Monday, May 30, 2022

Don't Get Hit by an E-Bike or E-Scooter

Thanks to our "woke" City Council, e-bikes and e-scooters are legal. Good news if you want less cars in the city, but bad news, sometimes very bad, for pedestrians who are concerned and wary about crossing a street, almost hit, and hit by these bikes and scooters. Does the City Council actually walk the streets? Or do they use transportation provided by the city? They know, or should know, that rules for bikes and scooters are not followed unless a cop is right there. I could be a millionaire by now if I got one dollar for every such rule broken. There will be more accidents and injuries involving e-bikes and e-scooters because of the "woke" City Council. On this issue, they are idiots. How plain and simple is that?

Here in Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village, there is no enforcement of any rule concerning e-bikes and e-scooters unless one runs over the foot of a Public Safety officer. And even then!

When one crosses the street right outside, one has to be careful, as these e-bikes and e-scooters do not stop. To them, the pedestrian is just a nuisance. Get out of the way, slowpokes!


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Anonymous said...

I wish that 60 Minutes or some similar program would do an expose on this place and the horrors we have to endure at the hands of these grifters. Take a look at the Tenants (not TA) facebook and see the latest horror story.

I consider it a public service to warn people against moving in here.

Anonymous said...

The path on the inner Oval walkway was designed to be and was originally crushed stone. This was done to slow down traffic on the path and to eliminate devices like states and skateboards from using the path.

The installation of the material in the path requires multiple passes with rollers over the crushed stone to integrate it into the dirt base of the path. Throwing loose gravel, which is many times larger than the crushed stone, shows that management has no concept of how to maintain the assets they have purchased or willfully wants to create a hazardous condition.

Anonymous said...

There is a lady on both fbs whose apartment has been flooded and her belongings destroyed by workmen fixing an apartment above her. Has she heard back from Kennedy or been able to get through to RS? NOOOOO!

That Kennedy woman and RS are absolutely, totally useless. They should all be fired and replaced by real people who are will and able to do the job.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I saw this and it is a nightmare.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>The path on the inner Oval walkway was designed to be and was originally crushed stone. This was done to slow down traffic on the path and to eliminate devices like states and skateboards from using the path.

The installation of the material in the path requires multiple passes with rollers over the crushed stone to integrate it into the dirt base of the path. Throwing loose gravel, which is many times larger than the crushed stone, shows that management has no concept of how to maintain the assets they have purchased or willfully wants to create a hazardous condition.<<

We shall see where this goes. Right now, it is not working for anyone with a walker or a shopping cart. The idea by someone working for Blackstone is a disaster.

Anonymous said...

Blackstone is a disaster. Management is beyond incompetent.

Anonymous said...

The Beam Person who thought of spreading gravel doesn't use a walker or a shopping cart. And naively believes they never will....

Anonymous said...

STR, I notice that the non-TA Tenants Facebook is no longer listed in your lists of websites. Is that your decision or theirs? Have they blocked you?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

What I know is that I was blocked, not just from posting, but blocked from viewing the site. So, since I can't see it, that Facebook is not listed anymore.

Anonymous said...

That silly little guy has a problem. Little Sawdust Caesar

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Yesterday, I complained about the gravel on the Oval dirt path. I was told it would be worked on. Somebody or somebodies complained also. Today, the gravel was smoothed over, but the rest of the path was filled with gravel. I tested it out, and it seems to not have the previous difficulty for walkers and shopping carts. I am assuming that Management wants this path to look like the food court area with patted down gravel. I still think the old path is much better, but it is doable. For now at least.

I was also told that we do not have a general manage. The job has been distributed to various individuals.

Anonymous said...

What happened to that Kelly Vos whose arrival at Sty as Manager was in an article in the NYT? Never heard anything more about him.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Don't know. He has been quiet. Maybe he moved up.

Anonymous said...

"I was also told that we do not have a general manage. The job has been distributed to various individuals."

We NEED a General Manager who knows what he/she is doing. We don't need directors of "Resident Experience" and "Lifestyle." We have both of those and what do they do to make this place more habitable? Putting on those lousy "events" and money-making gimmicks does nothing to improve the experience of living here.
We are definitely run by the Pubs, Clubs and Resorts crowd. "Residential" isn't in their resumes.

Anonymous said...

The company is intent on running this place to the ground and profiting with dorms, Airbnb, and shared temporary apartments. A general manager means nothing here and we have had several who have just towed the company line.

Anonymous said...

Gravel? Seriously?

Of all the things going wrong here, that would be the least of my concerns. If, at all.

If your small wheels get bogged down on the dirt path, there’s another paved one just a few feet away.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Incredible. Your concerns are not everyone's concerns. Surely you know that or are just being bitchy. Absolutely, stupid comment.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Just so you know, that is a difference between the outer path and the inner path. Or maybe you would prefer people with walkers to be away from your view permanently? How about just sitting at home? Asshole.

Anonymous said...

If a disabled person gets injured trying to negotiate that gravel path they can sue Blackstone for liability AND discrimination

Anonymous said...

They don’t hire the sharpest Knives in the drawer for managerial jobs. This place would be a helluva lot better if they did. Kennedy tan a pub in London. How does that qualify her to run this place?
Maybe if she was behind the counter of the Sty Caf she would feel more at home.

Anonymous said...

To the person denigrating the concerns of someone with a walker: as said before: either you are a Blackstone minion, or simply typical of what so much of the human world has sunk into: selfish, shallow, rude, self-absorbed.

And: stupid emotionally, pyschologically, spiritually.

It's a shame the human species is such a scourge upon Mother Earth these days.

No one even nominally running this ship anymore: of course, people thoroughly unfit for the job here.

Whaddya think? Is this part of the overall plan to ruin Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village? Or something else?

Anonymous said...

Blackstone doesn't want people with walkers "just sitting at home." They want them gone--one way or another--permanently. 4:20 PM yesterday seems to agree.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Just so some people know..... It is not just walkers. Canes and wheelchairs, too. Some people have to be in their wheelchair and are pushed by a helper or move the big wheels with their hands. Not easy. In a heavy gravel area this becomes impossible or very difficult. The only areas on the outer path with sitting benches are in the sun, though that changes during the day. The inner path offers trees, overage, etc. There is also human and vehicle traffic on the outer path. The inner path has far, far less human traffic and vehicles are not permitted there. For some, sitting in the inner path is one of the few pleasures they have. Why would anyone mandate that they can only use the outer path?

I am not certain that if it wasn't for the Americans with Disabilities Act certain things would not get done. I would like to think they would, but maybe that's me and not the reality that things need to get done because of that Act and the fines imposed.

Anonymous said...

Please understand that this method of managing is purposeful. It has nothing to do with brains. These people are put in and follow the company line.

Anonymous said...

On Blackstone's own "StuyTown" website, a picture appears of Stuyvesant Oval in 1947. (Or to avoid tracking, one can just google said image.) Look at it and weep. Blackstone managers are MENTALLY disabled.

Anonymous said...

9/12/22, 12:29 PM:


Purposeful? Yes, definitely purposeful. Blackstone ruins, degrades, cheapens, devastates, destroys physical structures, the Earth itself/Herself because she creates and nourishes life, the beings (human and otherwise) who live on this planet.

Most people, from what I hear and read, are convinced their reasons are wholly or mainly financial (greed for money itself and what it buys). That is a common belief about the reasons so many of us do what we do.

It is not the sole driving factor. Ego, the lust to control and dominate others is as strong, and often stronger.

The inability to be kind; the inability to feel caring for other lives (again, human and otherwise) . . . the near total lack of capacity to feel kinship and tender, protective emotions for others. . .

Inner emptiness and inner feelings of worthlessness, the desire to "get even" or "be better" than other people all figure in here.

On another note: someone in a somewhat "managerial" position assured me yesterday that there IS a new "General Manager" who is physically present. Why we were not informed is a mystery. I don't know if this is true or not. I do not think it ultimately makes any difference.

