Saturday, June 10, 2023

Stuy Town and Peter Cooper's Dog Policy is One of Their Biggest Failures!


It's not just the summer months, but I've been noticing an increase in dog @#$%, refuse and smears everywhere. Even by the Public Safety building and the little booth for Security at the Oval.

There is dog #@#$ all over. Every day, I pass by dog @#$% in walkways. There was even a huge dump in our flea marker the other day. The smears are still there.

Stuy Town made dog relief areas, and now, of course, there are dog smears, and more, all over. There are special events for dogs, too. Most residents pick up after their dogs, but there are those that do not, almost intentionally. Or else they are pigs, the human kind. We have those, too. The dog situation is out of control. Big time.

Oval Path does not allow dogs on it, but no one in authority cares. Oh, they will say they do, but the evidence confirms otherwise. Whatever they say is just meant to pacify the "complainers" and hope they will be quiet.

Outside dogs are let in or even housed in Stuy Town/Peter Cooper Village without any word from Public Safety or any deterrents. Remember the Blue Lanyard? It was supposed to be on every dog to make it easier to see. Management and Public Safety made big nose about this requirement.... Gone now.

If you have a dog, no matter if it is oversize or more than two, doesn't matter. Dogs rule here. Residents without dogs, do not.


Anonymous said...

I agree that dogs rule here. This catering to dogs is terrible. No control on size and number. Barking through the night, dogs jamming against you in the elevator, huge dogs that look like ponies and dog rendezvous blocking the paths as owners coo over the dogs.

Anonymous said...

Please don't insult pigs. They are very clean animals. I should know because I was raised on a farm.

Anonymous said...

The "management" of this place has to be the laziest, stupidest and most incompetent "property managers" on the planet. They just don't care and it shows. I have lived in many places in this country and overseas and I have never, ever experienced life in a totally mismanaged housing complex. I don't think that any of them has any experience of or training for the jobs they do. They are strictly hotel/motel/resort oriented - though NOT in a managerial capacity. Just a bunch of dopes getting paid to do little-to-nothing to make this place comfortably and safely habitable. Even the tacky "events" they come up with are third rate. If you were staying in a resort run this way, you would check-out early and demand a refund.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Please don't insult pigs.<<

I was careful to write "the human kind"... LOL.

thirteen said...

I grew up in ST, back when dogs weren't allowed at all. Nevertheless, people had them. I'd come home from work around 230a, and there'd be a small group of dog owners at Playground 12 taking their poor de-barked pooches out for some socialization.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Very few people had them. It was not allowed, thought the law gave an allowance if after a certain time Management didn't notice then. A stupid law that encouraged law breaking.

Anonymous said...

Living on the 14th Street Loop is pure HELL on weekend nights when he screaming, braying kids are going out and coming home. If they are going to rent this place to undergrads, they should have some live-in supervisor to keep them in order. There is absolutely no peace and decent quality of life in this dump now. We pay rent to live in an unsupervised dorm. I absolutely hate this place at this point and will do everything I can to publicize what a noisy, rancid shithole it has been turned into. These kids must have the lousiest parents in the world because they haven't been brought up to have the slightest regard for anybody. They don't even have self-respect.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>If they are going to rent this place to undergrads, they should have some live-in supervisor to keep them in order. There is absolutely no peace and decent quality of life in this dump now.<<

I yet I am thankful for certain things, mentioned before and not just once. And, yes, I am surprised by the goodness of the young people (not all, for sure) that I come across here.

Anonymous said...

That "stupid law" (which still exists in NYC) was passed by politicians paid-off by the Dog Lobbyists. Dogs are a Big Business that brings in billions of dollars, nationwide. Their well-organized lobby probably has more political power than the NRA. Situation was made even worse by the Americans With Disabilities Act, which gives owners a specious excuse to do whatever they please/go wherever they please.

Anonymous said...

:I yet I am thankful for certain things, mentioned before and not just once. And, yes, I am surprised by the goodness of the young people (not all, for sure) that I come across here."

I wish they would be good enough to shut their flaming loud mouths when they are wending their drunken way home in the early hours of the morning. Some of us work for a living and look forward to a bit of peace and quiet and undisturbed sleep. Some of us have toddlers and school age kids who need their sleep. This place was built for families, not drunken stupid early twenties college kids from the burbs and flyover states.

Anonymous said...

I do not like living in a dorm like atmosphere but I must admit that some of the students are very polite. What I do not like is the screaming during the weekend nights on the 14th St. loop. Since PS is in 2 Oval, that should not be occurring as much as it does. If they would get off their rear ends and have an officer come out from time to time, it might deter this somewhat. Of course, the PS officers would not enforce peace and quiet here, but what is their job? The other day a idiot on a scooter was doing tricks and nearly knocking over people. PS just passed him by.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Situation was made even worse by the Americans With Disabilities Act<<

What is your problem with the Disability Act? Special ramps for people in wheelchairs?

Anonymous said...

Didn't you understand, STR? People in my own family have disabilities--some use a wheelchair. The problem with the Disabilities Act is not what was done for truly disabled people. Problem is that it has been maliciously manipulated by dog owners who do NOT require a genuine service dog.

Anonymous said...

There was an assault and arrest last night near Trader Joe. Crazy homeless guy assaulted passerby. 14th Street has become such a vile, fetid slum and it’s getting worse,
We have little-to-no Security, strangers wandering the buildings, unlocked laundry rooms, but Kennedy cares about is the stupid “events” that bring outsiders onto the property. While dopes are out at the “events” predators follow them in and roam the halls and stairs.
Stuyvesant Town is dead as a safe, decent place to live. It is now a dirty, dangerous overpriced housing project.

Anonymous said...


Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Problem is that it has been maliciously manipulated by dog owners who do NOT require a genuine service dog.<<

The law is clear, however. No one can call a dog a service animal unless it is that and not just for emotional support. Now, if PS is lazy.....

Anonymous said...

Off topic, but: Is there a food pantry in the 'hood that accepts food that is not fresh, but has to be cooked, e.g., bags of pasta, jars of sauce, etc.? I have a load of this kind of stuff and it is all within its "use by" date. Lots of cake mix too. My daughter brought it over in the misguided belief that I would actually go near the kitchen. I only cook fresh fish and use frozen veggies.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the law is clear, but there's no enforcement of this or any other rule(s), inside or outside STPCV. It's a nationwide problem. Dogs are given more consideration than people in USA.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who trains service dogs for people with disabilities. Dogs who are owned for company or emotional support are NOT service dogs. They are pets.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

A huge tree going down at the Oval Lawn.

Anonymous said... is above the law. Money talks in politics. Blackstone is mega money. They can do whatever they want. Get over it or move out. Since everyone is breaking the rules don't complain, join in. I don't recycle, I leave electronics on all day and night. I don't care about noise rules, smoking rules, etc. What are they going to do to me? It's impossible to enforce the rules when you are the biggest violators of the rules. So screw it all, let loose,enjoy. No consequences!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"A huge tree going down at the Oval Lawn."

