Hipsters vs. Immigrants
No "war" really evident in this BBC clip, but if you watch it to the end, the pattern becomes obvious.
NYC neighborhoods: Immigrants > Artists > Hipsters/Yunnies/Whatever. Bottom line: The old "cheap" (ie, affordable) neighborhoods get eventually transformed into streets of highrises with high rents.
I notice in the video clip that the kid in the Vespa store describes "young professionals" as the creme de la creme of New York society. Oh my! Haven't we gone down the terlit, New York! Creme de la creme! More like creme de la crap from the look of the dweebs in ski hats and Converse sneakers!
Gentrification, see:
It may be happening all over New York but it's worse for us due to the density of PCVST. Thousands of apartments filled with these people packed 4 to a dorm, as the Craigs List ad in the previous post indicates.
Way too cool for me.
HA. This group is almost a replica of two / two bedroom flats on our floor now. Except there are 5 in one of the apartments here. Apartment 1 tenants hasve now met up with apartment 2 and they congregate in the hall, go back and forth from both homes slamming doors and acting like they are 12 year old kids.
Who votes that nyu administration install wall to wall carpets in all stuy pcv student housing?
3 here (self, spouse and 5 yo) haven't slept in months!
If you really havent been able to sleep for 3 months and you havent SUED CW and/or Rose then you desrve what you get. It's past time for people to stop complaining and help themselves.
My downstairs neighbors come home between 3 am and 6 am and start putting beds together, talking at top volume, playing music, etc. They are in the fashion industry and Fashion Week is HELL for me! They don't care that some of us work regular day jobs and need sleep too! I guess they are able to sleep all day. Wish I could just get some shut-eye overnight.
Just read this article about an apartment search company for college students called MyStudentApartment.com.
“This summer they will have close to 2000 elevator accessible properties available in Stuyvesant Town in the East Village. They currently receive $3,000 to $4,500 in commissions for each Stuy Town property they rent out.”
Could this be true?
It's becoming obvious that the recent R U S H of renovating apartments is necessary for the largest influx of students requiring housing for Summer 2012.
“This summer they will have close to 2000 elevator accessible properties available in Stuyvesant Town in the East Village. They currently receive $3,000 to $4,500 in commissions for each Stuy Town property they rent out.”
Astounding, and I suspect very true. No wonder this place is filling up with students with such a commission.
I am wondering if the influx of students into these sliced and diced apartments is Management's not-too-subtle way of harassing long term tenants out?
A legal question.
NYC neighbor to neighbor noise-related disputes are already notoriously difficult to resolve. So if the city is gonna allow landlords to provide housing to full-time students in residential apt buildings, can schools and parents also be made to bear some responsibility when full time students become chronically disruptive?
Again, have the colleges install wall to wall carpeting in the dorms here. or for that matter, 70% of the buildings.
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