Saturday, May 15, 2021


You've probably seen this in your building downstairs. You can pick one up. It's a promo for Rosemary's, the new Italian restaurant on 20th street. Blackstone owns a financial interest. Yes, when you pay for your Italian food, you are also paying Blackstone. Thank you. Your money is most appreciated. By Blackstone.

Notice, too, that the bus stop which was at the corner, has been moved to give space for seating on the sidewalk. Thank you, Blackstone. Your will is a command to residents.

For more information, please go here and know where your money is going.


Anonymous said...

I won't give this bunch of greedy bastards one brown penny more than I absolutely have to. They just get my rent. Nothing else!

Anonymous said...

My family and I will add this to our boycott of stores in PCVST.

Anonymous said...

Now than ever we all need to support Frank's Trattoria. A true local restaurant.

Sign up for their newsletter, exclusive offers and invites via the link provided.

Anonymous said...

If this has the same level of hygiene as the Stuy Cafe, then NO THANK YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...


Ptomaine Tillie said...

Rosemary's food mediocre at best.
Nothing to write home about.
Really it is just a glorified Pizza Hut.
Not worth the money.
Stay away!

Anonymous said...

Rosemary’s not great. Attractive decor, good service, mediocre food and poor selection of pasta. Prefer Frank’s.

Anonymous said...


The TA has nothing to do with this. That is the way FB logarithms work. If someone posts a new comment on an old thread, that thread blips up again.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Yes and no. The post atop is an announcement, which is placed there by the moderator(s).

Stuy Town Reporter said...

And the moderators can remove the announcement, causing the post to act normally. That post has been there for days (a week?) so the moderators want residents to be "woke."

Anonymous said...

There's a post on the TA fb from over a year ago and nobody had commented recently, unless they did and then deleted it. Having said that, when did the TA so strictly censors everything these days that it is really only good for political and community announcements. Management monitors that blog very, very closely and that makes people nervous about making a comment that is in any way critical of Big Brother.

Anonymous said...

I just read on the TA fb that the godless, soulless, heartless bastards who run this place (into the ground) have cut down two beautiful trees to make way for their death-spewing power stations. Somebody in City Hall is getting a big stuffed envelope for turning a blind eye to this atrocity.

What Blackstone can't buy is decency. Damn the shit who sold us out to this scum.

Anonymous said...

Garodnick's other 'gift' to Manhattan residents just opened: Giant vulgarity that is One Vanderbilt Avenue. But kickback for changing the zoning undoubtedly sets Danny Boy up for life. He didn't even need to publish his stupid, lying book about Stuyvesant Town. But guess his ego required it....

Anonymous said...

The only 2 restaurants on this property, and they have a financial stake in one of them, and they are building a massive power plant about 100 feet from both restaurants. Nothing like enjoying a nice dinner at Hane with a massive power plant overhead.

They may as well just tear the place down at this point, because it can’t get much worse than it is now.

Anonymous said...

What you said is correct. They have cut down 2 beautiful trees adjacent to playground 1 to make way for a smokestack. There was nothing wrong with those trees !!! A lot of squirrels and birds called them home. I really hate this place with a passion !!!!!!!!!! The only thing nice here was nature and they have ruined that for me and my wife. This place is run by Nazi-like people who do whatever they are told and have not a shred of kindness, morality or intelligence. All they exist for is making more profits for this monster called Blackstone !!!

Beyond Exhausted and Enraged said...

I am sorry to be writing this now because just MAYBE if enough people had paid attention and been properly alarmed and upset, some of the murderous (deliberate killing of life -- of many forms of life --- and some of the murder quick, and some of it slow; some of it direct, and some of it indirect) actions taken by these insane, deranged, soul-damaged bastards might have been lessened.

The day I witnessed the "press conference" on the 20th Street Loop during the grand announcement of these killing sons of bitches taking over our lives, I understood. Not details, of course. But goddamned CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER had waltzed in and people sat still for it. They were much beyond Tishman Speyer and others in the DANGERS they posed. It was clear.

Period. Now . . . NOW . . . some of you . . . are catching on to the magnitude of the destruction, depravity, sadism, suffering . . .


Stuy Town Reporter said...

One of the biggest scams is the sidewalks around Stuyvesant Town. They're working on the 20th street side, near Lenz's. The corner was already done about a year ago, but they are doing it again. I know there are those who complain about the sidewalks, but the sidewalks are okay. I've walked them, paying attention to holes, etc. Now inside Stuy Town and particularly Peter Cooper Village is something else. I hope to take photos soon.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to get out of here. Will be warning everybody I meet - friends, acquaintances, strangers - EVERYBODY to not even think of renting here. It is a nasty dangerous filthy dump run by murderously avaricious vermin. The destruction of the trees and the power plants are the absolute last straw. This place is going to end up looking like a concentration camp.

Anonymous said...

It's not just the sidewalks. Entire place is one giant scam, and new sidewalks are just window-dressing for the gullible.

Anonymous said...

The life-negating bastards are destroying the trees and putting up filthy fossil-fueled power plants and at the same time are bombarding us with the Bread and Circus activities coming in June.

I think the last GM left because he had a conscience and nobody with a conscience can work for Blackstone. It's like working for Nazis.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I believe Burke saw what was going on here and knew that what the company was doing here did not make him comfortable. Although as we saw with Hayduk, they have plenty of people who will gladly take their lucrative paychecks and turn a blind eye to the atrocities they are committing here.

But thankfully Danny boy and the TA saved us from something much worse....

Anonymous said...

I don't know why anybody would want to live anywhere near a power plant. Apart from the effluence it will spew into the air, there is always the danger of an explosion or fire at such a facility. It is especially dangerous here and in such a highly populated area and even more especially dangerous as it is being put into place by Blackstone, which is known for being the most greedy, life-destroying entity on the planet. Schwartzman belongs in jail which is where is orange idol is probably heading for.

I doubt that the murderous scum who own and run this place are going to spend any significant money on safety procedures and security. It is very, very obvious that all the local politicians are on the payroll of the murderous scum I will not be voting at all in the upcoming election. Powers puts on a little show of concern, but he can't afford to lose his payday. None of the others has shown even the slightest interest in what is going on.

Building power plants in densely populated areas is akin to genocide. The ghouls who run the place know that and they don't care. They are all without conscience, soul or even basic decency. All of them a totally morally bankrupt. This creepy character who recently took over is as evil as Hayduk was.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the people who live near the power plants will be able to get home insurance or if their rates for that insurances will go up? I would hate to live within close proximity of a fossil-fueled power plant, especially one operated by these people. I think I would be moving out very fast, no matter how "cheap" the apartment was. Most of the apartments here, apart from the very unrenovated ones, are in no way "cheap" (except in the tacky sense of the word) and unless you were absolutely desperate for a place to live, I don't know why anyone would want to stay in one of those.

I have cancelled my subscription to the NYT because I've noticed they have never written an honest article about the sty. They only write fluff pieces and that makes me both annoyed and suspicious.

Anonymous said...

I stopped reading NYT in mid-Seventies, when their former writer William Safire (Nixon's Good Buddy, and now deceased) called the long-suffering Kurdish people "Turds" in a supposedly-humorous(?) column. Coincidently, that was same time Stuyvesant Town also began to go downhill. Blackstone doesn't care about longtime residents here, and neither does the present-day NYT.

Anonymous said...

The NYT gets paid by Blackstone to advertise its shit properties. The NYT would turn a blind eye if Blackstone was burning people to fuel its stinking power plants.

Anonymous said...

How is the 20th St sidewalk repaving a “scam”?

Possibly unnecessary, but they can’t charge tenants an MCI for it. There were MCI charges years back for repaving some of the inside walkways, but this is the public sidewalk - technically not PCVST property, though the building owner is responsible for maintainence, as all NYC property owners are.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

It's a city scam, not a Stuy one. Totally unnecessary in most places.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I am going to bother to vote in any of the upcoming elections this year. The Dems call themselves "Progressive," but they don't give a rat's ass about Blackstone threatening our lives with their stinking power plants (which you can be sure they'll skimp on all costs concerning safety and pollution - after all nobody important lives here). I couldn't vote for a repug if you paid me. After the Trump "administration" of bullshit and horror, I don't think the the GOP even exists any more, except in name only.

My mother-in-law talks about somebody named Roy Goodman who she says was the one and only good Republican ever in the district and there hasn't been anybody like him since. He's before my time, so I'll take her word for it. I can believe that they weren't always all evil.

Anonymous said...

My father, a registered Democrat, always voted for Roy Goodman and also thought that he was great.

Anonymous said...

Goodman was 'allowed' to be quasi-independent(=moderate) in NYS Senate, because the then-Republican majority there had enough 'spare' votes to easily reject anything that would ruffle their reactionary feathers. Goodman described HIMSELF glowingly as "Statesman Of The Senate." Not really true--just another megalomaniac politician.

