After a couple of months of blatant furniture dumping by departing residents at incorrect hours of deposit along Stuy Town walkways, Rose Associates informed Lux of the Lux Living Facebook and Stuy Town Living website that the company would take the tough measure of back charging those residents' security deposits for this violation. Said Adam Rose: “We are checking the cameras for people dumping garbage on move outs, and then back charging their security deposits."
The problem still persists, as can be seen by these photos (which also show a couple of exposed stained mattresses).
Now here's what I don't understand. If our award-winning security monitoring system is catching these activities, why are they not being stopped as they occur? Typically, the furniture dumping is of several items that take many minutes to place on the sidewalk from inside a building. Could it just be that no one is really paying attention to the security monitors? Or is our security team just not up to the task? Or is this just another way to make money for a disposal service that used to be done by maintenance once upon a pleasant time?
Whatever the case, it's a persistent FAIL.
In the days before Rose, when MetLife ran the complex, we never had a problem with furniture dumping because we did not have a transient population. Putting unwanted furniture down in the carriage rooms was standard practice. There wasn't that much of it because people didn't move in and out all the time. We also had staff who would remove any discarded furniture from the carriage rooms. Now we are supposed to drag our unwanted furniture to the curb and do the job that management used to pay people to do. This is all part of the reduction in services and general slumification of the PCVST. Rose can go to hell.
And management, both TS and now Rose Associates, is going after that transient population as potential renters. That's the thing. Management is actively promoting Stuy Town to the very people who will be dumping furniture in the summer months!
You can't quadruple the population and expect anything to stay the same. This place wasn't built for flex 4s, dorms, hotels, all those people and their garbage. Come on. How will they identify people from tapes? If I ever get rid of furniture I will never drag it to any curb. Slumification is right. The problems they have now are what they caused with their greed and they will continue.
I feel like I died and went to he'll.
Anon @6:02 PM
And tonight the rented box trucks are parked all along Peter Cooper Road, just waiting to haul away all of the garbage dumped by the trannies.
As a longtime tenants who has seen the property go to hell since Rose, Tishman, Rose came on the scene, I resent being expected to work for Management as well as pay rent. Management should continue to dispose of garbage the way they always did. It's not our fault that the property is in default. We didn't engage in the chicanery and avarice-drive opportunism that backfired and brought the property to where it is now. I refuse to pay rent and work for Management! As for the transients who cause all the dumping, mess and noise, it is really not their fault either because they were suckered in to pay exhorbitant rents for substandard accommodation by the same blood-sucking hucksters. Let Management clean up the crap. As for me, what doesn't fit into the garbage chute gets left in the carriage room. I don't have furniture to dispose of, but if I did I would not bust my back schlepping it any further than the carriage room. I can understand when it comes to large things like couches, dining room tables, etc., it is only courtesy to notify management and ask them to take it away and pay a small fee. But a broken vacuum cleaner, small television, computer, etc. - carriage room!
Another failed "policy" of Rose ASSociates. All talk, no walk.
If you look closely, you will see four security vehicles parked in the 14th street loop dumpsters photo, including one in the No Standing Anytime (where the yellow stripes are) Zone.
How much do you want to bet that the other car in the No Standing Anytime Zone belongs to a security employee.
The garbage trucks lined up on PC Road are there every night and weekend and that is no less offensive than the slobs who dump.
Rose simply does not care.
Well that's not fair. There's plenty of "walk."
They expect you to walk all of your crap out to the curb. And they're still talkin'...
Does anyone on this site ever walk down a random street in the East Village? Furniture dumping happens everywhere and Stuy Town paths and streets are cleaner than any of the surrounding blocks. If you disagree, post a pic of the most beautiful block between 14th and Houston and 1st and the river and I'll counter with 4 nicer pics in Stuy Town. This is NYC - its crowded and sometimes things get messy. If you don't like it, abandon your rent-controlled apartment and move to a pristine 55 and over community in Florida or the midwest.
