Saturday, December 9, 2017

About "That" Brochure....

By now, residents should all have gotten under their door what has been called the "brochure."  It measures about over 12 inches wide, and it's height is 8 1/2 inches. It comes as a foldout, 3 pages but 6 pages double-sided if you count that way. It is of cardboard-like material. In color. The printing and distribution of this brochure cost much, but probably not as much as the glossy brochures of our soon-departed councilman, Dan Garodnick, who promised to have all his brochures "green." Not their color, but their printing. Unfortunately these glossy brochures don't look like "green" to me or penny-wise. And thank you, Dan, for another business tower, the disruption to New Yorkers, and your promotion of this tower using tax dollars....

The Stuy Town brochure is titled "State of the Community." The last word is in a heavier font, just so you get the full meaning. I will not mention, aside from this, that the brochure is taken up in part with rather goofy shots of some people who work here, including dear Rick Hayduk, our General Manager and CEO of Blackstone, which now owns this property along with Ivanhoe.

Most of the brochure is taken up with a timeline. I thank the powers that be for this timeline. You can tell what time period and what is wrong with this place by this timeline. Obviously, this is not the intent.

That timeline:

We are informed that the "Good Neighbor" policy has started when Blackstone moved in here. On the timeline it states that this policy started at the beginning of 2016. Problem is, while the "Good Neighbor" policy is written all over the place in Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village, its enforcement and residents following the "Good Neighbor" policy are not exactly what was intended. A good number of residents make fun of and/or ignore this policy. That is a fact.

Also mentioned, as early 2016, are "new laundry carts" and "battery-powered leaf blowers." Okay, if Management reads the blogs (and someone does), Management should know that there can be a problem with these laundry carts. A number of them can be missing and used by some residents to easily move in and out of their apartments, or just to fill up with clothes and taken to the apartment. There have been times, when the laundry room is lacking most of these carts. Managements response after new carts and new signs on these carts were not working: "We can't so anything about it, so we will replace the carts when they are gone."

As to "battery-powered leaf blowers," I can't state how many times I have been driven away by these blowers. Other residents, too. The blowers kick up dust and debris into the air, and frequently their workers are wearing masks to stop this dust and debris from entering their mouths and lungs. I have seen, against the morning light, this dust and debris flying in the air while these "leaf blowers" are doing their business. Plus the oversized blowers with diesel-running carts are very noisy at the Oval grass and can drive anyone out who may want to sit at the Fountain area or do Yoga or Tai Chi there.

We are also informed that "dog registration lanyards" were introduced in 2016.

Update 12/10/2017:

The dog registration lanyards promotion has to be the cruelest joke in this brochure. Blue lanyards were introduced over a year ago, and Rick had to twice repeat the same message, a year apart. Why? Because outsiders ignore this rule. I see a lot that goes on here, or doesn't go on, and I have yet to see an outsider escorted out of this complex because his or her dog does not have an official lanyard, which is part of this rule.

What I do see is that outsiders with their dogs can head into this complex, no questions asked. They can even go by the large booth at 1st Avenue, and they will not be stopped. I have seen this many times, and recently, too. The fact was also brought up that PS inside that booth has been told not to bother outsiders. Who told them this?

It seems the undisclosed policy is to not to confront any outsider. Again, and again, I have seen this with my eyes. I can verify that this "rule" is BS.

Now that does not mean that there is zero effort by PS, but it is random, very random,and limited to an extra presence and maybe a word or two about the lanyard rule. But even this, something that is so minimal, has no "teeth" at all, so much so that the rule might not as well exist.

Update 12/12/2017:

That brochure again. Continuing... Something about a "laundry technician." I guess the laundry rooms should be fine now, as this technician was introduced in 2016. Then we have dogs, what else? Dog days, and dog friendly areas. No, not the entire complex, wise guy!... Okay, also in 2016 we have the introduction of something called "Noise Reducing Gifts." Did everyone get those? Cause I can't hear a thing. Oh, I forgot "Oval Office." You know, where a resident can voice his or her problems to a representative of Management. Don't laugh, it's not becoming.... Then there's 5 Stuy Cafe, the place that was closed by the Health Department and that has dog urine is all over the stone wall in front. What's that I smell? A particular brand of pizza? No, it's dog piss! But aren't the dogs cute?

