Our landlord, BLACKSTONE, can't handle Stuy Town and Peter Cooper Village. There is a lack of enforcement of certain "rules," and no amount of notice to this alleviates the problems. We are continually being told half-truths and fabrications. And we have no viable Tenants organization, despite our TA asking for dues all the time. So far, the politicians have proven to be basically useless. A typical New York story.
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Stuy Music
Packing them in! Photos taken around 6:30 to 7:00pm
If you look at the full size of those photos, you will see that even with that captive "audience," no one is really paying attention. More concerned with their picnic and their kids.... What a farce.
The problem with those few dozen attendees is that they are vocal bullies. Rick would then have to deal with these pains in the asses if he ever considered getting rid of events, which we know isn’t happening without the intervention of a city agency regarding these commercial events in residential spaces.
And the crap events will continue all summer with management thumbing their noses at those of us who are complaining. A dozen or a hundred attendees. We are at their mercy. Posters who keep saying we can change all this are incorrect.
What a disgrace! The noise pollution by this third-rate "band" is a true assault on the peace and quiet of the Oval residents. A true outrage! Ronald Reagan said, "Tear this wall down, Mr. Gorbachev". I say, "Turn this fu*kin' noise off. Mr. Rick Hydick". Enough already!
I happened to walk through the Oval last night while the so-called musicians were playing and I have to say that the NOISE they were making was absolutely DREADFUL!!!!! I feel very sorry for those affected by this horrible situation. Rick Hayduk should be ashamed of himself for allowing this kind of harassment to go on here.
Posters who keep saying we can change all this are incorrect.
Not true, but, unfortunately, the TA doesn’t have the guts to go after Blackstone and Hayduk, who are in violation of the zoning laws for this property at every concert and movie and at the Greenmarket and the Cafe because they don’t check IDs. Under the zoning laws, these “amenities” are legally permissable ONLY if they’re restricted to residents and their guests. That’s where Blackstone is vulnerable and where a legal case can be made against them. Has anyone here ever seen Public Safety check the ID of anyone in attendance at any of theses amenities?
Passed the Five Turd Cafe yesterday during the Friday night entertainment. Was not loud except maybe for those in the building. Motley crew outside, dogs and lots of kids. Not my cup of tea. Totally low class.
>>Not true, but, unfortunately, the TA doesn’t have the guts to go after Blackstone and Hayduk, who are in violation of the zoning laws for this property at every concert and movie and at the Greenmarket and the Cafe because they don’t check IDs. Under the zoning laws, these “amenities” are legally permissable ONLY if they’re restricted to residents and their guests. That’s where Blackstone is vulnerable and where a legal case can be made against them. Has anyone here ever seen Public Safety check the ID of anyone in attendance at any of theses amenities?<<
That's my reading of the law. Somebody is in serious violation of it, but, if "they" can get away with it, why not?
Yet warnings appear not enough, judging by the inaction.... You know, there is a quote from John Paul Jones that I'm reminded of...
Roaches at the eColi 5 Turd Pig Stuy Town Café. Yummy! Love that overpriced "artisanal" food. Nothing like paying ten bucks for a dried out, tasteless "treat." At least they have the Friday night "musicians". Hahahaha... We are SO lucky.
There are no rules here, other than paying your rent. The house rules are a complete joke and management doesn’t follow a single city law.
1) No bikes in the oval - but golf carts are allowed to speed through there. Maybe we should all get golf carts!!
2) 80% carpet coverage - except for all new tenants. It’s a waste of time for them to enforce this in people who only plan to stay here for 1 year.
3) No dogs over 70lbs - except for the hundreds of dogs that already here that weigh over 70lbs.
4) Don’t confront your neighbors if they are being noisy - but security will be of absolutely no help. Just deal with it ok - otherwise we will come after you if you confront your noisy neighbors.
5) Dump your shit everywhere - all the cool kids are doing it!
