Thursday, February 28, 2019

A Surprise for Residents is Waiting for You

You're right, I am surprised. Every time I step outside and see dog crap and dog smears--that is, if I don't get hit by the workers' "club cars" that go any which way, including across 20th Street.

And turn up the heat, pretty please.


Anonymous said...

Still not a word in T&V about the dearth of heat. I guess they have warned Sabina not to step out of line.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

It is not lost on me that this new ad welcomes more dogs into this community. More looking the other way when a weight is greater than 50 pounds, more looking the other way when there are two dogs whose total weight is over that. And not too much attention when outside dogs take a long walk to Stuy Town and make a deposit.

Anonymous said...

There is a photo posted of the TA members in Albany. Maybe they should focus on what is going on down here as well. The make me sick.

Anonymous said...

Also still not a word from (you should pardon the expression) our Tenants Association about all the problems with the heat. They should be voted out of office but they have become so irrelevant that no one cares

Anonymous said...

I moved 3 x in the past 6 years around stuy and now in peter cooper. I am a single mom and I was with students on all floors of all buildings except for one family in stuy on my floor once. Students abound here. That's how they roll.

Anonymous said...

There will be a lot of surprises for new renters, and most of them will not be pleasant surprises!

Anonymous said...

One of the nastiest surprises newcomers are going to get is that there is no overnight heat in the apartments, even when the temperature is below freezing, and very little during the daytime.

I heard there was a recent newspaper column in one of the London papers about how the "iconic former Bastion of the Middle Class" in New York City had become "no heat, no love replica of the City's public housing towers." Haven't seen it myself, but I do remember that when Tishman Speyer took over it was in several of the London papers. I remember reading bits and pieces online. If I can find the recent article, I'll post a link on here.
I believe that Blackstone is notoriously bad as a landlord everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Came home to my apartment tonight, which thankfully was toasty warm , but reeking of pot from the bros downstairs. Looks like I have another low life group down there. Has turned over about five times in five years. My apartment reeked in every room. Time to call security I guess, has been happening too often.This place gets worse and worse. Hey bros “It is not legal yet”. We have to suffer from their second hand smoke and nauseating odors.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that someone wants to open a doggie daycare and cafe in one of the restuarants that closed down on 20th Street? That will mean hundreds of more dogs coming into the area.

Anonymous said...

I've seen a number of documentaries lately, read a number of books about matters political and social, including the rent wars here in New York back in 1917-29 ("The Great Rent Wars" by Robert Fogelson. I recommend the book highly. It is a real eye opener.)

It's come to me that some people who live in what we call rural areas, mainly in the West of this country, do indeed defend their homes. They unite to protect their homes and family against seizure by the government and other incursions.

Why, when there are so many more people in urban areas, don't they unite to defend their homes, too?

Human behavior always fascinates me as much as it sometimes angers or saddens me.

Any thoughts about this, please?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

There are less and less real residents in Stuy Town (by "real," I mean long-term), and most have given up, without a fight, it would seem. That is partly how effective the TA has been. I say that ironically, because, as the largest tenant organization (in America?), it is a FAILURE, and people know it. So if the TA doesn't work, "what chance do I have" is the thinking.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Is it true that someone wants to open a doggie daycare and cafe in one of the restuarants that closed down on 20th Street?<<

Sounds like a stupid idea that someone thought up.

Anonymous said...

That would be the last straw. Disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Cannot see the relevance.

Anonymous said...

That is the main problem. A useless TA. TAs organize, offer legal services, and can be effective against management. Individuals or small groups cannot unless they want to risk eviction.

Anonymous said...

When you are dealing with a community that is 65 percent or so students, city subsidized, and transients individuals can only complain to the politicians. Not sure if you are advocating action STR but so far nobody has come up with any solutions because there probably are none. I have met with management and politicians . I have made myself heard. It is not I cannot do anything attitude. It is a There is nothing I can do that will hurt this mega company , without support, legally, and without jeopardizing my home. All of this rent strike and civil disobedience stuff will accomplish nothing.

Anonymous said...

This place is one big , disgusting dormitory.

Anonymous said...

Nothing surprises me anymore with the mentality of this management as regards dogs and cheap tacky entertainment. And the mentality of those who eat it up.

Anonymous said...

"Came home to my apartment tonight, which thankfully was toasty warm , but reeking of pot from the bros downstairs. Looks like I have another low life group down there. Has turned over about five times in five years. My apartment reeked in every room. Time to call security I guess, has been happening too often.This place gets worse and worse. Hey bros “It is not legal yet”. We have to suffer from their second hand smoke and nauseating odors.

Same deal but they are not Bros.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Not sure if you are advocating action STR<<

I don't want to say too much, but I am looking into "things." Problem is, that I have to pay attention elsewhere and direct my energies to other areas.

Anonymous said...

I have to deal with stinky pot-smoking neighbors (young professionals) and don't have the benefit of a toasty warm apartment. My apartment is as cold as a Blackstone heart. And that is VERY cold. Can't understand why anybody in their right mind would pay big bucks to live here, unless they are the kind of people who would not be tolerated in a high-rent place because of their behavior. Anything goes here and maybe that's why some people shell out the exorbitant amounts they want for renting in this DUMP.

Anonymous said...

smells like a lotta beer here. Crrazy funny since we heard people who came to see the building and an empty apartment rental and they said that.

Anonymous said...

Read history, please.

IF people directed their thoughts (and emotions follow thoughts) to ORGANIZING, UNITING, and consequently, ACTING,


Read history, please.

Read history, please.

