Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Message from the Boss Man

You seem to have forgotten who owns this place.

The new rent laws: We are going to fight it all the way to the Supreme Court. What did you think? We're going to turn over and play dead? Of course, we are doing it for you, the tenants, as you deserve the very best we can provide.

This controversy about Playground 9.... We can make money renting bike stations to Citibank. 1) Citibank is going to pay us and 2) we can advertise a new amenity.  So, win-win for us. Just because some of the kids here can't use the sprinklers before we think of something to placate the bitchers, so what? I'm tired of sniffling, whiny children dictating anything. Go and play in the Fountain area. That is why we let crayons and paint all over the place. Our crack Public Safety doesn't care what you do, so do anything you like!

We are also bringing in beer and wine for that Five Stuy Cafe with all the dog piss stains on the low wall. Yes, another amenity. (The beer and wine, not the dog piss.) You will not care after getting sloshed, so what is the problem? Not caring is the key to living here in Stuy Town and Peter Cooper Village.

Old timers.... Get out of the way. That's the best advice I can give you. Bikes, club cars, skateboards. They rule, you don't. And we are hoping e-bikes are on the way.... Oh, and when are you leaving us, if you get my drift. We can make double and triple from your apartment once it's vacated. (Memo: Donate more money to fight the new rent laws.)

Oh, yeah, we are touting sustainability and green living. LOL. You don't believe that, do you? With all the polluting club cars, lawn mowers, shit-removing zambonis, pollution is not our priority, but advertising amenities is a priority so that we constantly have a flow of new renters. (Money talks, bullshit walks.) Some of these amenities on the roof will give people who live on the top floor cancer, but so what? We all have to go sometimes, so it may as well be with a cellphone glowing in your ear.

Another thing: I am tried of being called "Dick". I am not your buddy or, if you are an old female or gay, your dream lover. From now on it's "Boss Man" or "Master Dick."

Now that we understand each other, you know who rules. It ain't you.


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Stuy Town Reporter said...

I doubt very seriously that any building will be taken down at this point. In fact, I am willing to bet on it! LOL.

Anonymous said...

I doubt if his resorts looked like this place. They are purposely running this place into the ground. So surprised that the health department hasn’t cited them Maybe they pay them off. How could any management company let people throw garbage and dirty mattresses on sidewalks .

Anonymous said...

As long as they are making a profit and I believe they are on these student and transient jammed dumps, they will keep the buildings up. Soon the buildings will be slums.

Anonymous said...

"They can't take down the buildings until 2035. That's the agreement with NYC. After that date all bets are off." from July 25, 2019 at 5:10 PM.

That's a good one! New York City's government, politics/politicans, major destruction industry (a/k/a/ "real estate") . . .

do exactly what they want to do because no one stops them.

Therefore, of course our homes, "the buildings" can be taken down/destroyed any old time they want.

Anonymous said...

I too laugh at this. People talk like our politicians have not sold us out time and time again. We have two more years of DeBlasio, so absolutely all bets are off when it comes to what might become of this place.

Anonymous said...

510 pm there is a loophole

Stuy Town Reporter said...

Near us:

Anonymous said...

What up with the nasty tenants here thought this was a place full of nice residents.

Anonymous said...

We don't have two more years of Warren Wilhelm Jr. (a.k.a. Bill de Blasio) We have ten! He is going to be president!

Anonymous said...

Exactly!! I’m sure if they promised a certain number of “affordable “ housing units in whatever they decide to develop on this land, the politicians would give it the go-ahead.

I will be completely shocked if the property is still standing as-is in 2035. They are going to let the place continue to deteriorate to the point of no return. The TA continues to allow this to happen.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>What up with the nasty tenants here thought this was a place full of nice residents.<<

What gave you that idea?

Actually, your question alerts one to who you are. You are either Management or a shill for Management. Only Management would want to proclaim that the other side is "nasty."

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>I will be completely shocked if the property is still standing as-is in 2035.<<

Again, there is no way that ST/PCV will have buildings going down now. This is kinda REBNY talking points to frighten people about the new laws.

Anonymous said...

Or a TA troll.

Anonymous said...

No way. That would be a complete disaster. I can’t think of a worse prospect

Anonymous said...

STR, you know better than that... REBNY and Wall Street run this city. They get what they want ALWAYS, and if they want to turn this place into Hudson Yards East, they will. The politicians will pretend they are on our side as they broker back-door deals to turn our homes over to real estate predators and claim they are yet again saving affordable housing by setting aside some apartments in the basement. Sounds eerily familiar to our pal Garodnick when he sold us out.

So let’s just be realistic here for one minute - do you really truly believe that Blackstone, with the approval of Powers and DeBlasio, wouldn’t tear this place down if given the opportunity??? I’m not saying next week or next year or even in 10 years, I’m just asking it as a general question. If you said yes, then you have to realize that if there’s a will (or a lot of money) there’s a way. And that means they could tear it down next week, next year, or in 10 years.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>No way. That would be a complete disaster. I can’t think of a worse prospect<<

Response to: >>We don't have two more years of Warren Wilhelm Jr. (a.k.a. Bill de Blasio) We have ten! He is going to be president!<<

Stuy Town Reporter said...

>>STR, you know better than that... REBNY and Wall Street run this city.<<

Yes, but it will take an awful lot, including continual massive protests from New Yorkers, to raze these buildings. Yes, eventually they can, and probably will, go, but not in a good while.

Stuy Town Reporter said...

BTW, not the current topic, but I saw three uncovered mattresses laying on the loops. Two have been there since about 1 and now it is 7. Good going, Rick!

Anonymous said...

This is a common occurrence on the 14th St. loop.

Anonymous said...

Rick is a slob. It shows in the way he runs this property. If he was ever successful as a manager of a resort it was because he had people working for him who ignored his indifference and did the right thing. If not, they would have had no customers and Blackstone would have kicked Rick's lazy ass out the doorl

Anonymous said...

Not sure about Rick as a slob, per se.

Blackstone's demented, deranged and soul-dead "leadership," as so many people with too much money these days, deliberately fouls, pollutes, destroys our Mama Earth (and other planets and outer space itself), all creatures on Earth, including humans, especially humans.

Filth, disease, overcrowding, double-speak, lying, and the like are the order of the day.

Bug and germ infested mattresses are just one way to hurt people. Blackstone is SUPERB at hurting people.

Anonymous said...

"Yes, but it will take an awful lot, including continual massive protests from New Yorkers, to raze these buildings. Yes, eventually they can, and probably will, go, but not in a good while."

So long as they don't raze them while I'm in residence, I don't care!

Anonymous said...

"Rick is a slob. It shows in the way he runs this property. If he was ever successful as a manager of a resort it was because he had people working for him who ignored his indifference and did the right thing. If not, they would have had no customers and Blackstone would have kicked Rick's lazy ass out the doorl"

I don't think he is a slob, but I cannot understand why he allows dirty mattresses to pile up outside. There should be a shed somewhere where they can be taken to wait for garbage pick-up day. It defies logic to me why they defile the property in that manner. It is beautiful property, and the logic of Management seems to me to be like a baker who makes a beautiful cake, all decorated and iced and then puts a few dead cockroaches on it.

Anonymous said...

I have proposed this shed idea to both Slick Rick and the despicable TA. It was ignored and I was banned from the TA for criticizing them and management. There is no reason for this foul practice of throwing trash in the loops. They actually put up signs PERMITTING the dumping. They do not care.

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