Monday, September 18, 2023

Beam Living/Stuy Town Goes Woke--Once Again!


LatinX??? Beam Living, once again, goes woke. The latest is using LatinX, instead of Latin, which everyone understands and has understood for decades.

To the pharmacist: "Sir, do you have any salve for this skin problem." Response from the nice pharmacist: "Yes, we do have a new product that works wonders. It's called LatinX."

Is Beam/Stuy Town serious? Do they have a person who is real and not just a voice who follows whatever idiocy the party line suggests? 

I guess using Latina or Latino is out. Now, these people are LatinX!... Why not call everyone X, and be done with it.


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Anonymous said...

Where does Beam use the term LatinX? Never heard of such nonsense! I wish they would concentrate on running this property as a clean, quiet and safe place to live.

The carpet on my floor is absolutely filthy! And I mean FILTHY!

I don't know what the stains are, but they look pretty putrid.

Have these goons cut back on cleaning? I think they've cut back on a lot of maintenance staff because there are so many things that need attention and are not being dealt with. This once-great place to live has degraded into a slum. The "Hospitality" alumni who "manage" the place are stupid, inept morons. If they are typical of Blackstone's type of "management," then Blackstone is one big con job. But I think we all know that, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Many Spanish-American people consider it to be a very offensive term.

This management are such a bunch of Flyover State Dumbasses. (Maybe I just used an offensive term, but at least it is accurate.)

Stuy Town Reporter said...

A partial posting of S. Kennedy's recent message to tenants:

Celebrating Hispanic & LatinX Heritage Month

As we celebrate Hispanic & LatinX Heritage later this month, we invite you to check out the variety of books in the library boxes around the Oval and PCV Playground 2, written by Hispanic and Latin authors.

BIGMO said...

It's more liberal WOKE nonsense.

I wouldn't mind it if they first concentrated on running this place in a professional manner but that would be asking too much of these mismanagement klowns.

I used to work for Metlife and I knew when they sold Stuytown/PCV this place would go downhill.

Anonymous said...

I wish they would run the place in a professional manner, bearing in mind that it is a residential apartment complex and NOT a damned resort. I'm so sick of these lousy "events" being touted while, at the same time, the place is becoming more decrepit and filthy and unsafe. I think that they are probably trying to run it into the ground as a residential complex because they want an excuse to tear it down. I'm sure the land it's built on is worth billions of dollars more than these old, neglected buildings. How they have the big steel balls to charge what they charge for the renovated apartments is totally beyond me. The people who pay what these fools ask have to be really moronic. They don't stay long though. The turnover is almost like a hotel/motel.

Anybody thinking of joint the "Tenants Association" should bear in mind that they are the sleazeballs who brought these parasites in.

Anonymous said...

"I used to work for Metlife and I knew when they sold Stuytown/PCV this place would go downhill."

Betcha didn't think it would go this far downhill! I'm sure nobody did.

Anonymous said...

I am really embarrassed to invite friends over at this point. The carpet in my hallway is so absolutely filthy with all kinds of "organic" stains and if anybody did come over, they would have to come in via the Main Level because the Terrace Level with the recycling area and laundry room is putrid. Tonight, I took some recycling down and was so horrified by the filth and garbage that some people had thrown into the recycling bins, that I only left the few little items made of glass and took the rest back upstairs and threw it down the chute.

I don't know what kind of dregs of humanity they are renting to these days, I just know they are the kind who would not be allowed to rent in any respectable property. The Management we have here now are the absolute lowest of the low. They are incompetent, uncaring and probably live like slobs themselves. I would never, ever, under any circumstances recommend this place to anybody. I would advise them to go and use their hard-earned money to rent in a well-run, clean and safe place which was managed by competent professionals. Our "management" is a bunch of low-level incompetents whose only experience has been in chintzy hotels and "resorts." The idiot who is in charge of the atrocious concerts was a DJ on a crappy cruise ship.
We deserve better. If our so-called TA thinks we are going to pay dues after they, along with their lousy, corrupt politician friends, sold us down the river to this scum, they can think again.

Anonymous said...

I agree that this place is too gross for me to bring visitors. The carpets on my floor are stained and filthy. Slobs leave things on the lobby shelves like a vile flea market. There are always packages downstairs for people who have moved since it is such a transient dump.

Anonymous said...

Every bulletin from Beam is more and more like the stuff you find in hotels touting the local attractions and the hotel's special events. Nothing screams louder than "Hotel" "Resort" than these emails from Beam. They clearly are not marketing to New Yorkers.

Anonymous said...

Management has absolutely no idea who lives here. People come and go and arrange their own lease swaps and sublets. For all we know, there could be drug dealers with fentanyl in their apartments. Remember sulfuric acid boy who killed himself and injured several others while he was cooking dope?

This is definitely not a safe place to live, especially for people with children, and all management cares about is a load of hoakey "events." It used to be a great place to raise kids, but now it is a revolving door dorm/hotel/airbnb crap-hole. We have no actual management like we used to have that actually wanted background checks. This bunch of resort clowns rent to anybody with a checkbook and that is only when they actually know and see who they are renting to. Most of the people here now are "landlords" themselves and rent their apartment out. The names on the leases mean NOTHING unless you are living in one of the unrenovated units because management is anxious for you to die or to give them a reason to kick your ass out.

Anonymous said...

I saw in the news today that Ukrainian President Zelensky held a supposedly "secret" meeting in NYC with American private equity firms, including Blackstone. Am wondering if the former DJ participated therein. After all, Ukraine could certainly benefit from entertainment now....

Anonymous said...

I am living in a "Market Rate" apartment and just cannot wait to get out of here. This incompetent, moronic bunch of so-called "Management" doesn't know shit from piss. They are all idiots and would no doubt not be able to find employment if they did not work here. Blackstone hires the scrum of the scum because people who are trained and experienced are more than Blackstone is willing to pay for. The people running this place would not get jobs as street-sweepers in NYC if they were not employed by Blackstone. Blackstone is the despised and loathed corporate entity on the planet, and with very good reason.

Anonymous said...

I am elderly and have brittle bones. I am literally terrified of walking across the property because of all the Citibikes zooming around. PS does NOTHING. Absolutely NOTHING.

I think MISmanagement probably wants the elderly to be hit and killed or permanently hospitalized so that they can get hold of their low-rent apartments. However, when a child is hit and maimed by one of these bikes, it will be a different story. Somebody's ass could well end up in jail and the lawsuit will be enormous, both from the financial and publicity angle.

Anonymous said...

"Am wondering if the former DJ participated therein. After all, Ukraine could certainly benefit from entertainment now...."

I wish they would send this whole freakin bunch of morons to Ukraine and leave them there.

Anonymous said...

If Zelensky is meeting with Schwartzman, then he is dealing with the Putin of Housing. Schwartzman couldn't even wangle an invite to Mar-a-Largo and that shows that even the Orange One has certain standards.

Anonymous said...

The weather is getting colder and we will soon be into the "NO HEAT FOR YOU" season. Everybody I know here (and I know a lot of people here)have to use space heaters. I am in an unrenovated apartment, but if I were in one of the MR units I would go on a rent strike. I wish that those guys would unite and do just that. No Heat No Rent. Maybe then they would replace this useless and dangerous "heating" system and they would probably save lives and money. MetLife's "gifts" to us were faulty, drafty windows to replace faulty, drafty windows and they came with a big MCI; and they gifted us with this lousy bad joke of a "heating" system. After it switched from being a mutual insurance company to a whatever it is now, Mother Met became Mother Death as far as I'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you are correct that Met Life created the heat system, but they must have used it effectively because we always had heat.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe you are correct that Met Life created the heat system, but they must have used it effectively because we always had heat."

Met Life used to give us adequate heat, but they changed the way the heat is distributed and what triggers it to go on or. They put in the stupid "sensor" system that we have now. That is what decides when and where the heat goes on or off. There are sensors installed in three apartments on each line (from what I've been told) and the temperature in those apartments is the decider in whether the heat goes on or off. If the people in the apartments with the sensors like to cook do a lot of cooking or if the heat isn't comfortable for them and they put a space heater on, the sensors think there is adequate heat and the heat goes off. However, I don't think the sensors work at all because one of my upstairs neighbors has it in her apartment. A three-bedroom unit and the sensor is in the coldest bedroom. The heat hardly ever comes on. It is a totally f*cked-up system and even when it works, this stinking LL sets it to go only to a notch above the legal minimum.

BIGMO said...

Yes, when Met Life owned and managed the property I always had adequate heat during the winter time. In fact, I remember sometimes getting too much heat and I had to open the windows to let some cold air into the apartment. Only in the past 6 years or so have I had to buy 2 space heaters to keep the apartment warm during the winter months. Current management gives you the bare minimum heat to keep in compliance with NYC laws.

I've been here for over 40 years so I've seen many changes in that time. It's mostly a transient/dorm dump these days. The apartment next to me is now on its 5th tenant in 10 years and that's just one apartment. Some were students but not all. It tells you a lot about a place when the retention is so low except for the older tenants like myself and many of the 'lottery' apartments which have lower rents than the 'market rate' apartments.

Anonymous said...

We need a real Property Manager with a team expierienced in residential property work. This place lace is like a ship without a rudder. Well, the Boy Wonder DJ/ cruise Director should feel at home here. All this Ms Kennedy seems to care about (and be experienced in) is events and entertainment. She doesn’t have a clue about running a residential property.
All she thinks about is events, recreational amenities and nothing else. I suspect that is all she actually knows only about such things.
Two apartments on my floor have different people every few weeks. IThey might be used as extended stay hotel suites.
The lobby directories are totally full of “Private “ entries and most of the doors are “welcome Home.”
Theft of deliveries is rampant and “Public Safety” are just like mall cops. Probably less trained than mall cops. It is these mall cops who do the apartment inspections. I put away anything and everything that is of value because I doubt these guys are background checked. Nobody is background checked here.
The place is a disaster and dangerous because it is run by untrained and out of their depth fiormer hospitality people who haven’t the training or experience to be doing the jobs they are doing.

Anonymous said...