I understand fear. I understand it emotionally, viscerally, intellectually. I, too, feel fear.

When, however, fear stops you from defending YOURSELF AND OTHERS AGAINST PREDATORS, you're in big trouble, and you contribute to both your own ruination and others.


Anonymous said...

Marijuana coming into your apartment:



Therefore, and read carefully: If a neighbor's marijuana smoke is coming into your nose, lungs, body, then THEY CAN BE STOPPED.

They do not ever have the "legal right" to endanger and affect you this way. Same for cigarette smoke and other noxious substances, "legal" or not.


Anonymous said...

Most people do not shell out the money to live in this overpriced dump. It is now primarily a dormitory, short term hotel, and city subsidized housing.The rest are rent stabilized with reasonable rents. Very few are shelling out the market rates to live here. And to think, they don’t even give free gym membership to people paying over 4 grand for these apartments. I know there are increasing numbers of city subsidized here now, because they don’t work and stay over three years. My neighbors are an example. They belong to some kind of alternate church. No name on the door. At the beginning they appeared to be running a boarding house.

Anonymous said...

33 cold degrees tonight and not a puff of heat for the last 3 hours and probably none until tomorrow morning. Anyone reading this who doesn't live here, but is thinking of renting here : be warned. This is a no-heat, nasty, drafty, dirty place to live. It's also very expensive and NOT worth more than a room in a cheap, nasty, dirty hotel. Do yourself a favor and rent elsewhere. You will regret a decision to rent here.

If you do decide to rent here, bring fleece pajamas and invest in a portable heater. Eskimos are warmer than we are here in the Sty.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice ice rink close date changed from 3/4 to 3/10? This is the longest season yet. May lots of rain greet the extra week.

Anonymous said...

I'm writing this at 7:05 Saturday morning. It is snowing again, but had stopped for some time early this morning. (At 7:18, it is coming down steadily.)

When I looked out the window at about 6:45 this morning, I saw what I see now, and what I saw during the last couple of snow events:

blackstone yet again this winter to those who pay it money to live here: DROP DEAD. Literally. Pardon me, it is only, "WE AIN'T PLOWING (and maybe not sanding or salting, can't tell), SO SLIP ON ICE OR SLICK WALKWAYS AND GET BADLY HURT."


At least, that can be the effect of no plowing of the path out of your building.

The paths from building doorways onto the main paths are NOT plowed at all. The paths leading around at least some, if not all, of the loops, have not been plowed for quite some time.

There is no plowing equipment anywhere near where I live and I only hear a distant sound of machinery doing plowing. Maybe.

I walked into my building last night at nearly 7 p.m. and saw no salt or sand anywhere.

Some heat coming up as I write, but who knows how long that will last? Usually, it goes off by around 8 a.m., but not always. It remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, unplowed, slippery, exceedingly dangerous streets on which to walk.

The road has not been plowed for quite some time either.

I was told last spring that they'd been cutting down on heat for us.

I wasn't warned that they'd try to hurt us by cutting back on sanding/salting and plowing during snow, sleet and ice.

If you believe this is ONLY about money (and it IS about money), and not about the kind of harassment that endangers life and limb, then please look out your windows and think again.

As those of you who made this your home for years know: THIS NEVER WAS DONE TO US BY ANY PREVIOUS LANDLORD.

Anonymous said...

We have read history. This is not France before the Revolution. Not a valid reference. This corporation could lose all of the rent stabilized and I mean low rents tenants and thrive with their students, city subsidized , and transients. Protest all you want. They don’t care. Sorry, do not see the relevance, only drama.

Outraged said...

STR, did you read the article in the T&V about the alcohol license for the 5 Turd eColi Cafe?
Susan Steinberg, cowardly,despicable, possibly crooked President of the Tenants Association essentially admitted it's a done deal. The "fix" is in. When modifications to the application are made, it will be approved. Sneaky Susan says the TA has no position on the matter. WHY NOT? Was any of the community consulted? Susan says she will abstain from the voting. How magnanimous and statesmanlike! NOT! What a two-faced phony! StuyTown residents, in particular those in 5 Stuyvesant Oval and 1 Stuyvesant Oval are particularly outraged at this so-called "amenity." I urge all peace and quiet loving members of the community to show up at the Community Board meeting voting on the reapplication to LOUDLY and VOCIFEROUSLY oppose this further depredation and degradation of our once tranquil community. I have contacted Channels 2, 4, 5, and 7 and am in process of having media presence when the so-called "vote" goes down. They aren't going to sneak this behind us I assure you. This ain't gonna happen without lots and lots and lots of bad publicity.
Your comments, STR?

Anonymous said...

I still would like to see actually statistics about who actually lives here. People keep throwing around numbers without documentation.

Anonymous said...

I see there are no more "heat" comments on the TA facebook. I wonder if Peter Stuyvesant cracked down on that topic. TA and T&V are definitely management tools.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Your comments, STR?<<

I am well aware of the TA comments and do nothing policy. I am watching!

Anonymous said...

9:27 AM: I thought Steinberg said the TA would "crack down hard" concerning the proposed booze hall? Maybe I misread the article in T&V.

Anonymous said...

7:20. I cannot agree with you about the snow removal. Maybe where you are. Although, I condemn Blackstone in many ways, the area around my building has been salted and plowed well. Much better than across the streets.

Anonymous said...

We will never get actual statistics because I do not think the renting office knows who lives here. You can surmise though by looking around.

Anonymous said...

They have cracked down on comments period.

Anonymous said...

