Friday, March 13, 2020

What, Me Worry?

If you are a senior and need assistance, this info in Rick's new letter:

"Are you someone who is ‘at risk’ and don’t have a support network of friends or family locally that can help? Please reply to this email {I will find out to make sure what email--STR} or call 212.420.5000, and we will connect you with a volunteer in our community that can help."

And don't worry to the point of panic. All of us are worried to a certain extent, but we also are all in this, so really you are not alone. 

Click on the new message to make it larger.

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 Blackstone, your landlord, is written about below

and now this:

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Here we go again. Our "landlord," (Blackstone in the person of Rick) has sought to minimize or ignore the incidents that occurred a week ago. There has been no public statement about these incidents even though a senior citizen and another person were assaulted/punched/threatened with violence/whatever by a naked resident who may have had issues. Later, there was the incident where this naked man was out in the Oval. Public Safety and the police appeared. Screaming was heard, etc. Not a word from Management about these incidents for over a week. We have been here before where Management has sought to ignore or minimize what is happening here for the sake of the unaware potential renters ($) that Blackstone hopes will come to this place. Wrong move.

Update, 4/30: The two incidents happened on 4/21. Management has been silent, but today there was an email to residents (which I never get, despite telling Resident Services at least twice about my email address). I quote: "Final update on the unfortunate event of last week. The assailant's household has vacated the apartment and terminated the lease. The assailant never returned to the building as requested. Our thoughts remain with those who were involved in this incident."

Only residents of this building got this email. I note the word "final."


«Oldest   ‹Older   601 – 800 of 891   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

So Rick has just flat out admitted that Fran whatever her name is and her staff are incompetent. Not that we didn't know that, I'm just surprised he would admit it in writing like that. If they can't handle the job bring in the NYPD. All they are doing is sitting in their cars watching their phones.

Anonymous said...

Or it was a cell phone auto correct that wasn’t caught. Either way, is your response necessary? Does it make you feel better about yourself? I just don’t understand why some people on here feel the need to get personal about other bloggers - whether you agree or disagree with their viewpoint, once you get personal for no reason whatsoever it makes you look bad. And no, I’m not that original poster you are referring to.

Anonymous said...

Slick Rick and Shameless Susan, our "Cruise" Director and our President of the corrupt "Tenants" Association...
What a pair!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Or it was a cell phone auto correct that wasn’t caught. Either way, is your response necessary?<<

One thing I should have mentioned is that unless a post or part of it is quoted, by the time I come around that original post does not follow the newer post, so people can be lost as to the reference.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>So Rick has just flat out admitted that Fran whatever her name is and her staff are incompetent. Not that we didn't know that, I'm just surprised he would admit it in writing like that.<<

Yeah, Rick admitted that our Public Safety can't handle people the way Public Safety should. Great going, Rick!

Anonymous said...

"College graduate" suggests that "old-timers" leave. The latter suggest the same to him/her. This "graduate" still has an undergraduate mentality (and that is being generous).

Anonymous said...

Please: where does Rick admit that ". . . our Public Safety can't handle the way Public Safety should?"

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Update: The two incidents happened on 4/21. Management has been silent, but today there was an email to residents (which I never get, despite telling Resident Services at least twice about my email address). I quote: "Final update on the unfortunate event of last week. The assailant's household has vacated the apartment and terminated the lease. The assailant never returned to the building as requested. Our thoughts remain with those who were involved in this incident."

It is not clear if the email was just sent to residents of this building only. I note the word "final."

Anonymous said...

Can anybody who's been here long enough to remember Bill Potter and Security imagine getting the wussy pussy response that we get Slick Rick and his Mall Cops? They might as well get rid of PS and get in some cub scouts. They would be more effective. We really need to get rid of Rick though. Is he actually on the property these days or is working remotely from his home down South? His family doesn't live here and haven't lived here for quite some time.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Please: where does Rick admit that ". . . our Public Safety can't handle the way Public Safety should?"<<

Rick: "We will not ask the Public Safety Officers to enforce the mandate due to the belligerence already shown to them...."

Anonymous said...

I think it was only sent to the residents of 626 East 20th. I noticed the word "final" though I don't think there was any communication prior to the "final" update. Management is distancing itself from the victims of the assault because they are doing what guilty parties do when they feel a lawsuit coming their way. Offering sympathy or apology is construed by Plaintiff's lawyers as an admission of guilt or culpability. Rick used Fran Martin as a front for management.

Anonymous said...

"Rick: "We will not ask the Public Safety Officers to enforce the mandate due to the belligerence already shown to them...."

Imagine if the cops took that approach. "We will not be enforcing the law because people don't like it when we do." "We are not apprehending any muggers, murderers, burglars, drunk drivers and the like because they are always so nasty when we try to cuff them"

Some of those "PS" guys are so young and so out of shape! They should be replaced with REAL MEN! Our former Security guys were REAL MEN!

Anonymous said...

Rick isn't very good with grammar and being comprehensible, either. Is HE a college graduate? He should leave, too. And isn't the usual insipid terminology "thoughts and prayers"?

Anonymous said...


Please call every individual and department, agency, organization, both here in Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper Village (The Legal Department, Resident Services, Rick, et al.), and in New York City and New York State (Health Departments, law enforcement, etc.) to inform them that


From Rick's April 28, 2020:

"Coronavirus Update 14
April 28, 2020

"In addition, we will be opening specific playgrounds to simply increase the amount of open spaces, not for organized sports or use of the equipment. Opening on Friday morning are:
• ST PG 1 (no hockey, no organized soccer)
• ST PG 3
• ST PG 5 (paddle tennis nets will be taken down)
• ST PG 6
• ST PG 9 & 11 (no basketball, no table tennis, no volleyball)
• PCV PG 1 (paddle tennis nets will be taken down)
• PCV PG 3 (no basketball)"

The above is only one section of his announcement to open up various areas.

Anonymous said...

Rick's supposed statement:

"Final update on the unfortunate event of last week. The assailant's household has vacated the apartment and terminated the lease. The assailant never returned to the building as requested. Our thoughts remain with those who were involved in this incident."

STR's reply:

"It is not clear if the email was just sent to residents of this building only. I note the word "final."

I get all of RH's emails and did not get this message. My guess that this was a text (not an email) that went only to mobile numbers of the residents of that building. "Final" means other text messages were sent to the residents only.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>They might as well get rid of PS and get in some cub scouts.<<

Does anyone remember seeing a couple of what seemed college-age workers in ST vests walking around Stuy Town in order to help people with questions? These workers seemed clueless themselves and were around for a few days and then were gone. Another brilliant idea from Rick and Company.

Stuy Town Reporter said...


I didn't check, but aren't all playgrounds supposed to be closed?

Anonymous said...

"I didn't check, but aren't all playgrounds supposed to be closed?"

That's a NYC Parks policy. See copy and paste text and my link. Rick and Blackstone will use the old "it's private property" excuse. Like they do with the bikes letting them ride on the interior pathways here while being illegal on NYC sidewalks.

"Due to the coronavirus pandemic, all City playgrounds are closed until further notice."

Anonymous said...

Since our playgrounds are on private property, that might make a difference....

BIGMO said...

The tenants in the apt at 626 with the naked perp had planned to vacate in April prior to the attack. Management had nothing to do with them being 'forced out' after the attack.

Anonymous said...


Stuy Town Reporter said...

Hmm, Rick using the "private property" routine when it suits him and Blackstone. Some city laws, like covering in plastic thrown-out mattresses and not crossing 20th Street in a club car, are ignored by Rick and Blackstone, too. I think it's time for Blackstone to secede from the Union and set up a kingdom here.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to repeat this, and I cannot understand why people do NOT understand:






They are FORBIDDEN BY LAW to open the playgrounds. Period.

They will be the cause of spreading contagion. Period. They will be the reason for MANY, MANY likely deaths.

Anonymous said...

This seems to be devolving into a Hayduk-Hating blog. I know he's not perfect, but he's just doing the job he was hired to do. I'm a old-timer and I miss the days when this was a well-run housing project and we never heard from the Manager, Bill Potter. We didn't want to hear from him because if you heard from Mr. Potter it meant you were in trouble. Security was much, much better. I will agree on that. The problem with this guy is that we hear from him too much. I have opted out of his emails and try not to think about what's going on here unless it directly affects me. So far, so good. The only beef I have is that we don't get enough heat in the cold months and that the laundry rooms are too expensive, but I deal with those issues by having a very good space heater that gets lots of use during the winter, and I send my laundry out. For now, I am washing things by hand.

I was very annoyed by Hayduk's removal of the names from the intercoms and tenant directories that are up in the halls and used to be on the wall near the intercom, but it's not the end of the world. This is no longer a place where people stay for very long unless you have a really cheap apartment. It really is a dorm and a place for young people to stay temporarily when they are new to the City (ten-to-a-bed!) We can't do anything about that though. Hayduk came into the place as it is. He didn't make it that way. He inherited the crappy heating system and he can't do anything about it, even if he wanted to. He'll probably move on eventually and we will get a new "Rick" and it could be someone better or it could be someone worse. I think people get to "personal" about Rick. He just does what his bosses tell him to do and we know that Blackstone is an evil entity, so whaddya expect from them?!

Anonymous said...

"I think it's time for Blackstone to secede from the Union and set up a kingdom here."

