Sunday, November 10, 2019

"No trees were cut down..." The TA - Peter Stuyvesant Reports!

I have another post in the near future, but I had to get this in, with photo, because not only did I see a tree being cut here and there, but I also heard the very loud noise a buzz-saw was making. The fact that the TA has assumed something different is not only telling on the TA (it's clear now that your TA does not see what goes on around here) but is indicative of the SPIN told by Stuy Town to anyone who says something different. I guess Management's way out is the tree was removed, but not really, really "cut down."

Here is the process in progress:

"Peter Stuyvesant: We asked this question and were told no trees were cut down...."

"Will ask again. Perhaps bushes/other plantings were removed. I know some benches were removed. But we were assured no trees were cut down."

UPDATE: Since Blackstone is broke, residents will have to learn how to make labels themselves and put a label on the front door.



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Anonymous said...

The only way anything is going to happen here is through the media, and even that would be a tough battle. Management’s PR machine would fire back showing all the great things they are doing like concerts and s’mores and vet memorials, and that the media piece was orchestrated by a disgruntled few. They’d have their cheerleaders ready in tow to back them up.

It’s amazing how many people, many of them very smart people, can be manipulated and brainwashed by Rick and his team. Maybe, just maybe they need to take a look at some of these complaints and look at them as legitimate and not immediately bash that person as a loudmouth who is just trying to stir the pot. Many people here are suffering, and it’s disheartening when fellow tenants bash them all because that person brought their issues to light.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

John Marsh at the TA site:

Kudo's to #beamliving and #blackstone for their anticipated participation.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

From State Senator Brad Hoylman:

My office will be hosting a tenant town hall with City Comptroller Scott Stringer on the future of rent regulations and tenants rights on November 28 at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building at the New York Public Library.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I didn't know this, but, yes, it is now named this way. Years past, I spent many a time there.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

So, let me get this: The person whose real estate company has been named negatively by the UN and whose policies are doing harm to affordable housing in the city (and the country, and the world) now has a building named after him in...New York City. I could have my facts wrong, but this appears to be the case unless I need extra cups of coffee this morning.

Stand Up and Fight said...

Stand Up and Fight

An meeting is scheduled with an organization that might be able to help us.

If you're interested in DOING something about your unbearable living conditions, e-mail me asap.

Anonymous said...

9:31 AM - Yes, STR - and Schwarzman is involved in the destruction of the Amazon Rain Forest, the destruction of homes/housing and eviction and homeless for people all over the planet, and suffering/death of trees, other lives. He also has a book out now.

Nothing new. As a friend related to me, from a former much beloved professor and observer of human nature: "people have been like this since they've fallen out of the trees."

Pissed Off Beyond Belief said...

What a find, my wildly overpriced apartment here in Stuy Town!
And the "amenities"...WOW!
Brown water coming out of the faucets, NO HEAT, incessant noise from the clacking of heels from the carpetless apartment above me.
This place is simply a glorified dorm.
What a disgrace!

Anonymous said...

The main library building is named after Schwartzman and has been for some years now. It happened after he donated $100 million to the institution. Schwarzman obviously thinks he can whitewash his well-deserved, foul reputation/deeds with philanthropy. Sorry, Schwarzman, you are much most likely to be remembered for the destructive, immoral predator that you are.

Anonymous said...

Re: Garbage thrown out the window. Go to security with these complaints. They'll connect you with Lt. Lika who can handle this.

I seriously doubt this. Please realize that Beam Living just changed the awnings from a cloth material to a light metal simply because the old cloth ones had hundreds of burn holes from cigarettes that were thrown out windows. So, if management was willing to fork over big bucks to make this repair and they never sent out any notices that this was happening and for people to stop it, then one must assume management is okay with people tossing things out the windows.

Anonymous said...

Schwartzman must have given a lot of money to the library or to politicians (or both) to get his name up there. The man is absolutely vile and does NOTHING for humanity or for the planet. Hitler could have bought our politicians if he could have afforded them.

Stand Up and Fight said...

Sorry for the typo re the meeting to deal with our splendid landlord and the conditions inflicted upon us - "A" meeting, not "an" meeting!

Anonymous said...

I cannot stand these people posting that they have too much heat over on the TA page. Just open a window or put the AC on. Stop complaining about it.

Anonymous said...

Came in around 1:30 pm today and heat was on. However, noise sounded like an apartment was literally being ripped apart and no notifications were put up in the building.

P.S. Heat is already off at this hour!!!

Anonymous said...

Might others post here to advise how we get our deposit back we followed all the rules as stated in our lease. our flat was 100% perfect. clean as clean could be. Yet no reply, no email no call no check.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else noticed keypad door locks on apartment doors (the "new" apartments)? Eliminates the need for a key, very convenient.

Anonymous said...

I've emailed Stand Up and Fight before and never heard a word back. Seems like a scam to me.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I've emailed Stand Up and Fight before and never heard a word back. Seems like a scam to me.<<

Definitely, NOT! I met this person, twice already. So no scam. Are you from Management, by any chance?

Stand Up and Fight said...

Please e-mail once more if your message to "Stand Up and Fight" went astray.

And . . . thank you, STR.

Anonymous said...

Yes this PR push is very clever and clouds what tenants are going through here in this dump. Freezing apartments, pot smells, stolen packages and dorms.

Anonymous said...

Schwartzman is one of the most evil people on the face of the earth. His kind have always been around. History is full of despotic tyrants who would destroy lives and wreak mayhem and suffering to humans, animals and the earth itself. My hope is that he will be forced to come face-to-face with himself and will recoil in horror the way so many of us do when we even hear his name or the name "Blackstone." Hayduk is a nothing. He's just a tool of his owners and an empty suit.

Anonymous said...

Not a scam but radical. Rent strikes will not work here.

Anonymous said...

I don’t care how noisy it is as long as I have heat. Last night was terrible, today better but already off since 4 PM. If they keep it off much longer it will be cold again.

Anonymous said...

Where was that post? He is sickening.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

It's pinned on top. The one with red. On the TA facebook site. "Fighting for NYC"

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I guess Marsh feels that Blackstone is fighting for NYC.