Are the hillbillies making room for another hoe-down event? Pig-tossing competition? They are determined to destroy every vestige of what makes (made) this one of the most livable places in the City. Well, that's what it used to be. The most livable and the most sought-after. Now they have have to advertise on ice cream trucks in Brooklyn. Anyone remember when they did that? Behind the lush grass and trees (most of which has gone) is a project of ugly, utilitarian 1940s buildings which nobody in their right mind would call luxury and pay luxury rents for. Plenty of fools out there, though.

This is typical Blackstone M.O. Acquire and destroy. Destroy homes, lives, environment ... everything that is good and God-given. I wonder if the fools who work for Blackstone would be able to find honest, decent employment elsewhere? Doubtful.

Anonymous said...

About that tree, it was dead. Absolutely needed to come down. That being said, there are a ton of other trees that they’ve cut down that were perfectly fine and did not need to go.

Anonymous said...

So nice of our sleazy TA to welcome Blackstone with open arms and open legs. Remember, it was one of their crooked members (the Treasurer, I think) who had a beach house next to Jonathan Gray down in the Hamptons. That Shyster had the nerve to recommend to Gray that his company of thieves might want to buy this place and milk it. Lo and Behold, look what happened. Btw, I seem to remember reading that the TA member who made the suggestion to Gray was disbarred for some kind of dirty dealing with clients' money. Can't remember the details. It was in the now-defunct T&V and I will add the caveat that that rag's info wasn't always accurate at the best of times.

Anonymous said...

@12:22 please don’t leave lithium batteries charging because you could start a deadly fire that way. Do all the other things, don’t endanger yourself and anyone else.
I chick everything except glass down the chute. The porters have enough to do with all the slobs living here.

Anonymous said...

Not that many fools anymore. People are on to them. Most of the renovated expensive apartments are filled with roomies, students, Airbnb and transients. They have a lot of deals for short term renting in order to fill this dump.

Anonymous said...

The band is warming up in the oval. The volume is incredibly loud. I am in for an evening of misery. I hate the summers here.

Anonymous said...

All the TA officers have either a beach house or country house. And is any Member NOT an Officer? Furthermore, wouldn't doubt that for many, this place isn't even their primary residence. Will Blackstone have a Pride event in the Oval similar to what Biden just had on the White House Lawn. (If you don't know what occurred there, use Google.)

Anonymous said...

That’s because they are IDIOT
Cruel, stupid, ignorant IDIOTS.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100%! The noise level is definitely louder! Was trying to be part of a zoom meeting and it was very frustrating! When I went into my bedroom, the window was vibrating because of the volume!

I need to remember that karma is a bitch!!!

Anonymous said...

What the hell is that catawaling
Noise coming from the Oval? If they can’t find real talent they should just. GO AWAY

Anonymous said...

I had to close my oval windows on this nice breezy evening. The noise pollution from that concert is agonizing. Can’t hear my TV and getting a headache. The nerve of this vile management.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who was going to sign a lease yesterday. I told her about the noise in the Oval and she came over tonight to hear it. She is going to tell them to stick the lease where the sun don't shine. Who can blame her?

Anonymous said...

If they hadn't destroyed so many of the trees (which are/were the hallmark of this Oasis in The City) we wouldn't hear that disgusting, talent-free noise coming from the Oval. I wish this damned useless "management" would go away and a real one would take over. This has to be the absolute dregs of the property management world.

The buildings are filthy and dangerous. Theft is rampant. We have lurkers in the stairwells and now the laundry rooms are unlocked in some buildings because they are too damned lazy or cheap to replace the locks. We have homeless encampments on our doorsteps (especially if you live on the 14th Street side of the property) and "Public Safety" that are not allowed to scold, let alone apprehend, any speeding bicyclists, scooter idiots or anybody doing anything that endangers others. The "rules" here are an absolute joke, albeit not a funny joke. But the same can be said of "Management" because they are a joke and most definitely a sick joke.

Did that Kennedy woman have ANY experience of running a huge housing property? Don't know what her resume is, but I doubt it includes Property Management. Amateur talent promotion, maybe.

Anonymous said...

Another deadly fire caused by e-bikes and scooters being charged. This time at a bike repair place on the LES.

I wonder how many of those deadly things are being charged in PCVST apartments? Those damned things are a menace outside because they go at high speed on the sidewalks and the wrong way in traffic. Now we have to worry about the death and mayhem they can create indoors. It wouldn't so bad if we had a management that actually enforced the rules here, both outside and inside. This place is a f*cking death trap. But so long as Blackstone makes a big profit I guess it's ok. The management we have now is the most feeble and nebulous bunch of morons on the planet. They don't give a sh*t about anything except putting on moronic events to attract outsiders and provide "entertainment" to people who have nothing better to do.

The renovated apartments have been made totally NON-fireproof and the level of enforcement of the rules concerning appliances and the storage of dangerous things like e-sh*t is non-existent. Sometimes I wonder if the FDNY is on the kickback list. Certainly not the rank and file, but somebody is making a hefty bundle of case by looking the other way.

Anonymous said...

You're very quiet lately, STR. I hope you are OK.

Anonymous said...

" is above the law. Money talks in politics. Blackstone is mega money. They can do whatever they want. Get over it or move out. Since everyone is breaking the rules don't complain, join in. I don't recycle, I leave electronics on all day and night. I don't care about noise rules, smoking rules, etc. What are they going to do to me? It's impossible to enforce the rules when you are the biggest violators of the rules. So screw it all, let loose,enjoy. No consequences!!!"

So true. I no longer follow any rules either. No point in being the only one doing so. I do what I please, including paying my rent when I get around to it. Screw management.

Anonymous said...

Since 5pm the movies have been blaring in the oval! I pray for rain on Wednesday and Thursday during the summer.

There was a saying: silence is golden,be rich! Unfortunately, those days seem to be gone.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>You're very quiet lately, STR. I hope you are OK. <<

Just busy.

Anonymous said...

I only recycle glass because that can harm the porters if it goes down the chute. Everything else goes down the chute. I despise this "management" so much. I go out of my way to warn people about the low quality of life that exists here now. The Oval is just a scruffy poor excuse of a lawn now. The state of this place reflects the quality of those who manage it.

Anonymous said...

I dread Wednesdays and Thursdays. I live on the oval and have to put up with this miserable noise pollution. I don’t know how they get away with it.

Anonymous said...

" I don't care about noise rules, smoking rules, etc."

Please, please, please care about the noise rules. When those rules are violated you cause so much distress to neighbors who need their rest and peace. Please don't be like the morons who "run" this place. They absolutely don't give a rat's ass about the misery they cause. It is really up to us as neighbors to show each other the respect that "management" denies us.

Thank you and God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Has anybody noticed that both the TA and the non-TA facebooks are now totally private and unless you become a member you cannot even read the posts. I doubt we're missing much, but it would be nice to get the gist of what's happening here in PARADISE (LOL) and those facebooks were very enlightening about the good, the bad and the ugly. Maybe they don't want "Management" to know what they are saying because I have heard that the Stasi does snoop. I used to find those accounts interesting even though I don't even have a facebook account (and don't want one) because there was a lot of important information being exchanged, especially on the not-TA facebook.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I noticed and also took down the TA Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Loads of Emergency Service vehicles on the 14th Street Loop. Any idea of what is happening?