I think they already did.

Anonymous said...

I agree with some of the things that you say. Hayduk is a puppet of his company, but he is a hypocritical and rather nasty man. Having met with him after he read my negative comments on the TA blog, I can say that he yesses you to death and then does not carry out what he says he is going to do. No credibility and as I said before an unappealing individual.

Anonymous said...

Stuy Town has devolved into a transient dump, sort-term rentals, three, four or five to a two-bedroom apartment, dirty hallways, dog shit and piss in the stairwells.
Truly sad!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I think people get to "personal" about Rick. He just does what his bosses tell him to do and we know that Blackstone is an evil entity, so whaddya expect from them?!<<

I agree in part. But Rick has elected this position and is the CEO here and in charge. There is something known as personal integrity..... I will be nice right now and say no more....

Stuy Town Reporter said...

BTW, as I hustled over from Target to Trader Joe's, I was told by Trader Joe's, at several minutes past, that I was late for the senior hour (8am to 9am) and had to wait on line outside. I thought this was settled, and that seniors could skip the line outside no matter the time. The 8 to 9 hours are just for seniors only. I will check.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The victim posted on Facebook:

"Stuy management told me in writing that they considered my tone to be DEMANDING and chastised me for sounding DEMANDING. guess I should have begged the ASSAILANT to stop kicking my dog and PUNCHING ME."

Anonymous said...

That elevator is probably one of the hundreds around this “campus” that doesn’t work, and its only a matter of time before they start calling this poor woman a liar. Peter W is a pro at calling people a liar on Yelp, so calling people liars is obviously in the Beam Living training manual. I hope this lady has counsel at this point and everything is being documented.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Re: Trader Joe's. Here's is one post I found on the other Facebook site from Adam Rose:

"Here’s the update: I called the Trader Joe’s on 14th and A this morning and spoke with the manager, Brian, and he said that seniors CAN still skip the outside line to get in the store any time of the day, at least at his location."

I spoke to another manager, a Stephanie or Jennifer. According to her, seniors can't skip the line outside after 9am.

Anonymous said...

Please: where does Rick admit that ". . . our Public Safety can't handle the way Public Safety should?"

Right in his email. Comprehension issues?

Anonymous said...

STR, it probably depends on who's on patrol outside Trader Joes. I went there the other evening and the young lady who was managing the line called out that people over 60 didn't have to wait on the line.

Anonymous said...

"The victim posted on Facebook:

"Stuy management told me in writing that they considered my tone to be DEMANDING and chastised me for sounding DEMANDING. guess I should have begged the ASSAILANT to stop kicking my dog and PUNCHING ME."

May 1, 2020 at 10:03 AM"

I just looked on both the Facebook pages (TA and non-TA) and I don't see that post. If it was on the TA Facebook it probably got taken down by Peter Stuyvesant (maybe they were ordered by Rick to remove it). Rick's Stasi monitor that FB all the time. No criticism of Management goes unnoticed, and may result in the poster being contacted by Rick. One thing is for sure, it won't bring about any kind of positive change.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>STR, it probably depends on who's on patrol outside Trader Joes. I went there the other evening and the young lady who was managing the line called out that people over 60 didn't have to wait on the line.<<

There were two workers on the line, and I started to basically bitch about what was happening, as I was just following the setup as I had heard it. Then this manager came over from downstairs, and confirmed the 1-hour morning rule and that seniors were not allowed to bypass the line at the other times. I have her name and will be taking this issue further. But I was let inside, as I assume they didn't want to deal with a difficult person. BTW, I don't have to have a special privilege as a senior, but if the privilege is there, I can use it, unless I don't want to demean myself.

Anonymous said...

"Re: Trader Joe's. Here's is one post I found on the other Facebook site from Adam Rose:

"Here’s the update: I called the Trader Joe’s on 14th and A this morning and spoke with the manager, Brian, and he said that seniors CAN still skip the outside line to get in the store any time of the day, at least at his location."

I spoke to another manager, a Stephanie or Jennifer. According to her, seniors can't skip the line outside after 9am."

Walked by the TJs entrance at the 14th and Ave A around noon today and I talked to the 2 woman at the entrance. For now, for this TJs. they both confirmed the policy of letting a senior (60 and over) jump the line has not changed. BTW, the line outside at that time was 2 people.

Anonymous said...

I just encountered the most blatant social distancing violation in front of 2 and 4 oval on the service road. As I was returning from shopping, a car was burning on the service road. A large crowd was gathered with PS just watching. People were taking photos. I could hardly get into my building under the narrow scaffolding. Had to push and yell my way through the idiots taking photos. Absolutely disgusting. Tried to call 311 and use portal but had difficulty . Had to be 35 or so idiots blocking the entrances. Hayduk, you need to do something about this non PS response.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I just looked on both the Facebook pages (TA and non-TA) and I don't see that post.<<

It's all the way down, but still there. About three weeks ago.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>BTW, I don't have to have a special privilege as a senior, but if the privilege is there, I can use it, unless I don't want to demean myself.<<

I should explain this as it can be misinterpreted. I have other get-out cards I can use, but don't. One is being a veteran. I am assuming that the young (and very young to me) workers and "managers" have only seen a uniform on TV or the movies, and I could get angry about being "ordered" by someone like this, but I don't think that way.

Anonymous said...

Hayduk constantly sends out his paternalistic bulletins and has had the "lifestyle director" make a video. Fucking Hell! We don't need a lifestyle director, we need a Security Force that has balls and is effective and enforces the rules. Not saying we need a Gestapo, but we need a real Security Force that looks out for our safety and takes the necessary steps to curtail illegal and noncompliance activity.

Hayduk might as well get rid of PS if they can't do the job they're employed to do and he is no help whatsoever. Asshole.

Anonymous said...

We need some police presence on the property. PS have limited authority and can't issue summonses. The 13th Pct. needs to step up to the plate.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I think PS have a bit more powers, including issuing a summons.

Anonymous said...

PS does have the authority to issue summons. That is why they are called "Public Safety" not just "Security" .



Anonymous said...

In any case, they are not doing their job. That crowd should have been dispersed today especially under the scaffolding. Of course they take orders from Slick Rick and he could care less.

Anonymous said...

If you’re going to call 911 every time someone comes within six feet proximity, you should not ever, under any circumstances, leave your apartment.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for the explanation regarding your decision to open the playgrounds and other areas despite regulations both state and federally against that. It is rare that a private company is willing to take legal and financial liability for an unknown such as Covid 19. It is a bold step by a private company to risk being held both legally and financially responsible for a potential outbreak caused by their decision. You literally are risking billions and that is a rare thing today. Thank you for your utter stupidity and for putting the lives of many at risk. At least your company will be responsible.


The tenants.

Anonymous said...

The 13th Pct. needs to step up to the plate.

That is laughable. When was the last time the 13th precinct or the entire NYPD stepped up to the plate? All they do is sit in their cars watching movies. The city should have furloughed 50% of the force.

Anonymous said...

NEW YORK - Hundreds of lawsuits stemming from the coronavirus pandemic are rapidly amassing in state and federal courts, the first wave of litigation challenging decisions made early during the crisis by corporations, insurance companies and governments.

Claims have been filed against hospitals and senior-living facilities, airlines and cruise lines, fitness chains and the entertainment industry - 771 as of Friday, according to a database compiled by Hunton Andrews Kurth, an international law firm tracking cases that emerge from the pandemic. The volume and variety make painfully clear that, throughout the United States, the virus has caused widespread devastation and hardship, and that the full scope of its economic toll remains to be seen.

Complaints reach across industries and state lines. Some seek significant monetary damages. Others ask for a judge to correct actions alleged to be harmful or in violation of contractual agreements.

Leaders in Washington are contemplating action.

Anonymous said...

I know the playgrounds have been opened, but the equipment has been disabled. I think Management is trying to open up more space for people so it will be easier to "socially distance."

Stand Up and Fight said...

Some of us understand that the actions Blackstone/Beam Living and their employees are taking now are literally deadly as well as illegal.

Their management and legal departments are aware of this, in addition to either sanctioning it, or creating and setting it in place.

I, for one, am not willing to become infected, or die, by contracting Corvid-19 because Blackstone/Beam, et al. have decreed it to likely by illegally, and recklessly acting in such a manner as to make it more likely.

Neither do I want any other person to become infected, or die, as a result of their actions.

Please e-mail me at:

to work together to stop possibly hundreds or thousands of NEW Corvid-19 cases, some of which might kill people.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I know the playgrounds have been opened, but the equipment has been disabled. I think Management is trying to open up more space for people so it will be easier to "socially distance."

Yet the government says stay in your home. Don't go out. Therefore, Beam Living is making the decision to tell people to come out of their homes unilaterally and is thus bound by the side effects of that decision.

Stand Up and Fight said...

Apologies for the spelling and grammatical mistakes in my last message which asked people to join with me in trying to keep all of us safe from the dangerous anti-social practices we encounter living here, encouraged by Blackstone.

It is, of course, "Covid-19," and one of my sentences was impossibly jumbled.

Please interpret all of jumble as a reflection of the extreme stress, distress, and fear I feel living in threatening circumstances.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I would pay to see the first summons issued by so called "Public Safety" to one of the maskless and socially undistanced congregating around the Oval on a warm, beautiful day.
There would be a riot. Rick is a clown and his Keystone Cops are as well.

