Friday, August 23, 2024

Taking Their Sweet Time



I've uploaded two photos I took today to show visually what is happening. The first photo tells you how barren the street has been. The second photo will show one of the cross areas meant for people, walkers, canes, wheelchairs. What this photo does not show is how many constant bumps there are after the bulldozers have done their work. And dust. The area is so difficult to pass that I have seen people avoid it if they can. Some seniors just stay in their building or right in front of it. Considering that the work being done is not happening much, this is a scandal. This job should have been finished or close to it, just a few days more, but it is dragging on while money is being freely spent. What a disaster!

As someone whose building is on the 20th Street Loop, we were told by the powers that the loop is going to be cleared starting the 16th. Okay. All the cars were cleared and the space was empty. But work did not start until Monday, the 19th. Then for two days there was noise and bulldozers and other implements to make the area presentable to what follows. But on Wednesday, there was no noise and not much work at all. This has been going on for three days. No work, unless on the other side where I don't face. Either way, the work hours are haphazard and indicative of having multiple "managers" with no one in charge to make things easy and quick as possible. Basically, we have no one to "take the bull by the horns." I guess Beam has enough money to waste on parts of this (much of the loop is okay), but the residents suffer, in particular wheelchair and cane users or those with baby strollers.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Gift (Stuy Town) That Keeps On Giving!


Ha, Ha, Ha!

Residents may want to be someplace else while this is happening. I pity the seniors who have no place to go. Well, there are earmuffs and earplugs. Get them while you can. What is the betting that the legal decibel level will be ignored? 

These will be handed out to all residents: