Thursday, June 4, 2020

Relax (at least once in a while)

Sunny now. Even the rain looks and feels nice.

Update #2, June 6:

Beam Living, Stuy Town Management (constantly addressing residents as little children in "woke" phraseology),
our local politicians to include our Mayor (by far the worst NYC mayor I have seen in my lifetime) and, yes, our Governor:



New July 1


Impeach Mayor Bill de Blasio 

Link above goes to site. 

This idiot must go.

(150,000 signatures have been reached. Now the site is going for 200,000!)

Newest update, July 6th:

Mayor de Blasio's Accomplishments


New from the NYC Official Site! Posted 8/6



Mayor de Blasio has no plan for indoor dining


 Governor Cuomo begs New Yorkers to come back. He will even cook for you!

Keith Powers, Our City Council Person.

Votes for Police De-funding and the "progressive" issues that are making this city more and more unlivable. Was a lobbyist for Real Estate in his pre-council win. Never does anything about the quality-of-life violations and (some city ones) he has to see in his own community.

If you are satisfied with what you see in the city (dramatic increase in crime, homelessness, garbage), cheer him on!


 Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village Tenants Association

Not transparent at all.

This organization has so far refused to give the number of paying dues members, pre-virus, despite receiving from our city councilman $30,000 last year and receiving membership fees. They claim they are the largest tenants association in the nation, but are very secretive about membership numbers and where the money they receive is allocated. No tenant organization that I know of is so secretive. Very simple request: Open up the books.


Update 6/18/2020:

This is priceless and tells much about people jumping the gun big time--something that is occurring more these days, as people are ready to damn someone before the full facts are known.... So, I am searching the internet and come across a couple of photos that look very familiar. One is exactly what I posted in November, applying it to a fake interview. Well, I got damned by a Stuy Town reader who felt I was making fun of the pain and suffering this person on the photo felt. I tried to find the post, but I may have not passed it. But I discovered the reality today. The photo, one of at least two, shows an Asian girl opening her mouth to try to catch the snow that's falling down. That's it. No pain, no suffering, just a kid playing. A good lesson to be careful before one jumps the gun.


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Anonymous said...

I noticed a building on Lexington that had a creative solution for the dog waste problem. All the tree pits and the small green areas around the building’s perimeter had signs that said, “Warning: Garden area treated with chemicals”.

Now, I’m pretty sure the only “chemical” being sprayed is H2O, but I’ll bet it’s an effective deterrent. Genuis!

Anonymous said...

So much gun violence in the city. It's getting to be like the 70s again. No matter how cheap the rent may be (and it's all comparative) NYC is becoming less and less desirable as a place to live. DeBlasio and half-assed CC don't give a shit about anything but their own agendas. Now they are planning to destroy one of the few places where we can find some peace and enjoyment - The East River Park.

This city is run by soulless ghouls and is going to Hell. I will never vote again because there is absolutely nobody worth voting for in local elections.

Anonymous said...

Walked over to the deli this evening about 6pm. Five minutes each way. Counted 16 dogs being walked. Ridiculous...

Anonymous said...

I've asked this before and heard nothing, which makes me fear the worst: has anybody seen Ramon, The Mayor of 14th Street, lately? I haven't seen him since before the pandemic began. I know he smoked incessantly and wasn't seriously into personal hygiene, but I always thought he probably had developed a very strong immune system as he was always on the streets. I hope he is safe and well. If he re-appears, I'll give him a few bucks because I'll be so glad to see that little guy again.

Doggie Do Do said...

I am thankful when I see dog shit all over the Oval and walkways.
Because at least the dogs are being taken outside.
There is dog shit in the stairways and dog shit and urine on the elevator floors on a regular basis in my building.
The porter in my building says if he ever finds out who does this he will go at them with a baseball bat.
Such utter disrespect for the neighbors by certain clods.
Glad the "blue lanyard" dog identification system is working so well!
Thanks, Rick!
You are a real gem!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I've asked this before and heard nothing, which makes me fear the worst: has anybody seen Ramon, The Mayor of 14th Street, lately? I haven't seen him since before the pandemic began. I know he smoked incessantly and wasn't seriously into personal hygiene, but I always thought he probably had developed a very strong immune system as he was always on the streets. I hope he is safe and well. If he re-appears, I'll give him a few bucks because I'll be so glad to see that little guy again.<<

I may have seen him within two weeks. May have.

Anonymous said...

There's some discussion on the TA fb page about the wall-through air conditioners. Seems they are not all they are cracked up to be. Hard to clean and badly fitted.

Has anybody tried the new portable air conditioners that run on a lithium battery?

Anonymous said...

Hayduk is in violation of state Covid regulations with his movies. How does he get away with it? Huh, local pols?

Anonymous said...

I grow weary of these games.

Lock the gates. This is private property.
You have no right or legal standing to be here at all. Much less the right to shout slogans with your bullhorn.

This makes me much more sympathetic to those with guns. it is called private property, you entitled little shits. Look it up on your precious iPhones that cost 500 bucks that all you "community organizers" can somehow afford

Anonymous said...

Who is Ramon?

I'm concerned for the porter in my building. I haven't seen him since February and I hope it's just because he's staying out of the way. I wAnted to give him a "Christmas" tip for all the hazards in the building. But he's disappeared.

Anonymous said...

Crown heights and bedstuy are hardly peaceful utopias, but the rents are higher than ever. It's insanity. I hate to blame transplants, but they are truly the ones coming here from Ohio and Wisconsin, willing to pay outrageous rents to live in rat infested crime hotspots. They don't seem to understand that they should be demanding better for this city.

Anonymous said...

You have been kinda quiet lately, STR. I hope that you and yours are all keeping well and safe. What we are all going through lately is nothing short of a nightmare and there seems to be no end in sight. As if to add to our misery in an act of sheer malice, our so-called elective representatives are planning to destroy the East River Park. Nothing we voters and taxpayers can do of course, except wish them all in hell and make a point of voting against them in upcoming elections no matter who is on the ticket.

After several months of "socially distancing" and putting my life on hold indefinitely (with total understanding that this is what one has to do during a pandemic) I feel nothing but hopelessness knowing that our Park will be destroyed; Rick will continue with his covid cluster events on the Oval, and the only way out of this continuing mire is suicide or moving way out of New York City. I do not plan to kill myself, but I will be happy to shake the dirt of Blackstone, Sty, NY politicians and all that contributes to the destruction of our quality of life. I will probably be happier living in my car out in the countryside. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that makes me want to stay here and get sick and die. Winter is coming and we know we will have no heat. This City and this nasty development is unlivable.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>You have been kinda quiet lately, STR.<<

Maybe quiet but very busy.

Anonymous said...

Hurry up!
Spots are filling up quickly for Rick Hydick's "Covid Spreading Movie Night"!
Get your s'mores and other "amenities" from our Lord and Master Rick.
FLASH! At the intermission of the movie there will be a raffle for a free ventilator to be used after you get the virus from the maskless non-residents sitting two feet away from you.
Plus, after the "film" you can head over to the 5 Turd eColi Cafe for an apres film case of the Hershey Squirts as we used to call it in Brooklyn back in the day.
P.S. God Bless you STR. You are a gem.

Outraged Tenant said...

The Wednesday Nite Covid-fest is blaring throughout the Oval and surrounding area now.
A royal f u to Blackstone and Property Manager Rick Hyduk for irresponsible, reprehensible behavior and your contemptuous attitude towards the health and safety of the residents.
For shame!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I was passing by and saw the Covid-fest. This just shows that Management is not taking the virus or the city that seriously.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

And, unless he still is thinking about a response, not much from Keith Powers, too. Yesterday, he was asked about responding on the TA Facebook. So far, he has not done so. Also, there is a bunch of idiocy at the TA Facebook. The statement has been made that the gatherings by BLM have not seen any rise in Covid. Didn't our mayor forbid any such gatherings to be listed in hospital reports?

Anonymous said...

I think it was about the airline Arab Emirates: this morning there was a news item that one of the airlines, in an attempt to attract business, was offering to pay the burial costs of any passenger who dies Covid-19 after flying with them.

This would be in line with the new business model mentioned above: free ventilator for those infected on the grass during the fun-filled, community-caring MOVIES WEDNESDAYS.

Anonymous said...

"Didn't our mayor forbid any such gatherings to be listed in hospital reports?"

Really? That is terrible. Really reprehensible.

Hayduk is an irresponsible and indifferent fool. But the people who attend these Covid Fests are also irresponsible fools. Blackstone will do anything for money. They would sell their souls to the Devil. Well, I think they already have done that. Hayduk certainly has. If he starts with anymore of his homilies I will puke. I am pretty sure that a lot of the tenants here have the Coronavirus, but it is being hushed-up because it would put people off renting here if it was made public.

I used to think Hayduk was a decent, moral person. Now I don't. He's a dangerous, hypercritical predator. And where is our so-called TA? Why no outcry from Steinberg, et al about this Covid Cluster Fests and the attendant noise and disturbance?

Anonymous said...

Does Rick attend these crappy "events?" He probably wouldn't be caught dead at one.

I wonder if most of the attendees actually live here?

Anonymous said...

The Covid Movie Fest was a DISGRACE.
No masks, no social distancing.
Rick Hyduk should be arrested!
A vile human being, a threat to the health, welfare and safety of the community.
IRRESPONSIBLE to the extreme.

Anonymous said...

Yes, both the mayor and the governor have said that they can't ask about participation in the "protests" can't be asked about that because the virus knows not to spread during those.

Also, the crowd on the TA FB page are glad about the "protests" being on the property.

Anonymous said...

That Covid movie fest was disgusting. I do not know how Hayduk gets away with it. There were over 50 morons there exposing themselves to the virus in the heat. Blackstone has to have an in with the city.

Anonymous said...

