Monday, May 30, 2022

Don't Get Hit by an E-Bike or E-Scooter

Thanks to our "woke" City Council, e-bikes and e-scooters are legal. Good news if you want less cars in the city, but bad news, sometimes very bad, for pedestrians who are concerned and wary about crossing a street, almost hit, and hit by these bikes and scooters. Does the City Council actually walk the streets? Or do they use transportation provided by the city? They know, or should know, that rules for bikes and scooters are not followed unless a cop is right there. I could be a millionaire by now if I got one dollar for every such rule broken. There will be more accidents and injuries involving e-bikes and e-scooters because of the "woke" City Council. On this issue, they are idiots. How plain and simple is that?

Here in Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village, there is no enforcement of any rule concerning e-bikes and e-scooters unless one runs over the foot of a Public Safety officer. And even then!

When one crosses the street right outside, one has to be careful, as these e-bikes and e-scooters do not stop. To them, the pedestrian is just a nuisance. Get out of the way, slowpokes!


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Anonymous said...

They've cut back on staff for everything essential, but still have those dumb events and the idiot who arranges them. Can't wait to get out of here and warn everybody I meet to avoid this place like the plague!

Anonymous said...

Sunday night at 9 pm: Loads of students moving in with their stuff in carts; brown water coming out of the shower. I hope that anybody (hard-working adult) who is thinking of renting here and paying the asking rent will see this and thinks twice. The Leasing Office will NEVER tell you the truth!

Anonymous said...

Used condoms on floor of carriage room.

Anonymous said...

Murdering Trees:

When a member of my species makes a deliberate decision to violently assault and end the life of another life form, it often seems to me to be murder. Ditto for committing separate or ongoing actions which can well result in illness and death of another creature.

This is not our much vaunted species' "legal" definition of "murder," I'm aware.

Blackstone murders millions, maybe billions of lives. (Think Amazon Forest and its inhabitants, among other examples.)

Some years back, when Rick Hayduk was still here, and I was refused heat in my apartment for days during frigid winter months, it was made plain to "Management" that other innocent and helpless creatures living without heat for prolonged periods of time in my/our home could sicken and even die. When I used the word "murder" in the "Resident Services" office, explaining precisely what I meant, I was rewarded with threats of legal actions against me and similar "punishments."

Of course, no heat.

Blackstone has willfully, knowingly, and deliberately murdered, or cause to be murdered, the tree written about above. A splendid, breathing, feeling living creature.

Outrage and fury for me only follow a pain, a mourning, a despair I cannot adequately put into words.

Maybe someone reading this post can understand how much this Monday morning hurts me for the slow death of that living creature.

Anonymous said...

Can’t believe what a shithole this place has become since Blackstone acquired it, but they are only living up to their reputation as housing predators and destroyers. I would be embarrassed to work for such an outfit. As bad as working for a cartel because violence comes in different forms.

Anonymous said...

"Nothing says High Class like a port-a-potty or two! I’m expecting a crew of young drunks stumbling home at 4am to overturn them."


I'm expecting Black$tone to collect rent income from transients living inside them.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if anyone in Management ever reads this blog! It must piss them off if they do!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Fact: When Rick was manager of this place, he asked me to tone down the negative comments here.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Another fact: In the past, some higher people in Management know or knew me and my "secret identity." These people are not around now (that I know). I don't know if anyone in current Management knows me. Maybe yes, maybe no.

Anonymous said...

Why are people such animals when it comes to disposing trash in the Carriage rooms? It looks like a tornado struck. Garbage and sundries strewn all over the floor.
A rat observed happily rifling through garbage can.
Pity our poor, hardworking porters.
Not right.

BIGMO said...

"Fact: When Rick was manager of this place, he asked me to tone down the negative comments here."

Did he offer you a 'kickback' to silence you?

Wouldn't be surprised if he did but you have integrity.

Anonymous said...

"Fact: When Rick was manager of this place, he asked me to tone down the negative comments here."

I hope you asked him to tone up the quality of life here and give us reason for positive comments.

Anonymous said...

He also asked me to meet with him based on my negative comments on the TA blog. Was very unimpressed with the meeting. He took down notes and pretended to listen to my complaints about the concerts. Hypocritically said they were working on that. Full of BS.

Anonymous said...

Another fatal fire caused by an E-bike being charged in an apartment. Children and pets killed.
I fear for our safety here because it could happen here.
I feel like I’m living in a place where there is no one in charge. The inmates are running the asylum.
I hope to find a new home soon and will make it a mission to warn people NOT to rent here. It is an unmonitored undergrad dorm and has no real managerial staff - just party planners and overworked janitorial staff.
Cannot even say the apartments are that great: brown hot water every day; paper-thin walls and people moving in noisily at night. I could go on, but what’s the point?
It’s not like living in an actual apartment complex; it’s more like living in a badly managed hotel. A very, very expensive badly managed hotel!

Anonymous said...

Yuk! Puke! I’m surprised our porters stay on the job. They.didn’t sign up to clean up after filthy scum like e have here. I’d like a photo of that to put online

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I hope you asked him to tone up the quality of life here and give us reason for positive comments.<<

No. I responded that I don't get a check from Beam, you do. So I don't work for Beam, and the comment section is open to anyone and their statements, unless it is problematic for me. Not the argument, but the way it is said. I do not pass any comment, but most I do.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

It seems Beam has money to do this: I've seen workers put in blocks of granite around the grass area where the fencing is. Near the 20th St loop, east side. Also a leaf blower was "cleaning" this area where a workman was still doing the block job. Dust and dirt was being kick up right aroud him. No one cares, it seems.

This place is more and more of a administrative mess. Did you hear about the "dog relief areas"? Yes, there will be such areas for dogs to run free and crap.

Who is running this place and what is Beam "Living" doing?

BIGMO said...

"Did you hear about the "dog relief areas"? Yes, there will be such areas for dogs to run free and crap."

If I didn't check the calendar I would have thought it was April Fools Day!

Anonymous said...

Dog owners (residents or otherwise) aren't obligated to use the "relief areas," are they? They will do as they please, and what is most 'convenient' for them (only). And when will human residents here get (real) relief from Beam's Total Insanity?

Anonymous said...

The "dog relief areas" are dog runs and are illegal.

Their Name is Ruination said...

This place is not being run; it is being destroyed.


There is no longer any one or more human beings "in charge."

Those who have nominal say avoid nearly ALL contact with residents.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

BTW, the 20th Street loop area I saw this is on the west side, not the east, as I said earlier.

Anonymous said...

Rats! Rats! Rats1
I saw them scurrying on the patio of the Oval Cafe!
Disgusting and unsanitary to say the least.
In addition the porter in my building has told me a number of buildings have a burgeoning rodent and rat problem in the carriage rooms and compactor areas.
Porters are forbidden by Management to talk about this to tenants under threat of disciplinary action or even dismissal.
Nice, huh?
Are you aware of this, Mr. Stuyvesant Town Reporter?
BTW, you do a GREAT job and are a true treasure to our Community.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Notify the Health Department about the rats around the cafe. If you can get photographs, all the better.

This place is run by a bunch of Putinesque assholes! They have the porters intimidated and they try to intimidate the tenants as much as they can. This is not a "landlord" in the real sense of the word; it is a cabal of incompetent, greed-driven ghouls.

Remember that many of the people running from office at this time take a lot of money from Black Rock (of burning down the Amazon fame) and Blackstone (destroyers of homes fame). Please do a little research before voting.

Anonymous said...

"In addition the porter in my building has told me a number of buildings have a burgeoning rodent and rat problem in the carriage rooms and compactor areas.
Porters are forbidden by Management to talk about this to tenants under threat of disciplinary action or even dismissal."