Anonymous said...

We have no manager and no general services. Try getting through to RS.
The dump is in worse shape than ever.

Anonymous said...

Some nightmare stories posted on the TA fb. I just don't know why anybody would want to move into an apartment here. It has gone right down the toilet and into the sewer. We have NO viable Management; they are just rent collectors and some folk are paying an arm and a leg in rent to live here (if you can call it living).

Little-to-no heat in winter; rampant crime; plumbing that is literally falling apart and destroying people's property; noise in the early hours from puking and partying students reeling their way home (happened outside my building at 4 am today) and we go on a waiting list to get a call-back (maybe) from Resident Services.

We can't wait for our lease to be up in January and we are going to make it out mission to tell everybody and anybody we meet what a shithole Stuyvesant Town is. Maybe even write a couple of articles about the place.

Anonymous said...

Your concerns are not everyone's concerns

And the “concerns” of the 3 people (max) that post here are not “everyone’s”.

Too bad. This blog used to be a useful counter-offensive against Mgmt bullshit. Prospective tenants would google PCVST and see that this place it isn’t the rose garden the sales agents purport it to be.

Now look at. Easy for mgmt to dismiss as just a couple of miserable cranks with too much time on their hands posting the same old line day after day.

Gravel! The horror!


Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Gravel! The horror!


Adios! As the saying goes: Don't let the door....

I gave you more of an explanation of inner vs. outer path, but you (wisely) did not choose to comment on that. Instead, you post bullshit and say goodbye. Well, no one is stopping you.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

There was a main gas leak in both the 19 and 21 SO buildings. According to the ST Tenant blog, credits, hot plates and free laundry will be given in these buildings for up to 60 days! My building is right across the loop, and for weeks I've seen workers and machinery in front. My guess is that Management doesn't want to admit that somebody or somebodies fucked things up at that work, and that's why there is this gas leak. Tomorrow, our building was scheduled for a hot water shut down (courtesy that original work), but that was before this happened. Hopefully, our building and others will not have a gas problem, too, but one doesn't know right now. What a disaster! This is what happens when you use non-union workers just to get a good price. If I am wrong about the status of these workers, and all of them, I apologize.

BIGMO said...

You're not wrong STR. Many of these contractors use non-union labor because they're cheaper and many times using illegal immigrants. I used to be with a union but I'm not always so pro-union labor. The work these non-union laborers do tend to be somewhere between adequate and crappy. Sometimes in life you get what you pay for or don't pay for!

Anonymous said...

Fuck-Up is the Beam Living motto.
Of course they don’t use union labor.

Anonymous said...

STR thank you for your post re the gas leak. As a tenant in one of the affected buildings, I am appalled that there is no sign what so ever of this emergency up on either the terrace of main levels of the building!

Also, my neighbor was kind enough to ring my bell to let me know that the hot plate was hanging on my doorknob! I wonder how many got stolen from apartments of tenants who are away!

Thank you for keeping us informed!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

No problem. I don't know what is currently happening. I guess Blackstone wants to keep it a secret as best as they can.

Anonymous said...

If we had a Tenants Association, which we DO NOT, there would be a furor about the horrific happenings of this vile and despicable landlord and the scum who work for it.

Just about had it with this lousy overpriced slum. Yes, it IS a slum because we have to deal with slum conditions on a regular basis and we have absolutely no representation.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Well, some things are good, and some are bad. Overpriced? I would say so, having been here for over 30 years. A slum? I wouldn't call it that, but things need improvement, for sure.

Anonymous said...

The reason why it is so hard to get through to RS these days is because they are working remotely from home. How do I know? I asked one of them and was told that that is the case. They need to be brought back to the property where they can coordinate better than are able to do while working from home. Also, and I may be totally wrong here, if you're working from home and have kids to look after (I've heard kids yowling in the background) it can't be that easy to do the job.

Anonymous said...

Was never a fan of this ST flea market with people selling their old junk. Makes the place look even tackier. What really bothered me today was that tables were set up right in front of my building. They are supposed to be around the oval. Nobody to manage the table setup of course. Looks cheap and tacky. Years ago they sold new merchandise, now just junk.

Anonymous said...

Who needs a special ST flea market, when there's one on 14th Street almost every day? But I'd read elsewhere that Powers and the Fake TA attended. The former (another fake) is now devoting attention to his Council bill on...sugary drinks. Shades of dearly-departed Billionaire Bloomberg....

Anonymous said...

Out landlord is cheap and tacky, so whaddya expect? As for being haphazardly in front of buildings, remember these are people who couldn’t run a hot dog stand, let alone a flea market.

Stand Up and Fight said...

The flea market: utter crap, an intrusion into our lives, probably multiple lease violations.

"Around the Oval" is in itself pure bullsh*t. For years, their low class flea market was around the perimeter of Stuyvesant Town, and little, if any, bother to residents living anywhere near it.

Since the bastards decided "the Oval is a resource" and they are ILLEGALLY, IMMORALLY, AND LIKELY DANGEROUSLY (HEALTH HAZARDS) exploiting it and the areas around it for years, this sh*t has been going on: NOISE (human and "music" garbage intrusion/abuse), food (SELLING - again we sure as hell ain't no restaurant and we ain't "zoned" for this crap, either), and inconsiderate, noisy, self-important "good neighbors" putting out their personal trash for morons to buy.

My own building was violated today, with a front door latched open. "Sellers" of all ages and very little intelligence sat there in front of MY HOME with their second or third or fourth hand personal trash outside.

When I took my evening constitutional, I observed: thanks to unsightly and again, likely, illegal numbers and lines all over the damned place in chalk: spots marked out to "sell" their sh*t around part of a playground and other buildings that yes, were not even around the poor violated, raped, plundered, pimped out, uglified, HURT and DEGRADED Oval!

I dearly wish to high heaven that people reading this and similarly minded people would finally join me in lawsuits against these abusive, misery-creating s.o.b.s who "bought" this place. (I'm with the native Americans and other peoples: HOW THE HELL CAN YOU BUY AND SELL LAND? OR WATER? OR "AIR RIGHTS?")

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I was "through" the market, as far as getting to the inside Oval, which was strangely deserted aside from the dogs that were using that path. PS nearby did not stop or inform their owners. There was someone from Beam checking if sellers were inside their spot. There were probably numerous violations (food?), but no one seemed to mind. The event was popular. And everyone here (Stuy Town and PCV) knew that residents were selling junk, but one never knows.... That's the catch. What I wonder is if some sellers were not residents, and some of the sellers had more advanced selling gear....

Anonymous said...

I remember when the flea market was not only in and around the Oval and Playgrounds 9, 10, 11 and 12, but on both sides of 20th Street between 1st Avenue and Avenue C as well. I enjoy participating in the STPCV flea market and don't consider what I'm offering for sale as junk. The camaraderie and goodwill among the buyers, sellers and those just passing through that I experienced this past Saturday lent itself well to an overall sense of community. In this day and age, there is nothing wrong with that.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Yeah, I remember when the flea market was that expansive. Yes, a number of the items are not "junk," but even sellers will admit that what they are selling is unwanted anymore in their apartment and, yes, junk in a way. Getting rid of it is the major reason the flea market is held. If it doesn't sell, the garbage can may be next. As a collector, I see the better items and they are not in good condition, unfortunately from a collector's viewpoint.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

If a person wants to get rid of their collector items, eBay is available. But listing these takes time and the prices charged by necessity are getting more and more. If I can handle it, I may be at a future flea market, but I don't know yet. A lot of my stuff is valuable to me, but many others considered it as "junk."

Anonymous said...

About the Ice Cream truck. It is not owned and run by Mikey of "Mikey Likes It." He quit.

I have it on very good authority that the ice cream truck which is used now does NOT come up to Health Standards requirements. Eat that ice cream at your peril.

Anonymous said...