I do agree that residents of 5 and 1 Oval have the most to lose. They already bombarded by the music. Over at 2 I only hear the Oval crap music. I do fear that a booze license will turn that place into a lie life dorm hangout and contaminate the area further.

Anonymous said...

You did misread. She refused to comment. No surprise from her or an other board member of that farce of an organization.

Anonymous said...

Could the TA be censoring some of our comments? I have had decent heat and nothing to complain about lately. Just seems there is so much less on there. Maybe or hopefully they are packing it in,

Anonymous said...

I recall one really big snowstorm under Capital Crock with horrible snow removal. You could barely get out of the building. I think that is one thing they do right here.

Anonymous said...

PVC now chock full of Airbnb. As i walk our dogs several times a day near 4 and 5 PCR you can see them waiting outside of front door for an exiter to open. I see it every day.

Anonymous said...

We lived at 280 First Ave. from 1973-81. Our final rent for a two was $475. Plenty of heat , no dogs, dorm students, or weed . Would have stayed but lower Manhatten was not very safe then. We missed our many friends ,but Florida was a good place for us to go. John and Karen

Anonymous said...

ads on the st site for flats are fake. I called about 3 or so and they all were gone from the site after the call! hilarious.

Anonymous said...

It is so fucking cold tonight in my apartment. The heat went off about an hour and a half ago, and the temperature has dropped like a stone because it's getting colder outside. What next will these grifters be cutting back on? Hot water? Electricity? Elevators? I hate these bastards because they are subhuman.

Anonymous said...

Duty to shovel and salt not triggered until 4 hours after cessation of snowfall/precipitation unless nyc administrative code somehow does not apply inside Stuy Town.

Anonymous said...

Steinberg said that if Management could not control the behavior of the boozers, the TA would "crack down hard." What a fucking joke! They couldn't crack down hard on a boiled egg, if it belonged to Management! Has anyone ever known the TS crack down hard on anything that Management has inflicted upon us - lack of heat? noisy students? tenants with no carpets? barking dogs? dog (and human) shit and piss in the buildings and plastered all over the sidewalks? illegal subletting? AirbnB? noisy ice rink? noisy crap "events" and "concerts"?

The TA HAS DONE NOTHING, REPEAT NOTHING to help tenants with these issues. The TA is impotent, incompetent, USELESS. It should just go away and stop trying to extort money out of tenants.

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please:


Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Release of ice rink not binding in New York. See Guzman v. Iceland, 18 AD 3d 704 (2nd Dept, 2005). New York Court of Appeals also recently held that violation of national safety standards constitutes negligence per se (see Bradley v. HWA) and expert worth his fee would be hard pressed to not find voluminous instances of non compliance with national standards at rink here. Also children under 5 are non sui juris as a matter of law so if victim of accident on that rink is as young as 5 (very possible bc nobody checks birth certificates and nannies lie to get kids off their hands) then Stuy Town better open their pockets wide. Maybe leaving the astro turf alone in October better idea than another set up of this traumatic brain injury waiting to happen?

Anonymous said...

I agree. If people stopped paying dues, maybe they would fold.

Anonymous said...

Steinberg is a shill for Management.
She is as phony as a $3 bill.
Truly devoid of self-respect.

Edmund Dunn said...

A 3/2/19 Yelp review:

"Like everyone else has said, the paper thin walls and floors/ceilings. My wife and I moved in here before our daughter was born, and our horrible upstairs neighbor started with the loud bass, parties, cackling laughter, pacing back and forth in high heels, moving furniture around. All hours. My wife went up there (9 months pregnant) to ask her to keep it down after public safety was useless in getting the neighbor to stop. Our college student neighbor basically told her to F off, and nothing happened. We've had close to two months (I mean literally 60 nights where we called) public safety between 2 and 5 am on this girl. Also over 100 emails to management about it. 2 years later and their big gracious gesture to help us was to allow us the courtesy to move into a more expensive apartment and start a new lease with no transfer fee! What a deal! My wife is in tears, our baby who is now over a year old has been woken up countless times, and I am furious. Our lease is finally up in July and we are moving. It's a shame because Stuy Town could be such a great family community, but instead they nickel and dime you for everything and pay nothing but lip service to the fact that they take lease violations seriously. Our neighbor has multiple noise violations, complaints, legal letters, and nothing has happened. Do not move in here. You will regret it."

This is where we are today.

Stuy Town Reporter said...


But I believe it's not happening as that booze application has been voided for now.

Anonymous said...

In the Stuytown yelp reviews , there is a section called “not recommended reviews.” Expand that and read all the wonderful reviews of our property. How does 116 reviews get put in a section called ”not recommended”. There are some doozys that section. Peter W is such an asshat. The same as that collective clown Peter Stuyvesant.

Anonymous said...

One more time: reading the misery people deal with here -


Not one person living here is helpless.

If others insist on hurting you, defend yourself. Defend your spouse, your child, your family's non-human animals who live with you and are yours to protect and defend.

Blackstone is doing this to you DELIBERATELY.

Many of your neighbors, and especially the knowingly pain-inflicting neighbors, are human poison.

Others are hurting you. Do they possess invulnerability? Super-human powers? Invisible friends who hurl you to the ground? Then why not PROTECT YOURSELF? DEFEND YOURSELF?

There is not one good reason why rotten, destructive, selfish and misery-dealing people can do it to you. While you allow it.

Anonymous said...

That Yelpreview of 3/2/19 should go viral. I thinki would withhold my rent if it was that bad.

I hope that tenant makes sure it gets posted all over social media and in the press. That is a downright abusive situation.