We need a new TA. Apart from keeping up a carefully monitored facebook page (where threads are closed down if they get too many people speaking the unvarnished truth), the TA does NOTHING. Absolutely NOTHING. They should just go away. I'd like them to open the books though because they are definitely hiding something and are probably self-dealing.
Can we get a court order to make them open the books? I think that Trump will release his tax returns before the TA opens their books. They should be forced to open their books, especially as they are getting hand-outs from corrupt politicians.
Don't let anyone discourage you from standing up for yourself and your rights. The landowners have a lot of vulnerabilities that are the same as the TA Board. Open the books, for one. The thousands of bulk leases to foundations and corporations for another. The leasing practices of rent stabilized apartments are unlawful here. The rent calculations on renovated apartment could use an audit for what we are paying versus what we are getting the numbers do not add up. For that fact the rent calculations on all of the apartment likely do not add up. The zoning is in violation. The Oval Concierge is sketchy as all heck. The hotel apartments area rampant. The dorms are bringing in sulfuric acid. The infrastructure is crumbling from overpopulation stress. The noise is at all time high levels of pollution. The crowds and pollution is increasing with the dock traffic polluting the water, air and with noise. The squirrels are dying due to lack of trees for homes. A class action suit with facts and evidence would be victorious just as Roberts was.
Taxing the pied a terres who are laundering money in NY real estate. Now that is rich. How about instead the politicians pass laws to stop the laundering of money in NY real estate?
I cannot for the life of me fathom how tenants can move in here and pay over 4 grand rent. Just looking around at the numerous and ever increasing rolling suitcase Airbnb’s and students would dissuade anyone. Not to mention the garbage and mattresses strewn about which sometimes lie there all day.
StuyTown landlords present and past are dining with Trump next week, Blackstone Stephen Schwarzman and BlackRock Larry Fink.
Our city councilman is a former lobbyist for Trump and to keep advancing his career he has to keep the big players happy no matter how unhappy the constituents are.
That is who we are up against in our fight for quality of life matters. They play in a big league, and so must we. We can get serious and file class action suits if we chose to do so. The photo they chose for the article is priceless.
Queens and Bronx did it when they ousted Crowley. StuyTown can do it just as Queens and Bronx did. We deserve no less.
Revealed: the financiers invited to dine with Donald Trump HSBC chair Mark Tucker and L&G boss Nigel Wilson are among an exclusive cohort of finance execs who will meet the US president next week
Senior City figures including HSBC chairman Mark Tucker and Legal & General chief Nigel Wilson are among an exclusive cohort of financial services executives that plan to attend a black tie dinner with Donald Trump in the UK next week.
The dinner, hosted by Prime Minister Theresa May, is scheduled to take place on Thursday night during the US president’s controversial three-day visit to the UK, during which he is expected to meet the Queen at Windsor Castle.
Other senior executives that plan to attend the dinner include BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman, CMC Markets chief Peter Cruddas and Richard Gnodde, the head of Goldman Sachs’ European business.
3:41 pm poster!! where do you want them to go? The high rents are due to the lack of housing in Manhattan. They'd have lower prices if there were more inventory. Care to depart and give them your place?????????????????????????
This place caters to dogs. There are numerous over 50 pounders and many residents have two dogs. That Five Turd cafe is full of them and yesterday the farmers market was full of them. The management arranges all kinds of dog events. This place has literally gone to the dogs. Not to mention the dog crap.
July 8 comment pretty much lists the developers of Stuyvesant Town and if you recall that includes that HSBC bank was the bank for Bernie Madoff investors all whom invested in the destroying of the middle class for the Bernie Madoff class of people.
Last night went into Stuy Cafe to try their frozen yougurt. Notice there are no small cups. When you fill up an entire cup with yougurt and toppings it's weighed at .79/oz and I saw the woman in front of me shell out ~$15 for her cup of yougurt!. My cup was half filled w/no toppings and came to over $7!!. Best buy - go to 16 Handles - more flavors, much less $, smaller cups and cones.