Anonymous said...

I was never interested in the non-TA fb, but I used to like to read the TA fb. I don't plan on creating a fb account just to see what's going on with the TA. I also don't plan on renewing my membership because they should at least let their fb be available for all tenants to read whether or not they are facebook users. What are they hiding? Nothing, probably. I doubt that anybody who doesn't live here is interested in reading the posts. For people living here it can be a source of information. Not worth becoming a Facebook customer though.

Anonymous said...

Friday night and the student crowd are hooting and screaming their way out to the bars. Around 4 am they will be puking and braying their way back to their dorms in what used to be a very livable and well-run housing complex. When you are a landlord and the only renters you can entice are students, you are a failure (unless, of course, you are a real purpose-built dorm and that is something Stuyvesant Town is NOT). I HATE this place and the garbage who run it.

Anonymous said...

I live in 2 Stuyvesant Oval.

Last night, there was:

(1) The standard illegal, dangerous-to-our health hooting screaming puking drugged-and-liquored-up "youth" from early evening past dawn. As noted before, most of the girls were arrayed like cheap and not very appetizing sex workers.

(2) Unlike Wednesday and Thursday night, the Oval was not host to the standard illegal NOISE ("entertainment"). This coming Wednesday the sickening and totally unnecessary "Pride" idiocy is going to be inflicted on us.

I was a resident, along with two other Stuyvesant Town residents, who spoke at length and in person with Keith Powers about the destruction of legally guaranteed peace and quiet by reason of the "events" on the tormented, degraded, tortured Oval. More about that another time.

If anyone finally is distraught enough to join me, maybe if I leave my name and contact information here, publicly, you'll join me, publicly, to combat some of this.

If all of this violation of your safety and very life isn't enough:

(4) There was a fire in this building last night, Friday, June 23, 2023 around 7 p.m.

The fire fighters were here last night in my building. My life, as well as my family's life (including non-human animals), as well as the lives of every human being and non-human being was threatened last night by a fire. What was the fire's cause?

Well, my not-short-answer is BLACKSTONE GROUP AND BEAM LIVING. Because they INVITE dangerous behavior here deliberately.

An apartment on the Main level was the scene of the fire. I was informed residents on the floor above evacuated when smoke threatened them from that apartment's fire.

It is an apartment in which "lovely young women who are 24 years old" live - according to a somewhat unconscious and combative neighbor of theirs who appeared out in the hallway in a robe during the fire.

"Lovely young women," hardly. I spoke to two of them.

They were "sorry, it was an accident." The "accident" consisted of the actions of one of the lovely young girls or a friend who was "house sitting" while the "occupants" "went out drinking" (according to the neighbor and/or a Security guard who told me alternate versions - take your pick).

One of these young lovelies turned on the oven while a pizza box was happily residing it. WHY? The pizza box obviously went up in flames.

More than 4 floors up, the hallways were filled with so much smoke that a Security officer on the phone advised me to stay in the apartment and wait for a Security guard to come to my door. (No one came to help or advise me.) My husband immediately put down multiple towels against the front door's bottom crack and turned on numerous fans to blow the smoke out of our home and away from our animals.

I have been in many fires. This was not an "accident." It was stupidity, total lack of caring about self and others. This is the behavior exhibited by the "young people" enticed to live here, WITHOUT SUPERVISION OR WORKING CONSCIENCES by our landlord.

It took me some time to ascertain that no lithium battery had exploded. You can be certain that many people here, no matter their age or sex, are crippled and unable to WALK and are therefore using motorized "personal vehicles" which they keep in their apartments. I see it daily.

I cannot fathom at this point why we are not united and working together to protect our homes. Last night scared the hell out of me; it might well have hurt people or others in 2 Stuyvesant Oval with breathing difficulties.

Anonymous said...

Update on 2 Stuyvesant Oval June 23, 2023 Friday evening fire:

The building still smells of smoke, strongly in some locations.

This evening I went around my apartment trying to find smoke from a new fire, afraid. Why? The smoke smell from the burning pizza box in the oven on Main last night is still fairly thick in some locations. It seems to have seeped into textiles or other objects.

As an added bonus, I fully expect packs and hordes of shrieking, braying dear "young people" out soon. It's Saturday night. Fun, fun, fun in the Big City.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

I concur with everything 4:21 PM said EXCEPT for her nasty reference to the Pride events. Gay people are exactly the way God chose to make them. They are no better and no worse than those of us who are "straight." They have been the victims of persecution, mockery and hatred for eons and I am glad that they are now recognized as equally precious and perfect in the sight of God.

There's a lot wrong with STPCV and the way it is mismanaged and we have every right to complain about that; however, there is no need to throw in a very offensive gratuitous remark about one group of people.

Anonymous said...

I hope the stupid who caused the fire is made to pay for all the damage she did. Clearly, she is not too bright, but she or her guardians should be made to pay for the damage and terror she caused. If I were in that building I would be filing suit for damages. If she’s not insured, Blackstone is and they are responsible for allowing such irresponsible idiots to rent here.
Does anyone remember that sulfuric acid lunatic of a few years ago. A deranged, drug-cooking “student.”
We should NOT have to live alongside these dangerous imbeciles and Management should be held liable.
I hope this gets in the press and news. We should make sure that it does. Too much dangerous shit gets swept under the carpet in this hellhole.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I concur with everything 4:21 PM said EXCEPT for her nasty reference to the Pride events.<<

Pride was one of the deadly sins, if not the first one. That said, one is allowed to express anything. What is interesting is that the event held by Beam is another example of their cowardly behavior. Are they really interested in gay pride? Hardly. Is there a pride for other groups, nationalities? No. As for the actual event held in Stuy Town, I saw something about a lime. Will drinks with lime, alcoholic, be severed?

Anonymous said...


The "Pride" parade clarification - there is much to be said in refutation of certain statements made by 9:51 PM. And vice versa. That is for another forum.

Here, I wish to clarify my meaning in the previous message:

When I used the words "sickening and totally unnecessary," however, I was referring to BLACKSTONE/BEAM'S INSISTENCE


I was NOT vilifying or criticizing human beings who have whatever inclinations and attractions they have. My disgust was aimed solely at the "owners" and "managers" who continue to turn my home into the venue for extreme, illegal, and unnecessary noise and filth and commotion and disturbance.

I remind everyone, once more, that "suits" on a Blackstone tour here years ago were congratulating themselves and exclaiming that THE OVAL IS A GREAT RESOURCE.

The Oval has been made into the focal point of unbearable and ILLEGAL activities.

Anonymous said...

"The Oval has been made into the focal point of unbearable and ILLEGAL activities."

Very true. Actually, almost everything that made Stuytown a beautiful place to live has been destroyed by the despots who have raped and killed it over the past few years. Current owners are not even the worst. Tishman Speyer was a ghoulish, vile, amoral bunch of predators that put many of the older people in their graves with their harassment and popped champaign corks when they heard of a demise. The absolute vilest of the vile. The raped and pillaged and left the property in ruins. The current owners probably don't have any idea of what the place was like originally. They think they bought a decrepit dump that they could turn into a dorm and carnival cruise combo.

When Ya' Gotta Go, Ya' Gotta Go said...