Anonymous said...

I don't see it. Maybe they took it down.

Anonymous said...

What a sad joke.

Anonymous said...

Two days now on and off I have been getting brown water from the faucets.
All Resident Services tells me is just keep running the water until it clears up.
What's up with that??

Anonymous said...

Pipes ice cold this morning.

Anonymous said...

Phony cheerleaders at it again. Number 1 cheerleader posted about a young neighbor lending her money for a wash. Another one jumped in to say “Yay community.” How dare she call this transient dump a community. They just don’t stop. Hayduk must be pleased.

Anonymous said...

Marsh was an integral part of the sale to Blackstone and is a staunch DeBlasio supporter. Nothing he writes supporting Blackstone or DeBlasio should come as a surprise, especially when it comes to the sale of this place.

Anonymous said...

I guess the only thing to do in dire circumstances like this is...

Anonymous said...

I've noticed when speaking with Hayduk to address concerns about certain issues that he "talks down" to us and always with that smirk and flippant tone. I've also noticed that this attitude is very common among people from the "Flyover States" when talking to New Yorkers about quality of life issues. I perceive this attitude among some of the "cheerleaders" on the TA page. Being told "this is New York, get over it" is something you will mostly hear from people who are not from New York. It's insulting, but these people are too smug and stupid to realize that. Somebody once told me that the definition of a schmuck is someone who insults you without realizing they're insulting you.

Anonymous said...

"which city agency do we then contact to sue this landlord for deposit fund return???????? This is disgraceful."

For STPCV for this issue, it's not NYC but NYS.

Contact the HCR.

Anonymous said...

This looks like Hayduk’s next career move:

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone pay their last month's rent? That's how you get your deposit back isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Just found out they are renovating an already renovated apartment in my building. What's up with that? Got this from one of the workmen who said floors were a mess. No notice was placed on M or T regarding noise level during renovation as has been done in the past.

Heat already down to cold pipes.

Anonymous said...

Great. Another electronic device to go on the fritz.

Anonymous said...

NEVER pay your last month’s rent.

They have your security deposit.

Anonymous said...

Mine too. Bed linen was ice cold. Heat just came on.

Anonymous said...

I agree about Hayduk. In talking with him he evaded the issues and talks down to you. He also pretends he is acting by clicking on his IPad. As for the cheerleaders, if they had no heat some of them would be singing a different tune.

Anonymous said...

unfortunately the brown water is definitely harmful. It's due to the very, very old pipes in the NYC sewer system that need to be replaced (and additionally, perhaps the very old pipes within the building that need to be replaced.)
The water carries rust and whatever other metals are oxidizing into the water. (These old pipes are lead pipes.) I used to get rashes from the water. If you have children or immune-compromised people in your household, I'd recommend installing some kind of water filter or just limiting your use of the water.
I've thought about involving the EPA many times over the years, but I doubt they would do anything. I'm not sure who pays to test the water in a residential building, or where to send a sample.

Anonymous said...

"Great. Another electronic device to go on the fritz."

What do you mean?

Anonymous said...

Sure. Give your combination out to dozens of hos and bros.

Party time!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rick Hayduk is a Blackstone TOOL. Anyone who think he’s such a nice guy, listens to complaints, etc. needs to WAKE UP. NOW. He doesn’t care about tenants. Whatever concern he professes is FAKE. He cares about the big salary they’re paying him. Period. Blackstone is a housing PREDATOR and Rick Hayduk is helping them to PREY on us. Blackstone has been called out by no less an organization than the UNITED NATIONS for destroying affordable housing all over the world and violating tenants human rights to secure housing. On top of that, Steven Schwarzman, Blackstone’s founder/CEO has been cited as being one of the people responsible for the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. The people who own us are EVIL. And the bad and cruel things they are doing to us now are being done to save them money. NOT GIVING US ADEQUATE HEAT; REMOVING OUR NAMES FROM OUR INTERCOMS; REMOVING OUR INTERIOR BUILDING DIRECTORIES; FORCING UNWELCOME, NOISY EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES ON US, ETC., ETC., ETC. is all being done to make these greedy parasites MONEY. Money is their God and they will do anything to get more of it. Schwarzman can donate all the money he wants to philanthropic causes, but his most lasting legacy will be the evil, destructive behavior he has engaged in all over the world. Schwarzman is also a pal and huge supporter of Trump. That should tell you everything you need to know about his complete lack of ethics and non-existent moral code.

Anonymous said...

From the beam living website - “beam living was born from a desire to make city life happier.... We follow the mantra “leave people happier than you found them." And since 2017, we’ve been turning that mantra into action.”

What BS. Since 2017 beam living has been making life miserable for people is more like it. Ask the people who live in STPCV who are freezing in their apartments or don’t feel safe living here because of the lack of adequate Public Safety personnel and the package thefts and assaults that have occurred on the property. Go on, beam living, ask them. I dare you.

Anonymous said...

Definitely, NOT! I met this person, twice already. So no scam. Are you from Management, by any chance?

LOL, if you only knew how stupid a comment that was. No, not management. Just a long time tenant (at least twice if not three times longer than you) who answered the request to send an email several years ago at this point and never heard a word in reply. That made me suspicious. Sorry if that's an issue for you.

Anonymous said...

Now, the two cheerleaders are saying how pit smoke is not that bad, that it is older people, and management can’t do anything about it. All wrong sweethearts. A PS officer can smell it coming from individual apartments on a walk through. The bros on my floor stink out the hallway a few times a week. It is still illegal and it is mostly from the form dumps. Those two need to be quiet.

Anonymous said...

As for the pot complaints on the TA site, management chooses to ignore it. I had to call a few times before it was addressed in the downstairs dorm by a good PS officer. It does come mostly from the students and Hayduk doesn’t want to ruffle them. No warnings, nothing. Getting worse and worse and infringes on our QOL.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>LOL, if you only knew how stupid a comment that was. No, not management. Just a long time tenant (at least twice if not three times longer than you) who answered the request to send an email several years ago at this point and never heard a word in reply. That made me suspicious. Sorry if that's an issue for you.<<

LOL back at you. It was a question, not a comment. Nothing wrong with asking that? You sounded like you may be from Management, and a person (me) has to ask. Is THAT an issue for you?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

As someone familiar with the smell of pot, one can tell it's around. I can tell if it's coming from an apartment.