Many do not live here. They don’t care who comes in here. Covid dump

Anonymous said...

The evil always prey on the stupid. Ergo the Hayduk Covid Cluster Fests on the Oval.

Hayduk has done nothing but harm since he arrived here. That phony smile fronts an evil heart.

Anonymous said...

"That Covid movie fest was disgusting. I do not know how Hayduk gets away with it. There were over 50 morons there exposing themselves to the virus in the heat. Blackstone has to have an in with the city."

Blackstone owns a lot of medical practices. Rick is drumming up business for them. That's what he's paid to do.

Anonymous said...

The Covid death statistics are being skewed to not look as bad as they are. A friend of mine is working from home for some health corp and has to process the data on nursing home deaths. She said the death rate is so much higher than reported. She's not in New York, but there is probably just as much lying and smoke and mirrors here as there is anywhere else. Politicians are almost all ruthless liars and that applies to DeB and Cuomo, not just the gutless losers in the Senate.

Anonymous said...

So, who is the top banana of this dump: Rick Hayduk or Kelly Vohs? Somebody on one of the fb pages asked who to address concerning some asshole in the leasing department and she was guided to Kelly Vohs by another poster. Does this mean Rick is on his way out? I'm sure they're as bad as each other. Maybe Rick is just the social director.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

You probably have that right. I still want to hear how Kelly gets to have three dogs in his apartment while residents are only allowed two.

Anonymous said...

If you work for Beam Living, you don’t need to follow the house rules. Hell, nobody needs to follow the house rules. Just pay your rent and you can do whatever you please.

Anonymous said...

The top banana of this dump is Schwarzman. Lots and lot of other names connected specifically to real estate. I've listed them previously. Kathleen McCarthy is "global head of real estate."

(I wrote long ago who and what Vohs is. It was not an ambiguous description.)

Also note that there is some category labelled "Opportunistic."

Here is a general link to Blackstone.

Please notice that the Park Avenue "New York" Park Avenue address figures predominantly.

This writer is in a less than benevolent mood right now. "New York." I'm thinking about the so-called "protests" here, the smashing and looting of stores, the deliberate physical violence done to stores, large and small, to many people, including PEACE OFFICERS attempting to restore SAFETY. Guns, knives, just a couple of blocks from where we live.

People reading this are intelligent people, creative people, resourceful people.

Take what you like from my morning offer of information and righteous anger.

Anonymous said...

Except for the old timers, there are no names on doors. Just like a hotel. Hayduk brain farts diminish the quality of this once proudly residential property. I hope he leaves soon. He has destroyed the soul of the property and ruined our lives with his “hospitality” mentality.

Anonymous said...

Hayduk exercises the worst possible judgment as a property manager. Whether it's illegally removing directories (because he has no idea who lives here!) or organizing covid cluster events on the Oval, where dimwits go to spread the disease and people living around the Oval (and beyond) have their peace violated by the loud volume of the event, everything he does just highlights his deficient capabilities as a property manager. We get no heat in winter and he puts us through ridiculous rituals of calling, checking our thermometers, etc., and having some guy come clodding through our homes - to tell us the temperature is fine. The thermometer mantra that the poor souls in RS are obligated to trot out reminds me of when the Catholic Church said you could only practice birth control by checking your rectal thermometer! Not that there's any connection beyond the stupid, out-of-touch paternalistic mentality.
OMG! Life is hard enough without having to endure this kind of bullshit where we live. We pay our rent, obey the rules, but have to endure increased risk of death because of covid parties that some of our totally moronic neighbors enjoy; we can't hear our televisions or have conversations in our apartments because of the loud sound system on the Oval and then we have this moron of a manager emailing us pointless "Community Bulletins" and sermons.

Small wonder they can only rent to transients and students and people are moving out faster than they are moving in. This place needs a good shake up to put it back on an even keel and return it to being a highly desirable rental property. Even if the rents are high, at least give us something to make it worthwhile. Covid-spreading events and cold apartments make us feel like we are on Death Row.

Anonymous said...

He gets to have 3 dogs, STR, because all dog rules are now 'suspended'. Even though he had them before the suspension. Plus, the rules were never enforced, in any event. And...Kelly must need heavy "emotional support," on account of a high-stress job.

Anonymous said...

Seeing more and more alcohol drinking parties and meals on the tables near the oval. Even saw a group who brought their own table. No masks of course. Hayduk needs to stop worrying about dogs and manage this property correctly during a pandemic. Since when is alcohol allowed outside on the grounds , particularly during Covid. Mark my words, between this negligence and the crap movies, there will soon by Covid spread again in the pigSty.

Anonymous said...

This place has become a real dump.
Talk about bait and switch at the renting office.
Can't wait to get out of here.
The Covid Movie Fest was the final straw.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I saw this with my eyes. As I was walking from Dag's on 21st, not in ST yet, I saw three, then four, young people not wearing masks and no social distance, and not even having masks, unless hidden away. So this mask wearing order is BS. Then at my ST building movers left the other door wide open. They left some time ago, and didn't care to remove the heavy tape holding the door open. Wide open. I tried to remove the tape, but no go. Other residents, in other buildings, have come across the same thing. I promised not to scream at PS and their monitors when I called. But seriously. Stop with the BS and the rules, Rick, if you are not going to enforce them. Which, from evidence, you are not and will continue to BS.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just came in from shopping at TJ and I noticed that there is a long line to get into Target and it's uncrowded and no line at TJ. I wonder what Target is selling that everyone is will to line up for?

Anonymous said...

They are keeping the store rather empty. At the beginning it was mobbed and you couldn’t keep good social distance. I have a feeling they were cited . I like it this way. Counting customers is a good idea. The line moves quickly and the store is relatively empty which is safer.

Anonymous said...

That is exactly what he is. All BS

Anonymous said...

Many, many, many more druggies and homeless hanging out on 14th and on the property. There's a lady sitting on the steps of the Eastbound L train station at Avenue A, screaming her head off. I feel sorry for these poor souls because I know they are in the grips of disease. I guess that with the hospital beds all being taken up by Covid patients, there is nowhere to treat these people. Some of them are drug addicts, but many more are mentally ill and need medication and care and counseling. They won't get it under the current health system, that's for sure. We are the most backward country in the Free World when it comes to providing its Citizens with health care.

Ok, let the flamers flame. I'm outta here for the night.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I guess that with the hospital beds all being taken up by Covid patients<<

I don't think that's true. But the city/state has a problem with the mentally ill here.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

As to the lines at TJ and Target, TJ is a much, much bigger store, and can accommodate many more people. Target is far smaller and can be "one on top of the other." However, both stores from what I've seen maintain mask wearing when you are inside.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

And by now a person should figure out when to go to both stores to avoid or lessen waiting on any lines.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

On the internet, I just came back from the TA Facebook. Someone put up a link and photo to a fundraiser for Little Italy. Last I checked, Little Italy was nowhere near Stuy Town.

Anonymous said...

So utterly sad what has become of Stuy Town.
The precipitous decline in quality of life has been hastened by Property Manager Rick Hydick's "hospitality" and "Love Boat" mentality.
This is a residential complex, not a beach resort in Florida.
We do not need Covid Fests, "amenities", "events".
We want peace and quiet in our homes...and heat in the winter.

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to know how many people have caught the virus from attending those awful movies and other events on the Oval. As wearing masks is not enforced and so many people don't wear them, it makes me wonder if they think they are invincible and invulnerable, or do they have a death wish. SMFH. Btw, I don't think that Hayduk or any of his employees attend these Covid Fests. The people operating the equipment are distanced from the unmasked idiot cluster.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn’t be surprised if Covid began spreading here again as it did in April. The movies and drinking parties around the oval are criminal. Those tables are meant for chess, not drinking fests during a pandemic. That monument area is also sometimes crowded with maskless idiots partying. Never a security guard to be seen.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Anonymous said...

Before I write this, I am asking people to please refrain from argument about this particular topic.

In March, when the Covid-19 virus spread quickly and virulently through New York City, the prime reason for its rapid spread was the number of people in close quarters on public transportation (buses, and especially subway trains and platforms and staircases) and in hundreds and hundreds of school buildings. Yes, other people in subway trains and buses were traveling and became ill.

It was however, the extremely large numbers of human hosts and carriers who are teachers and other adult public school personnel, and children (of ALL ages) who played the largest role in spreading this killer disease throughout the five boroughs of New York City.

I will leave it at that as we begin August 2020.

Anonymous said...

"So utterly sad what has become of Stuy Town.
The precipitous decline in quality of life has been hastened by Property Manager Rick Hydick's "hospitality" and "Love Boat" mentality.
This is a residential complex, not a beach resort in Florida.
We do not need Covid Fests, "amenities", "events".
We want peace and quiet in our homes...and heat in the winter."


Anonymous said...

Hayduk is totally irresponsible in his insistence on putting these crap events while we have a raging pandemic. I guess his masters order him to try to bring in the suckers. But I blame the idiots who attend these events. If they get Covid-19, their look-out, but what is really tragic is they will go and spread the shit to people who are not as careless as they, but are vulnerable. I wish Cuomo would crack down on this dump and its irresponsible jackass manager.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I am asking people to please refrain from argument about this particular topic.<<

I don't see any arguing here, but I do welcome any opinion with facts. Not all sites are like this.

As for Hayduk, he is just carrying out his orders from Blackstone. Yes, he is the CEO here, but he answers to higher authority, and it ain't God.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I just returned from sitting near the basketball courts in that Citibank station. Of all the people playing basketball, none was wearing a face mask. They were playing as if no virus was around. A lot of shirtless guys, sweating, "in you face," close contact.

I checked online with the city says.

"At this time, City parks are open. We ask that all park goers take extra precautions to stay healthy and safe. Please wear face coverings and maintain at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and others when outside and avoid congregating in groups."