Love the piles of dog shit and smell of urine in elevators and stairwells.
Sure adds a lot of class to this place.

Anonymous said...

The pride parade is just another example of how management likes to feature “so called amenities.” Holiday and significant events, concerts, movies, etc are part of their sickening selling point here. The sad thing is that I know a few people here that attend them.

Anonymous said...

I used to live at 2 Oval. Apparently nobody at Blackstone was perturbed by the fire there. And they're still in business.

Anonymous said...

}Does anyone remember that sulfuric acid lunatic of a few years ago. A deranged, drug-cooking “student.”} I think he was diligently trying to produce methadone.

I remember. Too well. It was an NYU "student" who injured/killed himself and others in Stuyvesant Town. That morning, a despairing woman in her seventies jumped to her death in Peter Cooper Village.

Anonymous said...

There have been quite a few suicides in PCVST. Not all of them are publiced though. Someone in my building killed himself in his apartment. If you jump off the roof someone will notice.
Management doesn't like the bad publicity and some suicides are kept "confidential."

Anonymous said...

The people who live here now just DO NOT know how to recycle! The bins are very clearly labelled for Glass and Pastic and for Paper. Everything gets chucked in wherever it lands. I feel really sorry for the porters here. I'm sure many of them could find work in much better places than this - and probably get better pay. It must be absolute hell working in this dump now that it is full of asinine students and any filthy slob who can pony up the rent. The latter probably wouldn't pass muster to be allowed to live in a well-run apartment complex with a real management. All this poor apology of a management cares about is the asinine garbage they call "events." Who rents here to see Randy Rainbow wannabes and ancient movies out on a scrubby lawn. SMFH.

Anonymous said...

Recycling is a fraud almost everywhere in USA. Only about 10% of "recyclables" actually get recycled, nationwide. Signs don't help, and are not the issue.

Anonymous said...

Already, they are disturbing the peace in the oval. Started warming up the band at 3:30. I dread this evening when that crap plays.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope for heavy rain so we don't have to listen to that crap. We should get a rent reduction for the noise pollution that emanates from the Oval. I remember when the only noise from the Oval was the soft whisper of the wind in the trees. That's what this property was built for. It was built to be an oasis in the City, especially for returning Service men and women. Now it sounds like a friggin cheap carnival most of the time. Sty used to be famous for its peace and quiet and tranquility. It's been raped to death by opportunistic vultures.

Anonymous said...

On June 10, STR, you'd started this round off by saying that Blackstone's "dog policy is one of their biggest failures!" On the contrary, it's been a great success--for them.

Anonymous said...

I wish the Town & Village Newspaper was still in business. I used to enjoy reading that because it covered all aspects of life in PCVST. The original publisher, Charles Hagedorn, was a bit of an old reactionary, but when he died his son, Christopher, took over. He was significantly more mellow. They also had a great reporter: Sabena Mollot. I really wish that paper could be resurrected.

Anonymous said...

3:45 pm

Couldn't agree with you more! When I went to get my mail, both doors were open. When I went to close the door, the book that keeps the door open was gone! I have no idea of how the door was kept open. It's obvious that Beam Living has their priorities are backwards!

Anonymous said...

The screaming and howling of the band in the oval is sickening. That is all it is, screeching, thumping and howling. Wicked. Can hardly hear my TV. Can’t wait until it is over.

Anonymous said...









Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Town and Village for many years. During the last few years of its publication, it became very aligned with management and seemed to report what management wanted it to.


It was particularly objectionable tonight. Vasquez needs to take his moronic shows and so-called music somewhere else, preferably to the backyard of his house in Pennsylvania he bought a few years back after gushing about HOW MUCH HE LOVED LIVING HERE WITH HIS 2 CHILDREN AND WIFE, WHAT A WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL PLACE STUYVESANT TOWN AND NEW YORK CITY WERE TO RAISE HIS GIRLS.

A friend tonight who was being tortured along with the rest of us who heard the noise for hours and FELT THE VIBRATIONS IN OUR EARDRUMS, CHESTS, BONES, told me he wanted to ask Vasquez (I may be misspelling his name - a true and significant tragedy, I'm sure) if he wanted to LIVE with this illegal and dangerous hell going on in HIS HOME.

For the first time, I did some research on tonight's "performers." Laughable, sickening people some of them. And what the hell are we doing with DJ's on a too muggy/warm/mosquito-filled Thursday evening?

The "DJ" advertises herself as charging $5,000.00 to DJ and a lesser amount to be the "Officiant" of a wedding, elopement - you name it.

This "DJ" and "Reverend" either currently DJ's at Whole Foods or did at one time.


Security: for the first time ever, I received what sounded like AI messages on Security's phone extension telling me to leave a number. It turns out they did NOT HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE IN THE SECURITY OFFICE TO HANDLE ALL OF THE CALLS COMING IN.

I can only speculate that they were overwhelmed by complaints about the ILLEGAL AND DANGEROUS AUDIO POLLUTION AND TORMENT tonight.


Anonymous said...

"Couldn't agree with you more! When I went to get my mail, both doors were open. When I went to close the door, the book that keeps the door open was gone! I have no idea of how the door was kept open. It's obvious that Beam Living has their priorities are backwards!"

No wonder we have dangerous predators wandering around the buildings looking for opportunities. It's bad enough that our landlord and its employees are dangerous predators, though non-violent. This has gone from being one of the safest places to live in NYC to being one of the least safe. Management doesn't give a rat's ass about our safety and well-being. All they are is rent collectors and pushers of noisy, third rate "entertainment" that most residents find despicable. Plenty of outsiders attend the "events" and prowl to look for other opportunities.
It's obvious that Beam Living has no conscience and absolutely no managerial skills whatsoever. I wish they would all go back to wherever they came from. I wonder if we will ever have another "Property Manager?" Seems nobody can stomach the job of running such a shoddy gig.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>This has gone from being one of the safest places to live in NYC to being one of the least safe.<<

Not my experience at all.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't put it past Schwarzman to have consulted with very same pseudo-psychologists who advised the CIA on how to torture Al Qaeda detainees with loud music at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, and other "Black Sites" after 9/11. STR, know you are a Veteran, but there are actually other, better methods to interrogate even terrorists. Also, no place/neighborhood in NYC is exempt from crime & homelessness today.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

So are suggesting that we are being tortured with these techniques?

S said...

STR - You and I know each other pretty well. I've described to you the extreme injury that is done to me and my animals each time the noise is generated - be it movies or "music."

It goes on for hours and often literally rattles my bones and pounds against my eardrums and, again, continues on for hours with no escape or relief possible.

Last night, one of my precious and innocent animals registered physical disturbance. 9 months ago, Vasquez rejected a personal IN PERSON plea to have them tone down the noise which was hurting a literally DYNING animal in my home, and causing me extreme, extreme misery in my already unbearable anguish.

Again, you know me fairly well, have spoken at length with me about these injuries imposed on some of us.

Yes, quite emphatically, and without histrionics: they ARE torturing us, deliberately.

Of course, they have many other torture techniques which are regularly listed and discussed here.