Put everything except glass down the chute. Very little of our so-called recycling actually gets recycled, especially plastic. There are too many different types of plastic and it is not cost-effective to manufacturers to repurpose it. Glass can hurt the porters if it goes down the chute because it can cut them or cause splinters to go in their eyes.

Anonymous said...






I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW: People can't/won't do this. Even if they did, it wouldn't help.


Anonymous said...

Bed bug ALERT!
By law, management is supposed to notify residents if an apartment in their building is infested.
This is being IGNORED! ILLEGAL!
A word to the wise is sufficient.

Anonymous said...

Vomit on elevator floor this morning.

Anonymous said...

Is management actually creating shit and piss zones around the property? Thank god I don't live near the oval and thank god I don't live near these future outdoor dog toilets. I feel for the tenants that do. Has anyone ever walked past a dog park and breathed in before? Management has truly taken incompetence to a new level.

Anonymous said...

Shit and piss zones - good - calling it what it is -

Tisn't incompetence. It's deliberate and purposeful.

Anonymous said...

"A DAILY PRESENCE INSIDE THE RENTAL OFFICE" would quickly result in your arrest by NYPD. Outside, too.

Anonymous said...

3:53 pm: why is it purposeful? Are they trying to deter people from renting here? That wouldn’t be profitable. I think it’s just sheer incompetence. These are properties people. They are resorts and pubs people. I dread to think what the Blackstone resorts are like, though. They must be really low class dumps!

Anonymous said...

"These are properties people"

Meant to say "these are NOT properties people...."


Response to 6:43 p.m. and question about why it is purposeful:

It is purposeful because this gigantic "private equity" depravity deliberately, systematically harms, injures, murders*, immiserates millions of people around the planet, and murders millions? billions? of other lives (think of the Amazon forest burning a while back. Think of every single tree, plant, bird, reptile, mammal, et al, which died there).

This horror which "owns" us was written up in many news stories in March of 2019 and then again in May of that year. (I think I've got the dates right; I'm too disgusted and worse to doublecheck myself now.)

The first revelation was the report by the people involved with the United Nations who deal with the necessity of homes/housing for people all over the globe (United Nations Special Rapporteur). See, for instance:

The morally bankrupt, soul-dead "real estate" and "private equity" human plague which is our "landlord" was the most prominent and egregious of companies cited for putting people out of their homes, and harassing them when they are in their homes, and creating dangerous and unlivable conditions inside their homes. The lovely people who "financialized housing.
NUMBER ONE all over the globe in hurting people where housing is concerned.

In point of fact, when the housing bubble burst in 2008, they were either THE FIRST, or among the first of the "private equity" atrocities which jumped in to "capitalize" on the crisis, involve themselves in "real estate" and severely, severely hurt people. I believe the first instance might have been Florida's Invitation Homes. I have been informed and read about Spain and Australia and I think Denmark - many, many countries where they create living hell if you want to live in a home and not on the streets.

In May of 2019, two months after the UN's scathing condemnation and details, these most despicable of predators featured in many news reports as the driving force behind the burning of so much of the Amazon.

These are but two of the hundreds and probably more than that, concrete examples of who these mentally, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually warped beings are.

We had a spate of suicides here after they came in, as well as other deaths and incidents such as attempted rapes the likes of which had not happened here as frequently and in as large numbers before they invaded us.

The "founder" of this charming company, Stephen Schwarzman, has been described by at least one of his fellow real estate or financial brethren as a sociopath. (It might have been psychopath, but I believe it was sociopath. Again . . . too tired now to look up the article.) And this from "professions" known for attracting sociopaths (think, chiefly: no conscience).

Some years back, there was much posting here on the blog offering details and sources about the sick, sick people who took over here. (Part 2 of this response immediately after this)

*murder - I use it to describe behavior and actions which a person or person knowingly commits or engages in such that other life forms may well outright die, or endure such stress that it hastens death. As for the words into which I put quotes - I've not much respect for what those terms mean as we use them.


PART 2 - WHY THIS IS PURPOSEFUL (Deliberate Destruction):

WHY do they hurt us as they do? I cannot, of course, speak out of the mouths of any one of those who do this. I can offer a little speculation, along with insight. Insight, first: it's been explained to me that material greed, avariciousness is not the only, or even chief motivation of so much trouble in the world. The lust for power and control over other people is a big factor.

Speculation: They clearly have "plans" for the buildings and grounds and location.

They did from the start in October 2015 when they invaded and began the pillage and sacking of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village.

Commercialization, "entertainment," the determination to get rid of every real "resident" whose home this was or still is.

They have systematically and systemically created accelerating and far-reaching destruction of living beings such as trees, bushes and the like.

They have methodically DESTROYED individual apartments, safety features such as apartment layouts originally in our buildings and thicker flooring (constant sanding down of floors as they "turn over" what they've created as rabbit warrens, literal closets to live in, etc., etc. with their luring of transients, "students," "tourists" Airbnb, etc.).

They ACTIVELY, and INCREASINGLY, encourage some of the most destructive behavior of people that has ever occurred here.

They have, and continue to create, more and more conditions and situations of so many, many kinds of danger to safety, health, peace.

Maybe they want to have these buildings condemned. Maybe they'd prefer fires to burn them down given the conditions they've created and continue to foster. I don't know. But whatever it is, THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT AND HOW TO ACHIEVE IT.

I encourage anyone to search for the truth about these destroyers of so much and so many on this planet we all share.

Anonymous said...

5:06 p.m. "A DAILY PRESENCE INSIDE THE RENTAL OFFICE" would quickly result in your arrest by NYPD. Outside, too.

I agree. I am the poster of that message.

Once upon a time, some of our species, here in this country, shared values and convictions. They cared about one another and supported one another. They organized, planned, and worked together for the common good.

They demonstrated, picketed. They engaged in non-violent (civil) disobedience.

And yes, sometimes, they were arrested by NYPD or other police and went to jail. Because they cared and were principled. And were brave even while they were scared.

I knew some of them. All but one of them are dead now.

Anonymous said...

I view Blackstone and Black Rock (big donors to our local pols) as no better than the Mafia. Marginally better than Fascists. They have no conscience as a corporate entity and I question the integrity of people who work for them as salaried employees.
I would be embarrassed, maybe even ashamed, to admit I worked for such an outfit. I'm not referring to the drudges like the porters and electricians, etc., but the people who sit behind desks and think up more ways to make money for their Masters. As for the people in the Leasing Office: they are worse than ... well, let's just say I have more respect for street hookers. Don't see many of them these days, come to think of it!

Anonymous said...

Many of the people posting here are senior citizens, whom America doesn't care about. Politicians don't care, and corporations don't care. Tragic.

Anonymous said...

It is purposeful because they want all long time low rent paying tenants out and the only way they can rent 4,000 market rate apartments is to create student dorms, apartments with roomies renting rooms, city subsidized and Airbnb. That suits them fine. They can turn a profit that way. A continuous flow in of transient residents.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Rent strikes and protests are not feasible in such a large development in which 70 percent of residents are transients.

Anonymous said...

Do they get market rate from City subsidized tenants? I can't imagine the City shelling out such exorbitant amounts.

Anonymous said...

7:19 am:

You hit the nail on the head, unfortunately!

My only consolation is that karma is a bitch!

Anonymous said...

They are placed in newer remodeled apartments. It is probable that the residents pay some portion of the rent, but likely not a really large portion. Maybe caps are put on them, but I do not doubt that the city pays a significant portion of the rent. The apartment next door to me was vacated a couple of times by nice professional couples who said the rent was too high. A couple of women who moved in, belonging to a church group of some sort and who weren’t the original names on the apartment register have been there now for five years. They don’t appear to have high powered jobs which would help pay 4,000 a month for rent, are older and may not work at all. A church group moved them in.

Anonymous said...