I hear and understand 5:17 PM regarding "camaraderie and goodwill." But, for starters, they are a nuisance and noise in front of my home. And all of the unnecessary and unsanitary food and "music" carnival atmosphere is the ruination of of this place.

Those who want all of the commercial and noisy and "in your face" nonsense can create and enjoy it elsewhere. I pay for the peace and quiet of my home. There is precious little here.

New York City is lush with street fairs, flea markets, every kind of entertainment venue, park, amusement park, theatre and all of the rest of it. We are known for it. MY HOME is none of the above.

Anonymous said...

Camaraderie, huh? Tonight my husband and I were taking an after-dinner walk only to witness a young man fall off of his scooter and stay flat on his back on the ground, waving his legs in the air. While I abhor every form of bike, scooter, etc., I was scared for this young man's medical condition.

Before my husband and I could reach him ourselves, we witnessed the goodwill, kindness, "good neighbor" fellow feeling, and "overall sense of community" in this manner: (1) A couple walking a dog stopped, looked at him on the ground, possibly badly injured, and WALKED AWAY. (2) Two young men went over to him, appeared to talk to him, bent over him, and one put his hand down toward him. Luckily, he was not robbing him, but only retrieved the scooter rider's phone and handed it to him. And WALKED AWAY. They had sooooo KINDLY handed him his own phone to call for HELP WHILE HE LAY POSSIBLY INJURED, and definitely UNABLE TO MOVE.

My husband and I went to him, talked to him as he lay there. My husband, trained as a medic many moons ago, asked him questions about his condition and ultimately determined he could safely ask the young man to stand up. He could, without difficulty. We ascertained that he had not fallen on his head, and that his feet and legs were fine; his neck was fine. He may have hurt his back a little. I had my husband take out his cell phone to call 911 but the scooter rider said he'd already reached a roommate to come get him. I wanted to call for an ambulance, but the young man was confident he was ok and only needed his roommate. We waited with him and talked (partly to comfort him; partly to determine if he was experiencing any cognitive or neurological injury we could detect through conversation). His roommate showed up, seemed concerned, intelligent, competent. We talked some more; my husband asked if they had at home peroxide and alcohol for the scrapes on his elbows. We decided he was well enough to entrust him to his roommate's care.

Perhaps two years before COVID came calling, my husband witnessed a food delivery man topple off his bike on the 14th Street Loop one evening and lay there injured, leg broken, unable to move in the roadway. Pardon my French, please: SEVERAL GROUPS of ASSHOLES passed the injured man in the road, looked, and kept walking. My husband went to him, called 911, and, I think I remember, called the man's family. Hubby waited with him, trying to soothe and comfort him until the ambulance came and he was cared for by the EMT's and put into the ambulance.


Good will, huh? Respect? Kindness? Truly??? Really???

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I don't put any credence to the "Good Neighbor" mantra. It is just a promo by Beam, that's all. Meant to inspire, but it does nothing for me. I laugh when I come across it. Being a good neighbor comes from the heart. One doesn't have to be told by authority.

Stuy Town Reporter said...


Yes, and yet I come across, frequently, young residents who are nice and caring (to a degree as anyone can be) to an older person.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>About the Ice Cream truck. It is not owned and run by Mikey of "Mikey Likes It." He quit.

I have it on very good authority that the ice cream truck which is used now does NOT come up to Health Standards requirements. Eat that ice cream at your peril.<<

If I have the time, I will check it out.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Curious. Mickey's truck is now called "Overtime Likes It".... That's on the T-Shirt, too.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I heard there was tax trouble a while back, so I checked some more....

My guess is that Mikey changed the name and is promoting his ice cream truck with the new sign, etc.

I had previous wrote "Mickey." It's Mikey.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The Tax Man or the whatever business authority is around probably mandated that Mikey could not use that truck anymore and its name, or he did it on his own. So now Beam has it. Beam is now "Mikey Likes It," but it is not Mikey.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Just to "wrap up" the Mikey-Beam affair for now: The ice cream truck was on the southern loop, but now it is IN Beam territory, by the Oval, with its own space and small tables and chairs.

Anonymous said...

"The Tax Man or the whatever business authority is around probably mandated that Mikey could not use that truck anymore and its name, or he did it on his own. So now Beam has it. Beam is now "Mikey Likes It," but it is not Mikey."

I know it's not Mikey. Not the same quality as when it was Mikey. Not the same cleanliness either.

Anonymous said...

Is Resident Services "offsite" or is it still on the property?

Anonymous said...

The ice cream is not as good as Mikey’s. Very rich and not to my liking.

Anonymous said...

The good neighbor promo is crap designed to cover for noise issues, parties, yapping dogs and sanitary issues. It is there because of the large uncaring and seamy populations on each floor.

Anonymous said...

The TA site appears to be heavily censored now. A lot of fluff, classifieds, and an occasional problem but replies appear to be benign and not critical. An arm of management.

Anonymous said...

The non-TA site is very heavily censored.

Anonymous said...

I think the TA did very well in getting Blackheart to cancel the two power plants it was building. If Blackheart had gone ahead it would probably have been facing class action lawsuits in the future when large numbers of people started getting lung disease, but that wouldn't affect most of the current bean counters because they would be dead by then.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

On that, I agree.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The problem is, and it is a great problem, is that the TA does very few things like this and seems tone-deaf on issues that affect our community. There are many things, big and small, that should be front and center for a TA, and it is not happening.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

There is a post on the TA blog about the new dog relief area/dog run. The poster comments in part: "Yesterday’s barking was constant all day long. Some days are better than others; but when dogs are there can be quite disruptive." So, yeah, the "minds" at Beam Living thought this up, as they thought it would be great for the community and make it attractive to even more possible renters.

Anonymous said...

How did 30,000 people live here for so many years without the "joy" that dogs supposedly bring everyone?

Anonymous said...

Like heat and noise pollution concerts/movies just to mention two.

Anonymous said...

"Like heat and noise pollution concerts/movies just to mention two."

Well, we get very little heat (sometimes none at all) during the cold weather, but we do get plenty of noise pollution from concerts, movies and the drunken undergrads that are packed into the apartments that they can't rent to anybody else. People lived here for 30+ years without dogs, freezing apartments and the noise and disturbance we now endure. It really WAS an oasis in the City until the grifters took over.

Anonymous said...

There's a Real Estate Agent from Compass (would that be Compass Rock?) advertising on the non-TA FB. I'm surprised that that the Censor-in-Chief hasn't removed his post. He removes posts that are relevant to the conditions we live under, but he's ok with a RE agent (from the management company we had under CWCap?) to tout his trade. Compass Rock was even worse than Beam Living.

Anonymous said...

I disagree that Compass Rock was worse than Beam. Under Beam, the heat situation has deteriorated. The catering to dogs is ridiculous. Concerts and events are more frequent and louder. The dorm and Airbnb population has increased threefold. As for the person who runs that blog, he has always been a TA member above all.

Anonymous said...

" disagree that Compass Rock was worse than Beam. Under Beam, the heat situation has deteriorated. The catering to dogs is ridiculous. Concerts and events are more frequent and louder. The dorm and Airbnb population has increased threefold. As for the person who runs that blog, he has always been a TA member above all."

I think you are right. Beam really is the pits. Things have deteriorated very much on Beam's watch. I think it is because Compass Rock was actually a RE management company. Beam is sourced from the hospitality industry. Hayduk was experienced in managing resorts and he left to run a hotel. It is just the nature of the people they employ. Nothing wrong with being in the hospitality industry, but transitioning to the residential industry can't be easy. They need to hire more people from outside the hospitality industry because they are ruining this place with their "hospitality!" We live here. We are TENANTS, not guests, and our expectations and needs are very different than those of hotel/resort guests. We don't want entertainment; WE WANT HEAT, SAFETY AND PEACE AND QUIET!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What is ironic is that these people who run resorts and hotels have turned this place into a dump, nothing resembling a resort with no doorman, no updating of lobbies and halls, no pool, some attractive landscaping but mostly on the outside and a ton of dog crap literally and figuratively. The movies are third rate, the concerts noisy pollution and the oval looks like a pigsty. Oh wow, Adirondack chairs, big deal.