Anonymous said...

That is an assumption that you are making about Roy Goodman.

Anonymous said...

Rats and rodent droppings on 5 Stuy Cafe patio.
It AMAZES me that people pay exorbitant, outrageous prices for mediocre, cleanliness- challenged "food".

Anonymous said...

"Rats and rodent droppings on 5 Stuy Cafe patio.
It AMAZES me that people pay exorbitant, outrageous prices for mediocre, cleanliness- challenged "food"."

The entire property is filthy and infested with vermin (and I'm not talking about just the 2-legged vermin in the Management Office). I walked across to 14th Street this afternoon and couldn't believe the amount of garbage that was strewn all over the front of the buildings, not to mention the overflowing garbage bins. I don't know which side of 14th is worse - the filthy urine-stenched strip between First and A on the south side, or the Sty side of the street with all the garbage and the desolate storefront of what used to be Associated Supermarket. It reminded me of when I first saw the place in the 80s, except that the side of the street that was Stuyvesant Town was clean and well patrolled by Security; the other side was druggies, winos and muggers. Now both sides are equally fetid and putrid.

If this is the way Blackstone runs its properties and this is what Slimeball Garodnick and the TA think we should be grateful for - well all I can say is that they should Go To Hell!

Mathilde Mouse said...

If you look at the "shrubbery" by the entranceways to the Main Levels, one can often see rodents scurrying around. Not as large as some of the rats on the subway tracks but, hey, they're getting there. Guess the 4-legged creatures are plumping up on the delicious s'mores offered by Management during their Covid-spreading "events"!

Anonymous said...

You mean Roy Goodman from back when NY had 41 electoral college votes, i.e., before the progressives took over and people and jobs left NY in droves leaving NY with now 26 electoral college votes? The left wing state that has seen more people leave THAN ANY OTHER STATE IN US HISTORY? That NY?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I wasn't aware that the state lost so many votes....

Anonymous said...

@3:39 PM: I didn't know about the electoral college and the Progressives part in losing so many votes. I do know that NY was a terribly crime-ridden place in the 70s and 80s. It was also filthy and the 'hood south of Stuyvesant Town was called Alphabet City and was filled with shooting galleries (drugs) and shooting on the streets (guns). It was scary. It got better when Giuliani took over as Mayor. I never admired him as a person, but he did clean things up. Bloomberg wasn't too bad. However, since DeB took over the City has gone downhill like it was on a downhill oil-slick. Regardless of the chi chi businesses that opened up in Alphabet City, it has now gone back to being very much like it used to be 30+ years ago. 14th Street over this side is an absolute horror. It gets better the further west one goes. I don't think it can all be blamed on the Pandemic. That has played some role, but the rot started setting in soon after DeB took office.

PCVST was pristine at the same time the surrounding neighborhoods were fetid. After the sale to TS the property started to decline. The rents went up and the beauty of the grounds and the quality of life of the tenants nose-dived. Now the surrounding neighborhood is fetid beyond belief and PCVST blends right in. There is nothing pristine, safe or pleasant about the property at this point. This is why they can only rent to parentally-funded students and at some point that will dry up because those parents don't want their kids living in a place that has deteriorated as much as this has. They want safety and pleasant digs for their offspring. Quite rightly, IMO.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I still see many families in Stuy Town and PCV. Check the playgrounds. Yeah, the property is not what it was, and the rentals are geared in part to students. Blackstone is trying to upscale the property (for more money, of course), but they fail because of other things. How are their power plants doing?

Anonymous said...

I believe that many of the families seen are temporary transient renters. Many speak other languages and might be part of a tourist exchange deal Beam has with foreign agencies. Some might be here for 6 month or year contracts with companies they work for. Some may even be Air bnbs. I see different ones in my building all the time and most appear to be foreign.

Anonymous said...

"before the progressives took over "

You do realize that NYS RS law is a progressive platform and the current Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 was passed by a line vote of progressives with zero conservative support. That your party does not believe in any residential rent regulations and Blackstone, the corporation you claim to abhor, is MAGA to the max. And it was George Pataki and Joe Bruno and the then Republican Conservative NYS Senate majority, with some help from so called progressives Peter Vallone* and Anthony Weiner, who created the dorm/transient hell hole that STPCV has become.

"Now the surrounding neighborhood is fetid beyond belief "

This is pretty funny. The Zoomers, young Millennials and NYU students-soon to back in Sty Town very shortly-are back full blast in the EV, the restaurants and bars are packed and a young woman Zoomer (she was 24)** just died at the many roof top parties that plague the EV. Yes, there are many problems right now including the 14th ST hell hole between A and 1st Ave, crazies on 1st Ave, etc. Rivera and Powers* are jokes. Epstein and Holyman are not.

*As has been noted Powers came from Vallone Associates. That was a red flag from the get go.

** See link

Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing about the children situation until I actually watched. Almost every child at an early morning group that broke up while I was crossing a playground in ST walked their strollers out of ST and into buildings on 19th street. A LOT of outsiders come in to ST to use the facilities. Once the dorms start filling up again it will be that much more of a nightmare here as outsiders will make it their campus.

Anonymous said...

Starting to see dirty mattresses and junk on the property again. Hadn’t noticed it in a while. Guess the students are moving in and out again. Those empty apartments will be filling up fast.

Anonymous said...

I walked by the mailboxes in my building while the mail was being delivered yesterday. I knew there were a fair number of empty apartments in my building, but I didn't realize how many. There were a large number of boxes with a piece of paper on them that said vacant.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>You do realize that NYS RS law is a progressive platform<<

Politics can be a sink hole. Arguments on both sides. "Progressive" also implies the statements and leadership of our current major. The tearing down of that East River Park can be "progressive" or "anti-progressive" depending on a person's view.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>A LOT of outsiders come in to ST to use the facilities.<<

True. I don't know about children, because you do need a key card to get in the playgrounds. (I've only seen few get in another way.) But I constantly see a stream of outside dogs and their owners go into Stuy Town and PCV. Management seems to know this (how could they not), but don't say a word about it and certainly don't enforce one of their rules.

Anonymous said...

The ONLY rule that is enforced here is that you pay your rent, They don’t care about ANYTHING else.

Anonymous said...

Had a young woman scream at me today because I was feeding the squirrels -- saying there is a sign that says no feeding wildlife. I tried kidding around with her, asking if the prohibition also includes feeding the NYU students but she had no sense of humor nor decency. You can do anything else in this place like drinking, riding motorized scooters and not cleaning up after your dog but it is some kind of sin if you throw out some peanuts for some squirrels.

Anonymous said...

Please keep feeding the non-human animals. They need it, deserve it, are worthwhile.

Our species, on the other hand, is too often these days, loathsome in the extreme.

Squirrels, birds, earth worms - anything but humans!

I still remember the days when the only creatures walking or otherwise living on the Oval were NOT hideous humans!

Anonymous said...

I feed the squirrels and the birds (I buy seed - bread is very bad for them) and if anybody ever says anything to me they will get an earful of language that would make a sailor blush.

We are threatened every few second by the morons who ride their bike, scooters and skateboards along the pedestrian paths and nobody (especially PS) DARES say anything to any of those people. One day there will be a terrible accident which will result in the killing or maiming of somebody (probably an older person or a child) and then there will be a lawsuit against this place that will be very memorable. When was the last time that a squirrel/bird feeder (apart from Bernard Goetz, who was involved in a different scenario at the time)killed or maimed someone?

The hypocrisy, stupidity and outright amoral behavior of this management makes me want to puke. Start enforcing the rules that really affect people's lives and safety and then go after the old ladies who throw peanuts to the squirrels. I'm not an old lady, but I feed the squirrels anyway! So do my children. I teach them to respect nature and living creatures. That much cannot be said for the total assholes who zip around on their two-wheeled deadly weapons.

Btw, does that Nadeem Saddiqui (or whatever his bloody name is) ever show his face? He was probably warned by Hayduk and Burke to avoid tenants at all costs. Send him back to his resort/fairground/cruise ship or whatever he worked at before coming here. We need a real property manager, not another dopey resort hack.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

They had one of those tent meetings on Thursday. Of course, someone from Management was there to take down the issues, like if Management cares. I've seen the same thing for a couple of years, and still the same BS from Management lackeys. This Thursday, there was, on the loop and not far away, an uncovered mattress, but Management wasn't paying attention, just as usual. Now there is a post on another Facebook, that there are two different Stuy Town "laws" about bicycle riding on the Oval, one invaliding the other. Does Management care anymore? A lot of stuff is a joke here if one is in the mood to laugh.

Anonymous said...

This "Management" is a fucking joke and the puppet they have in place now is part of the joke. The quality of life gets worse and worse all the time. The grounds are unsafe because of the electric and non-electric bikes, scooters, golf carts, etc. The buildings are unsafe because the doors are often unlocked and anybody and his brother can come in and roam around. PS is a joke. PS is window-dressing - nothing more and nothing less. They don't have enough PS officers and the ones they do have don't seem to be very well-trained or even competent and mature enough for the job.