The City should offer those illegal immigrants from Mexico (via Texas) now being "dropped off" at the Port Authority Bus Terminal--and being personally welcomed(?) there by Mayor Adams--apartments here. NYC has plenty of $$$--millions are wasted every day.

Anonymous said...

Apartments here?


There are thousands of apartments which are large or huge and luxurious and unoccupied all over the city in towering glass and steel monstrosities.

Anonymous said...


Millions upon millions settled here and went through long, arduous and difficult experiences to become citizens. They were often destitute, spoke no English. Yet they satisfied REQUIREMENTS to become citizens and built this city. They were no slave class for the wealthy as so many are today and hence assisting the ultra wealthy and moderately wealthy to destroy the American middle class.

The children of the immigrants (WHO WORKED TO BECOME CITIZENS), who by and large were impoverished exhausted Europeans, earned more Noble prizes than any other group.


Anonymous said...

"The City should offer those illegal immigrants from Mexico (via Texas) now being "dropped off" at the Port Authority Bus Terminal--and being personally welcomed(?) there by Mayor Adams--apartments here. NYC has plenty of $$$--millions are wasted every day."

I feel very sorry for those immigrants. Nobody goes through what they go through unless they are absolutely desperate to get out of the hellhole country they live in. The vile governor of Texas is to blame for bussing them up here.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I feel very sorry for those immigrants. Nobody goes through what they go through unless they are absolutely desperate to get out of the hellhole country they live in. The vile governor of Texas is to blame for bussing them up here.<<

You can do your part: Just open your apartment to an illegal immigrant or two.

Anonymous said...

"You can do your part: Just open your apartment to an illegal immigrant or two."


Anonymous said...

Perhaps current situation in Mexico is just a foreshadowing of where this country and city are headed.... Or is that being too "political"?

Stuy Town Reporter said...


You do know that some American people are going to these "hellhole" countries like Mexico and other places to retire? For them, living is better in these hellhole countries than here. And you do know that our President and his people have sent many of the illegal immigrants to states in the USA before this current "trick" by Arizona? Not a peep then, but now....

Stuy Town Reporter said...

NYC has gotten what it has voted for. Sanctuary city, high rise in crime, more money needed and needed, the gradual destruction of the middle class, "progressives" at odds with Asian Americans, etc.

Anonymous said...

People think Beam gives the City a "discount" for subsidized apartments here? Why should they? They aren't famous for kindness, you know....

Anonymous said...

Blackstone is positively brilliant at ruining people's homes and living conditions. They excel at creating, maintaining, fostering, encouraging, multiplying, exacerbating, aggravating, exploiting rotten conditions for tenants (and others of all stripes, including non-human life forms).

If they are in fact offering our paradise of a city discounts, you better believe they've got damned good reasons of their own. Perhaps hoping they're driving out middle-class residents is one of their reasons.

After all, Blackstone nicely represents the uber "rich" who are doing a superb job of pitting people against one another, and decimating and immiserating the middle class.

Anonymous said...

STR, please don't preach about immigration. FDR turned away boatloads of Jews fleeing Hitler. I have relatives who managed to get in except for one family member who was mentally retarded and was sent back. She no doubt ended up on Dr. Mengele's experiment table.
People don't leave their homeland and make whatever-it-takes of a trek to get here because they are pissed off with their cable or wireless service in the country of their birth.
Yes, some places are HELLHOLES if you are of a particular race, religion, class or unlucky enough to not be able to feed your family.
The only people who have a right to whine are the indigenous American Indians who were massacred and exterminated by the Pure White Christians who colonized the land and the African Americans who came to this country in slave ships.

Anonymous said...

Blackstone needs to take city renters since they cannot possibly fill these apartments at the rates they are charging. They would allow elephants here if they thought they could rent apartments if they did. They care about NOTHING else than renting their empty apartments. They are a huge failure.

Anonymous said...

6:30 am and the Welcome Homes downstairs have been fighting since 2:00 am. Any piece of scum with a pulse and a checkbook can rent in this dump.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Everyone has a right to bitch, but I understand your point. But unless you know about all the people who come here, you are just generalizing. I would assume that one cones here for a better life, but that can mean a lot of things. More money, more freedom, more this or that. But there is a legal process to come here. If one doesn't think that's acceptable, fine. And, yes, if one is so concerned about people coming here illegally, then open up your apartment to them. How many? Well, maybe a NYC lifestyle is a jewel compared with their own reality, so four or five in a Stuy Town apartment may be great! How many of us are willing to do that?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>American Indians who were massacred and exterminated by the Pure White Christians<<

I guess these Pure White Christians did not succeed.

Anonymous said...

They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens. Period, if you want to come to the USA (which a good chunk of the world does) there is a legal process. Granted the process has been broken since JFK, but just because you want a better life, for whatever reason, you don't get to break our laws.

I am with STR, if you think it is ok, take them into your apartment.

Anonymous said...

There is so much violent crime going on in this city and a lot of it is committed by mentally deranged homeless people. I wish Mayor Adams would focus more attention on those people. That governor in Texas isn't giving him a choice though when it comes to bussing the illegal immigrants up here.

Can't imagine why anyone would want to stay in Texas, though.
It's a shitty state.

Anonymous said...

"And, yes, if one is so concerned about people coming here illegally, then open up your apartment to them. How many? Well, maybe a NYC lifestyle is a jewel compared with their own reality, so four or five in a Stuy Town apartment may be great! How many of us are willing to do that?"

Many of them live ten to a room and take turns in sleeping on cots. This goes on throughout NYC, maybe especially in Queens. Plenty of greedy bastard landlords willing to exploit them. I'm surprised that Blackstone doesn't pack em in here and charge them or the City a pound of flesh and a pint of blood per person.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone see the massive construction site underway at the soon-to-be "doggie relief" area at Playground 7? Unf***ing believable!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Can't imagine why anyone would want to stay in Texas, though.
It's a shitty state.<<

I don't think I've been there, but some people that I know would contradict this. No matter. Mayor Adams has trouble here, and I'm still waiting for crime and the subways to be safer than they are
during his watch.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Has anyone see the massive construction site underway at the soon-to-be "doggie relief" area at Playground 7? Unf***ing believable!<<

I haven't gone there yet, but I'll try.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Many of them live ten to a room and take turns in sleeping on cots. This goes on throughout NYC, maybe especially in Queens. Plenty of greedy bastard landlords willing to exploit them. I'm surprised that Blackstone doesn't pack em in here and charge them or the City a pound of flesh and a pint of blood per person.<<

If Blacstone can make good money (from the city), they may do this!

Anonymous said...

Can't imagine why anyone would want to stay in Texas, though.
It's a shitty state.

August 10, 2022 at 12:38 PM

That would be your opinion and not a very popular opinion given that over the last 20 years no state has seen more people and jobs move out than NY and no state has seen more people and jobs move in than Texas. So your opinion is moot and not very intelligent. Try using facts next time.

Anonymous said...

"I'm surprised that Blackstone doesn't pack em in here and charge them or the City a pound of flesh and a pint of blood per person."

They do.

Anonymous said...

So Playground 7 is being converted into a Dog Toilet? And exactly what will compel dog owners to utilize it, even if they live here? Most dog owners today are totally selfish and self-centered. They mistakenly think their pets are children. Nevertheless, extra sympathy is due to those living nearest the (former) playground in question.

Anonymous said...

I would not be surprised either. Sounds like their kind of rental procedure. Right up their alley.

Anonymous said...

The subways have improved in some ways. Less homeless by far lying around stations and in subway cars. Also greater presence of cops at many Manhattan stations. I ride a few times a week and have noted this. Crime in the city will not improve until gun laws are strengthened. It is a federal issue because guns cross state borders.

Anonymous said...