Anonymous said...

The TA was a small part of stopping the power plants. Not by any means the catalyst.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I'm not sure that other factors came into play. Something happened, and I don't think it was the TA. The membership of the TA has to be very low, too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks be to God this is hopefully the last concert (if you could call it that) for a while!

Being on the oval is not what it used to be and to add insult to injury, have had no gas for a week and a day!

Anonymous said...

The gall of them to even hold that final concert. Pounding noise that came loudly through my closed windows. Couldn’t read or watch my TV with usual focus. It just disgusts me.

Anonymous said...

I could hear that awful noise all the way over on 14th Street. Sounded like somebody was being murdered with a braying crowd watching. Those "concerts" are vile and pathetic. It is totally inappropriate to hold them right under people's windows and force them down our ears and into our living space.

God! I wish these vile losers would pack their crap and GO AWAY. We need a real Property Manager and management team, not a damned hospitality hack and a bunch of wannabe entertainment directors. They are all incompetent and totally SUCK!

Meantime, we freeze in our apartments all winter and have brown water, some have no gas for weeks. This is a f**king HELLHOLE!

Anonymous said...

Once again, any management team would be the same. It is the corporation Beam Living that sets the town and they are purposely running this sty into the ground.

Anonymous said...

I thought that the farewell concert of the season was Friday night. Despite the rain, there are people with a microphone, both who sound like an animal who is being tortured!

To what do we owe this unexpected and unannounced treat?!?

P.S. I still have no gas to cook with.

Stand Up and Fight said...

Friday night's concert ("unannounced treat") - the rain date of the last concert of the year:

The "Lifestyle Director," Robert Vasquez, is the planner of all of our "events." This was part of the pathetic and grossly insulting and distorted "celebration" of the building of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper 75 years ago.

(Several weeks back I had the jarring experience of speaking with a woman who clearly remembers being evicted at the age of 10 from her tenement apartment in order for our homes to be built. It was something else to listen to her.)

People reading this blog, I would think, remember the days when people "lived" their "lives" by breathing, eating, sleeping, doing chores, working, caring for others, dealing with their own health, relaxing however they relaxed.

There was no concept of a "lifestyle."

When that rank idiocy began, it seems to me that only idle, indolent people with much too much money were conceived of as living "lifestyles." Of course, too much of the American public worships people who are "famous" for whatever they are famous for, yes?

Of course, distraction of the masses and extraction (of labor and money) by the "elite" materially "wealthy" controlling asses is what fuels all of this.

Once more, please finally consider resistance.

Thank you.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I heard some of the Friday "concert" and wondered what it was and why.

Anonymous said...

I think they were honoring the Jewish New Year on Friday.

Anonymous said...

I wish they would just run the f*cking property the way a residential property is supposed to be run. Instead, they are running it into the ground and destroying the "lifestyle" and "experience" of normal people who do not need banal, cheap, amateur "entertainment" going on under their windows.

Get the place fixed up. Upgrade the heating system. Make sure the gas and electric work in EVERY building and LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE AND SPARE US THE BANAL, INFERIOR "ENTERTAINMENT" and "LIFESTYLE."

Miss RESIDENT EXPERIENCE: FYI our experience SUCKS. Pack up your crap and go back to the circus or pubs or whatever "lifestyle" you come from. Most of us here despise our experience of Beam's idea of a lifestyle. Give us heat in winter and peace and quiet all the time. PLEASE!!!

Anonymous said...

I think on Friday they were blowing the Shofa. And I don't need any dirty responses, thank you.

Anonymous said...

I wish they would just leave us alone and let us enjoy our "Oasis." Everything we need for entertainment and dining and relaxation is out there in the City. We are not in the middle of downtown Pigsuckit, Iowa. We don't need all the commercialization of this community (which can really no longer be considered a community). Don't these brain-dead morons from Blackstone/Beam realize that? They just have to be stupid and crass if they don't know what damage they are doing. They should focus on the buildings and leave the grounds alone. We have rampant theft through the buildings, bums sleeping on the stairs and in the laundry rooms. The gas goes off; the water is brown; we have almost no heat during the cold months. I could go on. Why can't they just address the issues I've mentioned above and leave us the hell alone and stop bastardizing the grounds that are the main purpose for living here. The buildings are old and tacky and the no matter how much lipstick you put on a pig, it is still a pig. The beautiful grounds used to be the main reason for wanting to live here. Now they are one of the main reasons for wanting to get away.

Anonymous said...

Thank you illegals!!

Anonymous said...

@Stand Up & Fight: I agree 1000% with what you say. We do not need a Lifestyles Director or Resident Experience Director. What is this? A flaming nursing home? Home for the Mentally Disabled? No. It is a multi-unit residential property which houses people of all ages and cultures and walks of life. We don't need to be catered to as if we were "poor souls" in need of management to organize our entertainment. We are not drooling into our prunes. At least not yet. And let us not kid ourselves that these Beam people are putting on this tacky "entertainment" for the benefit of the elderly people here. The elderly residents are the very people that Management want to see dead and buried so that their apartments can be cut up and rented to half a dozen (or more) students. Or converted into a Platinum apartment with a cheap dishwasher and refrigerator that will break down every day.
The people who run this place are avaricious, soul-dead ghouls. Let us not kid ourselves that any of them, whether it be Mr. Adirondack Chairs or Ms. Resident Experience have even the very slightest interest in our comfort, happiness or right to a peaceful and decent life in this decaying project. They are working for the most malevolent example of corporate greed and despotism on the planet and that is who owns their souls.

I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

One honors the Jewish New Year in a synagogue. Not in public in The Sty.

Anonymous said...

The vile concerts and movies are a fake cover for “amenities “. Most of us know that is crap, but a few long time residents I know eat them up. They allow outsiders to come in to boost attendance. The concert Friday was a “farewell concert” I believe. Thank goodness they are done for the season.

Anonymous said...

"Thank you illegals!!"

What's that supposed to mean?

Stand Up and Fight said...

Some weeks ago I met another resident here who is in real estate himself. He advised me to watch the ever-increasing commercialization here.

He is 100% correct. He warned me that I'd see more of what I call "offerings" of "entertainment" shit (I write "shit" because it is all WASTE and possibly toxic) each year. And here it is. The monthly announcement of goodies stares at me in the elevator.

The current growing pile of toxic waste here includes some company which runs "games" for both children and adults. Adults (I use this word advisedly) can participate in "games" in the Community Center and BYOB. BRING YOUR OWN BOOZE/BEER. THEY AIN'T LICENSED FOR IT, ARE THEY???

THIS is something which looks new - booze encouraged. It is rather an extension of the rot. The liquor license issued to 5 Turd Cafe was the official beginning of that ill-advised new trend. Since then, there have been way too many people "picnicking" on the grass and on chess tables - including booze.

Well, why not? We are, each and all of us - humans and other animals, and life forms such as trees, BREATHING IN MARIJUANA AND ALL OF ITS ADDED CHEMICALS, DAILY.

I grew up when getting high, wrecked, wasted was at once illegal and epidemic. It was prohibited, outlawed, forbidden, and so many of my friends happily and defiantly filled their bodies with smoke, tablets, pills, grains of dangerous substances.

Now? It is so much worse and so much more dangerous.

The bastards running this place have the ability to limit it here as part of a lease. Of course, we all know that leases are a joke these days given the population here. Still . . . Blackstone/Beam could impose and enforce prohibitions here if they so chose. Haha, I know.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Community Center and BYOB. BRING YOUR OWN BOOZE/BEER<<

I have to check this out.

Anonymous said...

