Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Against Pride Months


There are so many "pride months" these days that it is ridiculously. As someone who needs assistance with a walking device, I am against Disability Pride, as, for sure, anyone would jump for joy if they could walk without the use of any device. You have to live with what you have, adjust, make better if you can, but this pride month is so childish and dumb. Besides, according to some, "pride" is a seventh sin and considered the greatest. But we are pushed to be "proud" of whatever we have that is not high up on the totem pole. So every month, there is a pride month, frequently more than one, because it's getting crowded.


We Need to Grow the Heck Up! said...

Too hot and tired to write much, but just some support for "AGAINST PRIDE MONTHS:"


Anonymous said...

What have you got about Gay Pride Month/Marchs, STR?

Gay people have the same right to a march if they want one. Maybe you would prefer a Proud Boys March or some other fascist entity, such as the KKK having march up Fifth Avenue (or anywhere else).

If you were on an operating table, close to death, would you refuse to let a gay surgeon operate on you? Especially if he/she was the only one the training and skills to save your life.

Back in the evil days of segregation, Black people couldn't be taken to a White hospital, but it was a Black doctor who came up with the technique of that life-saving procedure The Blood Transfusion. I remember reading somewhere that he, himself, died by the roadside because he wasn't admitted into a White hospital, so he bled to death.

Despite all the good things that the USA is celebrated for, there is still that vile, pernicious underbelly of hate and prejudice.

Anonymous said...

I thought only June was Pride month. Gay Pride. Haven’t heard of any others, but then, I do t take much interest in such stuff and think much of it is offensive.

Anonymous said...

Bit cranky today, STR?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Bit cranky today, STR?<<

On fire!!!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>What have you got about Gay Pride Month/Marchs, STR?<<

Did I say anything about Gay Pride? Please post if I did.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Maybe you would prefer a Proud Boys March or some other fascist entity, such as the KKK having march up Fifth Avenue (or anywhere else).

If you were on an operating table, close to death, would you refuse to let a gay surgeon operate on you? Especially if he/she was the only one the training and skills to save your life.<<

I have to say, sorry, you are an idiot. Or at least your comments are idiotic.

Anonymous said...

Most self-respecting homosexuals don't lower themselves to join that parade of mincing, prancing half-wits. It looks like a freak show. Just be who you are and get on with it. These stupid parades are not necessary or have any positive affect. They demean homosexuals as freaks.

I am sick of this "woke" poor apology for a "management" trying to "entertain" us with their third-rate events and concerts. This is a residential property (and not an inexpensive one) and we rent here to have a decent place to live and not to have all kinds of "multi-cultural" shit shoved down our throats. It's not even possible to work, watch tv, listen to music or entertain guests on the nights when those banal, substandard, nerve-grating "concerts" are being held. I'm glad I signed a one-year lease and will be out of here soon. I will warn everybody I know to avoid this loathsome parody of an apartment complex which is run by some fluff-brained female and a few losers, who would never find employment elsewhere. Stuyvesant Town shouldn't even be allowed to advertise itself as a residential complex. It is a cross between a tenth-rate resort and a failed rental property/dorm. Worst place I've ever had the misfortune to live in. The "Management" is made up of a bunch of clueless losers. headed by some brainless broad who has absolutely no talent and no clue as to what she is doing. It's a Grisswold-like parody, but without the humor.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry MAGAs, Blackstone, no matter what BS PC messages they put up in their "events", behind the scenes (Google CEO Stephen A. Schwarzman ) they are supporting the MAGA Party (it's no longer the Republican party of Reagan, McCain, Bush, Romney, Kemp, etc.) that is shredding LGBT+ rights and women's health rights statewide and soon to be nationwide. Also birth control/divorce, see the 2025 agenda which Trump "denies" he supports. If this complex was in the middle of FL or TX. none of this false Beam Living disingenuous love of "woke" would be happening. The rubes here are really dumb. That being said, they really should just focus on maintenance and safety and stay away from promoting ANY political agenda, period. I think we can all agree on that. This false pollical crap accelerated under Rick Hayduk with the help of Robert Vasquez who basically runs this dump now, he's the de facto CEO here.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>the MAGA Party (it's no longer the Republican party of Reagan, McCain, Bush, Romney, Kemp, etc.) that is shredding LGBT+ rights and women's health rights statewide and soon to be nationwide. Also birth control/divorce, see the 2025 agenda which Trump "denies" he supports.<<

And the proof is?