I Got Da Hershey Squirts said...

Let Rick close down the totally unsanitary and unsafe eColi 5 Turd Stuyvesant "Cafe" if he is truly concerned about resident health.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

So far, zero summons.

Anonymous said...

“Family Groups” or “same household” is disingenuous and worse. More than 3 unrelated individuals are not legally permitted to live in these apartments.

How is it that 7 or 8 morons sit outside on a blanket?

Anonymous said...

I was just out to mail a letter and get a little fresh air. The crowding situation here is out of line. Way too many people out on the benches, oval, and pathways. You could hardly get by with 6 feet of distance without weaving in and out. The usual morons stopped in the middle with phones and dogs. This is unacceptable Slick Rick. They need to institute a system in which buildings have certain times and days . Otherwise there will be a tremendous outbreak of disease here. The few security I saw were just watching the oval, not the pathways. It is a shame that a person cannot go outside for ten minutes of fresh air without feeling very unsafe.

Anonymous said...

"“Family Groups” or “same household” is disingenuous and worse. More than 3 unrelated individuals are not legally permitted to live in these apartments."

Many apartments here have more than 3 unrelated individuals living in one apartment. They are crammed in and Management doesn't know how many and who they are. We used to know our neighbors in the building, but now it is like a hotel with different people moving in and out. They are not on the directory and no names on the door. I think we are part of Blackstone's Extended Stay enterprise. Of course, when I say "we" I mean the complex. I am a long time tenant and I feel like I'm living in an extended stay hotel. Blackstone doesn't obey the City and State laws. It buys all the politicians to ensure it can continue to break every friggin' law on the book pertaining to housing.

Anonymous said...

"How is it that 7 or 8 morons sit outside on a blanket?"

That is Rick's prized demograhic. And wait until when and if the TA's Court case goes against them. July 1, 2020, around 6,000 renovated apartmments will lose their New York State Rent Stablized protections. You think this is a dorm dump now? You have not seen nothing yet.

Anonymous said...

Way too many dog walkers. Pretty tough to keep your distance when you can’t walk twenty yards without encountering yet another dog on a long leash blocking the path.

Not a word from Hayduk about that though. Oh yeah, in his latest email blast, he noticed there were many unregistered dogs on the property, and would you please do us a favor and register it? ($250 check, please. And we’ll take your word for it that it’s under the weight limit and not a forbidden breed, wink-wink).

What ever happened to that zero tolerance crackdown? No registration, escort off the property, remember?

And you wonder why no one takes your shit seriously?

Anonymous said...

If the woman in 626 20th st. is happy with the outcome, I"m happy for her.
I do want to point out that she could still file charges, if she wants to (and I hope she does want to.) the guy moving has nothing to do with pressing charges or not.

I called the 13th precinct about 18 months ago, about an issue here in pcvst (drug related) and the cop at the desk told me "why are you calling here? that's stuyvesant town isn't it? that's public safety . you're supposed to call public safety." I of course told him to get off his ass (not in those words) and come down here as public safety is not law enforcement

However, it is clear that "Rick Hayduck" rick the dick (I want his name to show in google searches) has made some arragnement with 13th precinct, so they dont come over here and these rent a cop guys are our only police force.

This way, drug offenses, assaults, etc. are not recorded by the 13th precinct and when the rich nyu parents look up crime stats for their sheltered little brats, they see an artificially low number of crimes.

that's what happened at 626 E 20th street. no crime recorded. nothing officially happened. stuytown and "rick hayduck" say there was no crime, so it disappears.

Anonymous said...

I don't have facebook, but if any public minded citizen here wants to try tagging Keith Powers, Hoylman and anyone else they can think of about the crowding situation this weekend?

I think we all saw the same thing--this is appalling. The oval is more crowded than Central Park. This is seriously going to be lethal for this area--can anything be done? 13th precinct is as usual nowhere in sight.

Anonymous said...

Not just the oval that was overcrowded. Everywhere in Sty Town was overcrowded and not a safety person or NYPD or anyone came up even once. A dozen people hanging out drinking on blankets on the lawn for hours nothing done. I live on the first floor and I inhaled cigarette smoke all day long. If I'm getting second hand smoke then I'm getting second hand covid. It's time to call a lawyer. Rick clearly violated our rights.

Anonymous said...

Keith Powers will do NOTHING! Keith Powers is a waste of flesh and bone. He is a wholly owned subsidiary and belle of the REBNY ball. The entire city council could be replaced by rocks and it would be a huge improvement.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Slick Rick would it kill you to distribute masks to seniors here? I guess it doesn’t matter to you and your bosses. You allow the oval to be a Petri dish for disease spread. Shame on you. Stop putting out those nauseating e-mails and do something.

Anonymous said...

Slick Rick and the Disappearing Shameless Susan.
What a pair!

Anonymous said...

@8:33 PM: I believe the lady who was assaulted did call the 13th Pct and spoke to Manny somebody and was told to get over it or let it go.

Anonymous said...

Opening playgrounds risky in midst of contact tracing initiative - do we know if contact tracing results will ultimately be provided to press and public with names redacted to comply with HIPPA- if yes then not hard to imagine scenario where a spike in infections here occurs contemporaneous with opening of playgrounds and contact tracing force documents same and disseminates this info and its published - does management want a reputation like cruise ships? Incubators for infections ? Not a good look on real estate market or just generally. Who is really using these playgrounds ? Kids to burn off energy or their parents for cocktail hour with their friends ? Cheers tiger moms

Anonymous said...

BROWN water coming out of faucets in tub and shower?
What's up with THAT???

Anonymous said...

Slobs in carriage rooms!
Garbage thrown all over the place!
I pity our poor, hardworking porters.

Anonymous said...

You obviously haven’t been around very long. Stuff like this happens occasionally and I’ve been here for 30+ years.

Anonymous said...

"...does management want a reputation like cruise ships? Incubators for infections ? Not a good look on real estate market or just generally. Who is really using these playgrounds ? Kids to burn off energy or their parents for cocktail hour with their friends ? "

We have a "manager" who is basically a cruise director with no experience of working in real estate. He thinks and acts like he's running a resort. I don't think he should be in the job that he is in and I have ZERO respect for him and the corporation that owns this place.

Anonymous said...

At this point in time I think that the recycling bins should be removed, except for one bin for glass. I doubt that any recycling is getting done by the SDNY and the recycling plants and, as people here don't know or care how to recycle anyway, it would take a lot of an onerous burden off of our porters. Let the recycling recommence when normal life recommences.

Anonymous said...

The constant e-mails put out by Hayduk concerning the Corona virus are getting sickening. He keeps citing violations of masks and social distance, treating them lightly. This place on Sunday was completely unacceptable. He needs to ban scooters, put up signs limiting numbers in elevators, patrol the walkways, close the damn oval and stop his stupid, inane preaching while not enforcing. He also needs to stop the club cars blocking the pathways and going by doing nothing.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Hayduk enforcing the rules? That'll be the day!

Anonymous said...

We need a REAL Security force like we had before. Half a dozen mall cops just are not going to make a dent in a place this size and population. People do whatever the hell they want to do because they know the PS guys have no authority, no balls and no inclination or incentive to do anything to stop people from breaking the rules. Hayduk is a joke. A sick joke. His driveling emails are an insult to our intelligence.

Anonymous said...

I am absolutely sick of scooters silently coming from behind and zipping by me so close that I would only have to step an inch to the side and I would get hit. I am an elderly person whose balance is not so good and these silent, perilously close scooters and bicycles terrify me. At least you can hear the skate boards. We have so little room on the sidewalks with all the construction and narrowed-off pathways. It doesn't help having so many cobble stones on the streets around Sty. Cobble stones may be "pretty," but they bloody hard to walk on.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice the stupid Stuyvesant Town Pantry sign above the now vacated Associated Supermarket on 14th Street?
Another example of Slick Rick's self-promotion.
Give crumbs to the peasants and pat yourself on the back.
If Management had not driven out the store with its unconscionable rent increase, we would still have a supermarket.
Vile, unscrupulous bloodsuckers.

Anonymous said...

Someone in the office told me that Stuy Town Management will go after all rent arrears WITH VENGEANCE when the crisis is over. They will let late payments slide now but after crisis is over or you move out, they will go for every cent including court action.

Anonymous said...

I agree about the scooters. Should be banned. They block the pathways

Anonymous said...

On my walk around the oval today I observed a security guard chatting with two women. They blocked the pathway so that you could not get your six feet of distance. I also observed too many kids farting out on scooters and assholes on phones not looking where they were going. One asshole skater nearly sideswiped me. Hayduk, this place is in violation of regulations. And how can I forget the oval crowded with sun worshippers.

Anonymous said...

"Someone in the office told me that Stuy Town Management will go after all rent arrears WITH VENGEANCE when the crisis is over. They will let late payments slide now but after crisis is over or you move out, they will go for every cent including court action."

I totally believe that. Blackstone has a reputation for being a relentless, ruthless bloodsucker of a landlord and that is the soul behind Rick's smirking face.

I wonder if Blackstone's principals have donated any of their billions to relieve the pain of this pandemic or are they looking for cheap buying opportunities.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know who the elderly lady cyclist who was killed on Tuesday was? The fatal accident took place on 14th between First and A. I wonder if she was a stuy tenant? I can only think of one person who fits the description and I hope and pray it wasn't she. Whoever it was, it is very tragic.

