Sunday, June 2, 2019

Photos, Photos, Photos! June 2

Thank you, Blackstone; thank you, Rick!

Today was a very good day to take some photos. A lot of them, so sit back and relax.

There a new lyft signs all over the loops. Some have called them "lollipop" signs. They add so much to this community....

You are welcome to throw away your used furniture on the loops.That's what the loops are for.

The new bike path. This way and that way. While you try to cross 20th Street or get on a bus. Good for your eyes and your reflexes.

It was such a nice day that you can sit and enjoy, even if you come from outside. Stuy Town welcomes all, man or beast.

When I think of Stuy Town, "Good Vibes Only" comes immediately to mind.

Let's see what Five Stuy Cafe has to offer.... Damn! I knew the prices were higher than what you can get in a neighborhood grocery store.

Oh, oh. The door should be closed when the AC is on inside. The AC was on inside but the door was wide open--all the time.

Good idea to honor those in the LGBT community. But a whole month? Well, since ST is okay with it, we should honor groups in other months as well, like African-American History Month, Asian-Pacific Heritage Month, Irish-American Heritage Month, Jewish-American Heritage Month, National Hispanic Heritage Month, Women's History Month, etc., etc. I'm delighted that our steps will be painted every month to honor these groups!

Again, a BIG thank you to Blackstone and our Manager, Rick, for making this community what it is. We couldn't have done it without you, guys.


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Anonymous said...

Has Rick added another "amenity"?
A new bowling alley has been installed in the apartment above me.
No, wait, it's just the many tenants in the "flex" apartment above me dropping
a sorts of heavy crap on the floor at all hours of the night.
Surely I must be delusional if I believe Rick enforces that rule.
PigStuy Town soon becoming SlumStuyTown.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I'm surprised we haven't got a swimming pool yet. I'm sure it has been discussed among the higher ups.

Anonymous said...

"Finally, there's a mention in T&V about the suicide. They lie when they say he wasn't a resident."

I believe he wasn't a resident of that building, but was a ST resident. They lie and obfuscate all the time. Plus T&V is a sloppy, amateurish rag.

Anonymous said...

@2:50 AM: We were supposed to have a salsa and chip thing in my building yesterday, but I heard that nobody showed up!

Anonymous said...

Today on my walk to the laundromat, I saw a big piece of fencing broken and jutting our, missing blocks in a ramp and the ugly remains of the paintings. Just another day in the Sty. Did they ever think of how the weather would affect these paintings.

Anonymous said...

STR some friends were in the leading office and overheard them tell a prospect (sucker) that a pool will be installed by end of next year close to AVE C loop!

Stuy Town Reporter said...


Anonymous said...

If a pool is in fact to be installed, how will they keep pets and non-residents out of it? With more signage? What a joke!

Anonymous said...

Free salsa and chips!!

How could one say no to that?!

Anonymous said...

"What's with these "Salsa and Chips" events at individual buildings, starting at 6:30 PM? Don't these fucktards know that most of us are just getting home from work; making dinner and just wanting to watch the evening news and relax after a hard day at the office/whatever?

Don't they also realize that so many of us are disturbed so much by their noisy, selfish, asshole neighbors that we DO NOT want to eat and drink with them? Many of us who are subjected to noisy, immature scum neighbors wish them in hell and have no desire to socialize with them. If "management" wants to improve relationships between neighbors it should start enforcing the rules concerning carpets, etc.

Blackstone is the scum of the earth as a landlord and this stupid, sleazy Hayduk guy is their front man. Don't you know how much we despise you Rick? Are you really that dumb?"

Yes. (The answer to all of your questions). The real question is : Do they care? NO is the answer to that one.

Anonymous said...

Pools come with major liabilities. I don't think Blackstone is competent enough to run a pool without losing major money. Since they are all about the money I don't see a pool happening. It would still be Pigsty Town only with a dirty, expensive pool. Makes no sense, so maybe it will happen. I keep forgetting that to get to Blackstone's ideology you need to take what makes sense and do the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
STR some friends were in the leading office and overheard them tell a prospect (sucker) that a pool will be installed by end of next year close to AVE C loop!

June 12, 2019 at 11:44 AM

Well it appears they ripped out the water park playground, so who knows

Anonymous said...

“ AnonymousJune 12, 2019 at 11:44 AM
STR some friends were in the leading office and overheard them tell a prospect (sucker) that a pool will be installed by end of next year close to AVE C loop! “

A pool would be great!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>A pool would be great!<<

More places to piss in. Truthfully, most people, particularly the younger ones, feel the urge to piss after a while in a pool. The facts are those. Sorry.

And who would watch over the pool? PS? Stuy Town would have to have a special lifeguard for a pool.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are putting a pool in the old playground 4, which has been closed for almost a year now.