Also, after the movie last week guess saw families walking out of Stuy Town with all their kids, crossing over 14th St. into Alphabet City. The movies may be ??well attended but not by ST. residents.
Okay - so tonight there were literal lawn chairs and tables - white - on the Oval.
I called Security. They were flabbergasted and knew nothing about it.
I then called Resident Services. The poor nice young woman put me on hold to try to learn WHY LAWN CHAIRS AND TABLES were out on the abused, exploited, debased and degraded Oval. She was gone quite a long time. She knew nothing about it.
STR: a while back you wrote that you'd heard "suits" (predators, evil, sick, soul-dead s.o.b.'s) declare the Oval "a resource" as they walked around it en masse.
(or maybe get off of your deck chair on the Titanic and just jump into the sea. You will undoubtedly be better off there, and far from this SINKING SHIP.)
P.S.: I walked by the river a bit later. I've never seen so many people. We are finished.
I saw the suits again yesterday. Walking with Rick. They didn't need the suits, cause it was getting warm, so they took them off. All of these folks are the same. White, not poor, looking as if they do a moderate amount of weight-training, but not too much. They all looked clean and presentable. Did I say "white"? All of them look like clones of each other. And white. Clean.
Oh, I forgot to say that all of them looked as if they don't have a care in the world. They, the suits, are satisfied with the way things are going and looking here. Good job, Rick!
>>Okay - so tonight there were literal lawn chairs and tables - white - on the Oval.<<
There are plenty of rules, but they, except for a few, are not enforced. Instead, PS now has a lot of "officer Joes." Smiling, talking to residents....
Those chairs and tables were 100% put there by management. They are f’ing liars for even trying to say they didn’t know about them.
They close the oval on Monday’s for “rejuvenation” of the grads. Was the oval actually closed yesterday?
Rick and crew are good at some things, but under all the good are vindictive evil people. I know Rick is doing Blackstone’s work, but it takes a special type of sick person to follow through with what he does. Rick and team are all sick people who smile while behind the scenes figuring out more ways to destroy this place.
The Stuytown landlord Blackstone owner Steve Schwarzman dressed up in a costume as Aristotle Onassis at a party with Paris Hilton, Blaine Trump and nearly naked men - some mixing bondage gear. That is what we can expect in the Oval.
At Bronson van Wyck’s wild, Greek-myth-themed birthday party in Mykonos, Greece, nearly naked men — some mixing bondage gear with their epic attire — partied with Paris Hilton, Meredith Melling, Blaine Trump and Steve Schwarzman, among others.
Duran Duran gave a surprise performance at the top party planner’s “Homeric Ball” in the ruins of a Doric temple at an abandoned iron factory perched on a cliff overlooking the sea.
Van Wyck — who has organized parties for megastars such as Madonna and Diddy — was dressed as Dionysus, while Hilton and Melling both came as Helen of Troy, and Schwarzman as a different kind of Greek legend — Aristotle Onassis.
"Okay - so tonight there were literal lawn chairs and tables - white - on the Oval.
I called Security. They were flabbergasted and knew nothing about it.
I then called Resident Services. The poor nice young woman put me on hold to try to learn WHY LAWN CHAIRS AND TABLES were out on the abused, exploited, debased and degraded Oval. She was gone quite a long time. She knew nothing about it."
Security was flabbergasted?! What the fucking hell do they do with their time and why are we paying for cameras that are supposed to keep an eye on the entire property? This place has become a total shithouse and we are paying through the nose for "security" that we simply do not have. Management is the biggest bunch of liars, thieves and frauds and I actually think they should put up or shut up. Rick, you are a FAILURE. A BIG FAILURE. GO BACK TO BOCA!
Is everyone’s favorite male cheerleader serious about NYC becoming more bike friendly?? NYC has been extremely bike friendly for the past 5 years.