No wonder they can only find students and transients to occupy the apartments.

Anonymous said...

"A lot of stuff is a joke here if one is in the mood to laugh."

Nothing funny about the joke that this place has become. Nothing funny at all. It's barely one step up from the projects, though not as well protected. Instead of focusing on those tacky "events" they plague us with throughout the summer, they should focus on making the grounds safer and pleasanter for all tenants. I live near the Oval and have to have noise-blocking drapes up during the summer and run the a/c (even if I don't need it) to be able to concentrate on my work and not be driven up the wall by the vile over-amplified garbage they have on the Oval. Those of us who are within earshot of the EColi Cafe are subjected to their "jazz" nights during the summer. Nobody signs a lease to be harassed by the noisy shit we have to endure. Can't wait to get out and warn everybody I meet to avoid this over-priced dump.
Their Covid protocols are ridiculous. I often wonder how many people became infected at their ridiculous "events." The whole property is run on the ethos of stupidity and greed. Hayduk was probably the worse "Manager" in the history of the property and I pity those at his mercy wherever he is now. We can't even get our mail and packages delivered efficiently or have any idea of who are neighbors are thanks to his [illegal] removal of the directories and names on doors. The guy was nothing more than a lazy, bungling jerk.

Anonymous said...

These oval events are an annoyance to those of us who live on the oval. The movies and music are tacky and hard on the ears. Many of the people who come to watch are from outside. No reason to have tacky entertainment on the residential property. Take your kids or yourself to the movies or rent movies. They have these events to promote them as amenities which they are not. I hate these events.

Hershey Squirts said...

The incessant "music" from the EColi Cafe is a true annoyance to the residents of 5 Stuyvesant Oval.
Why anyone would patronize that overpriced, unsanitary greasy spoon is beyond me?
Walk past their patio late at night and see the rats scurrying around.
Bon appetit!
Pass the Pepto Bismol please!

Anonymous said...

I understand the CHP shit is going through because Blackstone bought off the DOB and whatever other agencies it was necessary to pay-off. Cannot wait to move out of here and am proud to say I talked three prospectives out of moving here!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Right now there are ridiculous comments on a ST Facebook post about a "grandfathered" dog that is against the rules. Some people are weeping on the inhumanity (!) to a dog that rules have to be obeyed. Come over here and weep. I'd love to talk to you. LOL. That said, Stuy Town is notorious by residents for breaking rules. I see rules broken when I go outside in ST or PCV all the time. If enough rules are broken, Public Safety on occasion will drop the rule, so that PS will not have to enforce it or claim they do.

Anonymous said...

Dogs rule here. They can be any size. They bark all night outside. Many residents have two dogs. They block pathways and annoy you in the elevator. Anyone has nerve complaining about treatment of dogs here. They are treated better than residents.

Anonymous said...

Walked up the stairs last night because elevators were out.
Stepped in a huge pie of dog shit that Rover "deposited" on the landing.
Lucky me!

Anonymous said...

"I understand the CHP shit is going through because Blackstone bought off the DOB and whatever other agencies it was necessary to pay-off. Cannot wait to move out of here and am proud to say I talked three prospectives out of moving here!"

Blackstone no doubt bought off any and all politicians who were opposing it. What the hell use are these power plants to us? They're not going to provide our energy are they? Just another way for these murderous bastards to make more money. I wonder if the Leasing Office warns prospective suckers about the planned power plants? Why the hell would anybody want to live anywhere near them? This place is all but finished as a housing complex. It is a stinky project for students and transients.

Anonymous said...

I just cancelled my digital subscription and Sunday paper subscription to the NYT. All they do is report silly articles about this dump. Maybe they collect a lot of revenue from Blackstone for advertising and promoting its various properties in the RE Dept. I don't know what other reason they could have for never reporting on the atrocities committed by Blackstone. Somebody at NYT is getting major kick-backs.

Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry for the porters who work here. Every day the recycling area is a total disaster area! With people constantly moving in and moving out there is a plethora of huge boxes (not broken down, of course) and all types of detritus. It seems that nobody actually recycles because the stuff in the recycling bins is, for the most part, not recyclable. I'm pretty sure that most of what is actually recyclable ends up in the landfill unless the porters have the time to sort it, and I rather doubt that that is part of their job.

With the filthy recycling areas and the dog crap everywhere, it must be a very unenviable and thankless job to be a porter in PCVST. I hope they are at least well paid and have good benefits. With Blackstone as an employer, I doubt that they do get much in the way of remuneration and appreciation.

EColi Ellen said...

The EColi Cafe will be history when they open the new supermarket-cafe in the space formerly occupied by Associated.
Not sorry to see that sorry excuse of a cafe close.
Overpriced, horrible food, questionable sanitary conditions.
Patronize at your own risk.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Of course, that "grandfathered" post on the TA Facebook has been shut down. Wimps!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

One of the major reasons that Stuy Town and Peter Cooper Village has problems is that the TA is, basically, toothless and made up at the top of wimps. Same, to a lesser extent, on the other Facebook page. Yes, there are a few individuals who have push, but I can count them on one hand.

Anonymous said...

The TA was complicit in sticking us with this vile corporation and they and Garodnick were having orgasms from all the "glory" they got when it was announced.

On another matter: I am woken up very early every morning by the noise of back-up beeps from a vehicle or vehicles where they are doing some work on the grounds. Didn't management (I think it was TishCrap) do one decent thing inasmuch as they consented to replacing the beeps with some sort of snort noise? There is absolutely no peace and quiet in this dump. Never. Not at any time of day or night. I am situated near the door where the porters bring out the recyclables and very early in the morning they are rattling and crashing the glass stuff and yelling to each other. Then the fucking beeps start.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

For first time, I saw a motorized bicycle, running, inside the Oval path just for walking. Way to go, Stuyvesant Town!

Anonymous said...

"For first time, I saw a motorized bicycle, running, inside the Oval path just for walking. Way to go, Stuyvesant Town!"

Well, it's not like we have a security or public safety presence here. All we have is a bunch of mall cops who just for window dressing. When somebody gets seriously injured as a result of the lack of enforcement of any of the rules, then Blackheart will have a major lawsuit on its hands and (hopefully) the useless puppet they call a "General Manager" will be fired and found culpable for not having the balls to enforce the rules here.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe this: somebody on the Tenants fb page wants to know how to hang a chair FROM THE CEILING!!!! What kind of lunatics are they renting to now? Considering you can here the people upstairs and downstairs fart because the ceilings are so thin, this would no doubt result in your upstairs neighbors caving into your apartment. Are they renting to the mentally deranged at this point?

Sheeesh! Cannot wait to get out of this Freak Show of an "apartment complex." Everybody I meet I will warn to get the word around that nobody in their right mind should rent here because they only now rent to people who are NOT in their right minds.

Anonymous said...

@5:50 PM: one of my neighbors told me that she had approached the former GM (Hayduk) and mentioned the dangers of the bicycles speeding around the grounds and going inside the Oval paths. He told her that on the one occasion when PS had stopped such a violator they got a letter from the offender's lawyers. That made them decide to not enforce the rules anymore. I would have though Blackstone would be totally unimpressed by a letter from some idiot's lawyer when the idiot was clearly in the wrong! I'm sure Blackstone has a legion of lawyers, all trained to kill, who would eviscerate anybody who crossed them. Hayduk was so full of shit that I tend to not believe that he actually meant what he said. He just liked to brush off anybody who mentioned the lack of enforcement of the rules. He was a very lazy and uncaring SOB. Well, that's my opinion of him. He was a real BS artist.

Anonymous said...

I have heard several times that the floors/ceilings in the Sty are "not floated." I don't know what means, but I've heard it as an explanation as to why they are not soundproof. Somebody on the Tenants fb said there is a space between ceiling and floor, but I don't think there is. I seem to remember hearing that the floors were not floated because when these buildings were put up there was a shortage of building materials due to the fact that WWII had only just finished (hence the reason for building it for WHITE WWII veterans who were returning to the City at that time). I think it also has something to do with the plumbing being so inferior. I don't believe that these buildings (especially Sty) are as robust as they look!

Cancer Carol said...

I pity the poor people who live in the apartments adjacent to the Avenue C power plant.
What a sad joke! Carcinogens, pollutants, who knows what else?
Management's response to tenants outrage: "Just don't breathe too deeply."

Bed Bug Bertha said...

A new Pig Stuy Town first:
An old mattress, probably bed bug infested, left abandoned in the elevator.
Must be enjoying the ride up and down.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
I told the building porter.
He laughed, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Pigs. So what's new? No respect."
As vile as Management is, some of the newer residents are not that much better.