(To be continued!)


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Anonymous said...

They are lying about the dorms. StuyTown still advertises to students. StuyTown still leases to universities. StuyTown never stopped leasing to dorms. The City Councilman is 100% behind the dormification of StuyTown.

Anonymous said...

Cast my vote for a list of buildings by address Worst to best families and full out dormitory living LET US DO THIS.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my daughter living there has terrible safety issues at night. Lighting is for shit will be posting yelp.

Anonymous said...

The deBlasio Commissioner who is in charge of housing the homeless is Steven Banks. A self proclaimed career advocate for housing the homeless yet during his career the landlords have bilked the rigged system for millions in taxpayer dollars with breaks for running so-called shelters that are rotten to the core in corruption and deteriorating conditions. Then when deBlasio put this self proclaimed homeless advocate as Commissioner despite that he has not helped the plight of the homeless whatsoever and low and behold the homeless problem increased during Commissioner Steve Banks tenure in the deBlasio city administration. There is a lot of money in housing the homeless gifted to landlords from politicians who want donations and coffers filled. The Commissioner is likely a smart man so he is not inept. That leaves the alternative, the increase in handouts to landlords for the increase in homeless population is deliberate. Anyone with a problem with homeless people being sheltered next door, name the Commissioner and the City in the lawsuit! They are the ones responsible for it.

Anonymous said...

Yelp is the way to go, but prepare for a vindictive response from the slimy Peter W. His responses border on the line of being a bully, and he basically tells people that what they deal with on a daily basis in their apartments and on the property is not at all correct. He is part of all that’s wrong with this current group of negligent and incompetent management.

Is he serious about providing more heat than the city requires?? What a freaking joke Pete. Take a look at Facebook, you’re a damned liar.

Anonymous said...

"Watch for class action."

OK, got it! I'll be watching for "class action".

Anonymous said...

Mci for heat now? see your rent bill

Anonymous said...

About that brochure...and the planted article ranking Blackstone top landlord, fake online reviews by StuyTown happy tenants, de Blasio comparing himself to Ghandi, the Town & Village Press Release on the StuyTown fire disguised as an article, and even Schneiderman now in the NY Times. It has been a month of Schneiderman, Blackstone, de Blasio all who must have something in common that they are all trying to get ahead of by laying a lot of PR on the public to convince the public of something other than whatever the truth is. The Brochure feels like crisis management 101.

Anonymous said...

Here comes the bitter cold, and the heat complaints quickly follow. I invite that liar Peter W to go to these peoples apartments and tell them that SPS gives out more heat than the city requires.

The heating situation here is the worst it’s ever been, and that’s on SPS/Blackstone/Rick, Not previous owners.

Anonymous said...

God Bless You, STR! Happy New Year and THANK YOU for all you do. Yours is the only voice of truth we have access to and we really appreciate your incisive reporting and truthfulness about this once lovely place to live. It's still a good place to live, but has been raped and pillaged by greed and avarice and reduced to being an unsupervised student dorm and general short-term hostel/hotel/B&B and flop house! Many people who live here consider it home and want to keep it that way, but many more (including "Management") want it to be a money-making enterprise no matter the cost to the dignity and quality of life of those who would call it "home." Those of us who call it "home" and love our homes, are considered the enemy by "Management" and considered trouble-makers and malcontents for complaining about the constant assaults on our safety, security and our right to live peacefully and safely in return for paying the rent on time and obeying the rules.

Speaking of the rules, Management sets forth rules but never enforces them because it is easy to post rules, but takes some effort and dedication to actually enforce them.

Bottom line, we have no voice except for STR. The Top Twit, Rick, is just a face and recorded and videotaped mouth. Nothing more and nothing less. He could be replaced tomorrow by a Dick or Al or Lou or Mike or Pete. Same script, different face, all of which amounts to ANYBODY/NOBODY! We need real Management, not just a figurehead who doesn't give a damn about the people who really live here, but just earns his paycheck by keeping the apartments churning and the gelt coming in and that's all there is to the job. I could do Rick's job and do it better. Just rent 'em, churn 'em and fuck the real tenants. Easy job. Easy money. No qualifications required except to be a devout Blackstone "face" with no substance.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Keith Powers: although he won, he lost a few votes because of his aggressive campaigning. I was eavesdropping on a conversation in the laundry and heard a few people agreeing that they voted for his opponents because they were sick of Powers and his campaign workers jumping out at them everywhere they went. There was definitely an air of desperation about the way he went about his campaign and I believe he broke some laws, such as campaigning near a voting station on the day of the elections. Garodnick was never that obnoxious and I voted for him. I didn't vote for Powers because I felt there was something "not quite right" about him.