Anonymous said...

"Does anybody know who the elderly lady cyclist who was killed on Tuesday was? "

If any link will have an update, it will be this one. As of right now. no update via this link or the Daily News that also posted the story.

From the Daily News:

"Police have not released the woman’s name, though sources said she lived about five blocks north of the crash."

Anonymous said...

I sent a copy of Rick's latest email to a friend who lives in a different apartment complex in NYC and asked her what she thought. This was the response:

"So, he thinks he is still managing a resort—— sure is a lot of useless info— you are better off reading the
newspapers and listening to the broadcast news."

Anonymous said...

Slick Rick Hydick...
I hear you can get real cheap flights back to Florida. There is a real need for resort managers down there now.
Go and be well!
The big city is a little too much for you.....

Anonymous said...

Dog shit in the stairwell this morning.
So much for social distancing!

Anonymous said...

Just encountered a nasty person visiting the people next door who belong to some sort of group . This guy comes with supplies each day which is fine, but he stands in front of my apartment for an hour each day in the hallway talking to the tenant. In the past I have waited until he left if I had to go out. Today I needed to get out before the rain. I told him that he is not allowed to stand in the hall blocking apartments. He raged at me that I was rude, a bad neighbor, that he knows what social distancing is. Got very threatening. I backed down as he moved toward the elevators . He was still screaming. Nearly called security but they won’t do anything anyway. What us the use. Terrible to have to encounter this sort of stupidity from people who don’t even live here. If he is out there again I will call. Don’t have to deal with that in this time of a health crisis.

Anonymous said...

@12:38 PM: I think you should find out which group he is from and file a complaint. If somebody is working for a charitable group that brings supplies of food to people, he has no business hanging around for an hour right by your door while talking to your neighbors. Clearly, he's not in a hurry to get stuff to anybody else! I think you should call Fran Martin and ask her what can be done and be sure to tell her that he was abusive and rude and intimidating when you asked him to move. We should NOT have to deal with any behavior like that for anybody visiting a neighbor or, indeed, from a neighbors themselves.

Hayduk talks about privacy and tears down the directories (which he hasn't restored correctly), but the most important aspect of privacy is not having strangers in the building who harass tenants. By standing by your door for an hour talking, he is impinging on your privacy because he may as well be in your apartment! Then to mouth off at you when you call him on it - that is totally unacceptable and intrusive into your living area.

Anonymous said...

Have been reading about the opening of the green market late this month. Considering that in normal times they let dogs right up to the produce and say that they cannot do anything about it, I doubt that social distancing will be followed there. As it is, there are violations galore here.

Anonymous said...

.I told him that he is not allowed to stand in the hall blocking apartments

Says who? You decide what the “hallway rules” are now? Why could you not say, “Excuse me”, and walk right by?

Anonymous said...

FYI, blocking a hallway with packages or yourself for over an hour is obnoxious and inconsiderate. Particularly by a non resident during a time of social distancing. You sound like the same type that is glued to a phone and walks right into people.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding with your remark? Since when is it within guidelines to block hallways for an hour while conversing loudly.

Anonymous said...

"Says who? You decide what the “hallway rules” are now? Why could you not say, “Excuse me”, and walk right by?"

He stands right by her door for an hour. That means she has to listed to him for an hour. There is nothing soundproof here. Then she has to brush past him to get out. No way to socially distance in that situation. If he isn't wearing a mask and is running his stupid mouth, he puts her in danger from his "spray." What kind of group is he bringing supplies to? A cult?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but standing in the hallway having a conversation, while perhaps inconsiderate (depending on how loud it is) does NOT constitute “blocking the hallway”.

Just say, “Excuse me, I’d like to get by”, and get on with your business. Problem solved. What good is complaining on a blog gonna do?

Anonymous said...

Part of RH's Mother's Day email message:

"It's hard to see any good in this pandemic, but one thing is for sure, our families are spending more time together than we ever dreamed we would. COVID-19 has caused us to shelter in place, work from home and educate our kids at the dining room table.

And at the center of this all, is Mom. The foundation of any household. The voice of assurance that this will pass, the voice of compassion that regardless of one's circumstance, others are in need and the voice of reason, that everyone should protect themselves to protect those around them."

Sorry Rick, you don't enforce ANY rules here before and now after COVID-19 (PS has been told to "stand down") so you can't have it both ways. And you put seniors at risk with your heartless heat rationing. Please go back to the resort world with the other "hospitality industry" clueless ones you have working for you.

Anonymous said...

"Sorry Rick, you don't enforce ANY rules here before and now after COVID-19 (PS has been told to "stand down") so you can't have it both ways. And you put seniors at risk with your heartless heat rationing. Please go back to the resort world with the other "hospitality industry" clueless ones you have working for you."

I second that sentiment! He does NOTHING whatsoever to make us safe or safer. He is just an empty suit with a lot smarmy, phony sentiments. Beef up "Public Safety," Rick, turn up the heat no matter what the fucking sensors are doing, they are not doing any good. And crack down on the assholes who zoom through the property on e-bikes, bicycles, scooters and skate boards. They are also a threat to seniors (any anybody else not fleet of foot). Crack down on the noisy bastards who blast their vile "music" all day and all night.

When you've done all of the above, you can get back up in your pulpit.

Anonymous said...

Now we get e-mails from this joker almost every day. Whatever he says is crap. A real phony. I just thought of an upside to this pandemic. No concerts and movies for a while.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rick Hydick - a two-faced phony who speaks out of both sides of his mouth.
Can't wait for the "concerts" to begin on the Oval.

Anonymous said...

FYI, after this nasty, inconsiderate person stood outside my apartment for an hour for two weeks, he doesn’t do it anymore. He goes inside the apartment. He violated both fire safety and social distancing laws. Your uncalled for advice to just walk by only exacerbates this sort of behavior. Not to mention a mentally disturbed , threatening presence being in the hallway. I guess he knew that security was the next step after being confronted.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading the Tenants FB (not TA) and it seems people are having problems with the new "app" when it comes to paying their rent. One lady has paid twice because the app is so bad!

Rick, you fucked up the Tenants Directories; you have disabled a website that worked well (sort of) for paying rent and replaced it with one that double-dips. Are you capable of doing ANYTHING right? What an incompetent, useless dope you are. So glad I'm moving out at the end of this month. I will warn everybody and anybody about this badly-run hellhole. Brown water, paper-thin walls, no public safety to speak of and a manager that is a total farce.

Anonymous said...

There's some guy on the TA fb who is trying to incite everybody to join him in a rent strike. Says he's planning to run for Congress. I hope the Sheeple don't follow him because it won't turn out well for them in the end.

Does anybody know if Black$oul is following the rent laws or just doing its usual thing? I read about people trying to negotiate a rent and I don't think you can do that under RS.

Anonymous said...

One thing that I really like about this lockdown is the peace and quiet throughout the complex. It's like it used to be before the Philistines and Parasites acquired it. Like when it was an Oasis in The City. It's so nice to hear the birds chirping, singing and scrapping in the trees and to actually hear the wind rustle through the trees. Of course, there are far fewer trees now, thanks to the greedy, destructive bastards that have been in charge for the past 15 years or so, but there are still some left and a bit of green grass here and there. Anybody remember when the Oval was a beautiful tree park with flower beds all around it? This time of year it was filled with tulips, daffodils, etc., and did the heart and soul good just to look at it.

I know I'm being selfish because not everybody is enjoying the lockdown, but I rather hope it lasts through summer so that there won't be any of those execrable "concerts" and the noisy movies on the Oval. Who the hell needs that!

Anonymous said...

Temperature in the low 40s this morning, but absolutely no heat. It's too bad the important things in this place don't work, e.g., the heating system, the BeamLiving App (it double dips the rent!), the directories that are totally fucked up and the plumbing and - very importantly - Public Safety. Keep your concerts, folksy emails, etc., Rick. Just run this place the way it should be run. Run it as a residential apartment complex, not a low-end off-season resort in Florida.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rick.......

NYC Heating Season Specifics
Heating season runs from Oct. 1 through May 31. Landlords are required to follow the temperature guidelines below: From 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., the indoor temperature must be at least 68 degrees if the outside temperature falls below 55 degrees.

Keep flouting the law for another 18 days.

Maybe your boss will give you a bonus.

Anonymous said...

I think Hayduk does the best he can with what he's got. The heat, reduced PS and other problems, like plumbing, etc., are probably out of his domain. I know those are the issues that a Property Manager usually has jurisdiction over, but I don't think he does. Remember he works for $atan (Blackstone) and they no doubt pull his strings. He can only do what they let him do.

Also, at this time, he is probably worried about his own family (who I believe live off campus because of his daughter's schooling) and is having to spread his energies quite a bit more than in normal times. He has a special needs child (who he adores) and I think I read or heard that his family recently adopted a baby. As well as trying to keep us Covid-free, he's also got to worry about his family and himself. These are hard times for us all. Very, very hard times.