Anonymous said...

"And the proof is?"

As clear as daylight.

Anonymous said...

July 12 at 12:07 PM: You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! The buildings are filthy, maintenance is being ignored, safety is non-existence and this sinking cruise ship just sails on toward the proverbial iceberg. The stupid woman who calls herself "VP of Resident Experience" is totally useless and out of her depth. She has to genuflect to that former cruise ship DJ who was a protege of the idiot Hayduk who made so many negative changes here before leaving. I don't know what his relationship with Vasquez was, but Hayduk certainly didn't leave this property better than he found it. It's like he was a curse sent from Hell, regardless of his smarmy religiosity.
I don't think anything will get better. The place is ruined and it is all deliberate. The land is worth so much more than the buildings.

Anonymous said...

"And the proof is?"

You don't watch the news or read the papers? You must be living under a rock, STR.

Anonymous said...

"The proof is in the pudding" as they used to say!

Anonymous said...

What is the connection between Hayduk and Vasquez? Did Hayduk rescue him from an orphanage? Bail him out of jail? Take him in like an abused puppy? Two things are perpetually obvious: Hayduk totally f*cked up this place and Valesquez continues the "mission." Where the hell they got that vacuous Kennedy from is a mystery. She has no managerial experience and skills whatsoever. And yes, I have seen her Linked in profile. She probably is a lovely person, but doesn't have a clue about how a huge residential property should be managed. She seems to be in hiding all the time. Let's face it, we have NO management here; there is no accountability and a great many of the renovated apartments are "traded" and sublet and used as short stay flops by private arrangement. Of course, if anybody in an unrenovated unit would engage in such commerce, they would be evicted in a heartbeat.

Anonymous said...

What's the story with Hayduk and Vasquez? Vasquez has blighted this place with his hokey crap. I am DREADING the summer and praying for rain on every one of those f*cking concert nights. Hayduk was very much a MAGA man in his philosophies. I gleaned that from a couple of conversations I had with him. He was very religious in a right-wing Christian version of religion, but he was also very much a hospitality and resorts scion.

He left to run some Christian-themed hotel that employed disabled people. He had a disabled child and adopted a second disabled child. I have no bad feelings about Hayduk, but I wish he hadn't spent any time here where he made a lot of unwelcome changes and inflicted Valesquez on us. Those lousy concerts have ruined summer for many residents of Stuy. Pity they can't take them to PCV and torture the folk over there once in a while. I think the concert shit started before Blackstone, but were greatly exacerbated by BS. BS in every sense of the initials.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Since no response yet, let me clue you in a bit. The MAGA movement embraces a lot of people. Right now there are more Hispanics, Black Americans and Asians who say they will vote for Trump. This stuff about LGBT rights and women's health is bs. The spin of the other side. A lot of the people you mention in the past, except Reagan, are Rinos. Check that word out if you don't know it.

Anonymous said...

Most of us know what "Rino" means. Trump is a vile wanna-be dictator and he does not believe in democracy. But to each his own. You want a racist fascist admirer of Putin, Orban and whatsisname in North Korea, then vote for Trump. My hope is that he will eventually go away or, better yet, keel over and die.