There aren't and there never were any rent-controlled apartments here. Stuyvesant Town never looked like this, not even when Tishman Speyer was here. Stuyvesant Town is overcrowded because they made flex 3 and 4 apartments out of normal 1 & 2 bedroom apartmenst. There's a transient population which is why there's so much junk at least twice a month. Get your facts straight before you make more of a fool of yourself. Clearly you're one of the transients. How old are your parents, moron? How dare you insult people who are older than you and who have every right to decent quality of life? You're ignorant to start with, you dont know what you're talking about and so you should STFU.
Oh, here we go again. Yup, it's only those of us with no arms, no legs withering away on oxygen tanks in our "rent-controlled" apartments that complain about trash.
You know what, in some parts of Africa people are executed by "necklacing"... Google it if you dare. Should we accept that as well?
PS - There are no rent-controlled apartments in Stuyvesant Town or Peter Cooper Village.
You're an idiot. First off, you're comparing Apples to Oranges. The east village isn't now and never was as nice as ST/PCV. Secondly, they arent dumping furniture there. They are putting it out for pick up by sanitation. Finally, I will not give up my long term rent stabilized home because some narcissist thinks ST looks good to them!
ROFLMAO Lux Living!!!!
@1.38. “55 and over”. Yes, time to pull out that old canard. Listen sweetheart, as I have posted before, youth will always be served, that’s a fact of life. However, as a wise man said once before, being young and stupid is no way to go through life. I know that Daddy pays the bill and you don’t’ give a shit but you do realize that you also live in a rent stabilized apartment? Now, go along now, on to the 13th Step or The Sunburnt Cow to meet the Master of the Universe of your dreams. . After all, one cliché deserves another.
MINUS 1 for tranny @ 1:35 PM
Look into the painter strike. There's probably something worthwhile there you may find disgusting regarding Rose crapping on its own employees in addition to tenants.
I should have something to say about that this weekend.
Have you ever had your apartment painted by these guys? I wouldn't pay them minimun wage!
Please address the painting situation. Those folks
need the publicity. Rose is busting their union.
I've had my apartment painted by them several times and they did a very good job. Unfortunately, over the years the quality of the paint that they use (unless you want to use your own and then they make you pay a fee - even though you bought the paint!) has declined and it is little more than whitewash. There's a catch 22 with using your own paint: you have to pay to have the walls restored to their former "glory" when you move out.
Sounds like a Management problem as opposed to a Union problem.
I, for one, am completely surprised...
They painted my apartment or should I say parts of my apartment. They missed huge areas, got paint all over the wood and made a general mess of the job, one idiot actually painted the baseboard. You can see and feel the different levels where they patched since they dont sand. I simply use them as prep for when I fix the crappy job they did by painting over their work when they are done. As much as I detest Rose I am with them on this one. Bust the union, hire some unemployed people to replace them, after all its painting not rocket science.
I thought the guy who painted our apartment like a year and a half ago was great! The painting office bought the paint for us--we gave them the colors, so yes, eventually we'll have to restore it to that prison white again. But he did a great job and didn't overtake our apartment or make it difficult to get around. The only bad thing was I wanted to use VOC free paint and the guy at the painting office said it would cost like 7 times as much and he couldn't find it. So I went with regular Benjamin Moore, but again, very nice colors chosen by our interior designer. I would not trust some hourly guy who's not part of the painter's union to do my walls the next time, so I would hire one outside of Stuytown if they don't go back to using union guys.
Rose employees are doing the vast majority of the dumping. Has anyone else noticed how so many piles appear almost simultaneously? No one here really thinks that all of these transients simply decide to throw out all of their plaid sofas, vinyl records and coffee percolators at the very same time?!?
Just one more way that Rose has facilitated the conversion of the property into something more closely resembles the Great Kills landfill.
Management is dumping all this crap out on the property, NOT tenants. If Management (or MISmanagement as they should be called) are going to start fining people, they need to start with their own employees!
I may start throwing crap out of my window. No keycard record there...
That is a nice table, is it still out there?
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