I wish the "Management" here would just crawl away and go back to the cess pool they crawled out of.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it, this place in no way resembles what it was when it was managed by competent and caring people. It's just a money machine for greedy and incompetent corporate assholes. Nobody running this place has a clue. They are from Blackstone's corporate hospitality gigs and they are clear indication that those places are a must to avoid when planning a vacation! They can't run a residential property. They only think in terms of "entertainment" and food and drink. They just don't have a clue as to how a RESIDENTIAL property needs to be run. They don't think of us as tenants who pay rent to live here; that this place is our home (at least to some of us). They only think with "hospitality" brain cells and we don't need or want their "hospitality." We want decent, competent residential management. Won't be getting it so long as Blackstone owns the place and their clueless Beam people run it.

Anonymous said...

Some people on the TA FB are talking about an "environmental study" inside apartments. Said it takes 2 hours. I haven't heard about this before. Anybody know what it is? Doesn't sound legal to me, at least if it isn't something you can consent to or refuse. It is an intrusion.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Nothing takes 2 hours in an apartment, unless it's an emergency.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Tomorrow is the first day of heat!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I've read that "environmental study" statement. I think it is BS from some local politicians that is now city law. Yeah, we can't be trusted to just sign a statement that we have no lead paint in our apartment.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is the first day of heat!

If we're lucky.

Anonymous said...

I think the LL should know whether or not there is lead paint in the apartments. It's unlikely that a tenant would paint with lead paint. This environmental study is just bullshit and an excuse to intrude and harass us.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

2 hours, too!

Anonymous said...

Why is a City Lead Paint Law being enforced here? No other City laws or regulations are. Also, lead paint is only dangerous when it's ingested. Why should residents without young children be subjected to this harassment? Oh, I forgot: Beam doesn't really know/care who's living in their apartments, as long as the rent gets paid.

Stand Up and Fight said...

I think I wrote this years back:

Regarding whatever this newest version of the will to hurt us (2 hours of whatever) -

The word is NO.

Little ones, around the age of 2, start saying "NO!" to just about everything as a manifestation of their growing awareness of themselves as separate people.

We are all full-grown adults.

NO. No explanation, no elaboration.


Anonymous said...

That is a joke here

Anonymous said...

This lead paint thing is gaining momentum. It seems that Blackstone has been checking boxes in leases and lease renewals indicating that there is no lead paint here. Total lies.
What total SCUM owns and runs this property. I hope they don't pay off the politicians and press to keep quiet about it.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Some answers here:

"Now, as some landlords are trying to Frankenstein rent-stabilized apartments to raise the rent, demolitions stir up lead paint."

There's been a lot of work on apartments in Stuy Town and PCV. At this point, I think it is the legal department here that doesn't want to see any lawsuits.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

A more honest approach would be: Dear Residents. We have done a lot of upgrading apartments and the community, so we may have stirred up negative lead paint used pre-1960. For that reason, our legal department mandates that we will have to go into every apartment, for up to two hours, to see if there is any lead paint and debris. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The shit coming home from the bars are particularly noisy this morning (3:25 AM). Such a pleasure paying through the nose to live in a nasty, unsupervised dorm.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much asbestos is floating around here with all the renovations. Asbestos is deadly to everybody, not just children. It isn't these parasites hire qualified people to do anything.

Anonymous said...

But Beam specializes in the DIShonest approach.

Anonymous said...

"A more honest approach would be: Dear Residents. We have done a lot of upgrading apartments and the community, so we may have stirred up negative lead paint used pre-1960. For that reason, our legal department mandates that we will have to go into every apartment, for up to two hours, to see if there is any lead paint and debris. Thank you."

STR, you must realize by now that we are not dealing with competence, intelligence or decency when it comes to current "management." These people haven't got a clue (and aren't interested in getting a one!) when it comes to managing this property. They are inept, stupid and totally uncaring about anything but making money off the property. They don't think they have to actually earn that money by being in any way caring or even qualified to run this place. I thought TS and CWC were bad, but compared to this bunch of garbage, they were brilliant! The only interim management we had that seemed to know what they were doing was when we had Rose (owned by Adam Rose, the realtor) but they didn't stay long. I don't remember exactly when and why they were here, but I do remember that things briefly improved while Mr. Rose was in charge.
But with Blackstone - well, it is just Blackstone. Blackstone has a much documented, widely known and well-deserved reputation for being the worst of the worst when it comes to how they do business and how they treat their victims. Blackstone is the bottom of the barrel scum of the RE industry. I dread to think what it must be like at the places where the current bunch in "management" came from. If they treat the guests in their "hospitality" gigs the way they treat us, I'm surprised they're still in business. But then, the hospitality industry is what they're trained for. When it comes to running a residential property it is like putting a pyromaniac in charge of the Fire Department.

Anonymous said...

Cold and windy with temps in the low fifties, but not a bit of heat all day long. What a rotten place this is. Can't believe dumb people pay high rents to live here. Well, I guess they are only dumb if they stay and put up with it.

Anonymous said...

What you suggest would take intelligence as well as honesty, STR, and those are qualities we cannot expect from this crew. It would be a total violation of Blackstone’s core ethics.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

New York City residents, it's that time of year again: Get ready to hear that hissing radiator and those knocking pipes once again.

Heat season is starting in the city on Oct. 1. Lasting through May, all residential buildings in the five boroughs are required to maintain an indoor temperature of 68 degrees when outdoor temperatures fall below 55 degrees during the day, from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m.

Indoor temperatures also have to be at least 62 degrees overnight, regardless of outdoor temperature.

By law, landlords can't violate tenants' protected rights, which includes the right to heat and hot water (the latter of which is year-round). If an apartment is lacking ither, the city recommends contacting the building owner, managing agent or superintendent first. If that proves ineffective, the city recommends filing a 311 complaint.

Anonymous said...

STR I don't have any heat and my thermometer says 64 degrees! Still no gas, but will be inspected this week for lead paint.

At least the guys working on the gas leak are nice and responsive to my inquiries.

Anonymous said...

Do not expect heat this early in the year. No way will they give it especially if the temperature is in the 50’s.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

My computer says it's 52 right now.

"...outdoor temperatures fall below 55 degrees during the day, from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m."

Anonymous said...

""...outdoor temperatures fall below 55 degrees during the day, from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m."

The catch is that your apartment has to be at least 68 degrees. While 68 degrees is not comfortable for most people, it is the legally-mandated lowest indoor temperature that landlords are allowed to get away with. I believe it is even lower at night. God Forbid a comfortable indoor temperature would be the legal minimum mandated by law. That would break a landlord's heart.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The problem is that the indoor temperature can fluctuate from room to room. At most, they will send someone to check your radiators, and nothing gets done. Most residents use space heaters. They have to. Sane story every year. The residents are never in control of their own radiators.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Mine is at 69 and it is not comfortable. They keep it at a minimum.

Anonymous said...

Already beginning their nasty heat tricks. Had a puff of heat for about an hour, thermometer went from 68 to 70. Then back down again. They have it down to a science. What a slum this is.

Anonymous said...

Surprised to have good heat this morning.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Where? My building is not getting any.

Anonymous said...

Any idea what all the noise was in the Oval near the Sty Cafe this morning? Woke me up around 5 am with hanging that went on for at least 2 hours before these trucks arrived. Then the noise was different but constant. Just before noon, it was gone.

Anonymous said...

Just saw a post from a new tenant/victim. Seems you can't see an apartment before you move in. I thought only MetLife did that a hundred years ago when I moved in. Surely people who are paying BIG BUCKS to live in this dump should be allowed to see where they are going to live! Don't the brokers take them over to view apartments?

Anonymous said...

I am woken up at around 5 every morning. I don't know what time the porters come on duty, but it is very early. There is the noise of the garbage and recycling being rolled out, noisy trucks outside and, of course, these guys don't speak in dulcet tones.

No peace in the Sty. I cannot for the life of me understand why people are still moving in here. Especially at the rents they are asking these days. Didn't P.T. Barnum sum it all up: "There's a sucker born every minute."