I have no problem with bikers and biking in general, I think it’s great, and I bike almost every day. However, the number of people that follow the rules of the road while on a bicycle are microscopic, and this puts pedestrians and themselves in danger.
Stand on the corner of 23rd and First for 15 minutes and tell me the total number of rule followers (in bike lane and stopping at red light before the intersection).
Again I have no problem with biking, but we need respectful rule followers otherwise things will continue to get more dangerous.
I think that bikes should be banned in Manhattan and that adults on scooters look really, really stupid. They remind me of those poor chimps who are forced to ride bicycles at the circus, the only difference being is that the chimps have more intelligence, but no choice and are forced to do what they do.
Bikes were put onto the streets for reasons you wouldn't believe if I told you. Well, maybe one of these days I'll tell you.
The reasons AIN'T good.
They are dangerous beyond belief. They endanger: every driver and every pedestrian.
New York City is NO place for bikes except in parks and the like.
Just take a look at the attitudes, postures, facial expressions and DRIVING of bikers. Ain't good, ain't safe and ain't sane.
In plenty of other countries, including European countries, people employ them for simple TRANSPORTATION and follow the rules and employ courtesy and intelligence.
Humans here in the cities are just soooooo full of themselves (even the seniors), and sooooo sure they are cool, entitled, and all of that bulls**t), it is nauseating, laughable, pathetic, and in this case: dangerous, dangerous, dangerous.
Speaking of "bullshit:" it is just fine, as is "horseshit" since they are good fertilizers and contribute to the welfare of other living organisms. It is, however, PEOPLESHIT that DESTROYS EVERYTHING!
Rick nowhere to be seen. I understand.
Maybe I should have titled this "A Great Resource," courtesy of the Blackstone suits.
Rick, be merciful and put an end to this noise/music. Almost every day!
Rick wouldn't lower himself to go to one of these "events," but he will subject a captive audience to be harassed by this shit.
Oval events... enjoyed by dozens!!
"Oval events... enjoyed by dozens!!"
Despised by thousands ... captive audiences in the privacy, "peace and quiet" of their homes.
The sad treeless oval with crappy band on a cheap stage
If you look at the full size of those photos, you will see that even with that captive "audience," no one is really paying attention. More concerned with their picnic and their kids.... What a farce.
The problem with those few dozen attendees is that they are vocal bullies. Rick would then have to deal with these pains in the asses if he ever considered getting rid of events, which we know isn’t happening without the intervention of a city agency regarding these commercial events in residential spaces.
And the crap events will continue all summer with management thumbing their noses at those of us who are complaining. A dozen or a hundred attendees. We are at their mercy. Posters who keep saying we can change all this are incorrect.
What a disgrace!
The noise pollution by this third-rate "band" is a true assault on the peace and quiet of the Oval residents.
A true outrage!
Ronald Reagan said, "Tear this wall down, Mr. Gorbachev".
I say, "Turn this fu*kin' noise off. Mr. Rick Hydick".
Enough already!
Their entire plan is to harrsss the tenants out and fill the apartments with government assisted tenants.
Renovate, Renovate, RENOVATE. H O P E L E S S !!!!
So much for the TA having ANY say in ANY matter!
I happened to walk through the Oval last night while the so-called musicians were playing and I have to say that the NOISE they were making was absolutely DREADFUL!!!!! I feel very sorry for those affected by this horrible situation. Rick Hayduk should be ashamed of himself for allowing this kind of harassment to go on here.
There is no TA.
Posters who keep saying we can change all this are incorrect.
Not true, but, unfortunately, the TA doesn’t have the guts to go after Blackstone and Hayduk, who are in violation of the zoning laws for this property at every concert and movie and at the Greenmarket and the Cafe because they don’t check IDs. Under the zoning laws, these “amenities” are legally permissable ONLY if they’re restricted to residents and their guests. That’s where Blackstone is vulnerable and where a legal case can be made against them. Has anyone here ever seen Public Safety check the ID of anyone in attendance at any of theses amenities?
