Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Return with us to the thrilling days of yesteryear....


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Anonymous said...

For less than $2400 a month in a major international city you want heat? Surely you jest.

Anonymous said...

The heat goes on and off, I had it at 5:30 AM, now nothing. They give it a few hours a day. Despicable slumlords

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
For less than $2400 a month in a major international city you want heat? Surely you jest.

January 2, 2019 at 6:44 AM

You say $2,400?
How about some heat for $4,150 per month??
Can anyone do anything about this?
Is this a fu*kin slum?
The projects get more heat.
Oh, wait.
This IS a project.

Anonymous said...

What I see is a major problem here is that residents are not reporting further than management. My thermometer is due due to arrive today. I will be recording and photographing. I am positive my bedroom is under 68. If calling 311 does not yield results I will seek advice from a tenant lawyer. My pipes have been cold since early morning. My pattern is that if I am “lucky there will be three hours of heat beginning about 4 or 5 PM and then off again. I cannot live like this. It is not enough to complain on these blogs. Nobody is helping us. I think many tenants are afraid to go further. Although this blog is a good place to vent, it is not getting us heat nor is the TA blog.

Anonymous said...

Just Call Rick's bonus must be linked to his refusal to deliver adequate heat.

Anonymous said...

Why pay rent for no heat?

I have had little or NO HEAT since December 17, 2018.

The bank and a savings account with rent, no?

Anonymous said...

"A Town & Village reader alerted us that as he was walking around the Oval at around 12:30 a.m., he saw a man being assaulted by two people. Fortunately, the victim was able to get help from a couple of other people who happened to be around. The reader noticed this happened near the security booth, which was unmanned at the time."

"Stuy Town General Manager Rick Hayduk confirmed the incident. According to Hayduk, they’d approached the man on the Oval and said, “Give us your money.” The resident refused and continued to walk away and they didn’t chase him. However, the pair then tried the same thing with a nearby couple, who also declined to turn over their money"

Notice how casually Just Call Rick verbally twists and contorts an eye-witnessed crime into a non-crime.

Anonymous said...

My readings were 65-66 in the bedroom and 68 on the dot in the living room. Bedroom below legal limit and living room on border.

Anonymous said...

They can turn on the heat when they want to. I just reported illegal temp in bedroom and heat is on ten minutes later. Log, complain, and report.

Anonymous said...

The only thing the TA is useful for is their facebook page where people can discuss and vent. The organization does NOTHING for us beyond that, but they are aggressively going after people for due. I would just as soon donate $50 to an animal shelter where it would be put to some good use. The TA is totally in bed with Management and I suspect that very soon they will close the facebook page to anybody who has not paid their "dues." Don't know this for a fact, of course, but that is what I am thinking.

A friend came over today and commented on how cold my apartment was and asked why the TA didn't do anything about it because, surely, their apartments are cold too. I couldn't answer that, but it does make me wonder if they spend much of the cold months in their apartments. Doesn't the Treasurer live in the Hamptons? I'm sure he can afford to heat his home out there! Wouldn't be surprised if most of the Board members have homes elsewhere and don't spend much of the winter months in their cold PCV/ST apartments. If I could afford to be a snowbird, you wouldn't catch me spending five minutes in this slum during the winter.

Anonymous said...

What they are doing is keeping the heat at very minimal legal limits. At times it goes below. They can turn it up whenever they want. When you tell them it is below legal limit they put it up. The problem here is that they are allowed to do it because tenants are passive. I can’t believe people are actually putting ovens on like in a tenement.

Anonymous said...

Heat came on late afternoon for the first time all day

Anonymous said...

The TA will do nothing. You must act on your own. Dues should not be paid anymore to this sham of an organization.

Anonymous said...

You will only be hurt if you withhold rent. Too many tenants here do not even call to complain.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I just came back from seeing what I never saw before, but with Stuy Town, seeing something strange and new is not a unique experience. So, next to Playground 12 a mother allowed her son to spray paint all over the sidewalk near the benches, and in different colors. No, this wasn't just crayon doodling, but spray painting, so that first you shake the can and hear the ball inside swirl the paint. The job was almost finished when I came upon this, disbelieving what I was seeing. Meanwhile, four PS officers (four) were walking toward the "art." Three went the other way, but one got close to the "art" and started speaking to the mother. On my way back (I went to Associated), the kid was on his hands and knees scrubbing his "art," but he was making a bit of a mess, and it will take him a long time to clean everything, which I doubt he can. The mother wasn't with him. And it's getting dark right now.

Anonymous said...

I cannot get upset or excited over the above type of violations anymore. Heat is the main and overriding issue now and tenants should be recording and calling management and the city. I sent an email to the Councilman today. May not do anything but if people keep sitting back and freezing management will continue to laugh in our faces. I am sick of being cold and also sick of the passive attitudes. And once again, painting on benches, noise, etc all pale when your health is jeopardized by lack of heat.