I think that if he had free rein and wasn't under pressure to wring as much cash out the PCVST poor old cow, he would probably get more done that needs to be done and would do less of the nonsense. I met him once and I didn't think he was a bad guy at all. He's not the owner, he's an employee and the range of what he can and cannot do is dictated by Blackstone, who we know is 100% inhumane, heartless and evil. My major beef with him was his Directories fiasco! I'll get over it though! I've given up harassing him over the heat because I honestly don't think he can do a thing about it unless Black$tone decides to remove the sensors and put in a better system - and can you imagine the MCI that would bring down on our head? I just keep my space heaters going during the cold days and pray that they don't start charging us for electricity.

Anonymous said...

Hayduk had a letter to the editor in the News today refuting the guy who is leading the rent strike. What a self righteous prig Hayduk is.

Anonymous said...

Disagree with the above. Although Hayduk does have to carry through Blackstone policies, I believe he does it very willingly. I have met him too. He is phony, pretends to hear your gripes but gives unsatisfactory answers, is responsible for the horrendous events and keeps up a running opinion that people like the events. He is a hypocrite and you should not have to run heaters. He is more sinister than you think.

Anonymous said...

The deterioration of StuyTown is appalling.
And I do not mean as a result of the Coronavirus crisis.
There has been a long, slow diminution of services and a sharp decline in the "campus" over the past couple of years.
THANKS, Tenants "Association!"

Anonymous said...

"who I believe live off campus"

Please stop using the word "campus". Or "community" if you decide to use that term. Both have been used in Rick's PR spin to show a "softer" side of Blackstone. Bogus.

"that they don't start charging us for electricity."

This is a common misconception that is found among both short term (renovated) and long term (non-renovated) tenants here. Your electrical cost is factored in your base rent. You are “paying" for your electricity in that calculation. In addition, for those tenants who have air conditioners (100% for renovated, not sure for those who have non-renovated apartments), you are are charged a stand alone monthly fee for that electricity use. This monthly amount is determined by the DHCR on a yearly basis based upon an elevation of NYS electrical rates, inflation, etc. Just because your electricity expense is not metered does not mean you are not paying for electricity.

Anonymous said...

Poor Rick he is really hated here. It's not really his fault. They hired and trained a puppet. Of course, he should have taken a more honest job but hey, he'll be gone by 2021.

Anonymous said...

After all this time Hayduk is offering seniors masks on first come and first served basis. It took him this long. I needed it two months ago, not now. Terrible that it took him so long.

Anonymous said...

Hayduk is a definite improvement over Rob Speyer, who is as evil as he is ugly - and god knows he's ugly! He and his thugs harassed seniors to their deaths in some cases. The used to pop a bottle of champagne every time a senior died. There's a special place in hell for that bastard.

Anonymous said...

I thought we were still under stay at home orders? Why are the playgrounds and lawns packed with people playing sports and hanging out? There is clearly no social distancing rules in effect here in Sty Town. The only question now is how much will Blackstone get sued for?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I thought we were still under stay at home orders? Why are the playgrounds and lawns packed with people playing sports and hanging out? There is clearly no social distancing rules in effect here in Sty Town. The only question now is how much will Blackstone get sued for?<<

Sometimes I take a look at the Oval lawn. Depending what time it is, I don't see a negation of the social distancing rules in general. Yes, later in the day I see families (?) playing with a ball, but when I am out I see a lot of social distancing but not ALL. Yes, some people get away with it (including in the early morning two PS officers side by side and talking who were not wearing masks), but most of the people I see are wearing masks.

Anonymous said...

Beam Living is hoping to have us old timers croak so they can get our below market rate apartments back.
I'm surprised they haven't put a non-refrigerated truck in the Oval to store the bodies like that vile funeral parlor in the Bronx did.
Then Rick could advertise it an another "Oval Amenity".
Sorry, Rick.
Not so fast.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't disagree more about your social distancing comment. There isn't even a pretense of distancing here any longer. There were dozens of kids playing hockey/soccer etc. all together including parents in a large group at the playground I cross to get to my job. Less than half had on masks. I don't want to go out but have no choice as my job is considered essential. I have stopped crossing the playground as it is a petrie dish of covid-19. There is 0% chance that a spike will not occur here due to managements stupidity. They should pay for that.

Anonymous said...

I see many flaws in social distancing here. Hayduk puts out all this crap in his e-mails, but he should tell people not to walk three abreast on the pathways. Why can’t they walk single file on the side especially when people are coming at them. He should also mention stopping in the middle of the pathways. Just a simple reminder to show pathway etiquette. But no, I guess he doesn’t want to ruffle his demo’s feathers here.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the social distancing here is terrible. The opening of the oval was a terrible idea. I see PS officers and ST workers congregated on the pathways blocking the way.Plus club cars. I hate going out for walks for that reason

Anonymous said...

Hayduk is all smarm and form without substance. He asks (not tells) us to play nice, etc., pretends to be so caring about seniors and vulnerable people, but he is not MAN enough to order his PS staff to enforce the rules. Not just the mask and social and distancing rules, but ANY rules. The only rule enforced here is that you pay your rent. Beyond that, it is a free for all. I don't think they'll even be able to enforce that rule soon because you can't get blood out of a turnip. Probably the older people with the low-rent apartments and a steady income from retirement are the only ones in a position to pay their rent. Funny how life turns out. They were the despised and reviled and who were wished dead, not they may well be the only ones paying their way.

Hayduk is a loser. A straw man. If PS were properly trained and there were enough of them (like in the olden days) there would be no question of them enforcing the rules/laws. I just avoid walking through the property and advise everybody I meet to not even consider for one moment moving here!

Bad News Here, There and All Over said...

Where to begin?

As this writer has expressed previously: our species is pernicious. In the extreme.

(Please, STR - do not censor or edit me. What I write now needs to be said. Thank you.)

Literally lethal behaviors are not confined to Blackstone, many of the imbeciles living here, many New York City residents. They are endemic all over the country and all over the human world.

Whether it is some jacked-up big guy with a gun incensed because his rights are violated if he's not permitted to endanger himself or thousands of others, or whether it is "the law" in the form of a judge deciding that endangering thousands of people is "the law," or whether it is immature, spoiled specimens who are "suffering" from "cabin fever" and the like - this is our species.

While I was horrified that, in addition to encouraging the potential killers to mingle and congregate and breathe on each other out on the Oval . . . oh, yay . . . hold your breath now for this WONDERFUL NEWS: FROZEN YOGURT TO BE SOLD BY THE 5 TURD CAFE.

Sure. INVITE ASSHOLES OF THE LETHAL VARIETY OUT OF THEIR LAIRS IN ORDER TO BUY YUMMY, YUMMY NECESSARY FOOD (ha!) AND HANG OUT IN DROVES AND CROWDS. (Rick's happy announcement of the doings here - his latest) And make no mistake, my brothers and sisters here in the Rotten Apple - whomever learns about this and decides to invade us is also WELCOME TO SICKEN US, BECOME SICK THEMSELVES, DIE OR CAUSE DEATH.

Again - this sure as heck isn't just Black$oul (that's a good one to its originator); it's typical of too damned many of us.

I'm watching and listening and waiting for the horrors lying in wait for so many of us. Anyone who searches seriously for information about this virus is aware that WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL IT DOES, WHEN, OR TO WHOM. New symptoms and threats appear daily.

I've great respect for this little self-preserving life form.

I've great respect and admiration for SOME of our species. Last week I met a niece of Butch Purcell, a woman who takes care of others in this time of threat. I wonder how he'd be reacting to the goings-on here now?

Anonymous said...

Is T&V still in business? Haven't had a paper and they haven't updated their blog since April.

Anonymous said...

Just looking at the TA fb. Can't believe people pay over $4k to live in this shit hole!

Anonymous said...

Most don’t stay beyond a year or two. Except for a few cheerleaders and the many students, transients, and city subsidized. If you look around your building you will see that over 50 percent of the demo is students, tourists, Airbnb and city subsidized. There are a lot of short term rentals here for corporations and agencies too. In addition, they rent rooms in shared apartments. Many pay only a third of the total rent in shared roomie apartments.

Anonymous said...

T&V will always be "in business." Business(=making money) is--and always was--their raison d'être. They are not serious/ethical journalists there. Watch for their miraculous(?) return, sooner or later....

Anonymous said...

Why are people ecstatic over winning a lottery apartment here? I don't think it's much of a bargain! Are they still RS? The rents here are absolutely insane. This place is anything BUT luxury and the rents are obscene. Having said that, the rents are obscene all over the City. The REBNY cabal are worse than the Mob when it comes to extortion, bribery and corruption.

Anonymous said...

What's with this dumb idea of pinning open the doors to the laundry rooms and recycling area? Anybody can walk in and steal your stuff from the dryer. I don't want to stand for 45 minutes waiting for my stuff to dry. There are no seats in the laundry rooms and I can't lug a chair down there. Hayduk makes life harder and harder all the time, especially for seniors.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Beam Living is hoping to have us old timers croak so they can get our below market rate apartments back.
I'm surprised they haven't put a non-refrigerated truck in the Oval to store the bodies like that vile funeral parlor in the Bronx did.<<


Anonymous said...

The point is to not allow people to stay in the laundry room. You put your clothes in and leave. Sure you have to make three trips but I don’t want to be with other people in the laundry home. If people stayed it would get crowded. I like the doors open as I can get in and out quickly and it is hard to fiddle with a key wearing gloves. I almost never agree with Beam policies but in this Covid time it is good policy.