Anonymous said...

Garodnick might not have been an aggressive campaigner but he sold us out in this deal with Blackstone. He has been silent for a year as Management turns this community into a dorm hotel dump. No help with the heat complaints. Glad to see him go and would never again vote for him in any election.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, an Air bnb client was madly phoning in the vestibule. Security was trying to help him. He was mentioning his contact. They should have directed him to the office. We need to weed this practice out. But of course, management endorsed it.

Anonymous said...

People have complained on the tenants association FB page that the Christmas tree lighting ceremony was advertised to and attended by a lot of outsiders. They said it was crowded and unpleasant because to this. I suspect they are, after all why waste a good opportunity to sell this place to the outside world, but if management isn't crassly and purposely using the holidays to market this place to outsiders, they should be tracking down all the public websites that listed our Christmas tree and Menorah lighting ceremonies and telling them NOT to include our PRIVATE events in the future.

I'm sick of outsiders coming in here to take advantage of events that my rent dollars help to pay for!!

Anonymous said...

Something to think about the next time you get on the subway to work while the big cheeses get stinking richer and the riders get fleeced.

Anonymous said...

Heat was pumping all night overnight Thursday into Friday. First time we received heat overnight.

Anonymous said...

The lack of heat in these drafty uninsulated apartments is a major problem and management skirts the issue with useless videos and inserts in the rent bill. We get anemic heat at best and little to none most of the time. Those sensers they use don't work. If they did there wouldn't be such outrage over the lack of heat. Sure, some people get too much, but not many. In this weather too much is not too much!

Anonymous said...

December 29, 2017 at 3:40 AM so does the tenant association. Half the leases in this property are probably illegal, with a lot of them running as sublets and hotels.

Anonymous said...

1. Peter W. - yes, even face-to-face, he is an incredibly snide, sarcastic, patronizing person. 'Can't help but wonder why.



Anonymous said...


Insiders, outsiders, it just doesn't matter to many of us. This ia New York City and there are too many "events" to count - partake of them.

We have no community anymore; there is nothing warm and fuzzy about gathering outside anymore.

No concerts, parties, rides, contests, food.


Anonymous said...

The events are a nuisance to the people living in the Oval. I agree that that the Oval should be closed off. These are phony amenities that are unwanted by many residents.

Anonymous said...

REspitory illnesses, coughs, sneezing, headaches, memory issues and moved here 2016. Am told it is mold and now breaking lease with assistance of a lawyer.

Anonymous said...

It's Saturday morning and the hockey puck BOMBS are out again. It's like gunfire going off outside my window. Spoke to a rink manager about it, and he said it wasn't the kids, it was the adults and there wasn't anything they could do about it. I suggested a sign. So the big boys won't grow up, they're having too much fun slamming those pucks in a rink that's too small for hockey anyway, but it makes them feel like big boys. It's like the old days of the East Village when you could hear guns going off in the middle of the night. But now it's 9:18 AM and the guns/bombs are going off right outside my window. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

Management should come out with the fact they condone AirBnb and we'll jump on the bandwagon and be rid of this filthy tobacco filled shit flat we rented.

Anonymous said...

Why are people receiving a line on the rent bill which clearly shows Heat Mci?

Anonymous said...

I think the TA needs to address this heat MCI immediately. I don’t expect them to get it reversed, since they never win MCI challenges, but they need to address it.

Susan is seriously useless.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Perhaps I'm wrong but when it used to snow, the workers were out very early clearing the paths. Although I hear a vehicle now, I know that going to Gracefully a few minutes ago could have been hazardous, particularly for the elderly. The snow is thin now and packed and slippery.

Stuy Town Reporter said...


From the official Stuy Town site:

"New York University College of Dentistry is located on First Avenue between East 24th and East 26th Street, which is within a few minutes walking distance to Stuyvesant Town – Peter Cooper Village. StuyTown’s proximity to the school makes it a popular choice for housing for those studying to be Dentists."


