"Carpet your apartment in accordance with the terms of your Lease. Your
lease requires that rugs or carpeting must cover 80% of all floors at
all times. Floor covering is not required in the kitchen or bathroom."
Actual examples at ST/PCV's own website (click on photo to make it bigger):
Our landlord, BLACKSTONE, can't handle Stuy Town and Peter Cooper Village. There is a lack of enforcement of certain "rules," and no amount of notice to this alleviates the problems. We are continually being told half-truths and fabrications. And we have no viable Tenants organization, despite our TA asking for dues all the time. So far, the politicians have proven to be basically useless. A typical New York story.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Monday, December 26, 2016
No Comment Is Necessary
These are actual photos, as you can see, and made today, in the afternoon.
I would not be proud of the quality of life on display.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Just perfect, 3 hours of by-now traditional songs!
We will see if this works. One per day. First up, something you won't eat anymore at Neptune--
Let's not forget our Vets, past and present. Happy Christmas, Holidays, and a Happy New Year!...
We have a lot of residents who are of the Hebraic background, so--
They live above me and walk in their high heels (without carpeting) all the time, but what I want to know is what are those two men doing there? I see you! At least the hijab girls are without high heels.
A shout out to our police--men and women--and firefighters, too. Thank you!
The French have too eat, too!....
They get a certain amount of flak from the blogs, including this one, but when real trouble or difficulty rears its head, they are there for us. So this is for our team of Public Safety. Stay warm, too! It is cold out there!
What are you waiting for? An invitation? There are some holiday sights that are still New York....
Unless I get inspired, this will be it of the holiday photos, as this week will be plenty busy. I'm wishing everyone here a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season!
* * *
12/14/16. My Christmas/Holiday greetings continue, but there is other material eager to get the front page. To wit:
Part of the article:
" A Muslim student who said she was harassed on the subway by drunken, hate-spewing white men shouting 'Donald Trump!' found herself behind bars Wednesday after telling cops she made the whole story up.
"Yasmin Seweid, 18, joined a growing list of local and national alleged hate crime victims when she told cops that she was taunted Dec. 1 on the No. 6 train by three men who called her a terrorist and tried to snatch her hijab off her head while straphangers did nothing but watch.
"But Seweid finally broke down and admitted to detectives that it was all a big lie."
More at the link. Meanwhile, guess who has become Our Man Dan's biggest advocate: the PCVST Tenants Association. We knew this, but the TA should be embarrassed, especially considering the holes that are starting to come through.
Here's part of their special email to all tenants ("Your Tenants Association" header):
So the TA is connected to Dan in this way, too. They are not connect to tenants via many of the problems that exist here, but to Dan--yes, sir. Oh, how is that lease office protest working? And composting? Can't forget that.
12/16/16. Yeah, I know it's algorithm stuff, but I want to get back to the "swing" of things...
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
A Case of Mistaken Identity?
This is the blog post by Sabina Mollot:
Garodnick tweeted on December 5th a not-too good photo of the graffiti. He didn't get much of response, but TA Facebook has been full of pronouncements about the graffiti, and now the "discussion" is shut down.
Today, during lunch break, I went near Papaya, the store over which is this graffiti, and took photos.
Let me state that the graffiti cannot be seen by anyone in Stuyvesant Town. To call it, as Garodnick does, "in the community"--well, maybe. (T&V: "Garodnick later said he had never before seen anti-Semitic graffiti in the community.")
Now I realize that Garodnick is trying to promote "New York Values" to the country, and he and his friends can certainly do that, but the truth is that the graffiti is NOT seen by anyone in Stuy Town and definitely not from where Garodnick lives in Peter Cooper Village. At first I was quizzical about the actual photo, as I know it can't be seen in PCV. This would not be an issue if the graffiti was anti-Semitic, but actually seeing it, I'm not sure. At all. The graffiti doesn't seen to be racist and could very well be someone just "tagging" the sign with an amusing, to him, caption.
All this noise about how hateful it is, is just that--noise. Unless we know different. Right now it appears not to be racist, and just a use by Garodnick to have the high moral ground and promote his petition. There may be some justification if Garodnick may feel threatened, of course. But at this point the graffiti may be completely innocent.
Meanwhile, an incident involving a NYC police person, who happens to be Muslim, has been confirmed. This is where our anger should be focused right now.
Garodnick tweeted on December 5th a not-too good photo of the graffiti. He didn't get much of response, but TA Facebook has been full of pronouncements about the graffiti, and now the "discussion" is shut down.
Today, during lunch break, I went near Papaya, the store over which is this graffiti, and took photos.
Let me state that the graffiti cannot be seen by anyone in Stuyvesant Town. To call it, as Garodnick does, "in the community"--well, maybe. (T&V: "Garodnick later said he had never before seen anti-Semitic graffiti in the community.")
Now I realize that Garodnick is trying to promote "New York Values" to the country, and he and his friends can certainly do that, but the truth is that the graffiti is NOT seen by anyone in Stuy Town and definitely not from where Garodnick lives in Peter Cooper Village. At first I was quizzical about the actual photo, as I know it can't be seen in PCV. This would not be an issue if the graffiti was anti-Semitic, but actually seeing it, I'm not sure. At all. The graffiti doesn't seen to be racist and could very well be someone just "tagging" the sign with an amusing, to him, caption.
All this noise about how hateful it is, is just that--noise. Unless we know different. Right now it appears not to be racist, and just a use by Garodnick to have the high moral ground and promote his petition. There may be some justification if Garodnick may feel threatened, of course. But at this point the graffiti may be completely innocent.
Meanwhile, an incident involving a NYC police person, who happens to be Muslim, has been confirmed. This is where our anger should be focused right now.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
On Anti-Americanism
Our councilman, Dan Garodnick, posted the other day a photo of an anti-Semitic sign over Papaya on 14th St and Ist Ave. State Senator Hoylman addressed anti-gay and anti-Semitic swastikas written in his building....
I consider these signs and activities as anti-American. They do not hold the values that I and others hold, namely that everyone, regardless of race or creed should be treated with dignity, unless that person is a proven son-of-a-bitch that deserves to be treated otherwise.
That said, I must state a warning: Do not automatically assume these anti-Americans as Trump supporters, or Pence or the Republican Party supporters. They could very well be or they could also be people who are using the election results against Trump by instigating false hoaxes. There have been a slew of these false hoaxes, though recent NYC police reports are pretty damning.
This is the game that is being played now: set up the "other guy" as a bad fellow because of whom he or she voted for. This is where I part company with Garodnick and others of his type ("New York Values"), who insist on highlighting for political purposes "us vs. them," the them being Trump and the Republican Party. I am not willing to play the game or be used by politicians for the game. And I am aware of the game.
If possible, I want all these anti-Americans caught and shamed and judged legally. I trust that is what all of us want.
Update 12/7/16: I may have been wrong about my assumption that the Papaya graffiti was anti-Semitic. More at the newest blog post.
I consider these signs and activities as anti-American. They do not hold the values that I and others hold, namely that everyone, regardless of race or creed should be treated with dignity, unless that person is a proven son-of-a-bitch that deserves to be treated otherwise.
That said, I must state a warning: Do not automatically assume these anti-Americans as Trump supporters, or Pence or the Republican Party supporters. They could very well be or they could also be people who are using the election results against Trump by instigating false hoaxes. There have been a slew of these false hoaxes, though recent NYC police reports are pretty damning.
This is the game that is being played now: set up the "other guy" as a bad fellow because of whom he or she voted for. This is where I part company with Garodnick and others of his type ("New York Values"), who insist on highlighting for political purposes "us vs. them," the them being Trump and the Republican Party. I am not willing to play the game or be used by politicians for the game. And I am aware of the game.
If possible, I want all these anti-Americans caught and shamed and judged legally. I trust that is what all of us want.
Update 12/7/16: I may have been wrong about my assumption that the Papaya graffiti was anti-Semitic. More at the newest blog post.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Garodnick's Play
I'm glad that our departing councilman Dan Garodnick is placing a spotlight on the president elect's expenditure via his office and Trump Tower, but once again, I think good old Dan is stressing politics over reasoning. Is he also willing not to listen to and not be a lap dog for business high rises in his district? Is he also going to give back the donations made by his rich buddy SL Green for One Vanderbilt? Is he willing to not go and smile at the REBNY awards dinner? Is he willing to go after "the boys" who give money to the NYC Democratic Party, and probably the Republican Party if in power? Is he willing to say, "I'm sorry for accepting a third term as councilperson when I voted against third terms"? Is he willing to fight for the middle class and say f.u. to affluent concerns and reestablish Stuy Town and Peter Cooper Village so that "families of moderate means might live in health, comfort and dignity in park-like communities and that a pattern might be set of private enterprise productively devoted to public service...." I don't think he is on any of these things, so I just want him to go away and leave us in peace.
He won't.
12/12/16 Just a placement so as not to mar our Christmas and Holiday cheers. Current AirBnb hosting. Do you think Management knows? Oh, how is your composting going?
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Please, Sir, Can I Have Some More Whipping?
Dear Residents, please enjoy!