Was just reading the Yelp reviews on this place. Hell on Earth is the sum total of the reviews and they are right on target. Instead of some Peter somebody responding, now it is Deb somebody. Always the same BS. Whomever is responsible for bringing in the Satanic Blackstone and its vile crowd called Beam Living should be struck by lightning.

Long time resident said...

What a dump this place has become.
That is all.
So sad.
Long time resident

Anonymous said...

It is sad. It really has become a dump. I notice that in the bulletins we get about events they mention what's going on around NYC. This is EXACTLY what hotels do. These really are hoteliers and it shows. No residential property experience whatsoever. We have no Property Manager. The place is run by a Party Planner and a Cruise Ship DJ. They have cut maintenance to the bone and focus only on "events" and "entertainment" because that's all they know about. Actually, it says a lot about what Blackstone-owned resorts and hotels are like. Must be absolute bottom of the line shitholes.

Anonymous said...

"Woke" is exactly right. It's 1:15 in the morning on Saturday night/Sunday morning. I was awakened around midnight by the human infestation of screaming, high-pitched laughing toxin, this time, female. One of the groups which pollutes the 14th Street Loop on weekend nights.

I was, as is normal, awoken by the human garbage which is ILLEGALLY housed here.

It was so bad, and prolonged, that I left my warm bed to immediately shiver in my freezing bedroom, hallway and bathroom . . . all to dress and tiptoe through the apartment to open my apartment door and leave. I was quiet so that husband and non-human residents here would not be disturbed, since they were able to sleep through the disturbance.

Downstairs, through the "shedding" for building repair which makes this place even more dangerous for a variety of reasons, and which FUNNELS tenants of two buildings into one entrance. That's another tale of harassment, danger.

I am neither young nor physically imposing. I am not particularly muscular. I do not appear to be a danger, a menace, threatening. I am an aging woman. That does not prevent me from taking action to defend myself against threats to my health and wellbeing. So, after midnight, I went out to STOP the destroyers of peace and quiet. All by myself.

They had left in their goddamned "ubers" by then to invade some other location for purposes of drinking, drugging, screaming, and who knows what. Had they still been there, I would have informed them they needed to shut the hell up and leave. If they ignored me, or been verbally or otherwise abusive, I would have told them what would occur if they persisted in this manner.

I would have made good on my promise to them. That promise will wait for another time to be described.

Fortunately, I suppose, that was unnecessary. Instead, I called "Security" and spoke for a time with a seemingly intelligent and sympathetic young man and asked him to make certain that this does not happen again tonight. He sounded as if he'd help. We'll see.

I write this, in part, to ask, that other residents here seriously consider doing as I did instead of only allowing this to continue. We are not helpless.

You can operate quietly, even politely if you deem that desirable. You can operate legally. And you might find out that you are able to shut up any given infestation of these s.o.b.'s.

Anonymous said...

I live just inside the 14th Street Loop and I hear the party animals at 2,3,4 AM. Also, there's some M-Fer who parks his car almost under my window at around 4 AM. This car has an alarm that goes off several times and it is the LOUDEST alarm I have ever heard. I've had to call PS twice to ask them to see if they can find the guy and have him disable his stupid alarm. If he can't hear it wherever he is, then maybe he doesn't even live locally.

Anonymous said...

"You can operate quietly, even politely if you deem that desirable. You can operate legally. And you might find out that you are able to shut up any given infestation of these s.o.b.'s."

I don't want to get out of bed, go outside and ask these people to quiet down. Might get assaulted or (more likely) told to f*** off. Most of them are stinking drunk, anyway. I wish there was a way we could pursuade "Management" or the Schools these idiots attend to take issue with their behavior. They are undergrads and they should NOT be living in a housing complex that has adults, families and children living in it. The stupid undergrads are the bane of any college town and are usually housed in real dorms. They DO NOT belong here. Many of the girls look/dress like low-price street walkers.

Anonymous said...

"Don't want to get out of bed . . ."

I am sorry you feel this way. I don't think that assault is likely. Than, again, I'm an older white-haired, short woman. Were I a male, of any age, younger males might decide to "take me on," as men are sometimes wont to do. Yet I doubt the college boys here are of a mind to physically attack a man who asks them to shut up, go away, quiet down.

The testosterone level of the boys in these groups of yelling, laughing, peace-disturbing humans is not going to rise when "grandma" chastises them.

I could write quite a story, though, about the confrontations I've had, when younger: female, on the short side, not muscular or physically imposing. I'd occasionally ask someone to do the right thing. Sometimes they (male) metaphorically gave me the finger. Physically small, little me, more than once, was able to persuade them they'd made a mistake. Without "assaulting" them. So, yes, it's possible to stop bad behavior.

Girls, though? I was a feminist many years ago, when it was a worthwhile, even sometimes noble, calling. The "girls" (as young as around 8 years old, and all the way into their mid-late twenties), though, make me cringe at what became of my sex.

The "girls" here in Stuyvesant Town: well, my parents, other family members, and neighbors, would have beaten me thoroughly and punished me severely if I EVER behaved as most of them do here. They would have been within their rights. "Disrespectful" doesn't begin to describe their behaviors, attitudes, words. Manipulative, nasty and dripping with contempt: I've observed very young ones and "career women" of 25 open their eyes and their mouths with such derision, arrogance, insolent expression that my long-dead mother-in-law would have hauled them into a bathroom and literally washed their mouths out with soap after slapping their faces hard. She would have been right to do that.

So that, I don't think the females (who dress and slather make-up on, yes . . . appearing to be cheap hookers when they flood the streets here in groups of usually 3-5 or 6 on Friday and Saturday night - on the way to bars) would physically assault anyone. But they would open up mouths like sewers. It's what way, way, way too many of them do these days. (Somewhere long ago I read that you can gauge a society by the way its women behave. We are clearly circling the drain and our young women, too many of them, prove the point emphatically).

"Management" has deliberately flooded us with this species of human. The schools (chiefly NYU, from which I hold two degrees, and which neither catered to nor produced the caliber of "student" we see today when I was a student) don't give a damn for the most part about anything other than money, real estate, and encouraging the destruction of society. Again, that's for another time and place.

Again - I wish, fervently, that other genuine residents of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village would join me in speaking up to these destroyers of our health.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe how absolutely FILTHY and decaying our buildings have become. Filthy, stained carpets in the hallways; peeling paint (even on the Welcome Home doors); the recycling rooms are atrocious and there is shit and piss in the stairs.
I DO NOT blame the porters. They work their asses off and it is obvious that their numbers have been reduced.

We are living under the "landlordship" of the worst cabal of RE terrorists on the planet. They even make Tishman Speyer look good (and that takes some doing). The idiots who run this place don't have a clue or a care about running a residential property. Beyond the tenth-rate "events" they don't know or care about anything. They are the pot-scrapings of the "Hospitality" industry and totally incompetent to run a place like this.
I don't know how we got stuck with filth like Blacksone/Beam Living, but their "custodianship" of PCVST was like Satan taking over. Greedy, avaricious, predatory scum - and those are just their good points.

Anonymous said...

The events were initiated by the first manager Rick. They were designed to pose as amenities in the absence of real ones. Kennedy is just continuing the ugly tradition to promote this dump.

Anonymous said...

No mystery. Garodnick and the so called TA brought them in.

Anonymous said...

We got stuck with Beam because Garodnick and the so called TA made a deal with the devil. Spread the news.

Anonymous said...

Is there anybody who doesn't know that news? The supposed TA screwed us all over. No doubt about that.

It doesn't really matter anymore though since Stuy Town (and NYC for that matter) are dead. Commercial real estate will soon be worth about 20% of what is owed on the buildings. The trickle effect of that will cause loans to default, banks who get stuck with those loans will collapse, investors will lose billions. Couple that with the government backing employees who claim a "right" to work remotely and you have an impending disaster. Owners are walking away from the real estate they own and taking their jobs with them. Wall street is merely a concept now. Most of the action is elsewhere. Colleges and non profits will not sustain the city's budget. All hell is going to break loose here soon. Real soon.

Worst part of this is it's too late to try and move out of the situation now. Although you will still do better than staying you will not do well. Consider this, if you buy a $400,000.00 home (if you can find one, I just read Rochester NY is booming due to this exact reason, so there's always hope, although it is Rochester) with a 30 year mortgage which you pay off over the 30 years, it will cost over $1,000,000.00 in total payments due to interest rates being so high. Compare that with the $600,000.00 total if you got that mortgage just a few years ago. Elections have consequences. NYC and many other large cities are realizing that too late as well.

Anonymous said...

Hayduk was in the resorts and hotels industry. He knew squat about running a residential property and his successors are just as bad. We need to be rid of Beam and have a real residential management take over. This place has become a dirty, seedy, poor apology of a third-rate (or lower) resort. The TA might have had a dirty hand in the sale. I don't know much about the TA, so I can't say I'm for or against it. I don't think it has the clout and integrity that it had years ago when MetLife owned the place. It's hierarchy was completely different then. There was a guy named Al Doyle and another named John Marsh. Don't know what happened to them, but this Susan Steinberg woman doesn't seem to be much good at the job she's supposed to be doing. I think she likes to get her face in the news and that's about it.

Anonymous said...

People posting here have previously criticized Doyle and Marsh, too. And for those who don't know, Steinberg has the title of President for Life, just like some African despots.

Anonymous said...

Latest e-blast from Kennedy is all about Halloween and sundry events. Absolutely NOTHING about the serious uptick in theft and people prowling the buildings looking for stuff to steal. God Forbid any of that vermin should get into an unlocked apartment or, follow an elderly person into their apartment. It's getting so bad here that I think we should all carry mace.

I wish we could get some honest newspaper to do an expose on this place. It's all "Bread and Circuses" while the property is as dirty, nasty and dangerous as some of the worst slums anywhere.

Anonymous said...

A young woman posted on the "Inclusive Stuyvesant Town/Cooper" blog a day or two ago about a man who walked up behind her, reached under her skirt, touched her, and ran away. I think it was at 4 in the afternoon, and was near the Avenue C Loop.

Anything about that made known by the beings who "run" this place?

