Thursday, October 10, 2024

Where is the Heat?


It is 6:45 in the morning and outside it is 46 degrees. According the NYC law, the temperature inside should be at least 68 degrees. Where is it, as the pipes have been cold, and nothing is coming up this season.


Stuy Town Reporter said...

Considering how many problems Stuy Town and Peter Cooper has with heat, one would think that maintaining heat in the apartment with be a prime issue.

Anonymous said...

This place has become notorious for the lack of adequate heat in the cold months. They use some totally ridiculous "sensor" system which is garbage. If a tenant who has a sensor in their apartment is cooking, it tells the sensor that there is adequate heat and the whole line gets frozen. We are at the mercy of the tenants who have the sensors installed. It's not their fault; they are just living their lives in their homes. Almost everybody I know here has to use space heaters. They say that space heaters are dangerous and "skew the sensors." It is bullshit "science" and was installed as a means of saving money on heat. Doesn't matter that it endangers lives. Human life means nothing to the ghouls who own and run this dump. It was not always a dump, but at this point IT IS a nasty, overpriced dump. Don't tell me to move out because, as is the case with many tenants, especially the seniors, that is not possible. This place is our home and we are not transients.
I truly believe they are trying to kill off the seniors because they are more susceptible to illness and death during the cold months and they want to eventually fill the place with transients who can pay high rent for the renovated apartments, but won't stay long. Their main goal is to empty the place, tear it down and use the valuable land for more profitable buildings.

Anonymous said...

That picture should be posted in the NYT Real Estate section.

Anonymous said...

To this "management" is is a non-issue.

Anonymous said...

I have given up on the heat. It isn't heating season, it is space heater season.

Anonymous said...

Yup, and my fear is that it will be burned to the ground season at some point. Space heaters are dangerous, especially if they are left on when no-one's around to keep an eye on them and especially when there are small children in an apartment. We used to get plenty of heat when MetLife owned the place. Since it was taken over by opportunistic, money-grubbing parasites the cold months have been deadly to many inhabitants of StyTown. They put dishwashers and (I think) washers and driers in the renovated apartments, but the people paying through the nose in those units don't get any more heat than the shivering seniors in the unrenovated apartments. If I could afford a renovated apartment it most certainly would NOT be here! Some people have more money than sense. The reason they fill up so many units with students is because they can't find enough suckers to rent at market rate.

Anonymous said...

Now they have started monetizing the tacky events! They want to charge us fees for attending the garbage "events" that most of us have zero interest in and wouldn't attend if they offered to pay us to do so! Obviously, they think that we're all idiots with nothing better to do than spend our time and money on the shit that they offer as "entertainment." I wish they (management and its looney crew) would go back to the shitty flyover states that they came from.

Anonymous said...

Even though most of us have no interest in their garbage events, we still are forced to listen to the noise they make. I pray for heavy rain every time they have one of these tacky events. Most of the people who attend are free-loaders from outside. The paying tenants have to deal with having this shit right under their windows. I curse the day they sold this place to predatory lowlifes.

Anonymous said...

We gave up on the so called "state of the art" sensor heating system that was installed by Met Life a long time ago. We have 2 Vornado heaters. Get only the digital ones with timers. Used properly (only plug into a wall outlet, never use an extension cord or power strip) , they are safe and very efficient.

"Now they have started monetizing the tacky events! They want to charge us fees for attending the garbage "events"

I get all the emails from Beam Living (S. Kennedy's) and I have never seen fees announced for the Carnival Cruise crap/noise movies and concerts What is your source on this? BTW Robert Vasquez is no longer a STPCV Beaming Living employee, he has left to go with their other properties..

Anonymous said...

I saw it on a FB page. The independent Tenants FB page. They are charging for certain events for Halloween. I don't know if it will be for all the events. They would have to pay me to attend one of their events.

Anonymous said...

"Not thrilled about 10/27 ST Fall Family Fun Festival (aka Halloween festivities) costing $7.18 (under 2yo free) per person to enter the age-specific playgrounds. I’ve been here for decades and it was always free and even more elaborate. Now it’s on Eventbrite for pay and service charge. A family of 5 needs to spend over $35 to enter the specific playgrounds. And even if the cost is minimal for some (some may not be able to afford to go), the monetizing of this just feels yuk!"

Anonymous said...

They have made that Vasquez idiot the Property Manager of one of their other properties in NYC. He used to be a cruise ship DJ, then he became "Major Annoyer" here. What are his Property Manager credentials? All of the people that came with Blackstone are from their hotels and resorts. Hayduk was a former entertainment director at a Florida resort. Kennedy is also from their hospitality venues. Look them up and read their resumes. All can be found by googling. I don't think they brought anybody from the world of residential housing management into the running of this place. They view us all as "guests" rather than tenants who made this place their home.
One thing's for sure - they give us all a good reason to AVOID ever staying at a Blackstone-owned resort! The people they dumped on us are La Creme De La Crap."