Anonymous said...

DO NOT patronize the Oval Cafe!
$10 for a cup of frozen yogurt ( and the guy was hovering for a tip! ) and $15 for a glass of cheap house wine. I know I'm cheap but no thanks to those fu*king criminals. Bloodsuckers!
Stay away! Do not go there! A blight on the community!

Anonymous said...

Hey, June 3 at 12:39 PM - I believe you and I'm glad you told me about the prices at the Oval Cafe. I went to a classy Italian restaurant uptown last week and had a glass of delicious Merlot with my meal. It was $13.00, but was worth it, as was the entire meal. $15 for house wine in the EColi Cafe? I'd rather have a glass of water, thank you! They probably even charge for that!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe this: somebody on the Tenants fb page wants to know how to hang a chair FROM THE CEILING!!!!

Not sure why one would want that, but it’s quite do-able. We’ve had a suspended cookware rack with a couple hundred pounds of stuff hanging on it in our kitchen for 25 years.

Anonymous said...

"Not sure why one would want that, but it’s quite do-able. We’ve had a suspended cookware rack with a couple hundred pounds of stuff hanging on it in our kitchen for 25 years."

You are lucky that the ceiling didn't collapse and your upstairs neighbors didn't become part of your household! I have had upstairs neighbors overflow their baths and sinks and found myself paddling in my bathroom and kitchen. Maybe some apartments are stronger than others, but I think that most of the buildings are what they used to call "Jerry Built."

Anonymous said...

2:00 AM and there is a fucking dog barking his head off and has been doing so for about an hour. Obviously, it is locked up alone.

God forbid anybody should want a decent night's sleep here. In a couple of hours the porters will be trundling the recycling out and the back-up beepers will be beeping full blast.

Welcome to HELL!

HELL at 445.

Anonymous said...

"A new Pig Stuy Town first:
An old mattress, probably bed bug infested, left abandoned in the elevator."

Frequent occurence in PCVST these past 10 years with numerous images posted on multiple www sites depicting uncovered, infested mattresses dumped overnight by thoughtless vacating transients in common area hallways, stairwells, elevators, etc.; often blocking access to recycling areas, laundry rooms, mailboxes, building entry/egress, etc.

So frequent occurence that Blackstone was forced to publicly designate and promote numerous outside dumping stations throughout PCVST pleading with anonymous overnight vacating transients to illegally dump uncovered, infested mattresses thereat - NO QUESTIONS ASKED

Anonymous said...

Increasingly, our landlord is renting out vacant apartments to families who were previously in the homeless shelters. It is far less expensive for the City to pay Stuy Town almost $5000 per month per apartment than house the homeless families in the so called welfare hotels like The Lucerne uptown for $400-$500 per night. Management will deny this until they are blue in the face but this comes from high level internal Management sources.

Anonymous said...


Well welcome to the the dump. The grounds are filthy and the air is filled with garbage. The worst air in the city.-

How long until this will become a superfund site?

I’ve got a lovely idea, let’s put a place for our children and seniors to sit by a illegal power plant. Good idea Nadeem! We will trick the soccer moms and all the allies to believing this is an upgrade. Hahahhahah

Don’t get me started on ecolipigstuyslopcafe.... I live close to there. I’ve seen dogs on tables and a lady changed her little precious diaper right on table top. How is that for some special sauce.

Anonymous said...

Re Rick H.: "He was a real BS artist."

Correct. And many long term tenants here were fooled by him. He was a serial liar.

Anonymous said...

He did a lot of harm and very little good. He smirked and sneered at tenants' concerns about noise, safety, the vile power plants that are being built, bicycles zooming around and everything else that is destructive to our health and well-being. Then they want us to recommend the place to prospective tenants and offer a bounty for bringing some stooge in!

The TA is fucking useless and the only people who know what they're talking about on the two facebook sites are Adam Rose and Edward J. Dunn. God! I wish one or both of those guys were running this place!

I know so many people who are itching to get out of this nasty place. Can't understand why anybody would want to live here unless they had a really dirt-cheap apartment and even then, life and health is more important unless you really cannot afford or find anywhere else. I'm told there used to be a waiting list to get in here. I find it very hard to believe, but maybe it was livable in the past.

I can't wait to get out when my lease expires and will make a point of telling everybody who asks just what a badly run, nasty, unhealthy place it is to live.

Anonymous said...

"Correct. And many long term tenants here were fooled by him. He was a serial liar."

The head of Blackstone is a serial killer. Anybody who puts filthy, carbon-spewing power plants right on a residential property is a murderer, imo. I have read that Blackstone has a history of life-negating activities all over the world. It is a sociopathic corporation.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Just a reminder that Sunday, 10:00 AM, there will be a resident protest of the new power plant on Ave C. The protest will take place Ave C on 15th street. I have other ideas, too, some of which are making our wallets count and ignoring or laughing at the various "events" that sell Stuy Town and Peter Cooper Village. But Sunday is around the corner.

Anonymous said...

I hope the Press and the Media have been advised of the protest on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

It should be noted that all politicians who are our so-called "representatives" are bought and paid for by Blackstone. There is not one of them who isn't. Blackstone has managed to get away with violating many City and State laws thanks to their largesse to the politicians. The stripping of names from directories was illegal and their polluting the air with their stinking power plants is illegal. They pay off the politicians and the various City agencies, e.g., DOB.

Our landlord and our politicians are totally without consciences, decency and integrity. The politicians are no more than prostitutes who will consent to anything, no matter how perverse and indecent, for the right price.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I'm told there used to be a waiting list to get in here. I find it very hard to believe, but maybe it was livable in the past.<<

A waiting list and one had to wait a long time. I was here and know. This place was nothing like it is now.

Anonymous said...

"I have other ideas, too, some of which are making our wallets count and ignoring or laughing at the various "events" that sell Stuy Town and Peter Cooper Village. But Sunday is around the corner."

Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve, STR!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

If I have the time and the energy and, frankly, the money. We will see.

Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting! I can’t imagine what you have in mind, especially if it is going to cost money.

Anonymous said...

I agree. He was a hypocritical BS artist. Some of the older tenants were fooled by his nice guy act. One of my friends thought he was great because he answered her e-mails and called her by name. He ruined this place.

Anonymous said...

Agree. Have been saying this for years. Neighbors have been in a much turned over market rate apartment four years. Original directory cited some group before their names went up. Don’t work, appear to be fixed income. Nobody could afford that apartment before. I think they do laundry for people. Always down there.

Anonymous said...

Today I was on 14th St between B and A. Vendors galore blocking the path. I encountered 2 NYC cops standing on First. I told them about the vendors. One answered sweetly that she had to attend to something with her boss and they would go down and round them up soon. The other cop just stood there. No priority on this. If there was, these disgusting displays of filth would be gone. On another note, Powers has a booth at the flea market to “greet residents”. Phony is running for office. He won’t be getting my vote. He has done nothing for residents here but BS

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Sounds interesting! I can’t imagine what you have in mind, especially if it is going to cost money.<<

I, as well as some older residents, will know that certain "rules" and features are not being kept. And, with MCIs, residents are permanently charged with some of these "features." If these features are not working, or not used the way they are supposed to, why is there a charge forever? Of course, there is the DOB....

Anonymous said...

Would like to entertain friends here, but am embarrassed by the filth. It is not the porter’s fault. He does a good job. Our hall rug is filthy, needs to be replaced. The buildings are rundown looking and the garbage left outside is gross. At this point, I don’t know if the low rent is worth living here . Should have moved years ago when I was younger.

Anonymous said...

Powers just left a photo of 14th St before and after looking cleaned up. It sure wasn’t like that two hours ago. They leave for a couple of hours and then come back. Over and over. This photo was really deceptive because there has been no permanent solution to this disgusting vendor display. If they keep coming back, the problem is not solved. He will do anything for the vote.

Anonymous said...

STR, do you mean the cameras that nobody watches (except maybe to look at the bikini babes sprawled out on the fenced in little grass patches)?

Anonymous said...

"Don’t work, appear to be fixed income. Nobody could afford that apartment before. I think they do laundry for people. Always down there."

If somebody is running a business by doing other people's laundry in the laundry rooms meant for all tenants, they should be reported to PS and, maybe, the City. Most people send their laundry out these days. It's cheaper and better than these disgusting laundry rooms we have here. It still is not acceptable for people to be running a business out of them though. No wonder we have bedbugs.

Anonymous said...

"Increasingly, our landlord is renting out vacant apartments to families who were previously in the homeless shelters. It is far less expensive for the City to pay Stuy Town almost $5000 per month per apartment than house the homeless families in the so called welfare hotels like The Lucerne uptown for $400-$500 per night. Management will deny this until they are blue in the face but this comes from high level internal Management sources."

