Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Gift (Stuy Town) That Keeps On Giving!


Ha, Ha, Ha!

Residents may want to be someplace else while this is happening. I pity the seniors who have no place to go. Well, there are earmuffs and earplugs. Get them while you can. What is the betting that the legal decibel level will be ignored? 

These will be handed out to all residents: 


Anonymous said...

Well, some arrogant guy (the know-nothing-Know-it-all) on the fb said the upcoming concert would be louder than ever. Glad I'll be on vacation. Won't be able to hear it up in Vancouver!

Anonymous said...

I thought that was a bag of baby carrots!

Anonymous said...

Why don't the people so badly impacted by this noise call the police each and every time? When there was a very loud roof party across the street from me (PCV apartment), calls were made and it was shut down.

Anonymous said...

How do the "I'm not going to be here," or "I'm moving away" comments help in any way whatever? I have never understood that. They read smug and self-righteous and utterly unconcerned about what other people might be suffering.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

So listening to hip hop will alleviate your suffering? Please tell me more!

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>Why don't the people so badly impacted by this noise call the police each and every time?<< Doesn't seem to work. I think earplugs will be best.

Anonymous said...

NYPD has corrupt deal with Blackstone not to intervene in anything here, with possible exceptions of serious assault/murder. Also, 'responsibility' for excessive noise is 'shared' with Environmental Protection(=difficult to get any real action from either). Sadly, only real answer is in fact "moving away."

Anonymous said...

I just pray for rain.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the comment was meant in that way, STR. Just the opposite, in fact.

Anonymous said...

I sent a detailed response regarding Blackstone's harm to us. When will it be published?

Anonymous said...

"I just pray for rain."

The problem is, that I have already posted, that Robert Vasquez, to justify his 6 figure salary plus bonus, will just reschedule the event. He has already done this for the movies and I am sure he will do it for the concerts and I don't just mean having a rain date the next day which he did for the last concert.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that many of us (if any at all) choose to rent here because of the "events." Those concerts are a violation of the leases we sign. We did not sign up to pay a high rent because we wanted noisy, trashy concerts invading our homes and ears and destroying our right to the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of our apartments. These concerts do NOT belong slap bank in the middle of a residential community. This is a housing project (and yes, it is indeed a project notwithstanding being privately owned) and is not a resort. Actually, resorts don't have "entertainment" right under the windows of people who are trying to rest and relax in their rooms. The people who arrange these "concerts" are the alumni of Blackstone's shittiest and low-class resorts. The people who "manage" the place are of the same ilk. They are totally clueless, parochial idiots and should go back to where they came from. SOON!

Anonymous said...

I would very much like to see that. Who did you send it to?

Anonymous said...

True. As does 311. When I called about having minimal heat a few years ago, I learned that the call goes to ST first. The 311 guy came the next day and the heat was on. I told him that they turned it on because he was coming. He didn’t say much but seemed like he understood and acted sympathetic.

Anonymous said...

Probably because access to the roof is prohibited here, not because of the noise.

Anonymous said...

This was part of a 8/3/2024 post at another thread:

"We have the right to our peace and quiet in the homes that we paying a ridiculous rent for and we will take all the action necessary to protest and peacefully and legally disrupt this threatened upcoming shit event. We have consulted a lawyer who is advising us. There may well be a newspaper article about the harassment inflicted upon us by this totally unprofessional and incompetent "management."

Again, I don't want to you reveal your legal strategy but can you confirm that this is the pipeline since we are coming up to the "last" (8/20/24) concert (we shall see) of the season? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

This is in response to the poster (August 19, 8:45 AM) who seems to have misunderstood my post. To clarify: the party with very loud music (huge speakers) was on a rooftop of a small, old building on 1st Ave. Once it got to dinner time, some of us within suffering distance decided we'd had enough and called the precinct. The music stopped within the hour, coincidence?

Anonymous said...

"I would very much like to see that. Who did you send it to?" I sent it here, to the Blog. Maybe it did not get through. I'll try again now in the following post.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the many actions taken over the years to end the invasion of the Oval and our homes by noise and food trucks, etc.:

The 13th Precinct has been called many times. No one answers any extensions pressed 99% of the time. The 9th Precinct, though not ours, answers their phones, but refers us to the 13th Precinct. The 13th Precinct at least once DID send police here. They stood and listened and looked at decibel readers and agreed it was WAY too loud and over the LEGAL LIMIT and refused to do anything about it. 911 will do nothing and refers you to 311. After a lengthy wait, 311 will take a "noise complaint" while doing nothing to alleviate the hell through which you are currently living.

Powers has spoken, in person, before COVID, in one of his offices, with three (3) tenants and lied his stupid, mercenary, selfish, materialistic, moronic head off. Epstein has retreated into high dudgeon and extreme nastiness when confronted about this.

The tiny little Napoleon (Vasquez) in charge crows, over the phone, and in person, about how he is hurting you. Years back, both the then Chief Legal Counsel and the then Resident Manager, as well as Kelly Vohs, the much vaunted military hero, all looked me and other tenants in the eye and similarly promised MORE NOISE, INTERFERENCE, ILLEGAL and DANGEROUS "events" and it was just tough sh*t for you if you objected.

I could go on with the latest interaction with Kaitlin Niemeth (sp?).

Everyone who is charged with ending this illegal, dangerous health hazard and breach of lease for hundreds of people is either bought off, threatened (all by Blackstone and their minions), or just plain STUPID beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

As I've written previously, I would dearly love to participate in "legal" (ha! THE ENTIRE CONCERT, INCLUDING "FOOD" IS ILLEGAL!") disruption this evening. I will be out there looking for you and I will participate if I can find you. These s.o.b.'s have been badly hurting my family, including a dying family member, for many years.

Anonymous said...

Where were the people who have a lawyer, were making phone calls to the police and "legally disrupting" this filth in my apartment which began as "sound checks" before 5 p.m. and is continuing, with screaming, shrieking of HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE and some rap s.o.b.'s TELLING THEM TO SCREAM LOUDER AT 8:40 AT night? I went out looking for them. I went to the Community Center, which Security informed me was our "safe space" for residents tonight seeking to escape the hellish noise and crowds and food filth and commerce on the Oval tonight. I wanted to join those protesting and trying to stop this abomination tonight. 8:45 PM and these bastards are YELLING at hundreds of idiots on the poor Oval and DEMANDING THAT THEY SCREAM!

Anonymous said...

Two nights in less than a week with the obnoxious noise is too much!!! Enough already!!!

Anonymous said...

That "concert" was an atrocity! Totally out of place in the middle of a residential complex. Tacky doesn't even begin to describe it. Appropriate at Orchard Beach, but not right under our windows.