Some politicians don’t care. One party voted down a bill that would negotiate drug costs for seniors.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Abbot is wholly responsible for bussing them up here. Unbelievable cruelty and ignorance on his part.

Anonymous said...

Much of the high rise in crime is due to the easy access of guns. Let us not put the blame of that on “progressives.”.

Anonymous said...

He is focusing attention on the homeless. There have been a lot of them cleared out of the subways. It can’t be done overnight and it exists in all large cities.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Abbot is wholly responsible for bussing them up here. Unbelievable cruelty and ignorance on his part.<<

I've seen two buses being unloaded here. Most are young males, look very good and healthy. And smiling. Not the poor and tired. But you would rather have these illegal immigrants bunched up in hot Arizona (a terrible state according to some) rather than spread them around the country, particularly the welcoming sanctuary cities. Come on! Bring them here, to New York! The Big Apple awaits!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Much of the high rise in crime is due to the easy access of guns. Let us not put the blame of that on “progressives.”<<

Illegal guns.

Anonymous said...

"Abbot is wholly responsible for bussing them up here. Unbelievable cruelty and ignorance on his part."

Actually the ignorance is on your part. Each person on the bus agrees in writing that they "want" to come to NY. Abbott is brilliant while Adams is a big crybaby who doesn't realize that you reap what you sow.

Anonymous said...

"Much of the high rise in crime is due to the easy access of guns. Let us not put the blame of that on “progressives.”"

Not even an iota of truth in this statement. I call BS on this Fake news.

Anonymous said...

You should move to Texas. Freedom to carry without checks, AR 15s galore, a failing power grid and there you will be right at home.

Anonymous said...

As said by one of the MAGA crowd.

Anonymous said...

They obviously do not want to stay in Texas, a state that doe not respect women’s rights, voting rights and is known for school massacres by AR15s. Tone down calling people ignorant who do not agree politically with you. That shows ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Illegal guns brought over from gun friendly states.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>They obviously do not want to stay in Texas, a state that doe not respect women’s rights, voting rights and is known for school massacres by AR15s.<<

Move to NYC! Why complain of anyone (they don't have to be poor and tired) coming here? Perhaps we can also give them one free ticket to see a Broadway show? I can't afford it, but so what?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Texas, a state that doe not respect women’s rights, voting rights and is known for school massacres by AR15s.<<

Somehow, this seems not right. Somehow. Like in many people (including women, of course) disagreeing with these opinions. Kinda seem hot-headed opinions. But it is a free county, so...

Stuy Town Reporter said...

BTW, here are some facts:

As a state, California leads.

Anonymous said...

"Some politicians don’t care. One party voted down a bill that would negotiate drug costs for seniors."

Now, I wonder which party that would be?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Is this a separate bill or something inside a much larger bill?

Anonymous said...

Just for clarity Abbott isn't the only politician sending illegal immigrants to New York. Joe Biden has and still sends planeloads to NY and other destinations in the middle of the night so no one knows since the media doesn't make a dog and pony show out of it. In fact, they barely mention it.

Anonymous said...

It is within a larger bill which also helps America with action on climate change, energy and raises taxes on the wealthy. I guess that what you are leading to is that they voted it down because of other aspects of the bill. They did vote down a separate bill that caps insulin at $35 for the general public, not just seniors. I believe that was separate.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>helps America with action on climate change, energy and raises taxes on the wealthy.<<

Of course, there are others who would disagree with this opinion. And so it goes, round and round.

Anonymous said...

Fake News conspiracy theory. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Of course, but when the American people are polled on these issues including abortion, they are in favor of these bills and against abortion restrictions(eg Kansas)

Stuy Town Reporter said...

You don't list polls. Who is in favor? What percentage? What state? As for abortion, what limits? No limits? Some limits?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I'm reminded of a protest at Hunter College. (Small, by the way, as I was there.) I asked the person blocking a door how many people were in favor of the protest. The answer? "Those that voted for the protest." Nothing else was given. The door remained blocked.

Anonymous said...

STR, for this information just watch the news, other than Fox.

Anonymous said...

This is really not a blog for national politics and it was my mistake to respond to the posters who began the discussion. Knowing their views and yours STR, as gleaned through this post and others, it is better ended and returned to local issues. Watch the real news programs and read the reputable newspapers like the Times for clarification.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>This is really not a blog for national politics<<

I made a decision that seeing NYC go down the drain to open up the blog more, at least for a while. But I don't mention national politics, unless it is brought up by someone else. Talking about our Mayor is no problem, and if he wants to bitch about Arizona, it is him bringing it up, not Arizona. Since he is our Mayor, I can talk about him and his policies. What he says can affect us here.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>STR, for this information just watch the news, other than Fox.<<

I don't have a TV on purpose. But I do belong to two political internet sites: one for the Democrats and one, the Republicans. The arguments are the same about the opposition and about the necessity for voting. And the need for money, of course. But I do like to laugh, which may be the reason that I find some of the arguments on one side laughable.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>the reputable newspapers like the Times for clarification.<<

Is this the same Times that promotes Stuyvesant Town?

Anonymous said...

Not the finest hour for The NY Times. They bombed on that one and should have done more research on the Sty.

Politics and/or Dog Sh*t? said...

Please stop the politics. We are in big trouble on this planet in part because of what we term "politics."

And before I take my own advice: When I was in high school in Brooklyn about 400 years ago (it feels like it), I used to try to read the New York Times from cover to cover, as did one of my friends. My mother's father, even with failing vision, did accomplish it most days, I think.

That was a long time ago. The Times publishes some wonderful sections such as Cooking, etc. News? Opinions? If I had the print copy these days, I'd put in in the bird's cage to catch his contributions.

Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village: one of the buildings within steps of the playground-turned-personal-exhibition-theater (my term for the former Playground 7's "Fitness" equipment and space) is either THE or One of The "model" buildings the lying, deceptive rental "agents" of Blackstone show off to prospective victims (oops "tenants," or temporary, transient "residents.") It is, for the most part, immaculate, and very different from my own building, one of the formerly coveted Oval buildings. I think it's address might be 447 East 14th Street.

Well, our luxurious and absolutely vital outdoor gym is right next to our "model" building. This is where people practice our celebrated exhibitionism and display their bodies and breathe hard as they condition and strengthen their gorgeous and appealing physical vessels

IT IS ALSO THE FORTHCOMING HOME OF THE DOG TOILET. The land next to the "fitness" space is being despoiled and destroyed to building the "Dog Relief" area as I type.

Just think about it: at the very place Beam/Blackstone touts as this wondrous outdoor gym, where people of all ages and varying physical and medical conditions push their bodies to the limit, and pull in lots of air/oxygen/molecules of who knows what, THERE ARE GOING TO BE PERMANENT PILES OF DOG FECES, as well as URINE.

There are available on the Internet lists of diseases people can contract from dog wastes.

I leave the rest to you to imagine. Is THIS "politics?" This is one version of the etymology of "politics:"

Politics (from Greek: Πολιτικά, politiká, 'affairs of the cities') is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status.

Anonymous said...

The Times has not been "reputable" since the mid-Seventies, when I stopped reading it consistently. And yes, they are cheerleaders for Blackstone/Beam. A shadow of their former selves....

Anonymous said...

Two other doggie toilets a/k/a "relief areas" are scheduled to be built at Playgrounds 3 and 5? Is there a Doggie-Doo-Near-Yoo?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The is a current report at the Resident Facebook that 6 police vehicles and 4 fire trucks are at 14th Street and 1st Ave, and that a person has been shot.

Anonymous said...

Not even anything on NY1.
I wonder if it's being hushed up?

Anonymous said...

Innovation is the watchword! Spread the stench around! Make every Playground a Dog Toilet! Not that anyone will bother using them....

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Re: The incident at 14th and 1st. Nothing to see here, move along.

BIGMO said...