Stuy Town Reporter said...

Churn, baby, churn!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

That five bedroom apartment will cost you closed to eight thousand a month. But don't forget:

"The StuyTown apartment community provides its residents with 80 acres of greenery, larger living spaces, more windows, lots of amenities, and a friendly community feel in the middle of Manhattan. Come check out our amenities like the StuyTown Greenmarket, The River Room Event Space, Five Stuy Cafe, and more!"

Yeah, see STR if you want to know more!

Anonymous said...

They should close that fucking ice rink permanently. It is ridiculous. It causes more noise and disruption than it is worth.

Anonymous said...

Larger living spaces inasmuch as they have made formerly fire-proof apartments into open space fire traps. How come a candle cause the gutting of an entire apartment? Clearly no doors to close and keep the fire contained to the room where it started. We are going to have a tragedy that will be as bad as the one that recently occurred in the Bronx where 12 people were killed because a kid was playing with the stove and the mom exited leaving the door open. At least there was a door that could have been closed if the poor lady had thought about it. Doors are very important for containing fire and we have fireproof doors in the unrenovated apartments.

Money is more important to Blackstone than human life is.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>They should close that fucking ice rink permanently. It is ridiculous. It causes more noise and disruption than it is worth.<<

It is an "amenity." Despite the fact that most residents do not use it or care, it will remain open as a "selling point."

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I wonder if that new outdoor gym is being used or closed today? I see one of the cheerleaders almost everyday. She never uses the gym, though she lauded it. Perhaps when it gets warmer again, she will use it once or twice.

Anonymous said...

susan get off your ass and reverse the bogus MCI!! what the hell do you do there anyway? what have you done? what? tell us what????

nothing is what

Anonymous said...

The cheerleaders are full of shit. They have to justify paying such obscene rents to live in a dorm dump where you have to beg and plead for heat in winter and where you have to listen to every movement of your neighbors (including bowel movements) because the walls and floors are so thin.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder if that new outdoor gym is being used or closed today? I see one of the cheerleaders almost everyday. She never uses the gym, though she lauded it. Perhaps when it gets warmer again, she will use it once or twice."

Not a soul in the outdoor gym today, STR. I never see more than half dozen diehards using it on any day, at any time. The hockey guys used to love it. Maybe they are the ones making all the noise at the rink? Doubt it, though because they took their hockey seriously.

Anonymous said...

Isn't everyone supposed to share in the MCI costs? Why isn't everyone getting the same MCIs? This MCI is a scam.

Anonymous said...

The DeBlasio Way

A handful of billionaires operate under shell corporations. The corporations own the event spaces. The corporations own the housing. The corporations travel their employees around to events where they stay in the corporate owned housing and attend the events at corporate owned event venues. This is a corrupt tax fraud money laundering business model if ever there was one. The Mayor signed a bill to designate a Event Nightlife Mayor with mega real estate developer Mayors Commissioner Media & TV Menin whose corporation will benefit from the Mayors business model. Meanwhile the Mayor refuses to pass laws to grow small business, to protect small businesses, to save small businesses, who are being pushed out by the Mayors bills and laws he is passing for corporations.

A Mayor has two choices. Grow the economy by growing the existing citizenry or grow and economy by pushing the citizenry into extinction to be replaced by a business model that grows the profits of corporations owned by a handful of people financing the Mayors career.

Corporate profits are growing. Citizens and communities are disappearing. The Nightlife model will attract the same target audience that any city hosting events will get.

New York City loses its unique citizenry identity and becomes the commercialized generic any city USA that hosts the same events generic to any city.

The Mayors Commissioners are getting richer in the deals and laws they are passing.

Anonymous said...

TA is pushing their membership on Facebook again for the new year. Don’t these idiots realize that they need to actually do something in order to get people to sign up?

Anonymous said...

On the TA site, Peter Stuyvesant is putting up a plug for membership along with a new year message. They have nerve. This arm of management has worked against us of late. They do nothing for the tenants.

Anonymous said...