Anonymous said...

How about the mean guy teaching kids ice hockey.

No Alcohol in the 5-Turd eColi Cafe said...

STR, It is ESSENTIAL that you inform us when the rubber stamp Community Board attempts to sneakily approve the alcohol license for the eColi 5-Turd Café!!!
Management, The TA, and duplicitous political hack Susan Steinberg think they are going to sneak this by us in a late-night session.
This is a moment where collective action can be effective.
We can make a difference.
We must be there.
The media will be there.
Keep us informed.
STR,we need YOUR help.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Management is so lazy and uncaring about enforcing rules? Surely they must know that this place has become notorious as a badly-managed semi-slum. I think they are letting it run into the ground with the view to tearing it all down. When people ask me where I live, I no longer tell them, because I hate the looks of pity! It is now an open secret that Blackstone is either deliberately or uncaringly running the property as a slum and letting tenants duke it out with each other (so to speak), rather than stepping in and trying to make it livable.

Anonymous said...

Curling event tonight that runs after normal rink hours posted on eventbrite and not limited to Stuy town residents and their guests.

Anonymous said...

Additionally, so far it appears that Select Bus Service won’t be made available until months after the project begins. On the latter issue, the MTA wants to do outreach first to see if SBS is truly needed.

This in regard to L repair and the MTA. MY FUCKING HELL. THIS CITY SUCKS BALLS

Anonymous said...

Well this is no surprise
Career politician who got ousted by fed up voters Joe Crowley ruined the quality of life for New Yorkers as he used his public office for the benefit of private corporations and himself. Now this bad joke of a public servant is out in the open with his true alliance (and frankly the true alliance of all the establishment politicians Hoylman, Kavanagh, Queens lobbyist Vallone's boy city councilman Powers, Maloney, Schumer, deblasio, Cuomo, all of them work for the same corporations and now Crowley gets paid out in the open to do it.

Democrats are as disgusted with Crowley as the borough of Queens is. This sleazy story is one for the record books. but you didn't get Amazon did you Joe!? What you did get is notorious recognition for human trafficking from China to Jupiter courtesy of the Boston Patriots owner.

'Not Surprising' But 'So Shameful': Ousted by Ocasio-Cortez, Joe Crowley Heads to K Street Lobbying Firm
Toppled in 2018 primary by progressive challenger, the ex-lawmaker will lobby for a firm whose clients include Amazon, Royal Dutch Shell, UnitedHealth, and the Saudi monarchy

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>STR, It is ESSENTIAL that you inform us when the rubber stamp Community Board attempts to sneakily approve the alcohol license for the eColi 5-Turd Café!!!<<

I, as others, are on the lookout.

Anonymous said...

Lobbyists are the absolute scum of the earth. The are godless, amoral bottom-feeders. They would sell their own mothers for a buck.

Anonymous said...

I think that one of the illegal situations practiced here is listing 3 names on an apartment door while having as many as 5, or more, people living there.

"3" new youngun's moved in recently in a nearby apartment, but packages for 2 other people are arriving there.

You be the judge.

Also: I was told that at least one, and I think more of the young women working in "Resident Services" (ha!) are insisting that we are living in a GATED COMMUNITY.

And, if you use the Concierge, look out for extreme idiocy and worse in advertising and in taking your money - more money than you signed up for. Look at your e-mails.

Finally, look up the company blackstone uses rather than the previous companies for its concierge service:

I'm pretty hardened, but THIS description has me shaking my head and wondering how soon, how fast, how ugly dumping every single one of us by blackstone is coming.

Edmund Dunn said...

Boo-Hoo!. So sad. How will he make ends meet?

"Blackstone CEO Schwarzman Cuts Pay 45% to Mega Millions-Style $69.1 Million"

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous quest there. What happened after? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I do not believe that history will be kind to the name and legacy of Richard Hayduk. Regardless of whether he is doing Blackstones dirty work or not, the two will be synonymous when all is said and done. Just as history has been kind to the name Potter (who was nothing more than MetLife’s guy like Hayduk is Blackstones), it will not be that way for Hayduk.

Things are becoming more clear by the day. They want all true rent stabilized tenants gone. They want all market rate families gone.

What they do want are the following:
- Rent stabilized tenants who come in through the lottery and are paying closer to market rate rents (this meets their affordability quota from the deal)
- Students and going professionals who are too busy to complain and all live a similarly loud dorm like lifestyle
- City programs. Although I didn’t believe it at first, there are now people on my floor who let it slip that they have a section 8 voucher. The city pays good money to landlords who take on voucher tenants.

Anonymous said...

No more heat-related threads on the TA Facebook. I guess the Peter Stuyvesants have banned them. It's certainly NOT because we are getting adequate heat. Maybe people have just given up and are using space heaters and ovens (as we are) because it's a lost cause with "management."

Anonymous said...

Anybody read the obsequious drivel of Steve Sanders (Assemblyman-turned-lobbyist) in T&V today?

He drivels on about how wonderful the property is and obviously doesn't notice the dog shit, stark absence of the beautiful trees that used to live on the Oval and clearly didn't have any near-death experiences with speeding cyclists. What an ass.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I deleted a comment and a comment about that comment. Sometimes I don't see a comment fully, so thanks for alerting me.

And a reminder: Please do not mention specifically a person's family or member of that family.

Anonymous said...

It's a fact that many of there reviews on Yelp are also removed.

Anonymous said...

I am quite certain that although there may be only three names, more live in the apartments and on a rotating basis.

Anonymous said...