(I didn't know that Saturday would also be the day that the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene would shut Five Stuy Cafe for infractions. So this blog posting is very appropriate as it marks one of the first times that the city has decided to close a commercial property in Stuyvesant Town. In, like in "inside," and unless I'm mistaken there was no sign which told that the drinks and food were for "residents and their guests." Much like the adjacent Green Market. This sign is something mandated by the DoB and our good councilman Dan Garodnick. It was not shown anywhere as far as I know. No matter, the closure by the Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene was not because of the lack of this sign. As soon as the city tells us, we will inform residents why the place was closed, which had to be closed for a number of violations. This blog posting will address this issue specifically.)
Morning, 11/28/16:
It's worse than I thought. A photo to explain, partially:
"Critical" violations are displayed in red.
Violation points: 50
Sanitary Violations
1) Hot food item not held at or above 140º F.
2) Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation.
3) Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site.
4) Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations.
5) Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant. Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared.
6) Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage, preparation, transportation, display or service.
7) Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.
8) Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation.
Let's revisist Rick Hayduk's message to tenants:
Dear Residents of PCVST,
This afternoon at approximately 4:15pm the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene closed Five Stuy Café for infractions that were predominantly administrative in nature.
StuyTown Property Services is working closely with the third party operator of the café to resolve the infractions and subsequently schedule the necessary return visit by the inspector.
The infractions and a description of the infractions will be made public on the City’s website at www1.nyc.gov. Once posted, you’ll note most were administrative; there were also general food infractions that were immediately resolved.
The operators of Five Stuy are greatly disappointed, especially after receiving an “A” rating from their last inspection. They are committed to resolving the outstanding issues while implementing procedures such that the infractions are never revisited.
StuyTown Property Services shares their disappointment but remains confident in their ability to serve the residents of PCVST safe and delicious food, as they have since opening this past summer.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to the GM feedback line at 212.598.5288 or feedback@stuytown.com.
Rick Hayduk
CEO | General Manager
"Safe and delicious"? "Predominantly administrative"? You be the judge.
This is the "A" grade given to Five Stuy Cafe on 7/28/16, "current" violations in red. Notice that this one critical violation is back again at number 6 in the new rating, of which only two restaurants in this zip code have been closed, the other being "The Vacancy Project":
1) Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage, preparation, transportation, display or service.
2) Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly.
As stated in my note this past Saturday, Five Stuy Café, located on the Oval, was regrettably required to cease operation by the City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) after a routine inspection. The operator of the Café has been working diligently to rectify the violations in cooperation with the DHMH and was re-inspected today.
As such, StuyTown Property Services (SPS) is pleased to inform residents that the DHMH has authorized the re-opening of the Café tomorrow, Thursday, December 1st, at 6am.
SPS can assure residents, consistent with the DHMH’s re-inspection, that there are no further concerns with food preparation or food transportation processes. In accordance with standard DHMH protocol, the Café will have a “Pending” grade until a follow-up inspection is performed. At the conclusion of that inspection, the DHMH will re-issue a letter grade. Five Stuy Café’s operator has taken responsibility for the deficiencies, quickly corrected them, and asks the valued residents of PCVST to return to the Café to experience what has made them so successful since opening this summer. As a further expression of the operator’s sincere desire to welcome you back, enjoy a free Dough doughnut with the purchase of any item tomorrow (Thursday, December 1st) from 7 – 10am and 6 – 8pm.
Should you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the GM feedback line at 212.598.5288 or feedback@stuytown.com or stop by to speak with the Café's operations manager.
Rick Hayduk
CEO | General Manager
(I didn't know that Saturday would also be the day that the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene would shut Five Stuy Cafe for infractions. So this blog posting is very appropriate as it marks one of the first times that the city has decided to close a commercial property in Stuyvesant Town. In, like in "inside," and unless I'm mistaken there was no sign which told that the drinks and food were for "residents and their guests." Much like the adjacent Green Market. This sign is something mandated by the DoB and our good councilman Dan Garodnick. It was not shown anywhere as far as I know. No matter, the closure by the Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene was not because of the lack of this sign. As soon as the city tells us, we will inform residents why the place was closed, which had to be closed for a number of violations. This blog posting will address this issue specifically.)
Morning, 11/28/16:
It's worse than I thought. A photo to explain, partially:
Update, 11/28/16..Why it was closed (not counting the above, which is against the law):
Violations recorded in the following area (s), a Notice of Violation issued and establishment ordered closed by the Department of Health at the initial operational cycle inspection conducted on 11/26/2016.
2) Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation.
3) Food from unapproved or unknown source or home canned. Reduced oxygen packaged (ROP) fish not frozen before processing; or ROP foods prepared on premises transported to another site.
4) Food Protection Certificate not held by supervisor of food operations.
5) Personal cleanliness inadequate. Outer garment soiled with possible contaminant. Effective hair restraint not worn in an area where food is prepared.
6) Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage, preparation, transportation, display or service.
7) Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.
8) Proper sanitization not provided for utensil ware washing operation.
Let's revisist Rick Hayduk's message to tenants:
Dear Residents of PCVST,
This afternoon at approximately 4:15pm the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene closed Five Stuy Café for infractions that were predominantly administrative in nature.
StuyTown Property Services is working closely with the third party operator of the café to resolve the infractions and subsequently schedule the necessary return visit by the inspector.
The infractions and a description of the infractions will be made public on the City’s website at www1.nyc.gov. Once posted, you’ll note most were administrative; there were also general food infractions that were immediately resolved.
The operators of Five Stuy are greatly disappointed, especially after receiving an “A” rating from their last inspection. They are committed to resolving the outstanding issues while implementing procedures such that the infractions are never revisited.
StuyTown Property Services shares their disappointment but remains confident in their ability to serve the residents of PCVST safe and delicious food, as they have since opening this past summer.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to the GM feedback line at 212.598.5288 or feedback@stuytown.com.
Rick Hayduk
CEO | General Manager
"Safe and delicious"? "Predominantly administrative"? You be the judge.
This is the "A" grade given to Five Stuy Cafe on 7/28/16, "current" violations in red. Notice that this one critical violation is back again at number 6 in the new rating, of which only two restaurants in this zip code have been closed, the other being "The Vacancy Project":
1) Food not protected from potential source of contamination during storage, preparation, transportation, display or service.
2) Plumbing not properly installed or maintained; anti-siphonage or backflow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly.
The city "rules": http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/rii/blue-book.pdf
Take a look at the critical vs. general violations. There were six critical violations in Five Stuy Cafe. Also closing and re-opening.
Update 11/30/16: Since it has been raining yesterday and lousy today, chances are I won't be able to present more photos of the Five Stuy Cafe. The torn notice from the city is still there, of course.
I should say that Monday I took some more photos, some of which didn't come out as I wanted and one of which I didn't really want to show. It was a splayed out and very dead black squirrel not far from Oval Study. It was lying near the pedestrian walkway, but thankfully picked up before I got back. (Today, a Zamboni is going around and around the walkway smelling up the place, while it tries to gather all the fallen leaves.) Starting yesterday, from what I see, there are some people (one, two?) in the cafe trying to fix the place for the new inspection. The many spots outside where dogs piss are not part of the violations. I took photos of the darkened areas, though. How you can eat or drink, while a dog pisses nearby...well, it's up to you. Bon appetit!
Update 11/30/16:
Gone! The notice of closure of Five Stuy Cafe has been torn some more and wiped clean. It was there (the torn one) in the morning hours, but pre-lunch it has been completely erased/deep-sixed. There is an explanation which is not suspect. Let me repeat in case this is a "trap"--there is an explanation which is not suspect. But if you go to Five Stuy Cafe, you will find no sign.
I've taken photos, btw, but I must leave for a while.
Rick's new message to our community below. Note there is nothing to indicate that another voice, an employee, wrote the previous message. Rick doesn't distance himself from that first message, so it stands as coming from him.
Dear Residents of PCVST,
As stated in my note this past Saturday, Five Stuy Café, located on the Oval, was regrettably required to cease operation by the City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) after a routine inspection. The operator of the Café has been working diligently to rectify the violations in cooperation with the DHMH and was re-inspected today.
As such, StuyTown Property Services (SPS) is pleased to inform residents that the DHMH has authorized the re-opening of the Café tomorrow, Thursday, December 1st, at 6am.
SPS can assure residents, consistent with the DHMH’s re-inspection, that there are no further concerns with food preparation or food transportation processes. In accordance with standard DHMH protocol, the Café will have a “Pending” grade until a follow-up inspection is performed. At the conclusion of that inspection, the DHMH will re-issue a letter grade. Five Stuy Café’s operator has taken responsibility for the deficiencies, quickly corrected them, and asks the valued residents of PCVST to return to the Café to experience what has made them so successful since opening this summer. As a further expression of the operator’s sincere desire to welcome you back, enjoy a free Dough doughnut with the purchase of any item tomorrow (Thursday, December 1st) from 7 – 10am and 6 – 8pm.
Should you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the GM feedback line at 212.598.5288 or feedback@stuytown.com or stop by to speak with the Café's operations manager.
Rick Hayduk
CEO | General Manager
Right now the cafe has a "Grade Pending" rating. Once the new rating by the city will be given, it should appear in front of the window.
