Friday, December 27, 2019

A Law Unto Itself

Blackstone, ST Management, Beam Living, Public Safety, and the Tenants Association have all failed law-abiding residents of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village. We could add a few more names, like our local politicians, newspapers/TV stations, the city's own DOB, but residents of ST and PCV are being duped or ignored by the above. Yes, there are certain things that are right here. It is not all bad for sure. But outright lies or misrepresentations are frequently said or adhered to by the very people and organizations that should help us.

I have lived here for over 30 years, and I challenge anyone of the above to prove otherwise. I have photos (lots) and my own "seeing is believing" experiences. The important attitude of these organizations is to have a happy face--and lie. Every person or organization listed above has lied to residents and to me. Many residents now realize that they are being lied to and refuse the Kool Aid being offered.

Sure, if there is some serious trouble, Public Safety will help, but not in the "small" laws that build up and up and create indifference in residents or even hatred. I cannot go to or call the above organizations or people without preparing myself for the standard BS that all of them give.

Basically, Blackstone and Management are a law unto itself. They do not enforce several city laws and their own. Laws to them are just for talk and promotion. The reality is that a lot of things are just accepted, regardless of Blackstone's own law, regardless of what New York City/State mandates.

This coming year more pressure is going to be put on the above individuals and organizations. From my part, it will be done very legally. As we know, "legal" is ignored here. The fight is to get things that are legal actually legal.


«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 573 of 573
Anonymous said...

Let's just focus on the filth, shit and piss all over this dump, along with the filthy mattresses, loud, braying, barfing bros and screechy girls. Let's focus on the denial of basic rights such as consistent heat in freezing weather, removal of the directories and the confusion it causes to postal workers, residents' guests and, worst of all, any EMT crew who may be called and has the name, but not the apartment number. Probably EMT would have the apartment number, but you never know.

I don't care what anybody's PC level is, so long as it isn't racist. Different age groups and cultures have different outlooks. I don't care about that. I only care about the rape and pillage being committed on our homes, the environment and our sanity by Blackstone and the assholes it employs to do its dirty work.

Anonymous said...

TA site never ceases to amuse me. Number one obnoxious male cheerleader griping about rent check interest by Chase. Nothing else bothers him. Loves the place.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

How many times do I see a violation of the rules every time I go out? All the time, and not just one.

Seen this morning one violation that I noted: A dog being walked on the Oval path where a sign says no dogs allowed. Where? Right across the PS office and a "security guard" standing close by.

Anonymous said...

Fairway in Kips Bay is closing. Everything that Blackstone touches, it kills. They've killed Fairway, Just about killed PCVST, have killed housing all over the world and are killing the Amazon Rain Forest. Blackstone is the Kiss of Death to anything it puts its dirty, greedy hands on. Don't think I've ever detested an entity so much. Detest the stooges who work for it, too. At least those in managerial positions. Soulless whores.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Blackstone never acquires Food Emporium because that will the end of it.

How the Hell did we get sold to Blackstone? There must have been some dirty dealings to bring that about. Everything they acquire gets run into the ground and people (the "little people") suffer.

Anonymous said...

"TA site never ceases to amuse me. Number one obnoxious male cheerleader griping about rent check interest by Chase. Nothing else bothers him. Loves the place."

You'd think he would be glad to give Blackstone his rent deposit interest considering all the tacky events he gets to go to free of charge. Take Take Take - that's all some people are about!

Anonymous said...

Exactly. He should be happy to pay Blackstone for the entertainment and perks he enjoys here. Quite hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

"Number one obnoxious male cheerleader "

I blocked him some time ago as with other ones.

Anonymous said...

Wow, just got Hayduk’s event calendar. A Chinese New Year Skate Party with music. Does he ever stop with this worthless crap.

Anonymous said...

"Wow, just got Hayduk’s event calendar. A Chinese New Year Skate Party with music. Does he ever stop with this worthless crap."

Hayduk is pathetic. Totally, absolutely pathetic. He doesn't have even the faintest idea of how to run a residential complex. Does he really think that we care about his stupid skate parties when we have shit backing up into our bathtubs, No hot water, brown "drinking" water and no fucking heat on the coldest of days? Is he that fucking retarded that he doesn't know the difference between running a resort and a housing complex? How come they hired him? I know Backstone likes to save money, but how low did they go to get this moron?

I just give up on this place. Maybe this is the Blackstone way of doing things: buy a residential apartment complex, treat the tenants like shit; deny them basic rights such as heat and clean water and peace and quiet. Then, fill it up with students, hire a cretin to be a "manager" and tell the victims that all they need to be happy is a skate party and some s'mores and songs.

What kind of psychotics come up with such a "business plan?"

Anonymous said...

These bastards don't have any problem turning the heat off at the stroke of midnite, do they? You can freeze your ass off for the rest of the night.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>A Chinese New Year Skate Party with music.<<

When I think of the Chinese New Year, the thing that comes immediately to mind is ice skating.... LOL.

Anonymous said...

Heat, heat, heat,
Oh, Master Rick,
Please can we have some heat!

Anonymous said...

Today we have plenty of heat and the property (from where I see it) looks quite clean and pleasant. Our porter is an absolute gem. He cleans the building so well, you would think it was his own home. He's at 435.445. It's not all bad here!

Anonymous said...

The new law must be agitating our shitty landlord - and the vile Peter W!

Anonymous said...

Why was ice rink operating all day today on a Friday since the morning? Not posted on the ice rink schedule - looked too crowded and volume of screams blares through three sets of noise blocking curtains - the food truck noise last night was just a whole lot - now the shrill yelling alllll day today - happy it will rain Saturday

Anonymous said...

With the amount of time you spend writing this same post over and over and over again about Hayduk running this place like a resort, you could have had a side hustle that could have raised you enough money to move the hell out of this place.

Hayduk is running this place exactly as Blackstone wants him to run it. And when Rick is gone, the next person will follow the same exact path. While I find it despicable what he does, it would be exactly the same with any other human being willing to take a paycheck from our overlords.

Anonymous said...

Uncovered discarded mattress propped up against the wall outside of Carriage Room at 5 Stuyvesant Oval. Very classy.

Anonymous said...

"With the amount of time you spend writing this same post over and over and over again about Hayduk running this place like a resort, you could have had a side hustle that could have raised you enough money to move the hell out of this place."

If the comments you refer to bother you that much, why take the time to read them and comment on them? Your could have had a side hustle that could have raised you enough money to move the hell out of this place.

Anonymous said...

Our porter is also excellent. I have had heat for a couple of months now. I am lucky. That being said, are you for real? Many others do not have heat. Generally speaking the property is not well kept. The students are taking over. We have no directories. Your statement is laughable.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>That being said, are you for real?<<

Unfortunately, so. They are residents who are not aware, but will cheerlead. Yeah, the place is wonderful! Perhaps, better sight is needed???

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Oh, yeah. Happy Year of the Rat. BTW, when is that skating party at the Ice Rink occurring?

Anonymous said...

Did I say they bother me anywhere??? No, I’m merely stating that your lengthy posts about this same exact topic are completely pointless and that you are wasting your own time writing them. We get it, Rick doesn’t know how to run a residential property, but his bosses are not asking him to run a residential property they are asking him to run this place into a ground as a resort. If they were to bring in “Jim Smith” or “Susan Black” as property manager it would be the exact same outcome.

Oh, and I have a side hustle that has me very close to having enough for a mortgage to finally get the hell out of here. By the end of 2020 I am Gone. So much for the place I called home for 44 years.