Meanwhile, I'm dealing with renewed harassment by those "in charge" because I've attempted to stop daily and continual abusive and disruptive and unhealthful behavior in my building; I was assaulted for 2 hours during dinner by more noise billed as "music" tonight; an evening constitutional saw groups of 8 of these spoiled idiots roaming the streets; at least 3 apartments on my floor are noisy with shrieking laughter and self-important loud chattering of lazy, do-nothing girls both day and night. They clearly are not welfare recipients, but they are neither serious students nor young people earning their own way in life since they seem to spend most of their time in their apartments shooting off the mouths. They appear to me to be drags on working people, on people who work hard at paying jobs, or in volunteer capacities, or taking care of other human beings.

Anonymous said...

@8:45 PM: Did you say a young lady was sexually assaulted at 4 in the afternoon? Did she scream or shout for help? If that really happened, then this place has gone so far down the sewer I doubt it will ever improve. I hope the young lady is alright, though I suspect she is traumatized.

They need to bring back the real Security Force we used to have who used to patrol the property. Women of all ages (and maybe men too) should carry mace and/or some kind of alarm that makes a REALLY loud noise. This place has become such a nasty, unsafe and fetid dump and all that Kennedy moron ever does is think up more and more inane "events."

We need a PROPERTY MANAGER. We need a mature (not old) professionally experienced in RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT to run this place. I am sick of living in a filthy, dangerous shithole that is run by morons who only know how organize inane and stupid sideshows. Go get a job with Barnum and Bailey, Lady. Or maybe sign up for working for county fairs. I'm so glad my kids are grown and moved out because if my daughter had ever been sexually assaulted at 4 in the afternoon on what used to be very safe and well-run housing complex, I would have the Daily News, Post and local television stations talking about it. I'd also search for seriously injure the scum who committed the crime.
I can't understand how they get people to move in here at high rents. Well, I think mostly it's students and short-lease rentals. I can't see any family or adults thinking of raising family moving in and paying through the nose to live in tarted-up SLUM. They can't even find a competent person to manage the slum.

Anonymous said...

If anyone in NYC (besides NYPD) uses mace, they will be arrested, since it's illegal. Of course, Blackstone does illegal things, too, but never any penalties for them....

Anonymous said...

I heard a lot of hooting and woo-hooing in the early hours of this morning. I cannot stand these stupid brats.

Anonymous said...

2:30 AM Sunday. Not a chance of being able to sleep with the screaming shithead students. Nobody in their right mind rents here at a high rent. If I could afford to move, I would.

Anonymous said...

Truly sad how this place has deteriorated.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The pipes were hot this morning. I didn't hear a noise of banging pipes. Obviously, a good thing.

Anonymous said...

"If anyone in NYC (besides NYPD) uses mace, they will be arrested, since it's illegal."

Pepper spray (not mace) is legal in NYC but carrying it is frowned upon by the NYPD. There is a drugstore on the Upper East Side* that carries it for sale. In person sales only, ID proof and signing off on a form at the drugstore and you are in business.

*Health Source 1000 First Ave New York, NY 10022-on 55th Street. 212-310-0111

Anonymous said...

Mace and pepper spray are just fine for the bastards out at night HURTING us on the weekends.

Two nights ago, a Security Guard at around 11:45 said to me, "They're kids. They're having fun."

I began yelling, "This isn't a dormitory. This isn't a dormitory. This is a residence."


I've been told more along the same vein, in person, by security guards staring at me with the dead fish expression.

Anonymous said...

The heat came on late last night in my apt. Nothing today. The heating system is as screwed up as the morons who are supposed to be running this place.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if people who are signing leases at the current rents and are NOT students are aware of the fact that this is a badly-run, unsupervised dorm and that there is no chance of getting any sleep on weekends. Very often it is during the week, too.

The so-called "management" are total morons. I doubt they have any idea of how to run a place like this. Well, I think that is pretty obvious. We have side-shows, fake "amenities" and brain-dead sheisters running the place and calling themselves "management." They couldn't manage a public toilet.

Anonymous said...

"I've been told more along the same vein, in person, by security guards staring at me with the dead fish expression."

That's because they have dead fish brains. These are not real Security Guards. They are nothing like the ones we used to have. Those guys were trained and were more like Auxilliary Police. What we have now are drugstore guards. This "management" is too blood-sucking cheap to hire real Security Guards. They care NOTHING for our safety and wellbeing. Somewhere down the line they are going to get sued and exposed for what they are. They are the absolute dregs of cheap, nasty resorts.

Anonymous said...

No heat here tonight. As bad as a tenement slum.

Anonymous said...

I'm the writer of "dead fish expression," which I, myself, object to since I respect fish and other non-human life forms more than I do my own life form - human.

The "dead fish" arrangement of a human face is unfortunately common and is a distancing and control mechanism used by millions of us in many venues, chiefly "professional" and "business" venues, although also in interpersonal encounters. Offices, stores, police stations, transportation hubs . . . you name it and people will stare at you, unblinking, and clearly without sympathy, or even the slightest hint of giving a damn whatsoever.

They need not take your request, complaint, comment, demand, plea . . . seriously. They shut down their own (hopefully instinctive) response of caring and desire to be of help, to share just being human with you. They keep themselves well clear of responsibility ("responsibility" comes from "to RESPOND"), the need to take an action, possibly put themselves out or jeopardize their employment and such.

They may genuinely be physically or mentally fatigued, or distracted by other matters or needs.

Whatever their reasons, they do not want to open up to another human being and be truly real and relational. Corporations and bureaucracies, and probably hierarchy, generally, trains people in this technique as a standard way of living in the world.

Our "security" folks are mainly new ones, along with a small fraction of old-timers. ALL of them have been instructed/ORDERED to ignore authentic complaints and pleas for help having to do with the insultingly labelled "quality of life" issues. I am sure of it.

In addition, they must be utterly sick and tired and disgusted listening to either legitimate complaints or the thoroughgoing bullshit from both young and old spoiled assholes here. I've been told, accurately, that I complain about many things, am upset by many things here. Yes. For good reasons.

We also have guards here who have let me know THEIR living conditions always have been and still are lousy - "the projects" in which there is always noise and disturbance, so this is no big deal. The implication is that I am a spoiled person living in better conditions than they are for no legitimate reason.

One of the guards, an old-timer with a brain and a heart gives me the same blank stare because, I believe, he can do exactly sh*t about conditions which are bad news IF HE WANTS TO CONTINUE RECEIVING A PAYCHECK. I think he's afraid that even if he says something to the effect of, "I'm sorry, I wish to hell I could stop (fill in the blank), but "management" won't let us," he'll be fired.

Some of the newer ones really and truly are dumber than dumb and say crap to me that is infuriating. (It also doesn't help that Blackstone made their lives "easier" by stopping the walking around the complexes, stopping the verticals (walking staircases), and giving them vans.

Anonymous said...

There is NO "management" here and never has been since Blackstone came in to destroy us.

They have ZERO knowledge, skill and history of dealing with apartment housing.

BEAM LIVING, THOSE PURVEYORS OF MISERY AND DISTURBANCE AND FILTH OF MANY VARIETIES, DID NOT EXIST UNTIL 2017, two years after the predatory and sadistic "landlord" "acquired" our homes in 2015.


They neither hired experienced apartment managers, nor formed a legitimate "property" "management" company.

Apologies for the "shouting" of the block capital letters, but I think we might profit by ruminating on this fact because it explains a great deal.

And as in other posts, I enclose some words in quotation marks because I've considerable difficulty with how those words are used these days, or any days.

Anonymous said...

Beam Living should be renamed Beam Dying, since that's what they want (real) rent-stabilized tenants to do. And don't just want, but actively attempt to push it along...

Anonymous said...

Blackstone must have acquired other properties because I've seen the Beam Living sign on other rental buildings. They are probably just as bad as this bunch of idiots.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, other multi-family rentals: Parker Towers in Queens, Kips Bay Court just up the road from us. I know for a fact that they put on the same kind of utter crap and disruption of life (ala Vasquez, the frustrated little would-be-dictator-of-millions, with his obscene "events."

Just go look at the perversion and obscenity of the use of the English language here:

The "upper class" crap at the monstrosity of 8 Spruce not far from the Seaport includes "private dining room," "golf simulator" and other must-have "amenities" without which billions of humans languish and die because they are in such desperate need of these survival necessities.

Then there is the "luxurious living" at the grove in Chelsea which seems to rely heavily for its unparalleled desirability on Chelsea itself.

I can testify, from 6 weeks during temporary dislocation out of my apartment into one of the "gorgeous and luxurious" renovated apartments around 5 summers ago (on 14th Street) that their renovations are not only illegal, but a total non-workable horror show of cheap/garbage materials and appliances which not only break during the first year according to some workmen, but are so stupidly placed that some of them cannot be accessed or used. False rooms are created which are closets; closets are removed; other rooms cannot accommodate furniture; the apartment door itself opens up itself, will not stay shut (on the main floor, no less) because it is lodged onto a floor which is badly warped. Light fixtures cannot be reached if you're not exceptionally tall. The list goes on.

My family was soooo graciously lodged there for 6 weeks that summer because I'd complained and begged for help for EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS due to water seeping into walls which needed to be ripped out completely. My husband became ill; I'll never know if one of my beloved animals died prematurely breathing in the mold we endured for a year and a half.

Worker after worker and management folk came in here to examine my home and inform me that basically I was nuts - no water in the walls; no mold. Hahaha.

And this has happened and is happening all over Stuyvesant and Cooper.

Months later, we were informed that a RENOVATION in which the bastards had torn apart a perfectly good bathroom had highly skilled personnel installing a new toilet which FLUSHED DIRECTLY INTO THE WALL WITH EACH FLUSH, FLOODING THE WALL AND LEAKING DOWN . . . THROUGH THE APARTMENT LINE.

Anonymous said...

Please give us a break from these hysterical rants. Too long and over the top.

Disgusted and Frustrated said...

Hysterical? Maybe long, but hysterical and over the top?

Maybe if people combine their constant complaints with actions to help themselves and each other, I might feel heard and hence stop this "hysteria" to which you object.

How about it? Rather than, "there's nothing we can do," people can join together to do something about our collective misery.

Wanna start putting your body where your keyboard is for a change for all of us?