I asked whether the Tripp and Cooper restaurant, in Brooklyn, is owned by the same LLC--Cooper Cafe--as is Five Stuy Cafe. Interestingly, all the available references of Five Stuy Cafe are in the name of Stuyvesant Town, so this is a more difficult nut to crack. It appears that Tripp and Cooper is owned by the same people, though the specialty at Tripp and Cooper is crepes. The food/drink signs are similar and it is near Brooklyn Tech, so it has a college clientele. I am not, however, assuming that it is the same. If it is the same, the grading history is of interest. A summary is here. While currently the grade is A, it wasn't that way in the past. It doesn't surprise one that some constant problems exist: their Food Protection Certificate is frequently unavailable and the current letter grade is not posted all the time. The current letter grade is not "critical," so the establishment can piss off this requirement and still get an A grade. Again, I am not certain that the two establishments are owned by the same people, but I have my suspicions.
Also it should be noted that initially the "ungraded" grade of Five Stuy Cafe was B. This is never mentioned by anyone. All one hears about is A.
Incidentally this is the news item on this closure by TOWN & VILLAGE. Note the doggie urine stains on the side low wall.
Well, tomorrow, December 1st, Five Stuy Cafe opens again. Good luck!
Friday, November 18, 2016
Unbelievable but believable
So Blackstone is introducing a new "rule"--composting. Yes, downstairs in the recycle area will be a special bin waiting for your discarded chicken wings and other edible refuse.
Now you would think that someone with a brain would first enforce the rules already in place, but I see no reduction in speeding bicycles, skateboards, etc., around the Oval, I see no reduction in the amount of dog piss and crap that's all over the place (see photos in another post), but yes you expect me and the thousands of residents to contribute discarded chicken wings to your compost. You must be crazy. Of course you are not and will promote composting on your website for the plebs to see.
But you are a FAILURE. Unless you enforce the rules already in place. Do something, damn it, and stop with the smelly, diesel-spewing and noisy zambonis! There is a reason all operators wear a mask while the pedestrians don't.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Why do all bicycle riding signs around PCVST state an enforcement code of NYC when the property disregards NYC codes in other instances???
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Home, Sweet Home
Some photos taken Election Day, the 8th of November. There are many more "events," but you get the idea. Depending on your computer, you can make these bigger. Some dog owners just leave their dog's crap wherever. What's it to you? The streams of dog piss are incredible in Peter Cooper Village, btw. The faux marble is ruined, and some of the sidewalks near the buildings--well, I hope you are good at skipping. This is what having dogs in ST and PCV means. And "the rules" mean nothing to some people. It will get worse.
Monday, October 31, 2016
They Were All There
Read it and weep. And who got the contributions and from whom, you may ask? More later. http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20161018006335/en/SL-Green-Breaks-Ground-Vanderbilt-Avenue
Just go to Stephen L Green.
Weep some more. Already built. You should see it in most places near 23 St.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Hey, Rick, Wake Up!
Your ST vehicles, to include PS mopeds, are heading in the direction AGAINST NYC traffic laws and almost ran into me again! Which way do you want pedestrians to look? Both ways? And walk slowly so as not to get hit? Maybe it's best if we wear twinkling bright lights to be noticed easier by your vehicles and those bike riders?
Also the bicycle rule around the Oval is gone once the sun is down. Even when the sun is up, it is a problem You know this, and what are you going to do about it???
TA, too, what a disaster you are! Speak up and say something! Speeding bicycles, ST vehicles, dog shit are a constant problem, and you know it, too. But you say NOTHING.
Also the bicycle rule around the Oval is gone once the sun is down. Even when the sun is up, it is a problem You know this, and what are you going to do about it???
TA, too, what a disaster you are! Speak up and say something! Speeding bicycles, ST vehicles, dog shit are a constant problem, and you know it, too. But you say NOTHING.
Monday, October 24, 2016
What should I do?
Here it is. Not that it's different from other times. But this time it is right by the ice rink they are building, of which you can the tip. This is one more "infraction" of the rules set up by Rick. As I said it happens frequently. Not that it's different from other infractions. I should not have to call PS on this issue. None of us should. One, this shouldn't happen. But when it does, there are dozens of workers who pass it by. Should they report it? Perhaps they did, but the area took time to clean, if it's cleaned at all. Thank you, Blackstone.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
PS Not Really At the Oval
So confirmed again! PS is not really at the Oval. Try to find an officer at times is very difficult unless you take a walk to their office.
Remember when... PS had a small building at the Oval itself? A PS officer, which they were not called then in MetLife times, would always be there. It was a duty, not to be taken lightly. There was a PS officer even when that building was knocked down and another one was placed where Oval Study is now. But with the new mini-hut located at the side of the Oval, it is rare these days to find a PS officer. Once in a while a PS guy walks around and positions himself somewhere in the vicinity, but he is gone the rest of the time. Otherwise, a PS officer on a moped will come speeding by once in a while. Even when he is in the "hut," the PS officer has more interest in his cell phone than what is happening around him.
This afternoon I saw three speeding bicycles go right by the PS office at the Oval. They (the PS officers) are turned the other way, studying the monitors, if at all.
The big question is does management care or is management clueless? Why not spend some quality time outside to monitor the place rather than sit in offices and think everything is going swell? It isn't going okay, but is management aware of this? Don't read the reports. If they tell you that things are okay, the reports are lying. People are protecting their asses. That seems to be the message here. Protect your ass at all costs.
Remember when... PS had a small building at the Oval itself? A PS officer, which they were not called then in MetLife times, would always be there. It was a duty, not to be taken lightly. There was a PS officer even when that building was knocked down and another one was placed where Oval Study is now. But with the new mini-hut located at the side of the Oval, it is rare these days to find a PS officer. Once in a while a PS guy walks around and positions himself somewhere in the vicinity, but he is gone the rest of the time. Otherwise, a PS officer on a moped will come speeding by once in a while. Even when he is in the "hut," the PS officer has more interest in his cell phone than what is happening around him.
This afternoon I saw three speeding bicycles go right by the PS office at the Oval. They (the PS officers) are turned the other way, studying the monitors, if at all.
The big question is does management care or is management clueless? Why not spend some quality time outside to monitor the place rather than sit in offices and think everything is going swell? It isn't going okay, but is management aware of this? Don't read the reports. If they tell you that things are okay, the reports are lying. People are protecting their asses. That seems to be the message here. Protect your ass at all costs.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Flex Apartments
I thought these were not allowed anymore or, rather, not being built anymore? I still see workers rushing around with their "flex" walls.
>>At Stuy Town, once the hotspot for illicit wall activity, temporary walls have in many cases become sanctioned — and now cost a premium.
One-bedroom units, ranging from 707 and 790 square feet, cost from $3,138 to $3,559 a month, according to the complex's website. Meanwhile, the same sized units, listed as a “one-bedroom flex” where an extra wall is already installed — with windows in it to bring light to the newly sectioned-off living room — are marketed as costing $3,421 to $3,942 a month.
The flex apartments likely helped the complex’s bottom line, according to a Real Deal analysis from November, which found about a third of its market-rate units were marketed as the pricier flex apartments.
Representatives from Stuy Town and the Grayson declined to comment on the convertible layouts.<<
>>At Stuy Town, once the hotspot for illicit wall activity, temporary walls have in many cases become sanctioned — and now cost a premium.
One-bedroom units, ranging from 707 and 790 square feet, cost from $3,138 to $3,559 a month, according to the complex's website. Meanwhile, the same sized units, listed as a “one-bedroom flex” where an extra wall is already installed — with windows in it to bring light to the newly sectioned-off living room — are marketed as costing $3,421 to $3,942 a month.
The flex apartments likely helped the complex’s bottom line, according to a Real Deal analysis from November, which found about a third of its market-rate units were marketed as the pricier flex apartments.
Representatives from Stuy Town and the Grayson declined to comment on the convertible layouts.<<
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Why are we helping Blackstone?
It happens to you, perhaps too frequently these days. A young person is waiting near the entrance door who has "forgotten" the key card. So if you are very nice and trusting, you open the door with your key card and let the person in at the same time. Or a speeding bicycle is heading around the Oval? Or you witness dog crap either not picked up or sloppily picked up anywhere in the complex. Do you call PS? Or say "forget about it"?
The question is: Why do we care if Blackstone (and Ivanhoe) have tons of money to "do the right thing," but want residents to speak up about these infractions while at the same time turning a neglectful or wary eye toward these infractions? At least that's the way it seems to me.
What IS it to us, if our management thinks and acts as if everything is really alright and they do not have to spend extra money or manpower to stop these things?
By now, they (management) should be aware of what it happening. Perhaps they are okay with the way things are. Perhaps our voices are a pain in the ass to them? Why do we expend the energy and the time, when management gets PAID to do the same thing!?
The question is: Why do we care if Blackstone (and Ivanhoe) have tons of money to "do the right thing," but want residents to speak up about these infractions while at the same time turning a neglectful or wary eye toward these infractions? At least that's the way it seems to me.