They praise this management as the best we ever had because Rick responds to their e-mails. They join the TA and pay dues. They attack whenever Management is criticized. They chirp with delight when Rick answers their e-mails. They praise the phony amenities like the fitness playground and say how nice the concerts and events are. These are the bamboozled tenants of Pig Stuy Town. Blackstone PR has done a job on them.

Anonymous said...

last 4 days spent home in Pcv broken ankle. Kids living above perhaps 3 to 4 in a one bedroom bouncing shit hitting walls moving chairs screech floors I'm reminded how lies continue to come from management as to their lack of carpets. Lies lies lies lies. Read and be warned if you're contemplating renting here. Lousy lying landlord blacKstone plus Rick

Anonymous said...

I’m surprised Peter W doesn’t come on here and try and defend SPS’s ineptitudes. Obviously he knows he’d be eaten alive by the people on here. If there’s a person on Rick’s staff that believes the shoddiness that management is practicing, it’s him.

Anonymous said...

metlife employees are keeping multiple leases in peter cooper village and in stuyvesant town.

Anonymous said...

The TA just shout out an email about the heat problems. Just the standard blurb that we all know, i.e., what the temperatures should be (at minimum) and to call Landlord or 311. God forbid the TA should actually get involved and take this matter up with the landlord on a TA representing tenants basis. Of course, there was the usual pay your dues, volunteer with us, blah blah. Pay dues for what? The TA does nothing! We haven't had an MCI reduced or voided in eons and they make no intervention with the landlord when the landlord is abusing us with no heat, illegal and/or poorly done construction, noise problems, AirbnB, etc. etc. The last time the TA took up anything with the landlord was when tenants noticed construction being done without a DOB permit. That was the only good thing they've done in recent memory.

We need a TA with teeth! What we have is farce of a TA with a board filled with political hacks and lackeys who benefit from ass-kissing developers.

Anonymous said...

The TA finally responded to the heat problem with an e-mail telling us to call 311. As if we didn’t know that. No calls or plans for action of course. What a parasite of Management.

Anonymous said...

Brookfield crooks are still on the property
Fortress CW Compass Crock is still on the property
Tishman Speyer is still operating on the property
The rest are hiding behind a shell company thanks to the TA who is not operating on this property.
On that note happy new year to everyone but the above.

Anonymous said...

The TA Board work for the politicians Bill DeBlasio and DA Cyrus Vance
A lot of bad things went down in StuyTown
Bill DeBlasio and DA Cyrus Vance and the TA Board have a lot to answer for.

Steven Newmark is the Senior Health Policy Advisor to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio where he works directly with the City's Health Department and Public Hospital System and spearheads a Mayoral Task Force on immigrant health care access and another on opioid drug misuse.

Steven previously served as General Counsel to then Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, as a litigator at the law firm Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, and as a Guest Lecturer in Public Policy at Columbia University.

Anonymous said...

The point of having a TA is so tenants do not call 311 individually but that the TA uses the collective weight to force the city departments to make sure all tenants have heat. The TA is condescendingly telling tenants to call 311 as if that did not cross our little minds and we need their great big intelligence like a Wizard of Oz. The StuyTown TA holds no weight anywhere and garners only eye rolls when they speak. They are order takers from politicians. That is the extent of their capabilities. They got sweetheart deals when they sold out this community.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the TA's communication today about heating problems:




I wish for each and every one of you a much better year than this one, but I believe we'll have to fight hard for it, OURSELVES, for that to happen.

Anonymous said...

STR, wishing you a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! Thank you for all you do for us. May the New Year be extra special good to you!

Anonymous said...

"metlife employees are keeping multiple leases in peter cooper village and in stuyvesant town."

Show us your proof. Besides, so long as the units are not being rented out to the self-absorbed, lame-brained students, I don't care.

Anonymous said...

ugh Airbnb in the lobby tonight.

Anonymous said...

mettle employees are keeping leases and subletting.

Anonymous said...

The TA should open its books and show what monies they have, where it comes from and where it goes. All nonprofits should be required to do that if they solicit funds.

Anonymous said...

New Year. TA Board it is time to give it up.

1. Open your books.

2. Transparency on how much of the $1.5 million from City Council through Simon Wiesenthal flowed to you, property services for the phony illegal hotel battle and police operation, the fees you paid the PR firm Paul Weiss, Berlin Rosen who have Airbnb as their client alongside you, and fees paid to all your outside advisors.