Rick knows this city rule, and he knows what is happening in our playgrounds. So either he is shockingly incompetent or doesn't enforce or care to enforce. He is breaking the city rules. And he knows this.

There is no other way to consider this.

Anonymous said...

Rick's enforcement (non-enforcement of the rules): I'd like to believe what I've stated here before, despite my fears and anger and all of it concerning the pandemic and Beam Living's actions.

It is this: Rick told me, many weeks back, that he believed everything should be shut down.

Another principal here, someone many of us at least know about, told me a couple of weeks after that talk with Rick, that he, this other Blackstone employee, believed everything should be shut down. And also that Rick had stated to him the previous night: he (Rick) was of the opinion that the entire COUNTRY needed to be shut down for a long time. It might have been into 2021, but I don't remember if that was the exact time frame mentioned to me.

It is hard to know what to believe for me since Rick has been kind and helpful to me about matters most difficult. Most of the time I am satisfied in my own mind that HE IS UNDER ORDERS TO TAKE THIS POTENTIALLY LETHAL ACTIONS.

I've spoken as well, irregularly, but not infrequently, with one of the "legal" team who is working from home. He sounds to me decent and humane and of the personal opinion all activities need to be stopped.

The last person I spoke with, at the end of last week, also on the "legal" team averred that the movies would continue and jabbered nonsense about precautions being taken. I think what he replied to my anguished remarks was that the movies are "an added attraction."

So, that's three out of four Beam Living employees whom I think (think, not know for sure) personally care about lives here, but are just following orders of their employer.

By now, it's my humble opinion that they ought say "NO" to their orders and "disobey."

Few of us ever do that.

It is scary here, both inside of the development, and in the surrounding neighborhood. Virus and violence.

Anonymous said...

"Rick knows this city rule, and he knows what is happening in our playgrounds. So either he is shockingly incompetent or doesn't enforce or care to enforce. He is breaking the city rules. And he knows this."

Rick is both incompetent and uncaring. Behind that Mr. Nice Guy facade he is a total jerk.

Anonymous said...

"As for Hayduk, he is just carrying out his orders from Blackstone. Yes, he is the CEO here, but he answers to higher authority, and it ain't God."

You got that right, STR. The owner of Blackstone is about as satanic as they get. He's a destroyer of life. I guess when you pay rent to the Devil, you expect to live in Hell. Rick is just the gatekeeper.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I have nothing against Rick personally. And he can believe the opposite of what is happening here. But he is in charge and does represent Blackstone. The company's policies are his own, even if they are not of his own doing and personal support.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I get back to the basketball courts. Clearly, the evidence states that the city rules are being broken. Rick does nothing. Case closed.

Now I have my own feelings on what activities should be here during this pandemic. But they are my feelings based on what I consider important to me and my health, physical and mental. But I am not the ruler here. The city is. But not so with Blackstone. Blackstone breaks and bends the city rules constantly.

Anonymous said...

>>It was however, the extremely large numbers of human hosts and carriers who are teachers and other adult public school personnel, and children (of ALL ages) who played the largest role in spreading this killer disease throughout the five boroughs of New York City.<<

Exactly what science do you base this statement on?

Oh, there is none.


>>I am asking people to please refrain from argument about this particular topic.<<

Not an argument, just try using facts.

Anonymous said...

People should send e-mails to the Governor’s office. I sent one regarding that disgusting Covid flea market on 14th St. The state will likely just send it on to the inept city, but Hayduk needs to be held accountable for his negligence.

Anonymous said...

Rick Hyduk and his minions will rot in you know where because of their callous disregard for the health and safety of the residents.

Anonymous said...

"The last person I spoke with, at the end of last week, also on the "legal" team averred that the movies would continue and jabbered nonsense about precautions being taken. I think what he replied to my anguished remarks was that the movies are "an added attraction.""

"an added attraction" Come to Stytown and get your dose of Covid-19 while enjoying an old movie on an overly loud sound system (extending the "added attraction" to the renters in their apartments who are trying to enjoy a summers evening at home. Don't worry if you get deathly ill with the Coronavirus because Blackstone owns many health facilities and will happily drain your bank account as you wheeze your last stricken breath."

Does Blackstone own funeral parlors too? That would really be streamlined service.

If at any time I hear of a Blackstone principal getting the virus, I will pop a champagne cork to celebrate.

Anonymous said...

"Rick Hyduk and his minions will rot in you know where because of their callous disregard for the health and safety of the residents."

I think that should be Rick Hyduk and his masters ..... I don't think his minions have any choice if they want to keep their jobs. They are between a rock and a hard place because everybody who has a job wants to keep it. This disregard for our safety will follow Rick if and when he moves on from mismanaging this place.

Anonymous said...

City rules and City Park rules don't apply on private property. The City "rule" cited also says "please," and doesn't seem to specify any penalty for not complying.

Anonymous said...

While I have no respect for the mindless morons who attend the lame events on the Oval, assemble at the Five Turd Cafe and the grunting mouth-breathers on the basketball and playgrounds, it should be kept in mind that if they get sick with the Coronavirus (and no doubt some of them will) they have themselves to blame. Rick and Masters will take advantage of any opportunity to promote this place, even if it means breaking City and Common Sense and Decency Laws, but nobody forces these idiots to participate in this risky behavior. What I think is really despicable about the whole thing is that these fools will probably infect innocent people who are vulnerable and who avoid these events, practice social distancing and wear masks. If one of the cretins gets in your space or, worse still, you happen to live in the same apartment as one of them, your fate is sealed. Wearing a mask is meant to protect others from your breath, saliva, snots, etc., but it is not a guarantee that you will be protected from some walking death threat who is not wearing a mask.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>City rules and City Park rules don't apply on private property.<<

Debatable if that is true. Supposedly, Blackstone doesn't have to obey the city because this is private property. Yet, can Blackstone prevent the sale of their apartments to minorities? I don't think so. Whatever the case, Stuy Town does follow the city rules during this pandemic. Stuy Town was waiting for the city to open up the city playgrounds, for instance.

I also noticed the "please" statement.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Stuy Town: "The City opened parks this week to basketball and other sports encouraging participants to wear masks and avoid contact. We will follow the City’s direction of encouraging but not enforcing that players wear masks. Yet when they leave the playground, they should wear masks if they are to come within 6’ of another person. We’re reading what everyone is reading with new research, yet we will continue to follow the Governor’s or Mayor’s directives and mandates."

Stuy Town Reporter said...

From the Parks Department:

"City playgrounds are open. For public safety, all patrons should wear a face covering and maintain at least six feet of distance between each child not in the same household. Playgrounds are cleaned daily, however, play equipment is not sterilized. Please stay home if you or your child feels sick, and wash your hands frequently, including before and after using play equipment."

Stuy Town Reporter said...

So, according to Rick, one can play like in the good old days, very close contact, touching, sweating, yelling "in your face," but once you go out of the playground, please put on the mask if you can't maintain at least six feet apart. BTW, Public Safety will do nothing anyway, so enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I was at my doctor's office this afternoon (at NYU) and she was surprised that I lived in Stuyvesant Town (she didn't know I lived so close by) and she commented that they were always advertising and she was surprised because she thought it was a place that was not easy to get into. I explained to her that that used to be the case, but that now they had to beg for tenants. I told her about the "events" and movies on the oval and she cracked up and said "They really are desperate!" When I told her that there was no enforcement of masks and social distancing, she stopped laughing and said "That is criminal." I told her that it was owned by criminals and told her who. "Ah!" she said. She had heard that they were a very dirty outfit and said she had stopped shopping at Fairway (which is quite near the hospital and her apartment) since she found out it was owned by Blackstone. She extended her sympathy to me when I told her that the movies on the oval were so loud that they could be heard in our apartments. She thought that was tacky and wasn't surprised they had to beg for tenants, but concerning the non-enforcement of the rules concerning masks and social distancing, she was genuinely horrified and angry.

Anonymous said...

Ref: 11:48 AM: I totally agree that the people who attend these gatherings and don't practice social distancing and wear masks will have nobody but themselves to blame if they contract the Coronavirus, which is spiking and gaining in virulence. However, my family and myself are doing everything we are supposed to do. We are socially distancing, even though it means we have to forego trips to visit Grandparents in another part of the City and we stay home and entertain ourself (which is not always easy) and always always always wear masks if we leave out apartment for a minute to put out garbage or check our mailbox and we would not dream of going outside without masks unless the apartment was on fire and we couldn't grab the masks. We are making a lot of necessary sacrifices because we don't want to contract this plague and certainly wouldn't want to spread it if one of us did somehow contract it.

The fact that this tawdry "management" is enticing people out to gatherings on the Oval and allowing use of the playgrounds (even if folks don't want to observe social distancing and mask-wearing) is unconscionable. If any of us who are doing the right thing get infected by some moron in our building who is attending these movies, socializing sans masks at the Cafe or anywhere else that management is touting, we will be contacting our lawyer. I think that what this Mr. Hayduk and his crew are doing is totally irresponsible and probably actionable. Maybe he is a totally ignorant moron who thinks that the virus is going to just go away (like a certain high-office person who I will not name) believes, in which case he is the wrong person for the job he is doing so badly.
If organizing "events" and encouraging activity that is so contrary to what the experts (e.g., Dr. Fauci) recommend is the only way that Blackstone thinks it can sell this place, then there is something radically wrong. We pay rent here to live in safety and peace and get on with our lives best way we can under the circumstances. We are intelligent and diligent and conscientious enough to accept that we are living through an extremely dangerous pandemic and all we want is to feel as safe as possible and hope that management and our neighbors feel the same way. If we were living in a war zone and bombs were dropping, would Hayduk try to entice us out to watch movies and drink and socialize in target areas? Maybe he would. I am at a loss to understand the mentality of this man and the sheep who do what they do with his tacit blessing. I am warning everybody I encounter off this property to stay the hell away from this place. It's about as safe as living on a property that houses an unstable nuclear reactor managed by an equally unstable manager and crew. Covid-19 is deadly and people who carry the virus (even though they may be asymptomatic) are as dangerous as people who are radioactive. Hayduk, himself, may be such a person, though I don't think he is stupid enough to personally get involved in the dangerous garbage he touts.