Are you sure about that? I hope they are not turning the place into a SRO. I know most homeless people are decent people who are down on their luck, but many of them are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol and they don't behave in a very civil manner. It's bad enough with all the students here, though I can't believe that the parentally-funded would want to stay here if it is becoming a glorified homeless shelter.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>STR, do you mean the cameras that nobody watches (except maybe to look at the bikini babes sprawled out on the fenced in little grass patches)?<<

As everyone knows, our cameras are only good for "after the fact." Otherwise... But we are paying for something else. How many residents get a message from Management on our front-door video intercom? And when? We are paying for this "perk"....

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Powers just left a photo of 14th St before and after looking cleaned up.<<

As usual the same people thank Powers, but this isn't his district. LOL. What a bullshitter!

Anonymous said...

STR, I don't think anybody has received a message on the video intercom. Aren't we paying two MCIs for that crap? I seem to remember the first one was a dud or the company went out of business and couldn't service them. Something happened.

What really makes my blood boil is the fact that we are paying a perpetual very large MCI for the total crap windows that were installed. They are not double-glazed in the true sense of the word because all the argon gas had to be released from between the panes. They are almost impossible to clean, constantly getting stuck and don't the heat in or the cold out. Absolute total CRAP. We were ripped off royally. They also ripped out the "hopper" in the kitchen window. That means the entire window has to be open to let a little air in and cooking smells and steam out. Obviously designed by somebody who never actually worked in a kitchen!

I remember that one of the "selling points" some guy (he had a Polish name) who was handling the deal and exhorting the virtues of these garbage windows, told us that these were the same windows that Donald Trump was putting in the windows of the luxury apartments he was building. Well, I think DJT got his materials through the Gambino Family or some similar "organization." No wonder they are crap.

We have been taken for fools and treated like fools and fleeced by the various scum who have run this project. It is a project at this point. They don't even refer to it as a residential complex anymore.

Anonymous said...

"As usual the same people thank Powers, but this isn't his district. LOL. What a bullshitter!"

Is powers going to show his pretty face at the rally on Sunday, or has he decided it's easier to represent the other side of the street that isn't his district?
I hope Garodnick doesn't show up. I'm taking some ripe old eggs in case he does.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I assume Powers is going to show up. Garodnick? I don't know.

Anonymous said...

If Powers, Garodnick, and/or Steinberg appear, hope they get creampies--or worse--in their faces. They all deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Powers had egg on his face yesterday when he posted before and after photos of 14th St cleared of vendors. Others posted that the disgusting vendor scene was back after a couple of hours. He made himself out to be a hero for solving the problem. What a fool.

Anonymous said...

No doubt he will be there in his attempt to win the election this year. He is all over the place. Does nothing but bs

Anonymous said...

Looked at that Avenue C power plant rally on my Facebook feed. It was disgusting the way Powers praised Susan and the despicable TA. Why didn’t they protest the lack of heat during the past several winters? That was a health hazard. Hypocrites and phonies.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been able to attend the rally because I am too sick, but I've been watching NY1 and haven't seen anything about it. I hope there was some press and media present.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Best to you....

I was there--not too long, however. But a camera crew was there and someone (probably a politician or the TA) was interviewed. Hot, too, even though most people were under the work framing. I would not say the protest was crowded. There were way more people at the Oval, and no one seemed aware.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the TA has the manpower to distribute flyers these days. Also, the place is so empty. Dozens of apartments empty in my building. I doubt that the transients and students would care if they built a nuclear reactor on the property, just so long as it didn't interfere with their frisby games and sunbathing.

The TA got us into this mess. They and Garodnick thought Blackstone was a good idea and they basked in the "glory" at their open-air press conferences. All they did was destroy the place forever and it will never recover. I don't know how BS will be able to rent the apartments near the power plants, as those apartments become vacant, because nobody in their right mind would be willing to pay a high rent for a view of that atrocity on 20th Street or Avenue C. Maybe the homeless would not object to living over there so long as the City was paying the rent. That neck of the woods is destroyed forever.

Anonymous said...

Well, Mr. Siddiqui proved today that he is made of the right stuff to work for Blackstone. I suspect that Paul Burke resigned because he had too much decency for the job. In order to do the job of GM here, you have to be a life-negating, bare-faced liar and corporate toady. Hayduk fitted the bill perfectly and this new guy is clearly of the same bent.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Again, Blackstone is interested in making money. The "improvements" are all about more money. They want their property to be upscale. Unfortunately, they are not paying attention to some quality of life issues and seem not to care about those. On my way to the protest, along 14th street, I passed by their new gym, etc. I never go to that area, but they redid this and made new features to look upscale. Of course, a resident will have to pay more to get these perks, but Blackstone doesn't care about affordability (unless forced by the city) as long as money is made. The pandemic stopped Blackstone for a while, but they are continuing on. Rosemary's is part of their investment, and they are important enough to move the corner bus stop. They don't care about the negative effect of these power plants and will explain them away that these plants are good for residents. If residents don't wise up, in ten/twenty years time this place will change even more and be completely "upscale." Which means not affordable at all. I think we are there in large part, but I refuse to be completely pessimistic.

Anonymous said...

Powers has now grown a beard in a (futile) attempt to appear like a mature, adult, male? Don't be fooled by appearances! Instead, look at how he cleverly avoided doing anything substantive to help residents here during his first term. Unfortunately, there will probably also be a second....

Anonymous said...

Upscale! This place! I went to visit someone who had an apartment on the upper East Side the other day. Cute little balcony, doorman, immaculate halls. Wish I had moved out of this dump years ago. Now I am too old and passive. True, the rent is really low but at this point I think I would have been better off paying more, having less room and having a decent quality of life. Upscale is a joke here. This is now like NYCHA.

Anonymous said...

Nothing they do can make this dump look upscale.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. This place can never be upscale. It will continue to be a transient, student dump. And they will eventually become city subsidized.

Anonymous said...

STR, I think that in ten/twenty years this place will be flattened - either by an explosion from their power plants or, more likely, will be bulldozed to make way for really upscale buildings. These buildings are old and crumbling and no matter how much lipstick BS puts on the pig, it will remain a pig. (No disrespect to pigs meant). The new power plants do not and never will enhance the value of the property. Unless you are absolutely desperate for a place to live or have absolutely no concern about your (and your children's) health and safety, you will not want to live anywhere near those vile things.

As for voting this time round, I am staying well away from the election because I wouldn't vote for ANY of the current candidates. I hope that Powers gets trounced when the final election comes up because if ever there was a self-made bottom-wiper for RE, it is he. He and Garodnick are nothing more than what I just described.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he did nothing to help with the heat situation or the unwanted noise and events. I agree that unfortunately he will likely win another term.

Anonymous said...

Channel 5 covered the demonstration. I think Channel 11 will be showing it too. Pity the major channels, e.g., CBS, NBC, ABC, couldn't muster up the energy to cover it. Maybe they have some kind of "relationship" with BlackLung.

Anonymous said...

By Charles V. Bagli
Oct. 20, 2015

"It is not often in the combative world of Manhattan apartment life that you find tenants or elected officials singing the praises of a landlord.

Yet that was exactly what happened at Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village on Tuesday, only hours after the Blackstone Group, a Wall Street behemoth, signed a contract to pay about $5.4 billion for Manhattan’s largest apartment complex, 11,232 units in buildings sprawled across 80 acres east of First Avenue, between 14th and 23rd Streets.


...So could this company be a tenant savior? Maybe. But make no mistake: Blackstone and its partner, Ivanhoé Cambridge (the real estate arm of the Canadian pension fund manager Caisse de dépôt et Placement du Québec), are out to make money.

“They’re not a charity,” said Dave Bragg, a real estate analyst at Green Street Advisors. “They’re one of the savviest dealmakers in all of real estate. IT’S INTERESTING TO SEE THAT THEY THINK THEY’VE GOT A GREAT DEAL, WHILE THE CITY IS CELEBRATING THIS AS A GREAT DEAL FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING.” ...

...Mr. Gray told the tenants that Blackstone was “humbled to be here and to have the opportunity to acquire Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village.”


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how evil and avaricious this landlord is. I warn everybody I meet not to even THINK of moving here! I believe a lot of people will be moving out because of these CHP plants. Unless you are really desperate to keep your low rent apartment, there is no reason to live near a cancer-spewing power plant.

How anybody with even a smidge of a conscience can work for this evil corporation is beyond me. Will be moving out at end of lease. Just a couple more months to go.

Anonymous said...

There was an item on Ch 5 6 o'clock news, but nothing on Ch 11 7 o'clock news. Maybe because the ball game ran overtime. I thought there might be some coverage by NY1 News, but that channel has been very much behind the 8 Ball since it was taken over Spectrum. Not worth tuning into except for time and weather.