In all seriousness, I don’t see Blackstone getting into the pool business. The only way it could work is if they don’t open it up to all tenants. It would have to be a membership amenity, and a very high priced one at that, otherwise it would be way too crowded and a major liability. Pools are nice and they can work in buildings with a few hundred up to 1000 units, but 11,000 units is another story.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they do put a pool in, but in a property like this it would be a logistical and liability nightmare.

Anonymous said...

At least a pool is a real amenity. We would probably have to pay for membership but maybe it would keep the low lifes out

Anonymous said...

Other housing complexes hire lifeguards.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that the meeting regarding PCV playground 2 was cancelled! I wonderful if they were gonna “float” a pool idea?

Anonymous said...

Lefrak City is a large development with a pool. Would not mind paying a membership fee for a real amenity.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Lefrak City is a large development with a pool. Would not mind paying a membership fee for a real amenity.<<

I just checked the general feedback from tenants at Lefrak. Roaches, rats, and charging extra and extra once again. No thanks.... And, yes, there is an admission charge for the pool. Ten dollars...and the pool is only 4 feet deep.

Anonymous said...

Fred Lefrak and Wilbur Ross were very seriously considering joining together to buy Stuyvesant Town. I know this for a fact. They decided not to. Believe me, Wilbur Ross and Fred Lefrak would have been even worse than Blackstone.

Anonymous said...

Are Wilbur Ross and Fred Lefrak being investigated by the UN for their part in the global housing crisis? No. Is Blackstone? Yes!

You’ve been coming on here saying these things for years, and it doesn’t matter. We have Blackstone, and things are horrible. We can’t speculate on how things would be under other owners.

And when you say you know something for a fact it tells me one thing - you are with the crooked TA in some way. Why else would you be trying to put Blackstone on a higher pedestal than Ross and Lefrak?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Anonymous said...

"And when you say you know something for a fact it tells me one thing - you are with the crooked TA in some way. Why else would you be trying to put Blackstone on a higher pedestal than Ross and Lefrak?"

I worked at the law firm that represented one of the parties. It was something that was floated when Sty was on the market and was under the control of CWCap. I was a mere member of the non-legal staff who answered the phones and typed. You learn quite a bit doing that. I am only saying that Ross/Lefrak would be worse than Blackstone because Lefrak already had a terrible reputation for the way Lefrak City was run and Ross is ... well, do your own research. And no, I am not with the TA and I actually despise the TA.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Free salsa and chips!!

How could one say no to that?!

June 12, 2019 at 3:12 PM

Quite easily frankly. Although I do enjoy Chips and Salsa I do not enjoy them sitting out for hours with only outsiders passing by and grabbing some. Meanwhile,flies who seconds prior to dining on the chips, salsa and cheese were dining on and walking all over dog shit. Not to mention the rats and mice noshing on the stuff.Perhaps you were raised in a barn or third world country where that might be considered hygienic most of the rest of us find that disgusting and unhealthy. I'm suspecting you are either Kathleen Kehoe or Julie the cruise director Velazquez posting because Rick ordered you to do so. Or perhaps you are one of the paid cheerleaders Rick has employed here, i.e., the TA. Like everything Rick and his totally incompetent Beam Living employees do this is another major failure. But hey, you enjoy those chips. I'll spend the 5 bucks to get my own.

Anonymous said...

Been thinking about this big gay pride push by Blackstone and it is a bit overblown. Perhaps they have a deal with certain organizations that would enable them to House three or four unrelated people in an apartment as they do with NYU. I am also sure they have deals with tourist companies, the city, and other entities which help them fill apartments. Why else the big push and focus all of a sudden.

Anonymous said...

"Why else the big push and focus all of a sudden."?

Maybe Rick is using this event to come out of the closet. Good for you Rick.

Anonymous said...

These clowns begin their crap movies next week. They are telling people to come in costume for superhero movies. How low can these Bozos sink. This place is like a circus, a nasty one.

Anonymous said...

If I lived in an apartment that was on the oval I would go out and buy the biggest boombox I could find and when they had a concert or a movie I'd take my boombox, plop myself on a bench right near the movies/concert and blast the thing. Let them try and move me. They would have to call the police after which I would sue the crap out of the place.

Anonymous said...

@3:27 PM: I love it! If everybody who lives on the Oval and detests that noise pollution they call "entertainment" If people who live on the Oval would do that, I would buy a boom box and join in the protest! I don't live on the Oval, but I am sick of their desperate, cretinous attempts to present this place as some sort of resort. We have had no peace whatsoever since this dickhead and his pathetic crew arrived on the scene. You know who the dickhead is that I am referring to!

Anonymous said...

3:27 I don’t think the suing part is logical, but as an oval resident, I despise these events. I have made my feelings known to management and to Councilman Powers and that is about all that is possible talking logically.

Anonymous said...

Agree with you STR: Why is Pride a month?

Unknown said...

Also, Freddie Mercury and Queen supported apartheid. So there's that.

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