Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Beam to Childen: Start a Conversation on a Bench, and Don't Forget to Change Your Diapers!


You have to hand to Beam Living and Stuy Town. They care a lot and remind children that they can start a conversion, as the little ones may get confused about what benches are for. Of course, the diapers have to be changed, too, in case they are soiled and smelly.

So, I saw this morning that these new signs and two new reddish benches were put at the Oval. How wonderful for the little ones! Apparently later there are candies, though the old-fashioned ones like Ring-Dings cost a lot now, so something cheap will be provided by Beam.


Stuy Town Reporter said...

Those two red benches look very pretty. They even have birds! (Not live ones, of course.) The children must really enjoy that!

Anonymous said...

They come up with more pathetic ideas all the time! Considering the fact that there are more college undergrads dorming here than there are "real" tenants, I don't know if those benches will ever be used by seniors, which is the demo they are aimed at. Are they going to "police" these benches to make sure that some college brat isn't sprawled out working on their tan?

Anonymous said...

Don't think so 2:43, because they don't "police" anything here. And children usually don't sit on such benches, in my experience.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Children don't sit on benches, but older teenagers for a brief time and adults, particularly senior citizens, do. No one needs to be told to start a conversation. This "recommendation" is one of the more idiotic things Stuy Town has done. Totally imbecilic.

Anonymous said...

Back in the day, some "older teenagers" would sit on them at night, drink beer, and scream. (Won't mention their ethnicity for fear of offending STR.) Now, very few older teens live here. But raucous students more than make up for that, even if they don't sit down outside.

Senile Sarah said...

F the idiotic signs on the benches.
How about some heat in the winter?
How about no more brown water coming out of the faucets?
How about enforcing some rules of civilized conduct here?

Anonymous said...

You need a TA and an effective councilperson for the above.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody remember the "LuxLiving" blog from the days of Tishman Speyer? I wonder what happened to that guy? He was brilliant in his eviscerating commentary, especially his opinion of Rob Speyer! I think he had some serious health issues and I do hope that he is still alive and well.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I had lunch or a snack or a coffee with him, but that was a long, long time ago. No idea what he is doing now.

Anonymous said...

This is all so "resort" mentality. I have lived in Stuyvesant Town all my life (which is long before it became the shithole that it now is) and I don't think anybody has ever had a problem with sitting on a bench and putting the world to rights! We never needed these stupid notices. But then, sitting outside was a pleasure because we didn't have to endure scooters and bikes and skateboard zipping past. Also, the air was clean and refreshing to breathe in (apart from the pollen, but we'll blame God for that) because there was so much more grass and trees and no hideous commercial venues and yapping dogs of all sizes shitting and pissing all over the place.
With all respect to the folks living in NYCHA projects, this is now nothing more than an overpriced housing project that is not even as well kept as many of the NYCHA housing.
They have some damned steel balls to call this place "luxury" because it is anything but and the people running this place are nothing more than former hospitality hacks who ran shitty hotels and bars. Check out their resumes on Linkedin. Absolute freeking low-level losers.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, STR, they are trying to turn this place into something that it was back in the day. It used to be a community. Since the sale and the various and sundry lowlife owners we have had, it has become a rotten dorm/transient squat. I think this management is trying to restore some dignity to the old place. Maybe I'm wrong, but at least give them the benefit of the doubt and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

They have had more than enough time already, 1:45 AM. Meaningless/minor gesture. It's too late.

Anonymous said...

I’ll wait for the STFU benches.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>> they are trying to turn this place into something that it was back in the day. It used to be a community. Since the sale and the various and sundry lowlife owners we have had, it has become a rotten dorm/transient squat. I think this management is trying to restore some dignity to the old place. Maybe I'm wrong, but at least give them the benefit of the doubt and see what happens. <<

Really? I see everything getting worse.

Anonymous said...

As do I ,getting worse. Building and nearby apartments cause noise constantly

Anonymous said...

What dignity? Oval events cheapen property. More and more transients. Dignified it is not. More like degrading

Anonymous said...

Yesterday my friend and I were sitting by the fountain when three children who were half dressed and in their hate feet start running around the fountain and one jumps in! Not a security officer in sight!

