Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The Rules

The diagram is from the city showing the rules for outside dinning. Click on image to make it bigger. The bus stop was on the corner. It was moved. A city bus stop. Why was it moved?


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Anonymous said...

Some politicians are getting big fat bribes for letting Blacklung get away with this. Me and my family and our friends would not dine at Rosemary's if they were giving the food away free plus doggie bags! The blatant abuse and corruption is so in-your-face and up-your-ass as to be insulting as if they shoved a piece of shit into our faces. They think they can get away with anything and every damned politician in this City has a big "FOR SALE" stamp on his/her forehead.

None of us is voting because .... what's the point? The politicians don't work for us. They treat us like brainless stooges and our lives, well-being and safety mean absolutely NOTHING to these people.

Anonymous said...

I did try Rosemary’s and will not be going back . Attractive inside but the food was very mediocre. Couple that with Blackstone’s stake in it, I would rather go elsewhere.

Pass the Pepto Pauline said...

Rosemary's is overpriced and mediocre at best.
At least you won't ( I hope! ) get the Hershey Squirts, otherwise known as The Runs, like I did when I "dined' at the eColi 5 Turd Stuy Town Cafe.
Stay away!

Anonymous said...

Rosemary’s is getting great reviews on Yelp. Hard to believe. I guess the yuppies like the decor. The pizza was not good at all. Menu so sparse. Follia’s and Patrizias are so much better.

Anonymous said...

Is that outside seating permanent? I would hate to sit outside on First Avenue and 23rd with all the bus and car fumes! Never liked dining outside in the City. Always some dirty old bugger spitting and dogs shitting. Yuck!

Anonymous said...

It just needs an 18-wheeler to go barreling into it. Hopefully not when people are in there. I can't see why anybody would want to sit and eat outside on First Avenue with all that traffic and the fumes. Gross.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Is that outside seating permanent?<<


Anonymous said...

My partner and I are going to renew our lease because even though there are a lot of drawbacks to living here (noise, no heat in winter, etc.) there is nowhere in NYC that has so many beautiful trees. We have trees right outside our LR, Bedroom and Kitchen windows and it feels like living in the countryside! We can block out all the many annoyances that go with living here (and would probably exist to some degree everywhere) when we look out the windows and see those beautiful green leaves. I think that may be the one really exceptional thing they have got going for them these days! The other trappings (movies, music, "amenities") are worthless to us because we don't use them. Went to one of the Oval movie events and tried the Five Stuy Cafe, but were TOTALLY unimpressed! The beauty of living here is not what Blackstone have put in place, but what they have left alone!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Yes, one can get lucky, but a lot of other residents live next to this or that which makes their living less desirable. Right now, I have fine neighbors, but years ago I had a bunch of male college students upstairs who would frequently party late at night and didn't care about the loud noise and music they were making.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading on the tenants' facebook that they are changing the card readers and several people have been denied access to their buildings. What kind of unprofessional, moronic idiots run this place? It is outrageous that they do this to people! It's nothing more than changing the locks and locking rent-paying tenants out. Apparently, we have to get new cards. NOTHING official has been said about this. Where the hell do they dig up these people who they put in positions of responsibility? If this is how the new "Manager" treats tenants, then it is going to be a very rough ride - for him and for us. Do they have any idea how totally fed up we are of the assholes they put in charge here? Hayduk ripped out the directories and that really screwed a lot people, especially when it comes to having deliveries. It was an illegal act and has not been rectified. Now they are locking us out and not bothering to tell us that the locks have been changed. What a bunch of moronic thugs!

Anonymous said...



Fed Up Fiona said...

What a dump this is becoming!
I urge all prospective renters to STAY AWAY.
The "dog and pony" shoe put on by Management fools no one.
Forget the movies, the "events", the eColi laden 5 Turd Stuy Town Cafe.
Just give us heat, hot water, trash removal and peace and quiet.

Anonymous said...

I agree that this is becoming an absolute dump. The hall floors and rugs need replacement. The lobbies are tired looking. Outside, the dogs and oval events make the place look like crap.

Anonymous said...

"The "dog and pony" shoe put on by Management fools no one.
Forget the movies, the "events", the eColi laden 5 Turd Stuy Town Cafe.
Just give us heat, hot water, trash removal and peace and quiet."

AMEN to that!!

Anonymous said...

My feeling is that some of the empty apartments here will be filled by students returning after the Covid year. I also predict that in five years or so this will become city subsidized or owned with just old timers left. Who in their right mind would pay over $3500 monthly+ to live in this dumpy project.

Anonymous said...

I see the rolling luggage crowd coming in lately. AirBnB does very well here!

It's run like a nasty hotel and it is full of transients.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Yes, I see a lot of the rolling luggage crowd. I guess with Covid not a thought now, it's time for Airbnb again.

Anonymous said...

Battery Park city is so much prettier than the Sty. Trees and the water from all views basically. No comparison. We left almost a year ago and could not be more happy that we made the move. Although I think you might be too late to get in on the deals. We got 25% off our Sty apartment for a better place. Win win.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Battery Park City is indeed wonderful. Been there lots of times in the past.

Anonymous said...

As I said before, if it wasn't for the fact we are located where there are lots of trees all round the building, my partner and I would have been out of here long ago. We pay "market rate," but wouldn't live in an apartment near the Oval or the CHP things if they were offering them rent-free. Life's too short to live with that kind of shit if you have an option and can afford not to.

Anonymous said...

Battery Park City is where I would move to if I could afford it. Either that or Newport just across the River. Preferably Batter Park City, though.

I don't know where TS ever got the big steel balls to call this place "Luxury!" It's got its good points, but nothing Luxury about it except the rent that some folk pay! Don't know if it's worth it for the inside fixings, but I have heard that much of the trimmings and appliances in the Platinum apartments is not really top of the line stuff.

Anonymous said...

This luxury label is a joke. Looking at photos of Battery Park City, the difference is huge. That property is lovely.Anyone who pays market rate here, over $3500 is crazy. The low rent we old timers pay is getting increasingly hard to accept given the atrocious state of this property. Sure, you can’t beat these rent stabilized rents in Manhattan, but we have to put up with a slum like transient property. An uncomfortable trade off at this point. If I were younger I would get out of here.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing to recommend paying market rate here except good repair service and large rooms. The only two pros. The cons are too numerous to recite but they include: some poorly heated apartments, pot smell permeating halls and apartments, tons of dogs, worn out halls and carpets, a transient and student population, noisy events that contaminate the oval, garbage left by the service roads, an ever deteriorating neighborhood on 14th St, and it goes on and on.

Anonymous said...

Board of Health violations for Stuy Town Oval Cafe.

Anonymous said...

Have we more children here of the "nah, nah, look what I have and you don't?"


AND THEN, IF THAT ISN'T ENOUGH - "Oh, yes, WE got a deal, but you can't"???


Stuy Town Reporter said...

I don't think that is the purpose of the post. As I wrote, I've been to Battery Park City and it is wonderful, at least what I saw. One of my favorite spots in the city, which can be enjoyed for anyone. One doesn't have to rent an apartment there. Also, they do have an ice rink, but it is not surrounded by resident buildings.

Anonymous said...

I think that 11:53 was just trying to emphasize the fact that if you are going to pay market rents of over $3500, you can do much better than this dump. What nerve they have charging such rents to live here.

Anonymous said...

Also, Upper Case 9.57 PM. Please stop shouting. Your POV is better done without it.

Anonymous said...

Shouting. Pleading and begging to organize and fight for all of us. For several years now.

Anonymous said...

"The low rent we old timers pay is getting increasingly hard to accept given the atrocious state of this property. Sure, you can’t beat these rent stabilized rents in Manhattan, but we have to put up with a slum like transient property. An uncomfortable trade off at this point."

Couldn't say it better myself. However, I would disagree with the idea that our rents are "low". They're lower than the market, yes, but they're not low relative to the low quality of life that one has to endure to live here.

Anonymous said...

Once more: fighting is possible. Maybe even partial wins. Or more.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody on 14th Street ever hear some guy on a motorcycle or some kind of souped up
motorized bicycle making a hell of a loud, grating roar with his wretched two-wheeler?
It is a horrible noise and not like a regular motorcycle.

