The TA inadvertently published a recent photo of a Stuy Town resident screaming "There's no heat!" while the woman next to her (also a resident) is looking thru Stuy Town garbage for anything to eat. As we here at the STR blog are very curious about this scene, we searched for the first woman and found her walking around the Oval, as she was careful not to get run over by a speeding bicycle or scooter.
Me: Is that you?
Yes, I can't take this place anymore. And I'm a new resident that's paying $7,000 a month for a renovated one-room IKEA apartment.
Wow, that's a lot. I didn't know that rents go up that high.
Sure do, even though they say I am a rent-stabilized tenant like everyone else. And now Gracefully is charging $5 for a small cup of coffee. Necessary price increase, Gracefully says.
But you go to Associated?
Closed. I'm still going to the East River to drink water and catch a fish and wash clothes, but the East River Park will be closed soon, while they raise it 2 inches.
All of it?
Yes, all of it., but we have to fight global warming. At least that's what they say, but I'm suspicious of those planned high-rises along the East River that they're going to build.
So what are your options?
Don't tell anyone, but I am forced to do AirBnb because I can't afford the rent anymore. Luckily, our Public Safety department looks the other way on most things.
Boy, you're in a tough situation.
That's why I screamed. I hope I didn't wake you?
No, you didn't. I'm used to noise by now, living near the new subway extension on 14th Street. Human screaming is nothing compared to the jack-hammering that's going on.
I admit that I went to Management's s'mores event and gobbled what I could. Thank God for small favors.
* * *
With that, the woman hustled over to the new Veteran 's Memorial, where, despite no real trees, she found many empty spaces to sit and rest.
Yes, thank God for small favors.