On occasion I receive interesting photos from Stuy Town Report readers, and here's a bunch that arrived in my mailbox in the last couple of weeks or so.
A reader sent in several photos of Security vehicles parked in a No Standing zone that's close to 14th St. I see this all the time, too. I guess it's better than seeing them parked near a food truck on the Oval. (BTW, there's been an absence of food trucks the last couple of days, but I don't think we should breathe freely just yet.) The photo below shows one car in the No Standing zone. On occasion I see more cars behind the sign.
Some controversy arose as to just how popular the Summer Oval events were. Photos don't lie, and here's another set, but not from me. I didn't take any photos of this particular event, held on July 16, but I did pass it by, and, yes, it was poorly attended, as the photos show. Only a couple of the summer events were successes; the rest were a big FAIL and a waste of money and energy.
The Green Market area badly impacts the southern part of the Oval Lawn. Remarkably, we've had a commentator think it looks okay. Perhaps that was Adam Rose or Maya Autret. A reader sent in a photo showing how okay it is. When it rains, it's mudsville.
The 522 East 20 St. building has been mentioned before. (That's the one maintenance staff carts furniture and other bulky tenant garbage out of, waking up the entire neighborhood in the process.) A resident of that building sent us photos of just what a dump that place is. Remarkable.
The terrace level. I've been informed that this is the door you see when you wait for an elevator. Can you imagine bringing in company to your 4K market rate apartment and having them see this? How about a paint job at least?
Walk through the door and you'll find The Dump. Did someone say "fire hazard"?
A couple of months ago, the pipe in the stairway was redone (or some such thing). Happened in other buildings, too. But gaping holes, with wads of insulation (hopefully not aesbestos-related), still haven't been plugged up and painted over.
A couple of holes in the wall on the M level. Apparently they are too high up to be glory holes.
That's all, folks! At least for now.