Anybody ever get a rent check returned by management because it was more than the balance owed? My bank cuts a check monthly and mails it to Stuytown. I usually run a small credit on my rent balance. Never been an issue until now. I'm thinking it's just incompetence on management's part; maybe an intern not trained well. Over 30 years paying rent and first time they send a check back to me when I constantly run a small credit rent balance. How dumb!

Anonymous said...

This is a disgusting disgrace.

Anonymous said...

The NY Times, reputable? Funniest thing on the internet today.

Anonymous said...

Despite my feelings about ST as a disgusting, dorm dump, I have to admit that the service is still good. I lost my ID on Saturday and public safety was efficient and cordial in replacing it within ten minutes. Can’t really complain about the maintenance service either.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Some things are good, and some things are bad. And the bad stuff is occurring more and more.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I've seen photos of a couple of the dog relief areas and the work that is being done. Dog lovers can find this nice, but others will find it another more nail in that quality of life here, which includes plants and trees and grass. I am sadden by one because I use to live close by, and now a section is destroyed. Speaking of dogs and the kind of mindset that is here, I was sitting by the Oval in the dirt path and sure enough two dogs while I was there were being walked. One dog was so big I had to say something. The person walking the dog responded with a smile and kept on walking on the path. PS, which was there at the small booth, did not say a word.

Anonymous said...

Just came across this article. It's old, but still very, very relevant!

Anonymous said...

The dog situation here is disgusting. I never saw so many dogs, some oversized in my life. Sometimes their owners stand in the pathways talking to other dog owners while the dogs play and fight. You can barely get by. In the elevators they lap and lick your legs which the owners may apologize for but find cute. There definitely should be a cap on one small dog per household, although I would rather see them banned.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Well, Beam is expanding dog-friendly areas in Stuy Town and PCV, and PS doesn't do anything about outside dogs coming in or oversized dogs already living in the complex.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

With no or little enforcement of the dog rules, what is a resident suppose to do?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Unbelievably, there is a debate about Blackstone on the resident Facebook page. Unbelievable, because of such comments: "Blackstone purchased the distressed asset (our home) and invested money into it so that it will be more valuable. We benefit from their investment through parks, playgrounds, maintenance, staff, etc." I'm not disagreeing with the first sentence, but the second one!!!

Anonymous said...

STR, there are some sycophantic maggots on that and the TA facebooks. They could even be planted by management. Obviously, it's a rube or a plant because we have had parks, playgrounds, maintenance staff, etc. since, and before, I was born here 44 years ago. The grounds used to be immaculately cared for; there were no dogs; no speeding bikes; beautiful London Plane trees in the Oval and NO f**king third rate movies and "entertainment" whose ugly noise infiltrates the apartments of many residents and completely ruins the peace and quiet that they are, by law, entitled to.
But all of the former description pertains to when the complex was run by a caring, professional management team. The latter description describes the situation since bloodsucking opportunists with absolutely no training or talent in the running of a residential property. And we are stuck with them.

Anonymous said...

Blackstone purchased the distressed asset, and...made it even more distressed.

Anonymous said...

The TA Facebook has become another arm of management. It is a fluffy bunch of classifieds, pretty photos, and chit chat about nothing. No dissent is allowed anymore. Boring and pro management.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

It's hard but not impossible to deal with Beam Living (Blackstone) here. Legally.

Anonymous said...

The NYU vermin moving in like flies at the onset of this new school year. Dorm Sty continued. Very lucky lately that I have a quiet floor lately, upstairs, and downstairs. Shame on Beam for this atrocious, nasty way to fill apartments

Anonymous said...

Blackstone will rent to anyone who will pay the bill. They could be hard core gangsters and Blackstone doesn't care as long as the check comes in each month. Stuyvesant Town is long dead, long live Stuy Town, aka Shit Town, aka The Pig Sty.

We'll Hurt You and IGNORE You said...

STR: I am not sure that it's not "possible" to deal with the "owners" here now.

There is NO ONE who responds anymore. I used to speak, face-to-face with the first CEO, Richard J Hayduk. I used to speak face-to-face, with a number of "Legal" department employees including "chief counsel," the man who was responsible for harassing thousands and evicting I don't know how many people years back: Fred Knapp, and other lawyers. I used to speak face-to-face with "property" managers as well as heads of various service departments. I used to speak face-to-face with other "managerial" types, both on the phone and frequently, and sometimes in person.

I used to speak, to some avail, with real Security people, including some long and lovely conversations with the then Chief, William McClellan, whom "the bosses" hurt very badly, along with other fine and NEEDED Security people.

Increasingly, for over 3 years or more now, ALL needed contact is denied; ALL access to any person "in charge" is GONE, DONE, OVER. Because . . . NO ONE IS IN CHARGE ANYMORE.

COVID provided a perfect excuse to yank away ANY hope of being "allowed" time to speak to any person "in charge" of anything. "Remote" work, my backside. People living in Yonkers answering phone is not "residential service." That and increasing distancing of humans from humans thanks to "technological advances" in the field of "communications," a renewed and hugely expanded reliance on gatekeeping (assigning underlyings to listen to pleas, problems, complaints, emergencies, etc., etc. etc., etc.)


This is not theory, sir. This is fact. I've been living it.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I don't disagree, but a few legal steps can be taken. The problem is that time and maybe money are involved. But a lot of things can't be done, not matter if residents, or just a few, do something. For now, Blackstone owns this property, and they are slowly but surely changing it the way they feel. We, as residents, don't have much say.

Anonymous said...

Meeting with Hayduk was like meeting with a cold statue with a smiling face. Hypocritical sort who charmed a few of my friends with his responses to e-mails but began the slide downward into what we are now. I was totally on to him as a phony. I also met with a couple of those bigwigs at the tent. Not impressed. When I brought up a terrible pot smoke problem from downstairs the guy and one of the lawyers replied that they can do what they want in their own apartment. My issue was eventually solved by a great security person. I never relied on the bigwigs for assistance for anything. So it doesn’t matter to me that you can’t contact them now. I have found most of the office reps cordial and efficient. They cannot control the horrendous renting policies here.,

Anonymous said...

“they can do what they like in their own apartment “. Bullshit. They rent in a residential community where there are laws (and I don’t mean Blackstone laws) pertaining to nuisance behavior. That includes foul smells, noise and unsanitary behavior, especially when it affects other renters.
Hayduk was a shameless Bullshit Artist who flouted the law in many ways. He was/is a shameless, smarmy sham and he epitomizes the type of charlatan that Blackstone chooses to employ.

Anonymous said...

We know that Beam could care less about laws and they have gotten away with it since buying the property.

Anonymous said...

"We know that Beam could care less about laws and they have gotten away with it since buying the property."

I think you mean "Beam could NOT care less ...."

To say they could care less means they care much. We all know that's not true.

Anonymous said...

They're destroying a lovely grassy spot in order to make it a dog run. And it's right under my f***ing window. No wonder they can only rent to students and the elderly who've been here long enough to have low rents (which are still higher than warranted for a NYCHA-like flat with no heat in winter and brown water all year round). Notwithstanding all the bottom-of-the-line GE appliances they put in and the general tarting up of the renovated apartments, they are still over-priced for the quality of life that goes with them. Btw, GE used to be a good appliance manufacturer, but over the last several years they have been manufacturing built-in-obsolescence shoddy garbage.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

It used to be that "neither storm or rain..." is the motto of the Postal Service, but our building has gotten no mail for two days. How do I know? Not only has my mail box been empty, but there is not the usual left mail with no proper apartment number on the shelves. Nothing. For two days!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Eventually there will be only dogs and their owners here. Nothing is stopping the progression of that. And PS generally looks the other way when dog rules are broken.

Anonymous said...

"And PS generally looks the other way when dog rules are broken."