If you want to argue that if we're not being subjected to waterboarding and the like, well, not that kind of torture, of course. But these are our HOMES, and life is often close to literally UNBEARABLE.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and it appears that Security may have deliberately blocked my phone number last night and this morning.

Emergency calls blocked?

Pay rent to people who literally try to badly, possibly irreparably and fatally, harm you by denying you emergency assistance??????

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Again, you know me fairly well, have spoken at length with me about these injuries imposed on some of us.<<

Some of us, yes, but not all of us. To me, saying that Stuy Town/Beam/Etc, is using prisoner of war techniques implies, if one takes the analogy far, that we are tortured prisoners. While it may be true in one way (are we prisoners of life?), stating this and loudly, over and over, lessens, if not erases, complaints made about our "masters" here. Some of what we see and experience is negative and some positive.

Anonymous said...

I am not a big animal lover, but can sympathize with 9:02 PM yesterday. Tenants ARE being deliberately tormented here.

Anonymous said...

Prisoners of war (technically) have rights under the Geneva Conventions. Residents here have no rights. Blackstone's nefarious actions (perhaps inactions would be a better term) are intentional. Blackstone only regrets that those living in peripheral buildings aren't subjected to full force of their Oval events. If you'd want to get even more technical, STR, those mistreated by CIA were NOT granted POW status.

Anonymous said...

The people running this place are incompetent morons. Everybody on my line and the neighboring line got texts and emails telling us that plumbers wert coming in to check for leaks between 8 am and 4 pm. This on a Friday before a holiday weekend because some neighbors had planned to be out of town until after the 4th.
No plumbers showed up. RS knew nothing about it. Just total incompetence on “management’s “ part. They have no consideration for us in any way whatsoever. The “entertainment “ is part of the harassment. They don’t want anybody to consider this “home”anymore. They want it to be a long-stay hotel.

Anonymous said...

It used to be that an apartment near to the Oval was the most envied location to live in. That was when the Oval was filled with beautiful plane trees that created a lovely, whispering breeze on hot days. At this point in time, unfortunately, the Oval is the stinky armpit of the property and those who live close to it are the most unfortunate of PCVST tenants.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody noticed that the cold water (drinking water!) leaves a red stain on anything it comes in contact with? Do we have rusty water tanks? Blood in the water rendered from those of us who pay top dollar to live here? Whatever it is, it is disgusting and stains everything it comes into contact with. I user a filter pitcher and it even leaves stains inside that! I guess I have to set up an account with Poland Spring and have several gallons delivered. Nowhere to store those things though. I've visited places where you can't drink the water, but they were "Third World" countries. Didn't think I'd be moving into a place with such a problem. What a sh*thole!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I consider this place is run slovenly. Could be way better, but it isn't. First thing I would do is hire more Public Safety officers and make "the rules" rules. Not suggestions or just ignored. I'm sure, I would fire a few people, too.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Residents here have no rights.<<

They do. City, state, federal.

Anonymous said...

Landlords have certain rights, too, but none of the residents' rights here are enforced/defended. First on the list of people to be fired (in our fantasies) would be Vasquez. His 'job' is entirely superfluous.

Anonymous said...

I agree. This oval dweller dreads those noisy, vile concerts in the summer. I can hear the crappy movies too. The oval is indeed a bad place to reside.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100 percent! I am on a low floor and sometimes the walls vibrate from the obnoxious loud noise!

Years ago, there used to be actual concerts with a live orchestra in Playground 9 on Saturday afternoons. What a difference a landlord makes!

Anonymous said...

There must be some noise ordinance that is being ignored during these loud concerts. Not sure if any laws regarding the transient renting exist. I agree with the fact that Vasquez is useless hiring but they would just probably replace him with another “amenity director”.

Anonymous said...

I live in the building you mention (I think) and got a text and email with questions about Covid status. I too was “a prisoner in Paradise”
for 8 hours and have complained to Ms Kennedy about the lack of info. I don’t know if they ever found a leak, but no plumbers showed up. Not very considerate, but fortunately I hadn’t planned to go out.

Anonymous said...

Is Vasquez also involved in "entertainment" for the dogs? Why does Blackstone feel compelled to even provide this fake amenity? Well, obviously to hopefully attract new tenants whose life centers around their stupid pets....

Anonymous said...

They're a bunch of incompetent hillbillies running this place - and it shows.

Anonymous said...

Is Vasquez Kennedy’s boss? She is Vice President of Resident Experience, which is the most ephemeral title I’ve ever heard in my life.
We need a Property Manager, but it seems nobody wants the job. This place makes think of the Titanic just before it hit the iceberg.

What a Dump this place has become said...

Condoms in elevator.
Dog urine and sh*t, human or canine, who knows? in stairwell.
Pizza boxes and garbage left outside the carriage room door.
Broken open Amazon boxes strewn all over the floor by mailboxes.
NICE, huh?

Anonymous said...

It is a matter of Beam wanting these people in place to do their dirty work. This company doesn’t care about poor management. They encourage the events and renting patterns. Not a matter of nobody wanting the job.

Anonymous said...

Let's get real and face it. We live in a fetid, overpriced slum. All the things that NYCHA has long been notorious for: condoms in elevators, puke, shit and piss on the stair, little-to-no heat it the cold months; relentless noise; theft of mail and deliveries and absolutely no "Security" presence. This is overpriced NYCHA living.

We used to have a Tenants Association. What happened to it? It is now just a useless (to us) arm of Management art best. Remember, it was their crooked lawyer who lived next to Jonathan Gray in the Hamptons who was instrumental in having Blackstone take over the property.

Stuyvesant Town is nothing more than an overpriced slum art this point. Maybe PCV is better. I don't know. But, as far as I am concerned, Stuyvesant Town is DEAD. RIP. Beware anyone thinking of spending their hard-earned cash by moving in here!

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to Daniel Garodnick? Wasn't he the little twerp who introduced the nebulous idea of tenants buying their apartments as co-ops or condos? So many tenants were having wet dreams of owning their unit and it all came to nought. I believe the TA were in on his plan.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Beam Living has turned this place into an over-priced slum. It in no way resembles the way it was a few years ago. It has gone downhill so badly that nobody in their right mind would move in to pay top dollar. It is a shame because it used to be a very clean, quiet and pleasant place to live. Not now!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>condoms in elevators<<

Is the condom used? I'm going out this weekend and may (with luck) need it.

Anonymous said...

Garodnick was instrumental in sealing this deal with the devil (Beam). Along with the useless, rotten TA he advocated these evil owners. We can thank him for the slum like conditions we are ensuring. I believe that he is in law practice.

Anonymous said...

Walking home in PCV last night we saw two delivery persons urinating in bushes adjacent to front entrances of the first two buildings (390 1st Ave & 420 E 23 St) we passed by.

Anonymous said...

Garodnick also serves in some vague capacity as "advisor" to Mayor Adams. But he's set for life due to payoffs from when he'd 'facilitated' zoning change to permit construction of that monstrosity on Vanderbilt Avenue. I wonder if it's fully-occupied, and if present commercial tenants there notice all the homeless in that neighborhood?

Anonymous said...

The entire property is now one big disgusting unflushed lavatory

Anonymous said...