What IS it to us, if our management thinks and acts as if everything is really alright and they do not have to spend extra money or manpower to stop these things?
By now, they (management) should be aware of what it happening. Perhaps they are okay with the way things are. Perhaps our voices are a pain in the ass to them? Why do we expend the energy and the time, when management gets PAID to do the same thing!?
Friday, October 7, 2016

Not a surprise. Our man Dan is quoted, of course.
Build, build, build. Higher, higher, higher. The city is for sale thanks to the highest bidders and the REBNY and the City Council and the mayor!
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
This is NOT an Ad for this Place, But....
It's in Brooklyn with much availability (at least right now and for this ad) that is lower than what Stuy Town/Peter Cooper is currently asking for. As more and more new buildings will replace older ones, in Manhattan and elsewhere, the competition will get fierce to have Stuy Town and Peter Cooper measure up, if the complex isn't there already. Yeah, I know we have a location in Manhattan, but I'm raised a Brooklyn boy, so Parkline doesn't look too bad and my "job" doesn't mandate that I stay in Manhattan. But I'm not moving--unless I win Lotto.
A Morning Trip Around the Oval - Six Dog Stains, Two Bicyles Riding
It wasn't even 10 minutes, probably about 5. A morning walking tour of the Oval. Counted: 6 dog stains still fresh and not to be walked on, and 2 resident bicycles riding freely about the Oval. No surprise, of course, just a thanks to Blackstone and Ivanhoe for maintaining the property so well. Oh, yes, workers are still at it at the Oval Fountain.
I will continue this kind of reportage periodically so we do not ever forget.
I will continue this kind of reportage periodically so we do not ever forget.
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village TB to Officially Market to NYU, Bicycle Riders and Ess-a-Bagel
Dear Resident and TB Supporter,
As many of you have suspected, we, the Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village Tenants Block, have had trouble generating the funds we need to keep on representing tenants in this complex. Why do you think we raised dues recently? With the future leaving of our councilman, the honorable Dan Garodsnip, we realize more than ever that we have to make changes in order to survive.
To wit, our website and our Facebook will now have a marketing strategy that will initially include NYU (perhaps the biggest renter officially and unofficially in this complex), bicycle riders (growing in number as those speeding cycles around the Oval can attest) and Ess-a-Bagel, which has returned and is already making great business.
We have spoken to and have guarantees of acceptance from all three parties. Thank you, thank you and thank you! (Dan thanks you, too.)
Yours sincerely and for more wonderful TB news--
Sue Stain
President and One Piece Bathing Fan
The Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper Village TB
Sunday, September 25, 2016
This Place is Hopeless Unless Blackstone Will Finally Enforce the Rules
An absolute disaster with periods of calm. Prove otherwise. Enforce the rules!
Thursday, September 22, 2016
New Dog Rules - Yes, no, we don't care?
Posted here as a matter of policy:
>>The following letter to the editor should appear tomorrow on the T&V website:
On Sep 13, the Board of Health met and passed the following with respect to Health Code 161.03 which bears on dog waste on sidewalks and other public places:
"§161.03 Control of dogs and other animals to prevent nuisance.
(a) A person who owns, possesses or controls a dog, cat or other animal shall not permit the animal to commit a nuisance on a sidewalk of any public place, on a floor, wall, stairway, sidewalk, lawn, garden or roof of any public or private premises used in common by the public, or on a fence, wall [or], stairway or entranceway of a building abutting on a public place."
>>The following letter to the editor should appear tomorrow on the T&V website:
On Sep 13, the Board of Health met and passed the following with respect to Health Code 161.03 which bears on dog waste on sidewalks and other public places:
"§161.03 Control of dogs and other animals to prevent nuisance.
(a) A person who owns, possesses or controls a dog, cat or other animal shall not permit the animal to commit a nuisance on a sidewalk of any public place, on a floor, wall, stairway, sidewalk, lawn, garden or roof of any public or private premises used in common by the public, or on a fence, wall [or], stairway or entranceway of a building abutting on a public place."
I'm told this statement of the regulation will go into effect around Oct 21.
The new statement makes clear that 161.03 applies to both public and private property. This means that dog owners in STPCV would have to abide by the same rules by which other dog owners in the city are charged to abide. That is, dogs must be curbed, the waste picked up and discarded.
Dogs would do their business in the streets, presumably where the sanitation vehicles clean. At the public hearing it was said that DHMH legal intends to get in touch with STPCV mgt about enforcement.
Management policy in STPCV has been to permit dog owners to allow their dogs to do their business on sidewalks, in specified grassy areas and on dog day playgrounds. I think the clarified statement makes it clear that the current management policy if continued would be in support of activity the board of health would consider illegal.
Would like to know if management intends to follow the clarified HC161.03 or intends to continue current dog waste policies. Would also like to know Dan Garodnick's position with respect to this issue. To wit, should STPCV management follow the amended HC161.03 or not?<<
The new statement makes clear that 161.03 applies to both public and private property. This means that dog owners in STPCV would have to abide by the same rules by which other dog owners in the city are charged to abide. That is, dogs must be curbed, the waste picked up and discarded.
Dogs would do their business in the streets, presumably where the sanitation vehicles clean. At the public hearing it was said that DHMH legal intends to get in touch with STPCV mgt about enforcement.
Management policy in STPCV has been to permit dog owners to allow their dogs to do their business on sidewalks, in specified grassy areas and on dog day playgrounds. I think the clarified statement makes it clear that the current management policy if continued would be in support of activity the board of health would consider illegal.
Would like to know if management intends to follow the clarified HC161.03 or intends to continue current dog waste policies. Would also like to know Dan Garodnick's position with respect to this issue. To wit, should STPCV management follow the amended HC161.03 or not?<<
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Yelp Review Not Meant to Be Properly Seen
The 17th of this month, September:
>>As my grandmother had said--she still lives in ST--the new management will show it's true colors.
And, they have.
They are still renting to students--how do they plan on making this a family community with students living here? People with kids do not want to hear all night parties. The students/and younger renters start their parties at 10 PM. Under NYC law that is a violation of the new noise codes.
They are still renovating empty apartments and converting the living rooms to a "den". How is that even legal? Management is packing more people into apartments they what they were designed for.
Which apts. will be used for lottery applicants? Management never said how they will decide that.
They are now going after MCIs which are from 2 years ago.
There are more than 2,000 dogs now and many of the dogs are over the 50 lbs limit.
Dog owners do not pick up after their dogs after dark. That is obvious come daylight.
Many of the dog owners are not using legal leashes--6 feet only.
Grandma was correct. They are now showing their true colors.<<
There are more like these in the "not recommended" category.
>>As my grandmother had said--she still lives in ST--the new management will show it's true colors.
And, they have.
They are still renting to students--how do they plan on making this a family community with students living here? People with kids do not want to hear all night parties. The students/and younger renters start their parties at 10 PM. Under NYC law that is a violation of the new noise codes.
They are still renovating empty apartments and converting the living rooms to a "den". How is that even legal? Management is packing more people into apartments they what they were designed for.
Which apts. will be used for lottery applicants? Management never said how they will decide that.
They are now going after MCIs which are from 2 years ago.
There are more than 2,000 dogs now and many of the dogs are over the 50 lbs limit.
Dog owners do not pick up after their dogs after dark. That is obvious come daylight.
Many of the dog owners are not using legal leashes--6 feet only.
Grandma was correct. They are now showing their true colors.<<
There are more like these in the "not recommended" category.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
We are monitoring the results of the explosion....
News is very scanty at this point, but it appears there was a device going off on West 23th Street and another one, a pressure cooker, undetonated, found several blocks more distant at 28th St. Time: yesterday evening.
Your sources for news are the best places to hear the most recent developments.
Obviously we send our thoughts to not only New Yorkers, but out to enforcement agencies, which are some of the best in the country.
Update: 1:45pm, Sunday. From AOL: "NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio called the explosion 'an intentional act.' New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo referred to it as an 'act of terrorism.'"
Update: 4.35pm, Sunday. The TA has posted this information too. It's best to check the local transportation schedule.
>>From State Senator Brad Hoylman: As investigations continue there are a number of traffic restrictions in place. Until further notice the following streets remained closed to all traffic:
West 23rd Street is closed in both directions between 5th and 7th Avenues
Northbound traffic is restricted on 6th Avenue at 14th Street
Southbound traffic is restricted on 7th Avenue at 34th Street
All cross town traffic (eastbound and westbound) is closed from West 14th Street to West 32nd Street between 5th and 8th Avenues
Public transportation in the area has been affected as well:
1 trains are bypassing 23rd and 28th Streets in both directions
E & F trains are bypassing 23rd Street in both directions
MTA M5, M7 Northbound, M23, and X10, X17, X27, X28, and X1 Manhattan-bound buses are detoured around the area due to NYPD Activity at 23 St between 6 Avenue and 7 Avenue
For more updates on potential traffic changes please check www.mta.info
If you live in an affected area, please be advised that residents are being allowed in by NYPD escort only. If you require access to the affected areas, please bring identification for proof of residence or ownership.