Anonymous said...

Aug. 4th 12:12 am

You spelled it out brilliantly! Amen!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>who thinks that the virus is going to just go away<<

Do you have a fact to prove this? I'm not talking about "herd immunity"...

Anonymous said...

">>who thinks that the virus is going to just go away<<

Do you have a fact to prove this? I'm not talking about "herd immunity"...

August 4, 2020 at 10:43 AM"

Do you watch the news, STR? Have you ever listened to our esteemed Commander in Chief? He thinks the Coronavirus is like the flu and will just go away. He has said it many times and I think that is who 12:12 AM was alluding to. I think the remark was made with sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

The TA is cracking down on its facebook page. The "Admin" curtails so many conversations, especially if people are complaining about the policies of Management. Management pretty much controls the TA and criticism of what they do is verboten. Heil!

Anonymous said...

Notice how the trees are taking a beating in this storm. Ever since the blood-sucking vermin who have been running this property into the ground since MetLife bailed, they have removed so many trees that those that are left have no reinforcement when we have these storms. This is what happens when greed and stupidity run the show.

On that track ... nobody should ever doubt for one moment that Rick isn't primed by his masters to understand that he has to worship their god, their god being money. Human sacrifice is required by their god and Rick has to make sure their god is satiated. Nobody with a conscience could run this place under the likes of Blackstone. Any conscience they might have has to be aborted like an inconvenient pregnancy. If not, they can't continue in the job.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Do you watch the news, STR? Have you ever listened to our esteemed Commander in Chief? He thinks the Coronavirus is like the flu and will just go away. He has said it many times and I think that is who 12:12 AM was alluding to. I think the remark was made with sarcasm.<<

In other words, there is no link to a factual statement.... So, you are spreading misinformation?

Anonymous said...

"In other words, there is no link to a factual statement.... So, you are spreading misinformation?"

STR, I go by what Dr. Fauci says, but President Trump has stated on many occasions that he thinks the Coronavirus is a hoax, it will go away suddenly, it is like getting the sniffles. I have seen and heard him say this on the news channels. Maybe you don't watch the same news channels. Nobody is spreading misinformation except Trump and his fans. Sheesh! EOS.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Again, please provide the link. I am aware of ALL the information, and I have not yet come across what you state that was actually said. This goes for the President, to our Governor, to our Mayor, to Stuy Town. So, again, provide the link.

Anonymous said...

"Again, please provide the link. I am aware of ALL the information, and I have not yet come across what you state that was actually said. This goes for the President, to our Governor, to our Mayor, to Stuy Town. So, again, provide the link."

Anonymous said...

The TA and management are one and the same.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Nothing about the virus being fake. Nothing about it being just like the "sniffles."


Stuy Town Reporter said...

4 months old. Nothing about the virus being fake, etc. The only quote that has some punch is from February. ‘It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle – it will disappear.' Yes, he talks about "a miracle," but he never disbelieves the virus.


Stuy Town Reporter said...

LOL. Doesn't say that the virus is not real. For him, the normal attack on his attackers.


Stuy Town Reporter said...

Again, LOL. The Washington Post.

Nothing about it being fake. Just that it (the virus) will go away one day. Don't they all?


Stuy Town Reporter said...

Seriously. Listen. He hopes the virus will disappear. He hopes/trust that a vaccine will work.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Obviously, unless you are shilling for Agenda and some Democrats, the virus is real and considered so by Trump. That is why there was a national task force started months ago by you know who. Yes, Trump states that the virus will go away, but when and how is the question. There are active steps taken by the government. So, there is research, testing, etc. Yes, the virus is here, and we have to take certain steps. These have been explained repeatedly. By the government. By Trump. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

STR, I guess I misunderstood our Fearless Leader in the White House. Sorry about that. I got the definite impression that tried to minimize the severity of the epidemic. Maybe he was just too subtle and sophisticated for this poor rube.

Anyway, I am just happy that we will be moving out of here at the end of September when our lease is up and Rick and his fantastic events and the glittering Covid Cafe and everything about this place will be just a memory (that me and my family will get over eventually). We will certainly be sure to recommend living here in the event we meet anybody we could despise that much.

Sorry I took up so much of your time and space. Good Bye and Good Luck.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Sorry I took up so much of your time and space. Good Bye and Good Luck.<<

It was instructive to me, so not a waste at all. Good luck to you and yours. I think all of us need best wishes for whatever we do that comes from a good heart.

Anonymous said...

I URGE all to stay away from the Covid eColi 5 Turd Cafe.
Questionable health procedures to say the least.
State Liquor Authority and Dept. of Health looking into allegations.
Enough said.

Anonymous said...

>>STR, I go by what Dr. Fauci says<<

So, you are wearing goggles now?

Anonymous said...

Anybody notice that the New York Post business section is reporting that Blackstone is purchasing a majority stake in

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>So, you are wearing goggles now?<<


Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Anybody notice that the New York Post business section is reporting that Blackstone is purchasing a majority stake in<<

First I heard of it, but thanks for reporting this.

Anonymous said...

Another Wednesday Night Covid Fest.
Third rate movie, no social distancing, no masks, all the Corona virus anyone could want!
Noise pollution galore!
What more could anyone want?
Thanks, Rick!

Anonymous said...

Who are the fools who patronize the Five Turd eColi Coronavirus Cafe?
Overpriced and unclean.
I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Yet Powers put up state guidelines on the TA site like Hayduk was following them.

Anonymous said...

"Another Wednesday Night Covid Fest.
Third rate movie, no social distancing, no masks, all the Corona virus anyone could want!
Noise pollution galore!
What more could anyone want?
Thanks, Rick!"

Disgusting. I wonder how much our despicable landlord pays our despicable politicians to let this happen? This is why I threw away my mail-in ballot this last election. They are as corrupt and taking money under the table from Blackstone.

Anonymous said...

A couple of days per week I walk about two miles to work. More and more I see moving trucks outside office buildings. Lots of them, moving big tenants out of buildings in Midtown. I always felt safe as my company does work in the city so we weren't going anywhere and I always felt sad for those people losing their jobs and the city losing those jobs. Now it hits home. Of the 100,000 Manhattan employees at my company 10% will be laid off. Of the 90,000 that remain, a full 90% or 81,000 will relocate outside NYC. Luckily my job is going full remote so I can work in my apartment or more likely my vacation cottage. Most of my division is going to an industrial park in NE Pennsylvania. This city and many other big cities will not recover from this and with the crappy leadership they deserve it and it is a good thing. Now Cuomo has resorted to begging the wealthy to return, LOL, as if. Cuomo and De Blasio, the murderers of NYC/NYS. SAD!!!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Cuomo's plea is indicative. NY is dying in a way, and it's not just the virus. And Stuy Town is managed semi-poorly.

Anonymous said...

"Yet Powers put up state guidelines on the TA site like Hayduk was following them."

When someone started to point that out, the TA Admin closed the thread to further comments. I wonder why? Don't anybody try to tell me that Management doesn't control that Facebook Page!

Anonymous said...

"Cuomo's plea is indicative. NY is dying in a way, and it's not just the virus. And Stuy Town is managed semi-poorly."

Not semi-poorly, very poorly. I am absolutely dreading the winter because we haven't had sufficient heat ever since this evil landlord took over. It wasn't very good for years after MetLife put in the non-working sensor system (which they probably bought fro the same company that sold them the imploding windows), but since this mega slumlord bought the place it has been 100% worse.

NY is dying. The homelessness and crime are getting worse and I fear that rent stabilization will go away soon because the apartments are empty. That's when we move to another state. The affordable rent is the only thing keeping us here.

It will be decades before NYC comes back. Many of us will be dead by then, including Hayduk and his filthy employers.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Political national posts. It's not going to work, so don't try unless you want to waste your time. In another thread, I want to see something, and I saw. But that's it. :-)

Anonymous said...

Just saw Rick's latest email. It's really over the top. He is the Cruise Director on the Titanic.

Anonymous said...

Please, Rick.

Anonymous said...

Went by 14th between 1st and A last evening. Seems the Thieves’ Market is gone.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Could have been the weather.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

That you mention Ave A... I noticed that the pathway between the small diner and Trader Joe's was very tight with the workers on the subway elevator. Even the placement of the "tents" overhead by the diner is more than what they are allowed, one would think. Doesn't bother me, as I understand and sympathize, but I can see where someone has a hard time walking that pathway.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to Powers and De Blasio, all I can say is "Thank God for Term Limits!" But do term limits apply to council people? Some of them seem to have been hanging on eons.

Anonymous said...

When Powers' term is up, maybe some Park Conservancy will give him a nice no-show job, like they did for Garodnick.

Anonymous said...

It is quite remarkable to me how Rick Hyduk allows Oval movie nights or operation of Five Turd Cafe in the midst of a pandemic.
Does he have no conscience? No shame?
Stay away.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Well, Rick posts to residents as if they were little children but he has to push these "events," regardless. As long as Blackstone approves.

Anonymous said...

I think that Rick has sold his soul to the Devil. I don't consider him a person worth listening to on any subject anymore. I can't imagine that he is a happy man.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure Rick is happy on payday.

Anonymous said...

Why do we need this crap? I remember when we didn't have this garbage on the property. We had loads of trees in the Oval and flower beds around the Oval. True you could go on the Oval and that was a shame, but it was so beautiful and peaceful. I used to love to hear the wind rustling through the trees. It was like being in the countryside. Now it is just a shitty piece of scrub with no natural charm and those "events" are absolutely execrable. People who go to these shitty events must be absolutely desperate.

