NY Post's Fredric U. Dicker reports that Caroline Kennedy will be the next Senator from New York, appointed by Governor Paterson to take over Hillary Rodham Clinton's place when Clinton assumes the Secretary of State job. Writes Dicker:
"The contenders based their conclusion on the view that Paterson, after nearly two months of indecision, would 'greatly embarrass' and 'entirely humiliate' Kennedy, anger her prominent political family and even offend President-elect Barack Obama by picking someone other than President John F. Kennedy's daughter."
Another theory has it that Paterson will secure the payback of political and financial support from the Kennedys once he is up for election.
I guess Carolyn Maloney is just not rich enough or well-connected enough (even though she could run rings around Caroline Kennedy as far as qualifications and experience go) and Andrew Cuomo is just in the wrong family at the wrong time, notwithstanding all his experience and skills.
Lord Mayor For Life Billionaireberg always gets his way. After all, he has the money to buy whomever he wants.
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