In case you thought that the return of Rose Associates as managers of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village would be a good thing, you may now be thinking that you were woefully wrong. We all know about the worst snow cleanup job in ST/PCV's history (it happened this past week in case you were hibernating) and for weeks the evidence has been accumulating that Rose Associates is doing nothing about the increasing dog problem in the complex. It's gotten so bad that now dogs are being walked freely, sometimes without leashes, right through the central Oval grounds, while close by the security guard in the booth monitoring the Christmas Tree (yes, the tree is nice) does nothing to stop dog owners and give them warnings. Dogs are now seen more frequently off leash, particularly in the back areas of buildings and dog feces/smears are like a mine field one has to be on the lookout for, a particularly burdensome chore at nighttime when visibility is poor.
Furthermore, many buildings are in need of painting of hallways and doors, missing tiles being replaced, and a better handling of the garbage situation. The descent of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village into a slum continues. Nothing coming up in the New Year points to a change in this dreary and depressing evolution.