First, came a new guardbooth, cute and nice. And then came the cutting and pulling out of plantings that obstructed the view from the guardbooth--not so nice and leaving the area on the bare side, but probably a necessary evil if you are going to have a guardbooth where once stood a mini putting green with fauna and trees embracing it....
Unfortunate about the loss of what makes the Oval inviting--greenery, foliage, trees--but what can one do? Progress. Next comes the long-promised fir "Christmas" tree, an addition to the plantings on the Oval....
Okay. Fine. Should be very nice. Will grow. But where does management place this baby Christmas tree? Nearby the guardbooth and blocking a view of the Oval and beyond!....
Photo taken near guardbooth, looking out.
So, on one hand, foliage is removed that obstructed a view, and then a tree was set up that obstructs the view. Makes sense, doesn't it?
Beyond the Christmas tree... rumor as it that
management is thinking on putting an ice skating rink
in playground #1 this winter.
Is the rumor true?
It could be much, much worse. Take our Cooper Square Management, PLEASE!
An ice-skating rink??? First I've heard of it.
Hey, 9:13. How are they going to keep the ice frozen when the average winter temps in NYC are above freezing? Lots of ice cubes from Oval Ice?!?
"ice skating rink" Residents and their guests only, of course. Ha!
Ice, decorated with copious clumps of frozen dog turds...
It'll be just like Wollman Rink ;-)
Management took out the 2 "NO BIKES RIDING" signs from the free standing stands today, (Front of playground 12). Looks like bike riding is now allowed
& welcome throughout STV&PC!
All pedestrians are now required to walk to the very edges of the paths. Do not cross. Make sure to keep
children & pets near you at all time & be courteous to the speed demons!
Thank you.
Typical: They can't enforce the rules, so they eliminate the rules.
Rose's management skills are even poorer than Tishman Speyer's and lord knows TS was at the bottom of the barrel. I hope they have a lot of insurance because anyone who gets hit by a bicycle should sue their asses off for allowing this.
I think the word for Rose's style of management is "inefectual." They are just a puppet company with no real skills or authority.
Update: It is not a guard booth, it is a toll booth...
Lux wrote a post about the bike riding rule change yesterday:
The Rose motto: We're not up to enforcing rules, so let's change them!
Thank you Rose.
Now I can get my food delivery a lot faster and warmer!
I even gave the delivery guy a big tip so that he can get
a faster and bigger electric bike.
Thank you, Thank you clever Rose.
Wait a minute...wait a minute!!!
If we abolish ALL of the rules we don't have to put out all of these edicts and contradict ourselves all of the time (says the Rose Army...)
Soon, prostitution will be acceptable on the corner of 20th and 1st. Not encouraged, mind you, but permissible--as long as it is done safely.
And, frankly, there's nothing Rose can do about it so they might as well set up some guidelines for acceptable behavior. To be changed, ignored and, ultimately, retracted...
How about we stop paying rent? If Rose had to enforce that law and have us all in Housing Court, it would surely tie up their resources so much that they would have their asses kicked out by CW or whatever that sleazy "servicer" is. I vote for rent strike!
Any rules for snow mobiles yet?
First of all, all your negative nancy blog posts need to take a chill pill along with a reality check. Rose is doing a great job at transforming the property and it's still in improvement. As a tenant here for over 20 years you sir have nothing better to do than take pictures of trees and make a blog about it. You my friend, need a reality check and stop making our neighborhood feel like it's junk by writing all bad stuff about it. Get out of our town!!
I'm still waiting for my building to get an interior plastering and painting, and for the hallways to be vacuumed.
Rose IS doing a great job transforming the property... into a college dorm! Like a rotating door. Children in. Children out. Pressure walls up. Pressure walls down. Flipping those apartments. Raising those rents. Pretty soon we'll have 11,000 market rate apartments and still no one in their right mind will want to live here. WHY WOULD THEY?
How to make $$ in STVPC:
It's here, it's real, Love... your negative Nancy.
I'm assuming that now Rose has adopted a Laissez Faire attitude towards rules and regulations, we don't have to recycle anymore. I'm glad of that because it's a nuisance having to wash and sort bottles, cans and plastic containers, as well as having to shred and bundle paper stuff and then take it all down to those bins. If they don't care, I don't care!
Hey, anon October 8, 2011 1:35 AM:
Perhaps it is time to slip back into that twenty year coma. It's clear that you haven't been living amongst the rest of us these past two decades.
"Rose is doing a great job at transforming the property and it's still in improvement."
Yes, back in the day, I heard that Claudius was quite an improvement over Caligula
...and Nero took over to burn STVST
Things must be improving financially for Rose ASS. since they finally found the funds to replace the bulb in the street lamp up on playground #1 after not being able to afford to replace it for the entire summer. Those concerts must take a big bite out of the maintenace budget.
I wish their maintenance budget could stretch to sending someone to vacuum the carpet in the hallways. My hallway hasn't been vacuumed in MONTHS. Ah well, a slum is a slum is a slum. I guess we have to be grateful that the elevators still just about work, though they are showing distinct signs of lack of maintenance when the creek and groan and stop between floors. The washers and dryers are just about clapped out too. We went from Speyer Houses to the Rose Projects.
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