He's mentally ill. A malignant narcissist is how many psychiatrists have described him. I think he is one of most evil and dangerous people on the world stage. He doesn't even look "normal." His insanity, idiocy and evil are all reflected in his demonic orange face. I have no respect for Trumpsters because they are the same kind of people who voted for Hitler. Hitler and Mussolini had the same caricaturist facial expressions as Trump. It probably is a manifestation of the same malignant psychopathy.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

This is crazy. Totally crazy. But you have the right to be crazy!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>"And the proof is?"

As clear as daylight.<<

So no proof, just venom.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

There's been a lot of nonsense in the last couple of days, and I have a lot of work, so I am not responding to the comments, usually coming from one person.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Every time I get a crazy comment, which I don't pass, I will post something.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Anonymous said...

How is everyone enjoying the abuse from that midget twerp putting on another horrendous fifth rate shit cover band?
Some stupid bitch is screaming through the PA at 117 decibels. This is after a day of drilling on my building. They close the windows from the outside and block the air conditioner. After a day with continuous drilling and hammering with sweltering conditions, these pieces of shit put on this stupid screaming bitch. The mix is mud. The volume is excessive. We didn’t have a clause in the lease that gives them the right to do this to us.Where the fuck are the police
? These assholes aren’t allowed to go over 75 decibels.
They can’t give us heat. The place is dirty and unkempt. Security can’t or won’t do shit. I don’t recall being asked if it was okay to be ear fucked by James the fidget Vasquez or that twat Siobahn barmaid Kennedy. Rot seize them.
Maybe it’s time for a rent strike. We aren’t living in Madison Square Garden. I don’t want their fucking entertainment. This is constructive eviction. Fuck beam dying and the horse they rode in on.

Anonymous said...

At 7:33 PM: Why don't you tell us how you really feel! LOL. Actually, I agree 100% with everything you said. I just lack the eloquence of your delivery.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe it’s time for a rent strike. We aren’t living in Madison Square Garden. I don’t want their fucking entertainment. This is constructive eviction. Fuck beam dying and the horse they rode in on."

We need a REAL tenants association instead of the todying shit that calls itself the TA.

Anonymous said...

Beam Living, Le creme de la crap. Pardon my French.

Anonymous said...

The concert was indeed loud and annoying as has been the work going on in my building for months. One day the noise was unbearable. It seems never ending.

Anonymous said...

Well for what's it worth we did a compliant call to PS and a 311 noise complaint call. After the 311 call, there was drop in volume for the second act, Wang Chung, That first act, Sweetboy, was truly horrible, she wailed like a banshee.

Anonymous said...

This place has gone to hell ever since the resorts and cruises dreck took over as "management." It is so patently obvious that they have zero experience of running a residential property in a major city. They are the pot-scrapings of the "hospitality" industry. Blackstone isn't noted for its class and quality though. It is one of the most (maybe THE most) loathsome predatory entities on the planet. Just Google the name Schwartzman and read about how that hideous caricature of a human being has enriched himself at the expense of humanity.

Anonymous said...

They just scheduled an extra movie night Monday with first 50 ice cream scoops free and free popcorn. Afternoon, Frozen is the movie. Enough is enough already. I hope it gets rained out. It will be a madhouse with free food being distributed.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of these lousy rotten Carnival Cruise events. This is not a resort, it's a housing complex and we are entitled to live in peace and quiet without the noisy shit that brings in more people who don't live here and never will live here, while the actual residents can't enjoy the peace of their homes that they pay rent for.

I hope it pisses down.

Anonymous said...

"They just scheduled an extra movie night Monday with first 50 ice cream scoops free and free popcorn. Afternoon, Frozen is the movie. Enough is enough already. I hope it gets rained out*. It will be a madhouse with free food being distributed."

Robert Vasquez, being the tasteless rube that he is, would have a Carnival Cruise Oval noise event, fume spewing food trucks, etc., 7 days a week from spring to fall. BTW, IMO, that's coming since he he seems to to be the true CEO here, not Jacqueline Grace. Kennedy is just a PR shill. If you Google him, it seems that his primary residence is in PA. I'm sure, like most of the senior Beam Living managers here, he has a employer provided PCV apartment so that they can enjoy the quiet enjoyment of their homes since none of these amplified events are ever in PCV.