Anonymous said...

They are so full of it. Life here has been miserable for the past few years. Freezing dorm dumps. They cannot fool some of us.

Anonymous said...

If we can tell Public Safety can tell. They choose to ignore it because they need the students and young roomies to occupy the dump.

Stand Up and Fight said...

5:38 p.m.:

This is from the receiver of e-mail at

That e-mail address was only created the spring or summer of 2018, so I'm not sure who you were e-mailing previously (your "several years ago"). I responded to each and every message I received, as I will continue to do. Please try again.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

"Sure. Give your combination out to dozens of hos and bros.

Party time!!!!"

And AirBnB and short-term rentals....

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Rick talked down to people who were guests at the resorts he ran? It would be galling to be paying a boatload of money to stay at a luxury resort or hotel and be patted on the head and given a cookie (figuratively speaking) if you had a serious complaint. There are a lot of people living here (some of whom are paying a boatload of money) for the place they call "home" and it is even more galling for them to be talked down to by this smarmy creep. At least when you are on vacation you know you only have to deal with his bullshit for a short time and never need to encounter him again for the rest of your life.

Anonymous said...

"Marsh was an integral part of the sale to Blackstone and is a staunch DeBlasio supporter. Nothing he writes supporting Blackstone or DeBlasio should come as a surprise, especially when it comes to the sale of this place."

How could Marsh have been an integral part of the sale to Blackstone? He's a nobody. Sure he was a staunch supporter of DeB and Garodnick(ugh) and was a member of the TA, but I don't think he actually had any power or authority. I always saw him as a camp-follower and not of any real importance. Maybe I'm wrong.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>How could Marsh have been an integral part of the sale to Blackstone? He's a nobody. Sure he was a staunch supporter of DeB and Garodnick(ugh) and was a member of the TA, but I don't think he actually had any power or authority. I always saw him as a camp-follower and not of any real importance. Maybe I'm wrong.<<

Marsh has some kind of power/authority at the TA. Wasn't he one of its "officers." And that pinned post from him speaks about the authority he still has there.

Anonymous said...

If the new individual apt locks work on an electrical hookup, what happens during an outage? Button combination? Card access like in a hotel?

Anonymous said...

how much is a one bedroom now how much is a two

there you go they are not hurting for renting here. Fix is in.

Anonymous said...

There is NO HEAT this morning.
What can I do about this???
Numerous calls to Resident Services have gotten me nowhere.
There must be some recourse.

Anonymous said...

66 degrees in my apartment.

Anonymous said...

Sick of calling RS and being asked the usual "do you have a thermometer" question. I wouldn't be calling if I wasn't cold and the thermometer is only registering the heat in one part of the room. We need heat, you FUCKING BASTARDS with zero consciences. We know a certifiable sociopath owns this dump, but didn't know it was a mandatory condition for the so-called "Manager" and those he manages.

We get the bare minimum or less of heat. No names permitted on directories because they don't want us to have visitors who can find us, deliveries that get to us AND they particularly don't want us to know who are neighbors are and who lives in which apartment. No one to call who gives a flying fuck. This is like an institution for people not considered worthy of life or not considered fully-capacitated. I think is that is the mentality of Blackstone. Treat the tenants like inmates and bully them or gaslight them into not expecting what they are entitled to. Hayduk is the perfect choice of manager for such an institution. Can't believe he ever successfully ran any establishment before this unless it was an asylum or prison.

Then they have the gall to offer a "reward" for enticing someone to rent here. I would rather go round with a megaphone warning people NOT to rent here.

Anonymous said...

Call 311.

Keep a detailed record of your call and any future calls.

Anonymous said...

Someone on the Tenants (not TA) facebook site is telling someone to call RS about a package delivered to the wrong apartment. No wonder RS take three hours to answer the phone!

Anonymous said...

LOL back at you. It was a question, not a comment. Nothing wrong with asking that? You sounded like you may be from Management, and a person (me) has to ask. Is THAT an issue for you?

It's not an issue per se. However, I don't appreciate being called management simply because I made a true statement. Makes you sound stupid. Is THAT an issue for you?

Anonymous said...

This is from the receiver of e-mail at

That e-mail address was only created the spring or summer of 2018, so I'm not sure who you were e-mailing previously (your "several years ago"). I responded to each and every message I received, as I will continue to do. Please try again.

Thank you.

Just checked sent mail. It was July 2018, I guess it just seems like years ago.

Anonymous said...

John Marsh was the President of the Tenants Assocation for several years. He preceeded Susan Steinberg in that position.

Anonymous said...

Call 311.

Anonymous said...

Churn Churn My bf moved out of st pcv October 31 _ the place rented in one week. There is now a waiting list it's said.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Tenants Association is going to fight Management over this hideous and ridiculous plan to remove all names from all directories? If not, will they fight to get the MCI removed from our rent? This is a diminution of service. I wonder if it is even legal in New York City?

Adam Rose said...

Could running this socially-conscious hotel (or the hoped for group of hotels) be Rick Hayduk’s next job? Unfortunately for him, all the good he is doing in Clemson, South Carolina doesn’t make up for all the bad, all the harm, that he has done and continues to do to the people living here.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>It's not an issue per se. However, I don't appreciate being called management simply because I made a true statement. Makes you sound stupid. Is THAT an issue for you?<<

Very hostile, aren't you? Again, if you read and comprehend, I didn't call you Management, just asked a question if you are from Management. Read again my post.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I wish him great success in this endeavor.

Anonymous said...

Yes a waiting list for NYU students. BS. There is no waiting list for ordinary renters.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, if you don’t know it by now, the TA is a management lackey. They do NOT fight for tenants in any shape or form.

Anonymous said...