Probably not. Just vent vent vent complain complain complain. OK

Anonymous said...

"Give us a break . . ."

Then give me and yourself and everyone who lives here a break. Get up off your behind, stop typing and complaining and do something.

Anonymous said...

Just when you thought that Beam Living could not possibly make life in Stuyvesant Town any worse, they put a fucking dog run outside your window. I found a great apartment FOR LESS in Battery Park City and I am walking on my current lease. Try and collect you leeches.

Anonymous said...

"Please give us a break from these hysterical rants. Too long and over the top."

I don't believe anyone is forcing you to read them. You seem to have an agenda.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the apt in BOC! OMG! I wish I could afford to live there. It’s beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Meant to say BPC, of course. Eyes are growing dim!

Anonymous said...

"I don't believe anyone is forcing you to read them. You seem to have an agenda."

I have no agenda, but such verbosity says more about the writer than what she writes about.

Anonymous said...

It is mostly students and short term roomies. Also I hear a lot of foreign languages spoken. I think they have a deal with agencies abroad for short term corporate and tourist rentals.

Anonymous said...

The TA and Garodnick were largely responsible for this horrendous Beam deal.

Anonymous said...

"I have no agenda, but such verbosity says more about the writer than what she writes about."

This is "she." I am always trying to improve myself.

Therefore, I would greatly appreciate your listing my defects of character and other pertinent shortcomings.

Perhaps you would like a weekly report of my efforts in correcting such defects, shortcomings, objectionable traits.

Anonymous said...

Do you all know about the two (2) attacks on women in the last two weeks in the vicinity of Avenue C and the 14th Street Loop? These attacks took place in daylight, around 4:00.

Anonymous said...

I think there are a lot of AirBnB apartments here. Don't know whether they're legal or not.

Anonymous said...

A HELL of a lot of noise on the 14th Street Loop at 1:00 AM. Hooting, braying, screaming, squawking shitheads. Don't we have a PS Dept anymore? Can't these campus/mall cops get out and make these repulsive kids shut-the-f**k-up?

Anonymous said...

I nearly went out last night around midnight to shut up these assholes on the 14th Street Loop.

I've asked, repeatedly and personally, for Security to stop the sh*t here on weekends.

Especially now. There are many of us here who are Israeli, and who are Jewish, who are in agony over the renewed efforts to destroy Israel and kill Jewish people. Many of us have loved ones there who are in mortal danger or worse.

The situation there is unbearable and may well have catastrophic effects all over the planet.

So, it's necessary to add insult to injury 'cause "hey, man, it's Saturday night! Let's go out and get wrecked!"

I'd like to wreck these specimens of trash.

Anonymous said...

14th Street Loop attacks: the first was a young'un who had a man walk up silently behind her, slip his hand beneath her skirt and touch her. And run away.

The second was a woman walking up the ramp, I believe, between buildings - the ramp that has been made unsafe by reason of the installation of "shedding." I was told she was set upon by three people, pushed to the ground. The intent was to rob her, but she apparently screamed so loudly they ran off.

Both in broad daylight. Just a little ways away from my front door.

Go to the Facebook page: StuyTown/PCV Residents Group (Inclusive) for a thread discussing this frightening development (pun intended)

Anonymous said...

"I think there are a lot of AirBnB apartments here. Don't know whether they're legal or not.

Whether for 1 day or 60 days, etc, Airbnbs are illegal in STPCV since ALL apartments here are under NYS RS law, the HSTPA (Housing Stability & Tenant Protection Act) that was passed in 6/2019. Contact Resident Relations if you believe that you have an AirBnb as a neighbor.

Anonymous said...

This place is descending into the level of a slum. We don't have an actual "Management." What we do have are a bunch of party planners, a cruise director (from some really tacky line, I'm sure) and a skeleton staff of maintenance and essential people. The buildings are filthy; the occupancy is mostly students and transients and people who came in by way of personal arrangements with existing tenants who want to sublet their apartments. "Management" as no idea of who actually lives here (apart from the older folk in the unrenovated apartments, who are also the ones who management would like to see die asap). They cannot rent these tarted-up units to people who will stay and actually call it home because the units are overpriced. Waaaay overpriced. People move in because they need a stopgap place to live while they plan their lives. Why would anybody pay the rent that these vultures demand when they could be using that money to pay a mortgage on a place of their own?
The property is not worth nearly as much as it used to be worth. The buildings are old and falling apart; the plumbing is shot and the grounds have been torn-up and destroyed. It's no better than a NYCHA Project, but costs a hell of a lot more. In fact, I have been inside NYCHA apartments and they are a lot better than the units here. I wish I qualified for one!
We get either no heat or too much. The heating system is a total failure. Some tenants freeze, while others roast. Management has no idea as to how to fix this. Unfortunately, all Management focuses on is how to pull in more suckers by running the place as a tacky resort. There are real resorts out there and they are better (so long as they are not owned by Blackstone). This place is supposed to be a residential housing complex, but it fails in that regard because it run as a dorm/hotel/short-stay flop and nobody knows who their neighbors are because people move in and out all the time; the apartments have no names on doors; the directories in the lobbies are a total mess and never updated. A hotel or motel has better knowledge of who its occupants are than anybody in this dump does. We don't know our new "neighbors" as they change almost monthly and I don't think that Management really knows who lives here. What's more, Management doesn't care who lives here just so long as their is a monthly payment being made in full every month. Ted Bundy would have loved this place!

Anonymous said...

"Whether for 1 day or 60 days, etc, Airbnbs are illegal in STPCV since ALL apartments here are under NYS RS law, the HSTPA (Housing Stability & Tenant Protection Act) that was passed in 6/2019. Contact Resident Relations if you believe that you have an AirBnb as a neighbor."

"Resident Relations"? What or who the hell are they? Never heard of them.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that we have no "Management." There is no enforcement of the rules pertaining to quality of life and consideration for each others (which is all about quality of life!) I don't know who is really in charge of running things here. Kennedy has the title "Vice-President of Resident Experience" and that is a very vague and nebulous title. I think it is a roundabout way of saying she is the event organizer and the "resident experience" is limited to what entertainment and distractions we want or need. Actually, the "resident experience" we do want and need has nothing to do with her job; what we want and need is safety, cleanliness and a pleasant quality of life. Cruise-ship events and crappy concerts and themes have NOTHING to do with what we want and need.
If Blackstone's "thinkers" had the slightest clue about how a property like this should be run, they would get rid of current "management" and send them back to run their crappy hotels and resorts and then bring in some professional residential property managers. Maybe they would have to look outside of their current inventory of employees, but that's business. I don't know how much profit they are making off this place, but judging by the decrease in maintenance staff I would say they are most likely operating in the red or only marginally turning a profit. The rent here is very high, but the quality of life here is very low. They wouldn't need to rent to students (or at least not to undergrads) if they could rent the apartments to real tenants.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I would never call this place a slum. Yes, a lot of "rules" are ignored, but it isn't a slum.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

BTW, I've noticed that the Asians are not picking up the bottles in the morning as they used to. They are taken over by, what I assume, are "migrants." Have the Asians been pushed out?

Anonymous said...

STR, it is very very close to being a slum at this point. Shit and piss on the stairs and in the elevators (I assume it is dogs, but one never knows). Sorry, but I guess we have different ideas of what constitutes a slum. Doesn't have to have water coming thru the roof and rats and roaches running about to be a slum (or at least "slummy"), but as to how clean and safe it used to be, it is at least bordering on being a slum. Maybe the apartments are ok, but the buildings are filthy. The recycling areas are beyond gross and the laundry rooms are nasty. They took the locks off the laundry rooms and today I saw that the door to the carriage room/recycling area was held open with a length of string.
I don't like to leave anything in the dryer unless I babysit it. I don't have expensive duds, but I can't afford to have my clothes, sheets, towels stolen - and that has happened.
Anybody can walk into the laundry rooms now. Residents have found homeless people sleeping in them - and bed bugs are an issue these days.
The people running this place don't know shit from shine and are in the wrong jobs.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

After being in tents with rain pattering above me and ants biting me, after being in a SRO in the Times Square area where a bullet almost ended my life and roaches were common, being here in Stuyvesant Town is a breeze. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Well, it used to be just once in a while, but now I think it is a daily occurrence. One of the "residents" in my building "walks" their dog in the stairwell.

Anonymous said...

"Resident Relations"? What or who the hell are they? Never heard of them."

9.28 AM here.

I am always amazed at this blog re the lack of knowledge of what is going on here especially with the long term tenants who I am one. BTW, Google (Google StuyTown Resident Relations) is your friend.

Kaitlin Nemeth-Resident Relations. BTW, she reports directly to Siobhan Kennedy, the Vice President/Head of Resident Experience at Beam Living. For that information (not easily found via Google or LinkedIn) that's one investigation that requires some effort since Beam Living is notorious for not providing a flow chart of Middle/Senior Management here.

If you want her current email address, contact RS (resident services-you do know who they are?) and they will give it to you.

Anonymous said...

"After being in tents with rain pattering above me and ants biting me, after being in a SRO in the Times Square area where a bullet almost ended my life and roaches were common, being here in Stuyvesant Town is a breeze. LOL."

Well, fortunately most of us don't have such experience, STR, and I'm glad you survived what you went through. However, I don't think we need compare ST with such extremes. Most of us didn't suffer such deprivation, but that doesn't alter the fact that some of us feel that STPCV has gone down the proverbial toilet in recent years and is no longer a safe, clean and particularly pleasant place to live. I don't think that Management can rent out the renovated apartments because they are overpriced for what is offered. Now we have students and short stay people living here. I am sure that Management doesn't know who lives here because I know for a fact that some tenants arrange their own short-term rentals. No doubt those people don't have keys to the carriage room and they feel constrained to prop the door open when they are using the laundry.
Management has absolutely no regard or respect for our safety. If this was an SRO, I'd put up with it and be grateful; however, it is not an SRO and I am not paying SRO rent.

Anonymous said...

@11:28 AM. I looked at the link you sent. It's just bullshit. They ASK that we install carpet; the ASK that we do this and do that and they ASK that we not do this and not do that.