Anonymous said...

It is bizarre to me that some can claim everything is OK here.
They must be delusional or have drank Rick's Kool Aid.
This place has truly hit the skids.
A transient dorm, hokey events, "amenities".
How about some heat?
How about enforcing the carpeting rule?

Anonymous said...

@9:19 AM. I am real and I can bitch and whine with the best of 'em. Yesterday, in the sunshine, the place looked nice from my window and the heat was actually working. Pardon me for saying something nice. I guess I just happened to be in a good mood. I'll try not to let it happen again.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Pardon me for saying something nice. I guess I just happened to be in a good mood. I'll try not to let it happen again.<<

You've learned your lesson now! LOL.

Yes, this place has its good points. But also its bad points. When I go outside, I always see the "bad"--and the "good."

Anonymous said...

I agree with the person who made a nice comment. This place has its flaws, and there are many of them that we all encounter on a daily basis, but if there wasn’t some good, people would not stay. We live in a world filled with too much negativity that if you say something nice you are automatically chastised by the people who can’t see anything but negative in everything they encounter.

If people are having a good day and want to share what they encountered, why do you question them?? Are people that miserable in their own lives to act so immaturely? 8 times out of ten I may walk through this place and be disgusted by what I see, but we can’t ignore those 2 times where things are pretty good.

Anonymous said...

All of NYC--including STPCV--looks "nice"...when viewed from an aircraft (plane or helicopter).

Anonymous said...

True, but the heat comment about being fortunate to have heat today when it is 50 degrees was kind of silly. Many residents are suffering from lack of heat on a regular basis. Being thankful for a day of heat on a warm day seems trite.

Anonymous said...

People stay because of reasonable rents for unrenovated apartments. Can’t beat those rentals. People who are paying market rate are not staying. This the dominance of students and transient renters here which you cannot deny.

Anonymous said...

If you have a good day it's best to keep it to yourself. I don't like a lot of things here (including the idiot Manager) and miss the good days when it was clean, safe and quiet. However, there are days when I just decide to make the most of what I've got and go out and have a stroll and hope not to get killed by a speeding e-bike, but mostly I don't walk around the property because that puts me in a bad mood. Having said that, I love my apartment (low rent and roomy) and my wonderful neighbors who are a very eclectic mix.

I'll try to contain my exuberance about these things in the future. Well, actually, I don't do exuberance, but I do have a day now and again when I look around and appreciate what I've got.

Anonymous said...

"All of NYC--including STPCV--looks "nice"...when viewed from an aircraft (plane or helicopter)."

Looks a lot better when you're looking back and see it fading into the distance.

Anonymous said...

When I see the quiet, pristine oval in the fall months, I can feel good about this place for a few minutes. Then I smell the pot from a neighboring apartment whose residents keep the door slightly ajar. Then I see a filthy mattress outside my window and get into an elevator full of braying students. And of course then the summer rolls around and Hayduk’s concerts and movies disturb my peace in my apartment which I like. The great moments around here are limited.

Anonymous said...

Let's just be honest about this place. It used to be a well-run residential property with rules and standards that tenants had to abide by or find themselves the fuck out on the street. Nothing that was asked was too burdensome for any civilized, educated person or any age to comply with.

Now we are owned by some scumbag PE outfit and we have an incompetent, dishonest, total asshole for a manager. He makes up stuff as he goes along. He wings it. He doesn't know his asshole from his elbow and just spouts out whatever glib remark comes into his brain if he is questioned.

It's not gonna get better. This is IT. Just make the most of it and keep saving to move out of the City. Eventually, this place will be taken over by NYCHA and, who knows, it might even get better then!

Anonymous said...

No one can possibly deny that Stuy Town has turned into a transient, Airbnb, college dorm.
Constant turnover of apartments.
It is not a community.
it is a place people rent for a year or two and then they're outta here.

Adam Rose said...

If you’re feeling cold in your apartment, here’s one reason why. Last year, Rick Hayduk/Blackstone said they aimed “to maintain apartment temperature set points at 72° during the day and 68° at night.” This year, Rick Hayduk/Blackstone have decided that we are not worthy of that amount of warmth and comfort and have reduced the temperature set points to “70° during the day and 66° at night”. That 2° difference makes a BIG difference in how warm or cold an apartment feels. While Rick Hayduk/Blackstone are quick to point out that these temperatures are above NYC requirements, we all know that what the City mandates is insufficient and needs to be revised upward and Rick Hayduk/Blackstone’s prior and current statements about providing more than the City minimums show that they do not think the City’s minimum requirements are sufficient either. However, the City minimums now give Rick Hayduk/Blackstone cover to greedily provide less heat this year than what they provided last year. If 72° was what they openly acknowledged as a comfortable temperature last year, then their willingness to only provide 70° — and many tenants are not even getting that — this year, shows their undeniable contempt and disregard for the well-being and comfort of the people who live here. Clearly, Rick Hayduk/Blackstone will do anything to save money, even if it causes harm and distress to their tenants. Given how many people say they are cold in their apartments on this page, the TA’s FB page, the other tenant FB page and elsewhere on social media, management’s claim that “Every resident should be comfortable during the winter months; if there’s an issue, we want to make it right.” is just a lot of PR spin.

Anonymous said...

Incident ongoing at 645 East 14th. Supposed armed man barricaded in apartment. Cops blew up the inflatable pads in case he jumps. Comments on citizen says he’s screaming that Stuy Town is trying to kill him.

Suicidal thoughts are just another amenity afforded to us by Rick and crew. Obviously I don’t know the details, but if this person is struggling because of things Rick and crew are or aren’t doing, I hope lawsuits will follow.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:59 PM: Yours is the most spot-on, absolutely right on the nail post I have ever seen! Am going go repost it here and I hope everybody reads it over and over:

Let's just be honest about this place. It used to be a well-run residential property with rules and standards that tenants had to abide by or find themselves the fuck out on the street. Nothing that was asked was too burdensome for any civilized, educated person or any age to comply with.

Now we are owned by some scumbag PE outfit and we have an incompetent, dishonest, total asshole for a manager. He makes up stuff as he goes along. He wings it. He doesn't know his asshole from his elbow and just spouts out whatever glib remark comes into his brain if he is questioned.

It's not gonna get better. This is IT. Just make the most of it and keep saving to move out of the City. Eventually, this place will be taken over by NYCHA and, who knows, it might even get better then!

Anonymous said...

Was just reading the TA fb. I am surprised that Rick hasn't ordered the TA to ban Adam Rose and Edmund J. Dunn because those two always always speak truth to power. Surprised Rick hasn't ordered that they be fed to the fishes!

It is my sincere hope that they keep on keeping on because they are absolutely right in what they post and are well-informed and articulate. Rick must HATE them both!

Anonymous said...

Both may be TA members. The TA has the final say on who they allow to post, not Rick. Although Hayduk may not like the posts, if you don’t criticize the TA loudly, they will allow your posts. If you pay dues to them, they will not block you.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be more and more weird stuff going on in the Sty and we wouldn't know if it weren't for Facebook. One lady reported some guy trying to get into her apartment brandishing a pipe (not the kind you smoke - the kind you whack people with); a guy at 645 had all the Emergency Services dealing with his craziness this morning; someone in the Yelp reviews complained about somebody with uncontrollable body moves keeping him up all night and Peter W said he would just have to put up with it. We had a paranoid schitzo terrorizing us in our building a couple of years ago and it took the forever to kick him out. With all the suicides, assaults, crazies roaming the buildings, there is never a dull moment in this place. It used to be Boredomville, but in a nice way. And NO, those hideously tacky Rick hails as "entertainment" and "events" do NOTHING to enhance the experience of living here!