Anonymous said...

"Why are people ecstatic over winning a lottery apartment here? I don't think it's much of a bargain! Are they still RS? "

Yes all PCVST apartments are currently under the new rent reform act called the HSTPA. But that can change if the TA loses in court (Google Town & Village HSTPA) is that 6,200 renovated (non renovated and NYC lottery apartments will keep their HSTPA protections) apartments could lose their HSTPA protections 7/1/2020. If you think this is a dorm dump now, wait and see what happens if Blackstone gets it way in this court case. As per what I have read is that Blackstone's case is a weak/long shot but still they have the money to go all the way to NYS Appeal's court.


5.41 PM today, Saturday. I can see the Oval and the paths around it from our window. It's a f*****g COVID-19 horror show. So glad my wife and I got in a nice walk on the ST main levels, then inside PCV, and then Waterside Plaza for a nice East River sit down view early this morning. We avoid the Oval area at any time. Big difference in the morning crowd versus the late afternoon crowd for the A-Hole quotient. Rick "Surrender" Hayduk has given up completely on any social distance and mask wearing compliance here.

"I surrender dear"-Louie Armstrong. The # 1 song on Beam Living Radio?

Anonymous said...

Just took a walk around the oval at 6:3O PM. Shame on the management here. The place is overcrowded with no room to walk on the pathways. Kids playing ball in front of the cafe. When I told them it wasn’t permitted, a woman passing said”don’t worry about her.” Not a security guard in sight. They disappeared behind the office. Lots of people from outside. The oval was like a beach party . I am sure the groups were not all families. Just disgraceful. About 70 percent masks, unmasked were mostly young people. I wish the mayor and governor could look at this. We had a large virus outbreak here and it will happen again. Damn fools. Hayduk, you disgust me along with your company. They had no business opening that oval. Violation of social distance and health.

Anonymous said...

"The point is to not allow people to stay in the laundry room. You put your clothes in and leave. Sure you have to make three trips but I don’t want to be with other people in the laundry home. If people stayed it would get crowded. I like the doors open as I can get in and out quickly and it is hard to fiddle with a key wearing gloves. I almost never agree with Beam policies but in this Covid time it is good policy."

I understand what the point is, but you are missing my point and that is that with all the doors open people go into the laundry and steal stuff (towels mostly) that takes their fancy while it is drying. That means I have to stay down there to keep guard over my stuff. Maybe you don't have thieves in your building. Lucky you. I don't mind the trips. I mind the thieves.

Anonymous said...

"I almost never agree with Beam policies but in this Covid time it is good policy."

I've seen more people hanging around in my laundry since the doors have been opened than there ever were when they were closed and you had to use a key to get in. The reason: this place is full of thieves. Leaving the doors open is an open invitation to thieves. Beam's policies seldom benefit the tenants, but are a godsend to thieves and predators.

Anonymous said...

"You put your clothes in and leave."

And you come back and find them stolen.

Anonymous said...

We had thievery even before the doors were left open. Nobody knows who lives here anymore.

Anonymous said...

Why is Hayduk allowing large gatherings on the oval during a pandemic? Where does he get his nerve from?

Anonymous said...

I will close the laundry doors when I'm doing my laundry. If somebody opens them while I'm down there, I will simply close them again. As many times as it takes. We will soon be finding homeless people sleeping in the laundry rooms.

I see so many young people strolling around the property not wear masks. Such assholes. Arrogant assholes.

Anonymous said...

"Why is Hayduk allowing large gatherings on the oval during a pandemic? Where does he get his nerve from?"

Hayduk has no control over this place and what goes on. He has no idea who even lives here!

Anonymous said...

This is one of the worst places in the city for social distancing. Many outsiders are coming in here to bask on the oval grass. Between the scooters, bikes, assholes without masks, ball playing idiots, and rude people who walk three abreast on the pathways, the Sty is a dangerous place to be ,cannot even take a nice walk here. Hear that Slick Rick and company. You are violating social distancing norms. Where is your common sense? I wish we had NYPD in here.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Though I have my clear problems with this Management and Stuy Town, I have to say that during this virus I am more thankful to be here rather than in some other place in Manhattan where one lives in close quarters and goes downstairs to face the street full blast. We have, if used properly, a lot more outside space than many others.

Again, I do go outside and see what is happening. I don't go into the Oval lawn or sit by the fountain when it's busy, but even then I see most people wearing a face mask. Yeah, there are those that either do not or wear them half-assed, but that is a minority. Sometimes a very small minority. Children in particular. I don't "fear for my life." I take precautions and obey the governor's directive, and that's it. If it's a nice day, I welcome the opportunity to go outside and sit, by myself, in several places that are not crowded at all.

Anonymous said...

As well it should be. Thank you for all your efforts and DO take that deserved solitary break once in a while.

Anonymous said...

I disagree in part, especially as regards the opening of the oval which is drawing outsiders in. I have found a place to go that is much less crowded than the oval. I felt much safer and did not have to keep dodging people walking three abreast and kids playing ball. The oval is a mess on a warm, sunny day. As for masks, it is better but yesterday I saw about 65 percent. I also saw picnicking on the lawn by one of the playgrounds. This should be prohibited.

Anonymous said...

I see people hop over the low fences to spread out their shit and themselves on the little grassy areas that are fenced off. I often see them lift their dogs over the fences to let them run around and, of course, relieve themselves.

We have no "policing" whatsoever here. PS might as well not exist because they are just for show. They have instructions from the Idiot in Chief not to do anything about enforcing the rules and those hundreds of cameras we are paying for are not even working or watched. It is all show here. Rick is like the Wizard of Oz. A GREAT BIG NOTHING. He is more dangerous than if we had no Property Manager because he gives the illusion of being in charge and that is just what it is: an ILLUSION.

I don't know what his salary is, but whatever it is it is too much and is factored into the rents here. Without Rick, PS and the "Lifestyle" guy. Expenses would be lower and the place would be none the worse for not having them.

Anonymous said...

They should be checking IDs. The oval is crowded enough as it is without having non residents picnicking and frolicking. I had someone ask me where the fountain is.

Anonymous said...

The Security guys we used to have would never stand for bullshit. If you were breaking the rules they would let you know in no uncertain terms and write you up if you gave them any guff, and then you would hear from Management. Of course that was when we actually had a Management and this was a place where people came to make it their home rather than an extended stay hotel/flop/squat/dorm/AirBnB. When people moved in here with a view to making it their home for at least a few years, they treated the property and their neighbors with much, much more respect. Management treated us with more respect too.

We had a Property Manager, not a Cruise Director.

Anonymous said...

Does Rick have a Deputy or Assistant Manager? Running this place is a very, very big responsibility for one person. Bill Potter ran it like clockwork, but he had a very large staff and they were very, very well trained. I doubt that Black$oul would be willing to put out the money it would take to run it the way it used to be run. I think the property is now a low-budget enterprise with high budget needs. Unless that is rectified, it will never improve. Keep in mind that when Potter and his superb staff were running the place all rents were RS and lower than average and there was a long waiting list to get in here. And still MetLife turned a profit on the place. Now, the rents are exorbitant, people can't wait to move out (apart from those who live in the unrenovated units) and the services are paltry. I don't count the unnecessary and (mostly] unwanted "amenities."

Anonymous said...

It's no good constantly harking back to the "good old days" and blaming Hayduk for the dump this place now is. The destruction started when the evil Benmoshe was CEO of MetLife and the company went public as opposed to mutual. That's when they started destroying the place and harassing the elderly. Tishman Speyer bought the property from MetLife on the understanding that all the elderly RS tenants would be driven out one way or another and when that didn't work out they walked away from it, leaving the dump (as it had become) saddled with debt. CWC tried to make a profit off the place and failed, but CWC treated tenants almost as badly as Tishman Speyer. Blackstone has it now and we can be sure it won't get better. None of this is the actual fault of Rick Hayduk. He just works for Blackstone; he doesn't make their policies. I think he tries his best, but this place will never ever be the way it was before MetLife decided to offload it.
I don't like some of the things he's done (I was royally pissed when he took down the directories and I don't care for the crappy events he presents, but I think he does the best he can to try and make everybody happy and he will never be able to do that. No owner or landlord could be worse than Tishman Speyer. No one is that evil and Blackstone may be evil, but I don't believe that Rick Hayduk is. He's an employee of Blackstone and he does the best he can with the job. But he is not Blackstone!
I've work for some shitty enterprises at various times during the course of my life (lawyers - yech), but I just did what were my duties, took the paycheck and that was it.

Anonymous said...

Hayduk is just following orders.


Didn’t cut it in Germany and doesn’t cut it here.

Anonymous said...

He works for Blackstone, is the face for Blackstone on this property, and collects a check from Blackstone, so he is Blackstone. He is vindictive and nasty to people who cross him (see his Daily News op-Ed from last week), and he feeds us lies on a daily basis. The only decent thing this guy has done is the PSLL Challenger division.

Anonymous said...

1:08 AM is absolutely correct in stating at beginning of their post that the rot began under Met Life. I'd noticed deterioration beginning in late Seventies, believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

Tishman Speyer was evil and they didn’t hide it. Hayduk and company put up a false facade of warmth and caring while doing their damage,Worse.

Anonymous said...