Passed the Five Turd Cafe yesterday during the Friday night entertainment. Was not loud except maybe for those in the building. Motley crew outside, dogs and lots of kids. Not my cup of tea. Totally low class.
I think Hayduk and other Blackstone big shots avoid these "events" if they can. Good for the plebs that live here, but otherwise....
>>Not true, but, unfortunately, the TA doesn’t have the guts to go after Blackstone and Hayduk, who are in violation of the zoning laws for this property at every concert and movie and at the Greenmarket and the Cafe because they don’t check IDs. Under the zoning laws, these “amenities” are legally permissable ONLY if they’re restricted to residents and their guests. That’s where Blackstone is vulnerable and where a legal case can be made against them. Has anyone here ever seen Public Safety check the ID of anyone in attendance at any of theses amenities?<<
That's my reading of the law. Somebody is in serious violation of it, but, if "they" can get away with it, why not?
Yet warnings appear not enough, judging by the inaction.... You know, there is a quote from John Paul Jones that I'm reminded of...
Roaches at the eColi 5 Turd Pig Stuy Town Café.
Love that overpriced "artisanal" food.
Nothing like paying ten bucks for a dried out, tasteless "treat."
At least they have the Friday night "musicians".
We are SO lucky.
Who is going to make the legal case against them? We have no TA.
There are no rules here, other than paying your rent. The house rules are a complete joke and management doesn’t follow a single city law.
1) No bikes in the oval - but golf carts are allowed to speed through there. Maybe we should all get golf carts!!
2) 80% carpet coverage - except for all new tenants. It’s a waste of time for them to enforce this in people who only plan to stay here for 1 year.
3) No dogs over 70lbs - except for the hundreds of dogs that already here that weigh over 70lbs.
4) Don’t confront your neighbors if they are being noisy - but security will be of absolutely no help. Just deal with it ok - otherwise we will come after you if you confront your noisy neighbors.
5) Dump your shit everywhere - all the cool kids are doing it!
We need a new TA. Apart from keeping up a carefully monitored facebook page (where threads are closed down if they get too many people speaking the unvarnished truth), the TA does NOTHING. Absolutely NOTHING. They should just go away. I'd like them to open the books though because they are definitely hiding something and are probably self-dealing.
Can we get a court order to make them open the books? I think that Trump will release his tax returns before the TA opens their books. They should be forced to open their books, especially as they are getting hand-outs from corrupt politicians.
Well worth reading...
Don't let anyone discourage you from standing up for yourself and your rights. The landowners have a lot of vulnerabilities that are the same as the TA Board. Open the books, for one. The thousands of bulk leases to foundations and corporations for another. The leasing practices of rent stabilized apartments are unlawful here. The rent calculations on renovated apartment could use an audit for what we are paying versus what we are getting the numbers do not add up. For that fact the rent calculations on all of the apartment likely do not add up. The zoning is in violation. The Oval Concierge is sketchy as all heck. The hotel apartments area rampant. The dorms are bringing in sulfuric acid. The infrastructure is crumbling from overpopulation stress. The noise is at all time high levels of pollution. The crowds and pollution is increasing with the dock traffic polluting the water, air and with noise. The squirrels are dying due to lack of trees for homes. A class action suit with facts and evidence would be victorious just as Roberts was.
Taxing the pied a terres who are laundering money in NY real estate. Now that is rich. How about instead the politicians pass laws to stop the laundering of money in NY real estate?
I cannot for the life of me fathom how tenants can move in here and pay over 4 grand rent. Just looking around at the numerous and ever increasing rolling suitcase Airbnb’s and students would dissuade anyone. Not to mention the garbage and mattresses strewn about which sometimes lie there all day.
StuyTown landlords present and past are dining with Trump next week, Blackstone Stephen Schwarzman and BlackRock Larry Fink.
