Friday, May 17, 2019

Community Board 6 Votes For Granting a Beer and Wine License to Five Stuy Cafe

As expected. What Blackstone wanted. No surprise. Everything else was BS.


Stuy Town Reporter said...

Though it probably is a moot point, has anyone heard what the result was of the resident survey on this license that was suppose to happen in April?!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the coverage and info, STR. No surprise that the license was granted. I think the "hearing" was just a formality with the outcome already decided.

This place is becoming more and more of a "DORM DUMP." It is absolutely crawling with students, and they are not graduate students, but undergrads with the typical level of maturity we expect from suburban and flyover state youngsters. The Bro downstairs from me plays loud video games into the early hours of the morning. Usually starts just around midnight. I hear the drunken brays and screechy woo hoos as these twerps weave their way home, not just on weekends (though it is worse then), but almost every night/early morning.

We have really gone down the proverbial toilet. I hope Tricky Ricky is proud of himself.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

While some things have gotten better, a lot has gotten worse, even under the "new" management. I don't think 5 minutes go by before I see a violation in ST/PCV. Some I have reported. But the outcome usually is a lack of caring and proper manpower.

Anonymous said...

What has gotten better besides maintenance service which is good? Other than that I see no improvement. The low life student/transient demo is ever increasing.

Anonymous said...

The results of the resident survey on the cafe booze license were never published. No surprise there.

Anonymous said...

Other than STR writing his blog posts about the state of this property, nothing is being done otherwise. I am lucky enough to live in a quiet building far away from the oval, no issues with heat, and overall I have minimal complaints because I avoid all the circus activities that Rick has created.

However, if I lived in 5 Oval (or any oval building for that matter), or a building with no gas, or was kept up all night by loud partying, I would have lawyered up a long time ago. I also would have gotten as many people involved in the lawsuit as humanly possible. Of course Rick is going to keep doing what he does... he has absolutely nobody fighting him on these things.

Critical blog posts from anonymous tenants will not change a damn thing. Until you hit them where it hurts, the wallet, they will continue to make your lives hell. Start something with the people in your buildings and finally do something concrete about these issues that have taken away your right to peace and quiet. If you go as a group (with a lawyer even better), they will be forced to listen.

Anonymous said...

I have reported a malfunctioning elevator twice to RS over the last two weeks. Nothing done. Wait till someone is trapped in it and has a heart attack. These elevators are death boxes.

Anonymous said...

That vile and shameless Susan Steinberg is responsible for the granting of the beer and wine license for the 5 Turd Stuy Town Café. Truly without any ethics or self-respect. She stabbed in residents of 5 Stuy Oval and 1 Stuy Oval in the back.
Waiting for the next photo op, Susan?
Maybe when you do the perp walk.
Open the books of the Tenants Association.

Edmund Dunn said...

The survey which I believe was only a digital based (no hard copy mailed -there is a significant amount of Baby Boomers here, never mind seniors, who have no internet service) survey response. As per RH, it was a 74% approval for the license, with a majority of that approval coming from residents with over 10 years life experience here. RH also stated that as per the coding that the survey used, one could not skew the survey. Well, one could change browsers and do so but I doubt people did that for the approval so at least a 70% approval seems legit again with the caveat that a significant portion of the population here that does not have internet service. But who cares, they will be dead sooner or later, so who cares what they think as per the actuary assumptions that Blackstone, like TS and CWC before, have adapted for their business model here. At the CC Town Hall, the prelim CB 6 and the final CB6 meetings (all of which I attended and spoke out against the granting of the license), the Cafe cheerleaders were out in force, including at the final CB6 meeting, 2 who were long term residents who were also on the CB6 Board. It would be interesting to find out if they had any financial relations with Management or their contractors. I have no proof of this which leads me to my usual talking point that many here at this blog rant and rave but never show up at the venues to state their opinion. Please don’t give the usual suspect opinion that the fix is in, etc. Where was the so called "organized" “tenants of the Oval addresses who were impacted by the Café? Zilch.

Anonymous said...