I think if New Yorkers were running this place it would be in better shape. New Yorkers wouldn't see any need to have "village green" activities on the lawn. There's so much going on in NYC that if you need to get your "entertainment" from Beam Living, you have to be pretty pathetic. New Yorkers loved Stuyvesant Town because of its bucolic peaceful and green environment. It was built to be "an Oasis in The City" and it has been turned into a tawdry, noisy, scruffy backyard for rubes who don't seem to know that there is a great big City full of entertainment of much higher quality (and a lot of it free) within a walk or bus ride away.
We used to have the annual flea market and that was enjoyable, but what we have now, thrust down our throats, ears and nervous systems is undiluted low-grade CRAP.

Anonymous said...

I do not have the energy now to provide details, but I'd like people to understand that:

The last double-talking, thoroughly despicable "CEO" of our formerly peaceful homes left last September and is "CEO" of another Blackstone abomination in Chicago (these bast**ds are rotated in and out here) - that is Kelly Vohs, about whom all of the fuss was made. Model military man, wonderful father, blah blah blah blah bs.

Were we notified that the nominal "CEO" of Beam Living/Dying/We Torment You had left? Nope.

He was replaced by yet another piece of work around the same time he left.


Well, NEWS FLASH: You still cannot find her since there is no direct, and specific, contact e-mail address listed for her. You can, instead, e-mail people such as: Executive Leadership Team | Beam Living; or

Her name is Jacqueline Grace. She spent years working at Merrill Lynch (read: FINANCES - SOME OF THE WORST PREDATORS ON THE PLANET THESE DAYS) and also CASINOS.

Aren't you just shocked???? Casinos? Money-hungry "financial" corporations? Yet NO EXPERIENCE IN HOUSING, IN MULTI-UNIT DWELLINGS. What a surprise.

Look 'er up on LinkedIn.

If you can find an e-mail address, and track her down in The Bunker (alias "Resident Services" - serving what to whom?), please post all pertinent information here.


More coming.

Happy sweltering filthy latrine-like noisy crowded summer to you!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

One can find a lot by going to

Anonymous said...

Blackstone also owns PSSI. The latter employs 14 & 15 year old illegal migrants in meat-packing plants. It's not illegal. Is anyone here surprised by this? Google for more info thereon.

Anonymous said...

Siobhan Kennedy is a very nice and approachable person. I really like her.
They need to get rid of that Vasquez moron. He is an untalented, unprofessional idiot in the way he foists these loud, no-talent “events” on us.
He’s from the cheap, tacky area of the cruise ship industry and its surprising that nobody ever pushed him overboard.
The noise level of those “events”
amounts to harassment. Maybe they want to vacate the Oval buildings for some reason. I wouldn’t live in one of those buildings if the offered me a rent-free unit. What they have done to the Oval is nothing short of despicably evil. In fact, Blackstone has made its money on destruction and greed. It’s like a terrorist organization in that respect.
Wouldn’t surprise me if Schwartzman is in bed with Putin. Maybe wants to take all the land in Ukraine and turn it into tacky resorts. Bit far-fetched, I know, but the kind of calculated evil we see in play is Satanic and there clearly are people capable of it.

Anonymous said...

"Is the condom used? I'm going out this weekend and may (with luck) need it."

Going out or being let out? ;-)

Anonymous said...

"Blackstone also owns PSSI. The latter employs 14 & 15 year old illegal migrants in meat-packing plants. It's not illegal. Is anyone here surprised by this? Google for more info thereon."

When it comes to the length and breadth of Blackstone's intrinsic evil, NOTHING surprises me. They are probably into things that would make decent person vomit. They've been called out by the UN for their vile practices in the housing market.

Anonymous said...

The ex-Mayor's ex(?)-wife needs a job now. She would be perfect for Blackstone.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the UN's report in March 2019 detailing Blackstone's success, in many countries, in evicting people from their homes, destroying their homes, destroying their lives.

Two months later, in May 2019, reports circulated revealing Blackstone as the main reason so much of the Amazon jungle burned.

Anonymous said...

Misery in the oval. Tonight they had a movie which went until 9. High volume, not as bad as the concert but bothersome.

Anonymous said...

"Two months later, in May 2019, reports circulated revealing Blackstone as the main reason so much of the Amazon jungle burned."

Are you sure it was not Blackrock and not Blackstone who was cited for that atrocity?

Probably doesn't make a difference because they are both evil, satanic entities. They almost make horrors like Stalin, Hitler and others of that ilk look like they weren't so bad!

Anonymous said...

It was Blackstone in the Amazon.

I skimmed a report about Blackstone and children in the meatpacking industry.

As I've often wished, I'd like to be some other kind of life form on this planet. My own species can, and too often is, a horror show.

Maybe I could transition into some big solitary cat living in a jungle, or one of the mountain cats.

Or, maybe I could join the ranks of scientist Frankensteins as in Jurassic Park, and people the world with dinosaurs again, including the varieties who would dine on the likes of Blackstone!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that the TA Facebook has gone "private" and no one can see it unless they are a member? What are they trying to hide? I don't think they will recruit any new members with that ploy!

Anonymous said...

Got an email today announcing the summer concerts in the Oval. Thank God I don't live near it. If there is a tree left in the Oval, I can think of somebody I'd like to see hang from it. No names, but a certain former cruiseship dj comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

"Misery in the oval. Tonight they had a movie which went until 9. High volume, not as bad as the concert but bothersome."

Even though this is private property, I am pretty sure that there must be City noise ordinances that apply. I would go on a rent strike if I had to list to that appalling noise almost every night throughout the summer. Does "Public Safety" check ID cards to make sure that only residents are attendees? If they don't, they should. It's bad enough that we have so much theft on the property. I know for a fact that unauthorized people get in and prowl the stairs and halls looking for something to steal. They also shit and piss in the stairways. Why do we pay top dollar to endure this kind of moronic shit? The windows are not soundproof - soon found that out.

Bottom line: this place is a cruel hoax. I'm sure it violates every City ordinance when it comes to noise and safety. Prospective victims er renters should be warned about how badly it is run and what kind of shit goes down here.

I've Had It. Enough already! said...

What a shithole they have turned this place into?
Without the shrubbery and the Oval this "luxury living" habitat would be just be like the projects.
Packages open and strewn all over the lobby, garbage in stairwells, used condoms, urine in elevators, screaming and braying bros, hideous Oval "concerts"...enough already!

Anonymous said...

11:46 AM: you said it! You absolutely hit the proverbial nail on the head!
We used to have beautiful shade trees in the Oval and it really was an oasis of peace and tranquillity. When MetLife sold it for an historically outrageous price they started cutting down the trees and turned the Oval into an open arena for this horrendous shit that we have to endure. The Oval was absolutely lovely.
Now it is absolutely ruined. I honestly wouldn’t live in an apartment near it for a peppercorn rent.
Without the trees and lush greenery we used to have this really is no better than NYCHA. In fact, I’ve visited NYCHA apartments that were better when I used to be a Visiting Nurse.
The beautiful grounds and trees here made up for the ugliness and (years ago) lack of air conditioning. We always had to deal with thin walls, brown water and an electrical system that didn’t let you plug in an iron in the bedroom and a toaster in the kitchen at the same time without blowing a fuse! We bought boxes of fusestats by the dozen.
We really didn’t care much because we lived in a beautiful park that was lovely all year round. We enjoyed everything each season offered in nature.
After it was sold so much was destroyed and it became an expensive version of the NYCHA Projects.