Anonymous said...

Viewed walking home on the 14th St loop last evening. A woman begging on the corner(Stuy town side), household garbage on the side and finally the disgusting movie crowd with accompanying noise pollution. This is truly a slum.

Anonymous said...

Saw a dog outside playground 12 that looked like a pony from far away. Oversized for sure. And a dog lying on the bench the other night.

Anonymous said...

Management is crowing about that new town garden which is complete with an off leash dog run. Those poor residents in nearby buildings having to be exposed to groups of dogs yelping and running around. Tonight there is pounding and I mean pounding music coming from the oval. Have no idea what it is but it is despicable.

Anonymous said...

May it storm every Wednesday and Thursday night until the snows blanket the Oval!!! Last night the movie blasted till 9 pm. Tonight, the music from the cafe is deafening! Was on a zoom meeting and very hard to concentrate and participate.

Anonymous said...

Last night was a Gay Pride concert I believe. The noise level was completely out of hand and unacceptable. I have never heard it that loud in my oval apartment. They like to put on these events to show diversity, but do not consider that it is a residential area and that the noise interferes with people’s activities. This management is disgraceful. Anything to make it look like they are cool and offer amenities. A real sham show.

Anonymous said...

This landlord is worldwide "renowned" for abusing tenants and making their lives a misery. This new GM must be a fucking sadist. I hate this place and can't wait to get out. I will warn everybody far and wide that this vile, overpriced slum is an absolute MUST to AVOID even if they start offering rent-free apartments. Eventually, it will be a massive homeless shelter (maybe even take in those let out of Rikers) and that's about all it is fit for at this point.

Anonymous said...

This is worse than the days when kids used to walk down the streets with those big box radios blasting! Being stuck indoors and having to listen to nonstop music at high volume is a violation of our rights to peaceful enjoyment of our apartments. I hope it rains every time they put on this shit for the rest of the summer. God! I hate this place and the morons who are running it into the ground! No wonder they can't get people to move into this dump!

Anonymous said...

After every event, people who don't necessarily belong here congregate near homes for extended periods of time and talk and laugh and make noise. That is what happened the last 2 movie nights, as it did every time movies and other events happen.

Wednesday night the movies blasted at unhealthy and illegal levels, deliberately, and as one discredited podcast producer says, "by design."

Also, advertised for that night: "LIVE! Drag Queen Story Hour: 6:45pm in Playground 10; Ages 3-8 only." wft! It speaks for itself.

Thursday night: "march" of "500" people from First Avenue through Cooper and Stuyvesant to march around Oval. It was followed by a deafening, and similarly physically injurious and much-over-allowed-legal-decibel levels from sound check beginning at around 4:45 in the afternoon or earlier. "Pride?" In what? Why here?

Anonymous said...

The constant and incessant music from the Stuy Town Cafe is a total annoyance to the residents of 5 Stuyvesant Oval.
Surely there must be something that can be done.

Anonymous said...

"Also, advertised for that night: "LIVE! Drag Queen Story Hour: 6:45pm in Playground 10; Ages 3-8 only." wft! It speaks for itself."

I recall a better vanished time when that would be considered child abuse. These are sad times we are living in.

Anonymous said...

The bus stop was moved long before Rosemary’s ever signed the lease.

If you remember, the original plan when the M23 became an SBS route was to eliminate the mid block stop on 20th, so the west end stop was moved further east. After some pushback, the DOT decided to keep the mid block stop after all.

Also, with the bike lanes in place, leaving only one lane in each direction, having the stop at the corner of 20th and 1st would prevent westbound traffic from turning onto 1st while the bus was making it’s stop. In it’s current position, there’s some (not a lot) of room to pass.

Anonymous said...

That Thursday night noise explosion went on until nearly 9PM. Deafening music for three hours. The loudest and worst yet.

Anonymous said...

The property is choc-a-bloc with moving vans today. People moving OUT! I'm sure a lot of people within earshot of the vile Oval "events" are among them. I would turn down an apartment in that neck of the woods even if it was offered rent-free.

What kind of a ding-dong is running this place? Clearly, he is not qualified to run a housing complex where people actually live (what few are left). He should be running a traveling show. I suspect that the last guy quit because he was too professional for the job because no self-respecting "property manager" would stay on and do Blackstone's bidding. Blackstone obviously scrapes the barrel for its GMs.

Anonymous said...

10pm and there is a bunch of bros moving their shit in and not being very quiet about it. Thank God I'm moving out of here soon. And they wonder why they can't get new tenants! Students and City subsidized are the ONLY ones who they can get at this point. Well, there are the sublets and AirBNB. Makes ya feel so safe. Any psycho can rent here because "Management" doesn't have the faintest idea who is occupying these apartments. They don't care either. NYCHA has stricter rules and more knowledge about who is living in its property.

Anonymous said...

The kitchen exhaust pipe from the eColi Five Turd Cafe empties right in the rear of the building, 5 Stuyvesant Oval, and subjects the poor tenants in the back with never-ending noxious, greasy odors. Just another amenity!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>The bus stop was moved long before Rosemary’s ever signed the lease.<<

Hm, I wonder. I was continually walking that area and, yes, the bus stop was moved for the reason you mention, but also, to me, the other reason to clear the area of any future violations. I think the Blackstone plan was to have Rosemary's in the future. It takes some time to actualize things in the city. It is strange that the movement of the bus stop fits in perfectly with Rosemary's outside seating.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Another topic, but bicycles do not stop when they are supposed to. Some areas, like the pathway between PCV and Stuy Town, past 1st Ave, is notorious for bicycles NOT stopping if they have a red light telling them to stop. Also, another topic, the Stuy Town "golf carts" are not suppose to cross 20st, and they constantly do, irregardless of a red light sometimes. So rule breaking is common.

Anonymous said...

This place is a very hazardous place to live in. NYC in and of itself is somewhat hazardous, but that is par for the course. StyTown is hazardous in a condensed manner. Speeding bicycles, scooters and golf carts; ear-splitting music and movie soundtrack right outside people's homes; shuddery elevators that seem to never be serviced these days; all kinds of people moving in (mostly unknown to Management) and no way of knowing who your neighbors are and some of those neighbors being somewhat unsavory, just to name a few of the hazards of living here.
There is no quality of life here except a very, very low quality of life.
No wonder they have to offer an "incentive" to bring in a new tenant. I would not wish this place on my worse enemy (if I had one). I most certainly would not recommend it to a friend!!!!! Friends don't do that kind of thing to friends!

Anonymous said...

Hayduk ran the place four years and he was just as bad. In fact he set up the noise events. This is what management wants , a pretense of crap amenities while letting the place turn into a transient slum. Any manager would serve this agenda.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

A "new" amenity: Noise from helicopters. That "favorable" post on one of the Facebooks was a signal that the helicopters are back and Covid is gone. Residents loved the photo. But do you love the constant noise, too?

Anonymous said...

News flash, and sorry for shouting, as someone described it:


It is rising once more in Staten Island.

There are now multiple variants of the Delta variety, dangerous as hell. Vaccinations do not always work on them. People with this pie-in-the-sky SOLUTION of "fully vaccinated" are becoming infected with Covid-19. People ALREADY sick with Covid-19 are becoming infected a second time.

(In addition, the vaccine wears off. A friend lost her supposed immunity eight (8) months after she was exceedingly ill with COVID-19 and she is not a high-risk or "pre-existing condition" patient.)

Schools in other countries have closed because MANY children (middle school age) became infected with Covid, including the most fully vaccinated country in the world.

Over Thirteen Thousand (13,000) had to be placed into quarantine in Israel because they are SICK WITH COVID.

Millions of people behaved like literal murderous criminals during the so-called first, second and third "waves" of COVID-19 in 2020 and part of 2021.

It is happening again. I am soooo very, very sorry that so many people want to be "free" to go back to "normal." It won't work. It will see many of us sickening and dying.

Open up your eyes and end your denial. Please.

Anonymous said...

What a sh*thole this place has become.
That just about says it all.

Anonymous said...