I hope there will be more demonstrations against these atrocities being committed against our health. I will rejoin the TA if they can actually get something done for once. Something done for the good of the tenants, that is.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Town & Village newspaper will ever start up again? I rather miss it! They haven't even updated the blog in well over a year. I loved getting the paper because it had very useful ads as well as being quite newsy.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

One of the Stuy Town Facebook blogs has closed commenting on the protest over the power plants. A surprise because the blog is not the TA one. Ah, well....

Anonymous said...

Tinpot Dictators on both Facebook pages!

Anonymous said...

It was a pro management rag

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

One of the most evil men on the face of the earth:

Anonymous said...

A disgrace to the human race and an embarrassment to his own race:

Anonymous said...

NY1 has finally picked up the story of the protest. Always behind the 8 ball.

Whomever writes the script for Blacklung's frontman really knows about creative writing. Major League Liar!!!!!!

The must think we are all fucking brain damaged.

Anonymous said...

If the state of the City right now is reflective of the values of a Progressive Mayor, then I am going to vote hard right all the way down the ticket! Never have before, but will now. The City is not worth living in and 14th Street over here is a total shit show.

Anonymous said...

These Pollyannas on the TA page were raving about the flea market. Calling this a great community event. This is not a community in any sense and that junk lying around is an eyesore. Never was a flea market fan unless the merchandise was new. Would not bring anything into my house from a ST flea market. Boy, these bozos get excited over any crap.

BIGMO said...

Coverage of power plant protest:

Anonymous said...

Stick a fork in it NYC is done.

Emphysema Ellen said...

The "fix" is in.
The power plant on Avenue C will soon be operational.
The "show" by the slimy politicians and so called "Tenants" Association was simply theater, pandering to the naive.
Breath in suckers!
Blackstone, I mean, Black Lung, is laughing to the bank.
Various federal and state tax credits are paying for the entire project.
Just wait.
The second power plant is in the offing!

Anonymous said...

I think they're trying to drive tenants out (especially the long term tenants). They only want AirBnB and students.

Anonymous said...

That is pretty much the way it is. They will also continue city subsidies and roomie situations where they break up apartments and three or four unrelated people move in.

Anonymous said...

"A waiting list and one had to wait a long time. I was here and know. This place was nothing like it is now."

I remember waiting exactly two years for my apartment. I was told that I was very fortunate to get it that quickly. What a special place this was. The city was also just beginning its ascension. I have a choice, I can either be bitter about the abject slum the sty has turned into, or be grateful for the two plus decades I've had living here and in manhattan. I'll choose the latter.

No one can predict the future, but in my opinion "the sty" will never again be "Stuyvesant Town", and the city is devolving, thanks to progressive policies, back to the 70's. Neither of which will come back in my lifetime.

Everything comes to an end.

Anonymous said...

The "Events" are back!!!!
Pity the poor residents near the Oval.
Peace and quiet?
Forget it.

Anonymous said...

I dread these events as aI live on the oval. They are an extreme annoyance. A few years ago, a small group of residents complained to Powers at his office. A lot of good it did.

Anonymous said...

I think they've given up on the "Luxury" ploy and are now aiming on making it akin to an SRO and getting the money from the City (i.e., taxpayers).

Blacklung destroys everything it touches and I have ZERO respect for those who are in the employ of this corporate filth. Anybody in an "executive" position, that is. I pity the peons who actually WORK here, e.g., porters, groundsmen, etc. They will also be subjected to the toxins that spew from Blacklung's power plants, but at least they are fortunate enough not to live here.

Sari said...

This is a wonderful example of how goddamned stupid they are, in addition to being morally ugly piles of excrement:

The latest "events" and so on announcement urges us to refrain from feeding the "wildlife." (Oh, if only they were wild and free without benefit of humankind's depredations! But I digress. Forgive me. please.)

Why NOT feed the "wildlife?" Their reasons: makes a "mess," attracts rodents (hah! Read comments on 5 Turd Cafe and rats).

Last reason:


Will someone please explain that one to me.

Anonymous said...

The people who live on the Oval should be given a rent reduction because of the fairground it has become. An apartment on the Oval used to be considered a very enviable perk, but then just getting an apartment in Stuyvesant Town was an enviable accomplishment. Now it draws pity because it’s new reputation (polar opposite to the old one) is known far and wide. If I mention where I live I am asked if the City took it over as NYCHA.
I tell them NYCHA is better run!

Anonymous said...

I agree that the luxury ploy is over because it is impossible to sell. They have become a student, transient, Airbnb, city subsidized property. Any families I see in my building are transient and mostly foreign. It will continue to deteriorate.

Sari said...

I was the person who called Powers' office years back for a meeting about the illegal use of the Oval for commercial events, about the zoning, about the noise which is not only illegal, but a form of harassment, and perhaps even constructive eviction.

I invited others to join me and 2 people did.

When we got to Powers' office, I held his eyes and politely requested that no matter what, he NOT LIE to us about what he was going to do to stop the harassment here regarding Oval activities.

So, of course, he lied and lied and lie. He is truly pathetic in so many ways. If I did not pity him, as I do so many of the astoundingly just plain STUPID politicians, I'd feel even more anger than I do these days.

I, personally, despise liars.

And I often despair that people have refused to organize to overthrow these murderous, sadistic human toxins who "bought" (I do not understand the concept, personally, of buying and selling land, water, air, and the like.) and "manage" our homes. NOT "Property," but our HOMES." Language shapes how we think and vice-versa.

It is early Saturday morning as I write this, so I assume that a number of unthinking, selfish, self-absorbed and self-satisfied jackasses of all ages will be happily destroying the Oval, its grass, trees, other lives today. Because no one is stopping them, neither themselves or others.

I was one of those people who used to find peace, rest, beauty, tranquility near the Oval when it was free of human refuse, human vermin and garbage. Especially at dusk, I would sit silently on a bench around the Oval, looking up at the trees, and out at the grass, and find ease after long work days or personal woes. For too many years now, the Oval itself has been turned into a cause of misery, and of great misery for those of us who leave near to it.

Anonymous said...

"I was one of those people who used to find peace, rest, beauty, tranquility near the Oval when it was free of human refuse, human vermin and garbage. Especially at dusk, I would sit silently on a bench around the Oval, looking up at the trees, and out at the grass, and find ease after long work days or personal woes. For too many years now, the Oval itself has been turned into a cause of misery, and of great misery for those of us who leave near to it."

Sari, you have echoed my thoughts and feelings beautifully. I used to love to sit near the Oval and listen to the rustle of trees and I counted myself as being one of the most fortunate people on the planet to live here. Not now, though. Life has become a living hell because of the noise, filth, destruction of the Oval and other total assaults on the senses and the safety of residents. Walking around the property is so hazardous because of speeding bikes, so many dogs (many of them huge animals and often walked in pairs) and the total lack of any semblance of "Public Safety."

I used to love living here, but now I detest it. I used to have civilized, friendly neighbors, but now I have self-absorbed party animals and a cold couple who leave their poor little dog locked up all day to bark and cry itself to sleep.

Management (if you can call it that) is despicable and so are many of the here-today-gone-next week so called "tenants."

To add to the devolution of the property into a totally unlivable hellhole, they are putting in two power plants that are going to pollute the air and made some tenants feel like they are incarcerated behind a steel wall. Just put barbed wire atop it and finish the job.

As for our politicians, Powers, et al, all of them are liars and grifters and I wouldn't vote for any one of them (except maybe Hoylman) if you offered to pay me to do so. They are opportunistic scum.

The TA is as phoney as a $3 bill. Wasn't it one of their corrupt, disbarred-lawyer, board members who got cozy with his neighbor Jonathan Gray out at his weekend home in the Hamptons, who encouraged the Blackstone ghouls to acquire the property? The TA can go to Hell as far as I'm concerned. They are worse than useless - they are dangerous!

Anonymous said...

It is very much like a NYCHA project with higher rent. The rugs and hall floors need replacing and the garbage abounds outside. The porters do a good job, but the whole infrastructure needs an upgrade. I would pay more rent if they upgraded my kitchen and bathroom. They are creating a NYCHA project, even worse. The crap events make the property even dirtier.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I posted this some time ago, but I used to sit right by the Oval, on the east side, and with all the greenery about, I truly felt as if I was in the country. Now with the cutting down and elimination of this greenery (not trees, but bushes, tall plantings), I can't do that anymore. No one coming here these days will know how different it was. There was also a beautiful Japanese tree nearby. Cut down. And surely outside dogs, motorized scooters and bikes, thrown-out uncovered mattresses,and more, are allowed now by the neglect and indifference of Public Safety and Management. Rent payments for newer residents are much, much higher, though.

Anonymous said...

The whole place is one big trash heap. East 14th Street and its filth and scum blend in perfectly. It's hard to know where one ends and the other begins.

Anonymous said...

In most cases these rent payments are shared by two or three tenants. The rooms are broken up. There are many apartments empty presently, but student groups are beginning to move in again. I heard of one group of three and I bet a big onslaught starts coming in this August.