Anonymous said...

"I've Had It. Enough already! said...
What a shithole they have turned this place into?
Without the shrubbery and the Oval this "luxury living" habitat would be just be like the projects.
Packages open and strewn all over the lobby, garbage in stairwells, used condoms, urine in elevators, screaming and braying bros, hideous Oval "concerts"...enough already!"

You said it! You said it PERFECTLY and ACCURATELY! It really is a shame what has happened to this place.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Again and again, this is not the "shithole" that some (one? two?) claim here. There is a lot wrong with Stuy Town, but living here is not desperation with no way out. If I lived here and thought it was the worse, I would look to moving someplace else.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

How's your tap water?

Anonymous said...

STR, you make a good point. If I were younger, I would move out. The place has declined greatly especially under the present management, but it is still a decent place to live if you don’t pay market rents. Many of us recall better days here and I guess that is what bothers us. As an oval dweller, I am plagued by the loud events and disgusted by the transient renting policies. I wish I had moved ten years ago, but that is hindsight. Who would know that the rotten TA and Garodnick would sell us out to this horrible landlord. I certainly would tell people not to rent here now, but I don’t feel unsafe here and the service is good when my apartment has issues.

Anonymous said...

STR, compared to how it used to be, it is a shithole.

Anonymous said...

And it has deteriorated tremendously under this management . Tishman Speyer were bad in that they tried to drive people out for various reasons, but the property didn’t sink to the level it is at today. This is the worst management we have ever had.

Anonymous said...

I have students two floors up from me blasting loud music. Nobody in their right mind would pay top dollar to rent here.

Anonymous said...

From the Daily Show's Stuyvesant Town exposé:
"Stuyvesant Town- it means shithole in Dutch"

Anonymous said...

I don't think we actually have any management. Ms. Kennedy seems to be the face of management, but her title is very strange. She is a very pleasant and helpful person, but I don't know how much authority she has over the general running of the place.

We had three "Property Managers" in quick succession. Hayduk was the only one who seemed to be "hands on" and actually mixed with the riff raff - er sorry - residents. After he left to run his own hotel somewhere, we had two laughably brief PMs who cried "Let me outta here" after a couple of weeks. Then Ms. Kennedy was put in place and she has a very ephemeral title, but seems to be the face of "management." The woman listed a Property Manager has never been seen or heard of by tenants. She's on Linkedin, but nowhere to be seen around here.
Kelly Vos was a bad joke. With all the fanfare about his arrival and that he was a green beret (more likely a pink bonnet) which was of no interest to anybody but himself, he just disappeared.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>From the Daily Show's Stuyvesant Town exposé:
"Stuyvesant Town- it means shithole in Dutch"<<

This segment is played as a joke. Unfortunately, there are real concerns in Stuy Town and cats (!) is not one of them. How about dogs and dog shit all over the place? That's one of the problems. I can go with any newsperson and point out the rules being broken here every few minutes. But, no, let's treat everything as a joke and hope for a laugh.

Anonymous said...

Dog owners just laugh at any concerns of non-dog owners. The former are constantly indulged, while the latter have no rights.

Anonymous said...

Even though the Oval has been destroyed and bears absolutely no resemblance to what it used to be (and the fountain is dry and turned off), there are still lots of trees and shrubbery on the property. I hope they don't destroy it any further. It used to be nice to sit by the fountain on a hot day, but maybe they are conserving water.

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that the ghouls who own and control this place care absolutely NOTHING about the environment and global warming, bio-diversity, etc. They destroy trees that GIVE so much to the environment with their beauty, their shade and their natural ability to clean and cool the air. Not to mention the homes that they are to an abundance of wildlife. The ghouls have destroyed the grass and replaced it with scrub and stupid chairs.
What used to be a beautiful environmentally enhancing tree park, working on behalf of nature and people, has become a place to hold stupid, third-rate "events" that destroy the peace and sanctuary of people's homes. When you are force-fed noise and can't even shut it out, your personal space is being violated.
Stuyvesant Town has been permanently changed from being a special place to live in the heart of a big, bustling, dirty, noisy concrete city to being just a part of the dirty, noisy concrete city. Without the once-beautiful grounds and the Oval, it is just an overpriced ugly old housing project.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why both the TAFacebook and the other one for Tenants have gone underground? Maybe Management was reading them too much for comfort. I don't have a Facebook account (don't want one), but I would often read those two Facebooks because they were publicly viewable. They were interesting and informative and very well moderated. The one that was not the TA was sometimes a bit too moderated in the sense that if the moderators didn't agree with somebody's views they would be bounced off, but mostly it was a very agreeable discourse and very informative. Too bad they have both gone underground and not viewable to non-FB members.
One thing that puts me off the idea of opening a FB account is because I've been told by many people that if, for whatever reason, you want to close and delete it, Facebook won't let you. I've heard you can go round and round in circles following the instructions to close it, but still are stuck with it. Doesn't sound very ethical to me, Mr. Zuckerberg!

Anonymous said...

I swear every Wednesday the movies get louder!!! This on an evening where there is an air quality alert!!!

I pray that for the rest of the summer for rain every time there is an event in the once peaceful oval!!!

Anonymous said...

I pray for rain and a lightning strike on the f**king screen/stage at the “events.”

Anonymous said...

I know this is private property, but surely the people who are paying rent to live in the buildings near the Oval have some rights? Aren't they protected by some City ordinance or law?
I can hear those vile events all the way over on 14th Street, so it must be absolute hell for the people living close to the Oval. We've had so many shabby hustlers destroying our lives for so long now and I don't see people lining up to rent here. They have to practically beg and bribe people to rent here and most of the renters are students and transients. I would NEVER recommend renting here to anybody I meet. I would strongly advise against it.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody had their apartment tested for lead? I got a notice in the mail that they’re coming in one day in a couple of weeks between 9 & 5 and it will be a two hour procedure. I’m pissed off be auto have something planned for the day they want to enter and I don’t like idea of them going into closets. It’s an imposition.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, no Real Tenant living near the Oval knows a good attorney, or has the financial resources to hire one. And 3:25 PM, Blackstone takes actual pleasure in imposing on you (and everybody else they can).

Anonymous said...

What's this shit about getting a new refrigerator and paying for it forever, even if it konks out and you have to get a new one?

No way in this world would I go along with that! I would just buy my own fridge and the hell with management.

I just don't understand why they treat us like the dregs of Hell. We pay out rent (ok, old rent from pre-vulture days); obey all the rules and yet it seems like they are always trying to do us down. Is it just me, or are others disgusted with these money-hungry jackals?

I think it would have been a godsend if we had been able to purchase our apartments and told these filthy jackals to GO TO HELL!

Anonymous said...

This oval dweller dreads Wednesdays and Thursdays when they torture us with those vile events.

Anonymous said...

8:14 am

Agree completely!!!

Anonymous said...