Anonymous said...

"True you could go on the Oval and that was a shame,"

Meant to say you could NOT go on the Oval ....

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the merchants on the South side of 14th between First and A, as well as the residents of those expensive condos. There is a really filthy "flea market" sprawled out all over the sidewalk. It stinks of pot and many of the denizens look totally zonked out on drugs. I was in one of the stores and the owner told me that the police can't do anything about the situation. The cops may clear them out for a while, but they come right back and are not in any way "impressed" by the cops. I think we can thank our "progressive" Mayor for much of the decline of the quality of life lately. I know the pandemic has contributed a lot to the poverty and displacement, but the people who run this sidewalk "flea market" don't look people who do much for a living except buy and sell drugs. No wonder people are moving out by the truck-load. Why would anybody want to pay a high rent to live here? The squalor is on our doorsteps and Hayduk and his neutered version of "Security" don't give a shit about it. Does that idiot really think that all the people who hang out here are "residents?"

Anonymous said...

I feel very sorry for the people who have lost their jobs and are unable to pay their rent. Unfortunately, I don't think those people will be back and we won't get more of their type in the future. What will happen is that the place will be stuffed with undergrads from the various seats of learning around here. More noise, pot stench, more garbage. Not to say that some of those people won't be civilized and good neighbors, but I think that most of them won't be. They will be squashed into apartments that are designed for a quarter the number of occupants. Blackstone/Rick will get away with it because they are in with every corrupt scheme that exists in the world of RE and have so many politicians on their payroll.

Am I being pessimistic and gloomy? Yes, but I am also being realistic. Nobody in their right mind will want to pay the inflated rents that are asked. Right now, most people can't pay those rents, but when the pandemic is over (could be a few years) this place will be so dilapidated and gross that only college undergrads would be able to tolerate it. I feel pretty sure that the only people who are making their rent without having to go cup in hand are the long time residents who have the kind of rents that made this place affordable at one time. A time when it was both affordable and desirable.

Anonymous said...

Question for posters on this board: Do you still recycle? I always used to, but since the pandemic and all the people moving out and dumping all kinds of shit in the recycling room, I just stopped doing it. I felt it was just so much of a burden to the porters. I doubt this dump would ever get fined by the City because Blackstone/DeBlasio are too far up each others' rear ends for that to happen. I believe in recycling and being considerate of the environment, but I get the impression that it doesn't really matter to our landlord and those on the Mayor's payroll, so why bother?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I mainly recycle.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Yesterday, I was passing by the corner of 14th and First Ave, and the place was a real mess on the sidewalks, and bums (sorry, most of them are, pandemic or not) all over trying to sell their junk or just hanging out. Why would any business want to pay rents on that side of the street? A disaster. Better we should move all our "woke" individuals there (including some "feel so sorry" Stuy residents), so they can be truly woke.

Anonymous said...

Why are we suddenly being infested with all these bums? I know the crusties come here every year for the summer, but most of the people at that scruffy flea market don't look homeless. They just look nasty.

Anonymous said...

"Better we should move all our "woke" individuals there (including some "feel so sorry" Stuy residents), so they can be truly woke."

And the "Aw, let them make a buck" individuals need to be moved there. The street is an absolute mess and I'm sure a lot of people would like to patronize those businesses, but are put off going near that side of the street. Maybe those business owners should try the hose and hot disinfectant water treatment that was common in the seventies when vagrants and panhandlers hung out in front some stores intimidating potential customers.

Anonymous said...

That area has become disgusting. The politicians need to do something to clear that flea market which is a Covid spread risk. I believe it is on Congresswoman Rivera’s side, not Powers. Not sure, but I will not be voting for Powers again. This neighborhood is a dirty disgrace as is ST.

Anonymous said...

I recycle as much as possible, but filthy residents leave crap on the shelves . Like old greeting cards. Throw this junk the hell away pigs. The porter shouldn’t have to clean it up. Who wants your old Valentines cards. Such pigs.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I believe it is on Congresswoman Rivera’s side.<<

Yes, it is. People have complained. And nothing is being done.

Anonymous said...

"I recycle as much as possible, but filthy residents leave crap on the shelves . Like old greeting cards. Throw this junk the hell away pigs. The porter shouldn’t have to clean it up. Who wants your old Valentines cards. Such pigs."

Please don't insult pigs. They're very clean animals, actually. My uncle owned a pig farm and I was surprised at how clean they were. Their shit stinks, but so does ours.

Anonymous said...

The decline of quality of life in Stuy Town is appalling.
No wonder there are so many vacant apartments.
Who in their right mind would pay these exorbitent rents?

Anonymous said...

The First Avenue bus stop now resembles a homeless shelter. Lack of masks is a health hazard. Pols ignore it.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The local politicians don't have, pardon the language, balls.

Diarrhea Diane said...

Phony puff piece by Management lacky on Tenant Association Facebook page.
$30 for eggs and coffee at the 5 Turd eColi Cafe.
Wow! What a deal!
Unclean too.
Mind boggling.
There's a sucker born every minute...

Anonymous said...

If people didn’t pay those ridiculous prices, maybe they would lower them. Their food is mediocre and they have some nerve charging those prices. And the idiots still go there.

Anonymous said...

"The local politicians don't have, pardon the language, balls."

The language may not be polite, but it's not what puzzles me. What do you mean by courage, bravery and maybe even integrity?

How does courage ("balls") play into those people who are allegedly representing us doing NOTHING to remove the health hazard installed at the First Avenue bus stop?

To my mind, the reasons for inaction might include (1) laziness; (2) indifference, (3) money in the form of bribes to ignore the danger; and (4) affirmatively allowing or encouraging health risks so as to further a plan to destroy this part of the city.

New York City, and especially targeted areas, such as ours, have long been the objects of the desire of billionaires to destroy and then remodel to their own ends. As with the Upper West Side's hotels full of drugs and crime now, our desolate and dangerous neighborhood may be advantageous and beneficial to the plans of the bastards we've get to throw the hell out of our lives.

Anonymous said...

The eminent infectious disease doctor, Anthony Fauci, has reiterated the need to wear masks and has predicted that if we don't pay attention to the need for masks and social distancing we will pay the price in the form of a major surge of the Coronavirus in the Fall.

What say you, Rick? Are you going to continue to hold those crap events where masks are recommended, but not mandatory, and social distancing is a joke? Are you trying to kill us? I doubt that you are, but your pay check and employment by one of the most amoral entities on the planet is of far more importance to you. I'm sure you make sure that your loved ones are safe. Some people don't care that much about themselves and their loved ones. You should not be catering to these people because they are the ones who are going to spread the Covid virus and prolong the lockdown and suffering and death. Grow a pair, Rick. Grow a pair and do the right thing for a change. Blackstone isn't going to encourage you to do the decent thing. Blackstone isn't about decency and caring about human life - or any other form of life for that matter.

Anonymous said...

To expose the residents to the Covid 19 pandemic by holding these hokey events, i.e., "movies" on the Oval, or outrageously overpriced "artisanal fare" at the eColi 5 Turd Cafe borders on the criminal.
Truly, Rick Hyduk, have you no self-respect?
For shame!

Anonymous said...

Why are the carriage rooms and the hallways so filthy?

Anonymous said...

Hayduk’s latest email defends the numbers and social distancing at the Covid spread movies. Shameful. He needs to shut up.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I don't get Hayduk's emails, even after multiple times addressing the issue at Resident Services. What does Rick say?

Anonymous said...

Any word on awful ice rink? Guessing covid won’t stop the moms from insisting on having their frozen hole of a daycare depository ?

Anonymous said...

He says that 750 are allowed and they don’t exceed 350. Don’t know where he gets those numbers. He also cites that rec staff assures social distancing. BS

Anonymous said...

He calls it “social distance cinema.”.Fool.

Anonymous said...

Rick's dumb emails come through almost every day. The guy needs to go out and get a real, meaningful job. He can't hack it as a property manager and keep this filthy deteriorating place clean and safe, but he sure comes up with a lot of "entertainment" garbage. He and Covidvirus Velasquez. We would be better off if they both disappeared.

Anonymous said...


It’s great to see the city come back to life, albeit slowly, but the energy outside certainly feels like it’s picking up. A local barometer is the restaurants and if Hane on 20th and 1st is any indication, it’s fair to say we should side with optimism. The husband / wife owners of Hane have done a great job with their outdoor dining and their take-out meal options thus allowing us to have some restoration of our pre-pandemic lives. Our friends at Ess-a-Bagel and the Cooper Town Diner have done the same.

We’ve also seen a noticeable increase in resident pedestrian traffic in both Stuy Town and Peter Cooper Village. The Wednesday night movies have experienced good attendance and along those lines, I wanted to assure everyone that we are well below the outdoor event occupancy guidelines. In accordance with governmental directives for outdoor gatherings, the Oval Lawn can properly distance approximately 700 people. Our recreation team counts attendance each Wednesday and we have yet to exceed 350. Further know that the recreation team monitors spacing around the lawn during the movie ensuring groupings are properly distanced.

As we’re pushing to open the new Playground 4 such that children can use the water features before the weather cools, we’ve received authorization from the DOB to do work on the weekends. This work will not start before 9am and is promised to be quiet. For those who haven’t seen progress or weren’t aware of this new playground, playground 4 (on Avenue C in Stuy Town) will have equipment for both toddlers and children, swings, water features, artificial turf and a Pavilion that will enable the covered space to be used in the winter. Look for its grand opening in early September.

As a reminder:
• Wear a face covering.
• Distance yourself whenever possible.
• Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.
• Don’t feel well, stay home!

Anonymous said...

"Why are the carriage rooms and the hallways so filthy?"