When an adult, whom.I assumed was the father appeared,he was in his bare feet! After telling the child to get out, he disappears back onto the oval lawn and the child continues to go back in and out of the water!

When I grew up here, if you got caught in the grass, you ran for your life as to avoid getting your name taken and risk getting thrown out!

There was pride that we lived in a development with nature in the middle of Manhattan!

Once Met Life went public, the party was over. I can't imagine paying $4,500 for an apartment here now.

My thermometer this morning was 66 degrees!

I can't afford to move unfortunately.

I imagine there are other long time residents who have similar feelings.

Anonymous said...

Shake Shack truck here today. Really adds to the "dignity" of this dump! This is a tramp management we have here.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I had two burgers from the Shake Shack truck, and neither was as awesome tasting as years ago. Now I prefer to save money and make my own burger.

Anonymous said...

The shake shack burgers are greasy and not great, although the shakes are good.Food trucks cheapen the property even more

Stuy Town Reporter said...

It is below 50% tonight. Is the heat on? No. ...."indoor temperatures be maintained at a minimum of 68°F (20°C) when outdoor temperatures fall below 55°F (13°C) during the daytime. During nighttime hours, indoor temperatures must be kept at a minimum of 62°F (17°C) regardless of outdoor conditions."

Anonymous said...

Re: the dumbass "father" who let his kid jump into the fountain: I was always told that there are electrical fixtures in the fountain - something to do with the lighting - and there is risk of electric shock if you go in.

They are renting to such lowlife human garbage these days.

Anonymous said...

STR, about the heat (or lack thereof) is the rule only applicable to certain months of the year when it is expected to be cold? I have had my space heaters on for the last couple of days. Spring can be bloody cold and wet!

Anonymous said...

"Not a security officer in sight!"

The lowlife shit who is running this place have cut Public Safety down to the bone. We don't have nearly as many officers as we used to have.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

It is 7 right now. No heat. 50 degrees outside.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

This the rule:

From October 1 through May 31, New York City building owners must maintain an indoor temperature of at least 68 degrees between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. when it’s below 55 degrees outside. From 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., indoor temperature must be at least 62 degrees regardless of the temperature outside. Hot water must be kept at a minimum temperature of 120 degrees at the source, year-round.

We are still in May.

Stuy Town Reporter said...


Anonymous said...

STR, I know that they should be giving us heat, but when did this shitty "management" ever go by the laws of the City? They are cheap, resort rejects and say a lot about what to expect at Blackstone "resorts." They have no idea as to how they should run a residential property and they don't give a flying f*ck about the rules and laws of the City. Low class "hospitality" failures.
At least we are all well-warned about booking a vacation at a Blackstone resort!

The failed Cruise DJ should be getting his tacky crap going soon to torture us through the summer.

Anonymous said...

This oval dweller dreads the onset of summer here. Each year the crap events are louder and more frequent. It is despicable that they get away with this. People work from home, babies are sleeping, and some us want to read or watch TV in peace.

Anonymous said...

A previous poster said that once Met Life went public "the party was over." That common expression doesn't apply in this case, because once Blackstone entered the picture, the REAL party began, esp. in the Oval ("a great resource") during the summers, and with all their student tenants.

Anonymous said...

Management doesn't know and doesn't care who the hell is living here. Tenants advertise their apartments as short-term rentals for a couple of months when they are going to be on vacation. We could have a Ted Bundy subletting here. The directory boards in the lobbies are NEVER updated because, as I said, Management does not or care who the f*ck is renting here. Given that we have minimum Security these days, this place is a crime scene waiting to happen. We (real tenants) have absolutely no protection of our safety. Maybe I'll get me a weapon, legal or not. This used to be safest and best run property in the City. Now it is a shitty dorm, temporary flop, Air-b-n-B shithole. If I knew of anybody subletting or renting out as a temporary flop, I would inform Management immediately. Unfortunately, I don't think they would care. All Management cares about is that they get the rent every month - especially if it is MR.

Anonymous said...