PS generally looks the other way when ANY rules are broken. Hayduk cut their balls off.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I've seen PS tell a person with a dog inside the Oval where the green park and trees are. That they will do. Also there is a report on another blog that PS monitored someone whose dog was loose by the building and the person got a ticket. But, otherwise, they do nothing.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday I saw a dog that was smaller than a cow but not that much so going into the next building. Unbelievable. I was glad they were not going into my building because the elevator would not have had room for three people and that big fat dog. In another note, lots of Airbnb going on. Suitcases galore waiting for Ubers. The Sty, a tourist Mecca.

Anonymous said...

They can’t rent at the prices they ask so they rely on students and hotel stays

Anonymous said...

No Senator in the history of the US Senate has seen more people and jobs leave their state than Chuck Schumer. At least he is good at something. He almost single-handedly made Florida and Texas more populous than New York. When he started his job NY was number two in populous now number 4. Yet idiots will keep electing the incompetent buffoon long after he is dead.

Anonymous said...

Yes, very creative in a foul, nasty way. Never seen anything like it especially with the promotion of the crap concerts and movies as amenities. Dread that concert Thursday (oval dweller)

Anonymous said...

The renewed proposal to severely tax and punish any car/cab/truck driving in "Midtown" - below 96th Street in Manhattan -

Especially given the spreading and deepening deterioration of economy, jobs, ability to buy quality goods, the "supply chain" miseries, shuttering of stores and services worsened by COVID-19's advent into an already troubled human world - together with serious climate problems, human society splintering ever more severely -

I question WHY and BY WHOM and FOR WHAT PURPOSES/OBJECTIVES this tax/punishment is being imposed. Is so much of Manhattan to be rendered so expensive that many, if not most of us, will be driven out of our homes?

No deliveries of goods because of trucking costs? Where are we to shop for anything and everything we need to live if (a) truckers refuse to deliver them because they cannot afford to? and (b) we will not be able to pay for any necessities and not-necessities because they will be beyond our reach monetarily?

And those are only two specifics. I don't think I am exhibiting hysteria, engaging in hyperbole or exaggeration. Weeks ago, truckers declared they could not afford to deliver goods in Manhattan below 96th Street if this becomes reality. Today, I heard about the fascistic-sounding response of the MTA to Uber drivers. (I hasten to add I never have and never will use Uber but so many of us do use them and other non-City cabs.)

The big cities of this country have been in the sights of those who seek to hurt us badly for years now. They've done an excellent job up to now. It looks to get much worse, and ultimately fatal for NYC, and maybe for many of us who want to continue living here. WHY? TO WHAT END?

Anonymous said...

CORRECTION: The Congestion Pricing Lets-Harm/Get Rid of So Many People and Businesses Scam is planned for below 60th Street, not 96th, and I've also read "south of Central Park."

Apologies for the mistake. I wrote when exhausted by life these days.

Anonymous said...

Blackstone reminds me of Putin in Ukraine. Destruction of lives, property and decency. I wonder if Schwartzman is related to the little weasel in Moscow. My apologies to weasels because they are probably not bad animals and a zillion percent more decent and moral than both Putin and Schwartzman.

Anonymous said...

The concert noise level is at an unbearable level. The performer is shouting at the top of his lungs and the music is hideous and ear splitting. Disgusting. The music is lousy, just loud screaming. This oval residence is fed up.

Anonymous said...

7:34 pm Agree 100 percent!!! But reading the latest from Siobhan, apparently they are having a Call concert in September!!! At this hour, I still hear recorded music if you can call it music.😢

Anonymous said...

7:34 pm Agree 100 percent!!! But reading the latest from Siobhan, apparently they are having a Call concert in September!!! At this hour, I still hear recorded music if you can call it music.😢

Anonymous said...

This poor excuse for a concert was the worst and loudest yet. It interfered with my remote tutoring work and I could not hear my TV. My head was pounding. The nerve of this management and our illustrious politicians, yes you Powers ignore the complaints. There must be decibel level laws for residential areas. They encourage outsiders to beef up the crowds to justify holding them. See portable toilets, ST residents have access to oval bathrooms. It is just outrageous.

Anonymous said...

How many people attended that shitfest tonight? It was loud enough to scare children whose parents were trying to get them to settle down.

I wish this rotten, poor apology for a "management" would pack up their tin cups and back-packs and go back to the scrublands where they came from. This is New York City, not Talahoochieswampville. We have come to expect better in NYC!

Anonymous said...

"The concert noise level is at an unbearable level. The performer is shouting at the top of his lungs and the music is hideous and ear splitting. Disgusting. The music is lousy, just loud screaming. This oval residence is fed up."

But the Hayseeds from the Flyover States love it! They absolutely lap it up! It's their idea of sophistication in the Big City. I guess they don't realize that New Yorkers go to Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Broadway plays and shows, Jazz clubs, etc., etc. They are much more comfortable with a hoedown on the lawn while listening to some over-the-hill third class "talent." Well, that's Blackstone's idea of what to feed the rubes to keep them happy and so be it. I doubt those things attract new tenants though. The reason I say that was because I was walking by the Oval several years ago and some woman with a microphone half way down her throat let out a bellow that sounded like a cow having a calf. (She was singing). I overheard somebody who was part of a small group being showed around by a renting agent exclaim in horror: "How often do we have to endure this kind of shit?" I didn't hear what the leasing agent said in response.
I was tempted to jump in and say "TOO OFTEN" But I didn't.

Anonymous said...

They should give the Oval residents a rent rebate during the summer when they have these obnoxious events weekly.

But ya know, in these small towns you just take free entertainment where ya can get it. Not like there be real venues for folks to go and listen to music. In tune music, that is.

Anonymous said...

I hardly ever see anybody on the property wearing a mask these days. I always wear one because I just don't want to take any chances. I don't wear the "surgical" gloves anymore though. We don't seem to be getting much direction and information from Management anymore. Whatever one thinks of Mr. Hayduk, he did take the Covid 19 issue very seriously.

Anonymous said...

"The concert noise level is at an unbearable level. The performer is shouting at the top of his lungs and the music is hideous and ear splitting. Disgusting. The music is lousy, just loud screaming. This oval residence is fed up."

If they hadn't destroy so many of the huge London Plane trees in and around the Oval, the noise would be muffled and not heard in the apartments. That was the most criminal thing MetLife did and the vile manager who they put in place at the time should have had his ass kicked. I think his name was Statdmeyer and he was the asshole of assholes. Plus some.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>But the Hayseeds from the Flyover States love it!<<

I don't know the makeup of these people, so I don't know if they are from flyover states.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I hardly ever see anybody on the property wearing a mask these days. I always wear one because I just don't want to take any chances. I don't wear the "surgical" gloves anymore though. We don't seem to be getting much direction and information from Management anymore. Whatever one thinks of Mr. Hayduk, he did take the Covid 19 issue very seriously.<<

I think the deep worry over Covid is gone. Hayduk was here when Covid just started and we didn't know much, so he was just following what then was called "the science." But that science is constantly changing, so...

Anonymous said...

He had no choice. There were mandatory mask mandates at that time. Now they have relaxed the mask rules. There are less people on the subways wearing them and they are still mandatory. Hayduk had to follow state mandates.

Anonymous said...

That does not take the blame off the Beam ogres who put on these despicable events. Your reasoning is faulty.

Anonymous said...

Actually I do know some New York born residents who attend this garbage. I believe people come from the outside neighborhood too because of the portable toilets and j I have seen them walking in.

Anonymous said...

This entire property is now a stationary toilet. We don't even need Portapots.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Never knew this Facebook was around. A treasure trove of politicians inside Stuy Town, plugging for a vote. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Lots of pics of Maloney, with and without Powers. She lost the primary race, so Powers obviously picked the wrong horse.