These apartments are being rented to students and groups of three or four unrelated roomies. In addition , city subsidies . That is crap about a waiting list unless it is tied to NYU or the city.

Anonymous said...

Are you joking?

Edmund Dunn said...

"Someone on the Tenants (not TA) facebook site is telling someone to call RS about a package delivered to the wrong apartment. No wonder RS take three hours to answer the phone!"

If you have been following Blackstone news, you will see that many former PS responsibilities have been switched to RS so that advice is correct. Some I agree with, some I do not especially QOL/noise issues. I have no problem with RS assuming package issues as long as their headcount is increased accordingly and they actually respond in person to this issue. Problem is that PS still seems to be involved. See my posts at the TA FB page and the Tenants FB page for more detail on this issue.

Anonymous said...


I wish him great success in this endeavor."

So do I, but I wish he put a bit more into running this dump. We don't want bread and circuses. We want heat. Reasonable peace and quiet and we want those damned directories back! Otherwise, get us doormen for each building. The directory and names on intercom are in every building in the City of New York that doesn't have a doorman. Maybe in some decrepit slum or one of the worst NYCA buildings that is not the case, but we are not quite there yet. Very close though.

Edmund Dunn said...

BTW, incorrect info was just given at the TA FB page re noise compliant issues, RS verus PS. I and another posted have corrected.

Edmund Duu said...

"Yes a waiting list for NYU students. BS. There is no waiting list for ordinary renters."

Only for the official NYU grad level apartments that are rented (name of the lease) directly by NYU is there a waiting list. My guess is that this number is around 100. These apartments are furnished by NYU. See link. For the vast majority of students here, grad, undergrad, NYU and other schools, there is no waiting list; the lease name is in the student’s name, guaranteed by the parents for the lease credit check.

Anonymous said...

No heat this morning.
So what else is new?

Anonymous said...


TA claiming that they fixed the issue with the intercom directories...BS
Cheerleaders recommending to confront loud neighbors...BS
Management people parading as tenants on STR...BS
I am gonna leave after 30+ years. This isn’t home anymore. FU heyduck ..let this be on your conscious.. you have ruined an amazing piece of NYC

Anonymous said...

I could care less about his other ventures. I just want heat.

Anonymous said...

Who really cares. Waiting list or no waiting list, NYU rules here.

Anonymous said...

Stolen package which I saw with my own eyes before I left my building Sunday. Didn’t have time to bring it up. Reported Sunday night. With all their cameras, still no response.

Anonymous said...

"Went out this morning and saw a package I was expecting. Was in a hurry to get to work and didn’t have time to bring it to the apartment. Was stolen. Not there when I returned this afternoon. Would not be surprised if a resident or transient of the building took it."

Wouldn't want to delay yourself 180 seconds to bring the package up to your apt and ensure its safety from theft now would we? Especially since we all know packages never get stolen in the sty.

Anonymous said...

Rick has destroyed this place, and it will sit with his conscience forever. Although the decisions on what to do are not his, he carries them out, so he is just as guilty as the group of execs sitting around the board room table on Park Avenue making the decisions. He knows what he’s doing around here is wrong, and if he actually believes that what he’s doing is good then he is just a moron. Maybe he needs those cheerleaders and the praises they heap on him in order to help him sleep at night.

It’s obvious that the plan that is in place is to turn this into a resort (a cheap and tacky one at that). People are enticed to come and live here for a year or less based on all the “cool” things going on, but this is not their home. Even the nicest resorts would get old after a while, and we would yearn to leave, and that’s what you have here. Having a room right next to the swim up pool where people are hanging out all night partying is exactly what life has become here. It’s nice for a week, but it’s not home.

That is why Rick is the right man for the job. The atmosphere he has created is for short-term living, so when I hear the word “community” being rattled off by management it makes me sick.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The front page video views is now over 600. And will keep on going up.

Anonymous said...

We all make mistakes in answer to your sarcastic remark. I learned my lesson.

Anonymous said...

And so?

Anonymous said...

"I could care less about his other ventures. I just want heat."

I second that emotion!

Anonymous said...

@5:53 AM: You are so absolutely, on-target right! Perfectly put and totally correct! Rick doesn't have experience of running a residential property and he runs this place as a short-term resort (and not a pleasant one, unfortunately). I hope that when he goes on to do whatever he is planning (and I'm really not interested in where he goes, just so long as he goes) Blackstone will find a property manager who knows how to run a residential property and make this a safe and pleasant place to live. The tacky events, revolving door "tenancy" and general lack of caring on the part of "management" about the qualify of life here has made life a living hell for many of the permanent tenants (not "guests") who call this home. Rick was probably great at running resorts where people go stay for a short while and if they have a bad experience they can listen to his bullshit and never return. But we are stuck here and this place is HOME. We need an experienced apartment complex manager who has respect for tenants who pay their rent on time, don't cause any trouble or do any damage. By the same token, such a manager should get rid of tenants who don't live by those standards. That's the way it is in well-run apartment complexes in New York City and elsewhere.

When it comes to dealing with the ownership in their Park Avenue offices, a good manager would fight for the rights of the tenants and not bend over when the ownership came up with penny-saving and violation of quality of life ideas. We know Blackstone is owned by someone with absolutely no social conscience, but that doesn't mean that its tenants should suffer because its managers are just toe-rags who genuflect to the Company.

Anonymous said...

They're restoring names on the intercom on an "Opt-in" basis. Why couldn't they have come up with an "opt-out" before they ripped all the names out? Unfortunately, they will not restore the directories in the lobbies or put names on the doors of new residents. What are they scared of? They don't want people to know who (or what) they're renting to here? It's going to make it a lot easier for the AirBnB and sublets. It suits them to not have their identify listed.

I think all of this - the removal of tenants' names and all the cheesy carnival cruise events - are just the first steps to deregistering the complex as a residential complex and turning it into one big sprawling short-term rental operation. I don't think they really want people to come in and sign a lease for one or two years. The fact that they can't keep up with who's here and who isn't shows that they are not interested in running it as an actual residential apartment complex.

Anonymous said...

Cold pipes for a change.
How about some heat?