Anonymous said...

Some TA posters are downplaying the disgusting vendor display on 14th St. They are calling people who complain about it unkind and saying it shouldn’t matter because it is not on the ST side. Well, for their info, that merchandise is stolen and we do have to shop on that side of the street. Store owners are hurt by it and it is a health hazard. You don’t see this anywhere else in the city. You do see homeless, but not hordes of vendors with stolen goods blocking the pathways to the stores and subways.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

You are correct. And the "seller" and her lady in the photo are well known to me at this point. They are there every day, and she pretends to be a customer and "looks" at the stuff being sold, trying to entice customers in a "good deal." But all the street sellers are blocking free access at the busiest times of the day. And the mom-and-pop store owners on that block are desperate... I dare these TA posters to come to this blog and talk their BS.

Anonymous said...

Pig Stuy Town.
Need I say more?

Anonymous said...

I agree - those vendors really hurt those already hurting businesses on the south side of 14th between 1st and A. I used to frequent that little health food/smoothie shop, but because of the filth on that block, I’ve switched to another store.

They are also idiots if they don’t realize that most of the items are stolen. Why do you think so many stores started locking up like half their stores?

Anonymous said...

Can’t wait to get out of this shithole This Siddiwuie guy is just an empty suit. There is no management. Just rent collectors and a half-wit “events” fool who they call a Lifestyles Firector. His title is as ludicrous as his efforts.

Anonymous said...

Maybe those bleeding heart idiots on the TA fb page would like to take those people in, feed them and let them use their apartments as their homes. They would soon chuck them out! Many of those "peddlers" are drug addicts and mentally ill. Some of them are frightening. I never go to CVS these days because there is a mentally ill man taking savage swings at some unseen enemy. There is a desperate need for outreach and facilities for the mentally ill and homeless, but it won't be coming anytime soon from the DeBlasio Administration. NYC is back to where it was under Koch. Can't wait to get out of here and live in a more civilized place. If Greedy Blackstone is going to start taking these people into the Sty in exchange for rent from the City, then they will never be able to rent to regular hard-working, tax-paying citizens. They won't be able to rent to students either because no parent worth being called a parent would want their kids living alongside the mentally ill, homeless and addicts.
I'm sure that idiot Valesquez guy will be able to find them some games to play or some kind of entertainment.

Anonymous said...

"Pig Stuy Town."

Please don't insult pigs. They are cleaner and more social that the shit on the streets and a lot of what live here.

We have some asshole couple here who lock their dog in a room all night and let it cry itself to sleep. Of course it wakes up sporadically and barks and cries some more. The neighbors upstairs, downstairs and either side of this fucking moronic couple cannot get any rest at night.

I curse the day they started allowing dogs into this dump. Or maybe since they started renting to self-absorbed fucking morons.

Anonymous said...

The crying dog:



Please. It hurts my heart just reading this. Please help that dog. IT WORKS.

If you do all of this and it doesn't work after a couple of weeks, please post again. I have other ideas. BUT PLEASE TAKE THE SUGGESTIONS TO HEART. THAT DOG NEEDS HELP.

Anonymous said...

Only a fraction of current residents actually "work." The remainder (majority?) are long-suffering seniors, students, and transients. Most of those who ARE employed are ultra-selfish, Millennial types.
Did Blackstone perhaps get their new GM Nadeem from some cheap "hot-sheet motel" in Arkansas or Alabama?

Anonymous said...

Had to go to CVS this evening after work and this neighborhood gets worse and worse. Filthy and infested by addicts, mentally ill and homeless. The vendors were out especially on the far end near First Avenue. Yeh Keith you really accomplished a lot. I know it is Rivera’s district but he made a big deal about cleaning it up. She is a waste as are all our local elected officials. This area is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Incessant music blaring all day from Stuy Town Cafe is terribly annoying to tenants of building. What can be done to stop this major annoyance?
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

So much for being able to have the quiet enjoyment of our homes. The people who run this place are total morons. It doesn't say much for the people who go to that scruffy caff and listen to the "music" either. The losers who own and manage this dump are so unprofessional and so in the wrong field of work. They have no business running/managing a residential apartment complex. They should be working at some tacky resort or theme park. They are the type of people who should be "Travelers" who go from fairground to fairground because their total lack of professionalism makes them unfit for anything else. I bet you don't even need a High School Diploma to "make it" as a "manager" of anything here.

This place used to be smoothly and professionally run and we had few, if any, complaints about the quality of life. We loved and enjoyed our homes. Now we are living in a hybrid slum/dorm/amusement park. No wonder so many people are moving out and they can't get people to move in (apart from students, transients, etc.). It isn't just because of the pandemic that people have left in droves. The downward spiral of everything that makes a home a home had a lot to do with it.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:56 PM: I first moved in when this neighborhood was Alphabet City and was known for being one of the worst drug and violence shitstain in America. Stuyvesant Town and PCV stood separate and apart in stark contrast to the neighborhood. Now the neighborhood has gone back down the sewer and, unfortunately, STYtown fits right in.

People I've known since I moved here (who don't live here) ask me: "what the hell happened to the place where you live?"

Anonymous said...

I had another long talk with a management employee today in an effort to deal with a number of damaging conditions which I either KNOW or believe are caused by other "residents." Noise was among them, but not the only one. Other conditions in the buildings and outside were discussed.

I heard the same sorry scripts read to me, over and over. I've heard all of the crap and lies and deception and verbal sleight of hand since Blackstone invaded and beseiged us. THEY HAVE ANSWERS FOR EVERY SINGLE OBJECTON, COMPLAINT, FACT, STATEMENT, QUESTION.

This reminds me of the playbook which was developed by the hundreds of Department of Education lawyers hired by Michael R. Bloomberg when he became mayor in 2000. The plan was to destroy, utterly, NYC public schools. Chief among the strategies was to harass, abuse, intimidate and terrorize, and ultimately fire, every single teacher who knew how to teach, who was experienced, a resource and benefit to their students (and by extension their families and entire neighborhoods).

I think it was the New York Post which found and published the handbook of I don't know how many, many pages which had literal scripts and scenarios for principals to use to utterly devastate, break down and incapacitate any teacher (both mentally, and, with ongoing harassment and abuse - physically. I knew too many teachers who became ill with any number of diseases, including cancer and heart disease. Some died. More than one committed suicide. I hasten to add that these tactics, still in practice, are employed in many big cities both here and in some other countries, as well. But that is another story for another day.)

Corporations, government agencies and similar organizations seem to have done the same thing. Utilizing lawyers and those skilled in both writing and deception, as well as psychological warfare, groups of people have become more and more adept at using language to do great harm, to grievously injure, other people. I still don't understand the motivations: desire for power over others? For so-called financial gain?

As I frequently write: fighting back, and winning, is possible. But usually if many people unite to resist and oust the predators. We don't seem to be there yet.

Anonymous said...

Still haven't seen Ramon "Mayor of East 14th Street." Haven't seen him since before the lockdown - and he didn't look in very good shape then. I hope he was taken to a safe place and looked after. I know he was a bit of a "nudge," but he was nudging me since 1980 when I first moved in. I gave him a few dollars when I could spare it and listened to his tales of woe - his grandmother died no end of times, as did his grandmother and his father. He spoke of a brother and sister. The sister seemed to have patience and feeling for him, the brother not so much.

Ramon smoked nonstop and became terribly thin. Apart from enjoying his smokes, I tend to believe that the smoking relieved some of his hunger pains. I once suggested that he go home and make himself a sandwich and he told me that his "folks" locked him out all day. It seemed to me that his entire diet consisted of a coffee (if someone bought him one) in the morning and then a McDonalds burger in the evening. Again, if someone bought him one. His tobacco addiction made him feel better.

He was pretty much a lost cause because he was in a cycle of poverty, begging and total neglect by his "folks." I think his sister bought him a shirt now and again. As someone who used to work with the mentally disabled, I could see very clearly that Ramon fell into that category. He was pesty and made up stories, but that was his SURVIVAL mode. I wish I had helped him more often and more generously.
I fear we will not be seeing the Mayor of East Fourteenth Street again. God Bless his Soul wherever he now is.

Anonymous said...

Probably nothing. This management could care less. I and others have complained about noisy movies, music, and concerts. They just ignore us. The politicians do not pressure them and we are stuck with these so called amenities which are actually annoyances.

Anonymous said...

Today the area around First Avenue was absolutely disgusting. A pig sty. Homeless encampment alongside the vendors. They were still there at 8:30 P.M.

Anonymous said...