It seems they are changing all the ID cards that allow us to gain entry to our homes. People are only finding this out when they try to get into their building and the card doesn't work.

They have the manpower to send us notices about the asinine "events" that most of us wouldn't be caught dead at, but can't find the manpower to send us notices about important matters such as access to our homes. What a bunch of morons. No wonder they are begging for new tenants.

Anonymous said...

The Gay Pride event was an abomination.
This is supposed to be a residential community.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Over Thirteen Thousand (13,000) had to be placed into quarantine in Israel because they are SICK WITH COVID.<<

Is this now? If it is, please provide a source for this information. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I agree, particularly the noise level which was exceeding high.

Anonymous said...

The 13,000 newly quarantined Israeli patients (COVID-19) were reported on an Israeli news channel to which my husband, raised in Israeli, and with family living there, listens faithfully each morning. It was reported less than a week ago; I do not remember which day.

(Yes, the Israeli news was in Hebrew.)

Anonymous said...

"The Gay Pride event was an abomination.
This is supposed to be a residential community."

I have been informed, continually, that "many people want this; they enjoy it." And it has been described by many "management" people as a "balance" between what "people" want and what we are entitled to by virtue of our leases and other written legal guarantees.

Each time I have brought up topics such as legality, the fact that this is a home and not an entertainment venue, and so forth, my objections have gone unaddressed, ignored as I was bombarded by more of the same tired and illegal, hateful assertions.

Anonymous said...

"The Gay Pride event was an abomination.
This is supposed to be a residential community."

Well, I'm sure a lot of Gay people reside here! However, I think I see where you are coming from. We rent here just for the sake of living in an apartment here as a choice over many other apartment complexes in the City. Most of us don't know or care about the race, religion or sexual orientation of our neighbors. We just hope they are not serial killers or child or animal abusers. I wish that Management would just stick to running this community as a residential community and put aside all the "diversity" issues. Most of us have lives of our own and aren't interested in having whatever our culture/lifestyle is celebrated and don't care to see other culture/lifestyles celebrated. NOT ON THE PROPERTY, that is.

I don't want to see (on the property) and celebrations of religion, lifestyle, culture, race, whatever. I just want heat in the winter, peace and quiet and Management and neighbors to stay out of my face. I definitely DO NOT want to hear a shitty movie/concert/music effort from the Oval invading the peace and privacy of my home.

THIS is not a summer camp or resort. It is a secular housing project/complex that houses a miscellany of cultures, tastes and individuals. Keep out of my space and I'll keep out of yours. Have you got that Mr. Siddiquie? If not, then you are a moron.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>The 13,000 newly quarantined Israeli patients (COVID-19) were reported on an Israeli news channel to which my husband, raised in Israeli, and with family living there<<

I am aware of the Delta strain, but that the cases of Covid have gone down in Israel. I checked this info to make sure (the info is easily available online).....

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Well, I'm sure a lot of Gay people reside here! However, I think I see where you are coming from.<<

I was told from childhood on that pride was a sin. No more, though. It's just accenting a separation between people.

Anonymous said...

The Delta variant has raised red flags in Israel. Cases have gone up and vaccinated people have contracted the strain, though less critically.

Anonymous said...

It is really disgusting how this management shoves these noisy events on us all in the name of pretending to have “amenities “ and appearing to be cool and super aware of diversity and eco issues. They don’t fool most of us, except the idiots that partake in this cheesy crap. Have never heard of this in a private residential property. All in a useless attempt to justify outlandish rents for a transient dorm dump. The parades, veterans and Memorial Day performances, movies, concerts, and other gimmicks are a smoke screen for a dying development which is populated mostly by students, city subsidized and old time tenants who can’t move.

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry. This COVID-19 situation has been a nightmare, people-wise, for all of its duration. And continues to be so.

Israel is in trouble now; it is NOT in good shape. Please read and listen to many publications and broadcasts IN HEBREW and then report on COVID-19 there.

Denial and minimization are old coping mechanisms for this species.

They do not serve us. I know that COVID-19 scares the hell out of us. Human insistence on believing what makes them feel better can cause way more problems for so many people.

Anonymous said...

"I was told from childhood on that pride was a sin. No more, though. It's just accenting a separation between people."

I'm all in favor of diversity, but don't want celebrations (or condemnations) of other peoples lifestyles, religions, etc., etc., shoved down my throat. It'a a diverse residential property, not a commune or resort. I'm sick of Management's stupid efforts to entertain us and cater (or pander) to various groups. I am in favor of diverse but SECULAR society. You do your thing and I'll do mine and let us not get in each other's faces or disturb anybody's right to the peace and quiet we all deserve and NEED!

Anonymous said...

I don’t care what lifestyle anybody pursues. I just don’t want to be forced to listen to music and noise. Is this GM a property manager or a resort director?
NOBODY rents here for the tacky “amenities “ or “entertainment.” It’s more likely that people move out or avoid the place because of those things.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Anonymous said...

The Times of Israel is not Hebrew.

There was the mask problem months ago. Now it's this. Please stop. Please. We've got enough real and growing trouble living here in our severely degraded homes. Please.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Did you read the Times of Israel? That page? What do you disagree with? Your request to read Hebrew leaves many people out. Who reads Hebrew? Very few. So if reading Hebrew is your advice, that leaves most people out and you win by default. LOL.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line on this whole Israel article thing is that although death rates are low(the article cited by STR) , Israel was once a shining example of the Covid success of a highly vaccinated population. The Delta variant has put a dent in that, showing that vaccinated people can get the virus. It is disconcerting. Not a reason to panic, but a matter of concern, particularly with the large number of unvaccinated people in our country.

Anonymous said...


("LOL, you win," etc.)

I'm hoping that if you knew who this is, someone whom you know and I believe respect and like more than a little, you would not be writing (to me) the sentences you are writing. It is hurtful.

I've been nothing less than both warm and complimentary to you, personally and on this blog as well. Even when we have disagreed about matters of life and death.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Did you read the Times of Israel article? Why is that "hurtful"?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I am trying to get at the facts. There is a lot of misinformation about Covid and facts that are proven not to be facts later. All I want is the truth. Hearing that I have to read Hebrew does not help me, because I don't know Hebrew. No links provided, just read Hebrew. I proved a link. Everything there seems balanced and has your own concerns.

Other matter: We now are informed that mask wearing for residents vaccinated can be dispensed with. While I am not arguing pro or con, I am mystified by "respect your neighbors' space." What does that really mean? Don't spit on your neighbor? Stay away a foot, ten feet, etc. No solid info on this is given.

Anonymous said...

The facts are that it is true that Israel and Britain are having an issue with Delta variant, even among the vaccinated. It is true that the delta variant is spreading in states with low vaccination rates. Unfortunately the unvaccinated are on their honor with masks so you have to just wear the mask or not, vaccinated people.Use your judgement. I would err on the side of caution in public indoor spaces. There are no absolutes. Just read the newsfeeds. The pandemic is more under control but not over.

Anonymous said...

Just read credible news sources and I mean credible. Nothing is written in stone.

Anonymous said...

The Israelis will deal with Covid or anything else with more efficiency and intelligence than we can ever hope for in this country, so don't worry about them.

Anonymous said...

"respect your neighbors' space" really means...nothing! And how does one know for sure that someone (else) is vaccinated?

Anonymous said...

That is the problem in this country. You have to proceed with caution indoors, not panic but caution.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. This country had a horrible pandemic response and it is still not what it should be because states have control.

Anonymous said...

A sparse stupid crowd watching the oval movie tonight in 91 degree heat and high humidity. Why???

Anonymous said...

The Oval "events" and the commercialization of the property are a disgrace.
Who needs the Movies on the Oval or the eColi "food" at the overpriced Five Turd Cafe?

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad I don’t live near the Oval. That used to be the Premier location in Stuyvesant Town. Not now!

Anonymous said...