At least we weren’t a dump for students, transients, and city subsidized.

Anonymous said...

The 5 Turd eColi Stuy Town Cafe is certainly doing a rollicking business! NOT!
When they finally use their beer and wine license I hear they'll have a special on "Corona" Beer.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed a lot of homeless young men hanging around and near the property. Those who hang out near TJ and Target and on Avenue A can be very, very aggressive. Not safe to go out after dark now and absolutely NO PS or NYPD presence.

Anonymous said...

"Tishman Speyer was evil and they didn’t hide it. Hayduk and company put up a false facade of warmth and caring while doing their damage,Worse."

This is true. Blackstone runs a very sophisticated PR machine that has many tenants here, long and short term, fooled. Meanwhile behind the scenes, the shiv to the back...."Private equity firms like Blackstone buying out medical groups."

Please view this YouTube.

"The Surprising Link Between Blackstone and Surprise Medical Billing "

Anonymous said...

Does anybody here read that Tenants FB that is not affiliated with the TA? That nasty witch who always has to have the last word just made the nastiest remark to the elderly lady who was assaulted in the elevator in her building a few weeks ago. That woman needs to be banned from SM! Can't believe what a Bitch on Wheels she is! She must be absolute HELL to live with.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I've noticed a lot of homeless young men hanging around and near the property. Those who hang out near TJ and Target and on Avenue A can be very, very aggressive. Not safe to go out after dark now and absolutely NO PS or NYPD presence.<<

Used to be, and a long time ago, that most of our cops were Irish and they carried a billy club to make the "bums" (non-PC) move or face an unseen dripping in the police station that left bruises. But I don't really know. I wasn't around then.

Anonymous said...

What did she say? Not on Facebook here.

Anonymous said...

The evil of Blackstone and it's kind knows no bounds:

Anonymous said...

"Used to be, and a long time ago, that most of our cops were Irish and they carried a billy club to make the "bums" (non-PC) move or face an unseen dripping in the police station that left bruises. But I don't really know. I wasn't around then."

These days the cops kick and stomp people or choke them to death. Always been police brutality. It's the cancer of the NYPD and other PDs around the country.

Anonymous said...

Noted that on the TA site, someone posted that they are happy that there are few NYU students here. Also dismayed that NYU is opening in the fall. Of course cheerleaders are happy the students are returning. I am thrilled they are gone. Empty laundry rooms and less noise. Of course Slick Rick must be delighted. His favorite demo. Otherwise how would they fill the apartments so effectively.

Anonymous said...

"What did she say? Not on Facebook here."

Told the elderly lady who was assaulted by a naked crazy in her elevator that maybe she should not be living independently anymore. I was a dig because the lady is still clearly traumatized by the event - as would be anyone who endured such an ordeal. It was a nasty dig from a nasty person. She's one of those assholes who will disguise an insult as concern. I think she is just vile.

Anonymous said...

"Noted that on the TA site, someone posted that they are happy that there are few NYU students here. Also dismayed that NYU is opening in the fall. Of course cheerleaders are happy the students are returning. I am thrilled they are gone. Empty laundry rooms and less noise. Of course Slick Rick must be delighted. His favorite demo. Otherwise how would they fill the apartments so effectively."

They depend on the NYU and other college demo because they cannot rent these overpriced apartments to anybody else. Only a fool would pay the kind of rents they ask for the kind of "service" they provide. Btw, I don't consider those lousy events to be a "service!" If the property was safer and they hired more PS staff and more plumbers and electricians (qualified personnel, of course), that would be Service worth paying for.

Anonymous said...

The property has a reputation for being a dorm. Everywhere I go, if I mention I live in Stuyvesant Town I am met with "Oh, isn't that full of students now?" I always respond in the affirmative and make a point of telling the inquirer that they are UNDERGRAD students. That is usually met with a grimace and a look of pity!

Anonymous said...

There's some entitled broad who sprawls herself out on the fenced-off grassy area in front of 455. I wonder if she would if she knew how many dogs are lifted over that fence to take a shit there. I can see it from my front window and can't believe the stupidity. Of course, none of these violations is ever picked by any of our numerous "security" cameras. If the sunbather was caught on the cameras PS would probably ogle rather than tell her to move.

Anonymous said...

FIGHT BACK said...



FRIDAY, MAY 12 at 12:30 p.m. Social Distance Protest at Blackstone’s Office

"Met Council will be joining other housing groups from across the city at the headquarters of one of the largest landlords in the U.S. [and owner of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village] to demand the governor cancel rent and not bail out corporate landlords. Bring pots and pans to bang with you! Let Met Council know if you are attending here."

BLACKSTONE IS AT 345 PARK AVENUE (between East 51st and 52nd Streets).


Please go there tomorrow with pots or pans, loud voices, masked faces, gloves, determination to both "social distance" and to FINALLY SPEAK OUT.

I am deeply disappointed since this is the first such DEMONSTRATION AGAINST BLACKSTONE (and, as a representative of predatory landlords, generally) and I am prohibited from going due to multiple medical conditions which necessitate remaining at home.

Otherwise, I'd be one of the first there, and among the loudest.

Anonymous said...

To May 21 at 12:20 PM:


It is a succinct and inspired description of what Blackstone and their brethren are doing to harm, and possibly kill, people during this pandemic. Their actions badly harm (and could conceivably lead to death from the virus from what I infer) both medical workers and patients.

These actions, of course, comport with and are consistent with, Blackstone's destruction of part of the Amazon Forest, and Blackstone's relentless campaign against the ability to live in a home, period.

Anonymous said...

I have unsubscribed to both the Rick emails and the TA emails. There is something so sinister about these people, especially Rick and Blackstone. My grandparents were Holocaust Survivers and they always said "if someone gives you a gut feeling" of evil, bypass that entity at all times. I got that gut feeling when I read Hayduk's bulletins and any time I read about Blackstone. There's a LOT of evil in this world and sometimes it is propagated by the people you would suspect the least. Sometimes things go full circle and the monster of yesteryear is found in smiling face of now.

Anonymous said...

What is it with Amazon that their delivery people just cannot or will not read the address labels? They toss them into the wrong lobbies, at the wrong doors and are gone in a flash. I never ever have ordered from Amazon and I never will, but I have had five boxes literally hurled at my door (no doorbell ring) and the delivery person is down the elevator by the time I get to the door. Each time it has happened I have either taken the package myself to the building where it should have been delivered or called PS who has taken care of it. From now on I am just going to keep the package. If it is something I can use I'll keep it; if it is something I have no use for I'll toss it. Let Amazon replace the "lost" item. I don't order from that shitty company and don't work for them, so I feel I have no obligation at this point.

Stuy Town Reporter said...


FRIDAY, MAY 12 at 12:30 p.m. Social Distance Protest at Blackstone’s Office<<

I can't make it, too, but thank you for the awareness. Not that it matters, but the boss of Blackstone has "Schwarzman Scholars" in a very nice place in China. Check it out:

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>There's some entitled broad who sprawls herself out on the fenced-off grassy area in front of 455. I wonder if she would if she knew how many dogs are lifted over that fence to take a shit there. I can see it from my front window and can't believe the stupidity. Of course, none of these violations is ever picked by any of our numerous "security" cameras. If the sunbather was caught on the cameras PS would probably ogle rather than tell her to move.<<

Is she hot? Makes a difference. Kidding aside, I'm lax these virus days for people to use the fenced off lawns if they are not making noise. Dogs, another thing, because they can piss and more in the lawns. The dogs, of course.

Anonymous said...

His persistent e-mails during the pandemic are inane and phony. Actually nauseating.

Anonymous said...

>>There's some entitled broad who sprawls herself out on the fenced-off grassy area in front of 455. I wonder if she would if she knew how many dogs are lifted over that fence to take a shit there. I can see it from my front window and can't believe the stupidity. Of course, none of these violations is ever picked by any of our numerous "security" cameras. If the sunbather was caught on the cameras PS would probably ogle rather than tell her to move.<<

"Is she hot? Makes a difference. Kidding aside, I'm lax these virus days for people to use the fenced off lawns if they are not making noise. Dogs, another thing, because they can piss and more in the lawns. The dogs, of course."

Rick has "surrendered" again on this. From his last email:

"As previously stated, we’ll be liberal with access to the lawns, but dog owners should recognize dogs cannot accompany their owners (except for service dogs) inside the fences."

Once the Genie is out of the bottle, forget about ever putting him back in. Another QOL regulation gone forever. Like the 80% carpet requirement.

And STR, you will especially like this one. From the same email:

"Public Safety Officers will be patrolling their “neighborhoods,” and as a reminder, dog owners should have their dogs registered by June 1. Yes, we’re giving another amnesty period, but June 1 is the call to action date."

Another "amnesty period"? Another deadline date to be ignored? What are we up to 3-4 of these at least?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it BlackRock and not Blackstone who is destroying the Amazon Rainforest? Mind you, I wouldn't be surprised if Blackstone was doing it too. BlackRock Is the evil entity who partnered with Tishman Speyer to destroy this place.

I agree with the poster who is descended from Holocaust Survivors. There is something intrinsically evil about the people mentioned. Something shady and devious. I, too, have unsubscribed from their emails.
Open the books you crooks in the TA! Don't ask for our money when there is no accountability.