I like the term STYCHA. I think that is perfect for what this place has become. No offense to the good residents of NYCHA - I know most of you are stable and law-abiding, but you have a landlord as bad as ours, so we can relate.

Anonymous said...

I find is so telling that the heat complaints on the TA site never get a response from Powers or Peter Stuyvesant. Powers will chime in if it is regarding the waterfront or something not related to QOL issues. What a waste.

Anonymous said...

"Was just reading the TA fb. I am surprised that Rick hasn't ordered the TA to ban Adam Rose and Edmund J. Dunn because those two always always speak truth to power. Surprised Rick hasn't ordered that they be fed to the fishes!"

Totally agree. I am surprised that STR hasn't had to go into hiding. I hope you don't find a horse's head in your bed one day, STR!

Anonymous said...

This was posted at the TA Face Book page. I kid you not:

"Does anyone in this group have a mannequin I could borrow for a day? Thank you!"

Anonymous said...

If you pay TA dues they will not ban you.

Anonymous said...

Cheerleader on Facebook had the nerve to say that lucky it has been a warm winter in response to people freezing in their apartments. Warm or not, if it is 35 or 40 out and you are not getting heat, the apartment is cold. In fact, they skimp on heat when it is warmer. What a callous remark.

Anonymous said...

"If you pay TA dues they will not ban you."

Not true. Absolutely not true.

Anonymous said...

@8:28 PM: that woman is a callous bitch and you could not expect her to have any empathy whatsoever. One poster says she has a six days old baby and no heat. When somebody dies - a baby, elderly or sick person - from the withholding of heat in this dump, Rick Hayduk will be responsible. I hope it never happens, but if it does, I hope he is criminally prosecuted. He is disgusting! I know he works for a sociopathic entity, but he should at least have some balls and stand up to them and do the right thing. I don't think he gives a flying fuck about this place and what we go through on his watch. He's got other things going and not even in New York or even remotely connected to his "day job." I wish he would just go the hell away and let them put a full-time manager in charge here. My son, who visits me regularly and knows how cold and nasty it is here, says we should get up a petition to get Hayduk removed. I think Blacksoul would send someone equally vile, but they'd have to dig pretty deep into the bottom of the proverbial barrel.

Anonymous said...

Someone on the TA fb page described the signs on the property as "passive aggressive." Yes, that is exactly what they are. I don't know why they don't add a graphic of a middle digit extended upward right after the wording on the sign. Actually, my gut response to all of Rick's smarmy, passive-aggressive glib remarks is the middle finger.

Anonymous said...

"... Oh, and I have a side hustle that has me very close to having enough for a mortgage to finally get the hell out of here. By the end of 2020 I am Gone. So much for the place I called home for 44 years."
January 25, 2020 at 10:36 AM


Is that Lying Conniving Dan Garodnick?

Hey Dan, more than any one person, including our corrupt NYC Mayor de Blasio, you are most repsonsible for Blackstone owning and destroying our PCVST homes and what remains of the historic PCVST community you were born and raised in.

Please Dan, today, right now, take your rewards from Moelis, Brookfield, Blackstone, etc. and get out of PCVST. Your continued presence here is a tremendous insult to your PCVST neighbors/constituents that you repeatedly betrayed on behalf of the REBNY/Wall Street predators bankrolling you.

Dan, stop insulting us. GTFO of PCVST ASAP!

Anonymous said...

Look no further than Peter W to see that they have plenty of options at the bottom of the barrel. A lot of people have been drinking the Beam Living kool-aid.

Anonymous said...

I agree. He was largely responsible along with the TA for this awful landlord taking over. I have lost my respect for him.

Anonymous said...

I jut went to the AirBnB website and saw so many ST apartments for rent by the night! I wonder if Rick is getting a kick-back and that's why he removed the directories? It is so much harder to track the renters without the directories.

Anonymous said...

@9:07 AM: What makes you think that poster was Garodnik? I doubt he ever looks at this blog. I'm surprised to hear he still lives here.

Anonymous said...

If the ice rink is such a wonderful amenity then why do they need to add music that blasts for residents around rink have to hear pouring into these shabby windows? Should be great enough without music. The music just makes the kids screech at higher pitch to try to get their parents to watch them skate while parents drinking wine from sippy cups inside tent - enough with the music on the ice rink - have some thoughts for the people that have to endure the rink itself for going on a decade now

Anonymous said...

Not surprised. This place is full of short term tenants. And they know it. Airbnb reigns here in this disgusting dorm dump.

Anonymous said...

"@9:07 AM: What makes you think that poster was Garodnik? I doubt he ever looks at this blog. I'm surprised to hear he still lives here."
January 27, 2020 at 4:33 PM

A recent B.S. comment posted on the non-TA resident forum contained the usual phony P.R. lobbyist praise for Garodnick responding to a phone call years ago. The post demonstrates Lying Conniving Dan's intent to maintain some sort of PCVST presence and fake support here. The pro-Garodnick comment was promptly called out for being a blatant, transparent joke that it so obviously was.

Your comment posted here on STR today is proof Garodnick and his P.R. lobbyist trolls monitor this blog.

Anonymous said...

I have to say we are getting really great heat tonight. Usually, we are freezing our garbanzos off at this time in the evening. Maybe it's a fluke. I won't say which building because if it's a fluke, they'll immediately turn it off. For as long as it lasts (which probably won't be much longer) we can pretend we are living in a really nice place and getting our money's worth. Also, not too much noise from neighbors tonight. Just the usual sounds of people living, but no hooting and cursing and working on the Ikea shit. Feels just like a real nice residential apartment building tonight. Not even a wisp of pot coming from the stairwell.

Is there something I don't know? Did Hayduk resign and they sent in a real Manager?

Anonymous said...

No heat this morning and was woken by the damned construction noise on 14th and A. My apartment was literally shaking when they were blasting. What a place to call home! Ok, I know it's better than being homeless, but I am paying a hefty rent!

Anonymous said...

Count your blessings and knock on wood.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

It's really a shame how this place is parsimonious with the heat.

Anonymous said...

I posted here that I didn’t think Garodnick still lives here. I am neither a troll or a Garodnick fan.

Anonymous said...

It's really a shame how this place is parsimonious with the heat.


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, I am the original commenter that said I was leaving by the end of 2020 after 44 years here, and I am not Dan Garodnick nor one of his cronies. I actually despise Garodnick for what he did to our once formidable TA, for selling us out to Blackstone, and for his midtown rezoning which has ruined the Chrysler Building’s prominence in the skyline.

It just goes to show the conspiracy filled thoughts of some of the posters on here though!

Anonymous said...

"It's really a shame how this place is parsimonious with the heat."

Yes it is, STR, but it is going to come back to haunt the because the word is out there that they are horrendously stingy with the heat and that certainly makes prospective renters stop and think before signing on the dotted line. It's not they can keep a thing like that under wraps. WE TALK! WE ARE OUT THERE AND WILL TELL ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY what it is like here in the winter, and people listen because NOBODY wants to rent a place that is bone-chillin' in the winter.

They are too stupid to realize this, though. They don't hire top-drawer people to run this place. Look at the guy in charge. Rocket scientist, right? Can't even lie convincingly!

Anonymous said...