Stuy Town Reporter said...

They working on some major project over at the southern end of the middle of PCV. The path there to Stuy Town is closed and barriers are up to the playground. I hope the "major" work is not a dog area.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Our "community" will now have an association with URBN. What is URBN? Well, if you go here:

...what is mentioned first is: dog run.

The specific page for us is:

Good luck!

October 8, 2022 at 10:05 AM Delete

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I like the fact that one of the founders of URBN is named "Brutus." It could be "Mr. Lucky," but it's Brutus.

Anonymous said...

Blackstone should hire--at a grossly-inflated salary, of course--a Manager of Dog Services (or if you prefer, Dog Experience) ASAP.

Anonymous said...

You said it. Dogs are kings here. They cater more to dogs than to the residents.

Anonymous said...

I think the the Dog Experience is better than the Resident Experience.

They have turned this once-beautiful place into a fetid shithole. Thanks Blackstone/Beam. The TA has gone comatose.

Anonymous said...

And our local politicians have turned their heads. They could care less and keep getting voted in.

Anonymous said...

Apropos the main topic of this thread, speeding bicycles and scooters: why can't Management do something about this? Are they waiting for a fatality or major injury to occur? It is totally hazardous to walk around or even near the property because of the damned speeding bikes. Most of them are delivery people.

There is a major diminution of the quality of life in this place now. We have loud, braying and squawking students walking in clusters through the property at all hours of the night and early morning and nobody seems to care. What happened to the notion of having Security/PS (or whatever they call themselves to keep in tune with the dorm "ambience") patrol the property at night and shut these lousy a**holes up when they come puking and braying home? Why would anybody want to pay major buck to rent in a dorm?
Why can't they do something to stop these killer cyclists from endangering our lives? I think it is just a matter of time before somebody is maimed or killed by one of these losers and Black$tone will have to pony up some major dollars. It won't bring anybody back from the dead or mend any bones though.

Anonymous said...

What? There's a Tenants Association here? No freaking way.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>They working on some major project over at the southern end of the middle of PCV. The path there to Stuy Town is closed and barriers are up to the playground. I hope the "major" work is not a dog area.<<

Actually, and thankfully, the work was just to apply new asphalt so that the many gouges and pockmarks that were there are now gone. Smooth sailing.

Anonymous said...

Almost 1 am, so the dormies are shouting and laughing outside at the tops of their lungs. They have absolutely no consideration whatsoever. I wish they would stop renting to gaggles of immature people. This is a housing complex that houses people who work for a living and people who have children who are in bed at this hour.
It's not a f*cking dorm.

STOP 'EM said...

12:59 AM "Almost 1 am, so the dormies are shouting and laughing outside at the tops of their lungs."

The idiot kids who temporarily flop here and cause noise, noise, noise here:

Shoveling sh*t against the tide is one way to look at interventions by individual residents. Yet, when I get involved, I find it helps.

I became involved last night, as I used to do on a Friday or Saturday night a few years before COVID:

I will take an early or mid-evening walk and experience outside, up-close, the sounds and sights of these shouting, screaming, braying human animals.

I will stand on a pathway to a building (mine or another) when I see a particular group (3 or more) of these immature jackasses heading toward that building.

Then, either while I am standing on the pathway, or after I've walked after them into the building and maybe into the elevator, I WILL TALK TO THEM. QUIETLY, POLITELY, I'LL INTERRUPT THEIR SELF-IMPORTANT, SELFISH "CONVERSATIONS" AND NOISE POLLUTION.


Usually, I will make sure to observe on which floor they get out. If I hear noise as the elevator opens, I will get out as well and find the apartment and summon Security. I often appear in person at Security to make sure they show up to shut down the disturbance.

It works.

STOP 'EM said...

Further to intervening and shutting down the college kids whom their parents have sent far away from themselves:

Sometimes I will concentrate on either my own building or the adjoining one to stop or intervene when I see and hear groups coming in to party. I will make sure to either follow them to the floor to which they are heading for an illegal and dangerous crowding of drinking, drugging morons in order to learn the apartment . . . or I will observe the apartment they are buzzing on the directory.

I might do nothing about it at the time. But if I hear the insupportable and life-disturbing noise while I am in my home/apartment, I will know which apartment, precisely, to which to summon Security. There have been occasions when I've discovered multiple apartments being abused and endangered that way in my own building.

I also, occasionally, will "do a vertical," meaning, walk the stairs of the building which houses my home to discover which apartment/s contain the trouble.

I write "the building which houses my home" because this is MY HOME and I am being endangered and harmed in MY HOME, as is my family.

Anonymous said...

Public Safety could "do the vertical' themselves on weekend nights, but that's apparently too much to ask of them & Blackstone.

Anonymous said...

Powers keeps putting up posts that show improvement on 14th St. these photos are taken at night when many of the vendor crap is gone. It was bad today at 4:00 PM.Actually, the council person for that area is Carlin’s Rivera. She does nothing, not even addressing it.

Anonymous said...

STOP 'EM, I LOVE YOU!!!!!! I wish you lived in my building. I am so tired and have a splitting headache today because of no sleep because of the noise of the dorm crowd, both outside and inside the building. I wish that we had a real Security force like we used to. I get the feeling that the PS crew are strictly for ornamental purposes and not supposed to actually enforce any rules or take any action against those who are ruining our lives with their abhorrent behavior. They are ruining our lives and our health and some of us are too exhausted to work because of being up all night being disturbed by these morons.


STOP 'EM said...

Update: Before 10:15, I was able to at least momentarily silence at least 4 or 5 groups of noisy loud young ones walking outside tonight. Mainly, "ssshh," which WORKED for the moment. They did not answer me back, ridicule me, start whooping, become louder. They simply looked at each other, startled, and shut the hell up.

At one point, a female and a male walked past the bench I was sitting on, the male relating some story VERY loudly. I yelled after him, "Louder!" He looked startled and toned it down a bit.

Before I walked into my own building, a group of about 4 of them, one of them carrying a six pack, approached the entrance to the adjoining building. I walked up to the last group member, a female. I looked her straight in the eye and said, "This isn't a dormitory. You can't have parties and make noise." Seemingly taken aback, but not angry, she said to me, "Oh no, my sister lives here." I responded, "Just don't make noise." She nodded pleasantly and continued on her way.

No, I cannot claim that each should-not-be-living-here loud person I spoke to tonight was going to behave themselves for the rest of the night.

But it sure didn't hurt!

Anonymous said...

Just coming up to midnite on Saturday and the Children of The Corn from the Flyover States are noisily on their way out of the property. They will return around 4 AM, drunk, screeching, braying, bellowing, puking and making sure that everybody wakes up to hear them. This is what we pay north of $4K for? Can't wait to be out of here and warn everybody about this shitty dorm. If you are thinking of renting here: DON'T!!!! Do yourself a favor and look elsewhere. Better to be had at same (or even lower) price and living with undergrads is not part of the deal.

Anonymous said...

Well after 3 AM and no peace in this nasty, noisy unsupervised dorm. I hope prospective tenants read this blog and know that they will be throwing money to the wolves if they spend it on renting here. It is a shithole and a noisy and unprotected one at that. Public Safety is a joke.

Anonymous said...

According to the "non-TA" Facebook (which has banned STR, and actually DOES have connections to the TA), so-called Public Safety spends most of their time retrieving lost package deliveries and lost pets. But it's entertaining to read because of all the stupid questions often posted there by new tenants (non-students).

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I was told recently by PS that they do NOT retrieve misdirected packages.... And when was the last time you saw PS carrying such a package to the proper building?

Anonymous said...

"I was told recently by PS that they do NOT retrieve misdirected packages.... And when was the last time you saw PS carrying such a package to the proper building?"