Anonymous said...

The Facebook page you gave to us, STR, wasn't too promising when I just looked at it.

Someone plugging his own supremely talented self (I'm exaggerating, but I am many years FED UP with the "Look at me" garbage we've descended into).

The same raving, happy, flattering, overwhelmed-with-giddiness photos, videos and comments I read/listened to on the other Facebook page about Thursday night's assault on the ears on the poor ruined, tormented Oval.

For the first time, I went down to the "Finale" Concert towards the end of it because Tavares was advertised as appearing and their music, especially Saturday Night Fever songs, stir my 28-year-old-young-girl in wonderful ways.


People, including Security Guards, gathered near the stage and engaged in behavior that would have been called out, criticized and possibly worse if they'd been of a different persuasion.

Oh, and yes: THIS IS HOME, NOT CONEY ISLAND'S AMUSEMENT PARK. A rent bill showed up today, to charge me, among others, to being forcibly subjected to auditory torture and harm, possibly permanent, among other things.

I've plenty to say about Robert Vasquez (the human animal who plans these atrocities), who got up on the stage like the little dictator Rick Hayduk unwisely elevated him into here. I have lots of facts, but I don't believe in spreading gossip, even if true.

Now we've the infestation of probably thousands of idiots whose creators (parents) don't want in their own homes. I came close last night to going down to get rid of them on my own. Don't ask how I planned to do it. I do remember stories of how my grandmother in Brooklyn dumped hot water on screaming teenagers beneath her windows at night. And, better, how someone else's grandmother, poured hot oil out of her kitchen window when similarly invaded by noise in her own home.

I know, I know, not nice, decent, humane behavior for those grannies. I wouldn't actually do it.

But I know probably everyone reading this sympathizes with those sentiments.

Anonymous said...

STR what happened to the non tenants association facebook?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The Resident Facebook? I'm glad you brought it up... For the previous day, I have not been able to access that Facebook. Either it is gone or the person in charge saw me responding (very nicely and briefly) and banned me completely. If the latter is not a mistake or some internet error, the only assumption is that it is personal by this person. Strange, though. Do you see anything? If that Facebook is still around and can be accessed, I will post a link again.

Anonymous said...


This is the page I meant:

Can you not access it?

Anonymous said...

OK. People have posted it was the "Sugarhill Gang" who were the "surprise" finale "guests" carrying on onstage Thursday night.

Totally inappropriate and offensive.

I believe all of the distasteful flattery, especially on the Stuyvesant Town-Cooper Tenants Facebook Page by the people who wrote it was a demonstration of the rather recent phenomenon of "virtue signaling."

Very disturbing and offensive.

I, personally, as a member of the human species, have a great, great deal to feel ashamed of, guilty about, even partially responsible for. But I don't "virtue signal" regarding any of it, and certainly don't welcome any people who are being badly manipulated by those who know how to VERY successfully screw with the thoughts and feelings of other individuals and groups.

Anonymous said...

That facebook is still around. I know that the Little Caesar who runs it will cut off anybody who disagrees with him in even the mildest way. He runs it as if it is his own private domain and chides posters for the most innocuous of posts, especially if they are inquiring about an issue that may have been discussed on another thread some time in the past. He corrects and admonishes posters for the very slightest of "infractions" that a normal person would ignore.

I get the impression he has nothing else going in his life except, maybe, OCD. Posting on that fb blog is walking on eggshells. There is one poster (who I'm surprised hasn't been banished yet) who pops up occasionally and speaks truth to power. His name is Adam Rose. Julius Caesar never admonishes him and I'm glad he doesn't. Maybe Adam Rose has more authority in the administrative department. Who knows? Who cares?

Anonymous said...

I never knew that Facebook was around (the one STR just posted a link to). I think the non-TA facebook is still there. I'm not a member and cant post, but I read it sometimes. Usually there is interesting information on it. It's definitely not as political in its content as the TA facebook is. I think you have to be a member of the TA to post on the TA facebook, but it is still available to read, though it's not very interesting. Well, that's just my opinion that it's not very interesting. Some folk might love it. It is not updated too often.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>This is the page I meant:

Can you not access it?<<

I just checked. No, I can't, unless I do a trick. Anyway, it's personal, then, and quite idiotic of the person. But it's his Facebook, and I can't seriously promote it if he does this. Too bad. I guess Blackstone wins on this in a larger context.

Anonymous said...

Sugar Hill Gang is originally from New Jersey. They should have stayed there.

Anonymous said...

"I just checked. No, I can't, unless I do a trick. Anyway, it's personal, then, and quite idiotic of the person. But it's his Facebook, and I can't seriously promote it if he does this. Too bad. I guess Blackstone wins on this in a larger context."

He is notorious for doing this. Has the thinnest skin and will delete and "blank" anybody who even slightly brushes up against his ego. That fb page is his little fifedom. Pitiful, really.



I am in an Oval building at 7:10 P.M. on a Wednesday evening, August 31, 2022, and losing my mind.

Dishes to wash, youngsters to put to bed, needing to carefully and with great concentration work on a transfer of hundreds of files on a computer.

I am living through an audio Breaking and Entering, a Home Invasion of my apartment.

It is illegal. It is beyond that.

The booming noise a movie on a huge screen just yards from the home for which I just paid another's rent is insane. And ILLEGAL.


Stuy Town Reporter said...

One would need a pro bono attorney unless one has lots of money.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I may expand the purpose of this blog. It used to concerned with Stuy Town and the neighborhood, but I am seeing too many things that are influencing the city in a negative way. This morning I read that a woman was shot in the head near Union Square. And Governor Hochul has made statements that unless one agrees with her, one is not a real New Yorker and should leave NY. (I would assume that I lived in NY longer than she.) I am still conflicted over Mayor Adams, but he has also made statements that I find annoying. So we shall see....

Anonymous said...

You would have to get your own attorney. I have the same problem on the oval. A conference with Councilman Powers a few years ago led to nothing. The politicians will not do anything. I had sent followup calls for action which were ignored. This TA is useless and an arm of management. The only alternative is hiring your own lawyer. I agree it is horrible. It interfered with my remote tutoring and gave me a pounding headache. The attendance looks larger because lots of outsiders come in.

Anonymous said...

Blame the Supreme Court for letting people carry freely now and the gun lobbies. If it was up to Governor Hochul the gun laws would be stronger.

Anonymous said...

Gun violence is up across the US in case you haven’t noticed. Blame the gun toting and pro gun rights people. And now the freedom to carry will make our city even worse.

Anonymous said...

"One would need a pro bono attorney unless one has lots of money."

Or a genuine TA instead of a vichy TA.

Anonymous said...

I can relate to the post from 7:14 PM. I am surprised that there are not more suicides in Sty because the noise and disturbance is making me feel like ending it all. They are doing renovations in my building every day and I am right over that previously lovely grassy spot that they are turning into a dog shit spot. The noise from the construction there is excruciating. Tonight they'll be holding another noisefest on the Oval. I have to get out of here before I lose my mind. The noise and disturbance just never ends. It seems that Blackstone really likes to destroy homes and drive people out of them. I hate this place so much now. I used to love it.

Anybody thinking of renting here should RUN, not walk, as far away as possible. It is HELL. Undiluted HELL.

Anonymous said...

The last concert was the worst ever I believe. They cranked up the volume to unbearable levels. So sad that our politicians and so called TA ignore it. Then again, they also ignore the lack of heat in winter here.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Blame the Supreme Court for letting people carry freely now and the gun lobbies. If it was up to Governor Hochul the gun laws would be stronger. <<

The Governor stated that you are not a real New Yorker if you don't agree with her, basically. I know it's political season, but if the Governor wants people to move if they don't agree with her that says a lot. And why is she keeping Bragg as the DA? She should have sent him a note to empty his drawer and not to come back. The city has suffered by his "watch." As to gun violence, it is mostly people who have illegal guns, which the city has a hard time dealing with. Anyway, the Supreme Count spoke, and the city will have more lawsuits. Welcome to New York.