*I have noticed that even the movies, never mind the horrible concerts, Vasquez always reschedules them at a later rain date. These crap events are not MLB.

Anonymous said...

Robert Vasquez is out of control. Without ANY advance notice, today, 7/26/2024, 2.15 PM, he's got the Olympic opening ceremonies on the Oval TV monitor blasting per usual. Is this even legal per broadcast copywrite law?

Anonymous said...

STR, have you changed the format of the blog? Just opened it and the comments are in a different format from what they were last time I looked. Instead of being in a "column" they sprawl right across the page. Maybe my mac is on the fritz.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Nothing is changed from me.

Anonymous said...

"Kennedy is just a PR shill. If you Google him, it seems that his primary residence is in PA. I'm sure, like most of the senior Beam Living managers here, he has a employer provided PCV apartment so that they can enjoy the quiet enjoyment of their homes since none of these amplified events are ever in PCV."

Kennedy is a female. She is a young lady and her first name is Siobhan (Irish name). Don't know who you googled and found his residence in PA. Do a little intelligent research in the future, please, then maybe you will know what you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of the incessant work that they have been doing on my building. First the noise, now debris and dust falling every day in my outer window. They should do a full cleanup of our windows after this is over if it is ever over.

Anonymous said...

"Do a little intelligent research in the future, please, then maybe you will know what you're talking about."

Your copy and paste skills are quite limited since you left out a major piece of my post. Here it is in its entirety:

""They just scheduled an extra movie night Monday with first 50 ice cream scoops free and free popcorn. Afternoon, Frozen is the movie. Enough is enough already. I hope it gets rained out*. It will be a madhouse with free food being distributed."

Robert Vasquez, being the tasteless rube that he is, would have a Carnival Cruise Oval noise event, fume spewing food trucks, etc., 7 days a week from spring to fall. BTW, IMO, that's coming since he he seems to to be the true CEO here, not Jacqueline Grace. Kennedy is just a PR shill. If you Google him, it seems that his primary residence is in PA. I'm sure, like most of the senior Beam Living managers here, he has a employer provided PCV apartment so that they can enjoy the quiet enjoyment of their homes since none of these amplified events are ever in PCV.

*I have noticed that even the movies, never mind the horrible concerts, Vasquez always reschedules them at a later rain date. These crap events are not MLB."

Let me explain my post to your reading level. Robert Vasquez is the one who lives in PA. He is the "Senior Director, Lifestyle Services at Beam Living" He is the de facto CEO of this dump. Kennedy, Siobhan, is the "Vice President, Head of Resident Experience at Beam Living ". As I have noted, she is a P/R shill. Are you a fan of the hospitality industry focus of the Beam Living senior management staff? if so, you're at the wrong blog. Go to their FB and Instagram accounts for your fandom, you will find a home there.

Anonymous said...

Don't know if you read the "Inclusive" FB page, but there is some guy with more names than brains who feels compelled to respond to EVERY post with his opinion. I wish he would go away. Know-alls just don't know how annoying they are.

Anonymous said...

Don't know who July 30 at 2:57 pm is ranting at.

Anonymous said...

@2:57 PM: You mean that odious little cruisehip DJ is the Property Manager now? OMG! How far down the toilet this place has sunk! At least Kennedy has intelligence and class. That could NEVER be said about Vasquez. They really scraped the bottom of the barrel to find him. Btw, I am NOT a fan of the hospitality industry. Not in any way whatsoever and I wish they would bring in a crew who have experience in residential property management to run this place. Maybe they can't find people who would work in this dump (which wasn't always a dump). I curse the damned TA for luring this trash to take over the property.

Anonymous said...

Vasquez is not the property manager.