Anonymous said...

Someone told me that Hayduk is Canadian. Maybe that's why he has such a provincial mentality. He certainly doesn't know how to work with New Yorkers! Certainly explains why the people from the Flyover States like his cheesy events and ideas.

Anonymous said...

ANOTHER robbery, this time on 1st Avenue in or around Chipotle. Rick will probably downplay it because that “the perimeter sidewalks don’t belong to Stuy Town” whenever anything bad happens. Seems a little odd to me that they can claim to be in charge of that little garden between where Vamos was and the bus stop, but when crime happens it’s not their responsibility.

Also, anyone notice that security enforcement by PS is getting to be lackadaisical again already and NYPD enforcement is back to being almost nonexistent? They gave us about a month of believing things might get better yet here we are with another crime on the property.

Rick’s stellar Public Safety plan is yet another failure, can’t say I’m surprised.

Anonymous said...

Keep dreaming. You really think that this company would send a decent manager? Come on. Be real.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>ANOTHER robbery, this time on 1st Avenue in or around Chipotle. Rick will probably downplay it because that “the perimeter sidewalks don’t belong to Stuy Town” whenever anything bad happens.<<

Anything that is up to the curb is ST "property." All the businesses on First Ave and next to ST, pay rent to ST. That's why ST workers make sure those plants/trees in those small fencings at 1st Ave, and near the curb, are taken care of.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is obviously no longer a community but a dorm and short term rental place with some apartments filled by the city. Not a pleasant place to live.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>And so?<<

This is in response to my statement that my video on the front page is over 600 views. LOL. As I said (and now repeat myself), it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. I know it's pissing off Management, who would like only positive things online. What I do is show the truth, of course. Since it is my blog, and not yours, I hope I am allowed to make a public video of what life, partially, is like here.

Anonymous said...

Heat goes off and on. Not on long enough to warm up the apartments but still legal minimum.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>They're restoring names on the intercom on an "Opt-in" basis.<<

There was enough blowback from residents about this removal. This, though minor, is a "compromise."

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I took a look at what is being reported via that citizen app. Yes, this happened at Chipotle, and someone has been apprehended. This is Stuy Town territory and a business paying ST rent. It's going to be a long "hot" winter with all the great security we have.

Anonymous said...

It is fine to have a blog to tell the truth and vent on. Also the photos and videos are fine. I just really don’t think management cares except to laugh.And whether 20 or 6,000 see the videos and photos it makes no difference to management. I myself stopped posting photos because it did not affect any change here. I like this blog, but just don’t think it is making any difference in QOL here. Only lawyers or a real TA could do that.

Anonymous said...

I would expect that there was some legality or ordinance that Blackstone had to follow in order for them to”compromise.” Would think that directories would be mandatory in some way. Do not believe that the TA caused the change or Blackstone bowing to the tenant response.

Anonymous said...

If Slick Rick goes, we should give him a big send off event with loud rock music, s’mores, cheese and crackers and a movie. Bye, bye Rick.

Anonymous said...

They don't allow the Citizens App on the TA FB. I wonder why that is?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I just really don’t think management cares except to laugh.<<

That's the worst they can do. But knowing human nature, I still think they are pissed. Regardless, I will ram on.

Anonymous said...

Because it doesn’t fit their propaganda that this is a great and safe place to live. If they were a true TA, they would be posting EVERY Citizen alert for the property to make people aware of what’s going on and to put management on notice that the residents demand action in terms how to resolve these ongoing issues.

Anonymous said...

11/23 @ 8:30 AM - 510 East 23rd Street - Stairwell and 1st Floor hall/lobby reeks with stench of dogshit/dogpiss. (Building staff workers are excellent and work very hard - Not their fault)

It was cold (32 degrees) outside this morning, so some lazy, selfish dog owner did not bother to walk their dog(s) out of the building.

Just to show how much Blackstone cares about enforcement of Blackstone's pet regulations, the following image depicts the dogpiss covered front entrance to the PCV building where Just Call Rick supposedly resides:

STR is not the only online forum publicly exposing Blackstone's disdain for PCVST residents. The image of Just Call Rick's dogpiss covered PCV residence was posted, along with other similar images, on the STPCV Tenants Facebook (Non-Official) website. One comment jokingly suggested Blackstone promote an intramural competition for most dogpiss covered PCVST residential building.

Anonymous said...

Forget suing Blackstone, I wish we could sue the Stuyvesant Town Peter Cooper Village Tenants Association. A Bunch of malignant ghouls they are.

Anonymous said...

All the tacky Christmas glitz they put up cannot make up for the fact that my apartment needs more consistency in heating. They can keep their decorations, monuments, and events and just give me more heat. Hear that Hayduk?

Anonymous said...

So do I. They are the nastiest phonies around. Posing as a tenant organization. They are vindictive and lazy.

Anonymous said...

There's a thread on the TA fb about Citizens App and almost all of the comments are from "Peter Stuyvesant," who seems to be answering comments made by posters. Thing is, the comments by the posters (apart from a couple of them) are not shown! "Peter Stuyvesant" said that the TA is not an arm of management (a lie), but didn't show the comment that accused them of such. It's like a one-sided conversation. I really think it's time the TA went away. I can't imagine why anyone would pay $50 to be a member. They do NOTHING for tenants. I don't believe they had anything to do with the reinstatement of names in the intercom. I think think tenant feedback did that. I don't think that the majority of tenants who moved in within the last few years are even aware of the existence of the TA.

Anonymous said...

Of course, minimal heat today in 45 degrees. No real heat since early morning. My hands are cold. They take advantage on these milder winter days to reduce heat.

Anonymous said...

it seems like no matter what the temperature we get heat on an every other day basis. Yesterday, Friday the 22nd was quite comfortable and yet we had heat all day and most of the night until 11 Pm.
Today much colder and no heat all day.
It seems it doesn't matter what the temperature is when they're giving heat every other day.

Anonymous said...