I hope that anybody thinking of moving in here checks the Yelp reviews first. They are not good, but they are honest. Since Blackstone bought the place it has really gone down the sewer. It used to be one of the very best places to rent in NYC if you wanted an affordable rent and a clean, safe place to live.
At this point, it is nothing more than an overpriced slum. The Management is the absolute dregs. Management is totally out of its depth and haven't got a clue as to how a housing complex should be run. They all are the bottom-of-the-barrel hospitality industry hacks. They are trained to cater to people on a low budget who will put up with (or expect) low quality-low budget conditions. Unfortunately, some of us are paying through the nose for cold, inferior apartments with paper-thin walls and we go out in the hall and see a dirty, cheap carpet that has been soiled with dog shit. The laundry facilities are execrable and the entire ambience of the place screams (literally) dorm/transient/neglect and indifference.
Most of us didn't move in here in order to experience such substandard conditions. The woman who supposedly is managing the place is a total moron. I don't know where they sourced her, but they should get rid of her and get somebody who knows how to do the job of managing a place like this. All she seems to involve herself in is the third-rate "entertainment" which is pathetic as well as something that isn't even appropriate for an apartment complex. Maybe it would be appreciated at one of the City beaches, but not under our windows on summer nights! Can't wait to get out of here and will definitely spread the word (warning) to anybody who wants an opinion of this dump.

Anonymous said...

The entertainment began with the owners before Beam, but was escalated by Rick Hayduk after he became manager. It keeps escalating. I do know that some long term residents attend these events and that makes it worse. Of course there are outsiders too. The place needs a facelift. They are unwilling to spiff it up since they have turned much of the apartments into 3 and 4 student dorms. They also seem to have rooms for let situations and deals with foreign tourist agencies for short term rentals. A unique and despicable housing development.

Anonymous said...

Rick made a major hiring misstep by hiring a megalomaniac from a personal situation which seems to have seriously scarred him psychologically. We all come from less than ideal family constellations, and many of us feel cheated in the arena of physical appearances as well.

I believe Rick may well have thought he was acting out of both personal benevolence and practicality when he brought Vazquez up here from Florida as "Lifestyle Director." A "DJ" on some cruise ship, Vazquez has steadily expanded his obscene opinion of himself and his importance, control and power.

In service of that compensation for earlier trauma, he steadily creates more and more trauma, disturbance and health threats to hundreds of us for many months each year.

Anonymous said...

From reading the three Facebook sites which are for tenants, I get the impression that a great many people live here who have not been vetted in any way by Management. When MetLife owned the place there was a waiting list to get in and prospective tenants had to provide references and prove that they did not have a police record. It seems that now it is ok to totally bypass the leasing office and move into an apartment as a room mate or the sole occupant by just dealing with the current tenant of record (or maybe no record that management knows about).

I think that is a very bad practice because those of us who are not "passing through" and are tenants of record have the right to feel confident that Management knows who lives here and who doesn't. Maybe current owners don't care about that kind of thing jus so long as each apartment is rented at the maximum rent they can get. I suspect that if any of the tenants in the unrenovated apartments engaged in being "landlords" they would probably be turfed out. Tishman Speyer hired some private dick (dick in every way) to find those tenants and turf them out. Maybe current Management would have the same attitude now if an older tenant rented out their apartment.

I doubt that Management has any real idea as to who actually lives here. This used to be one of the safest and well-run place to live in this entire city. Now it is an unsupervised dorm/hotel/AirBnB/. I hope there is never a murder or rape here as the result of Management having no knowledge of and not caring about who is dossing her.

Anonymous said...

"The place needs a facelift. They are unwilling to spiff it up since they have turned much of the apartments into 3 and 4 student dorms. They also seem to have rooms for let situations and deals with foreign tourist agencies for short term rentals. A unique and despicable housing development."

I am embarrassed to invite friends and family to my apartment nowadays because the carpet in the hall is filthy and full of dog piss and shit stains. I think the pikers running this place have cut back on porters, Public Safety and skilled workers. It has an atmosphere of cheap entertainment outside and seedy neglect inside. I pity the idiots who are paying through the nose to live here. Everything they put into the renovated units is cheap, bottom-of-the-line crap. But then, look at who is managing the dump: cheap, bottom-of-the-line crap. The bottom-feeders of the seedy tourist world.