A REAL landlord/management would not ASK; they would INSIST! They own and run the place and they have every right AND DUTY to make sure that these qualify of life rules are adhered to because they are the comfort, safety and benefit of everything shelling out their hard-earned money to reside in this place. Even hotels and motels have rules for the benefit of all guests and employees.

This bunch of moronic hospitality industry rejects did the industry a big favor by leaving their previous jobs. They did the hardworking, paying tenants of PCVST no favor by coming here. They do not know shit from shine about running a housing complex. Total losers.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen any migrants around the property. Maybe I am just not very observant. There is always a lot of "ragtags" out on 14th Street, selling the stuff they've stolen from Trader Joe's, but they don't look like migrants, just down-and-out people and a lot of addicts. I was walking by TJs one afternoon and a young woman came up to me and asked me if I was "buying." I was taken aback and for a moment thought she meant the flea market stuff, but she didn't look like they do (she was quite well-dressed) and when she quietly asked me a second time, I realized she was a drug seller. I just shook my head and hurried into the store.

Anonymous said...

"A REAL landlord/management would not ASK; they would INSIST!

11.28 AM here. I agree with you on that. This whole "good neighbors" shtik is BS. Kennedy's emails alway ASK people to be "good neighbors" and, just as example, they don't say that leaving floor mats, umbrellas, shoes, etc., outside your door in the hallway is not only a "bad neighbor" issue but it is also a FDNY code violation. BTW, when this shit happens on my floor, I do contact RR and the issue is addressed but one can to call and be a pain in the ass to get it done. BTW, many people here, short term AND long term, think the hallway is an extension of their apartment (it's not, it's the common area, owned by the landlord, not yours as renter. We are not in suburbia) and see no issue in leaving their crap in the hallways.

Anonymous said...

"Tenant Relations" is just more of the Beam BS. I wish these people would go back to the flyover state hotels they worked at before they were inflicted upon us.

Anonymous said...

They treat us like we're in some kind of care home. Not that we get any care!

Anonymous said...

I believe that they are breaking even or even profiting from NYU,city, and agency deals. All of the apartments vacated on my floor were immediately filled.

Anonymous said...

They don't ASK us to pay the rent. That is not a request; that is a requirement. When you ask somebody to do something it is not generally perceived as a requirement. Not that I want them to treat us like we're in a police state, but they should get real. When we go shopping we are not asked to pay for the merchandise. We are required to do so (even though some people don't do it anyway LOL).

Does Uncle Sam ask us to pay taxes? I have never perceived it as an option.

Anonymous said...

"After being in tents with rain pattering above me and ants biting me, after being in a SRO in the Times Square area where a bullet almost ended my life and roaches were common, being here in Stuyvesant Town is a breeze. LOL."

Sounds like you have a very interesting past, STR! Please tell us more, if it's not too painful. You are a mystery man to most of us.

Anonymous said...

We have no idea who our neighbors are these days. Most of the apartments are occupied by Welcome Home and they turnover so fast. I miss the days when we had real tenants who stayed and who we could get to know. Now, only the not renovated apartments are occupied by real tenants who are not just passing through. No matter how many events and things they think up, they are not going to create a sense of community unless they make this place attractive and affordable to people who want to stay a bit longer than a school year. People used to move in and raise kids here. It's not an affordable option now. Those who can afford to stay as real tenants can afford to live in a much better place than this. There is really no competition between a Sty/PCV apartment, with lousy plumbing, no doormen and thin walls compared to what is available elsewhere for a high market rent. The bread and circus activities are not going to keep people here. No matter how delusional these resort people are, they need to realize that they are basically wasting their time and efforts.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Sounds like you have a very interesting past, STR! Please tell us more, if it's not too painful. You are a mystery man to most of us.<<

I was in the military, in Panama. A good boy at first, but not so good later. I also was in a SRO hotel in the Times Square area. That's where someone in the neighboring room shot off a gun, the bullet went through the wall and missed me by not much. Other "adventures" there, too. Of course, I was young then....

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Passing though the inner path of the Oval. Of course, there was a dog coming out with the owner. Nearing the end, right close to the guard booth, there was a group of teens chilling and smoking marijuana. I've seen marijuana being smoked before by teens, but never a group right near to the guard booth. Which was occupied! Good going Stuy Town!

Anonymous said...

I just give up on this dump. It is what it is and it is only going to get worse. It is being run (into the ground) by idiots. Completely moronic idiots. I don't blame PS for looking the other way most of the time because Management does not have their backs.

Btw, pot smoking is legal now, right? If they can't stop people from smoking cigarets, they can't stop them from smoking pot. Personally, I like to go out for a smoke and I don't think it is verboten at this point.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Btw, pot smoking is legal now, right?<<

For adults.

Anonymous said...

"I was in the military, in Panama. A good boy at first, but not so good later."

Thank you for your service, STR. I wonder why I'm not surprised to hear you were not such a good boy eventually? Maybe because you went to IC School! LOL! After all that strict discipline, something has to give! I know from my own experience!

Anonymous said...

Pot, weed, tree, grass . . . whatever you call it, it most certainly is not harmless.

Legalizing it has been just another step in (a) making this country even stupider and more passive than it already has become; and (b) raising more money by taxing it.

It has been bad enough to become sick from all of the many chemicals and substances in cigarette smoke - either from smoking, or from inhaling it second-hand. While people still do smoke, it lost its mass appeal some years back.

Pot? It renders people stupid (as in dulled reflexes, poor judgment, and more/worse).

When idiots smoke outside, or close to open windows, innocent babies, children, adults, ill people breathe it in, smell it, have it coating their own clothes, bodies and hair.

Public drinking is supposedly prohibited.

(In Stuyvesant Town, though, for some years, supposed adults who think they're living I don't know where "dine" outdoors, complete with wine, beer and who the hell knows what. This, of course, encourages the students of all ages, along with other people, to "lounge" outside at night, being what an old friend of mine used to sarcastically call: "fabulous," including lighting candles to complete their elegant outdoor dining experience.

"Management" and "Security" do zip zero zilch about this behavior.)

So why oh why would they admonish the teenagers "getting, high, man (or is it still, "dude?")

Before anyone lectures me here: I was once a teenager and smoked a little pot, tried it once another way; had a friend who gave me I-don't-know-what-other-drugs, and did the smallest bit of social drinking. No one I knew, teenager or adult, did what happens here and in all of this country these days except for bonafide alcoholics or drug addicts.

The government, and society, in general, wasn't much interested in turning us into zombies. They are expert at it now, and in so many different ways. And for less than positive reasons.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I should add that the teens were from the school close by, and I am sure that the fire in the golf car and the fire in Walgreens was set by a teen from there.

Anonymous said...

Pot smoking has been said to cause breast cancer. I read that somewhere in a medical publication. I don't know if it's been proven to be true, but what I DO know is that every woman I know who has had breast cancer was a former pot smoker. From Linda McCartney to friends from work and others. I'm not saying that every lady who has come down with breast cancer was a pot smoker, but in my circle of friends and acquaintances those who came down with that disease were pot smokers. Btw, I did not know Linda McCartney (a lady I admired), but I do know that she was heavy pot smoker at one time and she did die from breast cancer.
Coincidence, maybe. But I would never want to take the chance and have educated my daughters thusly, just as I have educated them about the perils of smoking tobacco and indulging in heavy use of alcohol.

Anonymous said...

"I should add that the teens were from the school close by, and I am sure that the fire in the golf car and the fire in Walgreens was set by a teen from there."

Which school, STR? I didn't hear about the fire in the golf cart or the fire in Walgreens. This is news to me - and very disturbing news.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

The school that was Stuyvesant High before they moved to Battery Park years ago. The school is still there, though, but the students are not like before. Near 1st Ave. 15th Street. The fires were big news last year or even before that. Walgreens was closed for a couple of days. Because of the "juvenile" tag, more complete info was squelched.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Stuy Town Reporter said...

"Some residents faulted the response by Peter Cooper Village Stuyvesant Town management to the fire, which never mentioned that a neighborhood drug store was the scene of one of the blazes or that golf carts used by the complex’s maintenance crews were set afire. The acrid smell of smoke permeated the building at 300 First Ave. and other adjoining buildings. Walgreens sits on the ground floor of the 300 First Ave. building."

Stuy Town Reporter said...

More and pics.

Anonymous said...

I always thought that Stuyvesant High School was a class act. I'm not originally from NYC, but that is what I heard. I guess everything changes.

Now Beam has started to advertise the other apartment buildings that it "manages." Just taking a look around here should be enough to deter anybody from even thinking of checking out one of their places.

Anonymous said...

Beam is advertising apartments and businesses in Queens. They are f**ing desperate. I wish they would go away.

Anonymous said...

There is a strange older man named Johnny who every day sits with his big white dog in playground 1 in stuy town. He is there every day at the same bench at the same time. That poor dog of his is forced to lie down on the paving stones no matter what the weather including pouring rain. It is truly animal cruelty !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Never thought that I would say this, but I miss Associated. Trader Joe is mainly good for fruits and vegetables. Most of their food is full of sugar and salt. Certainly not healthy eating. What a shame that we don’t have a real full service supermarket near here.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't expect much from Management under the best of circumstances. They are not up to managing anything but dopey events.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I always thought that Stuyvesant High School was a class act.<<

That's the older Stuy High. It moved.

Anonymous said...

You bin quiet lately, STR. I hope you are well and only distracted by happy happenings. xxxxoooo

Anonymous said...

4:36 p.m. Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The illegal and offensive and harmful interference with living my life in an Oval building has just commenced once more.

"The 'concerts'/NOISE ended some time ago for the remainder of this year."

Oh, yeah?

Screaming, shrieking bastards out there on the tortured denuded Oval - amplified.

Halloween fun, anyone?

This household is suffering badly from a bereavement as well as the hell in Israel. There are neighbors around me who themselves are Israeli, too. With families and friends in Israel.

It pains me at this time of so much suffering to experience the level of hatred I feel for anyone out there now participating in the "event" and especially the deranged and egomaniacal "personnel," mainly the little would-be-dictator.

But there it is: in my windows, my home, my eardrums; on my skin: screaming noise, interference; inability to think and just plain BE alive at this dark time without the "landlord" and its spawn destroying any paid-for (rent) peace.