If you have any tips or clues regarding yesterday’s explosions please reach out immediately to law enforcement at (800) 577-TIPS or (888) NYC-SAFE<<
Update: 11:10am, Monday. Doesn't look like an Amish terrorist. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37409441?SThisFB
Your sources for news are the best places to hear the most recent developments.
Obviously we send our thoughts to not only New Yorkers, but out to enforcement agencies, which are some of the best in the country.
Update: 1:45pm, Sunday. From AOL: "NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio called the explosion 'an intentional act.' New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo referred to it as an 'act of terrorism.'"
Update: 4.35pm, Sunday. The TA has posted this information too. It's best to check the local transportation schedule.
>>From State Senator Brad Hoylman: As investigations continue there are a number of traffic restrictions in place. Until further notice the following streets remained closed to all traffic:
West 23rd Street is closed in both directions between 5th and 7th Avenues
Northbound traffic is restricted on 6th Avenue at 14th Street
Southbound traffic is restricted on 7th Avenue at 34th Street
All cross town traffic (eastbound and westbound) is closed from West 14th Street to West 32nd Street between 5th and 8th Avenues
Public transportation in the area has been affected as well:
1 trains are bypassing 23rd and 28th Streets in both directions
E & F trains are bypassing 23rd Street in both directions
MTA M5, M7 Northbound, M23, and X10, X17, X27, X28, and X1 Manhattan-bound buses are detoured around the area due to NYPD Activity at 23 St between 6 Avenue and 7 Avenue
For more updates on potential traffic changes please check www.mta.info
If you live in an affected area, please be advised that residents are being allowed in by NYPD escort only. If you require access to the affected areas, please bring identification for proof of residence or ownership.
If you have any tips or clues regarding yesterday’s explosions please reach out immediately to law enforcement at (800) 577-TIPS or (888) NYC-SAFE<<
Update: 11:10am, Monday. Doesn't look like an Amish terrorist. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37409441?SThisFB
Friday, September 16, 2016
How's the milling, grinding and repaving working out for you?
It's been a while since the milling and grinding awoke residents, or kept them up, who live on the borders of Stuy Town and Peter Cooper Village, with an appropriate smiling at the camera councilman Dan Garodnick and his two "assistants" for the photo, our own TA president Susan and Dan's helper, Howie. Remarkably for some, the work is not finished, with repaving "expected" to begin this month, the 22nd of September. That's about a month since the first phase was done, and a month for everyone to skip and hop to avoid the damaged roadways done by the milling and grinding. Of course, near the end of September we are promised smooth roads that will delight all our residents. Until then, just suck it up.
We were told that 200,000 dollars came from our councilman for this complex, one of his final gifts as councilman as he is headed for better (?) things in the future (having sold his soul to the REBNY, but that's another issue). Our intention is to take photos so that residents will be aware of what happened and the result.
We were told that 200,000 dollars came from our councilman for this complex, one of his final gifts as councilman as he is headed for better (?) things in the future (having sold his soul to the REBNY, but that's another issue). Our intention is to take photos so that residents will be aware of what happened and the result.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Rats! Thousands! Millions! -- Message from Dick Hayduski, STPCV General Manager for Blackstoned
Dear Resident, we, as well as you, have noticed an increase in the rat population of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village. While we are currently dealing with the human kind, I must tell the residents of this outstanding community that the rat increase is a product of a purposeful attempt by our crack Public Safety Department (which never sleeps and has a thousand eyes continually upon you via our award-winning cameras) to make sure that rats multiply in this community and are considered part of its infrastructure. Rats, after all, are our friends and should be considered as such. Surprisingly, we already have negative missives about the other rodents--squirrels--which are simply funny little things with cute bushy tails. The rats that we are harboring admittedly do not have such bushy tails, but they are part of the squirrel family and should be considered as such.
Please, not only keep the pizza boxes in display at our Oval and other places of eatery (frankly the entire complex), but increase their display and other discarded food items. Let the rats benefit and grow.
I ask this not only as the representative of Blackstoned, but as someone who lives in this community and considers you his friend.
Yours respectfully,
General Manager
Blackstoned Properties All Over Manhattan Ltd.
Please, not only keep the pizza boxes in display at our Oval and other places of eatery (frankly the entire complex), but increase their display and other discarded food items. Let the rats benefit and grow.
I ask this not only as the representative of Blackstoned, but as someone who lives in this community and considers you his friend.
Yours respectfully,
General Manager
Blackstoned Properties All Over Manhattan Ltd.
Monday, September 12, 2016
No Comment Necessary
From the TA Facebook. Thomas:
"This evening, at about 10:15 pm, I was walking through the Oval from 14th Street to 20th Street. I observed three young men, obviously drunk, harassing a young woman who was walking in front of them. One of the men made a sexually aggressive comment to her, and she quickly hurried away. I can only imagine how frightened she must have been.
"I confronted the men and told them that that behavior was not appropriate. They became belligerent, defended their indefensible behavior, and started to verbally harass me.
"I then saw a public security officer patrolling and told him what I had just witnessed. He basically dismissed me, and then actually passed by the three men, and did absolutely nothing. Yup - nothing.
"I am so disappointed that, in this era of increasingly-common sexual assaults, including some here in Stuy Town, that the officer apparently had no problem with what I had just reported. He was completely uninterested in what I had told him, and didn't even stop to take any report. He mumbled something and kept walking. Shameful."
There could be another view, but...
"This evening, at about 10:15 pm, I was walking through the Oval from 14th Street to 20th Street. I observed three young men, obviously drunk, harassing a young woman who was walking in front of them. One of the men made a sexually aggressive comment to her, and she quickly hurried away. I can only imagine how frightened she must have been.
"I confronted the men and told them that that behavior was not appropriate. They became belligerent, defended their indefensible behavior, and started to verbally harass me.
"I then saw a public security officer patrolling and told him what I had just witnessed. He basically dismissed me, and then actually passed by the three men, and did absolutely nothing. Yup - nothing.
"I am so disappointed that, in this era of increasingly-common sexual assaults, including some here in Stuy Town, that the officer apparently had no problem with what I had just reported. He was completely uninterested in what I had told him, and didn't even stop to take any report. He mumbled something and kept walking. Shameful."
There could be another view, but...
Saturday, September 10, 2016
How are you doing?
To be 100% upfront, which my commentary tries to be....
It can be one of three things that make this property seem far less than what it can be:
1) The humid weather. It's been a difficult summer, for sure. Affects everyone I would think and gives them a piss-poor feeling periodically.
2) Personal disposition. It has not been a happy year so far, and I feel it.
3) Things just are not working the way they should be. Plus: the rules by new management have been put in place, with more to come probably. Seriously, just look around and say to yourself is this the best we can do? Or even close to the best?
Anything else? Or is this an oasis in the city that we can be proud of and secure in our positive feeling?
I would like to be HAPPY, but, generally, I just can't be.
It can be one of three things that make this property seem far less than what it can be:
1) The humid weather. It's been a difficult summer, for sure. Affects everyone I would think and gives them a piss-poor feeling periodically.
2) Personal disposition. It has not been a happy year so far, and I feel it.
3) Things just are not working the way they should be. Plus: the rules by new management have been put in place, with more to come probably. Seriously, just look around and say to yourself is this the best we can do? Or even close to the best?
Anything else? Or is this an oasis in the city that we can be proud of and secure in our positive feeling?
I would like to be HAPPY, but, generally, I just can't be.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
That Ice Cream Truck
Photos sent in by Edmund. Thanks!
On the northwest corner of 1st Ave and 14 St. New York Ice Cream from 34-37 Long Island City, 11106. I tried to reach the 13th precinct with no luck. Next time I may just call 311, though I would have to probably wait and wait for a resolution. But this will get done.
Is this truck legally idling there, almost at the corner, and ruining the sight of traffic, most human, around it? Should it be there???
Those are the questions.
Of course, I should not be calling. There are people who are a much higher pay grade than myself (one just got a hefty raise), who should be alert to this truck.
Update: 9/9/16. That top photo reminds me that I can't see any traffic as I approach the corner.
Update: 12/4/16: Perhaps it is too early to tell, but it appears that the 13th Precinct has listened and the ice cream truck is no more at that location. Again, I am not positive, but it appears to be gone, at least most of the time. If so, kudos to the 13th Precinct.
More MCIs On the Way
From "Peter Stuyvesant" of the TA STPCV Facebook group: "Management has informed the TA that they have applied for more MCIs, some of which are from CWCapital and some of which are for work Blackstone has done. We don't have all the details yet, but the MCIs are for intercoms (PCV only), water heaters, ADA ramps (2 buildings), and waterproofing of the exterior. As always, the TA will investigate the MCIs and ask for an extension to respond to DHCR."
What did you think? No MCIs because Blackstone is nice?
Let the fun begin! Again and again and again....
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Those Yelp Reviews
Not too good for ST/PCV but what can you do? Perhaps more prizes for those who cheer the complex and write about it.
I took a look at the first page and amid the poor reviews I saw one that was dazzling perfect. I read it and noted:
"Summation; if you're a reasonable, regular person or family rent here. We'll hang out on the lawn by the fountain and drink a beer."
Yeah, let's have a beer on the Oval lawn!