I see AirbNb ads for Stuy Town on the internet everywhere.
I see tourists with their wheelies schlepping luggage into the elevators all the time.
You can't tell me Management doesn't know this.
This dump has become a transient hotel.
And a dorm.

Anonymous said...

No heat last night until 8:30 pm, night before 6:30 pm after and after an hour it's back down. On at approximately 5 a.m. and off by 7 am.

Met neighbor on my line on high floor and he said they have to open windows because of the heat.

Also, Con Ed has been in 20th street loop for over two weeks digging and making a weird noise.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Also, Con Ed has been in 20th street loop for over two weeks digging and making a weird noise.<<

I live above it. Seems like a month by now!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I posted here that I didn’t think Garodnick still lives here.<<

I think he does, though he keeps a low profile.

Anonymous said...


"I think he does, though he keeps a low profile."

Yes he still does live here (PCV) and his focus is on the Riverside Park Conservancy, where he is CEO. He did show up at the Butch Purcell playground #9 dedication and he spoke there at the podium.

My opinion of him? First term, pretty good, second term, yes and no, rather meh, third term (he used the Bloomberg/Quinn BS third term loophole) he was phoning it in as best, at worst, a REBNY tool.

Anonymous said...

He does. I saw him running through the property last Saturday when it was really nice out. Agreed that he keeps a low profile.

Anonymous said...

Garodnick and Powers SHOULD keep low profiles. They are slime.

Anonymous said...

Blackstone is in total violation of the law by removing the tenant directories from the lobbies and intercoms. Who are they paying off at HPD so they can get away with this? They should be getting fined for every day that they are in violation. Rick Hayduk and his lies make me sick to my stomach. Where the hell did they find this creep? And where are our so-called representatives in City Hall? Keith Powers, are you getting nice big "donations" to keep your mouth shut about this abuse of tenants here? Are we not your constituents? Do you see us as some sort of sub-human species that can be treated like dirt by this inept and dishonest "Manager?" Where is the TA and their lawyers? Who does the TA and their lawyers actually work for? Certainly not for us!

Anonymous said...

"He does. I saw him running through the property last Saturday when it was really nice out. Agreed that he keeps a low profile."

Was someone chasing him?

Anonymous said...

Regarding the removing of names from the intercoms and directories (which are mandated by law, not whim), there is something that this dead loss of a half-wit of a "manager" hasn't considered is the fact that when you purchase certain items of great value to be delivered to your home, the vendors and delivery people want to see a name installed in the intercom or on the directory to ensure that the item is not being purchased fraudulently in someone's name and using their credit card or bank account, but is being delivered to different address to a person who has no right to it. It also applies when people in high sales tax states by stuff to be sent to an address in a low tax state. Not that that would apply to New York. Also, there are other legal reasons why a name and address have to match and be seen to match. Anybody could give an address for purposes of avoiding law enforcement and if there is no name on the directory or intercom at that address then it is a dead end.

Rick the Dick has not thought that he is really a gift from the gods to credit card thieves. Just order from Tiffany's and put an address and apartment number. No need to supply a legit name.

Anonymous said...

Students and transients will continue to rent. I am sure that NYU does not advise them that there is lack of heat. City subsidized apartments are appreciated with or without heat. They are not suffering financially. Lots of very short term rentals and the students will continue to come.

Anonymous said...

8:00 AM


510 EAST 23rd STREET


Anonymous said...

The latest rent bill insert is amusing. Our overlords don't want you to get burned on your heating pipes. They will come in an wrap them FREE OF CHARGE. It is all to protect the little ones!! No, it is to save them money when they skimp on providing heat. If they keep the pipes wrapped the costs for them goes down.

Anonymous said...

Garodnick's Riverside Park Conservancy has all the credibility of the Trump Family Foundation.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I just read the latest insert in the rent bill and I see (just about as the quality of the paper and print have been reduced) that Oval Services are going to become self-service later in the Spring. I suppose that means they have laid off even more staff.

I have never used Oval Services or Concierge and am wondering if they are one and the same. Can anybody with experience of using these services give me any feedback as to whether or not it is worth signing up? $25 per month is a bit hefty for my senior citizen income, so I'm wondering if it is worth it. Is the $25 per month just for membership and then you have to pay separately for whatever service you use? I know that services such as laundry and housekeeping wouldn't be included in the $25, but is package delivery included in that? Have always been very self-sufficient, but as I get a little older I often feel I could use a little help, especially with the heavy cleaning. Any info will be very, very much appreciated, as well as experiences good and bad.

Stuy Town Reporter said... Town-Peter Cooper Village%2C Manhattan%2C New York%2C NY&source_impression_id=p3

Anonymous said...

Re: The above link to the AirbnB ad: I really do wonder if Rick and/or others in "management" get kickbacks because it is absolutely BLATANT!

On another issue, how can we be sure that our elevators are inspected and maintained regularly? The elevators in my building, bounce, rattle and shake. Sometimes several seconds lapses before the door opens to let us out. If Rick doesn't pull his finger out of his ass and start taking care of the nitty gritty details of keeping this place safe, he is going to end his life in jail, not running a hotel down south (as I think I read somewhere, some time ago). I would not want to stay in a hotel run by him, but that's beside the point. He needs to do what he's supposed to do in running this place. I don't care if funds have been cut because Blackstone cannot greedily gouge new tenants (and existing tenants) the way it could before the rent laws changed. They still need to maintain the property up to standard and keep us safe. They also need to replace the tenant directories, not just in the intercoms, but in the lobbies, too. Hayduk arrogantly ignores all of these very important LAWS as if they didn't apply to him. If we had some elected representatives who were not on the Blackstone payroll and would do the jobs they were elected to do, it would be very helpful. I will never, ever vote for one of the incumbents in any capacity whatsoever if they run for any office in the future because they have pretty much told us to take our concerns and go away because they just don't want to be bothered and don't want to cut off their under-the-counter "donations."

What goes around comes around. I'm just waiting for one of them to ask for my vote and I may have to be restrained!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Re: The above link to the AirbnB ad: I really do wonder if Rick and/or others in "management" get kickbacks because it is absolutely BLATANT!<<

I really wonder what is going on. I came to the above link just by chance, typing in "Stuyvesant Town," and that is the top of what I saw. I actually thought I was heading to Stuy Town's own website, and I get this. Of course, I see all the small "luggage" being carried around this place.

Anonymous said...

Pipes ice cold this morning.
Love those "sensors".

Anonymous said...

The link is for a chopped up apartment. Maybe it's time for me to do this too. I could actually make another bedroom and have two to rent out. I could actually make a profit off living here. I think it's time since there are no repercussions for doing so, why not?

Anonymous said...

"The link is for a chopped up apartment. Maybe it's time for me to do this too. I could actually make another bedroom and have two to rent out. I could actually make a profit off living here. I think it's time since there are no repercussions for doing so, why not?"

We can do whatever we like here and get away with it because the rules mean NOTHING. The fact that the rules are not enforced (except for the one that you pay your rent) is giving a tacit blanket approval of them being broken.