Our city councilman is a former lobbyist for Trump and to keep advancing his career he has to keep the big players happy no matter how unhappy the constituents are.
That is who we are up against in our fight for quality of life matters. They play in a big league, and so must we. We can get serious and file class action suits if we chose to do so. The photo they chose for the article is priceless.
Queens and Bronx did it when they ousted Crowley. StuyTown can do it just as Queens and Bronx did. We deserve no less.
Revealed: the financiers invited to dine with Donald Trump
HSBC chair Mark Tucker and L&G boss Nigel Wilson are among an exclusive cohort of finance execs who will meet the US president next week
Senior City figures including HSBC chairman Mark Tucker and Legal & General chief Nigel Wilson are among an exclusive cohort of financial services executives that plan to attend a black tie dinner with Donald Trump in the UK next week.
The dinner, hosted by Prime Minister Theresa May, is scheduled to take place on Thursday night during the US president’s controversial three-day visit to the UK, during which he is expected to meet the Queen at Windsor Castle.
Other senior executives that plan to attend the dinner include BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman, CMC Markets chief Peter Cruddas and Richard Gnodde, the head of Goldman Sachs’ European business.
>>No dogs over 70lbs<<
It worse or better, depending on your view. It's 50 pounds.
3:41 pm poster!! where do you want them to go? The high rents are due to the lack of housing in Manhattan. They'd have lower prices if there were more inventory. Care to depart and give them your place?????????????????????????
This place caters to dogs. There are numerous over 50 pounders and many residents have two dogs. That Five Turd cafe is full of them and yesterday the farmers market was full of them. The management arranges all kinds of dog events. This place has literally gone to the dogs. Not to mention the dog crap.
July 8 comment pretty much lists the developers of Stuyvesant Town and if you recall that includes that HSBC bank was the bank for Bernie Madoff investors all whom invested in the destroying of the middle class for the Bernie Madoff class of people.
Last night went into Stuy Cafe to try their frozen yougurt. Notice there are no small cups.
When you fill up an entire cup with yougurt and toppings it's weighed at .79/oz and I saw the woman in front of me shell out ~$15 for her cup of yougurt!.
My cup was half filled w/no toppings and came to over $7!!. Best buy - go to 16 Handles - more flavors, much less $, smaller cups and cones.
Also, after the movie last week guess saw families walking out of Stuy Town with all their kids, crossing over 14th St. into Alphabet City. The movies may be ??well attended but not by ST. residents.
Ladies and Gentlemen The Crowley Machine Lobbyists and City Council Speaker
What more need be said
Okay - so tonight there were literal lawn chairs and tables - white - on the Oval.
I called Security. They were flabbergasted and knew nothing about it.
I then called Resident Services. The poor nice young woman put me on hold to try to learn WHY LAWN CHAIRS AND TABLES were out on the abused, exploited, debased and degraded Oval. She was gone quite a long time. She knew nothing about it.
STR: a while back you wrote that you'd heard "suits" (predators, evil, sick, soul-dead s.o.b.'s) declare the Oval "a resource" as they walked around it en masse.
(or maybe get off of your deck chair on the Titanic and just jump into the sea. You will undoubtedly be better off there, and far from this SINKING SHIP.)
P.S.: I walked by the river a bit later. I've never seen so many people. We are finished.
I saw the suits again yesterday. Walking with Rick. They didn't need the suits, cause it was getting warm, so they took them off. All of these folks are the same. White, not poor, looking as if they do a moderate amount of weight-training, but not too much. They all looked clean and presentable. Did I say "white"? All of them look like clones of each other. And white. Clean.
Oh, I forgot to say that all of them looked as if they don't have a care in the world. They, the suits, are satisfied with the way things are going and looking here. Good job, Rick!
>>Okay - so tonight there were literal lawn chairs and tables - white - on the Oval.<<
There are plenty of rules, but they, except for a few, are not enforced. Instead, PS now has a lot of "officer Joes." Smiling, talking to residents....