I have been saying all along that the city is subsidizing tenants. My neighbors have to be subsidized.


"Anybody read the obsequious drivel of Steve Sanders (Assemblyman-turned-lobbyist) in T&V today? "

I responded to that post. Here it is:

"Steve I used to accord you a lot of respect. That’s history. I see you have drunken the REBNY/Blackstone Kool-Aid. Your review of what currently is the state of PCVST is a classic “Potemkin Village” mindset. As an former state official, I was also surprised at your glowing review of the Oval Café which is violation of the NYC zoning law since it functions as a commercial enterprise, not a “resident amenity”. You also missed the rampant dormfication, started by Met Life in its later years put on light speed by TS and CWC, and now on warp speed by Blackstone/SPS. Of course the 20 something staff is courteous, they are trained to do so. For a reality check, go to the Stuyvesant Town Report blog or check out some current Yelp reviews for a true taste of what is going on here."

Anonymous said...

I think that Management has probably told "Peter Stuyvesant" to crack down on complainers because it's bad for business.

A few years ago the TA Facebook was a very rough place to be! There were a bunch of old crones who had it in for the young Moms who posted there. The moderator would warn them, but was very ineffectual. They used fake names, but used to make up insulting names for the posters who they had contempt for. I wasn't a member of the group (in fact, I don't think I had a facebook account at the time, but was able to read it). It was a total BitchFest! I think the crones have all rode off into the sunset now and most of the Moms have moved out and up. There has been a 180 degree turn-around on that facebook, and now it is maybe too far the other way.

There was so much resentment toward the young Moms from the crones that it was really a very cruel place.

Anonymous said...

11:05 is absolutely correct concerning the existence of city subsidized programs here. When I mentioned it on the TA site I was crucified and told that management denied it. Well they Denys lot . I have neighbors who don’t work and belong to some kind of church group who have been there three years, no names on the door. Public assistance had visited them .For five previous years, tenants had been priced out of that apartment which must go at 3600 by now. Read between the lines. They are not paying that. DeBlasio made deals with Blackstone to fill some of these apartments.

Anonymous said...

I have been fortunate and my heat has improved immensely after four weeks of freezing hell. I have occasional short lapses of poor heating. Not sure if they have been warned by the city.

Anonymous said...

If there are no more heat-related comments on the TA Facebook, it's certainly not because we are getting heat! We have hardly any heat today and none tonite. We are using two space heaters and I put the oven on for a while this afternoon. They should take their sensors and thermometers and stick them ........ Cheap, rat-assed bastards! Charge us NYCHA rents if are supposed to live with NYCHA conditions.
I wonder if it's because they have Section 8 tenants living here now that they think they can get away with such abuse? Doesn't make any sense to me.

I wonder what resulted from the exciting tour of the boiler rooms? Ludicrous idea, that was!

Anonymous said...


Bravo. It heartens me to read people speaking out the way you have. You write well and have schooled Sanders and accurately described what has become a hellhole for so many of us.

It does me good to read just about everything on this blog. It counteracts the effects of the mandatory Gaslight effect here: "It isn't happening. It isn't happening."

Anonymous said...

The moms who kept raving about the “amenities “ have likely been priced out of here. Your use of the words old krones is demeaning and false. It does appear that the site is being censored. Some of those “moms” were idealist management groupies. As I said before, maybe they were priced out or frozen all winter and realized that they were not living in the Garden of Eden.

Anonymous said...

FYI, those “moms” were nasty, poorly informed, and people did use their real names for the most part.

Anonymous said...

I do think that it is possible that management has taken over the TA site. No surprise there. The postings have drastically changed, mainly limited to neighborhood announcements, nothing negative towards management.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Management has, indeed, taken over the TA site. It is clearly run by the Stasi now. Tenants who make "negative" posts are contacted by Management. This blog is the ONLY place where we are permitted to speak the truth and not be hounded. Thank you for that (and much more), STR.

Anonymous said...

This is a good site to go to if you want to see the complaints the City has received from tenants. It takes a bit of digging around to find your address, but you can see heat complaints, bed bug complaints, etc. The one I picked is random. Couldn't find any outstanding complaints in my building.

Anonymous said...

The way you use “moms” is demeaning and gross.

Anonymous said...

That boiler room tour was a feeble excuse by the TA to look like they were doing something. It was really ridiculous and demeaning.

Anonymous said...

Many of them were mean spirited elitists, guess many no longer live here. Maybe Management deprived them of heat. No longer were the concerts and movies such a lure to living here.

Anonymous said...

Regarding offense taken at the word "moms:"

Once the weather is warmer and people (WAY, WAY, WAY TOO MANY!) are outdoors, there are going to be the competing NYU and a bit older people out, many in packs and flocks, shrill, self-absorbed, making all sorts of noise and spectacle. And only semi-clothed. And some older men with their shirts off even lying on benches sunning themselves.

There will be hoards of kids shrieking, screaming, speeding on scooters with "moms" who insult you when you plead with them to mind their children heading toward accidents and worse. And who are just puffed-up with self-importance and pitiful arrogance and lack of humility. Having asinine parties for 3 year olds, on the Oval, with their "hip" friends and serving food and booze (illegal) on the ruined, struggling-to-live Oval grass, while wrapping their decorations-dreckerations around the poor remaining Oval trees.

"Mom" no longer means what it once did here in this country among people with much too much money and nearly no psychological maturity. The ability and skills and attitudes necessary to parent children intelligently are not quite extinct. But close to it.