It's as though Rick gives the wink and the nod to violation of the rules. Well, look at the example he sets: he illegally removes the directories and our names in the intercoms even though it is against the law. He knows that doing that is breaking the law, but does he care? No, of course not. He sends out dumb emails telling people they can opt back in and pretends to distribute cards for those who are not online. He has NO INTENTION of doing what he says! He leads by example and his example is glaringly obvious: THERE ARE NO RULES OR LAWS IN PCVST. DO AS YOU PLEASE, BUT REMEMBER TO PAY YOUR RENT.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>The link is for a chopped up apartment. Maybe it's time for me to do this too. I could actually make another bedroom and have two to rent out. I could actually make a profit off living here. I think it's time since there are no repercussions for doing so, why not?<<

I don't criticize people for trying to make an extra dime, which is different than people just making a profit on these AirBnb things and nothing else. This is their business. I'm sure you've seen "businesses" (private) opening an apartment in ST and PCV just to make a quick buck. Different if you need to eat and your "rent is too high."

Anonymous said...

Major cheerleader alert at the 1/30/2020 T&V hard copy letters to the editor section. The letter title is “Three Cheers for Management”. Like something cut and pasted from the North Korean Ministry of Propaganda. All homage to our dear Management Leaders! Baghdad Bob would be proud. And of course, the word “community" is used. So pathetic. Need to throw up now.

Anonymous said...

"this is their business. I'm sure you've seen "businesses" (private) opening an apartment in ST and PCV just to make a quick buck. Different if you need to eat and your "rent is too high."

Total disagreement with you on this premise. Airbnb is illegal here. Period. Subletting your apartment without going through Management is illegal. Period. How does one determine what is for profit or just to make ends meet? This is totally bogus. Why should anyone here comply with ANY of the lease regulations here as per your premise? What about bed bugs from constant “guests”? The whole downside of Airbnb is still valid with your so called exception to the lease. This exception of your goes against the entire purpose of your blog and the vast majority of posters here.

Anonymous said...

What also concerns me very much about the way all the rules are broken and ignored, and the fact that Rick gets away with all kinds of illegal crap (e.g., illegally removing directories and names in intercom) is the fact that he breaks rules concerning our safety. The elevators are on their last legs and are not maintained on a regular basis. Anybody notice the removal of the certificates? That's bad enough, but this management runs a fairground style operation here with the skating rink and various and sundry "amenities" for children. How do we know that the equipment is maintained on a regular basis and kept safe? I'm sure Blackhole has insurance, but that won't console me if my child is injured or killed on equipment owned and rented out by these money-grubbing bottom feeders. I won't let my kids use The Ice as they like to call it. In fact, I don't want them participating in anything that Rubbish Rick puts on. There are other place sin the City (many of the) to take kids for fun and entertainment where they will not be at risk from negligent bloodsucking parasites like Hayduk and his Masters.

Anonymous said...

To 4:50 PM January 30 -

For compelling reasons, I've been utilizing whatever concierge services are available for a very, very long time - going back to The Villager.

Yes, it is $25.00 monthly for only the package receiving service, and something like $5.00 per package (depending upon weight) if you ask for delivery. 99% of the time, I pick up packages myself. Up to now, for the most part, the only unpleasantness has been in connection with the CUSTOMERS ("residents") - many of whom are spoiled beyond belief and are convinced everyone should do everything for them.

I've found the workers there lovely, personable, friendly, and saints by virtue of the crap and demands they put up with for minimum wage. Packages are signed for, if they need to be; it has been secure up to now and worth it.

Based on an extended conversation with those who know, the new system coming in April, although mainly self-service, might be worth it, too.

Anonymous said...

What happened to this place? Just what happened? It used to be such a lovely bucolic place and the only thing that was missing was air conditioning. It was warm in the winter and we had a non-stop flow of hot water. There were no dogs and bros and hoes shitting, pissing and screaming all over the place. Security was just that: Security. Not little poor little guys got stuck in this job through no fault of their own.

Anonymous said...

During strong 2019, Blackstone CEO paid $583M
No one gets paid more on Wall Street than Blackstone Group CEO Stephen Schwarzman, who pocketed $583 million, according to Crain's estimates, after his private equity and asset management firm turned in a strong 2019. [Crain's New York Business]

Stuy Town Reporter said...

This morning: The noise coming from the hockey at the Ice Rink is very loud. Noise depends on the weather, and now there is cloud covering, so noise is more loud than normal. I don't live around the Oval, but unless you drink and accept the Kool-Aid, you hate this noise.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>This exception of your goes against the entire purpose of your blog and the vast majority of posters here.<<

Survival is what I'm talking about.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable noise from Ice Rink.
And, of course, minimal heat in my apartment.
Thanks, Rick!
Thanks, Susan Steinberg.

Anonymous said...

First and last time I'll ever buy a meat pie from Trader Joe. PINK SLIME. Disgusting! I wonder what other crap they sell that they pass off as real food?

Anonymous said...

I think Target's "beef" is also pink slime (made from slurry). It may be safe and edible (just), but it is unappetizing and doesn't taste good at all. You get what you pay for - except at D'Ags where you get what you OVERPAY for! I go to Food Emporium. It's not as convenient as Target or TJ, but it's no further away than C-Town, Associated, etc. down in the southern end of the EV. In fact, it's a little closer than those places. When it comes to milk, cream cheese, sour cream, bread, bagels, etc., Walgreens is a good place to shop.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I think when people start realizing just what is being offered at Trader Joe's and Target, pro-opinions will start to change. Not dramatically, but we have lost an affordable neighborhood grocery store. I am saving some money probably, but I have to go to two stores now, and don't find what I use to find at a regular grocery store. Packaged meat is the pits. I've tasted both, from Trader Joe's and Target, and both sucked.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>This exception of your goes against the entire purpose of your blog and the vast majority of posters here.<<

I have to amplify this a bit. We know that our landlord is violating certain city rules and ignoring his own rules. We know this. So what is the reaction? The BS is not stopping from the landlord and his crew. I have heard the standard BS over and over again, and it is in your face, and it seems there is nothing one can do about it. Now, one can get angry and annoyed, so much so that the landlord and his crew will write you down for harassment. But this is just their game. They want you to be the bad guy or girl.

So what to do? Though I am doing things legally and will continue to do them legally, I am not adverse to someone not playing by the rules.... Management doesn't. So why should residents? That's how far it has gotten.

Anonymous said...

I think TJ's own brand (and Target's) is very low quality. Sure, it's cheap, but it's cheap and nasty. I may start ordering online, but I do like Food Emporium. It's hard to use a shopping cart because of the distance to roll it and getting on and off the bus ... horror or horrors if you have a full shopping cart! Those buses are so packed and, as I'm a senior, I can't lift the bloody thing when it's full of stuff. I'm going to have to look into online delivery for sure. That could be a problem now considering so much stuff gets stolen here and RICK THE DICK has (illegally) removed the directories from the lobbies.

Off topic, but one of the elevators in my building stalls and shudders. No inspection certificate in it (probably hasn't been inspected in a long while or failed inspection), but there is a notice advertising RICK THE DICK'S stupid events and reminders to keep the noise down and not slam doors, etc. That is advice aimed at the students and transients. We long-term residents don't need to be reminded to live like civilized human beings.

Anonymous said...

From STR:

"So what to do? Though I am doing things legally and will continue to do them legally, I am not adverse to someone not playing by the rules.... Management doesn't. So why should residents? That's how far it has gotten."

YES! At least one frequent poster here has been hinting at it for some time.

And then, there is Stand Up and Fight begging us to ORGANIZE!

Anonymous said...