Anonymous said...

The governor said that Lee Zeldin and the MAGA crowd would do well to follow their leader to Florida.

Can’t say that’d be a bad thing.

Not exactly my way or the highway, unless you’re watching Fox.

BIGMO said...

Those two people shot in the head were likely targeted shootings. In a perfect world we would have no guns but since criminals who use guns don't abide by the law anyway law-abiding citizens should have the ability to arm themselves for protection. A cop isn't going to be around when you need one. We are all responsible for our own safety.

The problem is that local laws will make it a felony to carry a firearm in many areas of the city. I'm talking about licensed carriers who went through the process to get a firearm legally. Do you think criminals carrying illegal firearms are going to abide by those restrictions?

I have no problem with sane citizens who are vetted carrying legal firearms. I'm often armed when I go about the city. I've never had to use my weapon but I like knowing that it's there if I need it.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>The governor said that Lee Zeldin and the MAGA crowd would do well to follow their leader to Florida.<<

A one party system. Perfect! LOL.

I’m Only Kidding, Maybe said...


Could I please hire you as my bodyguard on an as needed basis?

Anonymous said...

Just have to laugh. On the TA site which has become boring and more a wanted ad post, residents are griping about the high storage fees. Some residents suggest the TA or Beam managers assisting. Are they that naive!! They will milk every penny out of them. I hope these are new residents. Otherwise I would worry about them.

Giovanni said...

It’s nice to see everyone still complaining about what is one of the nicest, quietest places to live in New York City. For anyone who lives adjacent to the DMZ known as 14th Street and has seen what true misery look like, to complain about their own quality of life is laughable. StuyTown/PCV are places where most people would love to live, so if everyone who complains moves out maybe more people who are actually in touch with reality can move in. It’s obvious that this blog is just free online therapy for generally miserable people. Sorry of this cruel reality check is ruining your otherwise perfect life, but I’m sure you’ll get over it in a thousand years or so, and then you can go back to complaining about living in an urban paradise which most people will never get the chance to enjoy. Have a great day!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

You make several mistakes. Yes, it can be in a good hour "one of the nicest, quietest places," but it has gone downhill in the past decades I lived here. Rules that have been created by Management are broken constantly. Public Safety doesn't want to be bothered unless someone is being mugged. Also the price of apartments here has dramatically gone up. If I were to come here now, I would not be able, by a long shot, to afford this place. Reality is that a lot of apartments (old, too) are rented by students. Their parents can afford it, but these students will leave here in a couple of years, which just serves to increase the price by Blackstone. As far as complaining, the purpose of this blog is not to offer fantastic recipes, pictures of pretty flowers (which I have done), or to promote Blackstone, but a part of it is to complain and point out the things that are wrong. And, yes, people do complain: About dog do-do they come across, about rules that are constantly broken by certain residents, about the noise level (Blackstone took down a banner about "peace and quiet"), about bathtubs backing up, the leaf blowers that spread debris to walking residents, the mattresses that are thrown away without being properly covered for bedbugs, and so much more. I have a feeling that unless you are deluded, you are a spokesperson for Blackstone. Maybe I am wrong, but you come across as one. But I will make a deal with you. I sit outside. Any negative I see ("rules" being broken, etc.), you will offer me a dollar. You can sit beside me. It doesn't take long, though, for me to get a couple of dollars in a few minutes. Bring lots of cash.

Anonymous said...

STR, you should get a dollar for every one of those f**king bikes (e-bikes and others) that you see zooming around the property at very high speed. I am a senior and am literally afraid of walking around our green and pleasant "oasis" because of these damned bikes. Public Safety does NOTHING because the Great Hayduk (Idiot) told them to stand down after one bike rider had a letter from his lawyer sent to Beam because he was stopped from riding around the Oval. That presented Hayduk with the perfect excuse to not enforce the rule about bikes. Btw, he told me himself, in person about this and that this was the reason that he told PS to stand down. I'll swear an affidavit to that, if you would like.

It was the lamest excuse I've ever heard even from Hayduk's lying mouth because I used to work for a law firm that represented Blackstone and they could take on any lawyer who went up against them, especially when Blackstone was in the right. Hayduk was the biggest Bullshit Artist I ever met - and I've met quite a few!

Anonymous said...

I imagine that you were one of the lucky residents who had adequate heat last winter or was not here last winter. Imagine yourself cold during the months of December- February. Maybe your tune will change.

Anonymous said...

11:27, obviously people aren’t moving into 4,000 plus monthly apartments. In case you haven’t noticed about half of the apartments are filled with NYU students and transients. I guess you don’t see the demographic here and the constant turnover.


Regarding: September 3, 2022 at 11:27 AM

Dear Giovanni -

On the one hand, your September 3rd message was rude, crude, insulting, and frankly, adolescent.

On the other hand, your "profile" is adolescent, but so sparse that it appears this writing of yours is a clumsy attempt to pose as a fictional person for whatever your reasons might be.

Then, there is your "Urban Myths" website in which you provide 0 information about who you are.

Suspicious. In addition, some of the grammar and diction are problematic, and you clearly cannot be bothered proofreading or editing your gems of profound wisdom. Tut tut! You claim on your "profile" that you are in "Publishing." Pretty sad.

If you would like to behave as if you've courage and are not either afraid or ashamed of being known for who and what you truly are, please state this on this blog. I'll supply you with a way to contact me. And we can meet in person and discuss your opinions.

What say you? Honest and brave? Or dishonest and coward?

BIGMO said...

Thanks STR. Giovanni might be a troll or work for management or both.

I've been here over 40 years and I grew up in a public housing project in the South Bronx in the 1960's and 70's so I know a bit about good vs bad living environments. Yes, ST/PCV is still a nice area to live. Is it as quiet or does it have competent management like in the past when Metlife owned/operated it? In my view no. Am I bothered by many of the 'rules' being broken by tenants and not enforced by management. Mostly no but it depends on the infraction. I have bigger fish to fry in life than worrying if a tenant is breaking the rules here.

Still, I don't dismiss what my neighbors might say. We all have different levels of tolerance and annoyance.

For those who pine for the old days I feel ya but it ain't going to happen. What is past is past.

Anonymous said...

"urban paradise," 11:27? Far from it (at present). YOU are the one who needs a reality check. Or maybe you're just very young and stupid, and don't know any better.

Anonymous said...

Hayduk definitely was an unbearable hypocrite.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

A new problem. I sit on the inner dirt path of the Oval. Some bright person from Blackstone thought it was great idea to put down gravel on the path. The job is not finished yet, only half way on the path. But it is difficult for a walker and someone with a shopping cart heading to Target or Trader Joe's because of this gravel. And I asked people, so it is not just me. The person who thought this didn't take into consideration some of the people who use this path or sit on one of the benches there. This gravel is TERRIBLE.

Anonymous said...

Beam never takes ANYTHING into consideration, except money.

Anonymous said...

STR, you must know by now that they don't have INTELLIGENCE running this place. They only have STUPIDITY AND GREED. This is the very, very worse management we have ever had. We have a cruise director "managing" the dump and a brain-dead weasel planning our "lifestyles." Don't EVER expect anything short of stupidity and shortsightedness. And, of course, GREED.

Anonymous said...

"But it is difficult for a walker and someone with a shopping cart heading to Target or Trader Joe's because of this gravel."

No doubt a violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act.

Not surprising considering the level of intelligence and forethought that they put in charge of this place.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>No doubt a violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act.<<

Interesting. I hadn't thought of that.

Anonymous said...

An evolving DUMP.
Only going to get worse.

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