Never. But I have started demanding a refund from companies that I have ordered from and the delivery has gone to the wrong building - whether I have to go and retrieve it or not. FedEx and Laser Ship are the worst offenders. Also, some of the food and grocery delivery companies. Fresh food ain't fresh when it's been sitting in some lobby for days. Some of those lazy bastards even leave the delivery in the outer lobby. I also won't use door dash. Those people expect a prepaid tip to dump your stuff in the lobby.
UPS is the only company that I have found to be reliable and bring the delivery to the door. USPS is as bad as the rest of them these days. If a package doesn't fit the mailbox they leave it on the shelf. The world is full of lazy slobs who don't want to work for their pay. Btw, I always tip the UPS guys at the holidays and, if I can catch him before he gets into the elevator, I tip for delivery a heavy box to my door. However, UPS delivers to the door anyway.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Yes, Beam/Blackstone expects one to pay for the use of their Oval Services:

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Here's an idea from STR. I've seen residents hobble with their heavy package from the "Smart Room" at Oval Services. Why not use the carts that are constantly running all over the place to deliver packages to a resident's building? Of course, Beam will charge more, but certain residents will want that as part of their fee. Normal residents: Watch out even more for carts!

Anonymous said...

STR, what carts are you talking about? I haven't seen any.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

"Golf" carts... I don't know what Stuy calls them, though.

Anonymous said...

I wish we could have some heat today. I know it is in the 50s, but it is so windy and that makes it feel colder. I feel like I'm paying enough rent to deserve heat!

Anonymous said...

Has anybody tried to get through to Resident Services lately? It seems almost like they don't exist anymore! You can hold for ages and ages and if you opt for a call-back fuggedabout it. I wonder if Management has cut them staffing to the bone? Sounds like something they might do.
This place has really become horrible since Hayduk left. Wasn't crazy about him, but the property did seem to run much more smoothly on his watch. I don't think they have been able to find someone to permanently replace him because the two that followed him were out of their depth and disappeared; and the young woman who has taken over and does not even have the title of Manager, is always totally unavailable from what I've heard. She's probably in over her head, but we do need a bit more "resident service" and somebody to be in charge of things. The buck has to stop somewhere! I don't really blame this lady because she probably didn't know what she was getting into when she took the job and probably has talents in other areas of management, but we need a PROPERTY MANAGER, not a party planner!

It seems that Blackstone is not too good at managing the properties it accrues and has some serious personnel problems. I see that Beam Living manages some other buildings in NYC. I wonder if they are managed as badly as PCVST?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Has anybody tried to get through to Resident Services lately? It seems almost like they don't exist anymore!<<

Not today, but I find it impossible to get through to them lately. And as for call-backs, they don't call back.

By the way, Blackstone is hiring another company for resident issues, but this company has not gotten back to me for days. So....

Anonymous said...

Well, we have had dog urione and dog crap in the stairwells, now we are getting graffiti in the stairwells. This place just keeps getting better.

Anonymous said...

Transient Management to go along with their transient "Residents."

Anonymous said...

Apropos the main topic of this thread: I just went to Trader Joe and just the short distance from my building to the store was an absolute nightmare because of the speeding bikes (and skateboards) that were going every which way at high speed, on the street and the sidewalk. It's time the cops cracked down on these urban terrorists. I call them terrorists because they terrorize pedestrians as well as other traffic.

The situation has really gotten out of control. I am not elderly nor handicapped and I am terrified of these assholes. The elderly and handicapped must be even more terrified (and at greater risk) than I am. I will vote for anybody who promises to address this threat to life and limb.

Anonymous said...

Since Blackstone/Beam Living has taken over the property the quality of life has gone down the toilet. They just do NOT know how to run a residential property of this size. They have nobody competent at the helm and it shows. Nobody in their right mind would move into this place if they only knew what it is really like.

Stand Up and Fight said...

Please: which building or buildings now have graffiti?

Thank you.

P.S.: Has it been photographed?

Anonymous said...

"Blackstone is hiring another company for resident issues"

Outsourced to a non-English speaking call center/A.I. chatbot/text message service in Singapore.

Anonymous said...

"Outsourced to a non-English speaking call center/A.I. chatbot/text message service in Singapore."

Please tell me that is a joke! Does anyone remember when Tishman Speyer outsourced Accounts to some call center in India? It was a total f*ck-up and they soon reversed it. These predatory vermin, i.e., Blackstone, would sell their own children for the "right price." To say I detest them and wish them all ..... I can't finish that sentiment because STR would (quite rightly) banish me!

Anonymous said...

It's gotten so bad with RS that I think we will soon have to hire our own plumbers, electricians, etc. I would deduct the cost from my rent and fight it out in Court.

Anonymous said...

At first I thought that the lack of signs of life at RS was because of the pandemic and that they were all working from home and some had simply quit. Now, I think that this is a situation created by "Management." It is IMPOSSIBLE to get through to a representative and if you opt for a call-back ... don't count on getting one. Calling RS is like calling into The Void.

I have lived here for over 40 years and have never ever experienced such totally incompetent "Management." The person in charge (supposedly) calls herself Vice President of Resident Experience. As a resident, I would say that the experience is TERRIBLE! And they want us to recommend this place to friends? I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy.

Anonymous said...

"Outsourced to a non-English speaking call center/A.I. chatbot/text message service in Singapore."

"Please tell me that is a joke!"


Not a joke.

A prediction.

Never forget we are dealing with Blackstone.

Buy a shovel to dig yourself out after snowfalls this winter.

Anonymous said...

If you look online at Google reviews for this place, you will see that since Blackstone took over the place has gone down the toilet. Terrible reviews for RS. One review states that Hayduk had the place running relatively smoothly, but since he left it has totally gone downhill. It's a horrible place to live now. No heat, noisy (the porters take out the recycling at 3:30 AM and they bellow to each other at the top of their lungs) and really there is no competent manager here now. I would never recommend living here to anybody - not even if I loathed the person! We have nobody competent in senior management. They are not trained for the type of work they do. They are from the hospitality and restaurant industry. Totally unsuited for the job of running a place like this.

Anonymous said...

Totally intentional in running this place as a dorm and transient place to live. The company intended this from the beginning. They profit from this setup as market rate apartments fill with students, tourists, unrelated roomies and city subsidized. Fine setup for them as they throw in these concerts, movies, senior and other group “get togethers” as phony amenities.

Anonymous said...

If there is a positive aspect to RS being unreachable, it is that now when we have no heat on freezing days we can call the City's complaint line and let them know that we tried to reach the landlord and were not able to. Maybe that way, we can inspectors to come out here while the heat is off.

Anonymous said...

STR, I hope you are reading the non-TA Tenants Facebook. There are some horror stories just recently. Inspectors showing up unscheduled and flooding in apartments with no response for hours. This place is a horror show! Also, somebody said that deadbolts are no longer allowed. Don't all the doors have deadbolts that are engaged by pressing a button on the inside of the door? Also, no top locks allowed now. No wonder it is so hard to get renters insurance when you live in this terrible place. I wish some brave journalist or tv reporter would do an expose on this dump and the horrors we are subjected to.

Anonymous said...

Blackstone's "Welcome Home" scheme serves many dangerous and illegal purposes. Among them is the practice of barring residents from knowing the name and exact address (including apartment number) of another resident (or occupant, tenant, guest, et al.) who may have caused them injury.

I've more than a suspicion that (a) refusing to reveal the identity of a person who has physically harmed you when that information is available, and KNOWN, to the the landlord, is illegal, contravening either/or city/state/federal law and (b) because of the subterfuge and nonsense which was recited to me, as well as being disconnected from the police department, guess which particular law enforcement agency is cozy with Blackstone, as well as previous "owners" of our homes?