What a joke.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

As soon a Management and Rick were for the license, it was a done deal. This I knew. I was hoping (hope springs eternal, they say) that someone, like the board, would stand up to Blackstone and Rick, but it was not to be. Even if we prove with photos that nothing is being done at the cafe to make sure everything is followed, our proof will not make a difference and we will get the same BS. We as tenants are constantly losing, and we will be losing.... But if we go away, Blackstone will win 100%. As it is, they are pissed at whatever negatives are around the various blogs. Bottom line: we have to keep going.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>As per RH, it was a 74% approval for the license, with a majority of that approval coming from residents with over 10 years life experience here.<<

The critical question is how many of ALL our residents responded.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I don't know if I stated this, but the owner of Five Stuy Cafe lied when he said that prices at the cafe were the same as outside. A couple of weeks, if not a month before the meeting at the Community Center, I jotted down some items that Five Stuy Cafe was selling. All were above the price of what one sees in the neighborhood stores.

Anonymous said...

Now they are planning on bring their Carnival Cruise shit to individual buildings. They are so fucking desperate! I was talking to some of the students dorming here and they think the "entertainment" is so old-hat and ridiculous. One of them said to me "Maybe my granny would like, but I think it is just funny." His friend chipped in that Rick Hayduk was an old geezer with Florida Assisted Living ideas. I rest my case.

Edmund Dunn said...

"The critical question is how many of ALL our residents responded."

I believe the # was about 3,000 and change. Which is, sad to say, about normal for this type of survey. Again only tenants who have signed up for SPS internet messages were polled.

"She stabbed in residents of 5 Stuy Oval and 1 Stuy Oval in the back."

And, as I said, none of them showed. For all 3 meetings. I did. Did you?

Anonymous said...

I am skeptical of anything they say. They don’t acknowledge the rising student low life population, deny city subsidies and claim to know nothing about Airbnb here. Can’t believe them.

Anonymous said...

"Now they are planning on bring their Carnival Cruise shit to individual buildings."

Can you please be more specific on this? Thanks. Other than that question, your post is spot on.

At the concerts, maybe 50 to 60 at most, the vast majority are families with kids, the kids jump around, they would enjoy themselves if there was a mime show. Almost zero presence of millennials and Gen Z at the concerts. At the movies, for the kiddie show, maybe 300 at most, the vast majority are nannies with their client’s kids. Cannot answer data on the so called adult movie set. But I do hear them, loud as hell, in all of my rooms. A STR poster has said that he witnessed drug and alcohol use for that set. PS does nothing.

Anonymous said...

Really could care less what these students say. They don’t belong here.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the place has become a true student dorm dump. Although Rick is no great shakes he is not responsible for renting to these lowlifes. His company, Blackstone has created this situation with these overpriced rentals.

Anonymous said...

Rent strikes are not effective in such a large development. Not quite sure what lawyering up would accomplish. They have themselves covered. They don’t need discontented and harassed tenants. Endless pool of students and city subsidies plus Airbnb keeps them going.

Anonymous said...

Key cards in my building outfit a couple of days already.

Anonymous said...

The TA reeks. I laugh when they post their little “visit us at the flea market with your dog and dues” piece. Real phonies.

Anonymous said...

Photos mean nothing here. I sent photos of low concert attendance to Keith Power’s office and nothing happened. Black stone denies and ignores photos. As do our local pols.

Anonymous said...

I did with a no

Stuy Town Reporter said...

What I have learned is that nothing that tenants do with change the policy here, which is to move apartments and make money. Even illegal things, with photos!, will not change Management here. They are, however, interested in PR, the good kind, of course. They know that the "bitchers" are around, but to them the bitchers are few and not a problem if they keep up the PR game, which they can do all the time.

That is one reason our TA is useless, and does more harm than good, because Management can always say and prove that the TA is on the side of Management.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I will continue to post on the main page and provide photos. I have other things that I'm thinking about. All nice and legal. :-)

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I have to say that some residents are either ignorant of the law or are in favor a law-breaking! (Not the civil disobedience kind.)

Anonymous said...

BTW, at the Flea Market today:

Blasting sucky music from a crappy band blasting across the Oval even though Rick said, as per one his Flea Market event announcements, they would be considerate re noise. Of course, they just couldn't leave a good idea alone, they had to "improve" it. More "resort' crap. More BS and lies.

Anonymous said...

Best way to fight back is to get the word out far and wide that this place is a dump and not worth the money.

Anonymous said...