3. Transparency on Blackstone Ivanhoe Cambridge deal perks you got that have resulted in your openly becoming an arm of property services after years of secretly operating that way.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>STR, wishing you a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! Thank you for all you do for us. May the New Year be extra special good to you!<<

Same to you and yours!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>The point of having a TA is so tenants do not call 311 individually but that the TA uses the collective weight to force the city departments to make sure all tenants have heat.<<

That is what a working TA should do. Working. Should do.

Anonymous said...

I see absolutely no point whatsoever in belonging to the TA. I don't know why the TA even exists now. Maybe it was a good organization in the past (I've heard that it was), but at this point in time it seems to do nothing except host a facebook page and collect dues. Every MCI gets passed, Management rides roughshod over the tenants inasmuch as we get insufficient heat, we have serious noise problems, very little security presence and, in general, a poor quality of life. Management took away the beauty of the complex and installed ugly, useless "amenities" and ridiculous "entertainment." Where was the TA when this was occurring? Where was the TA when the new management office was being built and tenants were dealing with excruciating noise, filth and disruption? The TA was fully on board with that atrocity. A real TA would have taken the LL to court, but it was left to an abused and outraged tenant to do that for herself.

No the TA is totally worthless and useless. It should just disband and go away, after revealing how much money it has and where it came from.

Anonymous said...

"mettle employees are keeping leases and subletting."

Good for them.

Anonymous said...

If Steven Newmark is a Health Policy Advisor to the City, why didn't he step up to the plate when CWCap was excavating and building "the Bunker?" There was a lot of toxicity, noise pollution and general assaults on the health and wellbeing of the tenants in the adjacent building, but that didn't seem to matter to the TA Board Members, including Mr. Newmark.

Anonymous said...

I have a very good feeling that 2018 will be the year that PCVST finally gets a legitimate and non-corrupt TA. All it will take is one person with the time and fortitude to get things started, then I have no doubt that things will fall in place after that.

I would also like to see Susan and the TA board taken away in handcuffs, but this seems less likely.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm........pretty sure we saw sprinklers in the garage but now with no fireproof doors in the apartments, are their enough sprinklers in the garages?

How 1,000C car park inferno vaporised the FLOOR: Apocalyptic images show gutted multi-storey with no sprinklers where all 1,400 vehicles were reduced to ashes by heat that could melt aluminium

People were evacuated from their homes and up to 1,600 vehicles were incinerated in 1,000C inferno
Fire engulfed 7 floors of multi-storey car park at Echo Arena in Liverpool after Land Rover burst into flames
The blaze could have been stopped if sprinklers had been fitted in the ten year-old building, fire chief said

Read more:
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Anonymous said...

Go up to your neighbor and ask them to get carpeting. Tell them it is a lease violation if not. Then wait. Then call a lawyer. you have every right and I guarantee after a letter from your lawyer, there will be wall to wall above you.

Anonymous said...

Person obtaining a lawyer due to mold issues--please state your building??? There will be mold in the ductwork as well.

Anonymous said...

If Met Life employees get to sublet and hold multiple leases, we can too! Hooray.

Anonymous said...

You want to know how you know that the TA has no interest in accountability or transparency?? They all hide behind the Peter Stuyvesant alias!

You might say to yourself - well you are hiding behind an anonymous alias on this blog, so how is that any different? The answer is simple - I am not entrusted to be the voice of the tenants, they are. I’m here anonymously because STR affords us that opportunity, and I need to do so for professional reasons. They on the other hand should not be afforded that opportunity. If you can not face the problems of this community head-on instead of hiding behind an alias, then you don’t deserve to be in the position you are in.

I have brought this up on the TA Facebook page in the past, and Peter Stuyvesant blocked me and deleted the post. They are crooks and all deserve to be in jail.

Anonymous said...

@4:43 It sounds good in theory but there's no reason you as a tenant would hire a lawyer to sue a fellow tenant over a lease violation. Your fellow tenant did not sign a contract with you, they signed it with management. I don't even think you would find a creditable lawyer who would do this for you. MANAGEMENT needs to hire the lawyer to go after the lease violation. They should, and sometimes do, exactly this. 311 might also intervene in lease violations. Haven't tried that route, cannot comment on it.

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