">>This exception of your goes against the entire purpose of your blog and the vast majority of posters here.<<"

Get away with whatever you can get away with. I would never have said this (or even thought of saying it) a few years ago, but since we've been under the ownership of absolute FILTH from TS to CWC and now the worst of them all, Blackstone, I say do whatever you can for your own benefit. If you are being gouged by this filth and can make a few dollars to help you get out of this shithole, why not? We have a Manager who doesn't give a flying fuck about anything but squeezing every penny out of tenants and pushing his lame-brained "entertainment" garbage. Blackstone cuts Security Officers, plumbers, electricians and other essential staff, but keeps dead wood like Vasquez on the payroll to make life more miserable for the majority of tenants for the benefit of the few who are as brain-dead as Vazquez (or whatever the hell his stupid name is). Like we need Adirondak chairs, pathetically tenth-rate entertainment and silly side-shows while we have dangerously under-maintained elevators, no heat and all kinds of predators roaming the grounds AND the buildings. And worse of all we have a failed cruise director acting as Manager and managing to do nothing but trash the place and treat tenants like shit. If he had treated guests in the questionable "resorts" he purportedly managed the same way he treats us, he would have had his ass kicked out the door in no time. Clearly, Blackstone hired a loser because they knew he fuck everything up and not cost them too much money.

I say milk the joint for whatever you can and then get a decent place to live.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

There's a line in the Billy Jack movie: "When the policemen break the law, then there isn't any law. Just a fight for survival." The law here is Blackstone and Company.

Anonymous said...

Saturday Night in the Sty. People galloping down the stairs. Do they live here? Prolly not. Outside there is the usual braying and bellowing of the bros, but tonight there were such screams from the hoes it was blood-curdling. Are they bring raped, robbed or otherwise assaulted? Are they just having "fun"? Who knows? Who cares? I know I don't. Was a time when I would've cared, but not now. I just want them to shut up and let me sleep. Get raped quietly, please. Nobody is going to come to your aid. We have no security officers on patrol and we tenants just don't care any more.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I still care about the human things. Last evening I heard some child crying/screaming in the hall, and I had to look just in case.

Anonymous said...

There is no law enforcement here. I have a fire hydrant right outside my building and I have a perfect view of it. 99% of the time there is a vehicle parked by it. Not within feet of it, but right next to it. Some of those vehicles stay there for hours on end, especially the large vans and Stys white vans. If we had law enforcement or if the NYPD really did patrol this hellhole, the drivers would be ticketed and the hydrant would be clear. Considering how frequently the FDNY has to come here, I can only hope that if the need that hydrant they will be able to get to it.

The corruption and decay is so obvious that it is heartbreaking and terrifying.

Anonymous said...

Too bad clouds are not filled with rain to team all over the rink and get us some peace - rainy winter days in winter only chance of hearing own thoughts while rink operating - the music blasting just a middle finger to rest of us that live around it

Anonymous said...

No heat last night, minimal early this morning, no heat now. Glad the grounding predicted an early spring.

Anonymous said...

"There is no law enforcement here."

There is no parking law enforcement ANYWHERE in NYC, especially for "official" vehicles. See #placardcorruption on Twitter. Just walk over to the 13th Precinct. This not just an issue for our hood.

Anonymous said...

"Too bad clouds are not filled with rain to team all over the rink and get us some peace - rainy winter days in winter only chance of hearing own thoughts while rink operating - the music blasting just a middle finger to rest of us that live around it"

Are there some noise ordinances concerning that kind of thing? Of course, Management flips the bird at all of our complaints, be they noise, heat, filth, safety. Everything is ok with this bunch of bastards (especially the Boss B) so long as the gelt is being pulled in.

They want people to be miserable living here because that way they can churn the apartments. I am beginning to wonder if they have stepped up their harassment since the rent laws changed. They can't charge the huge bogus MCIs and surcharges on the rent, but if they can pull in more and more parentally funded students to occupy those chopped up apartments, they do that. One day there will be a major catastrophe in one of those overcrowded illegally chopped up apartments and people will die. Families will sue. Hayduk will be indicted. Mark my words.

Anonymous said...

“Get raped quietly.” Are you fucking kidding me? Go to hell.

BIGMO said...

"I still care about the human things. Last evening I heard some child crying/screaming in the hall, and I had to look just in case."

This got me thinking about an incident I saw a few months ago when I went to the recycling area of my building right outside the laundry room. I had to do a 'double take' to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing. There were two young kids playing with the washing machines and one of the kids no more than 3 years old was all the way inside the washing machine. I could only see his feet sticking out. I was watching this for about 20 seconds when I went into the laundry room and confronted the bone-headed father who was at the dryers. I said to him 'do you know children die in washers and dryers every year?' He thanked me for my concern.

What I wanted to do was punch this guy in the face for being a moronic parent. I went upstairs to my apartment and went back to the laundry room about 10 minutes later. The father and his two young boys had left.

I was going to call the police but hopefully by me confronting him he'll pay more attention to his kids.

Is it me or are more parents these days dipshits?

Anonymous said...

I think the ICE is very nice for the kids, but they could cut out the muzak! Or at least keep it down to a very low volume.

Anonymous said...

They are discussing political canvassers knocking on doors in PCVST and, apparently, it is not allowed. It never used to bother me until Keith Powers was running for Councilman. His tactics were so aggressive and his volunteers were roaming the buildings at all hours; sometimes they would con you into opening the door by not revealing what they were there for until you opened it and had a load of papers shoved in your face. Probably, he is the reason that it has now been declared illegal for them to canvas in the buildings as it is private property. Powers style of campaigning was borderline harassment because you could walk ten yard down the street without his people would block you way and try to give you literature or make you sign something. On top of that, he was illegally close to the polling booth on election day.

He got himself elected with his bulldozer tactics, but what has he done for us since being in office. A BIG FAT NOTHING!! He hasn't even got the balls or the decency to stand up to Management about the illegal removal of the lobby directories. If he ever runs for any further office, I will support the campaign of whomever runs against him.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

He won. So it "worked"....

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I think the ICE is very nice for the kids, but they could cut out the muzak!<<

Morning hockey, anyone?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The fact is, and facts are terrible things, the ice rink does not belong IN THE MIDDLE OF A COMMUNITY. I know of no other ice rink in the city that has an ice rink right around the buildings where people live.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the person on the TA facebook site for identifying the building that the pig lives in. It is illegal to own pigs in nyc and the NYPD has been looking for that one. I have sent them the link to the TA site so they can find him and make some pork chops!

Anonymous said...

"I know of no other ice rink in the city that has an ice rink right around the buildings where people live."

This is correct. Either in parks (Central Park, Prospect Park, etc) or surrounded by commercial buildings like the temp rink at Bryant Park or the one at the Seaport. But the ST Moms crowd (and many long term older residents sad to say) love it and the Shake Shack truck. The Rubes have won.

Wasn't it part of Danny's boy's agreement with CWC that there would be no music at the rink?
RH and his cruise ship director RV, are doubling down on all the BS Carnival Cruise events here. ALL of them now have either crappy live or canned music.

Some background:

Anonymous said...

"The fact is, and facts are terrible things, the ice rink does not belong IN THE MIDDLE OF A COMMUNITY. I know of no other ice rink in the city that has an ice rink right around the buildings where people live."

I agree, STR. It is inappropriate, but so are so many things here. We do not need a cafe in the middle of Stuyvesant Town. We don't need food carts, a farmers market or any of the circus/public square type of activities we are subjected to. Stuyvesant Town used to be a peaceful oasis in the City. The Oval was beautiful with trees. Now it is strewn with ridiculous Adirondak chairs and ugly bodies (when the sun comes out). The property it is a tacky, badly run fairground with speeding bicycles, scooters and skateboards. I don't think it will change, except change for the worst. How come they don't have these horrible cruddy events and "amenities" in PCV? Let them have some of the pain for a change!