"Best way to fight back is to get the word out far and wide that this place is a dump and not worth the money."

Oh the word is out, look at the Yelp links and reviews on the banner page of this blog, ignore the "happy talk" ones that Peter W. always chimes in on.

With the EV bar/nightlife scene, close proximity to NYU (free bus service provided by NYU) , and parental funding of students and "young professionals”, illegal roommates to share the rent, illegal AirBnb, etc. , there will always be a demand for the dorm dump environment here since many, not all, of the transients will be gone in 2 years max.

Anonymous said...

Doesn’t matter if you broadcast that this place is a dump. They are filling the apartments with an endless pool if students, unrelated roomies, city subsidized, and short term one year tenants. THEY DO NOT CARE. You can tell the world. They got it made.

Anonymous said...

"Blasting sucky music from a crappy band blasting across the Oval even though Rick said, as per one his Flea Market event announcements, they would be considerate re noise. Of course, they just couldn't leave a good idea alone, they had to "improve" it. More "resort' crap. More BS and lies."

Rick really has brought the property down to an astonishing level of low class and bad taste! Maybe that's what resort managers do! I have never seen the property so dirty, tacky and unkempt. Tishman Speyer and CWC were class acts by comparison -and
I didn't think a management could get any shabbier than CWC! Rick should be embarrassed, but you can't embarrass some people!

Anonymous said...

About the yelp reviews. I think you all are shooting yourselves in the foot. The more you bitch how bad it is, the worse the demo will get because they read that management doesn’t care. It’s seems to me that everyone who loves living here should post that they’re mad as hell and won’t take it anymore. 911 will be called. We can and will make it has hellish for you as you are for us. Add stories how residents have taken back their buildings. Don’t think of live here if you’re going to start shit kind of thing. If enough adults yelp that the shenanigans are over and that if you act like a child, your parents, your university, your job and the police will be informed. You don’t live in beer soaked bubble - you live in a community.

Anonymous said...

Strutting Shameless Susan was aglow in front of the Tenants Association table at the flea market today trying to hustle up a few $50 memberships.
"Hey, sailor!"
Reminds me of a Madam hawking her wears in front of the bordello.
Funny...if it weren't so sad.

Anonymous said...

They have nerve asking for money. Do nothing phonies.

Anonymous said...

I hear that Trader Joe is coming here on 14th. Associated will probably be put out of business. I love Associated and will be so sorry to see it go. I am going to stock up on every non-perishable produce that I use that Associated sells. I may have io rent a pod to store it all in! Associated has the very, very best bargains on household products and those are what really eat into the budget. I LOVE that store and HATE TJ with its long lines and crappy frozen shit. Now, I'm going to have to buy fresh stuff in another district or even boro; FUCK YOU TJ and REBNY and all the filthy, corrupt politicians behind this move. And may Blackstone go to Hell. Vilest landlord in the world and there is a lot of back up to that statement.

Anonymous said...

Calling a woman you don’t agree with a whore is a nasty piece of business. It shouldn’t be allowed on this thread.

Anonymous said...

"Now they are planning on bring their Carnival Cruise shit to individual buildings"

i think I was mistaken there and read one of Rick's epistles wrong. So Sorry.

Anonymous said...

There was an NYC DOB Emergency Response vehicle on Peter Cooper Road yesterday at around 5pm, near 6PCR. The guy had a clipboard and was writing down notes but wouldn’t disclose what the issue was that he was here for (of course I asked... not every day you see one of those on the property!). Anyone know why they were here, or how we can find out the reason for their visit?

You know Rick isn’t disclosing that information!!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Hmm, I saw a DOB vehicle, too! Inside PCV.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>It shouldn’t be allowed on this thread.<<

And you don't run this blog. If you don't like it, leave. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I agree that certain things are better left unsaid, but I will speak the truth. Susan Steinberg is a shill for management and politicians. She DOES NOT CARE ABOUT TENANTS.

Where is Susan regarding the gas outage in numerous buildings? Where was Susan during the winter heat issues, and don’t get me started on that stupid tour??

Anonymous said...