I think those Oval "events" are meant for the elderly and infirm who don't get the opportunity to get out to entertainment venues. They really should put these things on the Community Center and not outside where they are going to disrupt the lives and peaceful living of people in their homes. I can't imagine that any young and able-bodied persons find these things in any way appealing. As for the Cafe, I think people like to go and sit there. I see a lot of dogs on the chairs and around the tables. Doesn't appeal to me in the slightest! I wouldn't eat there if the food was free! They must have some kind of deal with the Health Department because if they operated such a place anywhere else they would be shut down in a heartbeat!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Anytime I see these events in passing, the people there are not elderly and infirm. As a matter of fact, I don't see much of the elderly and infirm there!

Anonymous said...

The Oval Cafe is finished.
After Management opens up that gourmet food market in the old Associated spot with their own cafe, who in their right mind would patronize the overpriced, sanitary challenged eColi Five Turd cafe?

Anonymous said...

"Anytime I see these events in passing, the people there are not elderly and infirm. As a matter of fact, I don't see much of the elderly and infirm there!"

I'm surprised because I just assumed that they were put on for that demo. I have never gone by the Oval when those things were on. I have walked by that grotty cafe a few times and it looks like a place where old people sit and read. Always dogs there. So glad I don't live near the Oval and all those hideous "amenity" buildings. I'm sure they are no worse than the power plants they are building, but why do they have to put such crap right in the middle of a residential complex, anyway? Never seen anything like this place before. I have never see anything like this place ever again in my life! We're moving out soon and won't be sorry to see this place in the rear-view mirror.

Anonymous said...

Most of the people at these oval events are not elderly. Many don’t even live here. Many kids running around.

Anonymous said...

Most "elderly and infirm" are either unable to or don't want to go out evenings.

Anonymous said...

Just got an e-blast from Nadeem. Lots and lots of crap events are coming to ruin our peaceful enjoyment of our homes this summer. I hope it rains every night they have those events. People from outside come in because it's free (not because it's good) and it is a signal to thieves that PS is tied up and there are apartments where there's nobody home and may have left their doors unlocked because they are only going downstairs ....

Anonymous said...

You would be surprised. There are a lot of Airbnb tourists here who frequent the Five Turd Cafe. As do students who don’t care about the prices or the sanitary conditions.Just convenience.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this place is unique in a miserable way. A dying development promoted as a luxury complex with luxury rents falsely. No doormen, no pool, no lobbies and called luxury by its greedy owners. Push crap amenities that harass oval residents to look good and justify that they are providing amenities. The thing that falls me most is old time residents who should know better supporting management and these miserable amenities.

Anonymous said...

A couple of elderly and frail people in my building go to the movies on the Oval. Don't know if they go every time, but I know that they go.

Anonymous said...

After that horrific collapse of the condo building in Miami, I can't help but wonder about the integrity of the structure of the Sty buildings. They have been battered and beat so much since TS and all the renovations and alterations and they have never been as solid as they look from the outside. Note the paper-thin walls and the fact that ceiling/floor is not "floated." They were built just after WWII when building materials were scarce and that accounts for some of the problems with the plumbing. They ran out of copper (I think) when they were finishing off the project.

Anonymous said...

Rats observed scurrying on 5 Stuy Oval Cafe patio this drizzly Saturday morning.
Enjoy the one star "restaurant" delicious artisanal overpriced undercooked faire.
Flavored with rodent droppings.
Who could ask for anything more?

Surprise! Look what I saw this morning said...

Well, what a lovely surprise!
Woke up to dog shit in the elevator this morning.
Can't blame everything on Management.
What a bunch of lowlife tenants who have been moving in.
Zero respect for others or themselves.

Anonymous said...

It comes down to management, because they are renting largely to students, Airbnb, city subsidized, and transients who could care less about their homes. They are temporary. Management is not screening tenants and knows not who lives here or do they care. We never had such a lowlife population before. So it does come down to management.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the old time tenants support any of the shit that goes on here. We are resigned to the fact that it has deteriorated to the level of a slum and is in worse shape than most of the NYCHA projects. I've been here for over 40 years and thought I would never want to move out. Things sure do change in life! It used to be a clean, safe and quiet and peaceful place to live. It was very well run and the grounds were a little bit of heaven on earth. It has gone a 180 degree turn and now it's a scruffy, mis-managed dump that can only attract students and nobody in their right mind wants to pay the rents they ask for a "renovated" unit. Even just a few years ago young people with small kids enjoyed living here. They fled back to the burbs when the Coronavirus hit. They won't be coming back and won't be replaced because it is well-known at this point that it is a Blackstoned (yes the "d" is deliberate). The whole world knows that Blackstone is the Kiss of Death to any property it buys. Prospective renters see the name "Beam Living" and immediately turn and run the other way.

Anonymous said...

"Can't blame everything on Management.
What a bunch of lowlife tenants who have been moving in.
Zero respect for others or themselves."

You're right that the current influx are of a very low calibre. However, I do blame Management because they are so desperate to rent apartments in this dump that they will rent to anybody with a pulse and can come up with the asking rent. The place is beginning to fill up with bros and screechy girls who should be in a real dorm. Management is really desperate because word has spread about what a shithole this place is.

Anonymous said...

Most old timers don’t like the trend, but I personally know a few who attend events and events promote the events online to friends.

Anonymous said...

They are renting to total crap these days because they are DESPERATE! Word has got around about the noise, filth, CHP plants and total indifference and incompetence of "Management." There are much much better places to live in NYC.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is true. There are more empty apartments than I have seen in a long time. I expect a dorm onrush in August to help fill the apartments. I expect that city subsidized will increase and Airbnb enhanced. Unfortunately they have their ways of turning a profit in this dump.

Anonymous said...

What really enticed us to rent here was the beautiful trees and greenery in Stuyvesant Town. The apartment is so-so and probably not worth the money we pay, but what keep us here is being able to look out the window and see green lawns and trees. Lovely seeing the pigeons resting in the shade of one of those trees! If it wasn't for the lush greenery here the place would be just an ugly post-war blight on the landscape! I think the grounds (not the "amenities") are Management's most important marketing tool. Everything else is shoddy - laundry rooms, lobbies, overall upkeep. I suspect they have let a lot of employees go because of the pandemic and the property is getting an air of neglect when it comes to the buildings. We have so many empty apartments around us and there is no way of knowing who our neighbors are because the Directories list "Private" for almost every apartment and there are no name plates. It's kinda creepy, but so long as we have the beautiful grounds, we don't care. At least, don't care that much! It really is like a housing project. Well, actually, it IS a housing project, just a privately owned one. It's getting that neglected look that a lot of the City projects tend to have. Still a long way to go before it gets that seedy and they should do something NOW to stop the decline.

I don't think Blackstone/Beam hires the right people for running a place like this. They get these resort veterans and they really don't know shit about running a housing complex. People don't move into a residential complex for the sake of noisy, intrusive, third-rate "entertainment." They just don't seem to "get" that though. Not the sharpest knives in the drawer making the decisions at Blacstone/Beam.

Anonymous said...

Most old timers don’t like the trend, but I personally know a few who attend events and events promote the events online to friends.>>>>>>>

It probably is a cheap night out for old folk who can't afford or don't feel comfortable going out to real places of entertainment.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Hate to say it, but the real places of entertainment are getting less and less. Unless you like boozing it up at some bar.

Anonymous said...

The Blackstone company is purposeful in hiring managers to run this dump. This is all a highly thought out plan for pretense amenities and events to justify the high rent in a property that is certainly not luxury. They knew that they would fail to attract professional families and couples who will go for real amenities such as pools and doormen. A deal with NYU and other schools to make dorms was in from the beginning and has expanded as old tenants die out. Deals for Airbnb, tourist short term rentals and city subsidized were also implemented. The manager here doesn’t matter. Every manager we get carries through this disgusting program of noise events and ceremonies. Yes, the grounds are nice, but are wrecked by the crap on the oval and are not kept well. They get it and don’t care as long as apartments are rented. You will likely see more students this year after Covid to fill apartments. Do not think for one moment that they don’t know what they are doing. Hayduk and any manager placed here must follow the plan. In five years this dump will be completely dormified and subsidized by the city.

Anonymous said...

Actually a few that I know were entranced with Rick and continue to support enthusiastically the rotten legacy he left behind. They can afford other forms of entertainment but go figure. They laud this dump to others.

We Are in All Sorts of Trouble said...

1. Blackstone/Beam know precisely what they are doing. Look up Blackstone if you don't know who they are, what they are, and how infamous they are for hurting people and other forms of life all around this world.

2. The fireworks tonight were 100% irresponsible. The noise level, and its duration, were drastically different than anything I've heard since I was born in New York City. As a little girl in Brooklyn, I spent part of Tuesday evenings (I think it was Tuesday) in Brooklyn with my mother and friends and neighbors watching the fireworks from Coney Island until a monster housing project eventually blocked the fireworks from us. Those nights were magical. Years later, my boyfriend's father would take us out into the East River on his little boat to watch the fireworks on the River. Again - wonderful. Many years ago, my then husband and his sister and I spent a July 4th on the FDR watching the fireworks. Good fun.

Nothing like this. My husband and my animals had a bad time of it tonight. The deafening blasts sounded like a major shelling of the City was occurring. It is 10:05 as I write this and it sounds like a major attack, missiles and rockets and bombs are going off. Usually, the barrage occurs at the very end of the show. Tonight, most of the show was deafening and intense. Why?

3. I am sorry to do this because many people object greatly to this next I am going to report. The COVID-19 variant is not responding well to either Moderna or Pfizer. I know what we are being told. It is not true. Israel is now debating a shutdown. Sorry for "shouting:" IN THE LAST WEEK, THE EFFICACY OF THE VACCINATIONS DECLINED 30%; a large and frightening number of those HOSPITALIZED WITH COVID HAD BEEN FULLY VACCINATED AGAINST THE ORIGINAL VIRUS. (That was translated to me out of the original Hebrew and I do not have it available at the moment.) But see below, please:

"Experts: Without restrictions, daily COVID cases could rise to 1,000 in 2 weeks."

“We are seeing a more intense outbreak than last week,” he told the Ynet news site, saying the recently recorded rise in both coronavirus infections and serious cases was “'concerning, to say the least.'” (This was The Times of Israel Today).

Also from today: "Schoolchildren make up (a) large part of Israel's recent COVID cases, report says Health Ministry report on latest virus surge shows child patients make up majority of newly diagnosed in many cities across Israel; out of 2,438 active cases in Israel, 1,236 contracted the virus within the education system."

I'd like to write something to the effect of, "behave as you wish at your own risk." The trouble is that any one person's behavior can put at risk the lives of a great many people.

Again - I have no words to express my sorrow if this distresses people. They will be somewhat more distressed when the proverbial sh*t hits the proverbial fan in the not too distant future. I, for one, am not looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

12:42 AM and there is a deafening barrage of fireworks going off. Where is it coming from? I hope they blow their fucking nobs off. Where are the cops? I fucking HATE fireworks. There has to be a better way to celebrate Independence Day.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The fireworks were the loudest I've heard in my years of living here. Right now, I don't know if it's the placement, acoustics, or something else, but the fireworks seemed overhead.

Anonymous said...

Last night it occurred to me during the horrific bombardment we endured (the fireworks) that this is emblematic of the American response of "Yaaay! The pandemic is over! The pandemic is over. Now we all fly and drink in bars and go wherever we want and do whatever we want! Freedom! Freedom!"

Not too bright. Excuse the pun.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that the fireworks annoyed some residents; they were quite loud. To me, going down to see the Macy’s show is the only perk of living in this dump. To walk five minutes and be able to view the fireworks is great.

On another topic, I can’t believe all of the great reviews Rosemary’s gets on Yelp. In addition, the place is jam packed. The food was so mediocre. One poster mentioned the mediocre main dishes and gave it 5 stars. I will never set place in there again. Attractive decor and ambience cannot make up for lousy food and crappy menu.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Much too early to consider Rosemary's a success. Give it time. Remember, the previous places there were filled at certain times of the day, and they had to close. One difference, though, Blackstone has invested in this. They need it to be a "success," no matter if it is or isn't.

Anonymous said...

The tenants of 5 Stuyvesant Oval will joyfully celebrate when the 5 Turd eColi Cafe goes belly up.
Only a matter of time.
Third rate, over-priced food, cheap, adulterated wine, incessant noise from the music, and rodents scurrying about their patio.

Anonymous said...

I think that the fireworks were so loud last night that people without protection over their ears could have suffered permanent damage.

Anonymous said...

"They need it to be a "success," no matter if it is or isn't."

I'm sure they tout Sty as a "success" with people clamoring to rent here. Never mind that half the apartments are empty and they can only get students to move in here. Living with students is not a great incentive for people to rent anywhere, especially as most of them are undergrads. Most of us remember our undergrad years and shudder at the thought of living among that demo! I'd much rather live among the city-subsidized (if it is true that they are moving in) because those people want and need a place to call home and would likely be good neighbors.

Anonymous said...

To Everyone Who Believes "We're Fine Because the Pandemic is Over:"

Please read this article in the New York Post, today's date. You might want to also read up on what is happening in Spain.

Perhaps think about the Spanish Flu and how deadly it was the second year.

Anonymous said...

But they are planning to build a power plant within direct eye sight of this restaurant that they’ve invested in. Doesn’t seem like they really care if it succeeds.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>To Everyone Who Believes "We're Fine Because the Pandemic is Over:"<<

I don't think that Covid is over, but there has been a relaxing of the rules for sure.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>But they are planning to build a power plant within direct eye sight of this restaurant that they’ve invested in.<<

I don't know what they will see at this point. Probably with trees in the summer, not much. And it is across the street and not in direct line, so....

Anonymous said...

To "We Are in All Sorts of Trouble said.."

Since you seem to be not on any type of SM, especially Twitter, you have been posting some incorrect data on COVID-19. Bottom line is that Israel was the first nation to get a high % of its' population vaccinated. All 3 vaccines in this country are still very effective against COVID-19 death and major hospitalization. As the data comes in to this country re the Delta variant, what this means is that everyone who was previously was 100% here, especially those over 65, will probably need a booster shot sooner rather than later or maybe not, we shall soon see. The reality right now is that over 99% of current COVID-19 deaths happening in this country right now are attributed to those who have not been vaccinated at all.

"Israel reported on Monday a decrease in the effectiveness of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine in preventing infections and symptomatic illness but said it remained highly effective in preventing serious illness.

The decline coincided with the spread of the delta variant and the end of social distancing restrictions in Israel.

Vaccine effectiveness in preventing both infection and symptomatic disease fell to 64 percent since June 6, the Health Ministry said. At the same time the vaccine was 93 percent effective in preventing hospitalizations and serious illness from the coronavirus."

Anonymous said...

All true and accurate, but a little disconcerting as regards this country with areas and states with only half vaccinated. These unvaccinated people can create pockets of new and more vaccine resistant strains.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

We don't know whether the unvaccinated people already had a mild case of Covid or nothing, but not the test. We also don't know whether they are not at any risk of serious illness. We don't know a number of things.

Arriving Soon Near You said...

As I've been counseled: Just Wait.

I'm observing the exact same behavior as the beginnings and early days of COVID-19. Most people live on that boat in Egypt: De Nial.

If you have not (a) yourself died of the virus; or (b) become seriously ill with the virus; or (c) lost people who matter to you from the virus; or (d) known people who mattered to you who became seriously ill with the virus, then -

No Big Deal. Whomever sickened badly with COVID-19 or died: who cares? Right?

It is not the virus which is lethal; it is the human selfishness, hedonism, lack of reasoning, extreme and dangerous immaturity (celebrated and sanctioned) and especially lack of caring which is the major problem.

Life became so very much worse during 2020 because most people were in deep DENIAL or similar states of voluntary unconsciousness. I hoped against hope we'd learn to be significantly better creatures on this planet. Nope.

My father, dead many long years now, used to instruct me that most people's attitudes are based upon one particular conviction: HURRAY FOR ME. THE HELL WITH YOU. He and his mother, and my mother's family were the diametric opposite and considered the welfare of others at least as important as their own. And acted on it. And sacrificed for others.

Now? Twitter and message all you want. Behave any way you see fit (ha!), and advise others that they need to "take care of themselves," while you do the same.

Wait. The many iterations of COVID-19 are here, are ravaging other countries, and the newest strain has plunged Peru into tragedy.

But you're different. OK. Wait.

Anonymous said...

What we do know is that the vaccine has efficacy against serious illness and hospitalization from Covid. That is a fact.

Anonymous said...

If any of us catch COVID because of management’s lack of caring, can we or our survimg
loved ones sue these scumbastards?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

What work stoppage? The 20st Loop on the west side and the other proposed plant are taken up with workers, drilling, and heavy construction trucks, etc. Full blast ahead! And the politicians? Anything they say is just bull.

Anonymous said...

I dislike this management intensely, but I don’t see how management affects Covid at this point. You can avoid the large group activities. Just get the vaccine and be cautious. It bugged me that management did not help access the vaccine for seniors, but at this point in time I don’t see how they can be sued for causing someone to catch Covid.

It Just Gets Worse said...

You and your facts to whomever is posting this "facts" stuff . . . pardon me, this "facts" meme, the meme (such stupid crap) whose twin is, "fully vaccinated:"

One of the outstanding characteristics of this species is inability to learn from their own experience, let alone that of others of their species. We laud ourselves on our ability to learn from other people and other times and so on. That is one of many, probably hundreds, of lies we've told ourselves since "before we fell out of the trees," as a friend's teacher used to phrase it.

One of our other harmful beliefs is: "I'm in control." The latest version of it is, "I've got this this." Good luck to you, because you, or others are going to get IT.

Buddhists talk about desires and aversions. Most of us desire all sorts and kinds of things which are either unattainable or dangerous or unhealthful and the like. And we make up (rationalize, lie) reasons, excuses and "facts" to make it "all right."

We are certainly averse to things WE DO NOT WANT. No apologies for the written "shouting" here.


Rising, rising, rising. Today I rise. That is the new mantra/meme of whichever variants are now spreading again in, "it's OK" New York City. This is New York City which held a genius supers preader event of a genius parade for their "heroes" today. They "thanked" those who risked their lives during the last year plus helping others with COVID, etc.

Hahaha. People gathered in crowds, mainly unmasked, with a spreading virus, in order to become sick again, or sicken others whom the "heroes" can now risk their lives for again.

Good going!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Well, I follow the facts, and I'm glad of the fresh air on my face. So far, no doom and gloom. But to each his or her own.

Anonymous said...

Hi there hosts.,
This is theCovid19 virus posting. I just wanted to thank Blackstone and Beam Living for helping me to spread. I love the cheesy events that you fools organize and invite so many willing hosts for me to infect. I particularly enjoy spreading through the nasal passages of the unmasked hosts when they are in the lobbies and elevators of your slum like transient dorms. Thanks for renting to students who are usually too stoned to take precautions. I love going home with them to infect all the people they meet and stay with. My Lambda and Delta variants are overpowering your pathetic vaccines to the point of fifty five percent of COVID 19 hospitalizations in Israel were people vaccinated twice. . My South African variant has had no problems kicking the shit out of all vaccines. It seems that you hosts are victims of stupidity and magical thinking. Old Joe dementia said he has the virus on the run. Sure, keep thinking that. Kind of like another mental midget declaring mission accomplished. I really have to thank you for learning absolutely fuck all.
I had a meeting with my cousin Ebola and we are thinking of joining forces. How about dying with a tube shoved down your gullet while bleeding from every orifice simultaneously. That’s the ticket.
So please continue to be willing mindless hosts so I can come up with cruel and fascinating variants designed to totally annihilate the entire rotten lot of you useless eaters.
Remember, don’t wear masks, go to all those shitty events that your criminal landlord holds. Also, tell yourselves that it’s over and you won. Don’t wear masks and don’t social distance anymore. It’s over.
Your friendly ubiquitous export courtesy of the CCP

Anonymous said...

Agreed, no doom or gloom. I did think it wouldn’t have been a bad idea to mask up for the parade, but I am glad that they held it. I masked up to see the fireworks the other night. Just use caution in large crowds.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to disrespect anybody, but I am really only focused on what is happening in PCVST and NYC. I don't care what is happening in Israel or anywhere else beyond NYC for that matter.

STR, can we just stick to what affects us here? I don't want to be lectured or bellowed at by the BLOCK CAPS crowd. I care about my family and myself and far-off places mean absolutely NOTHING to me.

Thank you.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Generally, this blog is about what goes on here, but sometimes things occur that may influence what goes on here later.

Anonymous said...

July 7, 2021 at 11:42 PM "I am really only focused on what is happening in PCVST and NYC. I don't care what is happening in Israel or anywhere else beyond NYC for that matter"
What is happening beyond PCVST/NYC can have a direct impact on us who live here. In my building laundry room I ran into someone who just returned from a European vacation. Another one was about to leave for a couple of weeks in England. And an Indian family is planning to visit their homeland in the early fall. We live in a community and city with national and international connections.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

We're in trouble. NYC and this area. Both Powers and Rivera are trying to be City Council boss. If you think, 14th Street between 1st and Ave A is bad....

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Basically, if you think your politician is not doing the job, vote them out. They are counting that you do not care.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

From the Politico article:

"Unlike contests for elected office, the race for speaker takes place behind closed doors"

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't vote for either Powers or Rivera if they were running for dog-catcher. Both of them are garbage. Just look around and see what have and haven't done. Powers is in Management's pocket and is paying lip-service to the tenants' consternation about Blackstone's filthy power plants that are being built right under our noses. Look at the South side of East 14th Street and see how much Rivera cares about all the vagrants, illegal peddlers and all the shit and drugs they bring to the area.

As far as I'm concerned, both of those two useless pols can go to hell.

Anonymous said...

Powers probably has erotic dreams about becoming POTUS (eventually)....

Anonymous said...

I understand we lost several trees during the recent torrential rain and wind. We will probably lose more this weekend. One of the reasons we lose trees in this kind of weather is because so many have been cut down by various MISmanagements. The halfwit POS who had the Oval trees destroyed was some named Stadtmeyer who "managed" the property for a short, but painful, time about 20 years ago. This idiot (and others who came after him) didn't realize that trees are safer when they are many and dense. They protect each other from the elements as well as providing clean air and acting as Nature's air conditioning.

Avarice and intelligence seldom work in tandem.

Anonymous said...

Neither one should be re-elected, especially Rivera. That side of the street is her responsibility (the disgusting vendors blocks)

Selfish is Just Wonderful said...

The sentiment of, "I only care about myself (my family, my neighborhood, my, my, my)" is one of the prime characteristics which are utterly despicable about human animals.

And to the dear, unselfish poster who objects to hearing about Israel: I did not write about Israel because I imagined anyone cared about anyone there. Heaven forbid that should happen! I wrote it because Israel is among the savviest nation when it comes to handling the virus and they are in deep trouble. That translates into: "it is happening in a venue which did much better in stemming the Covid-19 virus. Therefore, new trouble likely going to happen here."

If you do not want to be "screamed at" or "yelled at" here, please consider growing up. That means developing the maturity appropriate to a grown-up, not a self-absorbed child. I'd be happy to recommend books which describe child development.

Anonymous said...

I read on the Tenants fb page that Management is changing everybody's key cards. How come we haven't heard about this from Management? We get emails about their stupid rubbishy "events" and "amenities," things we can well do without, but nothing about the cards that enable us to get into our homes. This new GM is a total moron. Only a tenant-abusing entity like Blackstone would hire such an idiot and treat its tenants so shabbily.

Not surprising, really, I guess considering these fascist bastards are building air-polluting fossil fuel power plants on the property. Can't wait to get out of this HELLHOLE.

Anonymous said...

What a dump Stuy Town has become!
Amenities and about a silk purse on a sow's ear.

Anonymous said...

Got to love the way the TA site is censored now. No more criticism of management allowed. All sweetness and light.

Anonymous said...

We have a TA? Who knew!

Anonymous said...

This landlord is an even worse predator, a horror show beyond anything I could have imagined.

Please read the following excerpt, and then the entire article:

"Vertical Integration

"But fiendishly huge as their profits have been, the private equity bunch were still responsible for keeping the properties they rented in some degree of habitability - sometimes even for answering to angry retirement fund execs when the vultures gambled away their money. In order to further shore up profits, the firms have bought big into vertically integrated predation. Blackstone bought up an entire chain of self-storage units to complement its continuing acquisition of houses. The continued inflation of the already precariously bloated real estate bubble (and the mathematical certainty of time running out for the Covid-19 eviction moratorium) means people are going to have to throw their stuff somewhere when the financial feces hit the fan. Other private equity funds have gotten their blood funnels into the hospital system – where the profits, driven by Covid-19, truly have no end.

"Blackstone has also been buying up life insurance businesses, no doubt understanding that medical bills are the chief cause of bankruptcy in America – and bankruptcy itself is a stress-fuelled shortcut to an early grave. Even the history of the dead isn’t safe from the hungry tentacles of private equity – Blackstone bought genealogy site last year, meaning (at least hypothetically, given the pattern of other tech firms in which Blackstone and its ilk own controlling shares) you could actually be deplatformed from your own family history (and perhaps given an outstanding genetic link with a cold-case murderer) if you say the wrong thing online."

Anonymous said...

Whatever they are. A bunch of frauds.

Anonymous said...

Keith Powers made a big deal about him clearing out the vendors on 14th St. of course they are still there and he bragged about nothing. That being said, that side of the street is the responsibility of council member Rivera who apparently could care less. Vote them both out. This neighborhood is a disgusting cesspool.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Rivera is a disaster, and she wants to be chief of the councilpersons.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

BTW, I do not pass any Hitler commentary. Sorry.

Steamboat Sally said...

Illegal power plant being built is full steam ahead no pun intended.
Delaying tactics and b.s. from politicians is just that...b.s.
The fix is in.

Anonymous said...

I've been here 25 years. You people do nothing but complain, bitch, and moan, yet StuyTown is being run better today than at anytime in the past 25 years. Is it just frustration that the median age is so much younger as we are getting old? Why so much anger against kids, the ice rink, the playgrounds? Why are you so upset that kids aren't playing stickball anymore? That people are permitted on the Oval? That dogs and cats are welcome? The Farmer's Market? That it's not the white middle class community that it once was, but rather an incredibly ecclectic blend of you professionals, working families, and older, retired people, who get along with much more harmony than they did under the Tishman years? There is virtually no feature of this complex that this blog doesn't rant about.

These buildings are almost 75 years old. I hope I look as good and well-preserved as StuyTown does, when I am 75 years old, which isn't very long from now.

If StuyTown was not still GOOD VALUE for the money, you would leave, and you know it. But you know that you will not find a better environment for the rent that you pay.

Has anyone ever posted anything positive on this blog? ANYTHING?

(Yes, I'm prepared for the astonishingly nasty, bitter comments that constitute this blog.)

Anonymous said...

"Rivera is a disaster, and she wants to be chief of the councilpersons."

Ditto for both for Powers.

Anonymous said...


"At a news conference underneath the London plane trees at Stuyvesant Town, Councilman Daniel R. Garodnick, a Democrat and a resident of Peter Cooper Village, said that tenants had found a “true partner” in Blackstone."

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I've been here 25 years. You people do nothing but complain, bitch, and moan, yet StuyTown is being run better today than at anytime in the past 25 years<<

You are either joking. (A cruel joke.) Or bs-ing. I don't believe you. Period.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The comment from the "senior" above is very much like a comment made a couple of months ago that spoke about the same issues (using different sentences, of course), and meant to justify and applaud what is going on here. The tone is the same, also. Busted!

Anonymous said...

Hahahah to the writer in love with this disaster.

Peter Walterspiel, is that you I read? Or some other Blackstone shill assigned the task of dishing out that dreck? Or a Blackstone shill who raised their hand, volunteering for it?

Whomever - Liar, liar, pants on fire!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

My guess is that this is/was a higher Beam employee, or a manager from one of the local eateries, and you know which one! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Could be, but believe it or not, I do know one or two seniors here who think it is fabulous and actually promote the crappy events to others.

Anonymous said...

If you are for real, you have the demo wrong here. The demo is students, transients, and Airbnb. If you are for real, next time you are outside look at the dirty mattresses strewn about and dog crap. If you are for real, I guess you had heat last winter.

Anonymous said...

"I've been here 25 years. You people do nothing but complain, bitch, and moan, yet StuyTown is being run better today than at anytime in the past 25 years."

Absent dementia, senile memory loss or Alzheimer's, this incredible false claim is a willfull, blatant, outright lie that no rational, objective, sane person could make.

"... it's not the white middle class community that it once was, but rather an incredibly ecclectic [sic: eclectic] blend of you [sic: young] professionals, working families, and older, retired people, who get along with much more harmony than they did ..."

Hysterical. A high percentage of former STPCV residential apartments are chopped up, converted to dormitories/illegal hotels occupied by thousands of anonymous/unidentified, short term transients who don't give a flying fu#k about their neighbors, the property and the ongoing QOL decline taking place here. It's clear STR exposed some raw nerves at Blackstone, prompting another launch of P.R. attack trolls.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I have a simple solution. I will meet with the writer if the person promises to give me $50 for every photo I show of exposed mattresses thrown out on the loops. (The city requires all discarded mattresses to be in plastic to prevent bed bugs.) I have a lot of such photos, and it would be great to have my rent paid for next month. So, deal?

Name That Tune said...

STR - I like your challenge - $50 for every picture of exposed mattresses.

I would like to add to it, though: All of the paperwork from every NYC agency or department which has allowed any of the construction of the power plants here to occur. That would also include, clearly visible, the names of all people who signed off on it, along with all of the e-mails and other communications with our lovely, deeply caring elected "representatives."

Whaddya think?

Anonymous said...

I second this post. (And thanks for bringing some positivity to this blog)
Enough complaining, let's focus on the positives and come together to solve the negatives. I do think management is having trouble with the Airbnb, let's try to come up with some solutions ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the writer is Susan from the TA trying to make herself forget that she is a colossal failure.

Anonymous said...

5 Stuy Oval Cafe: $30 for cold, overcooked eggs, tepid coffee and bacon which tastes like it came from Mr. Ed.
Any people pay for this??
Go figuh'

Anonymous said...

More and more apartments being rented to City of New York Social Services recipients.
Management is trying to limit to three or four per building to keep it under the radar.
Management makes out like a bandit as City pays exorbitant rents.
Much cheaper than Welfare Hotels like the Lucernne on the Upper West Side which housed the homeless.
And yet foolish students and transients pay $3-4K per month for a one-bedroom.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I second this post. (And thanks for bringing some positivity to this blog)<<

What are you seconding though? That this place has never been as wonderfully managed as now?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Whaddya think?<<

No way will the city be transparent.

Anonymous said...

Next time I hear one of our elected "representatives" talking about Climate Change and Global Warming I am going to vomit.
They stand by and do nothing (except pocket their bribes) while Blackstone builds filthy, fossil fuel burning power plants right here on residential property. Where is the NYT and the News Media on this? Are they all paid blood money by Blackstone?

I have never felt so much utter hatred and contempt for landlord and politicians as I do at this point in time. We are not living in a Democracy. We are living in a Plutocracy and it is as evil as any fascist dictatorship anywhere in the world.

Anonymous said...

">>I second this post. (And thanks for bringing some positivity to this blog)<<"

Must be somebody from Management or one of the grifters in the so-called "Tenants Association."

Anonymous said...

The TA is just total shit these days. I wonder how John Marsh and Al Doyle (who actually worked for tenants) feel about eating fumes from the power plants that are being built? Probably, they have moved out and are living somewhere that is more habitable.

The TA needs to keep in mind that it isn't all about rent; safe habitability is just as important. I could live under the FDR for no rent and choke on fumes.

Anonymous said...

We are not responsible for solutions here. We just pay rent. The solution is for management to lower the rents to attract families and professionals again.And clean up the property. Unfortunately it is not going to happen. Management is not having trouble with Airbnb. They encourage it to fill and rent in this dump.

Anonymous said...

There actually are a couple of long term tenants here who love this crap property.

Anonymous said...

Marsh and Doyle are not innocent. They started the mess. They are at least as culpable as Steinberg perhaps more so. Doyle spent most of his time sucking up to Garodnick and selling us down the river.