This lead-testing thing: are they only going into unrenovated units or is it every unit? I think they should take it for granted that the unrenovated units have lead paint. It's intrusive and a form of harassment.

Anonymous said...

"This oval dweller dreads Wednesdays and Thursdays when they torture us with those vile events."

They are horrible "events" and not well-attended. Most of the attendees are not residents. It is an absolute affront to people who live near the Oval and how they get away with it probably depends on who they pay to turn a blind eye and deaf ear. I'm sure they violate the City's noise ordinances and they expose residents to danger because anybody and everybody can get onto the property and prowl around looking for opportunities. This LL has ZERO respect for its tenants, but Blackstone is no worse than Tishman Speyer was; in fact, TS was worse. They actively harassed tenants to drive them out and they were known to pop champagne corks when an elderly tenant died. I'm pretty sure they caused the deaths of some elderly people with their harassment. The fate I wish for Rob Speyer would never be printed by STR! He has destroyed many lives in his quest for the gelt. He makes Putin look like Gandhi.

We can thank the "Tenants" Association for Blackstone. Remember it was the finance guy at the TA (a disgraced lawyer) who had a vacation home in the Hamptons and his next door neighbor was Jonathan Gray. It was he who suggested that Blackstone might like to add STPCV to its portfolio. I don't know if the same people are in the TA now (I am not a member) and I have heard of some good they've done lately, e.g., the prevention of the power stations that BS wanted to build on the property and the usage of the vacant supermarket on 14th into a high end food store with a cafe at the back that was actually on the property and would have meant murdering more trees, bringing filth, trash and outsiders right under the windows of some apartments. Only ghouls like Blackstone could come up with such fiendish ideas! There is no limit to their greed and disregard for life. Everything they do has the stench of death in one way or another. They have absolutely NO respect for the people who pay to live here and the people they abuse and exploit worldwide.

May it rain buckets on Wednesdays and Thursdays of summer!

Anonymous said...

As it is totally apparent that Global Warming is a fact and not the fiction that some people claim, you would think that the owners of this property would have more respect for the trees that have long been one of the best selling points of the property.
The decimation of the rain forest and the general destruction of the God-given protections of the planet just don't seem of any importance to these ghouls. We now have plastic grass specially for the dog shit. God help us. Please God, help us and protect us from these destructive, money-hungry human parasites.


5:13 P.M.

Again - I'd like to remind everyone that in May 2019, Blackstone was revealed as the chief reason for the burning of the Amazon rain forest.

Ghouls is right. At least the zombies (some? all of them?) ate the brains of human beings. These zombies have neither their own working brains nor the instinct to find and use the brains of others to do what is necessary for life and health on this planet.

Anonymous said...

I think it was BlackRock who destroyed the Amazon Forest, but BS has done more than its share of global destruction and the destruction of human lives.,to%20the%20brink%20of%20extinction.

Anonymous said...,were%20blatantly%20wrong%20and%20irresponsible.

Anonymous said...

I recently had an "apartment inspection". It took less than 5 minutes. The person took a picture of my kitchen and bathroom and left. Seriously, that was it. No need to worry over these things.

Anonymous said...

As it is totally apparent that Global Warming is a fact and not the fiction that some people claim, you would think that the owners of this property would have more respect for the trees that have long been one of the best selling points of the property.


Anonymous said...

Off topic but I wanted to state that despite being sober as a judge, I saw a very large Raccoon in Stuy Town on 18th and first Saturday Night around midnight. Freaked me (and a PCVST guard) right out. It was huge. I promise I was sober, and it was a raccoon, way bigger than most cats.

Anonymous said...

The apartment inspection is a breeze. The inspection I dread is the lead paint inspection when they go in your closets.

Anonymous said...

"The apartment inspection is a breeze. The inspection I dread is the lead paint inspection when they go in your closets."

I have to get rid of all the skeletons! ;-)

Anonymous said...

That was Schwartzman. He shift-shapes.

Anonymous said...

It is 7:23 in the evening on Wednesday, June 19, 2023. As I sit in my beleaguered,near-vibrating home, there is canned noise, vastly illegal and dangerous noise blasting here emanating from talentless, screaming, egotistical human vermin on the Oval.

This is the kind of bone-jarring crap and violation of liberties and health that immature jerks blast out of their cars - the sub-woofers in those cars invading and wreaking havoc with the ears and heads and other body parts of countless strangers.

I hear some female "singer" now. There she is: some arrogant and obnoxious female carrying on out there as I type. And who knows how many pieces of of human excrement sitting there and screaming, cheering them on the denuded, tormented Oval?

It sounds to me like I might be hearing that very sick man, Robert Vasquez. Maybe one day I'll feel brave or foolish enough to give you some of his biography, which might explain why he thinks his tiny self is KING.

I've already requested Security to ask the engineer to reduce the decibel level. Hahaha.

Some of you have already indicated what you'd like to do to all of this personnel - "management," "performers," "audience."

As Smokey Robinson and the Miracles crooned so many years back, I (heartily) second that emotion!


Anonymous said...

I can hear that horrible noise from the Oval and I am on 14th. If I lived near the Oval I would demand a rent reduction.

Anonymous said...

Our illustrious councilman posted a photo of “a beautiful night in Sty Town with some Bruce Springsteen in the background.” What nerve , he is actually supporting these vile concerts. Tonight is another disgusting blast of noise pollution. One singer sounds like a sick cow. The noise is so loud I can barely hear my TV.

Anonymous said...

As one who lives on the oval, I concur with all of the above said. I pray for rain every Wednesday and Thursday during the summer!😢

Anonymous said...

I think it is disgusting that they have turned a residential property into a "resort." A low-end, horribly-run resort. This used to be a beautiful, peaceful, bucolic place to live. Now, it is a tacky, noisy, dirty, incredibly badly-run quasi resort. They spend money on the crap they put on and call "events," but they can't spend money on replacing the locks on the laundry room doors. Now I have to send my laundry out because the laundry rooms are unsafe. The washers they have installed are also bottom-of-the-line garbage that use so little water that clothes come out with dry patches! What a horrible f**k-up of a "Management" we have. Total bottom of the proverbial barrel.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody noticed that the email bulletins we get about events, etc., have lots of links that connect to other things and there is much advertising for businesses outside of the Sty? I wonder if Blackstone has its filthy, bloodstained hands on any of those touted businesses? I can't imagine they would give free advertising to any entity they don't have a stake [through the heart] in.

Anonymous said...

1:30 AM and the usual braying, bellowing shitfaced scum making its way home (kinda early really) and this will go on until dawn. Can't wait to get out of this vile dorm/third-rate resort/flophouse. I warn EVERYBODY I meet to avoid this place. My sister works for Real Estate company (a real one, not a cheaply bought asset of Private Equity mob) and she makes a point of warning clients to avoid this place like sinkhole full of shit.

I'm Outta Here Soon said...

A Real DUMP.
Stay away!

Anonymous said...

STR, most of the people commenting are dog owners! They don't mind the piles of shit, shit stains, shit pancakes, puddles of piss, piss stains, etc. Indeed, they're adding to all of it. Combine all that with the managerial incompetence we all contend with and you end up with stytown!