I took a look at the first page and amid the poor reviews I saw one that was dazzling perfect. I read it and noted:
"Summation; if you're a reasonable, regular person or family rent here. We'll hang out on the lawn by the fountain and drink a beer."
Yeah, let's have a beer on the Oval lawn!
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Dan, Susan and Howie
Photo by Sabina Mollot.
"As for the expected noise levels from the project, Garodnick said he doesn’t expect that it will be 'overly disturbing' to neighbors."
Thursday, September 1, 2016
I'm opening up this blog again, as promised. The "rules" are basically the same. You can rant or cheer about what's happening here or even in the city as it relates to us. Please no relatively baseless accusations, especially, with names. Remember that some problems are the management's own choosing, based upon Tishman Speyer's reign, and will not go way, and, we predict, will only get worse for now. Some things will get better. I think. I hope.
Just in case: I also have to warn that posts may have to wait a while before they are public. This is due to my lifestyle, more than anything else.
Look around you...and below--and enjoy!
Just in case: I also have to warn that posts may have to wait a while before they are public. This is due to my lifestyle, more than anything else.
Look around you...and below--and enjoy!
Monday, August 1, 2016
In August
I'm repeating mostly my previous post in July. I have some intentions of returning come September (isn't that a movie title?), so we'll see. I am reading your emails, however.
I'm going to ask for a respite from this blog. I've completely lost interest in this complex. The bull that these new owners is telling us (aside from some of the good) is depressing, and I don't want to be depressed. You know what the story is, nobody has to tell you. Dogs, bicycles, scooters, crap on the ground, overflowing garbage/recycle areas, 4+ thousand dollars "rent-stabilized" apartments, messy laundry spaces, bs-ing, loud neighbors for some, it's all here and will remain that way. If it changes, let me know.
Till September, but it's hard keeping me in check considering the bull that is still being spread about this complex!
Another update, too good to pass up, Aug. 12, 2016:
The official TA Facebook: A "Peter Stuyvesant" commenting yesterday to a thread about this property: "Management has been alerted and is investigating."
STR post from February 14th of this year and undoubtedly other ST blogs about the same property:
Update Aug.17, short and sweet: They are lying to you. Or you are stupid
Update Aug. 20: I may officially come back sooner than September and open up for commentary. This place is still a mess, despite the efforts of Blackstone to make it less so. Efforts? Well, I see speeding PS officers on mopeds more than before, but speed isn't going to do the trick. And what is it with General Manager Rick Hayduk's email: "With everyone's help, StuyTown-PCV will continue to be New York City's clean and quiet oasis." Clean and quite? Stop the BS and get real, Rick. Please! If you don't, we know you are bullshitting.
Speaking of efforts, who is the parent(s) allowing their son(s) and or daughter(s) to graffiti up the basketball courts? It's bad enough that the Oval Fountain benches (yes, plural) have permanent marks on them, but now there is writing over the basketball ground? How about saying "No!" to the little ones, if you are monitoring them at all.
And what made my eyes shoot out blood the other day? How about the headline in T&V that stated we have less dog crap complaints than before? The praiseworthy article was another low point for T&V. And I thought they were getting better. Maybe they need the letters.
The new Oval cafe? How about getting some new permits? Or are they there already, two months after you have opened? We shall check. (And, no, I don't mean the health code that's at the front of your door.)
Come September, if not sooner.
Update Aug. 21: Please don't forget: Though it used to be that a "park runs through it," now we are like Central Park, the new "meme" for ST and PCV. We are conveniently located: "Just steps away from Manhattan’s coolest and trendiest neighborhoods, StuyTown is ideally situated for fun and convenience. From the nightlife and culinary treasures of the East Village, to the shopping and entertainment of Union Square, StuyTown is surrounded by fun and excitement."
There's more: "At StuyTown, there’s always something to do right outside your doorstep. Premium Amenities offer something for any age and interest, with an on-site gym, study center, café, kids playspace by apple seeds, weekly greenmarket, outdoor playgrounds and sports courts, and much more!"
Think it's noisy? Well... "In a city short on space, an 80-acre private backyard is priceless. StuyTown boasts the biggest green space in NYC outside of Central Park, but without all the tourists. Our abundant outdoor space offers beautiful landscaping and lush plants all year long, plenty of clean space to walk your dog, and room to roam without ever seeing a car or hearing a siren. Where else in Manhattan can you walk outside and see nothing but grass and trees?"
And don't forget our four-legged little friends: "StuyTown is a pet-friendly property! We welcome dogs on all sidewalks and walkways, and the Stuyvesant Dog Run is conveniently located on 15th St. between 1st and 2nd Avenues. Make sure to register your pet upon move-in, and receive a bag of goodies for your furry friend!"
All quotes taken from the official www.stuytown.com!
Update Aug. 23: I will be officially back in September and will open up the commentary section, though I will have to be more stringent in what is passed. I note that there is concern over our "rules," certain of which may violate city rules. I also see that not much is done regarding the rules already in place, though there is the "spin" that these rules are being followed. Ha! As someone who has seen with his own eyes and heard with his own ears the opposite, I can speak the truth without the bs that's part of officialdom. Truth which you know, of course, having lived here for a while at least.
While I myself am a lone wolf at times, and admire other lone wolves, I will say that it is not up to us to make sure the rules are being followed. It is up to people who get a paycheck for doing exactly that. Not any of the things we bitch about should be pointed out and handled by us. But that's another story.
Update Aug. 24: We will also be reviewing "for residents and their guests." Remember that one? Apparently most people, including Blackstone, have not remembered at all. This was the price to pay for having commercial enterprises within Stuyvesant Town. Amanda Burden of the City Planning Commission only allowed commercial activity on the basis that it was an accessory use by residents and their guests. Now, tell me, does the Farmer's Market or the new cafe have a sign up even indicating this? What about enforcement? Don't laugh. 'Dems the rules. As our Councilman Dan Garodnick will not tell you now. Or his friends at the TA.
A bit later: Oh, I will be back! As a tease, how's this for a Stuy Town apartment that's available on AIRBNB and which the powers that be can easily find out about, with photos:
I especially like the hookah pipe and the lack of carpeting! Kinda gives it that airy look.
Another update! Aug. 26th: When "the suits" visit this place, you know there are going to be changes. How else can they justify their salary? The Oval Fountain is going to get a makeover! Aside from colored LED lighting, you can bet we will see reworked benches to endure six months or less if kids and their graffiti have their way.
Carbon footprint, too. It's been the latest craze since...Tishman Speyer days. Watch "improvements" to make our carbon footprints less. No, we are not going back to the caveman days. But we will see Tishman Speyer return in a symbolic way.
Meanwhile, we have zambonis smelling up the place with their gasoline, we have Con Ed working on 20th St between Stuy Town and Peter Cooper and blocking up car/bus lanes, we have another project on the loop road at 20th St, we have over-sized dogs being walked daily, bicycles and scooters driving fast around the Oval, Stuy Town club cars going the opposite way.... And many more things that need attention. Meanwhile the suits have said that the Oval Fountain needs a makeover because it, like the entire Oval, is a wonderful "resource." Watch about a month's work on the new and improved Oval Fountain, closed to residents and their guests, of course.
Update Aug. 28th: I'm ready in a few days to open up this blog. I will say that having seen the way this place operates (once again and once again several more times), I am ready to call bull on Rick and Blackstone. Time is certainly up. Yes, PS officers on mopeds and bikes are more, but still much is missed when they are not present most of the time. Management, unless it's stupid, has to know this. What I've seen in the past 1/2 hour at the Oval is more than enough to tell me that things have not changed here much and some things have gotten worse. Speeding bicycles around the Oval are a done deal unless a PS officer is right there. Large dogs, obviously over 50 pounds, are walked around the Oval with impunity. I even saw three dogs walked around the Oval island, right next to the Oval lawn area, without anyone stopping them, the first time I've seen that happen with rapid frequency. (What's it to you?) Forget the new cafe and any kind of complete signage. Also forget the dog urine stains that are all over this place. The stains are here to stay and, as predicted, we will see more of them.
So Rick and Blackstone are bs-masters, whether they know it or not. It just ain't working. Rules be damned if they are not enforced. Carpets anyone?
But, slowly and surely, I will again and again report this stuff. Perhaps with some city intervention, pumped by concerned residents, a few things will get better. The TA is just about useless, as is our councilman. We, the residents (the few of us) have to take matters into our hands. As I said, slowly but surely. And embarrass those who should do something, but will not.
I'm going to ask for a respite from this blog. I've completely lost interest in this complex. The bull that these new owners is telling us (aside from some of the good) is depressing, and I don't want to be depressed. You know what the story is, nobody has to tell you. Dogs, bicycles, scooters, crap on the ground, overflowing garbage/recycle areas, 4+ thousand dollars "rent-stabilized" apartments, messy laundry spaces, bs-ing, loud neighbors for some, it's all here and will remain that way. If it changes, let me know.
Update Aug. 11, 2016:
I'm itching to go back, particularly as I've learned that Vanderbilt One (Dan Garodnick's favored business high-rise) is a go with more than we anticipated. Good work, Dan! Now where it that special glossy foldout that you sent everyone in your neighborhood about how wonderful Vanderbilt One is going to be? I hope I didn't throw it out, but it's possible....