Anonymous said...

We need to get AOC on the power plant issue. She'll take down Blackheart!!!

Anonymous said...

Not management or TA. I was "seconding" the fact that this blog is filled with too much complaints and negativity. However I don't know if I agree that the property is being managed better than it has 25yrs. That's probably a stretch.

In any case, I was looking into how to stop the Airbnb issue. For one there we can report certain listings to Airbnb with the reason "not allowed in my neighborhood".

Airbnb is scared of regulatory issues in NYC and I would imagine they are aggressive to take down any hosts doing it illegally. I reported a few hosts in Stuytown area earlier today. Who knows maybe that'll help a little?

Anonymous said...

Well this was a first… Someone moved into an apartment on my floor, and moved out the next week!

I asked the movers what was going on, there was furniture stacked in the hallway. They said someone is moving out. I said they just moved in. They just smiled and shrugged…

Methinks the new tenants saw the brown water coming out of their faucets, the bugs coming out of the walls, and heard the braying bro’s in the uncarpeted apartment upstairs and realized what they thought was a fair young maiden turned out to be an old hag with a lot of make up caked on.

Anonymous said...

What you are not getting is that management actually needs and encourages Airbnb in order to fill empty apartments here, of which we have many. They look the other way.

Anonymous said...

There are short term rentals here, very short term. They may even do trial stays before signing a lease. All kinds of shenanigans. If they had signed a lease, I doubt they would break it so fast and lose money. Some of these apartments are completely transient. Who knows in this dump.

Anonymous said...

I can't understand why people enter a lottery to get an apartment here. Are they crazy?!!!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Not management or TA. I was "seconding" the fact that this blog is filled with too much complaints and negativity.<<

And what would you want this blog to be about? Flowers? Seriously.... The truth: Every time I go outside, it doesn't take long for me to see a violation of Stuy Town's own rules. When the weather is nice, I sit outside on the Oval inner pathway. I see dogs being walked there (they are not supposed to be there), I see scooters, and I even saw a motorized bicycle there. Yes, my neighbors are nice and quiet (which I have repeatedly said), but other residents have different experiences. Noise. Some residents hate the noise that is produced by the poorly attended movies or concerts. I see many dogs paraded from outside to take advantage of what is here. Public Safety? I have to be in a good mood to call them, otherwise their answers can be infuriating. Same with Resident Services. Yeah, there are nice things here...including the flowers, but there are lots of problems here.

Anonymous said...

There are only a few pros to living here. The maintenance service is generally prompt and satisfactory, the rooms are large for Manhattan, and there are some pretty areas of flowers and landscaping. Otherwise, all problems and cons. As for dogs , I have seen so many oversized ones lately. They look like ponies. The property deteriorates more each year as does the demo living here.

Anonymous said...

I wish we had a TA like they have at Battery Park City. They wouldn't allow management to put two filthy, air-polluting power plants on the property. OMG! I am so longing to get OUT of here. Don't think I can wait til my lease ends in 8 months. Never though I'd feel this way, but I cannot live like this anymore. No heat in winter; noisy concerts and movies under my window (and the "concerts" are absolute SHIT); self-absorbed students who think the sun shines out of their assholes and now the ultimate insult: two fossil-burning power plants on the property. Management might just as well go to each apartment, knock on the door and spit in faces.

They must pay off the press and media to keep quiet about this. NY1 (the "Amateur Hour" joke of a news station) came over and covered the protests about the power plants then they send over some jackass (probably the same one) to cover the butterfly gardens (which are a joke as they will attract more dogs than butterflies and soon be filled with dog shit. There is definitely a lot of money changing hands between Beam Living and the NY press and media.

I see bros moving in every day, carrying their junk, pinning open the doors and mis-using the elevators.

If I stay here much longer I'll being from STYSLUM to the ASYLUM!!

Anonymous said...

They keep posting photos of the disgusting vendor situation on the TA website and mentioning Powers. It is not his jurisdiction. That side of the street belongs to Rivera. Sure Powers is a do nothing, but Rivera is responsible for that horror show. She is the worst.

Anonymous said...

Are we all looking forward to the Covid Concerts this summer? I hear they are getting for us the world-famous, group The Delta Variants! They are rapidly gaining notoriety and fans in all parts of the world.

Come sit on the scrub (er lawn) and let the Delta Variants completely mesmerize you as you breath in the balmy fumes from the CHP plants. Blackstone's entertainment venues are to die for!

Anonymous said...

The other day I was watching CNN and listening to Dr Fauci being interviewed about the latest version of the Covid virus. Suddenly (typical of CNN) they switched to some live news in New Mexico about some British billionaire taking off into Space. Apparently, he beat Jeff Bazos to it. Waste of money that could be spent productively, imo, but if any billionaire is going to venture into Space I think it should be Stephen Schwartzman. Maybe Branson and Bezos can give him a ride up there. Then leave him there! Think of what a better place this planet would be!!!

Anonymous said...

They keep referencing Powers about not doing anything about the 14th St vendors, but Rivera is in charge of that side of the street. She is the one to blame for inaction. He was foolish to show a photo of before and after on one day. He is a lousy council person, but Rivera is the one they need to reference. Don’t they know that.,

Anonymous said...

Powers is a one-trick pony. He makes a gesture and that’s it! I hope he goes away soon.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, he will likely be re-elected. I will not be voting for him.

Anonymous said...

Going up on the elevator today , 5 people carrying mattresses. I guess a dorm or short term transient apartment. What a dump this is. They held up elevators for ten minutes. I actually think that they have sparsely furnished apartments for short term rental and students. All they have to do is replace mattresses and bedding.

Anonymous said...

Will Powers' paid flunkies be harassing potential voters here, like they did last time? Unfortunately, even if NOBODY (except the 30-odd member TA) votes for him in STPCV, he will probably still get re-elected, as 8:47 PM said yesterday. That's because/why Council districts are gerrymandered....

Anonymous said...

Just as I said. I later saw a couple of them taking bedding out, likely to the trash. Absolutely disgusting for a place that calls itself luxury housing .

Anonymous said...

Several times over the last two weeks I have seen bros carrying in mattresses, huge tvs and misc. cheapo furniture. Our recycling are is packed with boxes that contained furniture that has to be assembled. Yes. The students are back and the braying, puking and blasting music will soon be heard throughout the entire project/slum.

They cannot get responsible adults to rent here. Anybody who can afford the asking rent for a one or two bedroom (not a chopped-up crib) can find plenty of better places for the money. Then they invite us to bring in a new tenant/friend and get $500 each (what a joke!) Who the fuck would rent here for the sake of $500 of one month's rent unless they were a transient? As for bringing in a real tenant to pay full rent, I don't know anybody that dumb or desperate and I'd never hoodwink a friend into renting here. I'd only do that to someone who I really despised!

Anonymous said...

"I can't understand why people enter a lottery to get an apartment here. Are they crazy?!!!"

Hmmmm, it could be because the lottery apartments are priced less (sometimes significantly less) than the non-lottery apartments. I mean, that could possibly be a reason why people enter the lottery. The fact that it's a rip-off at any price is not really relevant is it?

Anonymous said...

Saw a very odd thing in my building today. A student with rolling luggage entered the building. An hour later she came out with her luggage. Could be that they have certain apartments designated and set up as dorms and just fill them until there is no room. Then send the student to another one. With all the bedding coming in and out yesterday that seems likely. They have turned our home into a sleazy dorm dump. Garodnick, see what you brewed? Shame on you and the whatever you call it TA.

Anonymous said...

I've lived in the Sty for a while and thought I saw it all, but nope. I was awakened by loud noise from someone outside at 4:25 AM. I tried to go back to sleep but it continued longer than the normal bar soaked sots heading home so I look out the window only to see a young woman laying on the stoop across the courtyard from my building. Thinking she had fallen I went to get my phone to call public safety to get her some help. Then I hear her laughing and shrieking as she lies flat on her back with her legs up and wide open screeching for someone to **** her now. This went on for about 10 more minutes before she stood up and entered the building she was laying on the stoop of. New one for me although by no means the weirdest.

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