Anonymous said...

"How come they don't have these horrible cruddy events and "amenities" in PCV? Let them have some of the pain for a change!"

Because that is where RH, FK, and other senior Blackstone PCVST staff live.

Shivering Sally said...

Zero heat!
My apartment is colder than the proverbial witch's tit.

Anonymous said...

What's one more pig in The Stuy, when thousands of them (2-legged variety) already live here?

Anonymous said...

"What's one more pig in The Stuy, when thousands of them (2-legged variety) already live here?"

The four-legged one is probably cleaner than the two-legged ones we have here. Besides, I don't think it lives on this property and if it is being well cared for, why poke your nose in? Some people just have to police other people.

Anonymous said...

Just heard on Bloomberg News that Blackstone owns a big share of AirBnB. No wonder they are turning a blind eye to the AirBnB business here. They probably are profiting from them. I wonder if DeB and our so-called political representatives know this? They must. No doubt that is why the sale was so glowingly approved and our pols take absolutely no notice of the abuses here. I'm sure they don't keep their mouths shut for nothing.
Also explains why they hired a "cruise director" to run the dump. A real property manager would do things very differently and would probably command a bigger salary.

Anonymous said...

I bought a lot of TJ's own brand items and I can say with total confidence that their stuff SUCKS!!!! Won't be going there again!

Anonymous said...

Pigs aren't allowed to be kept as pets for a reason. They pose a health risk not only to those who live with it but to others in the vicinity. Some people only care about themselves.

Anonymous said...

9:21 am. Totally agree! Haven't had heat since yesterday morning! I see neighbors windows open and shiver in disbelief!

Anonymous said...

Oh, then the pig is only "Guest of a Resident." Does it do its business on the property? Does the owner or resident clean up after it? And how many pigs are allowed as Guests? Is there a weight limit? Wild pigs down South weigh hundreds of pounds, and recently killed an older woman there....

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Just heard on Bloomberg News that Blackstone owns a big share of AirBnB.<<

Is there a link to this info?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Okay, I did a quick check. The head honcho of AirBnb worked for Blackstone as Chief Financial Officer, before moving on to AirBnb.


Stuy Town Reporter said...

"He also serves on the Board of Directors of iPreo, the leading financial services and capital market issuance company he helped found that is now owned by both Blackstone and Goldman Sachs."

Stuy Town Reporter said...

So there is a current connecting link between this place, owned by Blackstone, and AirBnb.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

You know, there is an opinion that links like this are suspect and even stink. Naturally, Blackstone and our CEO will deny that such a link has any influence.

Anonymous said...

STR, I heard it on Bloomberg News. I didn’t read it. I think they said Blackstone is increasingl its holdings of AirBnB.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Thanks, I have it. See above.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Well, we can add on more thing that "stinks" around here....

Anonymous said...

There is something seriously wrong with the water. It is absolutely disgusting after it rains. It didn't even rain much, but it smells like a sewer. It's making my eyes itch and giving me a rash. I wonder if this is due to sewage backup from a Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)? We definitely have one near us. domestic sewage backs up into the pipes.

Could someone with a facebook account and membership in one of those TA pages please tag POWERS and ask him about the disgusting water? I don't have facebook but this is really a worthwhile question, and no need to ask anonymously---I just think it might be fastest to ask him on the TA page. This has been going on for years every time it rains. This water is contaminated.

Anonymous said...

--oops, just checked the diagram of a CSO and it doesn't cause domestic sewage to back up into sinks--however, my question still stands. Does anyone notice the disgusting smell/taste/feel of the water after a rainfall? It's gotten worse and worse over the years--now it only takes a little bit of rain for the water to be contaminated.
Does anyone with facebook want to contact Powers that way? he seems to reply quickly on facebook.
I don't know why this happens, but the water is nauseating. "Champagne" of drinking water, my ass. There's all kinds of crap in this.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I'm okay with the water, except sometimes it smells particularly bad, like a couple of weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Water complaint: What kind of "help" are you expecting from Powers? You've got to be kidding....

Anonymous said...

Help from Powers???...LOL...Thanks I needed the laugh.

Anonymous said...

"Water complaint: What kind of "help" are you expecting from Powers? You've got to be kidding...."

Dead right! Powers does NOTHING for us! I think he is afraid to jeopardize his funding from REBNY/Blackstone, et al. What has he done about the illegal removal of the tenant directories that are supposed to be displayed in the lobbies? We need, and are entitled to, have our names and apartment numbers in both the intercoms and in a directory displayed in the lobby. The half wits at SPS haven't figured out how to do this. It didn't take much brain power to remove all of our names, but it seems to be beyond their capabilities to return them. We need a real property manager, not a fairground manager. All the ridiculous notices about dotard events and the homey, folksy notices get posted on a regular basis in the elevators and on leaflets and inserts and all they are is landfill. The things that really matter are the things that are more than SPS can deal with. Not surprising, really, now we know that Blackstone and AirBnB are a joint entity. Everything is geared to the transient demo here.

Anonymous said...

Anybody still missing Associated? I miss it terribly! It was such a handy place to pop out to if you needed something, whether it was something you had just realized you had run out of when putting a meal together, or wanting to stock up on a few things. I hate TJ because their own brand is (imo) very inferior and it takes too long to get in and out of there. Target is no better. Their own brand is inferior, but they do sell a few real brands, but only a very few.

Anonymous said...

Temp in the low 40s all day and not a puff of heat. If not for space heaters, my apartment would be unlivable. Blackstone lives up to everything that it is criticized and universally hated for. I wish nothing but eternal misery for those responsible for our misery. Bastards.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Anybody still missing Associated? I miss it terribly! It was such a handy place to pop out to if you needed something, whether it was something you had just realized you had run out of when putting a meal together, or wanting to stock up on a few things. I hate TJ because their own brand is (imo) very inferior and it takes too long to get in and out of there. Target is no better. Their own brand is inferior, but they do sell a few real brands, but only a very few.<<

I don't disagree.

Anonymous said...

4:09 pm: exactly!!!

Anonymous said...

If Powers is not re-elected (please, make it so), do you people think he will already have been able to accumulate enough money under the table to set him up nice and comfy for life? If not, he can always go back to working for the Trump Gang....

Frigid Francine said...

Pipes are ice cold.
Called Stuy Town Maintenance and got the run around.
I don't want an "engineer" to come into my apartment and wave that silly thermometer around and say "everything is OK".

Anonymous said...

@5:50 PM: I didn't know Powers ever worked for the Trump Gang. Are you sure about that? I know he was some sort of REBNY shill, but I wasn't aware he was associated with Trump.

Anonymous said...

Someone should tell this to Steve Schwarzman:

Anonymous said...

Brown water coming out of faucets and NO Heat.
Thanks for these "amenities", Rick!
I'm outta this dump as soon as my lease expires.

Anonymous said...

That’s exactly what they want you to do because they only want dorms and AirBnB occupying the apartments - so long as the AirBnB kicks back to Blackstone.

Anonymous said...

Damn! I just read that Target is going to take over Food Emporium at Union Square in 2023. So sick of these nasty "box" stores coming in and displacing real grocery stores. This City is going to hell. It's becoming like a suburban shopping plaza MINUS a decent grocery store. Food Emporium is the best grocery store we have within reasonable distance from Sty. At least in my opinion. TJ and Target give me the shits.

