With the removal of the greenery and flowers around the western part of the Oval, CWCapital has done what no other landlord dared to do: turn this place into what could easily pass as the projects. Since there are brilliant minds working for CWCapital and its management auxiliary, CompassRock, one can only assume that there is a reason for this dramatic change that those of us with lower intelligence and dimmed sensibilities cannot begin to comprehend. Perhaps a new advertising campaign proclaiming the virtues of project living at market rate pricing. Rumors that bleacher seating will be built in this area, with a spectacular view of the lawn and Stuy Town's bikini beauties, are regretfully unfounded.
Already alerted to the changeover, Pedro Jiminez headed up this sweltering afternoon from the last remaining ethnic block in the Lower East Side with his shaved ice cart to service Stuy Town customers, but was stopped by Public Safety when they noticed his cart did not state "For Residents and Their Guests Only."
"Rules are rules," the distraught Jiminez was told firmly and escorted out of the complex. Stuy Town residents and their guests need not worry, however. Oval Cafe will be having its own shaved ice service and, beginning in the hot month of July, King Cobra beer will be sold at the cafe.
Photos taken later in the day of CWCapital's decorative reinvention of Stuy Town and Peter Cooper Village into the projects:
Hmm... Could the diabolical plan be to have Stuy Town/Peter Cooper Village condemned as a slum beyond repair, torn down (preceded by an evacuation of all residents), to be rebuild as massive high rises commanding extraordinary steep rents, worthy of the wealthy foreigners who are buying up apartments in the latest high rises in Manhattan? What fiendish genius, if so!