Truly, we are living and sad and troubling, as well as tumultuous and dangerous, times.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>STR, I hope you are reading the non-TA Tenants Facebook. There are some horror stories just recently. Inspectors showing up unscheduled and flooding in apartments with no response for hours. This place is a horror show! Also, somebody said that deadbolts are no longer allowed. Don't all the doors have deadbolts that are engaged by pressing a button on the inside of the door? Also, no top locks allowed now. No wonder it is so hard to get renters insurance when you live in this terrible place. I wish some brave journalist or tv reporter would do an expose on this dump and the horrors we are subjected to.<<

No, I don't have access. The Good Neighbors policy at work! But the horror stories don't surprise me.

Anonymous said...

"Blackstone's "Welcome Home" scheme serves many dangerous and illegal purposes. Among them is the practice of barring residents from knowing the name and exact address (including apartment number) of another resident (or occupant, tenant, guest, et al.) who may have caused them injury."

Transients far outnumber STPCV residents. What makes you think Blackstone can at any given time identify the names of any random transients constantly rotating in/out of thousands of illegal "Welcome Home" student dormitories, short-stay hotels, transient flophouses, etc., operating inside STPCV?

"Welcome Home" inside STPCV translates to "Blackstone has no clue about the identity of any random transient located inside this former STPCV residence illegally converted to a student dormitory, short-stay hotel, transient flophouse, etc."

Anonymous said...

STR, it is easy to read the fb page, even if you are banished. It's a public page and so long as you are not signed into fb you can read it. Anybody can. I don't even have a facebook account/membership and can read any public facebook page.

Anonymous said...

What the hell have they been doing on the property since the very early hours of this morning? I've heard deafening, clanging heavy equipment on the 14th Street Loop and all way north. This place can drive anybody to a nervous breakdown from lack of sleep. What a total HELLHOLE it has devolved into.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I'm always logged into Facebook, as I have a number of sites there, but it's not worth it to me to log out for that page.

Anonymous said...

""Welcome Home" inside STPCV translates to "Blackstone has no clue about the identity of any random transient located inside this former STPCV residence illegally converted to a student dormitory, short-stay hotel, transient flophouse, etc."

Never was a truer statement made!

Anonymous said...

The noise on Friday and Saturday nights/early mornings is horrible. The students are hooting and braying on their way out to the bars and drunk and puking on their way back. Totally sick of living in a dorm.

Anonymous said...

What has happened to "Resident Service Department?" They NEVER answer the phone and if you opt for a call-back you will never get one. Since Blackstone/Beam took over the running of this place the qualify of life and essential services has gone down the crapper. They need to get rid of the entire "management" team and bring in some professionals who know what they are doing. The current "managers" couldn't run a flop house - and ST is beginning to feel like just that.
We pay rent to be treated like sh*t. For what we pay here, we could get much much better service and treatment elsewhere. I wonder if Blackstone/Beam runs all of its properties in the same slipshod unprofessional way? Never lived in a Blackstone/Beam Hellhole before and will make sure never make the same mistake again. Will also warn everybody I meet to avoid this place like the dog crap that is all over the place. Nasty, dirty, noisy mismanaged dorm/flophouse rip-off. And those are its good points!

Anonymous said...

Almost 10:30 PM Saturday. The exodus has just begun. Packs of noisy, yelling, braying kids leaving the property for the bars. Around 4:00 AM they will be back, drunk, puking and noisier than went they were on their way out. I have two toddlers and a third grader who I would like to get a good night's sleep. I wouldn't mind that luxury myself. Not a chance in this nasty unsupervised dorm. It is very telling because it is clear that this shitty landlord is unable to rent to adults because the place is overpriced for what it is and it is noisy and very lacking in essential amenities, e.g., doormen, a real Security presence and consistent heat during the cold months. We are paying waaaay too much to live under these conditions.

Anonymous said...

The filthy lying scum in the rental office didn't warn us that this dump was used as a dorm for undergrads from NYU and other "seats of learning." Would never have signed a lease if we had known that. Will be breaking lease and going very public as to why. It's after 1 AM Saturday night and the noise in this "Oasis" in HELL is probably worse than Times Square.

What kind of lowlife bastards own this place and rent it to people who work for a living and have young kids and, at the same time, they rent to undergrads from the Flyover States? It is unconscionable and they are not getting a penny more in rent from us. In fact, we would enjoy a lawsuit and go very public with it.

Anonymous said...

The last several nights have been increasingly bad. I've ideas about how to stop it, but I'll save that.

Tonight I'm bracing for the very worst of the worst as the "season" moves into 'LET'S ALL PARTY LIKE JACKASSES' until January 2nd. This is happening, of course, as 3 viruses, at least, are causing record hospitalizations again.

For a sad and sickening commentary on human behavior these days, look at the people (young'uns) in Seoul who died 'cause they had to PARTY HEARTY last Saturday.

Probably starting in less than an hour or so (it's 4:15 Monday, the 31st of October), the trouble is gonna start and ramp up bigtime: IN YOUR BUILDING, FOR YOURS, OUTSIDE IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS FOR HOURS.

My only consolation is that Halloween, which originated in a sacred, mystical context of the best possible sort, became a "holiday" (from "holy day") and now has become THE MOST POPULAR, CROWDED, ASSHOLE-INHABITED-AND-ACTING-OUT-OF-ADULTS on the planet day and night - in our degraded country, and many others.

If I could safely make unconscious my entire household, including myself, from around 5 pm to approximately 7 am tomorrow morning, I would.

I certainly will not take my nightly walk, which already became stomach churning due to the utter shit that lives here now.

Anonymous said...

Halloween movie is blaring in the Oval. Do they think people are deaf!?!

Anonymous said...

"Halloween movie is blaring in the Oval. Do they think people are deaf!?!"

The idiots who run this place think we're deaf and stupid. In actuality, they are the ones who are stupid because they are in the wrong jobs. This is supposed to be a residential apartment complex, not a f*cking resort. The dope in charge doesn't have a clue as to how to run a place like this. We have a Vice-President of Resident Experience and a Director of Lifestyles running this shitshow. How about the put in a PROPERTY MANAGER. How about they put in a PROPERTY MANAGER WHO KNOWS HOW TO RUN A RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. We have all these stupid hacks from the resorts and hospitality industry running the place - into the ground - and ruining our lives. The haven't got a f*cking clue!

Anonymous said...

They should have shown The Landlord (2017 horror movie, not the 1970 comedy with same name).

Anonymous said...

Now they're touting their empty apartments (here and other places in the City) as good places to make movies. All we need is a fucking movie crew getting in our way (as they claim we are getting in their way).

They shot many scenes for a movie in an apartment building I was living in uptown. They would barge in without asking and had ZERO respect for tenants. I refused to comply and the landlord threatened to evict me. I stood my ground (that I was paying rent for) and they went and annoyed somebody else. There are no more intrusive, rude and obnoxious people than movie directors and crew. Every movie you see that has scenes in real apartment buildings has left behind a lot of intruded upon, insulted and pissed off bona fide tenants!

Anonymous said...

"They shot many scenes for a movie in an apartment building I was living in uptown. They would barge in without asking and had ZERO respect for tenants. I refused to comply and the landlord threatened to evict me. I stood my ground (that I was paying rent for) and they went and annoyed somebody else. There are no more intrusive, rude and obnoxious people than movie directors and crew. Every movie you see that has scenes in real apartment buildings has left behind a lot of intruded upon, insulted and pissed off bona fide tenants!"

One time they were filming a movie in the building where my doctor's office is and some asshole came busting in with out knocking (fortunately I was undressed for an examination). The receptionist tried to stop him, but he busted into the examing room because he wanted to film some shots from the outside fire escape. The doctor threw him out unceremoniously. Those movie types think they shit cake and piss champagne. Total ASSHOLES.

Also, I heard the movie was a flop even though it starred Anne Bankroft, who was a lovely lady and one of my favorite actresses.

Anonymous said...

"There are no more intrusive, rude and obnoxious people than movie directors and crew. Every movie you see that has scenes in real apartment buildings has left behind a lot of intruded upon, insulted and pissed off bona fide tenants!"

I would have called 911 and reported a home invasion.

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