In my building the carriage rooms are filthy because as soon as the porter cleans them the slobs come down with all their boxes, bags and unwashed "recycling" and dump it everywhere. Our hall carpets get filthy faster than the porter can clean them because the Amazon and food delivery guys come clomping through and the grocery delivery guys roll their dirty carts over the carpet. There are two clumps of either mud or shit on the carpet in my hall today. Nobody on my floor has a dog or cat, but delivery men with food are coming up all the time. The porters in this place are fighting a losing battle. If Hayduk would focus more on the quality of life and less on his stupid "entertainment" for the few losers who go for it, this would be a lot better place to live.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>It’s great to see the city come back to life...<<

Thanks. Not any surprise, of course. Same BS.

Anonymous said...

The slobs in my building also leave crap on the lobby shelves. Books, greeting cards, appliances , shoes and their other filth. The poor porters have to clean it up.

Anonymous said...

All Hayduk focuses on are the fucking stupid "events" he rams down our throats. Meanwhile, people are rifling through our deliveries that are dumped in the lobby and leaving the opened empty boxes like a jeer at the victim of the theft. Somebody wrote about this on the TA fb page, but it is rife in my building too. PS is useless. Absolutely, totally fucking useless. It wouldn't make a difference if they all got fired because they do NOTHING. They're not qualified or trained to do anything but put on a uniform and try to look like Public Safety. They don't even look the part really. They are like our so-called Property Manager. Totally useless and a waste of space. I think Hayduk is ok with all the thefts because he wants to encourage suckers to use Oval Concierge. Never in all the years (32 years) of living here have I seen the place so badly managed and so unsafe. We are living in an overpriced slum.
We have no Security, no heat in winter, understaffed maintenance and overworked porters. The property has gone to hell in a handcart since this useless moron took over. As soon as this pandemic is over we're out of here. Enough is enough.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Maybe Rick knows this and maybe he doesn't, but one of the major reasons few take PS seriously is that certain "laws" are not enforced, so when the @##$ hits the fan, a good many residents will ignore the virus rules, too. Rick, as the person in charge, should know this. My guess it that he shrugs his shoulders, hoping that people will be nice and "good neighbors."

Seen today: Two uncovered mattresses just laying around, a city violation for sure. Rick knows this. And sweaty, close basketball playing with no masks. Rick also knows this.

Anonymous said...

STR, Rick knows but he doesn't care. Maybe he thinks it is all below his pay grade to ensure that the property is clean and safe and the Fauci-recommended precautions are observed and implemented. PS is a joke. A bad joke. They are mall cops and nothing else. They don't even look in any way professional.

Rick doesn't care about the filthy mattresses littering the landscape. He laughs if you question him about them. I really don't think he's interested in anything beyond his dumb "events" and gimmicks. He is from the hospitality industry, not the residential rental industry and he is at a loss as to how to do the job he really should be doing, i.e., being a manager of a residential property. Sometimes I feel a bit sorry for him because he does get lambasted, but most of the time I just feel contempt for him because we are suffering due to his inadequacies.

Don't we already have a "Life Style Manager" named Valasquez or something like that? Why do we need him in a residential property? The whole set up is ridiculous. I think that Mr. Valasquez has a "make-work" job (probably somebody is doing him a favor) and Hayduk should really focus on the quality of life issues, such as safety, cleanliness, correct behavior during the pandemic and correct behavior in general if you are going to live in a multi-unit large residential property. That should be his job. Safety, cleanliness, legality and observance of the legitimate, legal community rules. Those issues should be what he focuses on and he doesn't. I don't think he even spends much time walking around the property. I used to often see him on the property, sometimes alone, sometimes with others. Haven't seen him in ages (though I have not walked around the property much since the pandemic started). I don't think he's a hands-on manager. I don't know what he is. I just know he is not doing a good job unless his job description is very, very different to what I would consider appropriate for a good in situ property manager. I get the impression that he doesn't really care about the issues that most tenants have and our issues are those that only crop up when a property is badly run.

Anonymous said...

"Seen today: Two uncovered mattresses just laying around, a city violation for sure. Rick knows this. And sweaty, close basketball playing with no masks. Rick also knows this."

Rick knows this and he doesn't care. He doesn't give a flying fuck about how badly and incompetently and unhealthily he manages this place. All he cares about his pay check and doing as little as possible to earn it.

Anonymous said...

Oval Concierge is now even unsafer than having packages delivered to your building.

Oval Concierge (once the separate, independent, and quite delightful "Villager" on First Avenue) was "remodeled" - read "DESTROYED for the most part and RENDERED DANGEROUS AS ALL HELL" this past winter and spring.

Most of the employees are gone.

The "self-service" and "24 hour" reality is the following: You use your resident key card (oh, for the days of real KEYS to locks in front doors!) to get into the building.

Once in the building, and you are nearly always ALONE, you walk down a corridor into one of two rooms. You punch into the keypad the nifty, super-duper, secret PIN assigned to you for your very own package. The door opens.

THERE YOU ARE: In a not very large room lined with shelves, and with bins - all full of packages and envelopes. You then SEARCH AMONG ALL OF THESE ITEMS FOR YOUR OWN ITEM/S.

Are you following me here? Because, as you've already guessed, you may well have been followed in by a thief or violent felon, or someone with access to a key card who may have appeared to be innocent and likewise followed you in to do who knows what?.

In addition, anyone with/or following you, is now alone with you once the door closes.

OK with all that?

But, there is more for your $25.00 monthly fee. Not only potential murder, rape and the like, but people, even bona fide residents, can come in and steal as many packages and letters and such as they desire.

Sound good? This is an improvement, a modernization and on and on and on and on.

Oh, maybe CAMERAS??? Well, that works great, just great for rapes and attempted rapes, and assaults and assaulted assaults as we all know by now.

This is all especially heartening and encouraging information given the shocking deterioration and danger of our neighborhood thanks to Covid-19, reduced/no policing, junkies, drunks and crazies, and on and on and on.

BIGMO said...

The other day I was walking through Stuytown near the Oval when I passed two teenagers. I overheard them talking how easy it was to sneak into the basketball courts here because security is a joke. They look like they were exiting the property so just goes to show that even the non-residents know security doesn't enforce the rules here. It's all for show.

As far as deliveries I noticed in my bldg 626 UPS always drops packages at my door. USPS leaves packages in the lobby. Amazon's own delivery service usually drops at my door.

I've been in my current apt for 31 years and though my rent is cheap by Manhattan standards I'm thinking of leaving NYC in the next few years. I'm a native New Yorker of almost 60 years. With Covid, crime rate rising again, poor Stuytown management and lefty progressive pols taking over city/state gov't I think there's a good chance NYC might go down the tubes again like in the 70's and 80's. I lived through those years once and at my age I'm not willing to live through a repeat!

Anonymous said...

@3:50 PM and BIGMO @ 5:06 PM: I agree 100% with both of you. The "Concierge" is an unmanned potential death trap and they have the balls to charge $25 per month for it! Where the hell do they get the nerve?!

The basketball courts and the property in general is open to all and sundry and they know it and they don't give a flying fuck. PS is a sick joke. We used to have a Security Force but now we have nothing. Absolutely NOTHING in the way of a security force. What else is a sick joke is Rick Hayduk. He isn't a manager! He couldn't manage a cat-house. The whole place is turning into a dump on his watch. We are moving out at the end of the year when, hopefully, the Covid Pandemic will be over. We will be sure to spread the word about this place and warn people looking for apartments to be careful to steer clear of it. We are hoping to be out before the really bitterly cold weather starts because we are sick of freezing all winter and having to have dangerous space heaters on all the time. Our 11-year old son had severe bronchitis last winter because it was so cold and he could not get better for a long time. The Stytown part of the property has devolved into a nasty, dirty, cold, dangerous, noisy slum. Maybe this is just because Hayduk doesn't know or care what he's doing or maybe it is the way Blackstone likes its properties to be. Ive never heard anything good about any residential property taken over by Blackstone. It's a very evil company, headed by a very evil man. The evil trickles down.

Irate Tenant said...

Rick Hyduk is a slimy, two-faced huckster. For him to countenance the Covid-spreading "events" like the Movies on the Oval is truly disgraceful.
A truly evil, soulless individual.

Anonymous said...

Why are the basketball courts being utilized by sweating, maskless fools?
Why is the Oval being used for third-rate movies in a totally unsafe environment?
Why are we subjected to the insane emails by Covid Rick Hydick?
Truly sad if not criminal.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The people in charge don't care. They say they do, but just look around.

Anonymous said...

Rick should be fired and, probably, fined for having those movies on the Oval where people are clustered in one area to watch a movie. If they spread the virus, it's his fault. And what is wrong with these people who go sit on the Oval to watch a movie? Are they retarded? Maybe they can't afford their cable or internet bills. There is something seriously amiss with these people.

The woman who was going on about her $30+ breakfast (with no coffee refill) at the 5 Turd Cafe is the same woman who was worrying about her rent on another thread.

The sooner they get rid of Hayduk and put a professional in charge the better because if he is going to cater to and encourage these stupid morons who refuse to believe we have a deadly pandemic - or at least refuse to act like we do - then he is endangering the lives of all of us. Let them go do what they want off the property and if they get sick and spread it off property that's a different matter. But if they engage in their dangerous behavior on the property with the encouragement and dismissive actions of Hayduk, then it is the business of all of us who want to stay alive and who care about our loved ones.

Maybe we should petition Governor Cuomo to address the problem here?

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe that there used to be a several years long waiting list to get into this place and they didn't even have to entice people with cheap, cheesy crap like "Movies on the Oval." The Oval itself was one of the selling points here because it was so beautiful. In fact, the entire property was very beautiful because it was full of grass, trees and flowers. True you couldn't go on the grass, but it was lovely to be surrounded by such a bucolic atmosphere. It was restful and spirit-lifting. Hayduk wouldn't know anything about such esthetics. He's a fairground/carnival type.