Ah, memories, memories....
Those chairs and tables were 100% put there by management. They are f’ing liars for even trying to say they didn’t know about them.
They close the oval on Monday’s for “rejuvenation” of the grads. Was the oval actually closed yesterday?
Rick and crew are good at some things, but under all the good are vindictive evil people. I know Rick is doing Blackstone’s work, but it takes a special type of sick person to follow through with what he does. Rick and team are all sick people who smile while behind the scenes figuring out more ways to destroy this place.
The Stuytown landlord Blackstone owner Steve Schwarzman dressed up in a costume as Aristotle Onassis at a party with Paris Hilton, Blaine Trump and nearly naked men - some mixing bondage gear. That is what we can expect in the Oval.
At Bronson van Wyck’s wild, Greek-myth-themed birthday party in Mykonos, Greece, nearly naked men — some mixing bondage gear with their epic attire — partied with Paris Hilton, Meredith Melling, Blaine Trump and Steve Schwarzman, among others.
Duran Duran gave a surprise performance at the top party planner’s “Homeric Ball” in the ruins of a Doric temple at an abandoned iron factory perched on a cliff overlooking the sea.
Van Wyck — who has organized parties for megastars such as Madonna and Diddy — was dressed as Dionysus, while Hilton and Melling both came as Helen of Troy, and Schwarzman as a different kind of Greek legend — Aristotle Onassis.
Let them (the plebs) eat cake.
"Okay - so tonight there were literal lawn chairs and tables - white - on the Oval.
I called Security. They were flabbergasted and knew nothing about it.
I then called Resident Services. The poor nice young woman put me on hold to try to learn WHY LAWN CHAIRS AND TABLES were out on the abused, exploited, debased and degraded Oval. She was gone quite a long time. She knew nothing about it."
Security was flabbergasted?! What the fucking hell do they do with their time and why are we paying for cameras that are supposed to keep an eye on the entire property? This place has become a total shithouse and we are paying through the nose for "security" that we simply do not have. Management is the biggest bunch of liars, thieves and frauds and I actually think they should put up or shut up.
Is everyone’s favorite male cheerleader serious about NYC becoming more bike friendly?? NYC has been extremely bike friendly for the past 5 years.
I have no problem with bikers and biking in general, I think it’s great, and I bike almost every day. However, the number of people that follow the rules of the road while on a bicycle are microscopic, and this puts pedestrians and themselves in danger.
Stand on the corner of 23rd and First for 15 minutes and tell me the total number of rule followers (in bike lane and stopping at red light before the intersection).
Again I have no problem with biking, but we need respectful rule followers otherwise things will continue to get more dangerous.
I think that bikes should be banned in Manhattan and that adults on scooters look really, really stupid. They remind me of those poor chimps who are forced to ride bicycles at the circus, the only difference being is that the chimps have more intelligence, but no choice and are forced to do what they do.
Bikes were put onto the streets for reasons you wouldn't believe if I told you. Well, maybe one of these days I'll tell you.
The reasons AIN'T good.
They are dangerous beyond belief. They endanger: every driver and every pedestrian.
New York City is NO place for bikes except in parks and the like.
Just take a look at the attitudes, postures, facial expressions and DRIVING of bikers. Ain't good, ain't safe and ain't sane.
In plenty of other countries, including European countries, people employ them for simple TRANSPORTATION and follow the rules and employ courtesy and intelligence.
Humans here in the cities are just soooooo full of themselves (even the seniors), and sooooo sure they are cool, entitled, and all of that bulls**t), it is nauseating, laughable, pathetic, and in this case: dangerous, dangerous, dangerous.
Speaking of "bullshit:" it is just fine, as is "horseshit" since they are good fertilizers and contribute to the welfare of other living organisms. It is, however, PEOPLESHIT that DESTROYS EVERYTHING!
Is it my immigination, or does each Thursday the "music" (and I use the term loosely) gets louder?
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