Till September, but it's hard keeping me in check considering the bull that is still being spread about this complex!
Another update, too good to pass up, Aug. 12, 2016:
The official TA Facebook: A "Peter Stuyvesant" commenting yesterday to a thread about this property: "Management has been alerted and is investigating."
STR post from February 14th of this year and undoubtedly other ST blogs about the same property:
Update Aug.17, short and sweet: They are lying to you. Or you are stupid
Update Aug. 20: I may officially come back sooner than September and open up for commentary. This place is still a mess, despite the efforts of Blackstone to make it less so. Efforts? Well, I see speeding PS officers on mopeds more than before, but speed isn't going to do the trick. And what is it with General Manager Rick Hayduk's email: "With everyone's help, StuyTown-PCV will continue to be New York City's clean and quiet oasis." Clean and quite? Stop the BS and get real, Rick. Please! If you don't, we know you are bullshitting.
Speaking of efforts, who is the parent(s) allowing their son(s) and or daughter(s) to graffiti up the basketball courts? It's bad enough that the Oval Fountain benches (yes, plural) have permanent marks on them, but now there is writing over the basketball ground? How about saying "No!" to the little ones, if you are monitoring them at all.
And what made my eyes shoot out blood the other day? How about the headline in T&V that stated we have less dog crap complaints than before? The praiseworthy article was another low point for T&V. And I thought they were getting better. Maybe they need the letters.
The new Oval cafe? How about getting some new permits? Or are they there already, two months after you have opened? We shall check. (And, no, I don't mean the health code that's at the front of your door.)
Come September, if not sooner.
Update Aug. 21: Please don't forget: Though it used to be that a "park runs through it," now we are like Central Park, the new "meme" for ST and PCV. We are conveniently located: "Just steps away from Manhattan’s coolest and trendiest neighborhoods, StuyTown is ideally situated for fun and convenience. From the nightlife and culinary treasures of the East Village, to the shopping and entertainment of Union Square, StuyTown is surrounded by fun and excitement."
There's more: "At StuyTown, there’s always something to do right outside your doorstep. Premium Amenities offer something for any age and interest, with an on-site gym, study center, café, kids playspace by apple seeds, weekly greenmarket, outdoor playgrounds and sports courts, and much more!"
Think it's noisy? Well... "In a city short on space, an 80-acre private backyard is priceless. StuyTown boasts the biggest green space in NYC outside of Central Park, but without all the tourists. Our abundant outdoor space offers beautiful landscaping and lush plants all year long, plenty of clean space to walk your dog, and room to roam without ever seeing a car or hearing a siren. Where else in Manhattan can you walk outside and see nothing but grass and trees?"
And don't forget our four-legged little friends: "StuyTown is a pet-friendly property! We welcome dogs on all sidewalks and walkways, and the Stuyvesant Dog Run is conveniently located on 15th St. between 1st and 2nd Avenues. Make sure to register your pet upon move-in, and receive a bag of goodies for your furry friend!"
All quotes taken from the official www.stuytown.com!
Update Aug. 23: I will be officially back in September and will open up the commentary section, though I will have to be more stringent in what is passed. I note that there is concern over our "rules," certain of which may violate city rules. I also see that not much is done regarding the rules already in place, though there is the "spin" that these rules are being followed. Ha! As someone who has seen with his own eyes and heard with his own ears the opposite, I can speak the truth without the bs that's part of officialdom. Truth which you know, of course, having lived here for a while at least.
While I myself am a lone wolf at times, and admire other lone wolves, I will say that it is not up to us to make sure the rules are being followed. It is up to people who get a paycheck for doing exactly that. Not any of the things we bitch about should be pointed out and handled by us. But that's another story.
Update Aug. 24: We will also be reviewing "for residents and their guests." Remember that one? Apparently most people, including Blackstone, have not remembered at all. This was the price to pay for having commercial enterprises within Stuyvesant Town. Amanda Burden of the City Planning Commission only allowed commercial activity on the basis that it was an accessory use by residents and their guests. Now, tell me, does the Farmer's Market or the new cafe have a sign up even indicating this? What about enforcement? Don't laugh. 'Dems the rules. As our Councilman Dan Garodnick will not tell you now. Or his friends at the TA.
A bit later: Oh, I will be back! As a tease, how's this for a Stuy Town apartment that's available on AIRBNB and which the powers that be can easily find out about, with photos:
I especially like the hookah pipe and the lack of carpeting! Kinda gives it that airy look.
Another update! Aug. 26th: When "the suits" visit this place, you know there are going to be changes. How else can they justify their salary? The Oval Fountain is going to get a makeover! Aside from colored LED lighting, you can bet we will see reworked benches to endure six months or less if kids and their graffiti have their way.
Carbon footprint, too. It's been the latest craze since...Tishman Speyer days. Watch "improvements" to make our carbon footprints less. No, we are not going back to the caveman days. But we will see Tishman Speyer return in a symbolic way.
Meanwhile, we have zambonis smelling up the place with their gasoline, we have Con Ed working on 20th St between Stuy Town and Peter Cooper and blocking up car/bus lanes, we have another project on the loop road at 20th St, we have over-sized dogs being walked daily, bicycles and scooters driving fast around the Oval, Stuy Town club cars going the opposite way.... And many more things that need attention. Meanwhile the suits have said that the Oval Fountain needs a makeover because it, like the entire Oval, is a wonderful "resource." Watch about a month's work on the new and improved Oval Fountain, closed to residents and their guests, of course.
Update Aug. 28th: I'm ready in a few days to open up this blog. I will say that having seen the way this place operates (once again and once again several more times), I am ready to call bull on Rick and Blackstone. Time is certainly up. Yes, PS officers on mopeds and bikes are more, but still much is missed when they are not present most of the time. Management, unless it's stupid, has to know this. What I've seen in the past 1/2 hour at the Oval is more than enough to tell me that things have not changed here much and some things have gotten worse. Speeding bicycles around the Oval are a done deal unless a PS officer is right there. Large dogs, obviously over 50 pounds, are walked around the Oval with impunity. I even saw three dogs walked around the Oval island, right next to the Oval lawn area, without anyone stopping them, the first time I've seen that happen with rapid frequency. (What's it to you?) Forget the new cafe and any kind of complete signage. Also forget the dog urine stains that are all over this place. The stains are here to stay and, as predicted, we will see more of them.
So Rick and Blackstone are bs-masters, whether they know it or not. It just ain't working. Rules be damned if they are not enforced. Carpets anyone?
But, slowly and surely, I will again and again report this stuff. Perhaps with some city intervention, pumped by concerned residents, a few things will get better. The TA is just about useless, as is our councilman. We, the residents (the few of us) have to take matters into our hands. As I said, slowly but surely. And embarrass those who should do something, but will not.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Not moderating, but....
Just a note: This morning I saw dog crap on the way to Lenzi's, and more than one area near the Oval Fountain of dog crap (plural). And three bicycles running around the Oval. Just in a few minutes.
Oh, I also saw Rick smiling the other day.
11:35am. Now a mound of dog crap near Oval Amenities. Did I say I love this place?
5:15pm. John, it's nice posting photos on the TA Facebook that have nothing particular to do with STPCV; it gives you something to do when you are no longer (?) president of the TA; but could you also post photos of Hillary and her Democratic buddies (like your friend Dan) who are also getting money from big real estate concerns in New York?
7:40am Saturday. Rick, I think you better get the sand-blasters over at the Oval Fountain. More graffiti spotted on a bench. Also the area hasn't been cleaned in a while. The Oval Lawn looks fabulous by the way. A bit sparse here and there (the sun will do its thing), but overall the tenants and their "guests" will not mind.
2pm Saturday. You "wouldn't believe" what I'm seeing. Well, if you know this place, maybe you would. Now with Safety out there, it still is a free for all on bicycles. If the bicycle riders don't want to stop (and there were 3 of them joined up in one Oval rounding), how are you going to stop them even if you have a Public Safety badge on? I supposed you could try to stop them...or that one guy who whizzed past two Public Safety officers! But it's a foolish game unless management wants to pay for your hospital bill and have lawyers go after the offender or offenders. You lose.
Nice job, btw, on the Oval Lawn, Rick. I think I said that already, but it bears repeating.
2:10pm Saturday. Domino's. Two of them on bicycles going round the Oval. You know the company, you know the store (on 14th, near Stuy Town). You have the offenders on this one, and now it's up to you.... Make that three. Another just passed me by.
11:20am Sunday. Just a note that I do read the comments. As to getting this place "better," right now I can't try and try again. Maybe it's just me, but I'm very pessimistic and I don't think that many in higher places are helping at all; some are actually against us ... at least they let things slide.
11:30am Sunday. Ah, to be young again...and enjoy hot, humid weather on the Oval Lawn, basking in the sun!