Anonymous said...

Remember that although we criticize Rick Hayduk for putting on these stupid events, nobody forces or pays (I think) anybody to attend them. The people who attend them are probably the type who take free samples of foods at the mall and don't care if anyone sneezed or spat in them - they are FREE and that's all that matters to them!
I suspect that many of the people sitting out there, sharing their covid spray, are people who don't live here and it is just some place to go that is free.
I don't know anybody from here who attends these things at this time. It's not like the flea market or green market where normal people might go.

Anonymous said...

STR, or anyone with contact number for keith Powers, Susan the Useless, or just the TA Facebook page:

This is the email address to report NYU students for lack of compliance with quarantine or partying. No large parties. When they arrive for Fall semester, they need to quarantine for 2 weeks. DO NOT BE SHY ABOUT USING THIS EMAIL ADDRESS.

Columbia U. has gone online. So have many other schools--Brown, Penn.
NYU, due to their greed and carelessness, is having classes in person.
This school is enormous and draws from a large international base and all over the US.
Their students are incompetent morons who do not seem able to demonstrate personal responsibility, and this could be deadly now. Not for them. For us.


In 2 days, we in Stuytown/PCVST will be inundated with 18-21 year olds coming back to class. They will be from all over the world--honestly, less concerning--and from hotspots around the US--this is even worse.

If anyone would like to spread the NYU compliance email address on the TA facebook page, please feel free to do so. I have no facebook account.

If anyone like STR is used to communicating with Rick or any others in charge, to ask what plans they have to ENFORCE THE 2 WEEK QUARANTINE, please do so.

Anonymous said...

just reiterating., for those who skipped the long post above. It is long but please do read, especially if you have a Facebook account and can post to the TA page.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Screaming, braying obviously intoxicated bros at the Oval 2:00AM last night.
What class!
Probably getting an early start on the Covid-spreading "Movies on the Oval."

Stuy Town Reporter said...


And will continue to do so, as do many people in authority. At most, you will get a "form" email saying "thank you" for the comment. The bottom line is that one has to take care of oneself. Period. If you are concerned about Covid, then you should follow all the rules. Apparently, Stuy Town and Management do not care too much about the virus and are letting things ride they way we see. Forget what they say. They are classic BS-ers. If you get angry with them, then you are the troublemaker according to their thinking, and your own health, mental and physical, is at risk.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>If anyone like STR is used to communicating with Rick or any others in charge,<<

For myself, I try to have as little as possible communicating with Rick or anyone in charge. Been there (many times), done that (many times), and was mostly BS-ed. So for my peace of mind, I don't communicate with these people. And I am sure they also don't like this communication.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have connections to a news/media outlet? If there was a write-up in one of the papers or on one of the news programs about Blackstone/Rick and the Covid Cluster Events AND the NYU garbage we have to deal with, maybe they would sit up and take notice. Though I think Hayduk is Blackstone and Blackstone is Hayduk. Only money matters. The value of human life (or any other form of life on the planet) is only measured in dollars. It's like we're living through some dark biblical era or prediction and they are the demonic forces.

Anonymous said...

Before I ever moved here, Lincoln Center sponsored movie screenings in the Oval. They had bleachers and a large screen. Not a new thing.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I've been here for 30 years and I don't remember this. Not saying it didn't happen, but details. When? How many films?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Found it.

Two films. 2008. Sponsored by Verizon and Management. BTW, wasn't there something that Verizon needed to do here? Was this part of the "influence"?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Came back from reading that Hane thread. While I don't belong to the FB page (I would probably get banished, anyway), I have to say that I am in favor of restaurants trying to make a living in these times with tents and tables outside, even a distance from their property. As far as I know, Hane is not making any noise that would disrupt the lives of the people living nearby. Restaurants in the city are financially suffering. And why doesn't the mayor allow inside dining now with appropriate plastic partitions? Other countries are doing this.

Anonymous said...

Vacant apartments galore in my building.
Guess the Covid-spreading Movies on the Oval aren't luring any more suckers...err....tenants...who are stupid enough to pay these outrageous rents.
Luxury living...hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

We’ll be spilling over with students soon. Who else would want to move in?

Anonymous said...


Never here.

Anonymous said...

The NYU students will be filling them soon. Although instruction is virtual, dorms will be open.

Anonymous said...

Walking around the grounds here is absolutely hazardous! Bicycles are speeding like they are in the Tour de France, mostly food delivery people. It's really unnerving because there are so many of them and they are silent. I saw two of them almost collide earlier. If they are having a hard time avoiding each other, then pedestrians (especially the older and less agile) have no chance whatsoever. It's time these guys had to have licenses and insurance. Of course, it would be nice if had a Public Safety department who would patrol and keep an eye on things. If we had such an "amenity," maybe they would also notice the huge number of people walking dogs that are the size of donkeys. This place is totally ruined at this point and bears no resemblance whatsoever to the safe and pleasant place it used to be. The only thing that is the same is the ugliness of the buildings.

Of course, it would be helpful if we had a Property Manager as well as a Public Safety crew. We definitely DO NOT have a Property Manager. Instead, we have an events planner who, I believe, works from afar. Ever see this guy on the property these days? But whether he's in-situ or remote, he is damned useless inasmuch as running the property as a safe and pleasant place to live. He does a very, very bad job and it shows. Surely, even Blackstone could come up someone better. The ONLY rule that is actually enforced here is that we have to pay our rent. I don't mind paying rent, of course, but it would be nice to get something beyond four walls and roof. It would be nice to have safety and cleanliness and (here's a novel idea for Management) some heat in winter. Haven't had any of that for years.

Anonymous said...

Heat in the winter?
Surely you jest August 18 8:54PM poster.
Peace and quiet?
Pity those who live around or near the Oval when Movie Night descends upon us.
But at least we have the best "amenity" of all...the Covid-spreading, maskless throngs on the Oval.
Lucky us!

Anonymous said...

You mean maskless THONGS.


Anonymous said...

I am dreading the deluge of NYU (and other schools) undergrads this year. They are bad enough at any time with their noisy parties, pot smoking that stinks the place up and general unsupervised entitled brat behavior. This year is going to be worse because they will be partying and roaming in herds with no masks and, very probably, carrying the Coronavirus. Many carriers are asymptomatic. Of course, many of them will get sick and die, and thats tragic by itself, but they are inevitably going to cause a surge of cases and fatalities within our community. They don't social distance, a party animals and think they are invincible. Many of them have a very "entitled" attitude, though not all.

Bottom line, Stuyvesant Town is soon going to become a huge off-campus dorm, but with no supervision and kids from all over the country creating one great big Covid Cluster. I doubt they will attend Rick's events (they're for pathetic losers), but they will be living among and around us all over the property.

People with young children should most definitely avoid moving into this place. Those of us who can't move out for various reasons should be prepared to hunker down in our cold apartments and only go to whatever places are open OFF property, including the laundry rooms. I'm sure a lot of people are going to be moving out as this Covid Cluster Invasion gets closer. I'm losing many nice neighbors because they can't face another winter here and the Covid Clusters on the Oval and the prospect of a mass influx of undergrads is just about the last nail in the coffin for them - figuratively speaking. They don't want it to become literal.

Anonymous said...

I'm fairly new here and have a question. I sometimes look at the Tenant Association's Facebook posts (just out of curiosity and to keep myself informed about what's happening around here). I see that two gentlemen frequently post about legal issues that relate to the property. They are a Mr. Dunn and a Mr Rose. Are they the Tenant Association's lawyers? They seem like they are very much in the know and very protective of the tenants and how the landlord treats us (no problems here so far) and I would like to know if I am correct in assuming that they work for and with the Tenant's Association. I haven't got round to joining that organization yet. I have just scrolled through their FB a couple of times, but don't have time to spend much time reading it as my computer is tied up with client work. I do read this blog every few days and find it very interesting and a little startling! LOL. New Yorkers don't hold back!

Anonymous said...

"The NYU students will be filling them soon. Although instruction is virtual, dorms will be open."

This not correct. It is true that NYU students are streaming in here and the EV. But there will be 3 types of classes and in person is one of them..

"New conventions will be in place. The classes you expect to have with the professors you want to learn from will take three forms this fall - in-person, blended, and remote. Large gatherings will be out; smaller in-person gatherings that allow for six feet of physical distancing will be in."

Anyway, NC (Tar Heels) and ND (for 2 weeks) have gone to 100% virtual due to COVID-19 spikes. IMO this "experiment" will not go well.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>They are a Mr. Dunn and a Mr Rose. Are they the Tenant Association's lawyers?<<

No. But Dunn is part of the TA, I believe. I don't know if Rose is a member.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Of course, many of them will get sick and die,<<

Not according to the facts as we know them. The most vulnerable are the aged and those who have health issues.

Anonymous said...

Package thefts galore.
Our crack public Safety team is on the case.
Yeah, right.
Hey, didn't we pay for so-called security cameras?

Anonymous said...

Urine in the stairwells again. I really feel sorry for the porters.

Anonymous said...

Public Safety does NOTHING. They are mall cops because that's the way Hayduk wants it to be. Rules mean nothing here. The quality of life gets worse and worse all the time. But, Hey! We still have Movies on the Oval and the opportunity to catch the Coronavirus and pass it around!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the porters too. Transient slobs live here now. Our porter has to clean the junk they leave on the shelves and the recycling they live outside the door of the room.

Anonymous said...

On Tuesday, the day that the lawns were off-limits due to the landscaping work, I saw an urgency in this shoddy security force that I have not seen since the lawns were off-limits way back in the day. I saw more guards around on that day then I have in years!

If only they could go after reckless bikers like that, or maybe the out of control parties. Things around here could be much better if these guards acted like I saw on Tuesday with regards to everything on the property. Obviously we know that Ricks priorities are the grass.