Re 9:47PM, May 18th posting:
If you take $100,000 from politicians and refuse to open the books of a totally corrupt organization and do not represent the interests of the tenants and are a mouthpiece of Management, then what would be a more proper term?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The TA has been terrible for Stuy Town and Peter Cooper. Not referring to the "old days," but nowadays. They have turned into a shill for Management/Blackstone and appear unconcerned (at least publicly) about some of the problems. I actually think some of them do not get around much in this community. If they did, they would certainly see what I, and others, see. Thank God, for the certain voices still on the TA Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Community Board 6 is as corrupt as Keith Powers is corrupt. That is very corrupt. Don't ever expect CB6 to do anything to help residents of their community. They are merely puppets in positions to soften the blow against the corrupt politician they front for. That's what they sign up for.

Anonymous said...

"It’s seems to me that everyone who loves living here should post that they’re mad as hell and won’t take it anymore. 911 will be called."

LOL. Try it and let us know your results. Calling the NYPD will get you nothing but frustration. They may even tell you to call public safety. They don't care what happens here.

Anonymous said...

I told a co-worker not to move here two years ago. He still thanks me to this day as he loves his battery park city apartment where he has met several ex-Sty town residents who assure him he made the right choice in avoiding this place like the plague.

So don't downplay word of mouth, it works!

Anonymous said...

"I told a co-worker not to move here two years ago. He still thanks me to this day as he loves his battery park city apartment where he has met several ex-Sty town residents who assure him he made the right choice in avoiding this place like the plague.

So don't downplay word of mouth, it works!"

Very correct. However, as has been pointed out, word of mouth slams the place, quality people leave and get replaced by the usual suspects (never ending supply). Sigh. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. So frustrating.

Anonymous said...

12:45. You can spread the word and I am sure living in Battery Park City is much nicer than living here, but it is not hurting Blackstone financially. Your steering of people away is fine for the people, but this company is still profiting enormously from an endless student pool, unrelated roomies, transients, city subsidies here and there and other deals. You are not hurting them. We are just getting a crappy non family/professional demo. That is what we are saying. The company is not being affected.

Anonymous said...

This community rolled over years ago and did absolutely nothing to protect itself. Whining over wine and beer now is a mute effort.

Edmund Dunn said...

"Community Board 6 is as corrupt"

This was my first ever interaction with CB6. VERY disappointed. At the CB6 preliminary hearing for the license, the chairman claimed that the R7-2 zoning designation would not be a factor to them in either sending an approval or a disapproval for a license recommendation to the full Board. WTH? At the full Board hearing, the same statement was made. As I have said, the cheerleaders were out in force at all 3 meetings, the CC Town Hall and the 2 CB6 meetings. I was at all 3. At both Board meetings, a CB6 Board member who is also a STPCV resident bought up this fantasy that the Oval was originally meant to be “The Town Hall” for ST? WTH again? I was born and raised here and I never heard of that line. Bogus. I have been to some CB3 meetings and they have a rep for approving nearly all liquor license applications. My take now on CB6 is even worse. Bottom line, the SLA can override a CB position and either decline or approve the license request. One can always go direct to the SLA to contest but the SLA always approves the license request. Just like the DHCR approves all MCI requests. Equivalent to the old saying that a grand jury can and will indict a ham sandwich. So it was a doomed quest from the start but I’m glad I spoke up. I wish other people who post on this blog had done so as well.

Anonymous said...

@12:45 PM: I also told a co-worker who was interested in moving in here. He came over and we took a stroll round the grounds. When he saw the filthy mattresses dumped on the property he stopped dead in his tracks and said "Thank you for showing me what this place is really like. If they do this to the grounds, I have no doubt they are not the kind of landlord anybody should pay big bucks to." He moved into a development somewhere in Queens and loves it. I can't remember what it's called, but it's not cheap.

Anonymous said...

Hayduk has made it clear that he doesn't care how scruffy and slummy the grounds look. He takes no pride whatsoever in the stewardship of this place. Makes me wonder what his house looks like.

Anonymous said...

"LOL. Try it and let us know your results. Calling the NYPD will get you nothing but frustration. They may even tell you to call public safety. They don't care what happens here."

You got that right! There is never any NYPD presence here except when somebody commits suicide. The 13th Pct don't consider Sty to be part of their patch.