3:50pm Sunday. So a bro and a bro-ette are tossing around a football inside the Oval Lawn, very close to the Public Safety office. I had to check, so I did: the signs say, entering the Oval Lawn, no "active play," which I guess means no ball playing. Of course we, as long-time residents, know that, but.... Now what's funny also is that they are playing so close to the Public Safety office. So far, no one is coming out. And it's at least 10 minutes that I noticed. And you wonder why I love this place.
BTW, a good number of bicycles going around the Oval, on the side that's away from the Green Market. No one is stopping them, because there is no Public Safety officer who I see. I do see, twice in 15 minutes or so, a Stuy Town golf cart going around. Why walk when you can ride!
There really should be "senior service," as in golf carts going around the complex just for seniors. These poor guys and gals are walking in the heat, and I feel sorry for them. If it's good enough for Stuy personnel, it's good enough for these seniors, don't you think? Some of them may be vets or have been married to a vet. And, yes, I heard about the lack of an after-hours' cooling center in the community building!
9:15am. Monday morning. To the question of if I will let the comments through, they take more time, which I don't have, and I'm sure I have the new management's number by now, and you do, too. They, management, will make certain things better and make certain things worse. Yesterday I saw with my own eyes a Public Safety officer on a moped turn purposefully away from two bike riders around the Oval because he didn't want them to stop, for whatever reason.
So what you hear, if you're absent from the Oval, is part bull and management should know this. Oh, and the "graffiti" still hasn't been cleaned from the Oval Fountain area. (But the Oval Lawn is pruned weekly.) And Domino's is still bike riding around the Oval if they can get away with it.
So this is the way it is. And this will remain. Dogs in Stuy Town and Peter Cooper? Let's bring them on and not care too much about size or breed requirements and crap/piss on the sidewalks. We can clean it up, maybe. Bicycles around the Oval? Sure, as long as you are not seen or acted upon. The recycle area in your building? Where do think all that has to go?
Anyway, what's it to you?
12:00 noon. Monday. Overheard while heading into Stuy Town: "This is the fuckin' projects!"
12:30pm. Monday: "Peter Stuyvesant". I may as well spread the news: "Community Center hours will be extended until 10 p.m. Monday and Tuesday due to the extreme heat. If you don't have A/C or know someone who doesn't and needs relief, please spread the word."
3:15pm. Monday. What bicycles? On the Oval. Two bikes passing by, quite openly, a Public Safety officer on a moped. "All clear, chief."
10:15am. Wednesday. Nice write-up by Bruce on TA Facebook's page. Check it out before it sinks. Where I disagree is that I think it's is way past the time of bringing anything really decent back. The object here is to make money, so the student body will continue. And the dogs.... I passed several little crap spots in Peter Cooper and Stuy Town. New ones and old ones already turning color so they can't be seen. The people that are happy are because don't know what it was like. Ignorance is bliss.
7:15am. Friday. From Rick:"With everyone's help, StuyTown-PCV will continue to be New York City's clean and quiet oasis." He must travel a different beat than I.
9:30am. Friday. I'm going to ask for a respite from this blog. I've completely lost interest in this complex. The bull that these new owners is telling us (aside from some of the good) is depressing, and I don't want to be depressed. You know what the story is, nobody has to tell you. Dogs, bicycles, scooters, crap on the ground, overflowing garbage/recycle areas, 4+ thousand dollars "rent-stabilized" apartments, messy laundry spaces, bs-ing, loud neighbors for some, it's all here and will remain that way. If it changes, let me know.
Oh, I also saw Rick smiling the other day.
11:35am. Now a mound of dog crap near Oval Amenities. Did I say I love this place?
5:15pm. John, it's nice posting photos on the TA Facebook that have nothing particular to do with STPCV; it gives you something to do when you are no longer (?) president of the TA; but could you also post photos of Hillary and her Democratic buddies (like your friend Dan) who are also getting money from big real estate concerns in New York?
7:40am Saturday. Rick, I think you better get the sand-blasters over at the Oval Fountain. More graffiti spotted on a bench. Also the area hasn't been cleaned in a while. The Oval Lawn looks fabulous by the way. A bit sparse here and there (the sun will do its thing), but overall the tenants and their "guests" will not mind.
2pm Saturday. You "wouldn't believe" what I'm seeing. Well, if you know this place, maybe you would. Now with Safety out there, it still is a free for all on bicycles. If the bicycle riders don't want to stop (and there were 3 of them joined up in one Oval rounding), how are you going to stop them even if you have a Public Safety badge on? I supposed you could try to stop them...or that one guy who whizzed past two Public Safety officers! But it's a foolish game unless management wants to pay for your hospital bill and have lawyers go after the offender or offenders. You lose.
Nice job, btw, on the Oval Lawn, Rick. I think I said that already, but it bears repeating.
2:10pm Saturday. Domino's. Two of them on bicycles going round the Oval. You know the company, you know the store (on 14th, near Stuy Town). You have the offenders on this one, and now it's up to you.... Make that three. Another just passed me by.
11:20am Sunday. Just a note that I do read the comments. As to getting this place "better," right now I can't try and try again. Maybe it's just me, but I'm very pessimistic and I don't think that many in higher places are helping at all; some are actually against us ... at least they let things slide.
11:30am Sunday. Ah, to be young again...and enjoy hot, humid weather on the Oval Lawn, basking in the sun!
3:50pm Sunday. So a bro and a bro-ette are tossing around a football inside the Oval Lawn, very close to the Public Safety office. I had to check, so I did: the signs say, entering the Oval Lawn, no "active play," which I guess means no ball playing. Of course we, as long-time residents, know that, but.... Now what's funny also is that they are playing so close to the Public Safety office. So far, no one is coming out. And it's at least 10 minutes that I noticed. And you wonder why I love this place.
BTW, a good number of bicycles going around the Oval, on the side that's away from the Green Market. No one is stopping them, because there is no Public Safety officer who I see. I do see, twice in 15 minutes or so, a Stuy Town golf cart going around. Why walk when you can ride!
There really should be "senior service," as in golf carts going around the complex just for seniors. These poor guys and gals are walking in the heat, and I feel sorry for them. If it's good enough for Stuy personnel, it's good enough for these seniors, don't you think? Some of them may be vets or have been married to a vet. And, yes, I heard about the lack of an after-hours' cooling center in the community building!
9:15am. Monday morning. To the question of if I will let the comments through, they take more time, which I don't have, and I'm sure I have the new management's number by now, and you do, too. They, management, will make certain things better and make certain things worse. Yesterday I saw with my own eyes a Public Safety officer on a moped turn purposefully away from two bike riders around the Oval because he didn't want them to stop, for whatever reason.
So what you hear, if you're absent from the Oval, is part bull and management should know this. Oh, and the "graffiti" still hasn't been cleaned from the Oval Fountain area. (But the Oval Lawn is pruned weekly.) And Domino's is still bike riding around the Oval if they can get away with it.
So this is the way it is. And this will remain. Dogs in Stuy Town and Peter Cooper? Let's bring them on and not care too much about size or breed requirements and crap/piss on the sidewalks. We can clean it up, maybe. Bicycles around the Oval? Sure, as long as you are not seen or acted upon. The recycle area in your building? Where do think all that has to go?
Anyway, what's it to you?
12:00 noon. Monday. Overheard while heading into Stuy Town: "This is the fuckin' projects!"
12:30pm. Monday: "Peter Stuyvesant". I may as well spread the news: "Community Center hours will be extended until 10 p.m. Monday and Tuesday due to the extreme heat. If you don't have A/C or know someone who doesn't and needs relief, please spread the word."
3:15pm. Monday. What bicycles? On the Oval. Two bikes passing by, quite openly, a Public Safety officer on a moped. "All clear, chief."
10:15am. Wednesday. Nice write-up by Bruce on TA Facebook's page. Check it out before it sinks. Where I disagree is that I think it's is way past the time of bringing anything really decent back. The object here is to make money, so the student body will continue. And the dogs.... I passed several little crap spots in Peter Cooper and Stuy Town. New ones and old ones already turning color so they can't be seen. The people that are happy are because don't know what it was like. Ignorance is bliss.
7:15am. Friday. From Rick:"With everyone's help, StuyTown-PCV will continue to be New York City's clean and quiet oasis." He must travel a different beat than I.
9:30am. Friday. I'm going to ask for a respite from this blog. I've completely lost interest in this complex. The bull that these new owners is telling us (aside from some of the good) is depressing, and I don't want to be depressed. You know what the story is, nobody has to tell you. Dogs, bicycles, scooters, crap on the ground, overflowing garbage/recycle areas, 4+ thousand dollars "rent-stabilized" apartments, messy laundry spaces, bs-ing, loud neighbors for some, it's all here and will remain that way. If it changes, let me know.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Well, I decided to see if things work or don't work, so I set myself up with an easy task. I'll be monitoring four things, just four:
1) Whether the person with the injured dog will find out which dog did it. Fairly easy, one would assume.
2) How long will it take for the graffiti bench at the Oval Fountain to be fixed? Fairly easy, too, and notice that it's a game winner as it's not tied to a specific time period.
3) Whether those new laundry carts (with signs!) will be returned to the laundry rooms. Difficult, I know.
4) Whether speeding bicycles will stop once they get to the Oval per written instructions on all access points. Difficult, too, but what the hell....
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