I have no respect whatsoever for Rick because a decent person would never work for $atan and that's who he works for.

You're Really Not That Important said...

"There's some entitled broad . . ."

Regarding the female human garbage (as in waste) spread out on the grass:

In years gone by, I've stopped this practice by myself. I've chased people off those small grassy areas. Period.

People who were defiant and became aggressive toward me (verbally) or who were passive-aggressive in their approach by ignoring me met with the same fate: I called Security and waited until they appeared and chased them off the grass. Security always came when I requested them to get rid of the selfish jackasses on innocent grass.

I cannot go out these days, and even were I to go outside, confronting the absolute trash that lives here is not wise for me at this particular point. Frankly, it occurred to me to try to form our own auxiliary police organization here to protect ourselves and our environment.

We are living in exceedingly ugly times. Inviting, or even ignoring any of this bad behavior is a mistake. This coronavirus is hurting human populations as it does precisely because of attitudes and behaviors such as that which the sprawled out human specimen is demonstrating: utter self-involved concern. Period. "I can do what I want. I have rights. F*ck yourself, I'll do what feel like doing." Turn on the news, read a newspaper or news feed. "I'll party, go to bars, go to the beach, go get my nails done, have a haircut . . . too damned bad if YOU die of the coronavirus because of me." The behaviors of millions of people all over the world during this pandemic are EXACTLY as they've been for years now - selfish, hedonistic, narcissistic.

To some extent, THIS is what Blackstone and thousands of companies are doing - on a larger scale. "ME, ME, ME. WONDERFUL ME. THE HELL WITH YOU."

Anonymous said...

I don't think Hayduk is evil. Blackstone and it's owners might be, but RH is just doing a job. We might not like how he does it, but I really don't think he's evil!

Anonymous said...

Hayduk must be salivating at the thought of NYU students returning in the fall. It is so great without them. Empty laundries, quiet outside, less pot smell, etc. Oh how I wish that NYU would go virtual.

Anonymous said...

He does what he does for these evil people in the name of a paycheck, so that makes him evil. If there were no other jobs in the world, I would give him the benefit of the doubt for continuing to do the work of an evil entity, but there are, so I don’t. He has also lied directly to the faces of countless tenants - evil.

Anonymous said...

I haven't smelled pot once since the "Pause" and the people are still there. They're not students, but young professionals. Maybe they are not working and can't afford it now. It is so nice to go out into the hall and not get smacked in the face by the stench of skunk pot. Unfortunately, someone has walked dog shit all through the call. It's been there a couple of days now.

Anonymous said...

Citizen is reporting a staff member was assaulted overnight at 610 East 20th, anyone know if it was PS? Let’s see if Rick sends out an email blast about the incident, but still radio silence on the lady who was assaulted by a fellow tenant in the elevator.

Anonymous said...

About Blackstone/Rick "inheriting" the heating system defects here -

I don't think so, although I couldn't swear that I am correct.

Two conversations which I wrote about last year persuaded that the refusal to provide heat or adequate is DELIBERATE:

An employee here who has proven intelligent, vigilant and reliable, warned me the spring before it worsened that Blackstone had directed management here to provide less heat the following winter. And that is precisely what happened.

A subcontractor working for Blackstone, a subcontractor who deals with the heating in all of the residential buildings Blackstone owns in NYC, showed me the wires responsible for the broken heating sensors, explained why the sensors don't work, explained that only a small percentage of Blackstone's residential buildings could be fixed each year (a small budget).

So, even if Blackstone "inherited" a screwed-up heating system, they worsened it deliberately, and also refused to fix it (claiming "budget" issues, among others).

Anonymous said...

"I don't think Hayduk is evil. Blackstone and it's owners might be, but RH is just doing a job. We might not like how he does it, but I really don't think he's evil!"

I'm going to follow up every BS statement like this with the best answer I have ever seen on this thread:

"Didn’t cut it in Germany and doesn’t cut it here."

Anonymous said...

He’s evil.

Evil is as evil does.

Anonymous said...

"They're not students, but young professionals."

I'm glad you bought this up. People at this blog confuse students with this demo all the time. However many of them (not all-many work crazy hours in tech and finance) do share the same narcissist/entitled behavior as the students. And many are parental funded as well.

Anonymous said...

The heat can be adjusted manually. So they can do better with it if they so desired,

Anonymous said...

OK, roomies, students , similar demo. And my building is pretty empty. A lot of the students ARE gone for now.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what people expect from Rick Hayduk. He does the job he's paid to do and I doubt he has much choice as to how he does it. He doesn't own the place. The EVIL is at the top and Rick Hayduk is not at the top.

Anonymous said...

"So, even if Blackstone "inherited" a screwed-up heating system, they worsened it deliberately, and also refused to fix it (claiming "budget" issues, among others)."

It was inherited (Met Life installed it) but as you say, they have not maintained it so here we are. With a failed heating sensor system.

Anonymous said...

This is the lethal state of affairs in the Oval today .
Not a mall cop in sight. Total lack of social distancing.
the missing masks. This is Blackstones murderous homicidal negligence. A total disregard for human life.
Rick and company will have blood on their miserable hands when this shithole experiences the inevitable death spike.

Anonymous said...

He is the CEO of Stuy Town Property Services. THE CEO!! He is the one who goes to the board meetings at Blackstones Park Avenue offices to give them the updates on what’s going on here, and he comes back to this property with the marching orders on What’s to be done to make life miserable for tenants all in the name of the mighty dollar.

Do I hold a resident service rep or public safety officer or porter in the same light? Absolutely not. They don’t implement Blackstones evil policies on this property - that is solely on Ricks shoulders.

Stand Up and Fight said...

I consider this information URGENT with regard to life and death (the coronavirus):

(1) My partner and I have now viewed at least one neighbor standing in front of their apartment window (living room) and gazing outside with a full mask covering most of their face (below eyes down to over the chin). This might well indicate at least one person living in that apartment with coronavirus. Perhaps not, but likely.

I assume (yes, perhaps mistakenly, perhaps not) that we have quite a number of coronavirus cases here. Someone had mentioned that already on this blog.

Black Death/Beam Dying (more descriptive and accurate than Blackstone/Beam Living) has in fact NOT informed us of ill neighbors. There is no way to know if there are ill people in our buildings who are sick despite the legal requirement. Black Death/Beam Living lie, deny, withhold, twist facts). I saw one notice some weeks ago in my building and that was it. Who knows how many we actually have had? Have now? Will have?

Given the density and congestion here, Black Death/Beam Dying needed/needs to let many more residents know about coronavirus here. One building affected by the killer virus means danger to people in other buildings, as well.

(2) The Oval is a breeding ground for death, plain and simple. Many people, engaging in lethal behaviors, including not wearing masks, with no one to demand that they do so. This is, of course, threatening to people who LIVE near the Oval and would like to walk/sit there. This is NOT "like the rest of the City," or any other venue. THIS IS THE LANDLORD WHOM WE PAY RENT IN ORDER TO LIVE (SAFELY) IN OUR HOMES DELIBERATELY CREATING A DANGER TO HUMAN LIFE.

Depraved indifference to human life?

Negligent homicide? 'Cause it's a certainty we HERE, and especially if you infest the Oval, will see a new spike of coronavirus infection and possibly DEATH. I call that murder. No?

Black Death/Beam Dying is convinced that both law and morality do not apply to them. Whaddya think?

Anonymous said...

The "young professionals" - we used to call them "yuppies" and there was nothing affectionate in that term.

It is many/most of the students; the yuppies, AND the families with little children (it pains me, as a female, to say that it is mainly mothers) who do most of the damage here. People don't know how to behave decently, and it is mainly those three groups who behave worst here.

Sad to say, though, that as society generally deteriorated, older people, WHO KNEW AND BEHAVED MUCH BETTER, adopted the antisocial, abhorrent, generally disgusting behaviors of the younger generations.

If individuals do not do the hard work of examining themselves and correcting their deficiencies, then society goes down the drain. And we exemplify that here in Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village.

And there are nearly no courageous individuals to raise their voices and more in protest.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I saw the posts this morning over at the two Stuy Town sites about the sellers on the street near the church. Are the post complainers from NYC? Seriously. This area has people selling junk before the virus. Way before. (And it is junk. Sorry.) Each case has to taken individually. "There but for the grace of God" can be another way of saying "I accept." Again, we do not know the stories behind the sellers. Some, gasp, can be people trying to gain your sympathy and not really in trouble. Some can be alcoholics. Some can have drug problems. We don't know. Yeah, there is a virus out there, and many, many stores are closed. Fact. But you don't know what the facts are in this case. You are just berating... I have a solution to your concern. Instead of crying and berating, invite the sellers (at least one for now) over to your Stuy Town apartment. Share your place, your food, and a good shower. Repeat, daily if you can. That way you will be helping the sellers.

Anonymous said...

Sad to say, though, that as society generally deteriorated, older people, WHO KNEW AND BEHAVED MUCH BETTER, adopted the antisocial, abhorrent, generally disgusting behaviors of the younger generations.

Boys with long hair, girls wearing pants... and you call that noisy racket ‘music’???

Now get out of here, it’s time for Lawrence Welk!

Anonymous said...

STR, are you serious? Don't we have enough disease in the STY without bringing in street dwellers into our apartments? Very charitable thought. Let us know when YOU do that.

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