Anonymous said...

poster about battery park? Does your friend recommend a building maybe? i am outta here.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Regarding Battery Park City, it would probably be my first choice if I could afford it. Beautiful from my many trips down there. Remember 9/11, though.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>This was my first ever interaction with CB6. VERY disappointed.<<

I think most tenants who care have given up--and Blackstone is smiling. Thanks for going three times, though. It is amazing that a zoning regulation is ignored by the Board. That's what a Board should look at!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Once again, photos and photos. Now Five Stuy Cafe will be watched extra special.

But more noise, more disruption. "The Oval is a great resource."

Anonymous said...

Mr.Ms. 8 13 pm please PLEASE post names of recs for other properties. Many of us are moving out happily breaking a lease but somewhat busy to hunt. I myself would not have resigned my current lease if I had time to search a good place.e I dont want to make same mistake twice. One and all, recommend please decent landlords that respect tenants in this city!!!

Anonymous said...

"poster about battery park? Does your friend recommend a building maybe? i am outta here."

He said Liberty Luxe or Liberty Green.

Anonymous said...

Re: the grounds here
Wesley and crew do a great job in making this place look like the Botanical Gardens and unfortunately even when they put fences around certain areas some of the the idiots who live here climb over the fences, put down their beach chairs and blankets - with their dogs - and pretend that they don't know what the fences mean. - Stay out!!
Even if you notify security it seems they are reluctant to say anything to these people.
Wesley has a very hard job with the tenants who allow their dogs to do their business on the freshly landscaped areas, on the actual plants and flowers while they have their heads in their phones. It hurts to watch this.

Anonymous said...

"unfortunately even when they put fences around certain areas some of the the idiots who live here climb over the fences, put down their beach chairs and blankets - with their dogs - and pretend that they don't know what the fences mean"
Even worse, the patch of grass in front of PCV bldg 370 is still being used as a dog toilet, despite the fence and the fact that it is within view of the main PCV security booth. If you say anything to them, they answer that there is no sign saying they cannot go in there.

Anonymous said...

no doubt the grass is a beauty. They should release an advertisement showing tenants sleeping on the grass which is more peaceful and 100% nicer than inside your apartment here.

Anonymous said...

Wesley is a great guy and really loves his profession, which he is very good at. It is unfortunate that his boss, the frustrated cruise director, is a total moron.

Anonymous said...

The grounds here used to look so beautiful. The dogs, students, and low life demo have ruined them. Once they opened the oval for eating, sunbathing, etc they destroyed the place.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ. Especially if you have been living here since before the green was murdered, ruined, tormented and tortured, then you are aware that once upon a time, for decades:



No bodies at all - dogs, humans - touched ANY grass at all, other than squirrels, birds, earthworms, and whatever else lives in the soil.



This is how it once was. It is not a jungle, the Botanic Gardens. None of that.

It has been literally murdered and destroyed and injured and hurt.

If you think otherwise, try performing some of these actions on your own body and report back how it feels and what the results are, please.

Anonymous said...

To: 5/17 5:51.

Very funny post. Too bad it's true.

Anonymous said...

8:18 PM - you are EXACTLY right on all counts. What used to be an Oasis in the City and the Crown Jewel of Stuyvesant Town is now a raped, pillaged, scruffy lawn filled with scruffy, lowlife people who don't give a rat's ass about anything or anyone but themselves. This has been made possible by a series of owners who are the lowest of lowlife bloodsuckers who care only about squeezing a buck out of anything and anyone they can. The property has been handed off to one pile of scum after another and there is no turning back. Blackstone and its dumb ass "manager" is just the latest bunch of pirates to rape and pillage the property.

Anonymous said...

Another Friday night when the (2) really quiet boys downstairs get going at 2AM and the upstairs girls come in after the bars let out at 3Am and keep this going until ~ 4AM.
Wake up on Saturday morning so angry, with a zombie head from lack of sleep.
So pathetic. Over and over again I have to ask myself - How many times do I have to go outside at 2:30 Am to see who is up and making all this noise? Such an insane way to live. So sad this place has done a total 180. At least I'm not paying 4K/month for this.

Anonymous said...

The SILENCE of the so-called Tenants Association is sickening.
Non-existent, nowhere to be found, disappeared.
EXCEPT of course when Shameless Susan is trolling for the $50 "dues".
Hey, Mabel, get off the table. The $3 is for the waiter.