Stuyvesant Town is so vile now that it’s just a grotesque charicature of the peaceful oasis it used to be.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Still haven't seen Ramon "Mayor of East 14th Street."<<

I haven't seen him, either. I don't pass the area he used to hang out, but no.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I heard the same sorry scripts read to me, over and over. I've heard all of the crap and lies and deception and verbal sleight of hand since Blackstone invaded and beseiged us. THEY HAVE ANSWERS FOR EVERY SINGLE OBJECTON, COMPLAINT, FACT, STATEMENT, QUESTION.<<

Answers, but BS answers. Few care, though. And, again, just sitting today in the early morning inside the Oval path, I saw frequently the "rules" being disregarded.

Anonymous said...

The "Manager" is nothing more than an empty suit. A sham of a manager. I am embarrassed to be a tenant of this place and am OUT THE DOOR the day my lease expires. If they want me to pay for any wear and tear, they can go shit in their hats because
I have no intention of paying my last month's rent and they can use my deposit.
If they wanna sue me, let them get on with it.

Anonymous said...

">>I heard the same sorry scripts read to me, over and over. I've heard all of the crap and lies and deception and verbal sleight of hand since Blackstone invaded and beseiged us. THEY HAVE ANSWERS FOR EVERY SINGLE OBJECTON, COMPLAINT, FACT, STATEMENT, QUESTION.<<"

Is that what is called "gaslighting?"

Anonymous said...

Today I took decibel readings at the shitty movie that the management puts on every Wednesday at the Oval. The law is clear. Anything over 75 decibels is a violation of said law. The readings were between 83.5 and 95.6 decibels for two hours. Numerous calls were made to security. They stated that it isn’t quiet hours. When told what the readings were and the violations of the law. The security person stupidly said that the fools watching the lousy film needed to hear.
The Beam Dying apparatchik operating the cheesy movie was confrontational and just like security said that they were following orders. I pointed out that the Nazis used the same justification for their actions. The liars in security said that I’m the only one complaining. I urge each and everyone reading this to call and complain next Wednesday and every time the morons in charge decide to violate the noise pollution laws. I called 311 and lodged a noise complaint. I suggest that everyone who is assailed by the deafening volumes that these idiots produce do the same. The fact is that not only are the people running this overpriced slum evil and stupid, they are liars too.
Maybe it’s time to withhold rent while these morons violate our leases on a continuing basis. Maybe if enough people do this it will get the attention of this craven money grubbing set of washed up unfit hoteliers.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they "gaslight" us as a matter of course: About "gaslighting":

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment.[1] It may evoke changes in them such as cognitive dissonance or low self-esteem, rendering the victim additionally dependent on the gaslighter for emotional support and validation. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction and disinformation,[2] gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim's beliefs.

This, of course, is taken from the movie "Gaslight" - see the Wikipedia article for lots more information.

This is one of the many tactics used by Blackstone. Tonight, in another "gaslight" attempt to shut me up, I was told that I was the ONLY ONE COMPLAINING ABOUT THE VOLUME OF THE MOVIE. This is a common tactic.

(Years ago, someone no longer working here denied that I needed heat by starting a sentence this way: "IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE COLD." Yesterday, someone told me that "science" knows more about whether I am hot or cold than I do (words to that effect).

The movie volume tonight was so disruptive, I actually felt waves of sound beating against my body. I found out that I was neither "wrong" nor "crazy" nor even the "only one" when another tenant described the same phenomenon to me.

Anonymous said...

I notice that the so-called TA is silent on this matter.

Anonymous said...

"(Years ago, someone no longer working here denied that I needed heat by starting a sentence this way: "IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE COLD." Yesterday, someone told me that "science" knows more about whether I am hot or cold than I do (words to that effect)."

OMG! I cannot wait to get out of this fucking fascist shithole. My lease runs through September, but I'm not sure I can wait it out that long. I am in my 6th year here and I thought the last bastards who ran this place were bad, but this is worse. Nobody should move in here without knowing what it is really like behind all the publicity blurb. There was something about that Hayduk creature that made my skin crawl, but it has just got worse.

Anonymous said...

Despite decibel levels at "movie night" on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 registering between 83.5 and 95.6 (SCIENTIFICALLY! They are real big on "science" here.) rising to illegal levels, AND levels which damage hearing according to the audiologist with whom I visited yesterday, and who lives here in this paradise, "Management" is insisting that it's just fine.

There are names, dates and such to bear all of this out, but the facts are sufficient. "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof" (Matthew 6:34). Every day here, though, demonstrates soooooo many examples of evil or stupidity or cooperation with evil for fear of losing a paycheck!

I've a few ideas on how to stop this. No one has yet wanted to play, though. Maybe this summer, between the truly godawful "events" and the insistence on poisoning us with "power" (power? How about the power of decency, compassion, regard for health???) monstrosities, some of us will summon some courage and organize to overthrow this regime.

Anonymous said...

The only answer is to move. There is no other way without a viable Tenants Association and spineless politicians like Powers.

Anonymous said...

Respectfully, there are other answers and other ways to deal with these predators.

Too late and too tired tonight. I'll post again soon.

Anonymous said...

Blackstone has owned this property for five years. It has deteriorated in all ways. There are still heat issues, the property is tired looking including the buildings and over half of residents are students, transients, and city subsidized.They have been able to continue their crap amenities used to advertise a NYCHA like project and are given Carte Blanche by politicians and the media. It is unrealistic to think that they can be “overthrown” or influenced in anyway. We need to face the truth, that unless they sell,which is unlikely, this is the way we will be living until the property is razed or becomes a city property. Sad but true. Thanks to that creep Garodnick and the other corrupt politicians who brokered this deal along with the so called TA.

Anonymous said...

"Still haven't seen Ramon "Mayor of East 14th Street.""

Sorry to hear that time and fate haven't been kind to Ramon. Just a note, Ramon hung out in Stuyvesant Town, playing basketball, drinking and getting high as far back as the late 60's to my memory. He was a fanatical devotee of Muhammad Ali, and was continually excited when discussing him. Anyone who knew him will remember his "Ali, he is the best!!" rants, delivered through his toothless grin. Fare thee well Ramon...

Anonymous said...

I think the place would be better run if it was NYCHA. I know people who live in NYCHA "projects" and they are much better run that the way this shithole is run by Blacklung. I don't know about PCV, but I do know for certain that Stuytown has been allowed to deteriorate to the level of a slum and it is full of students and transients. Saw an AirBnB coming into the building tonight - he actually told me he is an AirBnB customer; also a gaggle of young girls, who I assume are students, trying to figure out how to get into the laundry room and wanting to know how much it cost and how to use the machines. I advised them to send their laundry out to one of the many very good laundries in the neighborhood. I was putting my recycling out and I used my key to let them into the laundry room. They were aghast when they saw what was available and the price of using the machines! Clearly, nobody had taken them on a "tour" of their new [temporary] home and they seemed very unimpressed.
It seems that Blacklung has done what it is globally notorious for doing: bought a property that used to be fairly decent and turned it into a living hell, thereby driving out all the existing tenants and attracting only transients. They have turned it into a money mill. And we have the fucking so-called "Tenants Association" and the slimy filth such as Garodnick and Powers to thank for that. May they all get their come-upence and may it hurt. Really hurt. They have done nothing but inflict hurt on the decent people of PCVST who were happy and proud to call this place home. Now, it is an embarrassment because its "fame has spread" widely and we get looks of sympathy if we admit to living in the Sty.

Anonymous said...

Re: 6/16/21

They'll always tell you YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE COMPLAINING ABOUT whatever. I was recently told the same thing but I know for sure that I'm not the only one complaining about the illegl ammenities recently put in by Mgmt.
From the get-go everyone living around the Oval has been complaining about the volume
So sick and tired of this place and my lease ending in March will be the last one I sign after about 30 years and a very low rent.
BTW - this new Genl Mgr. seems like a complete do-nothing. Never even bothered to introduce himself to the Community - at least Rick did that.

Anonymous said...

Re: Crying dog:
We had a hoarder couple who hd another apartment uptown and used this apartment as a hoarder hotel and kept their little dog alone all day. Every time I came in by the elevator the dog would fling himself at the door, bark and cry. I called 311 a couple of times and something was done. IO believe we called Security as well and reported the hoarding/dog situation. Eventually something was done and I believe they skipped out on some of their rent.
They were real pigs and had been evicted for nonpayment of rent on their last apartment

Anonymous said...

To: Sari - 6/12

Re: Your beautiful post- I'm now facing one of ST's horrid "ammenities" that impacts on my life to the point that I'm getting sick and will most likely leave at the end of my lease if not before.
yes, this place used to be peaceful, tranquil etc. as you described it, but unfortunately it has changed into a wild Club Med situation that is suited to 20 year olds and the dogs.
Most of the complaints are about noise, the Oval movies and concerts, and the dogs.
I have a low rent after 30 some odd years, but for the last 20 years I haven't gotten a continuous good night's sleep for the student's without carpeting, people screaming on the benches, etc.
And lately I find Security has gotten confrontational if you call with a complaint and accuse you of "being the only one complaining." Gaslighting as another poster wrote.