The reasons for something like thoroughgoing ignorance about what a child needs in terms of safety, nutrition, rules, boundaries, containers, discipline are many and complicated. "Moms" and "Dads" didn't become self-absorbed, clueless and downright inimical to their children overnight. The erosion has grown over several generations now. As has the near destruction of education, generally, been nearing its completion.

Producing a child out of one's own body, or adopting or fostering a child does not a parent make. . . at least not a trustworthy and safe parent who can competently care for and guide and teach and model values crucial for that life entrusted to it.

It requires a mature, thoughtful, loving human being who understands what other human beings need to have a shot at growing into worthwhile people.

There is tons of garbage on the Net these days. Some of it is produced by self-proclaimed, self-celebrating "moms." "Moms" has become a subset of the "Look at me; I'm so important; I'm the CEO of my own company" genre.

"Business," here as elsewhere, manufactures garbage both tangible and psychological. Women are not immune to the brainwashing. "Family" has always driven advertising - after all, the more people produced, the more crap they can sell you. "Mom" is one of the new categories of consumers to target more ferociously than ever. Too many women believe it and act accordingly.

. . . Before the attack starts on what I've written: the opinions and observations are those of a seasoned, thoughtful writer, who also possesses professional credentials relevant to the subject.

Anonymous said...

This is truly a sick post. I suggest you move to an abandoned town somewhere in the Midwest so you can enjoy the peace and quiet. Or only leave your apartment with headphones on and a bag over your face

Anonymous said...

As someone who regularly posts on this Facebook page using my real name ,your comment is complete bs

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I suggest you move to an abandoned town somewhere in the Midwest so you can enjoy the peace and quiet. Or only leave your apartment with headphones on and a bag over your face<<

Let me tackle this. As someone who has lived here a very long time, and as someone who takes his lease and Blackstone's pronouncements seriously, your post suggests a familiar refrain of "move" and is not based on previous years reality. "Peace and quiet" are something the landlord promised (I even have photos of Blackstone banners that herald this), but, obviously, they can't produce. We used to have relative peace and quiet, but since the dollar sign has been of primary importance, that "peaces and quiet" is kinda of a joke.

Anonymous said...

I have lived here for almost 40 years. When my daughter was growing up we had to teach her that stepping on the grass, anywhere, was verbotin. Metlife ran this place like a benevolent dictatorship, which was both good and very bad. I like seeing people , especially children, playing on and enjoying our open spaces. This is not just housing for the older crowd. There are many things to criticize current management about- student housing, failure to enforce carpeting rules , dog messes etc but this is NYC and noone is entitled to dictate that others conform to what they perceive as "proper" use of our open spaces. Of course that doesn't mean I believe that overnight and early morning quiet times shouldn't be strictly enforced

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>This is not just housing for the older crowd.<<

Of course not. But that charge is also a familiar refrain. "It's not an old age home." No one is asking that Stuy Town be a senior citizen home, but the dollar sign and the need to do more to make this place "attractive" to potential renters, the noise level, the "amenities," the dogs, etc., have lower the quality of life here. And even more so under Blackstone. I think kids are great, but there also has to be some kind of discipline, not "everything is okay for my little Johnnie or Jane."

Anonymous said...

I would prefer it if families with children were renting here rather than the self-absorbed students. They totally ruin the qualify of life with their loud parties, no carpets and fucking heels clicking over bare floors at all hours of the day and night. Not to mention the revolving door guests and all the pot stench.

Anonymous said...

There are less and less families renting here. For the money, they can do better elsewhere. This is increasingly becoming student, tourist, Airbnb and section 8 housing.

Anonymous said...

What next will those Bozos come up with. A St. Patrick’s Doggy Day celebration. Unreal.

Anonymous said...

Old Age Home, huh?

Tiny ones with "parents" who instruct their children to pee on trees; crap outdoors, publicly (the woman with the potty in freezing sleet and rain in front of the Security office); who allow their 3 year olds to scoot their way into the road in front of cars and trucks (saw this twice in one day) and then become insulting and outraged when you hasten to see that the child is unharmed . . .

I'm so very sorry - this ain't parenting. It does NOT make for a pleasant or even SAFE environment for anyone, including young children.

Neither does "parents" boozing it up on the Oval for the absolutely mandatory outdoor birthday party for a 4 year old teach children anything helpful about being alive as a human being. Unless I'm mistaken. If I am, please spell it out in detail and not generalities because I am utterly bewildered by anyone defending it.

Anonymous said...

I do not mind children playing in the oval. What I do mind is the noise pollution from loud concerts and movies which permeates my apartment in the summer. They can play ball and other games without the noise of the speakers. The children appear not to even be listening to these marvelous events.Plus I will take the Met dictatorship any day over this crap company.

Anonymous said...

The pot stench is disgusting. I called security on the downstairs bros who were smoking every day and permeating my apartment. It was funny. They never came up to my apartment but I don’t smell it anymore. Probably gave them a warning but didn’t tell me for fear of my calling the police.

Anonymous said...

@6:40 PM: Totally agree with you. The only thing that Blackstone/Management care about is money. They don't care about the horrible quality of life for tenants. They don't care that these poorly-attended "events" are intrusive and disturbing to people living on the Oval. They also do not care about the welfare of the children living here. These kids are in danger of being mowed down by speeding golf carts, bicycles and so what if the mom is box-wined up to her eye balls as her kid is dragged to the Oval Event?

Management doesn't care if your apartment is so cold that your chid gets sick. They don't care even if your child dies from getting pneumonia or influenza.

Just don't feed the squirrels though because THEY are the real danger to the little tykes!