635 E. 14th St. Two NYU grad students one from Japan who regularly receives packages from home.
This one left on the shelf by the mailboxes totally opened and contents removed.
That's why I go to a delivery site - 200 E. 10th St. I have to pay a small fee to have my packages delivered there but at least I know I'll get them. Very nice people. Calls you when they arrive.

Anonymous said...

Peter Stuyvesant is a fraud. The whole organization is a front for management. If they are criticized on their page they rail at and abase the poster, eventually banishing him/her from posting. Real professional and mature. They have a lot of nerve asking for money. A really bad excuse for an organization.

Anonymous said...

Yes, more heat yesterday. Today is awful.

Anonymous said...

Re: Security deposit - have you called Fred ??/ the director of Legal. Try talking to him. Also post this issue on Yelp. Let everyone know the "policy" about returning rent deposits. You're not the only one who ha incredible trouble getting their security deposits back.

Anonymous said...

To: 11/21 re: leaving after 30 years.
It's a very big move but I see no end to the QOL issues that have deteriorated over the last ?/20 years. Rose colored glasses won't do anymore. Nothing lasts forever and in a way, I thank all the ongoing BS going on here because otherwise I'd never leave.
can't wait to leave a post next winter on this site saying: Greetings from sunny south Florida or coming back to NY with a friend, walking through ST and remembering the utter rage I had to go through every day at the utter VBs going on here.

Anonymous said...

To 11/18 re: throwing garbage out the window.
F/U with Lt. Like. He will take you seriously and get some action on the problem. If enough people complain about this with a visit to PS perhaps the slobs and pigs will be fined or something.

Anonymous said...

Are we ever going to get any heat today? Nearly 7 PM and nothing all day. Bastards.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. They put the heat on for an hour and turned it down, just to maintain legal limits. One lousy hour. What a dump.

Anonymous said...

"635 E. 14th St. Two NYU grad students one from Japan who regularly receives packages from home.
This one left on the shelf by the mailboxes totally opened and contents removed.
That's why I go to a delivery site - 200 E. 10th St. I have to pay a small fee to have my packages delivered there but at least I know I'll get them. Very nice people. Calls you when they arrive."

There's a camera in the lobby and in the vestibule. PS should be able to pull the footage of this deed. That, of course, is IF the cameras are working. I wish the TA would make itself useful and work on getting us refunded for the MCIs for equipment that doesn't work!

Anonymous said...

Wow! One of the male cheerleaders who loves to lecture and excoriate "negative" posters, is lecturing Peter Stuyvesant about his/her position on posing Citizens App clips. Seems like they could be losing their "base!"
I think Peter Stuyvesant is a woman. Just a hunch. At least the "Peter Stuyvesant" who does most of the moderating these days. I could always tell when John Marsh was moderating - always correcting grammar, syntax and punctuation. Was like an old school Ma'am. At one time he liked to give posters who upset him some kind of suspension. I think it was a red badge suspension or something like that. What a noodle!

Anonymous said...

Fed up I'll look to leaving soon too You can keep your shitty dump of a place aka dorm. Smoke plus mirrors they spend millions of bucks on pretty flowers dragging in investors and new tenants YET YET YET inside our apartment rentals yet not a penny freaking losers.

Anonymous said...

I know some long term tenants who think that big hideous artificial Oval tree is great and can’t wait to go to the tree lighting. The two discount stores on First Avenue have better class Christmas decorations than that tree and those horrible (and IMO, scary) snowman-gingerbread man-Santa decorations that are at the entrances and inside. This is all part and parcel of our rube “Lifestyle Services" director.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like waking up on a rainy damp Sunday morning to a cold, freezing apartment with the temperature on the landlord issued thermometers reading 64.
This is illegal, immoral. and unconscionable.
And all for $3,800 per month.
Lucky me!
But at least we have the Oval "amenities."

Anonymous said...

Heat, please, O' Master Rick!
The peasants are freezing!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I know some long term tenants who think that big hideous artificial Oval tree is great and can’t wait to go to the tree lighting. The two discount stores on First Avenue have better class Christmas decorations than that tree and those horrible (and IMO, scary) snowman-gingerbread man-Santa decorations that are at the entrances and inside. This is all part and parcel of our rube “Lifestyle Services" director.<<

Children can enjoy it, but adults should know better. The artificial tree and the Christmas "decorations" are tacky and speak of low-class.

Anonymous said...

Cameras working??!!!

Good luck

The call button in my elevator to security has been broken for the past 2 months.

Anonymous said...

I got no response from ST on my stolen package . They even objected when I used the word stolen. After a week I am still waiting. Probably a resident and they choose to ignore it.

Anonymous said...

They suspended me because I criticized them as a do nothing outfit. They are nasty and vindictive. I think that Peter Stuyvesant alternates.

Anonymous said...

And when the temperature exceeds 50 this week they will deny us any heat at all. They monitor that like evil misers

Anonymous said...

Their decorations are tacky and stupid looking. Yes, the cheerleaders can’t wait for Slick Rick’s big tree lighting event. Whoopdy doo. I will be sure to skip it.

Anonymous said...

O’Master Rick, stop with the crappy events and give us heat. We beg of you Sire. And take down those tacky giant Christmas figures or whatever they are.

Anonymous said...

I wish the newbies could experience what I had and took for granted years and years ago... when Met Life installed, decorated and maintained about 20 or so REAL trees in and around the Oval fountain area. The Menorah was right next to the Creche, the music played softly, and the overall feeling was sublime. God, I miss that.

Anonymous said...

"Nothing like waking up on a rainy damp Sunday morning to a cold, freezing apartment with the temperature on the landlord issued thermometers reading 64.
This is illegal, immoral. and unconscionable.
And all for $3,800 per month.
Lucky me!
But at least we have the Oval "amenities."

Call and email 311 over and over and over and over again. If these bastards get fined, maybe they'll comply with the law. On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if the heat inspectors are on their "payroll."

Anonymous said...

I think it's better to use an artificial tree than to murder a living tree. In fact, in this time of global warming, raging forest fires and the constant rape and pillage of nature, I think no trees should be cut down to be Christmas trees, including the one at Rockefeller Center.

Anonymous said...