Anonymous said...

6:34 at night and the screaming and shrieking and drums are coming right into me through closed and secured windows.

I'm trying to listen to a man in Jerusalem speaking about a father whose daughter lost her legs in a bombing there 22 years ago and now his two sons are on the Southern and Northern borders of Israel in harm's way.

Security cannot help me; I tried to reach Kaitlin to shut them down. She's not there, of course, at this time of night.

A little over a year ago Vasquez insulted me to my face rather than even just lower the volume when I pleaded with him for the sake of an ill and dying person in my house who was subjected to this kind of abuse. Now, myself and others with family in dire straits and possibly dead or kidnapped relatives thousands of and other loved ones thousands of miles away are subject to this.

My father used to observe that many people's attitude was "Hurray for Me; the hell with you." This is so far beyond that. It's not even humane or decent.

Anonymous said...

Apologies for the garbled sentence in 6:40 PM. I was truly too rattled by the noise, the pounding vibrations and braying coming into my home last night to write well.

Anonymous said...

This is getting ridiculous. I got another notice from BEAM that my hot water and heat is being turned off tomorrow night for Con Edison to do necessary repairs. I am beginning to think I might have had more days without hot water this year than with. And it is generally scheduled for the overnight and winds up continuing into at least the next day, if not the following day.

Anonymous said...

This place has become a f*cking hellhole since this bunch of grifters and carnival whores took over. They have absolutely no idea whatsoever as to run a residential property. The NYCHA Projects are run in a much better and safer manner. How do I know that? I have friends and family living in them. The kind of shit that goes on here is not tolerated there.
Why people pay "market" rent to live here is totally beyond me. They must be fools. Absolute fools. The only reason I can think of is that they need a place for a short time until they find somewhere decent to live. A one-year lease isn't too much of a financial burden to break. The renovated apartments are all revolving door or dorms.
The "Management" here must be the laughing stock of the rental industry. They haven't got a clue. Not a f*cking clue. They are total morons.

Anonymous said...

Beam & Vasquez want YOU dead, too, repeat poster from Oct. 25. Per Wikipedia, Blackstone now has assets of one TRILLION dollars. And they haven't even been in existence for very long (relatively)....

Anonymous said...

@6:40 PM: There is nothing humane and decent about Blackstone and the kind of people it hires. It is vile, despicable, life-negating corporation. The Mafia has better ethics and moral standards than Blackstone and the heinous creature who owns it. This is not just my opinion; it is an internationally-known fact. Read up on Blackstone and its Satanic owner, Schwartzman. That guy probably has horns under his toupe.

Anonymous said...

That concert tonight was a noisy, nasty surprise. I had thought they were over. So sick of this.,(oval dweller)

Anonymous said...

Crossing the street at Avenue B and A is a nightmare. It is completely wrecked and hazardous especially with a cart. Waiting for an accident to happen. Any action from our councilman? No, he is too busy touting his achievements on Facebook. I guess this isn’t important to him. Nor to our other pols. I have never seen the crossings in such bad condition.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I'm glad you mentioned this. As one who uses a walker, I had one of the worst times crossing the street to Target. I thought the paving of the street would be over at night, but the next day, yesterday, the road was still a mess. I watched others with carts struggling, and I said I'm not going to do this again and headed back to Stuy Town. A complete disaster. And if it rains?

Anonymous said...

They are closing the laundry room in my building for more than two weeks for "renovation." But don't worry we are giving you access to another laundry room, ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE COMPLEX. We are doing this because it has a lot of machines and has key card access.

How considerate of them.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Nothing being done on the 14th Street area. Still a mess.

Anonymous said...

The people who run this shithole are moronic, sadistic fiends. There was a time when the Oval was the Crown Jewel of the complex. Now it is the stinking armpit. It used to be a big plus to have an apartment overlooking or close to the Oval; now it is better to have one overlooking the FDR.

We have to put up with these brainless, moronic, tenth-rate events all year round. These things don't attract more renters to the dump. The reputation of this place is known far and wide. It is a dorm/short-stay VERY badly-run shithole. You can take that to the bank!

Anonymous said...

"They are closing the laundry room in my building for more than two weeks for "renovation." But don't worry we are giving you access to another laundry room, ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE COMPLEX. We are doing this because it has a lot of machines and has key card access."

If you are on the 14th Street side of the project, go to Wash and Clean. Or send your laundry to Wash and Clean. They do great work. If you are further north, there are also great laundry services available close by. I think one is called Prestige. No need to use the dirty, nasty, overpriced "facilities" here. The machines here are vile, bottom-of-the-line garbage. The cheapest crap they could find and overpriced to use.

Anonymous said...

Who is our Council person? Is it Keith somebody? I can't remember his name. I do remember that he made a total nuisance of himself when he was campainging. Was always in your face. Another Garodnick-type con artist.

Anonymous said...

"That concert tonight was a noisy, nasty surprise. I had thought they were over. So sick of this.,(oval dweller)"

This Oval CF horror, one of Robert Vazquez's "Carnival Cruise Events", was added late on to the other 2 Halloween (playgrounds 9 and 11) related 10/25/23 events. However, it was communicated before 10/25/23 via one of Kennedy's "good neighbor" email alerts*. One needs to be signed up for these BS notices if only to prepared for the shit that is about to flow. We try to be away from the hood during these events but Vazquez now seems to have "carte blanche" to schedule as many of these events as possible to justify his 6 figure salary plus bonus arrangement which I assume he makes. The band was "The Jeff Slate Band", he's a resident here, a "tribute" band leader who has done events here before and should keep his day job. I am betting that Vasquez will schedule some type of "Thanksgiving" concert and he will have, of course, some type of loud/crappy band for the Christmas "Tree" (it's all metal and plastic-it looks like a farm silo, not a tree) lighting ceremony. He did so last year. EVERY event here now has to have a loud, crappy music accompaniment. BTW, there is also a loud (they all are) Halloween Oval movie scheduled for 10/31/23, the afternoon and night whereby this community will be flooded by nonresidents, many up to no good. Sigh.

*"Oval Lawn Mixer & Pizza Bake-Off 5-8pm | All Ages | Oval Lawn
Bring the whole family out for live music featuring the Jeff Slate Band, costumed characters, and some of the neighborhood's best pizza and ice cream shops offering food for purchase. Costumes are required!"

Anonymous said...

All City Council seats are open pending next month's largely-unpublicized election. "Keith" will undoubtedly be re-elected (again). STR will probably get offended, but Powers is Chairman of the Council's "Irish Caucus." The rules regarding Term Limits are all screwed-up, too--by design.

Anonymous said...

Former Stuy Town resident here. Cant tell you how great that is.

Anonymous said...

2.24 PM here. Got my November rent bill and in the brochure was this:


Wednesday, November 29th.

Deck the hall with music, sweet threats and ol' St. Nick. Special guest artist performances, sing-along, hot chocolate, cookies and more on the Oval Lawn."

This is so pathetic.This crap would be laughed off at the assisted living facility my mother in law once lived in another state, never mind being in the most sophisticated city in the world. Can't just have some simple caroling with the treats? No Robert Vasquez has to have another, loud noise, rube "concert" with some crap Christmas "tribute" band,

No time set yet. You have been warned.

Anonymous said...

"Who is our Council person? Is it Keith somebody? "

I am no fan of him but did you have to come to this blog and ask this question? No wonder we are in such a shit situation. Search engine say what?


Anonymous said...

Vasquez has me believing in time travel, the kind that has a person punished before they behave badly because somehow some controlling entity knows this person is going to subject others to hell when they are older.

He had a very bad and hurtful and damaging younger life. I used to feel so bad for him.

Well, he's one of those common people who attempt to reassure themselves that they are worthwhile by gaining the power to lord it over other people and hurt them badly - on an ongoing basis.

It was no coincidence that he ended up as a disc jockey on traveling yet inescapable prisons: cruise ships. Controlling, controlling, controlling. How do you escape a noisy tacky lousy party on a ship with some little dictator preening and strutting and speechifying? Jump into the ocean? Swim with the sharks? Swim with the fishes?

Rick Hayduk, our first, and only resident manager ala Blackstone, brought him here. I came to know him pretty well and can tell you that he truly wasn't a bad or deliberately harmful man. He did what he did because he was told to by the sociopaths who were his bosses. It hurt him quite badly because he, himself was NOT a sociopath. Yes, he lied, was smarmy - all of that. But not because he wanted to and it cost him. And he left before he could be further hurt by what he was told to do to us.

Be that as it may, the would-be-little-emperor he brought with him from Florida is of another ilk entirely. He's emotionally ill and getting worse. The more he is allowed to dump his garbage on us, the more swell-headed and ugly he becomes.

I won't glorify him by describing his effect on people who are commanded to do his bidding even when they know and admit he is hurting us.

He is truly a nightmare given cart blanche by some of the worst "real estate" s.o.b.'s on this poor tormented planet of ours.

I wish, oh I wish, that we would get up together to drive him away.

Anonymous said...

What, exactly, does that Kennedy woman do? She calls herself the Vice President of Resident Experience. What a crazy title! I have never heard of anything so vague. So, who is the President of Resident Experience if she is the Veep? Is that little wierdo, Vasquez the President of Resident Experience and Kennedy is answerable to him? Who is actually running this cockamamie shithole? There is no General Manager since Hayduk. The two people who were announced as his replacement ran for the hills before they even sat at their desks. They saw what was in store for the and cut bait and ran! Then there was some guy who was supposed to be a former marine (or something like that) and he didn't even show up, as far as I know.
There should be a comedy movie about this dump. Maybe something along the lines of M*A*S*H. Unfortunately, I think all the good comedic characters and directors have passed away. Mel Brooks would have been the ideal director of a movie about this place.

However, there is nothing really funny about living here. We are at the mercy of a bunch of incompetents and jumped-up little cruiseship DJ who is a total asshole. No wonder they have to resort to dorms and short-term rentals to turn a profit (if they actually do turn a profit). There are more apartments empty than occupied. And to think there used to be a waiting list to get in here. Now people can't wait to get out. Everything that made this place a desirable place to live has been eradicated. Now it is just an ugly, unheated, badly-run dump. The NYCHA Houses are much, much better. I wish I qualified for one.