Anonymous said...

Sorry STR, painting on the sidewalks not a priority to me when I am freezing. Complained today and my living room has been at 73 for four hours. Temporary yes, but all the venting and cursing on the blogs is doing nothing.

Stand Up and Fight said...

Why, oh why do you think that you will receive heat if you refuse to take action?

Your fears of "trouble" from Blackstone, and your entire life of conditioning (obey "authority") prevent you from defending yourself against intense bullying and infliction of harm.

Organizing, rent strike, the courts, publicity. Other actions I've listed repeatedly.

I've been told that only when people have literally starving children do they take action. Strictly speaking, it's not true. Look at other countries. Look at the Civil Rights movement. And so on.

Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village residents who are deprived of heat (and tormented in myriad other ways) grouse among themselves and cooperate with their tormentors.

For the I don't know what time: write to me at and we can locate a landlord/tenant attorney, among other actions.

Anonymous said...


Adam Rose said...

Stand Up and Fight and everyone else. For the most part, Blackstone seem to be giving the LEGAL, minimum amount of heat required by law. So, how do you propose fighting what they’re doing when it’s legal?

Of course, anyone who is getting less heat than what is legal should take photos of the room temperature readings of their thermometers and complain loudly and often to misManagement until you’re given heat that meets at least the minimum heating requirement.

The real problem is that the City minimum amount of heat requirement is too low for most people’s comfort. If we want relief from being cold in our homes in the winter, getting the 68° minimum heating requirement raised to a more comfortable level is the real battle that needs to be fought and won with the City. Otherwise, unfortunately, Blackstone seems to have the law on its side.

Anonymous said...

Fairly sure the operators of the rink realize a residential community is abnormal location for their business since Bryant Park outpost not sorrounded by homes filled with veterans or new families with babies that maybe want to sleep past 8am on weekends or on weekdays during school holidays when hockey pucks slamming just like weekends or maybe need to be asleep around 9 but the music from adult skate or the strange teen driving the zambonie just won’t let them —it’s shameful this company pitches its tents around tenants instead of in a public park

Anonymous said...

Grafitti with spray paint is common in the Projects. It's quite fitting that it's happening here. We have many of the same problems that the unfortunate folk who live in NYCHA housing have: no heat, intolerable noise, shit and piss in the stairwells, mail and package theft and a"Manager" who is just an empty suit.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday my heat was below the legal limit. I did call and I had heat for six hours. I did photograph the thermometer as well. My bedroom was 66. There was a definite cut three weeks ago and they can increase the heat especially when they hear it is below 68.

Anonymous said...

For the most part is right Adam, but not entirely. They give a spurt of heat during the night. It dips and dips until about 2:00 when the readings are borderline. Mine were actually slightly below legal limit. Then they put the heat on for a few hours from 4-8. The readings should be photographed at 2 or 3 PM. There is a definite pattern. We do not have the numbers to organize actions but people do need to watch that thermometer especially in the afternoon.

Anonymous said...

@ January 2, 2019 at 3:17 PM
"The only thing the TA is useful for is their facebook page where people can discuss and vent. The organization does NOTHING for us beyond that, but they are aggressively going after people for due. I would just as soon donate $50 to an animal shelter where it would be put to some good use."

I bet the animals in the shelter get better heat.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

There are two "important" topics on the TA Facebook. One is a photo of a squirrel. Charming. Then the other topic is the health club. Posters (cheerleaders) should identify themselves if they work in one of the Stuy Town health clubs or are somehow related to it. I'm noticing a simmering diversion from the low-cost Asser Levy gym.... It's so far away, like 23rd St....

Anonymous said...

I chuckle each time I read that someone pays 2400 a month to live in this slum. I would move before I paid that. Stupid is as stupid does.

Anonymous said...

Keith Powers, like Dan Garodnick before him, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the REBNY. Anyone who pulled the lever for him on election day is to blame for the travesty this neighborhood has become.

Anonymous said...

Can't view TA page. Banned for life for telling the truth!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

You should be able to still view it.

Anonymous said...

Folks, just face it. Many of us will be suffering in minimally legally heated apartments for the rest of the winter. They have it down to a science. Just watch your thermometers,RECORD and PHOTOGRAPH especially around mid afternoon. They do slip. You will not be getting help from the TA or Councilman Powers. You are on your own. Happily I will be leaving this miserable icebox for my warm workplace soon today. And I really do not want to hear about graffiti and other trivia.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>And I really do not want to hear about graffiti and other trivia.<<

To you. Others may disagree. As I do.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

You could also start a blog on heat-related issues in Stuy Town. No one is stopping you.

Anonymous said...

"You should be able to still view it."

I guess you're right I could view it, but then again, why would I?

Anonymous said...

Spray paint graffiti
Slums with a Slumlord

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