my pace! There weren't many people there and it was a beautiful day. What makes these party planners think people want to go out on a lovely day and listen to substandard "talent?" We can put our iPods on thank you very much and listen to real music and not disturb anyone!
"It disturbed nobody"
Really? You personally asked all 40,000+ tenants what they thought after the circus tent was erected?
PUH-LEASE! Stop talking!
They are POORLY attended as you can see in most of the photos on your site STR.
5:26pm just doesn't get it.
Adam Rose is imitating Jerry's Fat Ass. He's a piece of crap too. His bs will keep on coming. Screw you, Adam. You can pretend to be open to people's opinions but you'll continue making this place a circus. Screw you and your stupid-ass quotes, trucks and concerts. You're Speyer crap in a different package.
I think 5:26pm was commenting about Adam Rose's comment.
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