Anonymous said...

"I wish, oh I wish, that we would get up together to drive him away."

If people stopped showing up for his lame "events," maybe the Beam bozos would have no reason to keep him employed.

Anonymous said...

It's 11:30 pm and the dorm ho crowd are screeching and screaming their way out along the 14th Street Loop. Around 4:00 am they will be screeching, screaming and vomiting their way home. Aren't we lucky that we have such entertainment laid on for us. Can't wait to get out of this dump and warn everybody I meet to never, ever sign a lease and subject yourself to this misery. We're on a lower floor and have the full benefit of hearing the "traffic" on the loop. The vehicular traffic is ok, but the procession of dorm crap coming and going is not ok.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>This is getting ridiculous. I got another notice from BEAM that my hot water and heat is being turned off tomorrow night for Con Edison to do necessary repairs. I am beginning to think I might have had more days without hot water this year than with. And it is generally scheduled for the overnight and winds up continuing into at least the next day, if not the following day.<<

No, notice in my building, unless I missed it. Nothing in the elevators, which they usually post about a shutdown. And, yes, once again Con Ed is working, so....

Stuy Town Reporter said...

When is the hot water supposed to return? It's the morning and still only cold water.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>What, exactly, does that Kennedy woman do? She calls herself the Vice President of Resident Experience. What a crazy title! I have never heard of anything so vague. So, who is the President of Resident Experience if she is the Veep? Is that little wierdo, Vasquez the President of Resident Experience and Kennedy is answerable to him?<<


Senior Director, Lifestyle Services at Beam Living (a Blackstone Portfolio Company)

As a passionate team player and creative artist, I have been fortunate to spend the last twenty years helping to create memories for others. Traveled around the globe – working alongside incredible leaders and teams, on land, at resorts and at sea – for private clubs, cruise lines, corporate offices in the hospitality industry and multi-family communities.

Always eager to accept new challenges and willing to learn and grow with those who share the same vitality and lust; for life, knowledge and positive experiences with others.

[Before that he was the assistant director at The Boca Raton for 9 years.]

Managed the private club membership departments of a luxury club & resort. Including staffing, training and operations of club marketing, activities, golf, tennis and club dining.

[And before that.... Same place.]

Managed a $2.5 million budget for developing and implementing entertainment, events and activities for private club members and leisure guests. Coordinated all national acts, live music schedule, banquet events, youth programs, concerts and productions. Acquired sponsors and developed partnerships with commercial brands and the community.

[And then, he was at Celebrity Cruises for over a decade.]

Managed an annual $20 million entertainment and social program budget across thirteen vessels. Scheduled and maintained over 1,300 associates; production team, musicians, enrichment and broadcast. Established exclusive partnerships with Cirque du Soleil, Leap Frog and The Museum of Modern Art. Assisted in the design of award-winning facilities.

Managed the entertainment & activities department onboard a fleet of luxury cruises vessels.

Responsible for all policies, procedures and programming of activities relating to the smooth and efficient operation of the Entertainment department, including; Broadcast, Audio-Visual, Youth Program, Production, Musicians, Enrichment and Activities; totaling over 80-100 staff members.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

So, yeah, Stuy Town is in good hands!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Kennedy is Vice President, but Head of Resident Experience at Beam Living. So, I guess, she is the big boss of "Resident Experience."

Anonymous said...

At 9:49 am received an email stating that unfortunately, Con Edison is still working on the situation and does not know when it will be finished.

At least it's warm out! One time, when it was cold, we didn't get heat or hot water until 9pm!

But rest assured, the events planned for this week will go on no matter what!

Wish I could move!

Anonymous said...

The correct spelling of his surname is "Vazquez." His original first name's probably "Roberto." He's engaged (amongst everything else) in Cultural Appropriation. Now lives in Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania (after a brief, token stay in PCV). Beam probably pays for limos so he doesn't encounter any 'difficulties' while commuting. It's all clear skies & smooth sailing for him....

Anonymous said...

I agree. I use Wash n Clean for most of my laundry. They are great.

Anonymous said...

Going back to original start post of Sept. 18, does Vazquez identify as LatinX, despite the anglicized first name? And Jimi Hendrix wants to know from the grave: Are You Experienced, Siobhan?

Anonymous said...

So Kennedy is both President and Vice President?

I'm guessing the post at 8:36 AM was about the little shit, Vasquez. Well, for all his glorious history at tacky resorts and cruise ships, he's ended up being the Chief Annoyer and Destroyer at what was once a beautiful and well-run apartment complex.

Anonymous said...

Schwarzman should make Kennedy President For Life here, just as TA did for Steinberg..

Anonymous said...

The screaming and bellowing on the 14th Street Loop in the early hours of this morning was a horror. I'm moving out. Life's too short to spend it in an unsupervised dorm which is also a place where "management" doesn't even know who lives here anyway. Somebody can have my keys and keycard. Management only cares that the rent is paid.

Anonymous said...

Who runs "Bartertown"? LOL*

There is this woman-Jacqueline Grace-she's listed as the CEO here on the Beam Living leadership management link and at LinkedIn. You never hear about her but since she is the CEO, most likely at least one of the real powers here. From LinkedIn:

"CEO at Beam Living-University of Virginia - Darden Graduate School of Business Administration
New York, New York, United States"
Distinguished 23-year career contributing to operational growth strategies across the financial services, casino gaming, and hospitality industries. Expert in creating business strategy, communicating vision, building teams and partnerships, establishing organizational structure and best practices, and achieving rapid results." Of course there is a major hospitality industry employment history to her.

Then there's this guy.

Roman Stephens-COO-listed on LinkedIn but not on the Beam Living leadership link.

"Chief Operating Officer @ Beam Living (a Blackstone portfolio company) | Executing at the intersection of fulfilment, fun, and favorable outcomes through rigorous simplicity-New York, New York, United States"

Kennedy is basically a glorified spokesperson who takes her orders from others. Also IMO, Vazquez has more power to make calls than her. He's above the food chain then her. I heard he also involved in other things here besides his crap events. And Grace and Stephens, IMO, take their orders maybe even directly from Schwarzman himself.

This is the Beam Living Leadership link. And Rei Moya, still listed at this link as a Beam Living employee, is gone. He now listed in LinkedIn as "self-employed". Beam Living has always been very cryptic here on who does what.

And this is the Beam Living Vazquez puff piece link which I have posted here before. You may throw up after reading it. You have been warned.

*Mad Max Thunderdome reference.

Anonymous said...

I just posted on the "Inclusive" Stuyvesant Town/PT Residents site:

I strongly urged that their idea of circulating a petition be put into action. Residents, nearly all women, are frightened about their safety. Doors propped open, the dangerous "shedding" which has now invaded a large section of Stuyvesant Town, the lack of Security Guards patrolling continuously, especially where attacks have happened (inside and beneath the shedding) - have all of us scared. For good reason.

People who seek help are given the usual run-around and lies.

I know, I know, I know: Blackstone doesn't give a damn. More like Blackstone wants us hurt. Yes.

A petition, though, is a good idea for lots of reasons.

Please respond about this on this blog. The filth and noise and infestation by moronic shrieking students and so forth are all bad.

The new dangers are even more concerning.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is that if ST tenants did not attend these crappy, vile events maybe they would decrease in frequency. Sure, there are outsiders, but I happen to know some older established tenants who actually live these events and even send out group e-mails encouraging meet ups at them. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I looked for your post on the "inclusive" fb. Didn't see it. I'll look again later. It would never be allowed on the TA fb page or the strictly-monitored Residents fb page where one or two little dictators "monitor" the content like the Stasi.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"I just posted on the "Inclusive" Stuyvesant Town/PT Residents site:"

FYI everyone, this is a private FB group page whose mission is to:

"This is an inclusive group for Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village residents to have open discussions about living in the community. Unlike other tenant groups on Facebook, this group will value open and honest conversation as well as diverse opinions, with minimal moderation/removal of comments to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to have their voice heard. Use this group to share thoughts, opinions, questions, advice, news, and more about life in StuyTown and PCV. "

"Members · 2.3K"

Stuy Town Reporter said...

I asked to join this inclusive Facebook page. So far, nothing.

Anonymous said...

No way is membership 2k! Don’t know where fb gets such numbers

Anonymous said...

I couldn't find anybody named Vasquez when I clicked on that link. Couldn't find Kennedy, either.

Anonymous said...

"I couldn't find anybody named Vasquez when I clicked on that link. Couldn't find Kennedy, either."

Vasquez and Kennedy are not on the overall Beam Living Leadership link where Grace can be found. Beam Living is notorious for not updating their web page links. The Beam Living puff piece link URL I gave for Vázquez should have been this link, I am sorry for that error.

Kennedy is not found on any Beam Living leadership link but she can be found on LinkedIn*. Robert Vazquez (or Robert Vasquez) is nowhere to found on LinkedIn which I find rather curious.

*Here is a copy and paste from that link:

Siobhan Kennedy

VP, Head of Resident Experience
May 2022 - Present · 1 yr 6 mos
New York, New York, United States

Director, Operations & Resident Experience
Apr 2019 - May 2022 · 3 yrs 2 mos

Director, Resident Experience
Oct 2018 - Apr 2019 · 7 mos
New York, New York

Anonymous said...

Well, we're now in the NO HEAT Season, a/k/a DANGEROUS SPACE HEATER Season. These goons spend a fortune on stupid events outside and zero on heating the apartments inside.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The movie is ESPECIALLY LOUD tonight!!!

As a tenant who faces the Oval, enough is enough already!!!

Anonymous said...

Did you get accepted yet, STR? I think there is only one moderator/creator and he no doubt has a life. He seems like a really, really nice guy.

Anonymous said...

No heat today. Off to a bad start.

Anonymous said...

As conditions here have continually deteriorated, the Chief Witch's salary has obviously only increased....

Anonymous said...

The quality of life here is near zero. What a horrible place. I've lived all over the city (and country) and this place rates among the worst.

Anonymous said...

No heat today either. They have the thermometer at 69-70, so they are covered. Slum.