Anonymous said...

@July 30, 8:27 PM ... I've noticed that asshole and his taunting remarks. He is warning us, with great glee, that the next concert will be extra loud because of who is performing. Well, several of my neighbors and myself met and made a plan to call the cops as many times as necessary if what this jerkoff warns and gloats over is correct. We have the right to our peace and quiet in the homes that we paying a ridiculous rent for and we will take all the action necessary to protest and peacefully and legally disrupt this threatened upcoming shit event. We have consulted a lawyer who is advising us. There may well be a newspaper article about the harassment inflicted upon us by this totally unprofessional and incompetent "management." The trash they shove down our throats (well, ears and nervous systems) is NOT what we are paying $6k of our hard-earned, honestly earned salaries to endure. This is a sham of a management and Stuyvesant Town is a sham of a "pleasant" place to live. In fact, they can't even fix a damned toilet or sink (we've had to bring in our own plumber who is a friend) because they don't hire enough workers here. If your apartment was flooded and you were treading water, you would be given an appointment six weeks down the road for them to send help.
They won't get away with this tenth-rate, substandard and totally indifferent treatment of tenants (market and unrenovated) for much longer because the victims (i.e., renters) are getting restless. Totally pissed-off, in fact. The housing laws are on our side and the NY press is very interested in following the situation.
Those losers Kennedy and Valesquez should be fired. They are pernicious tools of an extremely pernicious corporate landlord. I doubt any reputable organization would want to hire them after their "work" here.

Anonymous said...

There is no Property Manager. Saves Blackstone a bundle.... And Kennedy does NOT have "intelligence and class."

Anonymous said...

August 3, 2024 at 7:16 AM:

I've been trying to stop him for years. I tried to organize people and failed. Obviously, you've succeeded.

Please call me so that I can be included.

(917) 520-0065

Please just tell me that you are calling about this when I answer, or leave me a message, and I'll be more than overjoyed to get back to you so that I can join you.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

August 3, 3024 at 7:16 AM

I am the neighbor who already wrote asking to be called so that I can be included in the actions to stop the illegal and dangerous-to-health upcoming "concert" by two "hip hop" singers.

"Taunting remarks" and "warning with great glee" described that creature's behavior. Could you please provide the location where I can find those behaviors of his? I'd like to read and/or hear them for myself.

Again, thank you, and I can be reached at 917-520-0065.

Anonymous said...

"There is no Property Manager. Saves Blackstone a bundle.... And Kennedy does NOT have "intelligence and class."

You got that right, at least as far as the intelligence level. When a tenant was being harassed by a neighbor with a perpetually barking dog situation, Kennedy actually said that she didn't know what to do. Is this best we can expect from a de facto property manager? She should go back to being a barmaid or whatever it was she did before being inflicted upon us. She has not a clue as to how a huge residential property should be run. We are in a sinking ship without any lifeboats. I think they want to make this place as unlivable as possible because there is more revenue in a hotel-type property. Many of us who have lived here for some time, or moved in with the intention to make the place our home (at least until we could buy a home) feel like we have been duped. They make life as miserable as possible in order that people don't get too comfortable. The "amenities" and third-rate "events" are just to dupe us into thinking this is a "cool" place to live. We noticed the only time this dump is "cool" is in the depth of winter when the heat fails to come on.
They are definitely trying to get rid of the longtime older tenants. They do this by using "harassment by neglect." The buildings are filthy and unsafe; any jackass and his dogs can move in; outsiders can very easily gain access to the buildings in order to steal deliveries and the stairs are extremely unsafe because that is many of this scum lurk. There is little-to-no heat in the cold months and there is no enforcement of the noise rules. Students can party all night as loud as they like along with their "friends" they invite in to their loud, booze-soaked gatherings.
Bottom line: this place is a mismanaged, dirty, dangerous shithole and this is by design. It is exactly what this management wants it to be. They are stupid and unresponsive by design. It is a method of harassment.