Anonymous said...

Opened my door this AM to pick up my newspaper. Was greeted with the stench of pot throughout the hall. Let their neighbors report it. As long as it does not permeate my apartment. I reported the ones downstairs.

Anonymous said...

"Opened my door this AM to pick up my newspaper. Was greeted with the stench of pot throughout the hall. Let their neighbors report it. As long as it does not permeate my apartment. I reported the ones downstairs."


Anonymous said...

Re Pot

If you call Security for pot they all seem to have problems with their noses!! They rally cn't
(won't) admit there's a pot smell reeking all over the hallway.

I've come to the realization that this is the way things are here, they won't get better and if you can't tolerate all the BS from neighbors coming in at all hours of the night, Gerber toilets that back up with every normal BM, erratic heat and if you call 311 you'll get a cll from management you have to leave. It really isn't going to get better.

I'm so tired of complaining. I don't know how people with jobs take it. How do they function as zombies from lack of sleep.

2-3Am is the default bedtime for some of my neighbors along with slamming closets at 5 Am.

To preserve health and sanity one must make better living choices.

Anonymous said...

"and if you call 311 you'll get a cll from management you have to leave."

Have you received calls from Management threatening you with eviction for complaining? That is the ULTIMATE form of harassment. They ignore legitimate complaints and threaten you when you take them to a higher level, e.g., filing a complaint with the City. There are LOTS of complaints on HPD website and I am guessing that Management is paying the fines (or bribes) to make them go away.

Blackstone is a SHIT landlord and we need to keep in mind that nothing, but nothing, is beneath them. As a landlord, Blackstone is in the Kushner/Cohen league.

Anonymous said...

The pot smell is all over the property. When you enter the buildings, along the loops and in the hall. When it permeates my apartment which it has, then I call security. This is one disgusting pig sty.

Anonymous said...

Students and other low lifes have taken over this community. I am embarrassed to say that I live here anymore.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Have you received calls from Management threatening you with eviction for complaining? That is the ULTIMATE form of harassment. They ignore legitimate complaints and threaten you when you take them to a higher level, e.g., filing a complaint with the City. There are LOTS of complaints on HPD website and I am guessing that Management is paying the fines (or bribes) to make them go away.<<

I just don't believe this. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope that this is not true.

Anonymous said...

STR - Why don't you believe it about the complaints resulting in threats? Or is it the bribes you don't believe. Because you can go to the bank that they THREATEN you mightily.

Anonymous said...

Again: the implication of eviction is strong if you complain. And they put it in writing.

They (blackstone) are cowards, bullies and human garbage.


If you sit quietly, then you are aiding and abetting their practice of spreading many toxic substances into EVERYONE'S BODIES.

Hell, there are signs posted on our Terrace and Main Levels about smoking. For the millionth time here (exaggerated): it ain't goddamn fu*king legal to smoke any shit at all which affects anyone beside you.

You have mouths: open them up and stop the shitheads from poisoning ALL of us.

Anonymous said...

Today was another of those Saturday mornings when for a few hours, we're regaled with the incessant yapping, howling and barking of dogs in PCV playground #2/dogrun. For those who live near this playground, who want to sleep in, or simply enjoy a quiet Saturday morning, too bad!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe Management threatens people. That really does sound like a stretch. They may not be the best landlord in the world, but they don't do anything that outrageous. Maybe Tishman Speyer would have done something like that, but they were the lowest of the low, and somehow I don't think even they went that far.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>STR - Why don't you believe it about the complaints resulting in threats? Or is it the bribes you don't believe. Because you can go to the bank that they THREATEN you mightily.<<

Well, if what you say is fact, I would be constantly getting treats from Management. So far, nothing.

The only time a tenant is going to get a warning about eviction is if one of the major rules of a lease (like paying rent) is ignored. It's not just complaining.

So what are you in hot water for?

Anonymous said...

When you confront the pot smokers you run the risk of being accused of harassment. I am not the neighborhood enforcer. When it affected my own apartment I called security and it stopped. If it happens again I will pursue it. You do not always know where it is coming from. Let the people below or above them confront them. At this point I am concerned about my apartment. How can you know who it is coming from unless you ring every doorbell on your floor. I knew when it was in my apartment. Your tough guy stance is not rational. How do you know who it is when you smell it in the elevator or recycling room. Come on.

Anonymous said...

Didn’t someone post an article literally yesterday talking about our landlord wrongly threatening people with eviction at Parker Towers in Queens? And their actions leading to them having to send all communications through a judge??

That was literally the same Blackstone/Beam Living that we have here.

Anonymous said...

People, understandably are TERRIFIED to advertise that they are being threatened with eviction. So, they "shut their mouths," sit quietly in whatever dangerous situations they are placed and STOP TALKING OR WRITING -

for fear of being homeless.

Have you ever witnessed an eviction in progress? I have, many years ago, right here in Stuyvesant. And it involved current personnel.

Yes, sir, and madam, residents here who dare complain too much, or in ways "management" doesn't want to "manage," are threatened with legal action (eviction).

I think that specific people a little higher up the "we will torment you" foodchain of blackheart have instructed "management" to both torment/harass tenants, and then HURT THEM WITH OUTRIGHT OR SUBTLE THREATS OF HOMELESSNESS WHEN THEY COMPLAIN. This is a theory.

The actual threats are not theory. They are fact. That no one comes forward publicly about it means they have been successfully TERRORIZED.