Anonymous said...

No heat today, either.

Anonymous said...

:As conditions here have continually deteriorated, the Chief Witch's salary has obviously only increased...."

Who is the Chief Witch?

Anonymous said...

That fellow "Keith" has just announced a new initiative--at taxpayer expense, of course--to...combat obesity in New Yorkers (shades of Billionaire Bloomberg). Between that, his very important work with the Irish Caucus, and his efforts to solicit 'donations' from developers (including carefully-concealed shell entities of Blackstone), it's no wonder he has no time left for concerns of individual constituents and/or long-time residents of ST.

Anonymous said...

Hey STR,

Can you get a new commenter?

The one you have seems to have run out of things to say.

Anonymous said...

He is a waste of a councilman. Constantly promoting himself and seeking publicity. A tool of the TA. He refused to help curtail the vile concerts and help with the heat situation here.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 9:40 AM: So what is your contribution? Are you one of those people who read the blog, but never contribute? If so, then why don't you get a life?

Anonymous said...

Hey, 9:40 AM. You got something interesting and intelligent to say? Go ahead and say it. We are all waiting.

Anonymous said...

Since many people who post/lurk on this blog don't seem to get the Beam Living emails/texts here are two re the 14th ST repaving:

1. 14th Street Road Repair: The Department of Transportation (DOT) has posted signs that they will be performing road work on 14th Street between Avenue C and First Avenue. Cars parked on the service road or main road between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. on Friday, 11/3, and Saturday, 11/4, will be towed. This work will also involve noise and vibrations. If you have any questions, please contact the NYC DOT by calling 311.

2. 14th Street Road Repair: As a follow-up to yesterday’s notification advising of upcoming road repair work on 14th Street, please note the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) has advised that this work will include the service road. If your vehicle is parked on the 14th Street Loop or in Garage 6, the 14th Street service road will be unavailable until the repaving is complete. Please make any necessary arrangements to prepare for this work scheduled overnight from Friday 11/3 at 6 PM through Saturday 11/4 at 6 AM. All vehicles parked in the work zone will be subject to towing. If you have questions, please contact the NYC DOT by calling 311. Garage 6 customers can call LAZ at 212.614.5866. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Another one! From Ms. Kennedy:

Dear Resident,

Unfortunately, Con Edison has informed us of a steam main break that occurred on Ave C (photo above). Steam service (heat and hot water) will be shutdown to your building to make emergency repairs starting tonight at 10pm through approximately 4pm Saturday.


Anonymous said...

Friday night: will they soon be out causing disturbance because "it's party time!"?

Maybe it was last week that 2 members of this household found themselves getting dressed after settling down for the night and walking outside to clear the noisy rabble of at least one group, and then both of us stayed on the lookout for more of them.

Later in the week a night tour of the "shedding" which covers so much of Stuyvesant Town near Avenue C and Avenue B and 14th Street and the 14th Street Loop revealed: (1) the creation of funnels in many attached buildings - only one Terrace exit for 2 buildings; (2) long, long stretches of narrowed and hemmed in walkways with nearly no cameras (which do 0 prevention of crime) and maybe 2 Security Guards where at least 6 or 8, patrolling in pairs, and CONTINUOUSLY, are needed to prevent robbery, assault, injury, rape, and such.

I'd spoken to people in two different "management" positions to hear utter and total crap. With assets of ONE TRILLION DOLLARS, Blackstone chooses to deliberately expose hundreds of tenants to yet new dangers. How do I know it's deliberate? Even Security Guards are upset and concerned about this, at least those to whom I spoke. Blackstone could easily instruct Beam Living (really, more like Dying, as some of us term it) to hire many more Security people to patrol continually, Security Guards well trained and provisioned to protect us, chiefly women.

"Quiet hours" new twist: apparently, anyone walking into and out of an apartment can slam doors if it isn't "quiet hours." I interpret this to mean that the rest of the day and night are officially "noisy hours."

People on other blogs here have complained about this and this is one issue "management" could crawl up tenants' derrieres about to threaten them with lease violations. They decline and get snippy and perhaps threatening about it. Of course, they've long told you that you CANNOT speak or write to any neighbor who is ruining your life at home. Your First Amendment rights are cancelled in Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village.

But, gee, tens of thousands of people can cause all sorts of trouble publicly for extended periods of time on any day and vow to rape and kill other people. They retain the right to free speech. Oh, well!

I was told that the crap and interference on the Oval was over a couple of weeks back, but there we were on Wednesday night with the delight sound of MOVIE ON THE OVAL!

Well, it's nearly 8:00 at night now as I finish writing this and I was looking forward to watching a particular show coming on in 4 minutes but there the darlings are: screaming and yelling on the 14th Street Loop. Maybe it's time to pull on clothes again and get out there to shut them the hell up.

Anonymous said...

2.22 PM here. Well typical NYC DOT. 14th Street and the adjacent service road, as of today, 11/5/23, 10.30 AM, still not repaved, so cars are parked on the service road and 14th Street.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Yes, typical. I was there in the early afternoon and nothing was done. Tonight maybe?

Anonymous said...

It was a little smoother crossing Avenue B with my cart, but Avenue A was still bad. It appeared that rudimentary work at begun on Avenue B only.

Anonymous said...

Blackstone has only two words for those residents with walkers or shopping carts. And they aren't "Be careful."!

Anonymous said...

I am terrified crossing 14th Street. The pavement is so uneven that it hard to keep your balance, especially if you are carrying shopping bags as well, of course, being on the lookout for bicycles going the wrong way and cutting through the lights.
Until it's fixed I am going up to D'Agastinos.

Anonymous said...

STR, were you admitted to.the new fb yet.? The admin is very nice, but I think he is busy - has a day job.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Yes, I was. The other day.

Anonymous said...

Attention All Brainless People: Be sure to vote to re-elect "Keith" on Tuesday. But...what's the official position of Council's Irish Caucus on current Mideast conflict?? Do they have a position on anything? Do they DO anything, or is it just a social group?

Anonymous said...

So much noise on 14th Street tonight. Sleep is a luxury in this place.

Anonymous said...

He is really promoting himself on Facebook and elsewhere. Does nothing for ST/PC. Ignores heat issues and refuses to intercede with the breaking of noise codes during vile concerts.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't vote for "Keith" if he were running for City Dog-Catcher.

He hasn't made such a nuisance of himself this time as he did before.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

How is the work, or non-work, on 14th street doing? I wasn't there for a day, as I didn't want to waste my time.

Anonymous said...

Council Districts are gerrymandered to insure incumbents will get re-elected. American Democracy In Action. It's the same or worse all over USA....

Anonymous said...

He is constantly on Facebook putting up his photo and raving about how great the city is after his win I did not vote for him, didn’t vote in this election which is unusual for me. I knew he was a shoo-in. All of these sycophants are praising him on Facebook. He is even worse than Garodnick. No help to Stuyvesant Town noise pollution or heat issues..I think he is gunning for higher office. Shameless self promoter.

Anonymous said...

ALL politicians seek higher office. Maybe he wants to be President someday...?

Anonymous said...

which facebook?

Anonymous said...

>How is the work, or non-work, on 14th street doing? I wasn't there for a day, as I didn't want to waste my time.<

Up to Avenue A is paved, not marked but paved. I think they still have some clean up to do at First.

Anonymous said...

Did the city do away with term limits?

Anonymous said...

It seems my building is open to anyone from the outside to come in and do their laundry. The doors are routinely left open and it is not very safe. One arrest has already been made. Am I entitled to some form of rent credit? I can't even use the laundry machines because outsiders are using them all the time. Is there anyone to complain to about this?

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Well, the work along 14 st has been done. I went there today. Finally one can cross!

Anonymous said...

Tonight, on the Oval, the so called Veterans Day tribute (4PM- 6PM) had, of course, one of Robert Vázquez's (Senior Director, Lifestyle Services) trademark rube events, some stupid crap "keep your day jobs" band. It wasn't crazy loud but loud enough to be annoying. And WTF does this crap have to do with honoring Veterans?

Nothing. Of course. And this is now SOP. I remember when they did this pre-Covid and now it's back. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

Powers is both dishonest, lying and not too bright. This is in contrast to Garodnick, who is dishonest, lying and bright. There there is Epstein who is something of a mixed bag. And don't forget: we have a genius mayor now, different than the previous genius mayor, but a genius just the same.

It's all good. That idiotic expression is no longer used.

Have you noticed in the "all good" category that it seems as if "shedding" (scaffolding) is being erected now near the basketball court? Or is that just some other unnecessary and destructive project . . . just as trees are once again experiencing amputation of healthy limbs, and other trees are being electrified/electrocuted with "holiday cheer."

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>some stupid crap "keep your day jobs" band<<

I was there for a brief time. Got some free chips and other snacks. There was one guy playing an electric guitar, and I thought he was quite good. Of course, much of this had little to do with Veterans Day, but it isn't here yet.

Anonymous said...

"Of course, much of this had little to do with Veterans Day, but it isn't here yet."

5.55 PM here. The event was advertised (in the elevators and at the Beam Living webpage) as a "Veterans Day Celebration".

Anonymous said...

"It seems my building is open to anyone from the outside to come in and do their laundry. The doors are routinely left open and it is not very safe. One arrest has already been made. Am I entitled to some form of rent credit? I can't even use the laundry machines because outsiders are using them all the time. Is there anyone to complain to about this?"

Talk to Public Safety about this. Also, try to find out if there is anybody in a senior position to Kennedy (because she is beyond useless - she's just excess baggage). Maybe contact Beam or Blackstone's headquarters. Maybe the TA would have some advice. The situation you describe should not be allowed to continue. We could have dangerous people using our facilities who will prowl through the building looking for opportunities. Also, there's a serious risk that these outsiders are bringing in bedbugs and other things that can affect our health and safety.
They need to get rid of Kennedy. She is totally out of her depth here. She has nothing in her otherwise empty head but corny events and nonsense. I don't know why they keep her here.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>The event was advertised (in the elevators and at the Beam Living webpage) as a "Veterans Day Celebration".<<

Note "Celebration," not "Commemoration." And, again, Veterans Day is Saturday.

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