Anonymous said...

More suitable position for Vazquez would be at one of those cheap, Pocono honeymoon resorts that used to advertise on non-network TV stations years ago. And his commute would be shorter. But maybe their present clientele consists of homeless/migrants? Well, they need 'entertainment', too....

Anonymous said...

I agree completely with the above poster. This is all intentional and they likely make a good profit as a dorm/ airbnb/roomie development. The horrendous events are a screen for the lack of real amenities. I also think that they have deals with agencies in different countries for short term rentals.I encounter many residents speaking French, Hebrew, and other languages who appear to stay for short times.

Anonymous said...

"Vasquez is not the property manager."

That is correct per se. I called him "the de facto CEO of this dump." because he has his hand in things that he is not at all qualified to do like the Local Law 11 scaffolding (via a reliable source) project and other functions as well besides his Oval events, dog days, playground rules, flea market, food trucks, etc. As I noted Jacqueline Grace, the "official" CEO, is ghost manager. And has been noted in a post at this thread, "There is no Property Manager. Saves Blackstone a bundle". Yes, we currently don't have a real property manager. The last Beam Living employee who acted as one was Malcom Stansell who left Beam lving sometime ago. His title here was "Resident Manager".

8/3/2024 If you want to go to the next level and use a petition software link to complain about the concerts, please do so, I am sure the STR would allow it to be posted at this blog.

Re Kennedy, I stand by my post that she is just a P/R shill. And this from her last email blast was definitely written by Vasquez, not her:

"Boston's #1 Classic Soul, Motown, and R&B supergroup will be performing live on the Oval. Plus, stop by for a finale to remember with the one and only Rob Base. This concert will feature the hits "It Takes Two," "Joy & Pain," and "Get on the Dance Floor."

"supergroup"". Maybe back in the late 8o's he was. Another now 3rd tier Vegas-type nostalgia band. You know Vazquez will go out on the stage to scream and do do his "Bill Graham" imitation. See 1979's "Apocalypse Now" for the reference.

Anonymous said...

To 8/3 at 7.16 AM:

Here is the NYC noise codes PDF. The only thing I see here that may be applicable for our Oval noise concert situation is this. And that requires, IMO (?), an official source to do the noise decibel calibration. I don't want you to give away your legal strategy, here's hoping your counsel can nail them and thanks anyway for the effort.

"As an incentive for commercial noise violations to achieve compliance,
the Commissioner may recommend to the Environmental Control
Board that no penalty be imposed for a first offense if the business
certifies that it has corrected the condition and provides satisfactory
and verifiable evidence of the correction. If the offending condition is
not remedied, multiple violations may result in penalties or sealing of
the sound equipment.


k Commercial establishments that play music must limit the level of
unreasonable or disturbing noise that escapes into the streets or is
heard in nearby residences by requiring that sounds levels may not
• 42 decibels as measured from inside nearby residences, AND
• 7 decibels over the ambient sound level, as measured on a
street or public right-of-way 15 feet or more from the source,
between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am
k Sometimes residents are disturbed by pervasive bass sounds that
resonate and can be felt physically by a person.
• Bass sounds measurements are weighted in the “C” scale
and may not exceed 6 dB(C) above the ambient soundents are weighted in the “C” scale
if the ambient sound is greater than 62 dB(C)."


Anonymous said...

The decibel levels have usually/often FAR exceeded the "legal" limits posted. Also, we are NOT a "commercial establishment," and we are not zoned for this. We are a RESIDENTIAL community.

Anonymous said...

"The decibel levels have usually/often FAR exceeded the "legal" limits posted. Also, we are NOT a "commercial establishment," and we are not zoned for this. We are a RESIDENTIAL community."

8/5/24 3.47 PM here.