Logic: look at the heating conditions that were created here and think about it: heat denied to many residents. Insane, insulting, ludicrous, paternalistic "protocol" put into place regarding complaints. Which hurts us in ways too many to list. Then, when you foolishly plead for/insist/demand heat, they threaten you with homelessness.

Many, many residents have installed at least one space heater. I've seen people buying them. We were ALWAYS told space heaters are illegal. And dangerous. Some of us are keeping stoves on (and open, I would guess). DANGEROUS, DANGEROUS, DANGEROUS. FIRE. INJURY. DEATH. LOSS OF PROPERTY, HOME. And on and on.

Also, people have written here on the blog that Resident Services has informed them that heat is affected/turned off TO ALL APARTMENTS IN THE LINE if one space heater is on in one apartment.


No, they haven't started Kushner tactics. They're smarter and more subtle. But terrorizing you they are. And hurting you they are. Quite badly. And they've announced it'll get worse real soon.

Whoever wrote that this will all be torn down soon for land worth "billions more" was dead on.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I have not seen this. If there is a cause for eviction, there is a cause, not just complaining. I can't change some residents "fear factor," but know that it isn't happening, in reality, the way you describe it.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

And it is not easy to evict someone.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

...And I think I have made this suggestion to you before: Either you show direct evidence for your accusations or you can start your own blog and post freely and wildly. I have no love for certain things that are happening here and think the TA is basically a waste of time, but I do not expand that to the charges you claim. It's just not working for me, and, frankly, a waste of time, if not infuriating.

Anonymous said...

It is very difficult to evict somebody, even if they haven't paid their rent for a long time. You have to be engaging in very abusive activities, such as threatening neighbors or harassing them, and there has to be police reports, etc. Only then can somebody be evicted, and it still takes months. If somebody is being threatened by Management for complaining, just be aware that they CANNOT evict you without good cause and even then, it is a lengthy process. Don't let anybody in Management (at any level in the pecking order) scare you. There are laws in place that they HAVE to obey, even though they skirt as many as they can. They may refuse to renew your lease, but they have to have a damned good reason for doing so because there are laws that protect us from that kind of behavior too. If you have been a total pain in the ass to your neighbors and a lot of complaints have mounted up and they are verifiable, possibly they could turf you out or refuse to renew your lease, in which case you deserve it! They cannot evict people for complaining. Keep that in mind.

Anonymous said...

"Also, people have written here on the blog that Resident Services has informed them that heat is affected/turned off TO ALL APARTMENTS IN THE LINE if one space heater is on in one apartment."

Actually, I was told on two occasions when I called to complain about no heat and mentioned that I had a space heater, that my space heater could be causing the sensors not to kick in for the whole zone. I think it was the same person I spoke to on both occasions. I don't think the guy had got his info right because that would mean that if someone was cooking it would cause the sensors not to kick in. I have spoken to people who have the sensors in their apartments and they told me their apartments are freezing cold and, no, they are not using space heaters - they are wearing hoodies and sweatpants.

Anonymous said...

They are carrying this dog event crap way too far. This place is for the dogs.

Anonymous said...

They need to evict some of these students and transients who make their neighbor’s lives a living hell with noise, pot smoking, etc.

Anonymous said...

They need to evict some of these students and transients who make their neighbor’s lives a living hell with noise, pot smoking, etc.>>>>

Totally agree. Unfortunately, I think they have to depend on that demo to fill apartments (as in really FILL!) because word is getting around about this place and how noisy and badly-managed it is and people are thinking twice about renting here. Add to that the lack of heat on cold days (that has improved very slightly of late), as well as the "hands-off," uncaring attitude Management displays when anybody complains about noise and heat, and it is not surprising that they can't rent these apartments to anyone with a few active brain cells. They depend on the mindless morons and parentally-supported for their bread and butter. I do believe they are also taking in City-supported tenants. They may or may not be good neighbors. Depends on why they were in need of City subsidy in the first place. Could be bad luck, or could be anti-social behavior, addiction or mental health issues. Whatever the reason, who wants to sign a lease for a four grand and up rental and have to deal with the risks?

Anonymous said...

12:12 You are right. They refuse to evict these troublesome students and transients because they fill the apartments. Otherwise they would have empty apartments. Who wants to pay 4 grand plus to live in an old project with no amenities. I also believe that there are increasing numbers of city subsidized used to fill apartments. They likely have a good deal with the city for the rents.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure DeB struck a deal with Management. There are some fairly new people in my building (a family) who I am pretty sure didn't come in at the going rate. I am not being snobbish, but I just know they are not paying MR for the 2-bedroom apartment they occupy. If they work, I doubt they make enough to pay such a high rent that the apartment would go for if it was a regular lease.

Anonymous said...

I am sure a deal was made with the city. I have neighbors who have stayed for three years, do not work, began a boarding house business at the beginning. Am positive they are not paying 3600 or so monthly. They have also been visited by public assistance and appear to be part of a Save Jesus church group.

Anonymous said...

Don’t see any of the groupie ST defenders anymore on the TA site. Must have been priced out or frozen out this winter.

Anonymous said...

"They have also been visited by public assistance and appear to be part of a Save Jesus church group."

I wasn't aware that Jesus needed saving.

Anonymous said...

That is the sticker on their door.

Anonymous said...

Wish this management would stop with these stupid puppy parties. This place is for the dogs. Am sick of both the students and the dogs.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Am sick of both the students and the dogs."

You are not alone in that sentiment!

Anonymous said...

do not kid yourselves, students are great customers. They never ---ever complain and their parents pay anything you want to take them on. Duh. If they're a slob messy, LL don't mind.