Anonymous said...

city renting got good! no more broker fees does this mean all types of rentals? woohoooooo we can leave Stuypc soon.

Anonymous said...

It’ll be tacked on to your rent.

Anonymous said...

Just was looking at the TA fb page and see a post from a tenant whose neighbors are partying and putting food garbage out in the hall. She called PS and they failed to show. Another post from a tenant whose neighbors smoke pot all the time and stink up the hall and stench goes into apartments. She received a letter from Legal telling her that basically she should suck it up. Another post is from a tenant who finds mouse droppings in her mail box. Management told her they cannot do anything and she should suck it up.

Bottom line is that Hayduk & his "management" don't give a flying fuck about what we go through and are not willing to help in any way. If we paid NYCHA rents it would still be unacceptable; however, we don't pay NYCHA rents and we are treated like absolute shit. Of course, we get no help whatsoever from our Councilman. If I am ever to vote in a primary or local election again it will only be for someone who steps up and does something about this despicable landlord and the prize jackass they have put in charge. My wife thinks we should find somewhere else to live, even if out in one of the boroughs, because she is so miserable here, but I hate that we should be driven out, rather than just want to move. We moved here just before MetLife sold it and thought we had died and gone to heaven. We didn't think that heaven would turn into hell. It's unbelievable how far down the sewer this once-lovely place has gone. We used to have a Tenants Association, but look at what that has morphed into.

Anonymous said...

If only Powers worked for the Trump gang, then he would get something done instead of just being corrupt.

Stand Up and Fight said...

Re: February 7, 2020 11:05 and the implied message from "Legal" of "just suck it up" -

Last year I received two warnings from "Legal" in the form of letters from Fred Knapp when I repeatedly complained and demanded heat. An employee here told me lots of tenants receive threats and similar communications when they make "make pests of themselves" - i.e., scream, yell, etc. (My paraphrasing)

Living conditions here create CONSTRUCTIVE EVICTION (similar to CONSTRUCTIVE DISCHARGE when working conditions are intolerable). This atrocious and illegal behavior is business as usual in likely every big city now.

" . . . partying and putting food garbage out in the hall." Mouse droppings? Your home filled with marijuana smoke? My husband found 2 locations covered with vomit this Saturday morning. The asinine "Ice" and more?

We do not have to sit passively for this b.s. Again - e-mail me, please. A local community organization asked me to gather some folks and talk with them about the misery here. Free attorneys are possible, as well.

Anonymous said...

To "Stand up and Fight": I can't afford to be evicted, so I don't complain. My husband is an invalid and we are always cold. I just put space heaters on. I have been checking out the Affordable Housing lotteries and all I see are places that are way more than we can afford. Where does DeBlasio get his "affordable" from? LOL! There is nothing affordable about those apartments. Same with the "Affordable" apartments that are in the lottery here. They are not affordable unless you make $80k and up per annum.

I would love to get out of this hideous cold, dirty, noisy, unsafe project, but we're stuck! Now the City is getting less and less safe because idiots in Albany have decided on "Bail Reform" that provides a revolving door for nasty miscreants who go right out and commit the same types of predatory crime. Our "beloved" Harvey Epstein is right onboard with that. We will never vote Democrat again, in spite of the atrocious Trump.

Depressed and Demoralized in The Sty.

Anonymous said...

I just went over to the TA page to see for myself. That loathsome "cheerleader" who always has the last word was on a roll on the thread about garbage put out in the hall. She could start an argument in an empty room. She just has to be so oppositional about everything. The OP had a legitimate complaint, but that doesn't matter to that nasty old woman. I'm surprised that Peter Stuyvesant has banished her because she just trolls that page looking to disagree with anybody who has a legit complaint about the disgusting behavior of their neighbors. She must be ABSOLUTE HELL to live with. She feigns a laissez faire attitude, but really she just likes to be oppositional and put others down just for the sake of it. She really has some unresolved issues! Nobody can be that argumentative and oppositional without having something in their life that made them that angry. Anybody with any sense avoids and doesn't respond to them.

Anonymous said...

@4:25 PM: Posters should just block her (I know who you are speaking of) because if everybody blocked her, she would have nobody to contradict, put down and sniff at before her closing "NBD!"

Anonymous said...

"I just went over to the TA page to see for myself. That loathsome "cheerleader" who always has the last word was on a roll on the thread about garbage put out in the hall. She could start an argument in an empty room. She just has to be so oppositional about everything. The OP had a legitimate complaint, but that doesn't matter to that nasty old woman. I'm surprised that Peter Stuyvesant has banished her because she just trolls that page looking to disagree with anybody who has a legit complaint about the disgusting behavior of their neighbors. She must be ABSOLUTE HELL to live with. She feigns a laissez faire attitude, but really she just likes to be oppositional and put others down just for the sake of it. She really has some unresolved issues! Nobody can be that argumentative and oppositional without having something in their life that made them that angry. Anybody with any sense avoids and doesn't respond to them.:

I have already blocked a lot of the cheerleaders. Is this the one with a "W" in the name?

February 8, 2020 at 4:25 PM

Anonymous said...

"I have already blocked a lot of the cheerleaders. Is this the one with a "W" in the name?"


Stand Up and Fight said...

To Depressed and Demoralized in the Sty (February 8, 2020 at 4:12 p.m.):

We have a lot in common, which I will not go into here on the Blog. It is enough to say that I am a woman, have lived here a long time, and for a variety of reasons cannot just pull up stakes. I understand why you cannot "stand up and fight," as I frequently exhort people to do. There are OTHER things to do in addition to "fighting," which help. I'd like to speak with you about those things.

Please e-mail me at the address I provide here, and we can talk, if you'd like. I'd like to do that. And to reassure you, the STR Reporter himself can vouch for me.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

To add: I have also tested out unpicked obvious dog smears and even poop in ST. There was something near the little guardhouse by the Oval. Not one of the PS guards called the smears and poop in. A day went by, two days.... Waiting for the rains, I guess.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

One of the reasons I took down the photos of dog droppings on the main page is that I was ill just looking at them. These "wastes": Nothing was done by our PS crew or the porters or the many "club cars" that go by. Until the rains came. And, then, there was still something left.

Anonymous said...

STR, the place is now a filthy slum and we have an asshole of a "Manager" who doesn't give a rat's ass. It won't get better.

Unknown said...

Blackstone is one of the biggest property investors and owners around the globe -In the Billions. Employees of Beam Living, the managing company, are the people directly related to job performance. Google Beam Management- the first screen says “get to know the people of Beam” ...,look at the employees .....they look like they are going to a Halloween party. The photo doesn’t give the impression that they are conscientious workers. I don’t understand why they present their employees that way... They are the answers to your complaints ...

Anonymous said...

My attempt at communication with the Tenants Association is futile.
The "organization" is a charade.
Zero chance of me renewing membership.
What a fraud!

Anonymous said...

"--oops, just checked the diagram of a CSO and it doesn't cause domestic sewage to back up into sinks--however, my question still stands. Does anyone notice the disgusting smell/taste/feel of the water after a rainfall? It's gotten worse and worse over the years--now it only takes a little bit of rain for the water to be contaminated."

absolutely, it has been this way for years. I also thought it was a CSO issue, and I'm not convinced that it's not, but I'm not sure how.
I don't know--maybe the EPA could get involved? I collected a sample of the water from my sink once after it rained, but I didn't know where to send it.
I'm positive there's some runoff/chemical in it....

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