Anonymous said...

@12:01 PM: You are totally right. PS doesn't give a flying fuck about the flying bikes. When there is a serious accident or death and a lawsuit maybe Rick will sit up and take notice. Doubtful though. He reminds me of Mike Pence - a big sanctimonious NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

Rick's latest e-blast is the most laughable and puke-inspiring so far.

"We’re all seeing the moving trucks around both communities which is pretty common for this time of the year. Some residents have reached out with their concerns about new residents following the government mandated C-19 protocols; we hope to alleviate any concerns.

Prior to a new resident’s arrival, we send a digital package that has Stuy Town | PCV’s C-19 protocol including a reminder of the quarantining mandate for those moving from a state on Governor Cuomo’s list. In addition, we’re now giving new residents a hard copy of the community’s protocol with their access keys when they arrive on-site. And, there’s all the signage around the property to remind us all to do the right thing.

NYU requires out-of-area students to be tested for C-19 before they leave their respective homes and they are retested shortly after arrival. NYU’s policy further reads that off-campus students are tested again ensuring they are negative before they can enter an NYU building.

Chief Martin has also reached out to the known moving companies with respect to our C-19 protocol. On the day of move-in or move-out, the movers are once again reminded of the C-19 protocol when they receive their access cards and “M” (Mover’s) lanyard.

We continue to take all precautions to do our part to keep residents safe in preventing the spread of C-19.

Somewhat related, our Lifestyle Services team has set a senior-only time for the Fitness Playground (PG 7) in an attempt to keep our most vulnerable residents healthy. Beginning this Tuesday (August 25), the Fitness Playground will be seniors-only on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am until 11am. This time slot will continue until further notice as will the seniors-only time of 7am – 10am in the laundry rooms. As a reminder, the laundry rooms are open 24/7 during the pandemic.

And lastly, we are always in need of Team Good Neighbors volunteers to help with the Food Pantry, deliveries to at-risk residents, or emergency situations. If you’d like to help others in your community, click here to sign up."

Anonymous said...

I think that Rick believes that if they post notices everywhere stating the rules and "asking" people to obey them, Beam Living will be inured from liability if anyone is hurt because of the lack of enforcement of the rules. He is wrong. Absolutely wrong. I know many law firms (my husband works for one of them) who would salivate at the prospect of taking on Rick and Beam Living. Rick doesn't care if anyone is harmed by the lack of enforcement of the rules pertaining to the safety of residents (or anyone else who happens to be on the property and gets hurt). He wouldn't give a rat's ass if somebody was maimed or killed (so long as it wasn't him) by one of these reckless bicycle/scooter morons. If it hit Beam Living in the proverbial wallet, then he would care because his ass would be toast.

He will continue to keep Public Safety castrated and turn a blind eye to speeding bicycles, etc., and he will continue his Covid events. He will tell the incoming NYU students what the rules and requirements are, but he will not enforce any of them. He is not a Manager because he does not manage. He bullshits. I don't know if he just doesn't care or if he is truly incompetent. Could be either or both. What I do know is is that he is one lousy, inept and careless "Manager."

Does anybody remember the incident with the dangerous chemicals (some kind of acid they use to make meth amphetamine) whereby an NYU student committed suicide and almost took out his roommates and a first responder? How come Rick and PS was not aware of what was going on in that apartment? I wonder how the neighbors felt about being exposed to such danger that could have killed almost everyone in the building? Yet we are inundated (invaded) every year by undergrads who are living here in an unsupervised dorm. Are we supposed to admire this poor apology of a "Manager" who is too lazy or scared to do his job as a Property Manager, but puts a great deal of energy into putting on loud, invasive movies and other events that a handful of people attend? Sorry, but I have no respect for anybody who doesn't do his/her job and prevents others from doing theirs. Especially when that affects the health and safety of a complex full (or half full) of rent-paying tenants. Even if this was a free hostel Rick's style of management (or lack of management) would be totally unacceptable.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Prior to a new resident’s arrival, we send a digital package that has Stuy Town | PCV’s C-19 protocol including a reminder of the quarantining mandate for those moving from a state on Governor Cuomo’s list. In addition, we’re now giving new residents a hard copy of the community’s protocol with their access keys when they arrive on-site.<<

One can give a million handouts, but what is the enforcement? If I read the state and city rules, if one is coming from a state that is on the list, one has to (repeat: has to) quarantine for 14 days.

Anonymous said...

"One can give a million handouts, but what is the enforcement? If I read the state and city rules, if one is coming from a state that is on the list, one has to (repeat: has to) quarantine for 14 days."

With all these students coming in from everywhere, and with Rick's total refusal/inability to enforce even the most basic rules concerning our safety, I think it would be better to avoid any and every part of the property that you don't strictly have to be in. Laundry, grounds, cafe, everywhere. I think that if you just go in and out of your apartment and avoid getting into the elevator with anyone, especially someone who you don't recognize as a neighbor, is the safest thing to do. I know we have to use the lobby to get our mail, but I see no reason to go anywhere near the laundry, recycling area (put it down the chute) and use the door on the level not where the mailboxes are for coming and going. There is no way that any of these kids are going to quarantine for two weeks and a good many of them probably won't even be wearing masks. If they move into an apartment on your floor, avoid them as much as possible. That virus can travel and we need at least six feet of distancing between we don't actually live with. Also, that virus ain't going away anytime soon because it is mutating and getting more and more virulent. This country has one of the worst records on the planet for not dealing sensibly with the Covid-19 virus because we don't like being told what to do and what not to do and I think it is about time we really did become good neighbors and we need someone in charge to kick the asses of those who do not comply with the community rules and jeopardize everybody else's health and wellbeing. Rick is clearly not the person who is going to do that. We have to look out for ourselves and avoid getting infected by anybody who is too much of an asshole to self-quarantine, wear a mask, etc.

They can't get real tenants to move in here (even without the pandemic) because the rents are ridiculous and because the place has such a lousy reputation as an unsupervised dorm. People don't want to pay top dollar to live in an off-campus dorm and have to deal with all the noise and partying which is a normal part of college dorm life, but is not appropriate in a normal residential situation where grown ups raising families and working for a living pay to live.

Anonymous said...

Hayduk is actually admitting that NYU is a big renter here. He is admitting that this is a crap transient dorm and hotel. His e-mail gives it away. Not that we didn’t know.

Anonymous said...

Maskless basketball players in the playgrounds, maskless idiots at the Covid Movies on the Oval, fine dining at the 5 Turd eColi Cafe.....what more could we want?
Truly, an abomination.
Thank you, Rick Hydik!

Anonymous said...

I am so disgusted that they are letting students from all over the place move in here and supposedly "self quarantine." This used to be such a lovely and healthy place to live, but now it is a death trap thanks to the likes of Deathly Dick and his masters. I am a long-time tenant and have health issues. What used to be the home I loved has become a place of terror. I have never attended one of those Covid Cluster events and I doubt any of the students will attend them, but the students are going to be all over the place and I'm sure a good many of them will be carriers of the Coronavirus. Blackstone/Beam/Hayduk have no morals whatsoever. Money is their god and they sacrifice human life for it. Rick is also a damned liar because he told one of my neighbors that they don't rent to students. Sure, Rick. And the sun doesn't set in the west. Why the hell would anybody want to move into this place and pay top dollar so long as it is being run by this ruthless pathological liar?

Anonymous said...

Management has posted signs that pretty much spell it out that if anybody contracts the Covid-19 virus while living here or attending any of it's shit shows you are on your own and shouldn't even THINK of holding them liable.

Just how much more sleazy can this barrel of slime get? The welcome students from all over the country and ASK them to do the right thing. They put on events where people gather and merely suggest they wear masks and social distance (although social distancing is impossible if you want to see the movie screen), but they are not liable in any way if someone catches the virus from attendance at such event. I'm waiting for them to say that if you get mowed down by a speeding bicycle or scooter; if you get raped on the property and the cameras are not working or if any other means of suffering a fatality or serious injury occurs due to their negligence and callousness, YOU ARE ON YOUR FUCKING OWN!!!

Anonymous said...

This place has become a nasty and dangerous place to live. Not just because of the Coronavirus, but because now anybody is allowed to ride bicycles anywhere and everywhere - even on the Oval. The Oval is finished. Ruined. If anybody complains to PS they get threatened with being written up as a complainer and might lose their home. Management will side with the offending bicycle rider and NOT the tenant who was injured or terrorized. They are more afraid of being sued by an illegally-riding cyclist than they are of being sued by an injured resident.

Hayduk is beyond despicable. I want to throw up every time I hear his name or see a photograph of his smarmy, smug face. I don't think he has any conscience or values. Maybe he is doing the bidding of Blackstone, but then HE IS DOING the bidding of Blackstone! We can't wait to get out of this terrible place. It was even better when it was run by Tishman Speyer who were ghouls and were harassing tenants who had low rent apartments. I understand that it is on the trajectory that is the Blackstone business plan, but I think they are going to find that the reputation it is creating is going to undo that plan, unless they want it to be a dorm/transient fleabag dump. I think that that is the mission that Hayduk is charged with under the terms of his contract. PS is now part of the problem and not part of the remedy. We have no protection in any way, shape or form. Google Blackstone Properties and read about the misery and suffering they have created worldwide. Hayduk is a clone of all the shit managers they have. Blackstone has spread like a cancer (or pandemic) and we hate to thing we are contributing to their coffers by paying rent here. Our rent certainly doesn't buy us safety and peace and comfort.

Anonymous said...

This fucking asshole's emails never stop! He thinks he's running a resort or hotel! Unbelievable. I forward his emails to friends who live in an apartment building in Queens and they crack up. I think that at this point there is an air of desperation to Hayduk's emails - especially as they also contain an add for $1k off your rent if you bring in a sucker!

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