These are all valid points but:

1. The R7-2 zoning destination, no commercial activity allowed, (unless it is for accessory use-residents and guests only) for the interior of ST & PCV has been violated for years by MetLife, then TS, then CompassRock, and now Blackstone. The natural gas plants (CHPs) were a classic case of this. Those were killed IMO due to NYS DEC laws, not the zoning law. The NYC DOB which enforces zoning laws has always been REBNY friendly. The Oval Café is a current case whereby it violates the accessory use all the time by not requiring STPCV IDs for service. For all of these Oval events (concerts, movies, live streaming of sports, etc.) there is almost never a case of PS checking for IDs. The only one I recall when this was enforced was when they had Soul Asylum as the headliner. And if you go to these Band SM sites, many of them advertise their Oval concerts as a "free concert". Maybe the group that has retained council can look into this angle? Anyway, to that group, if you set up a GoFundMe link, I'd be happy to contribute to the cause. 

2. This also begs the question of who does the decibel check.   Can it be that those residents that have standing do it on thier own?  Must it be NYC DOB agency inspectors? 

Anonymous said...

For the information of older readers, Soul Asylum is a white rock band that originated in Minnesota and was popular in early Nineties. But why would they ever agree to perform at this dump? What was in it for them? They'd once played for President Clinton....

Anonymous said...

"Soul Asylum is a white rock band that originated in Minnesota"

Their big hit that got a lot MTV rotation was 1993's ""Runaway Train". BTW that was 31 years ago.

Here is the YouTube:

Anonymous said...

I don't give a damn about their stupid events, but I do care about the way the basic landlord-to-tenant obligations have suffered. Getting a maintenance appointment means waiting for weeks. Resident Services has been cut to the bone (and outsourced) and the buildings are no longer clean and well-maintained. I really think they are trying to turn this place into an overpriced slum. Anybody thing of moving in here at "market" rent should seriously rethink. There is absolutely NOTHING here that makes it worth the kind of rents they are asking. At least Tishman Speyer tried to put lipstick on a pig, but this bunch of schnorrers don't even try to do that. Maybe they think the tacky "amenities" and shitty events make it worth the rent, but they are wrong. Totally wrong. Blackstone scraped the barrel to find this totally incompetent "management." I think it is a deliberate move though because I think they want the land the place is built on WITHOUT what is currently built here.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Hayduk the last Resident Manager? It seems they haven't been able to find anybody to replace him. Vasquez is just some former cruise-ship DJ. I don't know why they would put him in charge of a place like this. I don't know what Kennedy does. I get the impression that we really have no "Manager" of this dorm/airbnb/no-tell motel decaying dump. The once-beautiful grounds have been trashed and the buildings are filthy and full of transients and students. I think they have cut back severely on maintenance staff and groundsmen. We used to have groundsmen who kept the then-verdant grounds in beautiful shape. I don't care what anybody says, having lived here since childhood (many years ago!) I can see that the entire property has gone down the proverbial toilet. So, we have "platinum finish" apartments with broken dishwashers, but we also have filthy shit and vomit stained carpets *(thank you dogs and students), but little to no maintenance.
Blackstone has converted this place from being a clean, well-run residential property to a qauasi-slum transient hell hole. That is how Blackstone does business and is world-wide known for being the worst and most destructive predatory scum on the face of the earth.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Again and again, I am getting basically the SAME comments from one person. It's easy to tell that and it does no good for the posts. It takes time away from me. So, I have to become more Draconian. If this person wants to start their own blog and bitch about the same things, go for it.

Anonymous said...

I support STR and whatever steps you deem necessary to silence the repititious crank: slang definition - an unpleasant and easily annoyed person.

Anonymous said...

BTW, as I predicted, Robert Vasquez has rescheduled an Oval movie that was rained out on 8/7/24 to 9/4/24. So much for hoping for a rainout to give us tenants who face the Oval some relief. This is not MLB. To paraphrase Mrs. Seinfeld , I hate him like poison.

Anonymous said...

Are the comments about the sound level of the concerts?