43 degrees and no heat. Thank god for space heaters.

Anonymous said...

i can't afford this rent

Anonymous said...

STR, isn't there some NYC regulation which compels the landlord to restore names on intercom and post in hallway?
This is a joke.
Simply an effort by Management to hide fact of dormification, transients and AirbnBers.
The mailman in my building says it is a nightmare.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>STR, isn't there some NYC regulation which compels the landlord to restore names on intercom and post in hallway?<<

It would seem so, but I haven't investigated this.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I think it's better to use an artificial tree than to murder a living tree. In fact, in this time of global warming, raging forest fires and the constant rape and pillage of nature, I think no trees should be cut down to be Christmas trees, including the one at Rockefeller Center.<<

Yes, but we are told that for every Christmas tree, there are plantings to replace those that are cut down. I don't think New York has had a problem with Christmas trees in the past. But Management is using this as an excuse to give us obviously fake and very large "ornaments" that look ridiculous.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I wish the newbies could experience what I had and took for granted years and years ago... when Met Life installed, decorated and maintained about 20 or so REAL trees in and around the Oval fountain area. The Menorah was right next to the Creche, the music played softly, and the overall feeling was sublime. God, I miss that.<<

I remember that and many years of that. No more, with this Management.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

BTW, I am returning from Associated and now ST has larger leaf blowers whose dust is in your face if you walk anywhere nearby. This is a cheap way to deal with leaves on the ground.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Another, BTW. Seen this morning, as every morning, dogs from outside parading inside Stuyvesant Town with no "escorting" of their owners to the outside. Management doesn't care.

Anonymous said...

Packages strewn all over the floor in the Main Floor.
Delivery guys say there are no apartment numbers on wall and many of the delivery packages have no apartment number on them.
How dumb is that?

Anonymous said...

I believe that laws were why they are restoring the names of tenants who want to be listed. It was not due to any TA action as they bragged or benevolence on their part. I do feel sorry for delivery people here. There is such a dorm and tourist turnover plus people not on leases. That is why they removed the directory. I see new faces in my building every day.

Anonymous said...

I firmly believe the leaf blowers should be banned. Obviously here to annoy the fuck out of tenants.

Anonymous said...

"I think it's better to use an artificial tree than to murder a living tree. In fact, in this time of global warming, raging forest fires and the constant rape and pillage of nature, I think no trees should be cut down to be Christmas trees, including the one at Rockefeller Center."

Clearly, you have no idea what you are talking about. Trees like the one in Rock center are at the point that they are dangerous to those living around them. As a person who has had a large pine tree take out his roof I can attest to this. The tree was going to go anyway so why not let millions enjoy it.

As for other trees, most if not all the Christmas trees sold nowadays are from tree nurseries. They grow a constant supply just for Christmas. These nurseries employ people and do no harm to the environment, in fact, most are beneficial to the areas they serve.

Anonymous said...

@11:17 AM: Thank you for the info. Clearly, I did NOT know what I was talking about and I appreciate your clarification of the situation.

Anonymous said...

As of yesterday evening, Management had NOT restored the names to the intercom in my building. Those intercoms are so cheap and cheesy anyway. Certainly not worth the MCI they hit us for.

I wouldn't be surprised if it is a City law that they have to provide a directory of tenants and keep it up to date. Unfortunately, this shitty outfit considers itself to be not subject to City laws. I wish this Hayduk guy would just go away. I hate bullshit artists and he is the King of Bullshit.

Edmund Dunn said...

"I think it's better to use an artificial tree than to murder a living tree. In fact, in this time of global warming, raging forest fires and the constant rape and pillage of nature, I think no trees should be cut down to be Christmas trees, including the one at Rockefeller Center"

This statement is beyond ridiculous. I was a forestry major at the Cuse. Do you realize what the carbon impact/cost of fossil fuels to make artificial trees is? The vast majority of trees sold in NYC come from Canada via tree farms. While not an ideal solution, is still much better that the production of artificial trees. Trees are a sustainable resource if managed correctly. There are serious environmental/climate change issues that are real and are not being addressed globally as they should be. Having a real tree in the Oval is not one of them.

Edmund Dunn said...

"As of yesterday evening, Management had NOT restored the names to the intercom in my building. Those intercoms are so cheap and cheesy anyway. "

That was not the compromise. One has to "opt in" to have your name restored. How that will be communicated via Blackstone is STBD.

" wouldn't be surprised if it is a City law that they have to provide a directory of tenants and keep it up to date."

No city law. Sorry, just a best practice which Blackstone has ignored via the bogus claim of "privacy". BTW, Waterside has a full tenant listing on their system with last name, first name initial, Apt # and 3 code # to dial.

Anonymous said...

"This statement is beyond ridiculous. I was a forestry major at the Cuse. Do you realize what the carbon impact/cost of fossil fuels to make artificial trees is? The vast majority of trees sold in NYC come from Canada via tree farms. While not an ideal solution, is still much better that the production of artificial trees. Trees are a sustainable resource if managed correctly. There are serious environmental/climate change issues that are real and are not being addressed globally as they should be. Having a real tree in the Oval is not one of them."

OK OK! I've already been corrected and apprised of how stupid I am! Don't rub it in! No bad intentions were meant!

Anonymous said...

They took the directories down because Management has absolutely no idea of who lives here and who doesn't. I wish they would stop insulting our intelligence with their lame-brained "explanations" and "reasoning." They treat us like we're stupid - and in New York THAT is a sign of stupidity. Ya hear that, RickyBoy?

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine who lives in another building in Sty told me that a tenant passed away in his apartment a couple of months ago. After the deceased was removed the door was sealed by NYPS. However, newspapers are delivered daily and are piling up. The weirdest thing though is all the notices signed by Frederick David Knapp dunning the deceased tenant for non-payment of rent! Hey, Bozo! The guys dead. Dead people can't pay their bills. Maybe there's some legal reason that they do this, but it seems really bizarre. Creepy and ghoulish. But then, look at who we are dealing with here!

It must creep out the people who live on that floor!

Anonymous said...

He is definitely a bullshit king and slick as they come.

