Residents of the Oval were treated to a late morning wake-up call when the Mulch Machine began making a racket and turning discarded Christmas trees into mulch. A fun time was had by all. Well, not all, just a guy and his son, who understandably didn't hang around for too long. Very disappointing that no representative of Tishman Speyer turned up to celebrate, given the promotion of this "event." And no red Verizon table nearby to try to sell, for the hundredth time, Fios to residents. But I guess Verizon knew that MulchFest would be a dud.

Stuy Town's ornamental cabbages are now starting to rot so bad they are giving off a foul smell--of rotting cabbages or, if you prefer, old gangrenous socks that your grandma wore when she had an infection on her toes. Hold your nose while you pass by the ones in front of your building:

Of course, in many places there are few rotting cabbages left because mice and rats have already gnawed many down to stumps:

The discarded new trees made famous a day ago on the Lux Living blog are still around, as of Saturday morning:

I think that Tishman Speyer will want to remove these to an undisclosed location where they can die in peace. But as of now the death watch continues! Meanwhile, the above location has to be an awful eyesore for residents living in this part of the luxury complex known as Stuyvesant Town. Can you imagine paying market rate prices for this view:

And this says it all, I think. A Stuy Town sign/map looking as if it were in one of the most run-down, gang-infested projects in the Bronx:

Thank you Jerry and Rob Speyer for a job well done!
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