Anonymous said...

That is exactly why. This dump is a revolving door. Rickyboy attempts to snowball us. Some fall for it, others don’t.

Anonymous said...

I guess Slick Rick is getting ready for the big Christmas tree lighting. All the rube cheerleaders are eagerly anticipating the event so they can be with their”community”. BS. And by the way, that big penguin thing is gross and tacky just like everything else here in the dump.

Anonymous said...

Just a note on how these Blackstone bastards operate with the heat. Although it was a mild day they must give heat if it is below 55. When I return home it is 9 and chilly in the apartment. Bedroom at 68. They pump up a tease of heat for half an hour to get the thermometer up a degree and then immediately shut it down. This is so immoral and despicable.

Anonymous said...

Could be that the persons estate has not turned the apartment over and is also not paying rent.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe there's some legal reason that they do this, but it seems really bizarre. "

There are 2 options:

"Serving a Demand for Rent in New York
A landlord has two options when giving a tenant a demand for rent.

The landlord, or an agent of the landlord, can personally give the demand to the tenant at the rental unit.
If the tenant cannot be found at the rental unit, the landlord, or landlord’s agent, can post a copy of the demand at a conspicuous place at the rental unit (such as taped to the front door) and also mail a copy of the demand through either certified mail or first-class mail to the tenant’s last known address (usually the rental unit).
See N.Y. Real Prop. Acts § 735."

So in the Sty, Blackstone does option 2 which includes 2 parts, via mail and on the door.

Anonymous said...

"They took the directories down because Management has absolutely no idea of who lives here and who doesn't. I wish they would stop insulting our intelligence with their lame-brained "explanations" and "reasoning." They treat us like we're stupid - and in New York THAT is a sign of stupidity. Ya hear that, RickyBoy?"

There are some great comebacks to two of the "cheerleaders" who came to post at the T&V article (comments section) on the intercom and tenant directory changes. I especially liked this one:

"The preceding has been a paid commercial announcement. Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming…"

Here is the link:

"Tenant names removed from intercoms in Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village"

Anonymous said...

"This is so immoral and despicable."

Those words describe Blackstone to a T. Also describe the moronic snake oil salesman who runs this dump. He lies and obfuscates all the time. I don't know how he lives with himself, but I guess if you work for Blackstone you have to be of a certain kind. The kind most of us hope to never have to deal with. A total lying, hypocritical asshole.

Anonymous said...

Concerning that link regarding Hayduk's off-campus venture somewhere down South: I believe I saw it on the TA FB, along with Adam Rose's comment. It disappeared. Maybe I only imagined I saw it.

Anonymous said...

Everybody I've spoken to (who live elsewhere in the City) about the directories here has had the same reaction: "Is that legal? Don't think so!"

Anonymous said...

They took the directories down because Management has absolutely no idea of who lives here and who doesn't. I wish they would stop insulting our intelligence with their lame-brained "explanations" and "reasoning." They treat us like we're stupid - and in New York THAT is a sign of stupidity. Ya hear that, RickyBoy?

Two thumbs up!!

Edmund Dunn said...

" "Is that legal? Don't think so!"

See my previous post:

"No city law. Sorry, just a best practice which Blackstone has ignored via the bogus claim of "privacy". BTW, Waterside has a full tenant listing on their system with last name, first name initial, Apt # and 3 code # to dial."

BTW, confirmed this with a senior NYPD officer, it is legal. But as the officer said to me, not smart.

Anonymous said...

No reasoning but the fact that this a revolving flophouse. As many posters have said, they took the directories down because they do not have the slightest idea who lives here anymore. Right Rick? Your explanations were pure nonsense and deceit.

Anonymous said...

Blackstone doesn't know the meaning of the term "best practice." It is a company that is known only for being an avaricious, life-destroying entity and anyone who works for it in a senior or managerial capacity has to be a totally amoral scumbag. Nobody with a conscience or sense of decency would work for Blackstone in a capacity that affects people's lives because the mission is to make money for for the company, no matter the death, misery and destruction that results.

Anonymous said...

"BTW, confirmed this with a senior NYPD officer, it is legal. But as the officer said to me, not smart."

I seriously doubt whether an NYPD senior officer would have a clue as to whether or not this is illegal. It's not criminal law. The vast majority of NYPD officers don't know 50% of the laws they are supposed to know, like parking restrictions etc. (just walk second avenue for proof of that). There is no way an NYPD officer would have come across this in their professional lifetime. I asked a property management person and they didn't know if it was illegal or not and that's their business. Take this with a grain of salt.

Anonymous said...

From 1:30 pm today and still going on as I write, excessive noise, banging in renovation of an all ready renovated apartment! Still no posting of such renovation on M or T. Rick, you can take your roasted s'mores and stick them where the sun don't shine!

P.S. Heat didn't come up until 9 pm last night!

Anonymous said...

how bout the sales tax they charge for their 'cleaning' service which is never needed when folks move out? Sales tax charge for the $500 an hour clean service - and your place was already professionally cleaned.

Be warned all - they are cheats and liars.

Anonymous said...

"how bout the sales tax they charge for their 'cleaning' service which is never needed when folks move out? Sales tax charge for the $500 an hour clean service - and your place was already professionally cleaned."

This is why you should NEVER pay your last month's rent. Let them take these dubiously legal charges out of your security deposit.

This place is NOT run by an honest company. It is run by a despicable, vile "management" who is employed by the most despicable and vile company in the world. Do not give them one red cent more than you absolutely have to. They are scumbags and thieves.

Anonymous said...

They will continue to charge up the wazoo with these security deposits because they are “broke.” Here’s what you need to do if you are having trouble getting it back - go to Yelp and tell your story. Peter W will chime in and say that management does not nickel and dime with the security deposits and that he will look into it. You will get your security deposit back and he will ask you to update your Yelp review to give them 5 stars. Nasty Yelp reviews is your only hope!

Anonymous said...

Peter W must have graduated from the Donald Trump University of Business Practices and Ethics.

Anonymous said...

They do phones up and doctor those reviews. Some are nearly identical.

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